The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1909, Image 3

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A'Shapcd Structure Which Is Equipped with a Door and
a Ventilating System.
The A-ulinpcd hog cot Is adapted
lo both Hummer tind winter condi
tions, it has a permnncnt floor, a
door in each end, and a ventilating
system, it Is constructed by nailing
Inch boards on six joists, two Inches
by four Inches, eight feet long for
the lloor. Uencath the Joists ate
nailed thrco stringers, two Inches by
six Inches eight feet long, which serve
as runners for moving tho house. Next
Ib spiked a piece two Inches by eight
Inches, nine feet four Inches long, at
tho ends of the Joists, having the bot
tom of the two Inch by eight Inch oven
with tho bottom of the Joist which
will allow It to project above tho lloor
three Inches. It will also extend out
seven Inches nt each end. This two
Inch by, eight Inch forms n plate to
which tho rafters and roof boards aro
nailed. The seven-Inch extension of
tho plato at the ends supports the low-
A roar door, Identical in slzo with
tho front door, Is held In place by
cleats nailed across It on the Inside
and by buttons fnstened on the out
side. This door Is not opened regu
larly, but piovldes ventilation In sum
mer and aids In handling sows at far
rowing time. Above tho rear door Is
a smnll sliding door, 8x12 Inches, to
admit light and air. '
Another Important featuie of this
house Is the ventilator, which Is a
small cap covering n hole at the top
and the center of tho ioor. The hole
Is inado by sawing off opposite ends
of two roof boards and covering It
with a cap bo arranged ns to leave
openings three Inches by 12 inches on
each side of the roof. This Is sufll
clent ventilation for two or three ani
mals when alt tho doors are shut, and
If more ventilation is desired it can
easily be secured by opening tho small
ilcA Hwfi!H I Pw v W 5 J-,-'
IU I L CiSiS- Vft W JS" 2- "-1A
I r-sc:
Beginnings of
Christian Church
Sunday School Ltuon for Jan. 17, 1909
Socially Arranted or This Paper
?.. V-." ,",'S"
Front View of A-Shaped Hog Cot.
or corners of tho roof which other
wise would be easily split off. These
2xS's, besides strengthening tho house,
raise tho rafters and roof boards
nailed to them at least three inches
off tho floor and thereby materially In
crease tho floor space and the capac
ity of the houce. If the house is to bo
used In extremely cold weather a
lovable door is necessary. The illus
atlon bIiowb a door two feet wide
and two feet bIx Inches high, mndo
to slldo up and down and held In place
,.!' cleats. It is suspended by a rope
which passes through a pulley at the
top and is fastened to a cleat at tho
sldo near the roof. The cut also shows
two Iron eyes bolted Into the front
Joist of tho building to which the
hitch Is mado when the building is
sliding door In tho rear. This simple
plan of ventilation avoids any direct
drafts upon the animals and proves,
very efficient.
With these Improvements the cost!
In building tho A-shnped house Is
somewhat Increased. All tho boards
except those U3ed for the lloor should
he dressed on one side.
Tho following lumber is necessary
to construct this portnblo house: Nino
pieces 1x12 In., 1C feet long, and 11".
O. G. bnttens 1G feet long for roof; 5
pieces 1x12 In., 14 feet long, for cuds;)
1 piece 2x4 In., 10 feet long, for ridge;
2 pieces 2x8 In., 10 feet long, for,
plates; 7 pleecB 2x4 In., 10 feet long,,
for rafters and braces in frame;
pieces 2xG in., 8 feet long, for stringers'
and 4 pieces 1x12 in., 10 feet long,1
rough, for flooring.
Stable With Box Stalls
--YO pr,
15 n
torr wDF
iff rr
3 i
The ground plan shows above is for
a stable 44x70 foot. Tho arranf,"jment
gives three box stnlls in each end,
which can, if desired, bo arranged into
Btnlls. Tho two cross feed passages
;j six feet wide. Stalls for cows six
jot wide and six feet long from fiont
of manger, to rear of stall. The main
door can bo made In two doors and
six feet wide, which will admit of a
stone boat or sled being taken in to
clean out the stable. Thero will bo
space enough to drive In a horse and
turn around.
A Curtain Front Laying House
jr---r- r, ij f If 71 -ft ---fr----"
I jiT 'ir Ir'iiL" jr"i I it
i j r If n j : r
pi M i iflfli i !.0
The front should be toward the south or east to avoid the worst storms.
A framework covered with canvas enables it to be closed at night. Per
feet ventilation can be obtained by this means and In fine weather full ad
vantage can be taken of the sunlight. Wire netting Is used to cover the
Provide Plenty of Water. Although
turkoys will eat snow, they should
nf iio nermlttcd to do so. but should
bo given plenty of fresh clean wntor.
They Sell Best. When raising tur
keys for market medium sized ones
will bo found better than extra largo
ones. ." --A
Have Plenty of Litter. If limm n
confined to tho poultry houso on cold
days soo to It that they do not have
to ctand on the bare floor. Use straw,
coin staiks, corn husks, or othor dry
material for a floor covoring. lions
with cold feet will not lay very many
eggu. .
LESSON THXT Acts 1 22-1 7. Memory
verges. 12. SI.
(lOI.DKX THXT -"Thoy continued
utoadfnstly In tin' upnstlrn' ilorttlim nnil
fcllowHtilp, nnd In InoaklUK of bti'iul ami
In pmyers." Acts 2:4.',
TIMH.-Prolmlily on Sim.lny. May 2$,
A. 1. SO, The muni day iih our lust Ich
hoii, mid tlio ilayH fnllowlnir.
1'IjACI'. Jerusalem. 1'oter tirenelied In
the vicinity of the upper loom, or In tlin
teiiiplo court. Then In the tetnplo court,
and In tho homo of the people.
PI.ACH IN HISTOIIY. The birth ot
tho Christian cluiicli.
Comment and Suggectlve Thought,
"With this pennon wo must com
paro St. I'oter's othor sermons to tho
.lewlsh people (Acts :i: 12-20) and to
the Gentiles (Acta 10::M-13)."
Peter's object was to provo that
Jobus or Nazareth was their prom
ised Messiah, whom they were expect
ing. Tho reasoning of I'clcr was con
clusive and unanswerable. Stated In
brief modem form It was as fol
lows: 1. What has taken placo In your
presence Is exactly what your proph
ets foretold would characterize the
Messianic times for which you aro
hoping. Turn to the prophet Joel,
nnd you will sec that both what
has been done to the disciples and
the things you aro Buffering under tho
Roman yoke are tho fulfillment of
Joel's picture of tho times.
2. Jesus of Nuzareth fufllllcd tho
prophecies concerning tho expected
Messiah deliverer, as many of you
have seen nnd experienced. God In
dorsed and npproved him "by mira
cles and wonders and signs."
S. Moreover, God reversed your
wicked work by raising him from tho
dead, according to your Scriptures. Ho
Is not dead, but living.
4. Wo nrc witnesses of tho fnct of
his resurrection.
C. Another proof thnt ho Is living
Is tho gift of tho Holy Spirit. "Ho
hath shed forth this which yo now
see and hear."
Peter's hearers wore convicted of
alii and Its danger. V. 37. "They wero
pricked in tholr hearts." Tho Greek
for pricked means "pricked with a
sharp point Intensely, deeply." "For
tho word of God Is living, and ncttvo,
and sharper than any two-edged
sword, and piercing even to tho divid
ing of soul and spirit . . . and quick
to discern tho thoughts and intents of
tho heart," for "all things nrc nnked
and laid open berore tho eyes of him
with whom we have to do." Heh.
"Tho sense of sin Is the plowshnro
that openB tho soil of tho heart for
tho leceptlon of every true grace of
Tho Second Duty. Hcllcvlng In
Jesus ns Master, Messiah, King, Sav
iour, nnd Guide u faith which trusts
tho whole life to his guidance and
control. This Is Implied In tho re
qulroment to bo baptized.
The third duty was to confess Christ
publicly, openly, by baptism; that they
henceforth aro his disciples for Hfo
and death. It was like taking an oath
of allegiance when one becomes a cit
izen of a country.
This picture of the early church Is
so attractive, so beautiful, so Ideal,
that somo commentators have folt
that It was Idealized by lato writers,
and wns not literally true. Hut ns a
matter of fact, It has boen repeated
over nnd over again for short spaces
of time. Our own eyes have seen It.
V.44. "All that believed . . . had all
things common." They wero mem
borB of one family and hold things In
common,Just as mombors of a family
do. Everything was for tho good of
nil. No one, "Bald that anything was
his own," but all was for tho uso of
ftionds and of whatever Christian had
Oriental Light. It. Talbot Kelly,
spenklng of tho Bedouin of tho desert,
onys: "Conducting mo to my tent, ho
ndded: 'This houso is yours, and all
It contains; do what you will with It,
and with us, your servants.'" Cen
tury, February, 1897, p. .150. All truo
Chrlstlun hospitality Is Ailed with tho
samo spirit.
This was necessary because so
many woro strangerB and, visitors. It
wns an emergency.
It wns not an Instnnco of what Is
now called communion. It was not a
now business enterprise, nor a now
sociological organization.
Individuals did not give up njl their
property to tho church.
It was ono expression of an eternal
prlnclplo," "that' all possessing goods
and Industries aro to bo consecrated
to God In the servlco of humanity is
a fundamental Christian principle
(Matt. 25:14-30; Luko 13:G-9), hut
neither oxperlenco nor Scrlpturo In
dicates that selling nil and dividing to
tho poor Is tho best mothod calculated
to servo humanity, or oven tho poor."
"Tho snerament of holy communion
hns always been recognized as tho
contral means and test of fellowship
with tho church." Rackam.
"Prayer znakos a porson a magazlno
of power."
Thero Is nothing magical In tho
communion servlco, but It Is a real
power, for which thoro Ib no substl
tuto. Tho greatest of all miracles wns tho
conversion of 3,000 In n day, and tho
change mado In theso inon.
God Is still working his marvels
through his faithful disciples. Tho
lulluenco of Christ's religion Is heal
ing moro sick, holplng moro poor, sav
ing more- Hfo, than ho hlmBoir had
tlmo to do on earth; uccordlng to his
own promlso la John U:12.
fn 'gg -0-
"Don't he nlarmcd, Miss Hash, this
mlcroscopo Is merely to onnblo mo to
sco whnt I'm eating!"
Tho following formula in a novor
falling remedy for colds:
Ono ounco of Compound Syrup of
Sarsaparllla, ono ounco Torls Com
pound and one-half pint of good
.whiskey, mix nnd shako thoroughly
each tlmo and use In doses of a tablo
Bpoonful every four hours.
Thla If followed up will euro an
ncuto cold in 24 hourB. Tho ingre
dients can bo gotten at any drug store.
Valuable Conch Shells.
Tho conch shell Is highly prized in
India. In many of tho temples thoy
are blown dally to scaro away tho ma
Hgnant spirits while tho god receives
IiIb dally meal. A conch with tho
splrnl twlstlngs to tho right Instead ot
to tho left In sunnosod to bo worth
Its weight In gold. Somo yenrs ago a
conch of that description was offered
for snlo In Calcutta, with a rcsorvo
prlco of a lakh of rupees placed on It.
It was ovcntunlly bought In for $20,000.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application, as llic- cannot reach tho ills,
ritx-il portion ot the car. 1 lierr l only ono way to
rurc (Icafm-if, and that I liy eotiMltutlonal remnlln.
IiraMcM H rauvil by an Inflvncil condition of tho
mucous llulnif ot tho KuKlachluti 'ililie. Miru thu
tube Li lnflinml jou li.ivo n niinullnK kouiuI or Im
perfect licirhK. uuil when It Li entirely cloocil, licit
rtcra It the rcxult, and muWm the Inilaranmtlon can ho
taken out and thU tubn rotond to IU normal condi
tion, hc.irliu will bo ilcfltrocd forcxer; nine c.ikcs
nut ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which 1.1 nothing
but an Inltamod condition ot the mutcnn gurlaciii.
We will i-lve Onn Hundred Dollar tpr any ran- of
DoafurM (rawv-d by catarrh) that cannot le cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular, free.
..J. CIIi:.S'i;V A CU., Toledo, O.
Bold by n ussWii, 7.V.
Ualo Hall's family l'llla for constipation.
Broadening His Purpose.
"Yes, the old millionaire left tho col
lege a hundred thousand to endow a
Greek chair."
"That's line."
"Well, the faculty thought It better
to broaden tho purposo of tho gift. In
stead of using the money for a slnglo
Greek chair they bought all tho sods
for tho uow stadium with It"
Rapid Transit.
Mrs. Blunder had just received a
telegram from Indln.
"What an admirable Invention tho
telegram Is!" alio exclaimed, "when
you come to consider that this mes
sago haa conic a dlstanco of thousands
of miles and the gum on tho cnvelopo
isn't dry yet." Tit-Hits.
Important to Mothore.
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA a Bafo and Btiro remedy for
Infants and children, and see that It
Bears tho tx r- -,1-
Signature otQMf
In Uso For Over ,'JO Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Tho total gifts for last year to tho
Christian Missionary alllanco nmount
to close to $250,000, tho largest in tho
history of tho organization.
Garfield Tea, the Herb Laxative, agree
nbly tdimulntcs the liver, corrects conttipa
tion and relieves clogged Widcm. Write for
samples. Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ono woman can bo awfully fond of
another If they arc a hundred mlloB
Lewis' SinRlo Binder cigar richest, most
MtisfyiiiK hinoko on tho market. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'eoria, 111.
A scnslblo mnn Ib ono who knows
when to let go before taking hold.
nr.KS cnm:i in o to 14 days.
PAZO OINT.MKNT Is (Jiiaranteed to cure anr cat
of ltchlnf, llllnd, Ilk-edlng or l'rot railing riles in
C to II days or money refunded. COo,
Know what thou canst work at and
do It Hko a Herculca. Carlvlo.
, Alton's I'oot-lCuse.n, rotrilor
FnrMrnlU-n.Hiveutlnirfcct. (llrpHlriMnntrellef. Tho powder for tbu loot. Uo ul all Druggists.
Bettor ono discreet enemy than two
Indiscreet frlonds.
When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ?
Here arc two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Red BnnlcN, Miss. "Words aro inndeqnato to oxprcss -what
IiYlluI3. IMnklmm's Vcgctublo Compound lint done for mo. I
suffered from a fcninlo disease, and weakness which tho doc
tors said was caused by a ilhrold tumor, ami I commenced to
think thero was no help for me. Tydia 12. 1 Ink ham's Vegetable
Compound mado mo a well woman after all other means had
failed. My friends nro all asklujr what has helped ino no much,
and I Rhidly recommend Ijydia 12. IMnklmm's Vegetable Com
pound." Mxs. Willio Kdwards.
Ifnmpstcad, Maryland." Beforo talcinp; TjydlaE. Plnldiam's
Vegetable Compound I was weak and nervous, and could not
ho on my feet half a day without suffering. Tho doctors told
mo I never would bo well without an operation, but Jjydin 12.
Pliikhum's Vegetable Compound hns done more for mo than all
tho doctors, and 1 hope this valuable medicine- may oomo into
tho hands of many moro suffering women." Mrs. Joseph 11.
We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will
prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful
or that cither of these women were paid in any way for
their testimonials, or that the letters arc published without
their permission, or that the original letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited.
What more proof can any one ask ?
For 30 years Lydia E. Plnlclinm's Vcfrotnblo
Compound hns been the standard remedy for
female Ills. No sick woman docs justico to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Mado exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
ta Mrs. Pinlcliam invites all sick women
WW to writo her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health frco of charge.
Address Mrs. Piukham, Lynn, Mass
All shoes are made in much
the same way.
Here's the difference
Stylish White House Shoes, fit.
Not the ordinary bindinz fit. Net
the fit that takes three .weeks to
break in. But the graceful fit that
feels snug the first time. And stays
mug and gracetul all tunes.
roit MEN S3.50, 84 00, 80.00 and 80.00 FOK WOMEN 83.00, 84.00 and 8B.0O
Upon rocnlpt of lo to covrr portngo. wo will mull to thnno Bonding a ccrtlflocU) proporlr
6Ikth'(I tiro hhooilcnlrr, hhowliiirthu lnirrhnwi otaiiolriif "Whlto llouno snoon.acomplotoa
ulfuurTolumvaiittbu "hiiitk UovtUtilisTiMir." urwlllkcnd lorS&cwlUiuutccrtlUcttU).
THE BROWN SHOE CO. Stf HA. St. Louis. Mo.
A Mav.rlnc thnt Is tued the samo as lemon or
vanilla, lly dlstolvlnif granulated mear in wa
ter and adding Maplelne, a doticJout syrup Is
made nnd a syrup better than maple. Maplelno
Is sold by troceri. bond 30 stamp for sampla
and recipo book. Crescent Mia. Co., Seattle.
Positively cured by
theso Lllde Pills.
bsm I 'uiey niso relievo dm
H 1TTLE ItrcHHfrom DyHpcpHln.In-
TTsi S1JW I dilution niulTooHeimy
H llf E.K E"(I"- A perfect rem-
I B0 IP1 tae D'"nw,"i Nnu
9M rILlaV -" DrowBlncHH, 11 (id
HJB I tto In tho Mouth, Coat-
HHHBH 1 ToniTiio, Pain In tho
They regulato tho Uowcla. Purely Vegetable
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
' ' IfKBHisssssssssissssssslKI
"3 Stroke Self Feed Hay Press"
Two men can run
It. lleeord, S tons
In one hour. Euht
'draft. HATlflFAC
TI515D. Ask (o
catalog No. 70.
1531 W. IStU Ktreot, Kanuab Citt, Mo.
T 1 of this paper de-
wwww enythina adver-
tued in its columns ihoukl irurfl upon
having what they ask lor. refuting all
subiututes ot imitations.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 3, 1909.
U, a, l'at. ociea
Ask for the
Baker's Cocoa
bearing this trade
mark. Don't be
misled by imitations
The genuine sold everywhere
Color moro aocdibrtoliter and f.uler colors than any other dp. One 10b oackaoo r-ator all fibers. Tho; die In cold water better than any other die. You can
oojsumenf without ripplrtflBtwt. WfiU lor truo OwLUt-How to De, Oleosa swmb Colors. MOUIiOE URUO CO.. Qulnoy, llltnelm.
1 1
' i
L l
L 1