" UNViVWnJll ' '''flW -4- MP 'jft 7 TO CURE A COUCH Or Break a Cold in 24 Hours Mix two ounces of Glycerine and a half ounco of Virgin Oil of Pino com pound pure with a half pint of Straight "WhUky. Shako woll and take a tea spoonful every four hours. Tho Kenulno Virgin Oil of Pino com pound puro ia prepared only by Tho Loach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Is put up only In half-ounco vials, each vial Becuroly sealed In a round wooden caso to insuro its freshness and purity. Notified of Mail Delivery. For ubo on rural dollvcry routes a letter box lias an olcctrlc attachment which gives tho alarm in tho houso some distance away when mall matter has been deposited within by the car rier. SICK HEADACHE ICARTFF Positively cured by these Little Pills. Issjbb They dIbo relievo Din- HHTIF trosHfromDyiipcpsla.In- Hi " 'IlKcstlonnnilToolIearty I IVLK Ealing. A perfect rem- qui A edy for Dizziness, Nnu- 9 sTlLLO. Ren, Drowsiness, Dad JslB Taatc In the Mouth, Coat- BBJBBBB ed Tongue, Pain In tho !SZSS Islde, TOItPID LIVEK. They regulate tho Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre have been grown on farm lands in WESTERN CANADA Much less would be satisfactory. The gen eral average it above twenty bushels. "All a re loud In their prnlses of the great crop, and that won derful country." Ht- tfcf from correspondence Ntltorutl EdllotUi Association of August, 190!. It it now possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres free and another 1 60 acres at $3.00 per acre. Hundreds have paid the cost of their farms (if purchased) and then had a balance of from $10.00 to $ I ZOO per acre from one crop. Wheat, barley, oats, flax all do well. Mixed farming is a great success and dairying is highly profitable. Excel lent climate, splendid schools and churches, Mil ways bring most every district within easy reach of market Railway and land companies have lands for sale at low prices and on easy terms. "Last Best West" pamphlet a and maps sent free. For these and information as to how to secure lowe.t .railway rate, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorized Canadian Govern ment Agent: W.V.BEHHETT. Ml Hew lark LB BulUlaf. Osaka. Ntsraifts. BACKACHE, Sldeacbe, Headache and a Worn-out Feeling May all come from Constipation. Lane's Family Medicine called also Lane's Tea) is a herb Tonic-Laxative and will cure constipation and the ills that come from. it. It is a great blood medicine and one of the best for all stomach, kidney and bowel complaints. All drugfjists, 25 and SO cts. f W. Z Douirlo makes and foil more men's ?3.0O nnd B3.BO slioea than any other manufacturer in tho world, bo cause they hold tholr shape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make Shots itAII Wees, for EvsrvlUmbir of ths Family, Mm, Doys.Xomsn, HImiia Chudran WX-CijlM ((.00 4 SS.OO OUtMi EkMSsaasdl t auall! if uy prlM. W. L. Dtiflu S1.I0 ul 1.0 sfcws us th Ut U tht wVrtd Tart Color JCuolttt Vmt JRnefiutmlir. aar-'S'uke Sa Nubstltute. W. b. Dougln ruima unit pilra t stamped on bottom, ttold eTtrywhera. fciioes nulled from tactonr to my r.rt 'el ih world. dualosoafre. """" W.UD0UQU3. 157 Start SI.. Bracitea. Mats. Stop Coughing! Nothing brats down ths betlth so quickly and poailirely is a penuicat cough. If you have a couth rfre it attention now. You can relieve b qoicUy with PISO'S CURE. Famous for half a century as the reliable remedy for coucKi, colli, hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma and lindml ailments. Fin. for children. At ail drug gists', 23 eta. CARTERS VlTTLE YlVER ltfSsXfpiSJ tfUJIRlg THE STATE CAPITAL MATTERS OF INTEREST TO ALL CITIZENS. STATES'S DEBTS NEARTHE END Auditor Searle Estimates that It Will Bo Paid In Full by July 1st 1009. Receipts of the Blennlum. Tho estimated receltB for tho bl ennlum made by State Auditor Scarl, Including receipts of tho temporary school fund, amount to G,CG4,39.1.18, and tho expenditures estimated for tho blennlum amount to $6,499,987 05, leaving a surplus of 1154,405.23. Tho rocoipts aro ostlmatcd on a collection of 95 per cent of tho general fund levy and on other fundB actual collec tions. According to Mr. Searle tho floating debt of the state will bo wiped out by July 1, 1909. At tho close of the laBt blennlum, November 30, 1900, tho floating lntor- est-boarlng debt of the state amount cd to fl,91G,G71.31. At tho close of the biounlum ending November 30, 1908, tho same amountod to $708,478. 72, showing a decrease of $1,148,192.59 for the period. Tho special levy pro vided by the Sheldon bill has retired fG3G.123.95 of the dobt, and the bal ance of tho decrense, or $512,008.04, aroso from Increased va'uations and now property listed. This has beon brought about by the operation of tho now revenue law.. A large majority of to county treasurers report that under tho present Bystcm over 99 per cent of the tax !vJe.d Is collected. The total Income of the general fund for tho fiscal period commencing April 1, 1909, and ending March 31, 1911, Is $4,389,928.04. This estimate is basod on 95 per cent of the prob able levies of 1910 and 1909 assum ing that the assessments and levies for these years will not differ mated al'y from tho total assessments and levies for the year 1908. This estimate, bolng based so nearly on a 100 per cent basis, necessitates no cBtlmato on that basis. Tho reports heretofore have been based on 85 per cent In stead of 95 per cent, but we have done nway with that basis owing to the pro visions mndo under the new revonuc law for tho collection of the total amount levied,- although 85 per cent was a good averago under tho old law. DR. SAMUEL AVERY Acting Chancellor of the State University to Fill the Place of Chancellor Andrews, Resigned. Yards Switch Rates Higher. The application of tho South Omaha Stock Yards company to Increase its switching charge has In practically ovory Instance been granted by tho Stato Railway commission. The rail roads wero ordered to fllo their schedules absorbing .the shipping charges. Tho order makes tho follow ing rates: First Live stock recelvod from or delivered to a connecting Hue, 75 cents per car. Socond All commodities delivered to connecting linos, 32 per. car, excopt Ing cinders, rubbish und cars loaded for Omaha proper, on which switching will bo charged $1 per car. Third All commodities received from connecting lines for Industries located on tracks of Union Stock Yards company, $2 per car. Fourth All commodities switched from tho transfer track of ono rail road direct to transfer track of anoth er, $2 por car, Biich cars when empty to bo roturned free. Fifth All empty cars switched from tho transfer track of ono rail road direct to the tranBfor track of an other, ?1 per car. Sixth Whon llrms requlro switch ing of cars from one part of their yard to another or front tho tracks of ono firm to those of nuothcr, tho charge will be $2 per loaded and $1 per om'pty car. Elevate Price of Bonds. Stato house ofllclals who were or tunato enough to socuro anothor term of pfllco aro objecting strenuously to tho increaso In cost of bonds that thoy will havo to put up. Since two yenrs ago tho prlco asked by bonding companies for surety for stato ofllclals has been Increased more than 100 per cent. Three' bids woro received from bonding cumpaulos by ono Btnto official, which bids did not vary in prlco. Ono of tho agents frankly stated that tho companies had got to gether and would stop cutting rices. uSSBBT TBSSsP .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaw' LbbbbbbbbbT "ixJ& IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI RED CR08S CHRISTMAS STAMP. The Nebraska Association for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis Has Them For Sale at Small Cost. In 1904, In Denmark, the government Issued a Christmas Stamp, with tho King's head and tho word "Jul" tho samo tut our "Yule" on It. It was not good for postage, only as a 'ntlcker'i for Christmas lotters, post-cards ant jmckngos. The proceeds from It word to go toward building a tuberculosis hospital for little children. It succeed ed beyond all expectation, four million being Bold at an ooro, or half-a-cent apleco. Denmark has continued It since to maintain tuberculosis work) und the sale In tho untlve land of, Hans Christian Anderson hns doubled each year. Why the Red Cross Issued the Stamp. America needs such a stamp, but her poBtofllco ofUcllaB cannot Issuq or hundlo It undor the present postal Iuwb; and a special act of Congress would be necessary. Jacob HcIb, him. self a Dane, wrote an eloquent article, published In the Outlook of July G, 1907, urging government action In tho mntter, but thcro wero too many dif ficulties In the way. It seemed hope less to try, but at this juncturo tho Kcd Cross, which oxlsts for Just such emergencies, took It up. Where the Christmas Stamp 8tarted. This was tho little Btnto of Dela ware vory small, very conservative, not given to nnthuslabniB, nnd having only a few shacks In a woodland meadow near Wilmington as a tuber culosis hospital. Tho Stato as a whole was Ignorant and uninterested on the subject, yet tho stamp, printed and put on tho market only eighteen days before Christmas, amazed every one by its sensational record. Fifty thousand "had been printed to sell nt ono conl apleco. They went In a wcok, and then the stamp got Into Philadel phia, whoro tho Pennsylvania Hod Cross welcomed It and backed It, and tho North American gave It splendid aid. Tho Delaware schools sold it, tho Women's Clubs in Delawaro took It up, tho newspapers gavo columns to Ir, tho department storcB, banks, drug stores and liotols sold It. It was sold In tho corridors of tho Wilmington Federal Building, by permission from the government, though not tho post office Itself. Tho presses In tho laBt few days lioforo Christmas ran night and day to supply tho demand. Peo ple used tho stamps on packages and letters and business firms on their correspondence. Nearly four hun dred thousand wore sold, and nearly three thousand dollars cleared from this small unobtrusive penny stamp. The Nebraska Association for the Stud and Proventlon of Tuberculosis hns these stamps on sale at one cent aploco, sold in any quantity, nnd will bo glad to fill any orders. If every ono of Nebraflka's ono million inhabit ants bought ono stamp tho promise could almost bo made with certainty that tuberculosis would not exist in this state ten years from date. In overy dime's worth of stamps nlno cents goes toward tuberculosis pre vention in tho state where tho stamp a arc sold. Lot overy one help If only to buy ono stamp, for Christmns's sake, for humanity's sake, for broth erhood's sake. Address tho secretary, K. R. J. Rdholm, 408 City Hnll, Omaha. Bank Guarantee Enactment. Governor-elect Shallonbergcr plans to draft a bill or havo dratted a bill, to guarantee bank deposits, which will not bo objectlonalo to the depart ment of banking at Washington, there by permitting the operation under tho law of the ''national banks. Tho law which it is planned to enact. will pro vldo 'for a limited assessment upon each bank that Is when tho assess ment is levied for a year that will be the limit of the amount any bank will havo to pay In that year. Tho law will empower tho governor to appoint a board composed probably of bankers or others who aro fitted for the work to superintend tho work ing or enforcement of tho law. This uoard probably will consist of threo members who shall servo with out pay, receiving only their expenses like the regentB of tho Stato univer sity, Tho governor-elect would per mit tho banks to havo a say or at least recommend some ot the bank, oxamlners, for ho bolloves as each bonk will be responsible in caso of a failure tho banks should havo some thing to say In the mattor of getting competent oxamlners. Kearney Normal's Estimate. President A. O. Thomas of tho Koarnoy Normal sohool estimates tho needed appropriation for that Institu tion for tho coming blennlum at $219, 000, Ho divides his sum as follows: Maintenance, $19,300; general repairs, $6,000; travoling expenses, 800; sal ary of engineers janitors, otc, $1,000; salaries of principal and teachers, $0,000; now wing nnd equipment, $50, 000; chnpcl and gymnasium nnd equip ment $50,000. Finances for the Schools. At a m'cotlug of tho members of tho Uoard ot Education, tho matter of financqs for tho schools was undor dis cussion. After a tulk by Stato Treas urer Brian on tho matter ot school tax, tho regonts finally agreed to nsk the next legislature for tho usual 1 mill lovy, but specify that whon OH por cont of tho tax levied should bo collected that would bo tho limit ot tho appropriation. The regents, figur ing on past oxporionco, cstlmuto that 0G por cont ot tho tax Is collected In tho state. POSER. Mrs. Whim You needn't Bay woman has no mechanical genius. I can do anything on earth with only a hair pin. Mr. Whim Woll, shnrpon this load pencil with It. Only One Reason. "Papa, George wants to break our engagement." "What reason does ho advanco?" "Ho says ho has lots of roasons, but ho montlons only ono." "And what'B that?" "Ho anyB ho has scon somebody ho loves much better than he lovca mo." "And that's tho only reason ho gives?" "Yes." "Don't bother him about tho oth er." Sneer wnlto goods, in fact, any fin wash goods when now, owo much of tholr attractiveness to tho way thy aro laundered, this bolng dono In manner to onhanco their textllo beau ty. Homo laundering would bo equal ly satisfactory If propor attention was glvon to starching, tho first essential being good Starch, wh'lch has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Deflanco Starch and you will bo pleasantly surprised at the Improved appearanco of your work. Hoodooed. A poor devil asked for alms. Ths Inqulsltlvo man questioned him. After a few Interrogations ho said to his companions: "Boys, don't glvo him a 'cent; ho's a fraud." The beggar re plied: "Gents, I am under a hoodoo. I'm an unlucky man. I do bollovo If I were to seize time by tho forelock It would como right out nnd leavo mo as baro as a barber's polo." Then thoy all chipped In. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to lean that there la at least one dreaded disease that srttnc has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure U the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh (.lira Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system, thereby destroying ths foundation ot tbe dines?, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing Datura In doing Its work. The proprietors hava so much faith in Its curative powers that they oiler One Hundred Dollars tor any rase that it taUs to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address F. J. CUKNEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Druggists. 7Ce. Take Hall's Family l'llls lor constipation. Apparatus to Empty Canal Boats. Following in some wayB tho general lines ot the car dumpers in use on tho Great Lakes, an apparatus Is to bo built in Philadelphia tor tho Lehigh Navigation Company which will take hold of a canal boat, olovata It 60 feet In tho air, and empty Its contents cither on tho wharf for conveyance to a storago pile, or Into the hold of an other vessel. Starch, Hko everything else, Is be ing constantly improved, tho patent Starches put on tho market 25 years ago are very different and inferior to those of tho present day. In tho lat est dlscovory Deflanco Starch all In jurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo tho addition of another lngredlint, in vented by us, gives to tho Starch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. The Symmetrical Figure. Speaking of that rare gift, sym metry of person, it 1b more dcsirablo thr.u boauty of feature, because It out lasts youth. Tho symmetrical figure is perfectly proportioned and articu lated anatomy, and nothing is moro rare. Bo thankful; fair ones, when you bavo "points" which causo us to to overlook any little discrepancy In form. Exchange. You may have observed that the man who boasts that ho can drink or lot it alone usually drinks. I'H.KS CURED IN O TO 14 DATS. PA7.0 OINTMKNT Is guaranteed to euro any cane nt Itching, llllnd, Dlemllng or I'rmrndlng l'lles In 0 to II days or money rofundod. Wc. Good harvests mako men prodigal, "but bad ones provident. W, Ponn. Mm. Wlnslotv'a fioothlnir rlyrnn. For children teething, soften, ths gums, reduces In flammaUon, allays puln, cures wlnitcollu. S3o a bottle. Sometimes a woman Is known by tho company sho avoids. It Curst Wlillo You Walk Allen sFoot-Ka so forrorninnil bunions, hot, sweaty culliiusiu-hlnB fwt. S4o all Druggists. Tho proportion ot lott-handod people Is ono in six. in Guaral: MaKe Your Medicine ntbotne. Havmonor. Htnmp tolls lioir, VAHUICf. Mci'ADDKN.WJ Woodward Aro., AUiwitii, Uu GAXETOBITXA. nUUDATED TATTDa, f.i orf , (fait, attslfa, ssd itrilao 10 to SO ana trscts. Ij.uU WUU4. rul Bsatlw. SM tlu St.. Kaa rnU. CU. A GOSOSOJQ P Cruel, Cruel. Tho conductor on tho Btirfnco car wob busily engaged In looking for I something on tho floor under tho grnt- j Ing of wood. A woman Bnt by, gazing Intontly nt him. lly nnd by ho looked I un nt her. ' "Did you drop this quartor, madam?" ho asked. "Yes," sho said quickly. Ho handed It to her anil walked away and tho watching pussongers tried not to laugh. It was a pleco of tin. In accord with tho eternal fltnoss of thlngB, pcoplo who keop harping on dlaagrooublo things should bo strung up. EEElJMa up to a t!iS ALCOHOL-3 PEW CENT AVegclaWe Preparation for As the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digcfelion,Chccrful ncss and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral Not "Narcotic Bitipt tfOtHDrSAMVEimtXER Ml fj r i :t xs AxSrnnm Jnin SttJ hvrrmM HprmSftd Cttrfitft Sjb tfniktyrtt" fm tr 'f? Ml 1 Uf.' . r.o A perfect Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcr i sh- ncss and LOSS OP SLEEP. r ;- ' ' FacSimit Signature of the CcNTAim Company, NEW YORK. Wo 15 rts1" ft I r Guaranteed under tho Foodam Kxact Copy of Wrsppsr. MAPLEINE A .UK I BBBBBaJSjStBLtlauaBSBBSBBBBBBSlSS'HBaal BBBBBBBBBaaMCSaSBBBBBBBBBsWViBfJBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBMWSBeIBBMBBBBSlsV Lewis' Single Binder w Han &' jL M nzmr, n.ssvirisy.Eia(f, v S2'' , K WHERE THE FAMOUS Lewis' Single Binder is made. Formerly the home of the late Col Robert G.Ingersol. Pur chased and reniodeled by Frank P. Lewis for the Single Binder Factory You Pay 10 Cent for Cigars Not So Good vixiYauAHrWAMrrsT TAILWAY MAIL CLERK, PmuI CWik, (btsmraWTtM'rHr.tM. 0b rCmVM8t:ttjt!WKttA RinlrA SftVuiM Otsj ' Lttnllf rfsMiiPsJtitjw.ttiPf. Umptrim Imiimttmhj . MAILIomfiEiimltrrWiVFsvw1sTss l Tpsaju4i e IWcttWdl Mtxtaiit. Sth Qmlmm Ms) Mc Oort rcsHiM4 Art Scr ! Prs fit. INUR4TAH yrWIV 74-C 11 Af. tUM UlWt, lew. "3 Stroke Self Feed Hay Pres" Two men enn nut it. Ilword, 3 to-M In one hour. Kaay draft. HATISrAO- TIONOyABAK" TKltD. Aak fas catalog No. T. tup Airm.vr.nAN hay PBP.S5 no. 1621 W. 12ll Street, Kajism Citt, 1Mb GASTQRIA For Infants and Childroih The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Tni MNTaosi Maaasiv, snr vssm sntV A Flavoring. Itmakot a syrup better than Maple. SOLD IY 8R0CE1S. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 51, 190. M W -r tssssssssa m II fir 4 NO CIGAR is so satisfying to the smoker. Made of extra quality tobacco, wrap ped in foil, in packages of five, which keeps them fresh and nch to the taste. Their high quality makes them cost the dealer more than other 5c cigars. There are many imitations, don't be fooled, there is no substitute! Tell the dealer you want a rasa m,,si. 'JVr.l-i,A.X rKi3aKiJ,sai OrlfflnatorofTIn PoltBmoltwrPaest oo..The man who baamadc Sloel Binder Straisti: SVaJCI daUwsV Wfcj. ,tV mou ia among smekafaUirgvctMMit,' S tli aBBHf4u'9BBBBBBBBBK stsssssssF-jk'fe-sssssssssssm sbbbbbbbbbbV(s1sbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbBsbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW SBBBBBsKalPaaaV aaa l Nil ? -5 !fe i , $ r . :r V, v v. k: :v $ t ' ? .-4 M ; ? m4 r-9. 1BI vm M JZ. -, fft7l f J -' ml m ytfsssl ffi islM siBiMs! k' SSSSSSTf IWWLLM i-f iki war" w LTiA-x , ' warn "n n.yf iV'r-tWX.-t ttT jt - , . ;-n S "!' ,.(Tr fin t iC . m .i. .i n , ir. ft t j i i v. .('; '. , . .-. Ah&ld mmL i j& i r. l t .' . . JJ; a-mtetteig lev ) Sv .Huvr-,), C j- TIC hA)Kt ik i T1 i.. ISE