The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 25, 1909, Image 1

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    tnfi wiflfW .
Stale Historical Society
rfV .i, ;
A Newspaper That fitves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fcr One Dollar.
TrrftitMiftiritT "j5
Broadway Vaudeville Anywhere
On ' your front porch, for instance, when you are tired with your
clay's work and lack the energy necessary to entertain yourself. Then
The Edison Phonograph
TJ will stir you with its marches, amuse you with its rag-time songs and dances or soothe you n
ill with its melodies. It sings as sweetly as the most cultivated singer and renders pcrtectly the f
if tones of the various instruments of orchestras and bands, If)
Possibly you have heard "talking machines." Have you heard a genuine Edison m
J Phonograph? There's a difference. Some machines mearly reproduce sounds and noises. M
i 1 he sweetness and the perlect expression tor which you prize music are qualities which dis- lj
$ tinguish the Edison from its imitators. Sold on easy payments.
to Phonographs $12.50 and up. ' Records 35 and 50 cents;
Come and hear them or send for cataloges.
vM 3
w -7'
Cash Jewelers and Optometrists C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors
' ilfth weddim? anniversary of Mr. and
'Mrs. J.W. Hodges by giving them a
Karl Harvey left for Lincoln Sunday surprise Tuesday evening,
morning. ' Mrs. James Colvin has returned to
Hal. Kelley lias bceu homo from the her home aWauuota accompanied by
west on a short viblt. her mother. Mrs. (Seorge Miner, who
Mr. and Mrs. Cluiouce Derrick spout was so seriously ill for several weeks.
Sunday at O. 13. Harvey's. I
doe Reed huiI wife v isltuil tit Hob. SOU MILLtT M4HES PROFIT
Hunsicker's ouo day last week.
Mrs O 11 Harvey is' first WOP On U0 Acres uringS tl.tiaB
ill tjuaiiu viuuiuj iibtii chmiiix uinui
double attack of the mumps.
The Jorgonson young folks were
cutei tallied at Hoy Palmer's Suuday.
Mrs. deorge Garner mot with quite
a painful accident one day last week
Mr. aud Mrs. Orrin Hiuvcy are the
happy parcuts of another b.iby daugh- at market SUM),
Hev. Plchd of Campbell and ltov.
Noyce of Kivertou visltod at A New
ton's Suturduy
As Rev. Noyce preached in Campbell
Sunday afternoon, there were no
church services at Lone Tree.
Mrs. Kob. Hunsickor gavo si party
Saturday In honor of the o oventh
birthday of her daughter, Letha.
Quite a number of Miss Letha's young
friends woie present and all report v
jollv gd time.
() 13. Axtell of Spring Lake neigh
borhood, and whose farm is near the
line in Castro county, was in Dlinmitt
Monday to market his. millet which
brought l..r.O a bushel. Oil' of so aeies
he th ashed 110) n-hols that netted
E. K. Hurr has a now diay.
Theie Is a great deal ot.slckues-.
Little liuello Crow is reported bettor.
Mi". N. SI. Doudna Is on the sick list.
Mrs. Isaac Crow Is much better at
this wilting.
Ml., uiiuiuho Uoland has been down
with tonwilltusthls week.
Mr-, .lulia Strati on is vUitlng with
Mis. T. .1 Mulonoy at present.
LL Doylo Is so much improve I that
he havgouo to visit his sister, Mrs. M.
1'rank Taylor Is moving' In from the
farm to tllo leslduneo which he re
cently purchased and Improved.
Kl.y Murphy who has been visiting
kere recently will return to his homo
In Wauneta this week. He wilt drive
.home us he bought a team hero.
The Eastern Star celebrated the
This was on sod laud and the land
custd.'i per acre; breaking of laud S3
per acre, cutting ? 1 per acre, and a
whole cost of about fl,r,2s on the SO
After paying for the land and all
costs of planting, Inn vesting, thrash
ing, etc, lie cleared $122 and the straw,
which Is not figured with the above
will bring 83 a ton on the ground.
This is one of tho many hundred of
proofs that the first crop will pay for
laud aud all expenses besides making
a good prollt on first sod crop. Tnu
IMalnsinan. Dlmmltt, Ca-tro county.
This land is ten miles noith of where
(Jeo. Hutchison and Dr. Thomas
bought In the Panhandle of Sullars &
Holmes, for $1.1 per aero.
Ellin&ur's Sale Dates
Friday, Kobnmiy,3tth.. Kline Philips
0 miles south east of Uuide Hock.
Guide Hock. Fob. 57 th , big sale at
tiuido Hock.
Jou Holer March 1. 1 miles east aud
1 south of Cowles.
Harry Moodc, Thuisday, March 1, t!
miles north west of Hod ('loud.
Cowles, Saturday, March. Otli , big
O. E. Uamey, Tuesday, March '28, 3
miles north west of Red Cloud.
Subscribe for the Chief, the oely
denocratlc paper It Webster Ceunty.
Tho President-elect uud Mrt. Taft
hive arrived in Washington aud uie
staying at the homo of Miss Mable
Board man, whose connection with the
Hod Cross Society of which Mr. Taft
Is President makes her name known
throughout the country. Tho President
ele t is a welcome visitor at the White
Hoiiseuud has spent a large part of
his time there since his arrival. He
has presented his r port on conditions
in Panama to tin President who ap
peals to be highly gratified by it and
he has had several conferences with
Senator Knox who will bo his Minis-t-.'r
of Stale. Tho question of Mr.
Knoxs eligibility for that position
has been settled by Congress both
House-, concurring In tho pissage tf
the bill repealing the salary of the
Secretary of State and reducing it to
the sum paid before the salary increase
was made. Mr. Taft has not doubted
tho willingness of Congress to make
this concession but he lias feared that
Mr. Knox might feel i ailed upon to
withdraw to avoid unpleasant criticism.
After tho conference J'uosday though
it was stated positively that Mr Knox
would accept the portfolio and it is
u it believed that the Administration
will be cintmnoscd by any question to
bi raised it the courts later us to tie
Senators eligibility,
Mr. Taft acuompaniud to the White
Hou-c tho Kugliieurs when they pre
sented Ihei uqioit on Uie Paiiiuni
Canal. The ( una! report contains
twenty t.vpow i P ten pages and indorses
in every particular the lock type plan
of construction and approves tlie pro
gress aud management of the work
there It wa scut f Congress by
Piesidout Doo-evolt Wo lucsJay with
a special message concerning tho Ca
nal in whice the Piesldent says that
a change now to tho sea level plan
would boi excusable lolly.
than to pay rent. All of the furnish
ings of the Kxecutivo Mansion belong
to the establishment and to seporato
these from the personal belongings,
tho filfts and acquisitions of u seven
years residence makes I he tn-k moio
dilll ult and complicated, l'repaiat
ions are under way also for the iccept
j ion of tlie Incoming I'le-iilent and as
the social season is at its lul:lit ulul
there uie leceptioiis and ilinnei - and
, dimcc-. to he gio i on iillemle I eei.
'day undo cry night theie is probably
1 not a busier or more distracted family
, hi thi'Votintrv than that of tin- House
veil's. As theie is al-o much to be
done in k'ettinir re.idv for the lung rii
which the I'lesldeul and Mis. Hoose
velt will take immediately after the
inauguration every moment is lilted
with work. The Picsidenl and his
wife will sail tor Naples on the thir
teenth of Mai eh and tho precision
with which their plans are made is
evidenced by tho fact that they will
not, return to the White Hoi so after
tho Inaugural ceremonies at the Cap
itol but will leave immediately on a
special train for Oyster Hay.It has
long been the custom for the President
and the President-elect to rlduto the
Capitol on Inauguration day aud to
return along the route of the parade
Iti oil
9 H KB WMF 1 MtW
JM?y JLvk ea ML ,&M, v
Bmmw mm
wrncr 1
PB TO C Ptf ?S fe
jfj u tklM .. n Kr VT
5 g
Made from cream of tartar derived
solely from grapes, the most dcli
ciousand healthful of all fruit acids.
A Sale of Pianos.
A 1 si that is the biggest that has
ever been compiled, comprising tine
pianos, has just bo n Issued by Lyon
A llealy. This list contains the mimes '
of the hundreds of Hup, now plauoi I
and slightly-used pianos being oll'ered
at a forced -ale owing to re-building
operations by Lyon &, llealy Full
and trust worthy particulars of each
...til. .1 .1..1 41 1 I. I.. l..f.
.,.. uie iduiiik uxidiuiu fc ... ..., llhtMlnu.llt Hl0 BV0I1 ,, llmt tll0 i,ny.
the reverse of the relative positions in I , j(, fp lmsolf wioli(jr ()r
which they made th. trip to the Lap-1 ,,, U(, pjl10 s ft ,mrK,lln
itol. Two innovations wlll,be Intrc-, The cpioted are phenomenally
duced this year inasmuch as Mr. I aft ,mv , yJ & o(Uv ftru il(ikr n
will return to the White House alone ,,.,....,,.,, ...r,,,.,. , 1.,,. ,. ,,, ,, ,,,
and instead of using u carriage will Kroilf Hleks ()f ,nhtr,,IIlcll wIUl lll0 '
use new auio.uoones prov.uc.i mi i.iu t ., , , ,, , . ,
OCCIlsioil. i-.w! .....! will, ll.U ,.l.l....t i.. i..-
Rend for a copy of this ll.-t. if you
do not wish to pay all cash lor a piano
al address but u not less important you can arrange for monthly pay
matter in tho Taft family Is,) the f-. incuts. Addioss Lyon llealy. 10
lection of the gown that Mrs. Tuft will Adann street, Chicago,
wear at the Inaugural ceremonies It Lynn .v llealy exhibit tho largist
is to b.) in ide in New Vork "and Mis uud most arled stock of pianos in the
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uucallod
fur at postolllce at. lied Cloud, Neb.
tor th week ending Feb. 3.", 1009
Thomas Inneati
I-. IC. Burroughs
Those will b- sent to tho dead letter
ollice Meh. 11. 11MJ0, if uncalled for
before. When calling for ubov o please
say "advertised."
T. C. IIaokkh, Postmaster
Mr. Taft is busy writing his Inaugui-
Many Reasons Why Boy Would Seem
Most Desirable, and Equally
Good Argumentc In Favor
of tho Girl.
'lhese aie busy days at the White
House. The President family i fter
a seven yeais resident, there aio col
lecting their Lares and Pontiles pre
paratory to their removal to the homo
at Oyster Hay aud tho confusion that
pi ovalls in the uppernnd prlrate rooms
of tho houso can only be Imagined by
those who Hud it cheaper to mora
Taft will go there this week for the
absorbing work of having it lltted and
to plan uls) her cjst'iuii for tho In
aug ual ball. Mrs. Taft isot. unlike
Mis Hoosevelt in hor lack of that sub
tlo'flistimst called style and bothi1 aio
rather condemned by thu sinartjc,set
for their want of chic and fashion.
Mrs. ll'iosrtvelt.has apparently never
failed to select the) most unbecoming
clothes obtainable an 1 while she pa
tronizes skillful dressmakers aud tail
ors aud buys always the most elogant
stud's she seldom achieves coiisuinato
sartorial effects Mrs. Taft whose al
lowance for dress has always becu
limited aud who is consequently accus
odof bjlievin; that ecjuomy) is the
root, of all vlrt ire leans to the select
ion of clothos that will woar well and
boar beiug made ovor anil she wears
them with ludifforenco us to their ef
fect. It ill) howover novurjare on the
llashy or obtrusive and If ihoy fall to
make the most of J tholr charms I they
are always simply aud appropriately
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Fob. '21, 1001).
F..I. Stoiier to (.1. M. Garner, pt
e'J sel, IH-3-I3, wil
W. It. Hurwell to (J vt. darner,
pte'.' sel, lil-'j-l'.'. wd
ti M. Garner to W. H. Harwell,
pte'2-ul, 111 'MS, wd
d. M. Garner to V. .). Stouur, pt
e2sel, 312.12, wd
l O. Stoiier to J. .. Stickney.
pte2 sol,!M-3 13. Wd
Hussol W. Shields to Thomas T.
Tobin, lot 3, lilk. 2. Tylers add
Uluolllll, wd
.losoph Polnicky to John Pol-
uicky, sel 30-:-ll, wd
P. '. Dooloy to It. S. Hancock.
lots I, ."). Hlk. 0, I uavale, wd. .
Horace 15 M. S.
Phillips, pt lot ."1. pt (i, Hlk. 3.
Sawyers Add, Ilia vale,', wd. . ..
.Joseph Tophaut to duorgo W.
Simpson, uw '2M-U, wd
Jacob Piitm.iu to .lohu Duubar,
lit Hul. I)-' . wd
I State of Nebraska to ,lulm I lar
' rls. lot 11, in r.-l-io, doed ...
1 .lohu Hardwlck to .lohu W.
1 Mitchell, lot 7, In '2-1-13. wd..
1 Josho .M. to Fred
I Maiiroi', lots in, 11, 13, Hlk. '2:..
I Hod Cloud, wd
John O. P.irkiusoi to ,Coi)lli.M.
MeCall ot ul, hw.18, n'2.invH,.i-l-11,
Clarence Heeve to Hugh H. Hunt
er, pt Hlk. 2, Talbot's Addjdo
Guide Hock, wd
W. W. Hicks to Sarah K. 'Smith,
lots III, 20, 31, Hlk. 0, Smith X
Mooiesadd to Keil Cloud, wd.
world --over 1,000 instruments.
The Ruler of the World.
When wo get behind all the clrcum
Rtanccy of our ilnllv llfn i'n flnil tho
thinker, tho man with Ideas. Ho Is tho ' children and tho world, In their play-'
truo ruler of tho world. Ho ulvca us I romnci wiui it. ituo, tnero aro no
It in bettor that tho first child in a
family nlioulil bo n boy. Then If tho
father dies the post of head of tho
family fulls to him naturally. Ho be
comes its protector. Whether or not
tho father dies, th'b oldest child, If a
boy, can stand botween the younger,
all things, from the clothes of our
bodies to the clothes of our minds. He
gives us coats nnd commandments;
mutton chops and morals. He gives us
our policies, our religion, all, In short,
that wo have. London Dally Dispatch.
Somewhat Rough on Society "Man."
At dinner one evening a well-known
actress was roost amiable to a vory
young lieutenant who sat next to her.
Ho was mightily pleased tit being on
such good terms with a live actress.
Suddenly she said, In her artless,
pretty manner: "I am taking a boy's
part In a new play, and I have boon
watching you ever Blnco wo were In
troduced. You don't mind, do you?"
30 0
Source of Poison Dangers.
The action of focus and liquors on
their receptacles may produce deadly
poisons. Acid fruits cooked in copper
or zinc pots arc a particular source of
danger. A man who was taken 111 in
the hunting field with symptoms of
mineral poisoning learned that tho lino
old brandy ho carried In his back
pocket had dissolved some of thocop
por in the sterling nilver flasks.
The British Pres6.
Not a little world wisdom lies in the
conduct of tho llrltlsh press. Its
managers do not let their Instincts for
news run away with tholr appreciation
of how things said In heat look In cold
print to tho world abroad. Thoy do
not furnish arrows for tho quivers of
tholr foreign critics. Hoston Tran.
. w ju. i.r j to
': :-; -,..., :-'is. Extrem '.
;;. .-. 1 . CougHs t..
r-i ;...ii i.f ihc tiiruflt B
1 1. .',. Coujjbs rhat slm'j ..
1 -v j t'y. Ycmcfvlav-i. .
1 -Inc, 1 d 'dor's m"i
" 1 .'' c:Mj". l .
I .A I . t t
S 1
mttiJM IMMr-iM
sii wm'wii -i
82330 '. CO
Mortgages filed, t97CO.:io.
Mortgages released H0350.
' " . J' iujuIi '. 1 1 . u.. 1. k
i j l m W I'aoltjli n. oohol V
1 '"M . - . .. Lk. rioinoui-im Jwlnib k
1 lyers -saw
'JTl"yTTlfll 1 iMTTTnT1ITirWTTyfIr7rT1fiatf'rl IBT.TTB I J
Any r,ood doctor will tell you that a medi
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work if the bowels arc con
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
am thine better than Ayer's Pills forcor
recuni; this sluggishness of the liver.
lUd y tho J, O. Ajtr Co., Lowtll, Man.
"little mother" possibilities In him,
and ho Is an Indifferent nurse; thoro
foro, In many tenement families, tho
Dirt li of n daughter as tho first child
Is preferred.
That Is one of tho drawbacks about
being nn elder sister She Is too han
dy to have around thu house. She
becomes the maid of all work. Wo
know of several charming women,
now well along In splustorhood, whoso
destiny unfulfilled may bo charged to
tho fact that they were elder Bisters.
They were always nursing babies
somebody else's babies. Tho cares of
the household descended on them pre
maturely, and their old-fashioned
ways, the sobering marks of respon
sibility In face and manner, lessened
their appeal to the captious and rov
ing fancy of young men. To tho han
dicap of diminished opportunity was
added tho handicap of diminished
It Is well, then, for a girl to have
an older brother. It Is not always for
tunato for hor to havo two or threo
younger sisters. Humanity's natural
sense, of justlco hns long discerned
this. Jacob, If you rcmombor, had to
tako Leah to wffo beforo ho va3 nl
lowed to espouso hor younger sister,
Rebecca. Tho feeling, very marked
among tho Jews mid sometimes stereo
typed Into a custom, has strength
among all peoples. In return for an
elder sister's sacrifices, tho family
sonBo of fair play requires that her
voungcr sisters Bhnll not becomo her
'ompctltors. They aro expected to
3tand nsldo, to remain In tho back
ground, until slio has had a chance to
annex a man.
Sometimes pretty often, Indood
tho event shows that tho younger sis
ter has not kopt far enough In. tho
background. Tho captious and roving
fancy or tho elder sister's "steady" is
attracted by tho' vision of frc3hcr
charms In tho samo family circle, nnd
woman's Invlnclhlo foe, youth, strikes
her down through tho arm of a daugh
ter of tho sanio mother. Probably
ton thousand novels and plays have
been written about this thomo -tho
characteristic themo of "Cinderella"
and apparently most of them havo
seon tho light In England. Tho riv
alry of sisters seems to be moro defi
nite and oveit thoro than oluowhero.
"Shall tho elder sister rulo?" then, Is
at all times a llvo and poignant Issuo.
Tho i licll.'( a of the yotingnr ono
ngj'lnst a rulo rcquesented tta tyran
nical Is often a sympathetic oplsodo,
and soniotlmes the oldest daughter has
a gi'iioiul popularity as slight as a
stepmother's. Tho suitor, at any rato,
will not havo tegard for tho claims of
primogeniture unless they aro re-enforced
by dowry discrimination and
ho Is a tamo lover who will lot tho
uilo "first come, first sorved" deter
mlno his cholco of a wlfo. Still, ad
mitting numerous exceptions, tho rulo
is a good one, as applied to sisters.
,,1t''l?lV'a,-''w"',''r. .-rtr., t. .-.