,-fc.j aw 'Vtr m i tBMKl " "" J S Tld I cTVb Tn. rT" ftRddClfiMlSG TR 1 , One of the nets of the closing wceka of President Roosevelt's administra tion for which he will bo remembered by the present and coming genera tions whoso privilege It may bo to visit the region of the big trees of California was the signing of the bill creating the Calaveras National forest, California. This act siivas for all tlmo the most famous grovo of trees in the world. The people of California, particular ly the COO women of tho California club, have been working to interest tho government In this wonderful grove of big trees for moro than nine years, but not until now hns It been possible to arrange a plan satisfactory alike to the -owner of the land and to congress. The land to be acquired under tho bill Includes about 960 acres in what is known as the North Calaveras grove In Calaveras county, and 3,010 acres in the South Grove in Tuolumne county. Tho North Grovo contains 93 big trees and in tho South Grovo there arc 1,380 of these giant sequoias. Any tree under 18 feet in circumfer ence, or six feet through, is not con sidered in tho count of large trees. Desldcs the giant sequoias there aro i hundreds of .sugar pines and yellow pines of astonishing proportions, rang ing to the height of 275 feet and often attaining a diameter of eight to ten feet. There are also many white firs and inceuso cedars in the two tracts. A government study of tho land was made by a field party under the direc tion of Fred G. Plummer, United States forest service, In 190G. The Calaveras big trees aro known tho world over. Tho North Grovo con tains ten trees each having a diameter of 25 feet or over, and moro than 70 having a diameter of 15 to 25 feet. Most of tho trees havo been named for famous generals of tho Uni ted States and others for statesmen &m : r.'mxm "jr-. : :m'f Jfr&e.t yrtt-TiS;.,1 MM p-viiifz-mii,-: ',a' SS33&S Pioneer Cabin. The Hollow Butt Is nnd various stateB of tho union. "Tho Father of tho Forests," now down, Is estimated by Hlttol, in his "Resources of California," to havo had a height of 450 feet and a diameter at tho ground or more than 40 feet when it was standing. "Massachusetts" con tains 118,000 board feet of lumber; "Governor Stonemnn" contains 108,000 board feet, and tho "Mother of tho Forest," burned In tho torrlblo forest flro which licked Its way into a part of tho grovo last summer, contained 105,000 board foot. Each of theso trees named grows as much lumber as is grown oidlmirlly on 15 or 20 ncres of tlmberland. rhe bark runs from bIx inches to two fact in thickness. Among tho othor largo named trees in tho two groves aro "Waterloo," "Pennsyl vania," "James King," "Old Ilnchelor," "Pildo of tho ForeBt," "Daniel Web ster," "Sir John Franklin," "Empire State," "U. S. arant," "W. T. Sher- V f (rjr- t-- Tj W. jmmmmmimjiMimmmm:mtM XfErTZ&S it-tccl JrJ,JV-J N0W6AFEIIN NATIONAL F0RE5T PRESERVE. ' " man," "J. P. McPherson," "Abraham Lincoln," "Connecticut," "Ohio," "Gro ver Clevclnnd," "Mrs. Grover Cleve land," "Dr. Nelson," "General Custer," "Dr. J. W. Dawson," "General Han cock," "Knight of tho Forest," "Two Sentinels," and "Old Dowd." Perhaps no ono Is more entitled to credit for saving tho big treet- than Is Mrs. Lovell White, ono of California's charming daughters, who has been persistent In her efforts to secure Mrs. Lovell White. proper action from congress. Mrs. White is tho wife of Mr. Lovell White, a prosperous and conservative banker in tho Golden state. She is notablo among California's great army of noble women for tho uplift of the people, morally and materially. She Is the chairman of tho Calaveras Dig Tree committee, of tho Outdoor Art league of California, and of other clubs and public bodies whoso chief aims aro the civic, industrial and ar tistic betterment of San Francisco. Exposed In the Roof of the Driveway When sho arrived In Washington ns a delegato to the Woman's National Rivers and Harbors congress she frankly told every United States sena tor and member of tho lower house whom sho met that sho "Intended to remain hero until sho had succeeded iiijuJnducing congress to pass tho Cala veras bill," which had been Introduced early In tho session by Senator Per kins. Her announcement, mado in her characteristically modest and re fined yet determined manner, was smilingly received', anil, sometimes, sho was gently reminded of tho fnto that befell hlmllar bills presented by Senator Perkins and other California congressmen. "Let us forget the past and ItB mistakes," wns hor courteouij and apt retort, "and make nmends by uniting in UiIh fenslhlo plan of pre set vlng to tho world tho grcntest liv ing marvels now extnnt In tho universe." More. m xiamsmk2M-M--.zw.rxMmi $r JK8fliHUMM?aHH&39XCT 1 ziz. ar-j,x; . . .v.vm rawcjiKM vtm-i n'-i't'iiiTfii -r ram 1 iir .ra viAiKTni s PETER AND CORNELIUS Sunday School Ltiion for April 4, 1909 Specially Arranged for Tills Paper l.KHSON' TDXT.-Actn to 1-i.U Memory V'IHPH 13-H (lOLIJlJN TKXT - "In every nation lie tli.it fciirrth hint, unit voilith rllitcoiiM 'newH, Ih iiccepti'il with liliu."- AcIh. 10:05. TIMK. -38-40 A. I). I'LACKR. Joppu nnd Oicimri'ii. "The traditional lioii. of Simon the limner Is n typleal eastern ilwelllni;. with heavy Imiteil K"tewa.VH unil n forhlililliiK, win ilowleK.s oxtetlor. The wnvew of the Meill- 'terranean heat UKaliixt the low outer (wall, while In the louityanl Ih ii nptlnn 10 f pure water whleh tradition telln iih IwiiH used hy Blmon." llev. 1'iaiielH ' nt'LUIta- Herod ARtlppn. KIiik if .!" ilea and Sanuirla. Culluula, emperor of Home. Comment nnd Suggestive Thought. "Tho main purpose of the book of the Acts Is to untold tho broadening spirit and form of the church of God." Thcodoro T. Mungcr. D. 1). "This chapter (Acts 10) Is parallel In Im portance with that which depleted tho scenes of Pentlcost." David O. Mears, D. D. Cornelius was a centurion, corre sponding to our captain, the bond of a company of soldiers nuiiuierlug 100 when full. This company was part ot 'the cohort "called the Italian band," because mado up of Romans born In Italy. (1) Ho was "a devout man, and one .Hint fenred God." The words have a technical sense," says McGlfTort, and Indicate that Cornelius woi&hlpod tho God or the Jews, but wis not formally a proselyte. (2) Ho was a good hus band ami lather, nnd led "all his house" In his own righteous ways. (3) He was liberal, and "gave much alms to tho people." (4) Ho wan not only outwardly devout, but Inwardly pious, and "prayed to God always. ' In those secret prayers we may be sure, from tho sequel, that he bought for a better knowledge of God and of God's will, for that Is what was given him (v. 1). (5)Moreover (Acts 10: 22), Cornelius cnrrled his religion Into practical af fairs, where he was Just and fair deal ing; and (0) as the result of It all, ho was held In high honor by tho Jcwb themselves (Acts 10: 22). ns well as by the Gentiles. It would navo been Impossible to llnd a better man for God's purpose, or ono who would havo appealed"more strongly to Piter. "The Blxth hour" (noon) was "a set time of devotion with plom Jews." Gelklo. Peter had retired from his comrades in toll, for perhaps he holped Simon In his tannery, and nowhero better than "upon the housetop" could ho llnd privacy and quiet for prayer. Tho roofs of eastern houses aro flat, and often surrounded with a parapet three or four feet 'high, which would .screen Peter from observation as ho knelt. He was "very hungry," for ho i"probably had not yet broken his fast." Rackham. They wero preparing .food below, nnd perhaps the savor of It roso to the housetop, but before lit was ready Peter "fell Into a trnnce." iTho Greek word for trnnce Is different .from tho word for Cornelius vision. A vision is something seen outsldo ono's self; a trance Is the condition of one's mind, that sees Inner visions. One is not asleep, and t Is not a dream, but a peculiar exaltation of the Bplrlt. In thin trance Peter saw, let down from the sky, a g-eat .Bheot, "like "tho wind-stretched canvas of tho craft on tho Lake of Galilee." Lumby. It was full of anlmnlB, many of them tho wild beasts and reptiles which tho Jews considered unclean. Three times n mysterious voice bade Peter rl'so from his knees and slay and cat tho shocking food, threo times ho refused Jn horror, threo times ho was bidden to make nothing unclean that God luul cleansed by bidding him partako of it, and then tho great uhoct was lifted and disappeared In tho sky. The messengers from Cornelius "had mado Inquiry for Simon's houso" (tho Greek word implies a careful search through tho streets), and while Peter wns meditating on his vision, they wero even then-nt tho gate, and calling for him. lleforo word of his visitor could reach liltn, tho Holy Spirit in somo way made Peter con scious of their coming, nnd bade him go with them. Tho outstretched shoot which Poter 'saw In his vision signified tho whole iworld, nnd tho four corners symbol ized the directions, north, south, cast and west, In which tho gospel was to bo carried. Tho contents or tho sheet showed that all men wero to bo 'reached, the lowest races as well as tho highest, savage and civilized, poor 4ind rich, ignorant nnd wise. It was a perfect symbol of foreign missions. From overy nation on earth Immi grants are pouring into tho United StateB at tho rate of more t'inn a mill .Ion a year. America Is tho modern equivalent of tho sheet of Peter's .vision, full of clean nnd unclean, men of all languages, beliefs, customs, help ful and hurtful, blessings nnd scourges. Tho'work of horn;? missions Is to bellevo In all these, love them all, and win them all for Jesus Christ. Peter obeyed promptly and gladly, taking ono Btep townrd fellowship with tho Gentiles by entertaining tho threo messengers over night In SI jiion's houso. The cause of Ihls obedi ence: (1) Tho Influenco of his own vision, (2) coupled with that of Cor nelius matching it with evident super natural design, (3) together with tho Influenco of tho Holy Spirit upon his mini, and (4) tho memory of Christ's prophecies of.tho world-wide spread of his church. Tho character of Cor nelius, as reported by tho messengers, Jiolped him to a decision. Evidently, also, he consulted with friends. A LITTLE KNOWLEDGE Of Painting Requirements Will Savo Much Expense. When ono sees tho surface of n. hotiBo or other bulldlug scaling, or peeling, or spotted or blistered, or showing other symptoms of paint "dis ease," It Is evident that a poor pnlntor hns been on the Job, and that poor pnlnt was used or possibly that a good painter had been dominated by a property-owner who knew nothing about paint. It Is an easy mntlcr to bo Informed on paint and painting. A complete painting guide, Including a book of color schemes, either for exterior or Interior specifications for all kinds of painting, nnd an Instrument for doted lug adulteration in paint ma terial, with directions for using It, may be had free hy writing National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity llldg., New York City, and asking for House owner's Painting Outlll No. 49. Then, every houseownor should mnko It n point to get only well known rcllahlo brands In buying his materials. Pure white lead Is espe cially Important, or tho pnlnt will not provo satisfactory. Tho famous "Dutch Hoy Painter" trndomark of National Lead Compnny, the lnrgest mnkcrs of puro whit a lead, Is an nb soluto guarantee of tho purity nnd quality of tho white lend sold under it. That trademnrk is a safeguard against paint trouble. WHOLE TEAM. Ida Yes; that Is Mrs. Pnllclgh. llor husbnnd is a famous coach. May That's a good combination. She's a legulnr nag. TWO YEARS OF FREEDOM. No Kidney Trouble at All Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. J. It. Johnson, 710 "Woo St.. Co- lift Iklim V .nMA lf I.. I m iiiiiiuiu, iiiu., ccin. i w.ih in iniHuiy I with kidney trouble, and finally had to un dergo an operation. I did not rally well, and began to suffer smothering spells and dropsy. My lcftsldo wbb badly swollen and tho action of the , kidneys much dlsor-, tiered. My doctors said I would havo to be tapped, but I ' bogan using Doan's Kidney Pills In stead, and tho swelling subsided and tho kidneys began to act properly. Now my health Is fine." (Statement mado Aug. 1, lflOC, nnd confirmed by Mrs. Johnson Nov. 10, 1908.) Sold by nil .dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Playing 'Possum. "How do yoah 'possum taste, su'h?" asked tho solicitous waiter. "Well," responded tho pntron who had ordorod tho article, "It taBtes prot ty good, but it isn't 'possum." "No, auh," rejoined tho waiter; "an' dat's a sign It's genuine. Do genuine 'possum is a grcnt pretender, suh; yaB, suh." Philadelphia Ledger. Stops Colds In an Hour. You will be glad to know Lnnc's Plcacnnt Tnbluts (hxntivc) will flop in nn hour a cold that could not be warded off by any thing elnc. They will nhvnyn break up a cold nhnoKt immediately. Dnipuints and dealei-H nell them nt 25 cts. a box. Orator F. Woodward, Lc Hoy, N. Y. Sample free. Just the Thing. "How Is the llttlo bootblnck getting ron whom you started?" "He? Why, he's a shining success." ONLY (INK, "11KOMO QUININH." That U I.AXATIVK IIIIOMO OUINISK. 1-onk fnt tho slsniituro of K. W. (11IUVK. Utc4 tbo WorlJ uvvruiUuruaCulalnOnuDay. Uu Your orthogrnphy is twisted, Alonzo. A woman Is not u padded coll. "leu nlways get full value in Lewis' RiiirIc Hinder H'raifiht 5e cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory. Peoria, III. If duty would uso a megaphone moro of us might hear tho call. prrru.uiOt-MiiionlulH. ItoluMilniliatlonii. r-nlfor Ueo trial jiackwju. A.U.OluuttO, a llor, N. V. It takes a has-been a long tlmo to find It out. Reiristflreil U, a, 1'ut. OfllCO 111 The genuine sold everywhere CiS .N HI V7K1 1 ,f ! WJ iiflwg'iiv;i ;? liiii.iiiirMiiii'.iiiiMniTrireiiaiT-iTiiriiiiririTiTiiinTTT' ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AYcficfable. Preparation For As siiniliilinllicKooitnniincdiiln lint llio Stomachs ami Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Cliccrful ncssniulHcsl.Conlnins neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic AWpe tfOM DrS.imiElimtEli AUMrSfj .4iiitSiiJ W,',, Stat Cfatttii 'Sugar Hmlirjrtttt ftor Anerfccl Kemcdy rorConslljwi. lion , Sour Stoniacli.Dinrrhuc.i, Wortns.Convtilsions.Kcvcrislv ncss tintl LOSS OF SLIXP Vac Simile Signature of Tin; Ci:ntauh Company. NEW YORK. For 5fap2kc.,l'ft-l, aiiii!i:n!MMi;imiMiiiHimMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiia Exact Copy of Wrapper. thi ciwtuw qommw't. mwtowwerrr. DISTEMPER h(s idj flu rn mire unit tMMltlrn "vtiiowl " l.l'ulil.Kln poliunuu irrmm from tlm I'ouiiry. nrj Minw lojriuir ifninnl.t. utlt'illru." MwllKont SPOHN MEDICAL CO,. 'm tHI OIL THAT PCNCTHATCO I SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S Positively cured by Ihcao Little nils. mtm I iiiey who renevo uic H ITTLC I lreBH 'rum l)j HprpNla, In- U SlfFII llKctloiiaiiilTiiiIlcarty 9 I VtK I ICntlntr. A jiorfrct rem- IB n i irdy for DUilnrKS, Nuu- WM r OLIaO lHC" DrowMncHH, Had HJBJ TnHtrliitlieMoiilli,Coat- HBpJ IrU TmiKHP, Fuln In the i lm.i.. Tniimn UVK1L They reg-almo tlia liowcU. l'urely Vcgetnblo. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CARTERS Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. TiUI ITTLE IVER PILLS. This Trade-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is nn alisolutc guarantee of pur ity and quality. For your own protection, ceo at it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. NOTOIRUEM) COMMIT 1102 Trialtr Bulldlac. Hi Tcrk BLOODHOUNDS, i'SVir,: tumndH. J Hull Wiilflinundo ltculstcri-d. Htump for catalog Jtookwootl Kennel. Lexington, Itjr, DEFIANCE STRCj W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 14, 1909. Lincoln Directory HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS drain, Provision, Stocks, Cotton Main Office. 204-205 Fraternity Dldg. Lincoln, Nebraska. nell Fhonn SIS Auto Dioue &'9 LurKCHt House In State. I V Mk V jiJ4?JbW MSjam H tii Ask for the Baker's Cocoa bearing this trade mark. Don't be misled by imitations CASTORIA For Infanta and Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho 9 Signature J& In Use Over Thirty Years Pink Eye, Epizootic Shipping Fever ft Cutnrrhnl Fever nrrrpnttrr. no mutter how hontM ut nr avn aro Infected or Hie Immuri acts on Ihn lllix.l mm llnili eila Ilia r mm y For imirom inn immij. i uri' limviniirr l"'K" nu riiti nrni i nuicm in MtMillliiKlltOKtock rrnmly. Cum Wrll nmni human bring ilnrr nninlY. Copainlll IkiIIIa. UamltlOailnirn. Cut thin out. Kern ImmIj. Curv who III net It f oryuu. Vnm Uuoklot, DliUmiwr, CtuM watitnt. tfoSSiS.0.. GOSHEN, IND U, S. A. BocterloioglfttB mm m iuw 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre have been grown on (arm lands in WESTERN CANADA m Much leu would bo Mtiittctory. The gen eral average u above twenty buiheli, "Allure loud In their prnliea of the erect cropa nnd that won derful country." Ei mm 'te trad from correspondence NMtontl Eiltorltt Association of August, IfOS. It i now ponible to secure a homeitead of 160 acre free and another 160 acrei at $3.00 per sere. Hundreds have paid the cott of their iarmi (if purchased) and then had a balance of from $10.00 to $ 1 2.00 per acre from one crop. Wheal, barley, oats, flax all do well. Mixed farming is a great success and dairying is highly profitable. Excel lent climate, splendid schools and churches, rail ways bring most every district within easy reach of market, Railway and land companies hava lands for sale at low prices and on easy terms. "Last Dest West" pamphlet, and maps aent free. For these nnd information aa to how to secure lowest railway rates, apply to Superintendent of Immieratlon, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Govern ment Aeentr W.V. BENNETT, 801 Ntw Tcrk tils Balldlat. Omaha. Nsbrasta,' Salts and Castor a bad stuff never cure, 11 only makes bowels move be cause it irritates and sweats them, like poking finger in your eye. The" best Bowel Medicine is Cascarets. Every Salts and Castor Oil user should get a box of CASCARETS and try them just once. You'll see. 834 Cnscnreta 10c box week's treatment. All drurclsts. Illrceftt kcllcr in tbo world million boxos a month. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Olrtsies and txtulUlcs tlia hair. Promotes a laiuritot (rruvth. Herer Palls to Restore dray jlalr to its Youthful Color. Curts trtlp dlKiiei at hilr (llicg. f0csndUiun DruCTltli "alTd "ulS i Thompson's Eye Waler Ill J , 'I t : t I i. il tr i i. M taHHMHMMMpjBgSjsjtosjpSMsMgMMlM pjsauxizxfi&mi