The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 25, 1909, Image 5

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IMI Alkl Ikli
Subscribe for the Chic'.
Tho I'ritrriiul A'd meets tonight.
Hiirtii llovo was down tiom Bluo Hill
S. M. Tnu' was down ft'oin lnnvalo
.Mr. Vincent of St. .loo was in town
.John Mutsh was up from (initio lloclt
Dick Bunchoy wont to I'pluiitl
Hurt Moihart toturncd Satutday
from Omuha.
' Miss Holon Ili'iniaiison wont to Me
Cook Sunday.
Clias. Bobitison's sister is visiting
him this week
Mr. Dorsoy of Bloomington was in
the eity Sunday.
Merlin Thompson was down from
Klverton Sunday.
The Degree of Honor will meet
Tuesday evening.
v Miis Alfa Longtoti returned from
" hI Campbell Monday.
Nichol Thomas was down from
Oowles Sntnrday.
O. V. Argabrighl was in the east on
business this week.
Mr. Waiigh and family moved to
Mo ook this weolc.
Bd. (iarber of MePhcrson, Kansas,
was In town Wednesday.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Buy a ton of ooal and got a novelty
dust pun.-.l. O. Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs Ivan Dickenson woio
down from I im vale Sunday.
Mis-, Mazio Wondorly is reported
quite sick with pneumonia.
1'oit Six room House, .1 lots
Inquire at Now house's store. tf
Mrs It. 0. Kunehoy went to Cowles
Wednesday to visit lclativcs.
Miss Maigaiot McCutehcon retumed
from Lincoln Sunday evening.
Mrs Watt and daughter Lou weio
up from Guide Bock Tuesday.
Mrs. Cora Cobb and children were
up from Guide Hook this week.
Miss r.dua Williams has been stiller-
lt;3- ......
ing from tl
The K igl
r -(.-let Tuesd
ng from tho mumps the past week
tries gave a daneo and ban-
day evening in thoir hall.
Sam Wright catno in fiom Salida,
Colo., Sunday to visit his 'mother and
Horn ycslorduv to Mr. and Mrs. ().
W. T.ibor, u 7 pound girl. Illuo Hill
O. L Chiokering of tho Chiokoiin.?
Uro-. Piano Co., was in lied Cloud
Miss Beatrice Sloss has so far re
covered fi 0111 pneumonia that she is
ablo to be out
Miss liurwell Taylor of Marysville,
Mo., is visitlng'iher cousins the Taylor
girls this week.
RE you after something good
to come here to us and say
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes; we'll do the rest.
We'll set before you a
great feast of good things;
rthe finest clothes made;
the best styles; the choicest
foreign and domestic-fabrics;
the highest class of
It will be worth as
much to you to buy these
clothes as it's worth to us
to sell them; your profit's
as good as ours.
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Miss Mario Mollistor Is quite slek
.liilm Wolfe is repotted Improving
at this writing.
The county ootnuilssionoiN will
moot Mai oh 'Jiiil
'Ih little (laughter of Mr and Mis.
A. A. Uoiikol Is quite slek at tills time.
Bow Stiirior Is homo fiom l'laiikllii
whoioho lia boii holding levivnl
meet lugs.
Mrs. Oitt'ir Doling fiom Oklalioina Is
Wiling lu'f paunts Mr. and Mis. 13. 1!.
Smith this week
Dr Wintorsoii physician and sur
geon; otllce and losldeio o phono saino
as Dr. Unities. Potter block.
Mr Kolloy and family hao moved
in Claionco Heed's residence, which
Mr. Waugh has just vacated.
In tho obituary of Mrs. llaser last
week we made a mistake. She died
Fob. 10th, Instead of I'ob. '27th.
Tubler wells, wind mills, pipe lilting
and repalrings. Call on T. Citt: u.tru.
Campbell, Xcbr. Write- or phone.
Joe Herbtirgcr of Lincoln was in
lied Cloud tho first of the week slink
ing hands with old acquaintances.
Otis Boyd camo up from Hod Cloud
last Friday evening and visited friends
for a few days. Bladen Buterprisc.
I liaje S.'O.OOO to loan on Webster
county lands at lowest tato and best
terms. O. W. Pope, lied Clo-'d, Nobr.
The Congregational Aid society will
hold their monthly mtirkot on Satur
day tho 27th. lit tho Pulton giocrry
Miko Kraltok a son of Tom Kialiek
arrived Saturday from Spriuglleld. Ill
and will locate on si farm near his
Pon SAi.n ot: Bnivn: A large
slcd Base But tier or exchange largo
sue Hound O.ilc Call at Sloss Wall
Paper Store.
Will Illcks and Mink Parkes have
bought Will Tabor's pool hall It will
be moved to tho building now occupied
by the Topee.
Miss Itnse Sehult. catno homo Satut
day from Concordia, Kas., whoio she
is attending a convent. Sho will visit
hero a week or so.
Tho "Girl and the Gawk" which was
played at tho opera hotiso Monday
evening was a number one good show
mid enjoyed by all present.
Tho lloyul Neighbors will have in
stallation of officers Fiiday ovening.
All membois tiro iccpiested to be pres
ent as there is work o do.
Tn connections with his Law business,
13. U. Overman lias opened a Farm Loan
Depaitniont. Parties desiring n faim
loan will find it to their advantage to
hue h tn
Kings Little Liver Pills prevent bill
iousness, sick headache and keep you
well. Do not gripe A pill in time
that will save nine. Price 2."o. Sold
by Henry Cook.
Our old fiiond Leopold llerburger
who usod to bo connected with tho
prlntinir otllccs in this city has started
11 job piinting olllce In Lincoln. We
wish you success Lape.
AH you need to
Mir r?M0w(t
S. Halt SclutTner & Mrx y
Tin. Inf., nt child of Mt iind Mm. I
HlertUit who live southwest of town,)
aged (!da,s died l'eb. 17th. ntlil was'
burled tho lstli in the Hod Cloud '
cometoi.v. Ilov. Hates pioaohed tho'
1'or chapped hand-, face mid lisl
Pinosiihv Ciirbotlor is imtnedinte
lolief (Acts like it poultice) gouit for
outs, bin lis. bttilsos, shin disease.!
Draws out Intlaiiiiirilioti. Price .'.V.
Try it sid by Homy Cool,.
Attorney Pied Miimcr delivered an I
itddtcss befoio the high school jester
day on tho subject of oltotishlp. Hoi
ptneed pal tloular ctnphii'ls on thorn-,
nes. both in pioparalioiiandoeciition
The addiess was replete with practical
ideas and the delivery was ovoellont.
You ate eoidlally invited to call
and see my now Spr'ng line of Ladies
I'ltriiNhiiig (ioods, at the Pair Store
Huilditig. To my fontior customers
and others I give a special Invitation
to call and see 1110 Will have my
Stock in shape for your inspection by
Peb. '27th. And I tespectlvely solicit
your patronage Geo. P. .lohnson.
Tojour kind friends and neighbors
who so graciously ciiino to our assist
Mice during tho short illness and death
of our father, brother and husband wo
wislt to siiy, we have learned to know
the full meaning of tho term. "A
f 1 lend in need is 11 friend in deed" and
take this medium of extending to jou
our slncete thanks. Mis. Mary Biniim
Ilitnis and family and sistots Mrs.
Teudiau, Mis. ltonningcr and Mrs.
liontrico Croiiuoiy Station Tl doois
south of the P. and M. Banli Bid. A
trial will convince you that yon will
get the best service lit selling your
cream hero. Cronm to-tod as mhui as
tceeived Wheatheryotl are a customer
or not bring in your machine ami let
1110 overhaul it before spting work
Geo. Trine
Wo never imagined that Omar But
lor would enter tho ministry but we ate
t,l.,,iCii1 tn nntn (tint, hi, iu rrllimr Alt' !
,-..... ,.... .......- ....... .... ., -.. .
Cressiiian able'assistaneo ill his Sun-'
day evening nddiosscs. Mr. Ctosstnan
is giving a sories of serinons taken I
from Pilgrim's Progt ess and Omar is
furnishing large ctayon pot traits ai d
scones illustiating tho lectures. Mr
Butler may soon have n church of his
Geo. Johnson recently of tho linn ol
Johnson &. Boner roturticd fiom St.
Joe Sunday night. While there ho
putehnsed a stock of goods for tho I
new storo which ho will open inline- j
diatoly. Ho intends to conduct an ex
clusively ladiesdcpartineiitstoie. Mr J
Johnson is well qualified for an enter '
piiso of this ohaiaoter being an 1 cel
lent judge of drv goods and ilre-s
materials. He is rlso one of the best
window triminois in Nebraska. He
came here fo'ir or the ycats ago tali
ing complete ohargoot the dry goods
department in the M. A. Albright
store. Ho later lormed n partnership
with Mr. Boner and duritur his stay
here he has niado ninny friends. Ho is
courteous and obliging to his customer
and wo aro confident that ho will re
ceive n liberal patronage in ills now
in clothes? The
do to have it is
New line Spring suits now on our
tables for your inspection.
Not to early to buy as the best selection of
the season is right now.
The most elegant assortment wc have ever
offered all the new shades of .Greys, Tans,
Browns and Blues.
No Cotton goods this season. All wool fab
rics in almost every line sold. ; ;";!' ; :
Come and take a look and have
a suit saved for you.
Always Reliable
Absolutely Turc
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and flavor.
The only baking
made from
Royal Grapo Cream
The (i ieinineiit is spend
ing Sl"i 00(1,(11)0 a year to pioiuoto bet
ter farming Ibis inoiioj is spent in
senditiL' lecturets to thousands of
meetings each year and by distribut
ing millions of bulletins reporting va
rious exhaustive investigations by ,ox-1
ports into every agricultural condition
in the United States. Are you getting
your sharo of the benetlt derived from
this expenditure? If not you are miss
ing something of very great importance-
(let yoiir niiino on the list for
Uncle ham's bulletins.
Deputy Slierilf, It. V. Wallcor, of
Blooniiiigton, was in tho city yester
day, and upon a wariant originating
fiom tlto county judge's olllce, took
(ieorgo foniier in tow and conducted
him before- said court, where today ho
must nnswer the charge- of being u
dipsomaniac. Thoro 1110 hundred of
just such eases as Georgo Connor's
maiming today in this gioat state
Of v mtso it isn't 1110, and it isn't you -ncotding
to our way of thinking, and
undoubtedly (Scorgc Conner in his
younger days of manhood, sut rounded
with an admiring elide of friends, (for
he had htieh) bald the same thing.
Bivcrton Hcviow.
Bert.Stcvens and Miss Anna Bony
woio man led Wednesday alternoon,
February 17th, liiO'.), at tho homo of
the bride's patents, Mr. and .Mrs. II.
Bony, Hovon miles northwes' of this
city Beit was associated with V. II.
Stono In the photograph gallery bete
all last summer, but now owns a gal
lery at Bed Cloud, where himself and
wifo expect to mako thoir future home.
The btlde is woll and favorably known
in the community whciu she has lived
for the past live years and well worthy
of the husband of her choice '1 ho
Messenger joins their many friends in
wishing them tho best in tho future.
Smith County Mossengor.
I he annual meeting of tho stock
holders of the Red Cloud Croamory
Association will be held at tho Court
'llouso Saturday, March 20th, lOoO, for
the election of odlcors and to transact
such other business as may bo neces
sary. By order of James B Buckles,
BumiMA'iiHM Cuium in a Day.
Dr. Dctcnhon'fc Belief for Khuiiinutisin
and Neuralgia radically onied In 1 to
.'l days. It nation upon tho system is
rouuttkt'.blo mid mysterious, It to
moves at onco tho cause and the di
ouselmmediutol" disappt'ius. The Hist
dose greatly hcnollts 7io and St. Sold
iy The II 13. Q rice Drug Co., Bed
Cloud, Nobr.
First Door Norlh of Poslofficc
BaMn IPow&Gr
of Tariar.
(lard oM hanks.
Wo to extoii 1 our ho.irtf dl t
thanks ) the friends and neighbors
who so kindly assisted us in our late
boieaiement and for thu (lowers. We
take this method of expressing to 0110
and all our sincere, gratitude. Mr Va.
Basser ami children.
Has Entered the Clothlnft Business.
A. L SouOhek returned to Blue Hill
the first of the week from Lincoln, and
again onteis the business llfo of our
wido awake little oily In company
with Bussoll W Shields hu has pur
oliased the clothing stoek of V. T.
Tobln, taking possession Monday. Mr.
Souehek Is very well known hero
through his tesidetice of a number of
yeaisin Blue Hill, lie is a young man
of good (iialilics with any number of
staunch friends, and he outers into
business life "note again under the most
favoiable ciictiuistances - Blue Bill
Mr. Shlolds has been editor and
publisher of the Leader for the last
few years and has lately sold his olllce
to IM. Bane of lloldrego to enter the
clothing business.
Ready for the County Conuiitlon.
All things are now ready for the
County Sunday School convention of
Sunday school workers of Webster
county, to begin on March 10 mxl to
run until Maiclj 'JOth. Tho sessions
will bo hold in Bladen and the inter
est shown at 'his date promises to be
tho best meeting we havo over had.
Rvery Sunday school in tho county
should bo represented at this conven
tion. Sottd at least one delegate if
not more. Bvcry dolegato you send
means that samn number of enthus
iastic workers tho coming year in your
school. Miss Margaret Brown the ele
mentary Held worker will present the
Sunday school work from tho stand
point of the tencheV of younger fo ks
in the Sunday school wor d. Don't
wait and suy, "I wlbh I had gone."
But say now, "I am going to go."
Wo arc planning big Don t you lot
your school be the only 0110 tolosoout
Sincerely yours,
L. Doakin,
Co., Secretary.
Mother (Imjr, ft iinrKs In Now Vurlt'dlnrovcrcil
hii it roniH tic pluHi-Hiii lii'rli Hire for nonien's
III- ( Hllt-'l AlJs'i 11, IAN LICAf It In the only
cerlHla rPKiil'Uor UnrcH femiiln wcukiiHScH
himI liiickiK lie, I. Mm'). I ludiler inn I miliary
Ininlili'H At nil iItukkMh or ly until Mieuntu,
stinploKUKU. AiMrum, Tho JJottiur (lry Co.,
I.u Uov. N. Y
A 0
lit" ..
Ma an
iff i
1 11
. -v r vi
: -.
Eye Defects Arc Not Diseases
A defect of the oyo Is tin imper
fection in tho structuro of tho eye
ball and is nut 11 dlseaso, though by
neglect and iiluisu it may lead to
disease and often does. Nearly all
(o doubles ato caused by optical
defects. (Busses piopeily lit ted
ate the only teinedy that will over
come all defect and give permanent
lolief. Our Byesight Specialist
measures the eye for every known
defect or imperfections of vision.
Ills examinations me the most
thorough ami scientific possible.
The most modern Instruments and
his own original and exclusive,
methods are used in every caso, and
you will quickly realize that a most
searching and exact test of your
visual powers has been made. If
you don't need glassos wo will toll
you. If you do and will havo us.
grind a pair for your particular
case, wc guarantee you will havo
the easiest, most perfect vision, jou
have ever known or there will bo
no charge. Consultation free. Ask
about toiio lenses.
Neuahouse Bros.
Jewelers and Optometrists
Satisfaction or Money Back.
Red Cloud,
Cwiffo S&
premium k
and Bacon
Red Cloud,
For Headache. Biliousness
DeWllt's Llttlo
L ms
. '. A?.m
jW jl
i. m t'.gftoM-itf.rt'-