The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1908, Image 4

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Red Cloud - Nebraska.
Inferwl In tlio PoKtonicu l tlwl Cloud. V
no Hct olid Clous Mnltnr
Hi I'liUft
J. A. MnAnlillr
Oickt Iiiirrmicli'
.Al Slain
. . .lolui Ulnn'l
County Officers
Clcik Wstrh l Court - nto. IIiiidilMin
JlKlL'P...... .l. V. IMdUII
Clerk ,....-. . ... ... .. I!. W. Hos
bhcrlir. . . ..
BiipC Public IiimuiciIoii
Coronor.. .. . ..
-1.. II. UlnckicilKt
(). I) ill-lift.
II (' Spun
. . Ntlllu (Vnir
. .. Dr. f, t Hull
(K-o. UVcrliiK
-Jim. (I OU'fiiinn
1'. J. Clirfl'IIn
Win AiiUdih '
(Ion. V IllllfllllOl
Id iinlcHOunMu(c
W ft U'rulun
With this Issuo the urintiKOiiiunt of
lilij jHpor elwuigos. It will bo my aim
o furnish a good clonn pripor, HiilUt le
for your homoi, with nil the mow of
the county and ielnlly, and iopoeU
fully solicit your patvomigo. TiiiiCiui'r
will Soon bo very much Improved, hav
ing mado arrangements for several 1m
portnut. cliatigeH. In polities It will
bo strictly demoeratlo C. 11. IIai.)..
Whllo Washington Is crowded with
important conventions Including an
organization called "Congress" and
whllo both tho President and tho President-clod
nrc in tho city maUtng
hpecches mid while tlio air is Mirohar
gcd with tho d scuhIou of polleleh of
gioat import to tlio future of-tho nutl
on.tho greatest niflloiilty Is not to ilnd
boniethlug to wi.ito about. but to know
what, to fculcet,
Uoth U)o Pioaldcut and Mr. Tuft,
woro at theincollng of tho Consoivn
tlon Congress at the llolasco 'I healri!,
whiiro only those who hold tickets of
invitation woro admitted. Mr. Taft
president and was introduced as the
. President-elect Ho denied thnt he
-was F'rcsddent-elect or had any olllcinl
position. Doing a strict eonstruct
lonlsts nml a lawyer, he knows that
tho formality of a vole by tho Ilopub
llenn electors Is neeessiry before ho
can bo called tho I'luildont-eleot
President ItoosOylf.iitsclumiiig prop
hecy, said that fijAvnuld vimtliroto
Hay who would ho President-elect and
referred to himself as the setting sun.
Tho Presldonfs menage to Congress
Is looked upon In Iho light oT u vale
dictory,! hough it would be u uish man
who would say that this Is the las't
appearand) of Prrsldont Kooseioltin
tho way of a menage. It Is quite
probable that he will send Congress
two or three more valedictories before
tho fourth of March. Members of
Congress, It Is said, are much stirred
up over this valedictory In which the
President was not eulogistic, ur as they
think, ovon lespeclful to tho legis
lative Ibranch. The message is the
HI. - V ' C. II. 1IALK
lH V ' - '" '.-, r-
U5 Tromilfcr XT!Z. . .."ft I.OlliilIrr
fWc Tf CouiicilmeJi, UtwnnJ . . IM Atunuk
fcfflR if . . Kd I'nMtilifr
jRIl ' -H Coinidlnioii Sml Mini,..- .
s .. ....
Ida , Bnpt. I.Ik1iIiii1 Wntoi .......
? i Mfirlml, tny ................. . .
fti Mawlinl, iitnht... ...- v
till ...ii.iw
v Senator Burkctrs Toast to Nebraska.
ion able mo to roply to tho inquiry "Why ono.'should bo proud of Xebtus
ka" and do It In two hundiod words. At. best it can bo but nil index. ltut
among the reasons that oeciir to ma for being proud of Nebraska arc: Hocause
or her fair niimo at homo aud abroad Upob her este itchoon thoro is no sttlu
of Injustlco to man of disloyalty to government, llocanso of her boundless re
Bourses and her matchless possibilities, her pure air and bright sunshine: the
development of her primitive legacy of the ages into tlio proud possessions of
tho present within a single generation llecause of tho strong men aud
women who have made her splendid history and those who people her now
because af her gioat soldiers and aUUcns, her scholars and statosuien. lie
cnuso of hor chools and churches, monuments to tho past ar.d great moral up
lifts for tho rutur. tho sign of her purity and intellect. Heeauso of her
homos, and tho equal opportunities and gicalnsv to all. There are no vulgar
rich and no distressingly poor-no mighty aristrocrtcy and no humble pobliau-ism-no.
loid aud no serf. Her population is u. sturdy oUss from ovary state In
tho union and every country in tho world, who have brought with them the
ideas and thobiiilust ideals from wIibhra thov nnm.v Timv ir.. ,.i . n.,.i ..i
together coii8iatUe hid) strontr, active
of rlfflit hihI tnstliMt i.lnii iiif.iina r.-.i i ,'t
-- --0... ...... . ,. ... ...- .., ., ,..(ii
'. . . ' ' ' ' ' i
To fill your wants in whnt 'ever you may want in
the grocery line.
We are gelling a nice New line of Evaporated
Fruits, this years crop. They arc fine, the flavor
rich, just opened a keg of Heinz Celebrated sweet '
pickles, "Ask to try em" We are also head quarters , .
for Snyders Pork and Beans. Snyders catiup ect."
And Kalger's Golden gate Coffee, Teas and
Extracts cct.
Our Bast Brand of Canod
Bell Phono .
,P(k jinnmr
Aif'V'l'W'W'W'W'VV'W'W 'WW'W'w'W, Av'WAa1
nt M rcnmrluiltlo of tlie many tlmt tlio
I'l clilciit litis mmiI to (Joiitfrvv mid
t'io paragraph which 1 will venture to
quote, 1h mire to ho very widely din
uussod nnrl will probably he the IuisIh
of iinpo-tnnt legislation ilurhlK the
months or years tlmt the IVcMilent Ih
In I lie AntlpodtH and the rxoeutlvo
ofllco N In the builds o( tho iium
cIjosimi to carry out, ns far its n 1'ith
IiIimiI mny, tho Uoosi'voltliii prorftin.
The dniiKor'to AmcileuiT (bmioCrucy.
lien not 111 tlio leiiht In the cnncoiilin
lion of nduiliitsttiitive power In Iho
ruspnntlblo imtl iiccountabtu Imndx.
Ft lies In lirXvhiK hc pOwQr lustifllcl
cleiitly uotieentrnted so Unit no one
can bo hold rdsponalblo to tho people
for its uso. ' Concentrated nowor. Is.
palpable, visible. ioponslble, eislly
icachcd, quickly held to account.
Power scattered throuuh many admin
istrators ninny legislators, many men
who work behind and through legis
lator and administrators In Impal
pable, Is uiiMicti, Is in (.'sponsible, can
not lid reached, cannot bo hold to
aeeonnt. Douiooraoy is in peril whor
Oyer tho admintst ration of political
power Is sciitteiod among a arloty of
men who oi kin n-cret, whose very
I names mo unknown to the common
people. It Is not in peril from any
man vlo doilvou ithority from tho
people, who cxorciC9 it in sight of
the pooplo, and who is from tlino to
time eompellod to giro nn" account of
It cxc-iclm to the people.
1 licit) has been iiiucTT serlods talk
over tho allegod Iriocjmcllablo diir
oronci) between Spaakor C union' tlio
sardonic ruler of the House of Hon-
rostMitiitivc, and Judge Tart, tho Prcb
Idont to be, on tho subject of the
taritr which, although It will not onio
ui) fonually until the nnDclal session
hi called, Is nevertheless, n subject of
very sot Ions consideration. Aud woll
it may be, for tho revenues of tho
nation are falling oil at tho rate of
eleven millions of dollars a month
and tho end of the iheal 3-e'tr Is e.
peeled to Miow a deficiency of at least
a hundred million of dollars. Iiitorml
Revenue, which has been largely
derived ftom taxes on spiritons
liquors, has notably and even nslou
ishiucly deci eased In the last year)
owing, It Is said, to J ho tomperunco
wave which is swooping t'.io countrys
"Tls tine! tls glorious' and gloiious
tls! tisl true! And tho cjuntry might
well a (lord to lose a hundred million
of dollars a month, In such a cause. A
small tax on bank checks' nritches,
hlgh-hcelod shoos and merry widow
hats, will easily recoup the Govern
uioul for ii ly ta- It imy loio through
it smaller consuptlon of whiskey ltut
to rqturu to tho titrllV (lilfeicucu be
tween Speaker Cannon and Mr. Taft.
Otio teiison for tlio falllug olf of the
revoiiues is the unsettled condition
of the, tariff. Iinportersaro hesitating
to bting goods Into this country until
tho tariir on importations is settled
and Iho Ooernniet)t Is losing agreat
deal front decreased customs. There
is a report this morning that JSpeakcr
Cannon and Mr. Taft have had an in
terview that lasted no'irly two hours,
at the resideneo of .Miss Mabel Hoard
man, whole Mr. and Ilr.s. Taft are
guests during their stay itiAVashiiigtoii.
The tariff was the subject discussed
and it is said that a mutually .satis
factory tinderstiin ding was established
between I hem. Mbs IJoHidman, it
and alert for tlioso eternal principles
.......... ,,.i .....w
jiri iv-hi'iu MUllHll.
goods. Call tor Tho Wit I to
Rural Phono 6a
will be remembered I tin lady who
nccouipiinitfd the Taris two ycu-s ago
on their trip to the Philippines mid to'
China, at tho s imo time tint th ) Pres
ident's daughter (mow Mis. Lungwort Ii)
in ule tho tour of the. world.
Shcely is rnported worse this
Tho M. K. onielnl boatd met at tho
parsotutgo Monday ovening.
Mrs. H. B. Iteed was otllod to tnvn
to attend tho funoral Of hot father.
Mrs. .lulia Wells, mother of Mra.Wni.
Hall has been ill with pneumonia.
Claronro Taylor is assisting at the
Pace Drug Store during the holiday
Aloiv I'alty and family have moved
to tto McCall property near tho imple
ment ouildiug.
Saturday Prank ArrntiU, had u-lug
broken We did not hear how tho
accident oec.iiriod.
Mrs Chas Hly is visiting her son 8.
H Ely and wife at Ueytiolds aud look
ing after her now grandson
Omar Cro,ull'n littlo sou Is 111 with
pneumonia, an older boy has just re
coveted ftom the sanio disease.
Itobort Ourtison was in Omaha last
week buying goods for his implement
stoic which ho will open in Jauuury.
Mrs. D. II. Crow received word that
her daughter Mrs. John Nelson, llvitnr
near Hod Cloud'Ml Saturday breukinir
her arm.
Mr. and.MiH. S. K. Ely of Reynolds
ilotliied friends hoi o that a son had
artived at thol home Monday Dec. 11
Friday lrvlno Woodward jumped
from it wagon which scented about to
upset striking the frozen ground and
shattering tho bones of one imklo. Ho
Buffered greatly.
Doe and i haiicy Sawyer stopped oir
to visit tholr uncle Win S.iwyor last
we'd;, They were ou tholr way front
Okliihoma to their home in Ctvyeuuo
Co. Kansas.
M. W. A Lodge elected its olllcers as
follows: W. V.. Tompltlns.V.C;Wui.Hiiv
dlekJW.Aj Frank Nownieyi'rCleik;.John
SchulU ,Tr Hanker; John C. Delay
Sontrj; Andrew Xorval Watchman.
Mis Crowell of fudinuiii is liore visit
ing lier three bons.
The Hoynl Neighbors Lodgo Vicloiy
Ciimp No. i 100, held Its election of
olllcers Fiiday evening, they are;
Past "Oracle Mim. Cora Coplen ,
Oracle Mrs. Ruth Olmstode, Vice
Oracle Mrs. Ida Delay, Clancollor Mrs.
Bertha Bennett , Recorder Mrs L 'v
Vaiice.Recoiver Mrs. IJrehui, Mirsh ill
Miss Austio Stalford, Seutinol
MatlO Soli ul tz, Watch Miss Chra Suy
der Manager Mrs. Nolllo Coplen.
Mrs. Win Sawyer received word Sat
tiiMay evening of the death that morn
ing or her biothtr in-law J. A. Rut
ledge at his homo lu Noitli Branch
Michigan. No particular have yet
beep leeeived. Mr Rittledgo was u
blacl.snilth hoie for many years und
hud n host of friends hoto. Ho
muriied Miss Florence Pierce, sister of
Mrs. Win. Sawyer, they moved away
from (itiido Rock seventeen years ago
Monday was the birthday or Miss
Austio Station!, CJuido Rock's popular
phono central. During the day the
Royal Neighbors, of which order site
Is a valued member, gave her a post
caid showois, 117 cards being received.
In the evening the order had a surprlso
party for her at tho bonus -of hor
unele.C. M.Sinlth, games woro played
aud nuts and fruit sorvod; all Juuba
pleasant time and departed wishing
Miss Austio many happy returns of
tho day. As sho Is lar from homo and
old .time friends sho greatly appro..
Ctatod the kindly tho.ightfiilion of
the Royal Neighbors
Heal Estate Transfers.
Transfers repot ted by tho" Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, Dec. 1C, WOS. '
Solomon Ihchwith toAllou A
Cooper, o2 nw .'W, 3, 12, wit. .' 9 3Q0O
S Pheltm to HeMrv C I2,blkl7,llladcn,wd
Ciiiido Rock Cemeteiy Ass'n to
Sodlrs Relief Coui.,ptne so,
3. 1,0, d ,
.las W Moody to Denu Rose, 1.
11, G, blk 1, Tylors sub div
Blue Hill wd
Isaac AV Bowling to Mry A
Sanderson, Its j, In, blk 8,
Knley & Jackson add RCwd
Mary A Sanderson to Walter
Buitiluisou. Us 0. 10. hllr fi.
. " -' -....-,
Kaloy it .Taoksons add R C, wd
Jphu NIIuvol to John Griffith,
so, a. 1, 11, wd
Kva S Tounnnt to AUco A Ten
Hunt, Its 7 to 10, blk 8, r r ml j
to It C,wd
Elmer V OveruiHii to Victor 1!
Fulton, guardian to pt
sU biv 3.'., ',', 11. i2 swi, 2", 1.
12. u'iso, 21, l. 12, lt 19, m,
iiO.btJ 81, blk 11,110
Victor B. Pulton to Willis P
. Pulton, pt Bswt 8r,2, 11, no
swlSS. l. Vi, n','8o20,l,li.' Us
18, 10,2u,k2 21,blkll.UCivd
S V Rdwards to Chas 1) I.owia
'1 . " V, IV V..IC(l...
Ilerbeit i: .stcdiuiiii to Clms
Mohawks, e2 nw 1, 1, 0, wd.
1U1,!!, :t, hlk 0, RC.qed..
S21303 00
Mortgages tiled. ibSOO.CO
Mortgages released 83500.00
I ' I T
I EfJ Wt ATI. TM EO Wt. A W T s-ki . jO", '" , Tk I
HL-H m mrh mm rx i va m. vgai f-j im. mt c? -re '"
i ,
You can Pd
line is full and we
large assortment. ,
I MIBt- In
iEFORE buying
l JF
watcli vou should
learn about the HOW
ARD the one Ameri
can watch that 1m real finish ;.. ., '
adjustment rrnl jivtnn:. '
Tlio Howard is the fir'
prettied time-piece in the wo
for daily poekct use. ' '
Newcx:r thin model Jjoward
iz the iirst American thin-model
we cznwmtfe M a timc-hceper.
- Every iiaWARD is adjusted in
tv its cast, and P'ics-rieferred at the
factor)' ., j;.i-0 to i')i3c.uo. ?ri
is tr--r c -.
W -- t v..tx!:er Ui tills diitiukt.o
Pen"! Forget
Sal ED
An improvement over many Coucli, Lunii and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the
system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels'. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PJNEUI.E MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO. U.S.A.
Don't Pass This Up
Come in and look over our line of Dry Goods, Notions,
Laces, Embrideries,. Combs, Gloves and Knit Goods, -
" before buying elsewhere.
ii.... :
v r
v..T:A i
" ' 66-inch guaranteed all
i , -.
Irr collars we have the' high Diaectorie
styles from 25c to 50c, also a large line of
lace and silk collars from 25c to $2.50.
Bear Skin Coats
Infants Bear Skin Coats all sizes and col
ors from $2.25 to $3.00 each.
Bear Skin Hoods from 35c o 1.25 .
At P.
something for everybody at our store. -.Eery
invite you eavly so as to ge: t'i,s. bsae&t of a
v ' " . , !
We lespecially call your" attention
to our line of watches. We catri , .
certainly fill your wants in this "
Our line assortment of solid gold
and gold filled jewelry vvill ap
peal to you.
Our III Watch
U and S2
t-lk t : r nrii : -
JTIOW IS yOUr 1 clUlC Jj111CH 1UI 1 llcllltvCVlllg.
Before buying come and Look at our line.
60-inch Tabic Cloth, all white, open work border at 45c. r
linen Table Linen; open work border,
Napkins $.3.1)1) per doz., table Lloth
r . .IIMIW .IM "! Wl .. . .....IM...
1. I 1
-, M
and Jewelry
with Napkins to match,
3c. .,
i , L
) "-r - a . ,
Children's Sweaters'
Infants all wool sweaters at 60c.
Children's all wool sweaters, edged, with
contrasting colors at 75c.
' Yarns
AH kinds and colors from t 5c ' to 30c a
,r t . A.
f ;
yVfc'W1. ,t k i iV
' ''