uruj.T-t - !fpfyiMi : r, iii ! w HI) i. : .1 ft K a i u pi 1 ' r i i h j a: Grown-Up Children. i H Is not only tho frivolous whom 'Ifco spirit of chlldlBlincss ia Just now Teadlnr; nslray. Silliness is the fash ion oven nmoriR tlio wise. Women especially affect a kind of childish shrewdness in talking of serious sub jects. Jake children who lmvo tho hMl of romancing, they loso tho acneo of reality, and because they nev er talk exactly ns they think they bo Kla to think exactly ns they talk. London Spectator. Gnawlno Hlo Way. Nature know that tho rat would "xant to spend half his tlmo gnawing and sho thcrcforo provided him with tho right kind of teeth to do it. A boy caught n rat and boxed It up, nnd In 'tbo courso of n week tbo rodent gnawed a holo through oak planks nhllbd together until there was a rlhlcltnoss or IS IncliCH. Tbo holo was almost ns round nnd smooth ns a car 'ponter could huto innde. Art. Now lmtnro Is not at variance with art, nor nrt with nature; they being lolh tbt servants of Ills provldenre. rt in lhi pot foci ion of unture. Wore "tho world now as It wag the sixth day, there wiio yet a. chaos. N'nturo liatli "jnado otiu world anil ntt another. In "brief, nil things are artificial; for na ture li tho art of (lod. Kir Thomas '.Urnwne. Definition of n Giraffe. Tho children hnd written compost- "tlons on the Giraffe. They woro read ing them aloud to the class. At last Iho tlmo camo for littlo Wllllo Doran 'to read bis. It was as follows: "The glraffo Is a dumb nnlmal and cannot express Itself by any sound, because its neck is so long Its vofco gets tired on Its way to Its mouth." Her Kick. "I don't mind finding a gray hair or "twoln my own hair," sighed tho bach elor girl, who shows somo few signs vof the sero nnd yellow leaf, "but when 1 pay 3 for a nlco bunch of lovely "brown curls and have to pick them out of those, too, it Isn't fnlr. Do you think It Is?" Don't Know How to Live. There nro people who go about tho Vorld looking fop slights, and they arc "Jioccssarlly miserable, for thoy find thorn nt every turn, especially Im aginary onon. They arc morally il literate for they lmvo novcr learned how to live. -Henry Drummond. A gttle Woman. "I want to gqt n mitten, please," ld tbo little girl, "if it don't cost too much." "Ob. you mean a pair of mlt "tons, don't you, my child?" replied the khrji'iecper. "No, JiiBt only one; one "that's suitable for n boy that's goln' to propose an' be rejected." From "GuesBCs at Truth." Some men treat tho God of tbclt lather as they treat their father's friend. They do not deny him; by no ,'suwni: they only deny themselves to him, hcn ho Ih good onough to call 'upon thorn..!. C. and A. W. Hare. The Jealousy of Friends. Our very best friends have a tinc ture of Joalousy oven In their friend ship; and when thoy hoar us praised by others, will asorlbu it to sinister nd interested motives If they can. C C. Colton. Politeness Pays. Nothing pays bo woll as politeness, except Industry and honesty. And an Industrious, honest man Is hnndl capped If ho is not pdllto. Don't leave trail of grumbling and 111 nature wherever you go. Atchison Olobo. A Woman' Word. In n oaso at Southwnrk, his honor JuiIro Willis remarked; "I boliovo In crept 'ng a wumau.'s word except, SturhapH, In some m.stutiros connected with ilrrt-H." l.ni. bi Standard. Capdor. Candor Is the hen) of a noble mind, 'tbo ornament and prlilo of man, the sweetest charm of woman, tho scorn l rascals, and tho rarest virtue oi sociability. HontzulSternnu. He Was Thankful. Wllllo was very proud of his first Jmnta. That night, wliou ho said his prayers, ho said: "Doar God, I am thankful to sny I have on pants now." ' Delineator. 'Brldeimald to Grandmother. ( At a wedding eelebiatnl at llolosna, I n naiy, soii'o u ly.s ao, Iho bride, u Widow of F.0, had hwr littlo grand vlnughtcr to act an b.ld-'Hmnld. Hspplntc?. . Jlnpplimss lien in Pio consciousness 4vo havi or it, anJ by no moans in tho way the future ki jps- Itx promises. Coorgo Sand. Old Procrb Not Correct. ' "JC Ignorance- wero feaily bliss, lltore "w-uuld bo for lens jnlaery tiian thro la la tho world. Getting Her to Agree. You Can goneiMlly maUu a woman Adopt your opinion If you argue on tho olhor side. Mupt Go Together. Tatiwlty without knowledgo Is weak t ani useless. rale. ' ' Always the Shortest. Edgoworth: A straight line Is the -shortest la morale aa jn mathematics. Desolved Partnership But do not want to be forgoten by our many Friends and Customers which we are Greatly Thankful for their patronage during our successful business. Te Whom It Nay Concern. Ail parties knowing them sclfs indebted To said Firm arc requested to call at their Earlist Opportunity and settle. Rcspectfuly Yours, JOHNSON VWVVAvA iV.Afei'.vav.VrtJiV;!i;AVAV Right Now! Is the time to buy that monument that you want for Decoration Day. Wc have a fine assortment of finished monuments on hands. Come in and make selection. Give us time to make your monument just right. You will find our PRICES right, you know the QUALITY of our monuments. OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, g a Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. I J OUR B U S I IN E S S WHY? Because our prices on these ootls ;ire riht-almost as cheap as the inferior goods sold by other houses. We invite you to the largest house in the county, one that pays taxes on $19,000 worth of goods while our competitors pay on $7,5 do. You can readily see where to trade to get the goods. We are here to stay. Give us a trial and be convinced. We are not undersold by anybody. Red Cloud Hardware ; end Implement Co. WM WOLFE, Secretary. lb, ' 1 m, 'IIB - I "JMmFk p m:3M; mP sVf IT IS NOT A SAVING !0LICY to fro without ins lane". The ri-.k u&Miinud is too jjiv.i f..i- tin- small premium you keep in jour pocket. FlKiirn out how many iw, you would have to be tree from any tiro in order to tine the value of your ' house and contents. Then consider timt you may have a (ho this very nlKht. Tlu itost of von .i IctlJ bln will be more than the pio in 1 ii in ..f KIKK I.N'SfltWCK Milt M-:i.s Ib'tter li.ivo iik- issue . von it polu- to da.. If.sa ho!o lot better to be sure than sorry, as many an un iusiiie.l iiihii has been. O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud, Nebr. -- .... ......... BEE S .AXATI VE COUGH SYRUP RfiLIEVEB COUtlHS AND C0UD8 " 2ESBS323KEQBaCUES nexxzama l BONER IS ON THE INCREASE! vAA'AxNsAv7,vyA.vA, vj. CO YEAKS EXPERIENCE TrtAoc Marks VESIQN8 COPYTRHTS Af.. Anrnne Ronitln r nketrh and dcsrrlntlnn mn nulPklr iirurtiilii our opinion rro Aliptl.pr mi iiivniitli.ii l.rolialil)rinliiitalln. 'omiiiiuilcn. i i.'i. .: l.Ul x "K""T fiirBi-cuniiu Titontn. I ntpiua tucmi tririiiiKli Miiim & C Tocclve lppiil iioflc, Rlllioiitclinrao. lutlio Scientific Jlitieiicaij, A liiiiilioniely llln.lrali'.l vrcoklr. I.nracu olr riilulii.il -.r any n-luntliln Joiiriiiil. 'IVrn.s. J.i u Ra"irikiiir ,","l,l" " ,'0'l, Tiill tiowsilpsfr fylUNN & Co.30,Bro,.New Yor lirnnrh innci) O Y ft., Wuililimti.n I), r Liver AfT' (In liquid fo:m,tplcnsant to take) For Chills, Fever and Malaria Headache, Biliousness, Constipation and , nil other symptoms of deranged Liver uuickly overcome. A tonic to the cntiie ij'stcm, Liver, Kidnay, Bladder and Blood The $1.00 bottle contains nearly 2),' times .,he nthy of the 50c tiie. Prepared on,y by ,he ' PINEULE MEDICINE CO,, CHICAGO, UL Wood's 13 o e "VITU fBTrCS Analysis of Good Temper. Tbo good temper is bom in natures of low vitality, Iron nerves and thick skin. These nro Insensitive to chaugo of moral atmosphere, and what would wound another soul mortally barely Inflicts a scratch on them. Tho rest of their emotions nrc usually on n par with the temper placid, impcr turbnblo and sluggish. Those Inca paplc of tho passion of anger must be incapable of any other great passion. Exchange. Care Not Necessary. Scientific knowledge Is sometimes negligible. "My boy," said tho kindly English rector to tho hobbledehoy of n youth who was picking mush rooms In tho rectory fields, "beware of picking a toadstool Instead of n mushroom; they are easy to confuse." "That bo all rolght. sur, that be," said tho urchin, "us hain't u-goln' to oat 'cm ourselves; they're goln to mar ket to bo sold." Native Education at tho Cr.pc. Generally spruklng, thr natives nro keen abo.it education, though, like many Europeans, t'.toy do not much Hko paying for It. In Flugolnntl tho dcslro for knowledge Ih ;o widespread that the percentage of children attend ing school compares very favorably with that of the most civilized Euro pean countries. Klmberley Diamond Fields Adveitlccr. About Right. A hoy was asked lo explain the dif ference between nnlmal Instinct and human Intelligence. "If wo had In stinct," lie snld, "wc should know everything wo needed to know with out learning it; but we've got reason, end so wo have to study ourselves 'most blind, or be a fool." Universal 1st Leader. The DuBlIn Cab Driver. Ia few cities In the world Is your Johu more rich in fancy than in Dub lln, more skilled in embroidered words, better able to sting and wither with the cunning of his quick scorn. It is a feast of that "impassioned logic which outruns tho hearer in its fiery courso." Dublin Freeman's Journal. Georgia Editor's Mistake. Olive Fromstad, who has just come from Europe, says tho women are wearing monocles over there. It re minds us that tho last tlmo wo used tho word monoclo the printer made it manacle, and we hnd to hide out for two days. Atlanta Georgian. To Preserve Historic Battle-Ship. Nelson's flagship Victory, almost the last relic of the great naval wars, is to bo rerlgged, repainted and as near ly as possible restored to tho condi tion In which she gloriously led tho port column of the Ilrttlsh fleet Into battle at Trafalgar. Grand Success, Out Elevator girls may be a grand suc cess, but could one of them smooth her pompadour without taking her hand off the controller, and who would swear at the automatic door? St. Louis Republic. Earth Mulch. Many farmers do not know that a Bpado full of fresh earth put about trees, bushes or vines will protect them from mice. Clear nway the graBS and leaves and a minute's work will suffice to protect the tree. Heard in a Restaurant. Gerald "On account of their simi larity in dress it's hard to tell n gentle man from a waiter." Geraldlne "But doesn't the waiter usually own his dress Bult." Dohemlan. Marked Improvement. "My washerwoman," Mrs. Lapsllng was saying, "used to loso over so many of my sheets and pillow cases, ' but she doesn't now. I mnrk them all ' with Intelllglblo ink." Shows Influence of Mind. Careful estimntes show that tho av-, crnRc business man walks a mllo In l&Vi minutes, whllo tho ordinary loiterer, wlio has no business on his j mind, requires 29 minutes to walk it. Mere Beauty. When a mnn tolls a girl that mere beauty doesn't nppenl to him he's trying in his kind, clumsy wny to comfort her because sho Isn't pretty. Golden Silence. I think tho first vlrltio Is to restrain tho toiiKiio; he approaches noarost tho Rods who knows how to be silent oven when ho h in the rlht. Cato. budlsh. Whan it iluiio seems to he intelll Rent, remomber that "things" nro sol- dom what tliey sectu.- I'ltllnilolplilfi nullotin. Distinctions Impossible. That which la not for tho Interest of tho whole swarm It not for iho in terest of a slnglo bee. Marcus Aurellitsi. Turklch Women Workers Poorly Paid. ' .The wuBOrt nf women In Asiatic Turltey vary from 10 to 15 cents n day ' of ten hours. Her Unbiased Opinion. Caller "Is tho Indy of the houso . In?" Wnitrcss (wlio has been given ' notice) "She's In, but she's no indy!" J As We Use It. Horace: Money amassed Benres or rnles fs. cither J 4 4 i 4 4 t 4 4 SAY, niSTERl i m. tun Know riiiti it will itt,i U(J, i dl up- US. lo buy your iiuililing M ((trial mill Uo.il hi oiiryurclsr Not only that, out irex ivkkaok lower, ur t inust hs low h-IIium) of our liomputit oi, hut HhUAUttt wo take especial chic of nnd protect, all can be uhissud h H K . IJ I. A It ('I'M l'( M K US PKATT & Coal. imnnm ftff1?1WWIlH1Hp11 4'l14"Pl1l'n44ttlltf4tff,V4't14t' ... Onlcr to Sho Cause. stilt!) of Nrlirntikii i in .1.,, fillmi i.,,,,,, Webster County , ' ' "iinly I nurt. Ara County Court In Id ul till! County court room in mul ir .-ild county I-'rldtiy. IVIinmry l.ltli A. li.. 1 n.i. In tin-mntli-r nt the tstatu of Milton M. t.uiT Hirctixt-d. on rciiilliiKiiini illlnmliL- petition tit 1'ils rlllil I.ui-e lllcil oil tin- l.nh day of IVIii-mirv i A. I.. I in, pnij In for the examination utnl iilliiuiiiiix-of her iliinl iit-i-oiml of the Mime nl.iie.nilct-riiiif alifiiinnl of tin- laiiiU in- loiitflitK to unlit ist.mio i lie p'rioin entHliil t tin- Mime, mi onli r illitrllmtlnt? the ri-im of pi-riiiitl ct.nn- ,in. thru, mjioii an order dlH-liariliii; lu-r fr.im further litmlt-u and ner lee In tier ald oMU i- ax lAeeiilrlx. 1 iiitiiniti.n, That Weduesdiiy the 17th day of .Mnrcli A. li. liuuut nut-iiYloek i. in.. Is' av iluneil for lii-urliiv said pelltloii wlien all per- soiix Inlerestul In wild matltr may appear at u County Court to Ih- held In unit for wild eouuty and Hlioweaii-e why prujer of pi-t. , tloiu-r hhould not l.(- limited; and that j uoiii-eof tiiepeiiili-iiey of said petition and thehc-irliiKtlienof l.e uIm-h to nil persons interested In said matter, by publishing n copy of ttits order In the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In snld eounty, for three eoiiseetitlvc weeks prior to snld day of luarltm. iM'-l I. M:ison County Judge, There are nmiiy punplu who Butter from Ibiekaelic, Hheumntism, Lumbago and. similar ailmnnt.s who nro not aware these are symtons of kidney tioublo. Pitieiile- for th-i kidney act as a tonic and regulator to kidney and bladder and purify tL. Mood. 30 day's trial 8l.0iis.old by llonry Cook Colds eonlraeted at, this season of tbo year should be treated with ltees Laxative Cough Syrup. Its clears the head and throa'. Instant relief for coughs, colds . icup, hoarseness nnd bionchinl troubles, should bo kept in the house for cbildroii. it is pleasant to take and gently laxative, Ctiiiiraiitced. Sold l.y Henry Cook-. Woods Liver .Medicine in liquid fni m regulate- the liver, relievos sick headache constipation stcmaeh, kidney ilisordors and nets nsagontle laxative, it is ptirtleulary recommended for -liiundlee chills, fever nnd malaria. Its tonic effects on the entile system are felt with the first dose. Tho S1.00 bottle contains 2 1-2 times as much as much ns tho r.tle. size Pleasant to take. Sold by Henry Cook, l'orsonnl experience with a tube of Man.an Pile llmnedy will convineo you it is immediate relief for aU fonns of piles. Can be applied directly to -the affected parts, reducing intlammn tion swelling and itching Guaranteed Price Sfli1. fc-'old liy lieury Cook. Pineules for tho Kidneys are littlo golden globules which act 'directly on the kidneys. A triul will convince you of quick results for liackuche Rheumatism, Lumbago and tired worn out feelings. .30 days trial 81.00. They purify the blood Sold by Henry Cook ffiUfflPy'' The cri.it thing in f.. o'K Ka-srmtsnisur y t-wckuric'(Tiillconditiouc. .Is; .i 1 . ?c arc built with this k'ca foremost, Tl.r mpplinnlmn lu dlm. .(.nn ..- : .. .. ...... ..."L ... .":. iz""vr'' " 0 Mwj-.'-'iHiiibnitiiu cai) ou.rraiijnt n TUf 77?ire'n Boltil ton and blrfe rlirtr.r 5 ! p n proteclnir wll of mr'ni bt-tv-.-n 3 'I V . " i..o u.iiwii.k i" c ,.;rp- ,1.9 y k thills nn-ay frnoi j on nilll j '., ,j 1, .out accurate, elftcilve rpcat ol.s. : E, ll? Special Smokrint &'' ' bic hnni ami s'toi-u, p 1-itrU ii-.v.-tr cartrU .-- iuJ v -ir c'Ju liclfl l.i '!el. Tl v n,r .,r r- ft'1 i''C liilliitl myrm for tciairf -m .ty i id killliiupciwir. ,ymifo MaJe In MaJels '53 nn 'C5, cul brta .15 to .43 nnd li!ly dfieii'.i.t and 11IilBtri.tr,! . Hn ll oilier J4-?arAt ro-pc-.tots) in cur ij pace catalog. Free fur 3 dtampn noma e. "- SiA :.- ? im& .fr-.ft-i t97:a '7JarSm 7rifarns Ci, i'i V: '!w Street. MCW IIAVCN. COKI. 'LJJi.i..l.ZflZttZUZZ The Chief $1.00 A Year. Wfles iTAjHH SMl- The cri.it thing in I -T I f f ft ft I I ft ft T ft f t ( FREES CO. Lumber. fmi4tf t Notice. Sr.v it, or Xllllll .HK., WKimilllCotNI'V M In the lilstrlet Court Thereof of the Teutli .ludlelal District. Chris K'oihlcr, I'lalntiir, s .Mlllnnl I'. ltnlircr. Def, udaiit. Notice of Suit .Millard I--, liolirer made defend.-uit to thn n Ihiu- entitled action K 1,,-reby tinei u,,? Chi Is Kot-nier Plaliillirti. ih,, atM v,. Viuiiwi aciliililiHs isht Mime to the cllslrl.i irt L' iY V H,".'.r .r""'"-v; NcI.iuhMi. amiinsi I ,,, sill Kohrer for the piupose of ol.ialn It l' J i.Umiiit and ilieri-eol said eourt ilia "a .1 .iiiiitii1sii,.,,ii,.r in f.e simple f iVw I iree i.li. four (I,, 'ie Ci). and hl r in I lock line .1,. Itohrer-s Addition toliiu III yiii'r.1 "!""' fraskn, l.y reason plalllllll'M IlllM is.- possiv,lon of s.,1,1 , " ("l morethaii ten via is prior lolhe ,, ,",', H Is suit: and the further object .( s a Uo l.stoliaveadecreei.fsahlcoiirtthal t e lil. of title of said Kohrer to said h t" N . el. iiimih lilniijIirH title thereto; in.l a nrt ,er object of this action l.s to proeurc Jiidiiiiint o said court ueltlni;iind i-inllriiiliii U o f wild real estate n said plalntlil asai iliisisa Kohrer and all persons who eli lin l.v tlirouuh or under liliu. -miin, nj, The said Kohrer Is hereby iiotllUtl that In. Is reoulnd to answer said pelltloii on r I. " fore Monday, .March .Jiitl. lyo'i. ' (.'Mills KciKIII.KIt Hy.lM. M. Kaoa.n IiIk attorney. Notice to Bidders. I'HOI'O.SKIJSCIIOUI. IIUIIiIMj Scnlcil proposals for thu erL-ctlon n.l ....... l'lotlftnoi n',,,,1,110 hchiiul m iik at lot' ssira.-AvVi.fcsr. All hldM numt Ik) In strict ncconlnnco wltli t it-i.laiiH anil ypocltlcntlons, proimr "d 1 l.v tho V. . Way Co, Arcliltt-ct, lait iik" cl wlili-l. may iwiwcn at tlioo ilcoof ih l'l. Fort Itcd Cluu.l. Neb., , nt thooltlce ofUii iircli. ...ndo ,.,,' al.lo to I ' "rort. ,a" HtPZ --" .. - ..nil mmuuiito oi iroud inlth a to i ,. inrrV. ii. r. ,., ' 'c"'B)ri-ontnict, . ii.i i.?k-,Vi lly. "10 fiueciwifiil iiidiior iiuji pjui to Kiitd lort liu-iiMistn-li Hiici-i-ssrm Itlddt-r fallH to inaku i-oniract ami ul o ;ii . proved iK.tid as rc-iiirc-,l ll .In W dai-H ' .'' farty to whom tliot-oiitrnrt li awarded will hert'iiilri-d wllliliniu dayH from i i-ei-n ' aiiec of l.ltl to fxecnti, eontr mil ai I kIvu . provid iMind in M,rety -n ii n nii equnl to Itseoatract pik .rthu faith pL-rforiiiaiu-eof thu contriiet. '"I""l hepirati. priiii.aiH will he rreelxd at sunu .,.,,,, """" mi ll pill II llnir, ailh,..oi,r..reserve,,.,l,,,h,... .je,, .,,, Hated I'el... 1. PKrJ. Il.v order of Hid Hoard. .ii ,m,'Sl'l'lillMrli-tof iti-,1 i ii . . floiiiirity, Heendary. i'rwldont. :tay Order To Show Cause. S in to of Nul.rasUii. I , Wclistur oiintv. f " "'ct-'tiui'tj Court Ara County Court held at the County Court room in and for said coimtv Wcilnci.. day, Pel.ruary 17th. A. I)., luoo. IN the matter of tho eNtate of Alexander alker, Deceased. On remllnu and tlllm; tho petition of IrvliiK U. Walker tlle.l on the J7th day of lehriinry A. .. iikw. ..n.,-1,.. , ,. itlon and allowance, of his iinal account of "..- m.u.u uaie, a uecrcu of aw.l8niiieiit of the lands beionclnir to wii.i Mini.. ... .i entitled to the same, and there upon an order ....... K.i.K nun irom further burden and service In his said olllco as Kxecutor. uui.KiiKi), mat Thursday tho 11th day of Mnrcli A. I)., loot) at ono o'clock p. m is assigned for lienrlng said petition, when nil persons Interested In snld matter may np pear at a County Court to be held In and for Hold County nnd show cause why prayer of lutliloncr should not ho granted; nnd that lhohearriniCi!!P!.u,t),nFy " "ftM PHn and i itereste.1 Bi SoV?' ,,u lyvn u ,M 1'ernonH aI ?r,r, m W uttcr, by publlHliliiK a copy Of this order In tho ited Cfoud Chlela weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. ' I. W, MiifON, ituti. t'oiiuly.liidije, Order to Shew Cause. Hi'ATi; or NmiH.vMi.v ) In Tho Comity WuirLitC-.u-.Nn. j court: A i a County Court held at thu County Com t room in ami forsnid coun ty Thursday Kobriiary 18th A. I)., lDOl). I.n tbo matter of the cUtte. of doM'ph Polnicky Deceased, On rending' and filing tins petition of John I'oluicky prnyinc that tho instrument filed on the 18th. day of Febiimty. uiO'.i, and purportinK to bo the last Will and Testament of tho said (licensed may lie proved,, i p proved ptobatod. allowed and re folded as the last Will and Testament "f tile said .Wph I'olnlckv dm enso.1. "ml that the execution of thu instru ment may lie eommltted. and Hie ad initiiMintloii of said ehtate mtiv be trranted lo liimsclf, us lCxeeutor. OiiPimi.i), that Wodnesdav iho loth day of .March A. 1)., 00:i, at two -flock p. ui.. is a-sitrned for lien, Iiil- said petition, when all porsotm intere.stod in Mint matter may appear nt a County Court lo ho held in nnd for said Coun ty and bhow cause why tbo prnyor of petition should not be "ranted; and that notice of tho IVi.deney of said petition and the hcu.rl",' thereof - e j-hvii '..i,H puihoiisintoro-tod i jjid intor. hv P lllisllUI- i, copy ,,f tj,js or(u. lu t10 lied Clo d Chlcl, u weekly newspaper prititi' I in said county, f,u- ullVv, hUo. eeh-.ivn weeks pi-loi- to SU, ,tiy of Ill'Mllll),'. 1. W. Kf.SO.N, (s,:v County .J ikIko. DeWUt's Kidney and Bladder Pills FOR BACKACHE T Li1