Tho httBband of tho Philadelphia brldo who received a million as a wedding present from Iter father, must bo glnd ho mustered up enough courage to ask papa for his precious daughter. A man at sixty begins to realize that his gtandfai'ner was not so old when ho died at eighty. Warwick James Price. It Is claimed that Orcat Britain lias built mote than half of tho new ships that have bacn constructed in tho last live years. Tricks of Mcdlcfne Men. A young Indian, who Is ambitious to bfcomo u doctor, and finally a prophet, leartiB from his father or other members of his tribe the name and medicinal properties of some herb. He can also, by presenting a sufficient lumber of ponlc-3 to a medicine man, prevail upon tho doctor to Impart the secret of the herbs to him. Frequently Indiana nllego that the secret Is re vealed to them In a dream, or by a bird or an animal. After procuring It, tho novice Is prepared to begin fin practice of medicine. Success In their opinion Is only possible with the aid of tho Great Spirit, and In order to. In voko tho help of tho supernatural they resort to various sacrifices. For Instance, there Is tho practice of ascending a buttc or other elevation and lying with the face to the ground for several days without food or until they nro completely exhausted. Dur ing this period they profess to havo been taught some Bong or tho Great Spirit converses with them through a weed, bird, wild animal, or reptile. Tlicy frequently allege that wolves coma to them and howl, and that they understand what the animals say. While treating a patient, they place tobacco In little pouches which they tie with sinew. These are painted brilliant colors and fastened to willow stocks about tho size of the shaft if an nrrow, but somewhat longer. Denver Field and Farm. When Theodore Roosevelt retires from tho presidential ofllce oir March 4 ho will have made n record for num erous cabinet appointments. Tho last cabinet meeting lie presides over, says tho Boston Herald, will be composed almost solely of comparatively now men. There will be but one man, Sec retary Wilson, who attended tho first cabinet meeting that Roosovclt held In tho autumn of 1901. Thero will bo only one other, Secretary of tho Treas ury Cortelyou, who was at tho cabinet table In March, 1903. when Mr. Roose velt entered upon his present term. In the seven and a half yoars of his tenure Mr. Roosevelt will have had twenty different cabinet officers, but not as many different men, for Mr. Root has served under him Hi st as sec retary of war and then as secretary of Btate. Mr. Cortelyou has had three cabinet positions commerce and la bor, postofllce and treasury. Attorney General Bonaparto first came into tho cabinet as secretary of tho navy. Too Near the Water Front. Slgnor Fcrroro, the Italian historian, who has walked along the water front of threo or four of the original states, arrives at tho conclusion that the de struction of American Institutions is so far away that only a faw philosoph ers can sec it. If Slgnor Ferrcro will Btep back to whero tho real country Is, ho may conclude that any philosopher who can see the end of American In stitutions should bo placed In a podded cell. Washington Post. "Don't you know that tho destruc tion of tho forests will chango tho climate?" "I've heard so," answered. Fanner Corntassel. "An', much as we need tho woods, if I thought It ud do anything to the cllmato, blamed if I wouldn't go out an chop down a tree'. " "Why Is it that novels are so much moro popular with the women than with tho men?" "In a novel the fel low Invariably asks tho girl to be his wife." Chfcago Record-Herald. The Midwest Life of Lincoln sells life Insurance to prudent, thrifty and sensible men and women. Write for an agency. "Is ho broko?"' "Broko! Why, his assets rattle around In his liabilities like a pea in a coal bucket." Tho army and naval establishments call for an animal appropriation of about 1400,000,000. It is claimed that 2,227 cars woro cold during tho Now York automobile show. Liricolji Directory If you are going to buy n draft STALLION send for our pictorial Htory of tho liorso f roe It you mention this jiapor, tTAUOX, WOODS BROl&KEUT Lincoln, Nob. Dayton Money weight Scales VnnKUard Moat Slicing Machines Temploton CoiiiiratltiR Cheese- Cutters. MONGYWfiWHT SCALU CO., II. ti. Marshall, Mr.,B17 P Btroet, Lincoln, NeliruHka. Beatrice Creamery Company Pays tho highest price for CREAM Please .call on our Receiving; Agent HERBERT E.GOOCH CO. UKOKERS AND DIMI.ER3 Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton Main Olllce. 304-303 fraternity Ulig, Lincoln, Nebraska.. Dell Phone Ml! Auto Phone 2039 J.aritost IIouho In Htato JSSSwPwk rWm L win. 'Z&rmkwt i Jl e rLuk m n QWPTD, li&Ue&yr THEY woro tho neatest ladles on tho entire Btrcet, Ml s s L u c 1 n (1 a Berry and her sis tor Allco, and they subsisted meager ly on a small pen sion that had been their' late father'B. In the same block lived tho richest, slouchlest and most lrrltablo bachelor In tho city. In February, when an unexpect ed mildness set In, Miss Allco turned tho hose on her sldowalk to wash away the ashes. AH night long, however, the wind rose, and tho fourteenth of February dawned bitter cold, and tho water used for washing off tho ashes froze. Miss Luclnda was in the' kitchen sifting nshes to resprinklo tho pave ment, when she heard her Bister shriek. Luclnda rushed to open tho front door, and saw Allco on her knees In tho street supporting tho husky shoulders of Williams, who was shouting lustily: "This is your work! NIco, isn't it? Always knew your con founded neatness would cost mo my life." Allco could only sob In reply. "I'll sue you for this, all right," he bellowed. By this tlmo Luclnda had ap proached, and now spoko authoritative ly: "Woll, it is plaip you must be carried into your houso and a doctor sent for at once." Beckoning to tho bachelor's man servant, who hovered near, she Instructed him how to assist tho injured man without causing un necessary pain. " When Williams had been laid on a disordered bed, Miss Luclnda made him as comfortablo as possible before tho arrival of tho doctor. The Berry girls set to work preparing bandages. Tho doctor cume, set tho arm, ex- w t ciJi 5r j-T - &ii jPv. A sat " f ff 1 "i T ft The Saint's Day in Scotland It seems to havo been a custom in Scotland to choose one's valentine, If Sir Waltor Scott is to bo trusted In his account of tho wooing of tho Fair Maid of Porth and Hal of tho Wynd In tho novol. Tho always amusing and ubiquitous Pepys, in his diary, which neglects nothing under tho sun ap parently, mentions St. Valentino's day and Its customs in sovoral places, and gives an amusing account of his wlfo, fearing to opon hor oyos on St. Valen tino's day while tho painters and dec orators wero at work in hor room, lest sho should see ono of thesn unsuitable persons first instead of a moro comely valontlne. Whatovor tho origin of tho custom, it has given rise to many quaint and pretty fancies, and both poets and lovors havo employed tho legend and tho saint to good purposo. Tho send pressed approval of all that had been done, nnd left. Williams heard this commendation of tho maiden sisters, nnd after soma thought said: "If you bring mo through without crippling mo, I will let you off as light ly as possible." This unexpected generosity over joyed tho ladles. They took their reg ular turns, and the negro servant rued tho day whon they invaded his Blouchy kingdom. Though tho In jured bachelor could not know of all tho changes taking place, still ho felt tho influence of orderly domesticity. They really enjoyed tho nursing, nnd their patient particularly appre ciated having Miss Alice near, for bet touch was delightfully soft. So, even when tho physician camo, It was Miss Alice who bandaged tho arm after it was dressed. ft Vr -ir When able to bo around again It waB difficult to break an acquired habit, so it happened that Mr. Wil liams went over morning and evening for Miss Allco to attend to his nrm. One morning he did not como; In stead tho servant appeared with a note for Mis3 Alice, who read it with alarm: . "I shall call this evening to suo for my damages. If It Is not rendered me, 1 am afraid I must pioceed to extremo measures." Miss Alice cried tho better part of tho day after the receipt of tho note, and Miss Luclnda for onco was not practical, so cried somo also. At seven that evening tho door boll rang and Miss Luclnda admitted Mr. Williams and showed him Into tho par lor whero Allco sat, openly tearful. "Take a Beat," she whlsperod. He sat down facing her, and took her limp hand. "Bless my soul," he cried; "what's the matter?" , "Nothing," she exclaimed, and burst into sobs. t'l wish you'd cry for me," said tho bachelor huskily. "Oh," she moaned, "we can't pay thoso damages, (Mr. Williams." ' "Well, if you can't," said ho, "can you do something else? Can you ac cept the worn-out old Valentino that was thrown at your gate about n month ago? Not worth picking up, perhaps, old-fashioned and full of Haws, but a moBt loving valontlne." With her cheok against tho band aged arm, Miss Allco cried somo moro but thero wero smiles shining through. S l' "S7B ing of letters and tho more or less tawdry cut paper valentines, which the chlldien of tho hist generation were so familiar with, undoubtedly gave rlso to tho modern fashion of Christmas curds in this country and In England, which has grown to bucIi astonishing, not to say alarming, pro portions, and tho comic valentine, that hideous and dreadful creation, Is pre sumably ono of tho ovlls resulting from the custom. Howovor this inny bo, it 1b exceedingly ngreeablo to re ceive a gift of flowers, or fruit, or a dainty book upon this midwinter fes tival, and if it tuko tho form of a moro useful present thoro Is a distinct authority for sending oven theso, as ono of tho oldest customs consisted' In sending a veil of tissue or gnuza to tho fortunate Valentino Holectcd to bo tho recipient of tho attention. Would Bar the Judiciary. Young ministers sometimes flay somo very Irreverent things when flrBt they get In harness, but soldom aro bo broadly condemnatory as tho young clergyman who was called upon to act as chaplain at tho oponlng of a recent term of court down In Mnino. After covering everything ho could think of as nppioprlato to say from re. llglon to law, ho closed his prayer with the supplication: "And. finally, may wo all bo gathered In tho happy land whore thero aro no courts, no lawyers and no Judges." Then they chtingod chaplains. Laundry work at homo would bo much more satisfactory If tho right Starch were used. In order to got tho desired stiffness, It Is usually nocos nary to usu so much starch that tho beauty and llnoncsa of tho fabric Is hidden behind a panto of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects tho wear. Ing quality of the goods. This trou bio can bo entirely overcomo by using Dotlanco Starch, as It can bo applied much moro thinly bocauBO of its great or strength than other makes. Cause for Complaint. Jones, tho dnlryman, loved his llttlo boutB occasionally, and at mich tlmoB celebrated ilotously. Ho was pre vailed upon to Blgn tho pledge, and this ploco of news was given wldo publicity. But In 11 few weeks Jones turned upon his temperance friends and again sought old-tlmo friends and acquaintances. "The Idea!" grloved Jones, ns ho told tho waiter to duplicate an order. "Me driving a milk wagon, and those fellows ad vei Using that I am on tho water wagon!" Judgo. Prof. Munyon says: Curoacold and ion prevent Consumption. His opin ion Is now shared by tho leading physlclaiiB of tho country, nnd tho wonderful cures that aro being mado by Munyon's Cold Remedy havo at tiacted tho attention of tho wholo medical fraternity. Thoso llttlo sugrir pellets break up n cold In a fow hourB, ami almost universally prevent Bron chitis and Pneumonia. Awful 1 "Wo had Btich a protracted fare well," remarked So-and-So, "that I lost my train." "You should havo left farewell enough alone," ho remarked. For a moment they looked nt him with the Chopin "funeral march" ex pression. But eventually they re solved to let him live. MIX FOR COLDS To one-half pint good whiskey, add .one ounco syrup sarsaparllla and ono ounce Torls compound, which can bo procured of any druggist. Take in tea spoonful doses betoio each meal and beforo retiring. This rolloves In 24 hours, and curea any cold that la curable A Great Care. Colin Her, hair turned perfectly white in ono night from troublo. Delia Really? What was tho naturo of tho troublo? Cella Chemical. Judgo. HcI, Weak, "Wenrjr, Wnlcry Eycn Iteltevcd by Murlno Kyo Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced PliyslcluiiB. Mu rlno Doesn't Smnrt: Soothes 12yo Pain. Wrlto Murlno Kvo Remedy Co.. OIiIuhko, for Illustrated Kyo; Book. At DrugBlstB. , There Is in man a higher than love of happiness; ho can do without hap piness, and Instead thereof find blesB ednoBB. Carlyle. Do not ncRlect constipation, lor thin con dition poisons the blood and leads to chron ic ill health. Garfield Ten, the mild herb laxative, corrects constipation, keeps tho blood pure, nnd the health Rood. Tho young man who sots out to bo tho architect of his own fortune must not scorn to bo the bricklayer and hod carrier bb well. Wostloy. ONLY ONE "IIIIOMO QUININE" That U LAXATIVE IIIIOMO OUlMNH. I-onk fol ll alumiturit of K. W. (i 110 VI:. (Jtrd tho World oyer to Cure a Cold In Ono ltar. 23c. Tho rulo In a prohibition Btato seems to bo "bar none." . Mm. Wlnalow'a Hoothlnjr Sjtoi. For children tecttilntr, eofteni the jciinn, roauriM In flmtunllon, lty pla, curei wind collu. 23c a bottle. A hnppy medium ought to mako good at a spiritual seance Til ni-ed A nun Tired, Arltlnc Toot of Ynura linn's -.Sc nt Tour DrnntiUt'l .. ti. Oluittcd, I.o lloy , N. Y., tor aaiuplo. Wrlto A Marriage is the hurdlo between ro mance and reality. Registered U, H.l'nt, o nice The genuine sold everywhere Qjblo "Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lycha E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound?" I any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask her. Houston, Tcxns. " When I first began talcing L.ydla 15. Flnlc liaiu's Vcgotublo Compound I was a total wreck. I had liccn Blck for three years with female troubles, chronic dyspepsia, nnd a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor's medicines, but nothing did mo any good. "For threo years I lived on medicines and thought I would nevor get woll, when I read an advortlsinent of Lydia liJ. Pink ham's Vcgctnblo Compound, and was advised to try it. 41 My husband got me ono bottle of tho Compound, nnd It did mo so much good I continued its use. I um now a well woman nnd enjoy tho best of health. "I adviso all women suffering from such troubles to givo Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't regret it, for It will surely euro you." Mrs. Bcsslo L. Hicks, 810 Clevclund St., Houston. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do ner as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. COLDS CURED IN ONE DAY Munyon's Cold Remedy Relieves tho head, throat and lungs nlmoat Immediate ly. Checks Kcvern, ntopn Dlachurgca of tho nose, takes owny all actios and pains cauacd by cold. It cures Grip and ob xtlnato Coughs and prevents Pneumonia, l'rlco 26c. Havo you stiff or swollen Joints, no mat ter how chronic? Ault your ,lrugglst for Munyon's Kncumatlam Remedy and sco bow quickly you will bo cured. If you unvo any kidney or bladder trou blo get Munyon's Kidney Ileme'dy. Munyon's Vltullter makes weak mca strong and restores lost powers. SICK HEADAGHE CARTER'S Positively cured by these Little Pills. asj Tncy niao reneTO uia- ITTIF treBafromDyapepala,In- llii mSSim. dlgratlonandTooIIearty a IV ILK 'k"nR A perfect rem- WB DlllO cdy fur Dlzzlneaa, Nau tM rl.LUOi Hen, DroivslneuM, 11 nd BJJB TnntelntlioMouth.CoiU- HHHI ed Tongue, Fain In tlio !"!! TOKPID LIVUR. They regulate the llowcls. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. CARTERS Gonuino Must Bear FaC'Simlle Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. iTTl Wive ITTLE IVER PILLS. DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch makes laundry work a pleasure 10 or. pkg. 10c 1 -,A WKr m Jf ftp B? 'Vfti Ask for the Baker's Cocoa bearing this trade mark. Don't be misled by imitations Western Canada MORE BIG CROP8 IN 1008 Another 60,000 set tlers from the United States. New dis tricts opened for set tlement. 320 ncrcs ofland toenchset tier, 160 free homestead and 160 at $3.00 per acre. UA vant rich country and a contented proa peroua people." iiirait from lorreifomUm ef i Nittloixal Editor, whoit vlut to Wtititn Canada, in Aunnit, igoS, was an iutiirativn. Many have paid the entire cost of their farms and had a balance of from $10.00 to $20.00 per acre as a result of one crop. Spring wheat, winter wheat, oats, barley, flax and peas are the principal crops, while the wild grasses bring to perfection the best cattle that have ever been sold on the Chicago market. Splendid climate, schools and churches In nil I ocallties. Railways touch most of the settled districts, and prices for produce are always good. Lands may also be pur chased from Vuilway and land companies. For pamphlet, mapirnnd. Information fe Bordlnirlow railway ralea, apply to Superin tendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, br the authorised Canadian Government AgcrjU W.V. BENNETT. i Ml New Terk Hie Bolldlo. Oauba, NtWatka. DR. SIcINTOSIX eolobrntod NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER (Wen Immodlato rellnf. Bold by alt lurgtral Inttru nmn t Uralor and leading droKKlftta In Unite htatoa A Canada, t'ntalng A urlro list eonl on application. tuk UAtrriNim a Mcintosh tihIbh oo., SKI Walnut HU. I'lillndnlphla. I'a., manufacturer or tnusca nnd mlo ma'rrrn of Uio gonuino alauipot) "MU1NTOHII" Hupporwr. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 6, 1909. WMk II T 1 ohhU paper de- 1 I . -" anting adrer. I II tiicd in iti columns should instft upon I II having what they atk for, refuting all I II substitutes or imitations. I .! If rCSIIBSimW mm !. a. -. g.mwwv(r,Tfi1iar'fBJiiyy PHMtWJrU i ii w yMr "