. f-j.. ai .-.iEjr JitfleseKffcli'llffiJl JBKWM 'JUJWMWMW I MfIQlMfltl!NNC " . , .,...,... ' 1 . ... 4 .KV 4 "!' " 4 pf m m Miss Tllln Cook, was nu tlio si -klist lust ,..U. ' V Will Ko lid w'iiH down li'om hmv.ilc '1'hur tin y. Mrs. 0. II. Ii-iu'liwiiitli Is vi-dtine; In Wlleov tills week. 'Mrs, .1. 'L. Minor ro'.urue 1 from lUiie Hill (lie ti t of tins week. The lied 'l mil Orchestra tf t Hhie Hill 1'ihliiy to play for u danee. WaNTKU-A few lo.uN of e.ibs on sub hcrldtlon lit thisolllec' Rcbokah lodge meets next Thursday evouiug, December 17. Mrs. Jake .Elllnger has been quite hick, but is bettor now Soo Dr. Stockman for eye gl isses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr-i. S. Day Is conllucl totho hotibc with n lamo ankle this week. Curl ICuehm let Wednesday for Oqu waka, III wheie ho wilt make his homo In the future. Bargain week r.ito on Lincoln .lour- mil $.1 without S inda,y,S with Sunday 'C.Ut on thlnotlleiluforo December 2S. Mrs. Ous llolm,'rilu returnol from Galdc Uncle lust Friday, where she had been visiting her dnuRhter, Mrs. 'Fred Coon. For chapped hands, face and lips rincsalvo Ctirboli.er is Immediate icliof (Acts like u poultice) good for cuts, burns, bruises, skin diseases. Draws out Itillumimtion. Price 'Joe. Try it sold by Henry Cook. On Thursday evening, Df eetnber 17, tho Modern Woodmen and Royal Neigh bors and their fumilies will meet to gether at Woodmen Hall Evorybo.l y bring u basket. The committee is arranging for a nice program Mi- and Mis. Hubert Kchultz enter tained a few of their friends at their homo in tho south p-iit of town Tuo-s-day evening. Tatty pulling, pop corn, apples and llinch. wcio indulged in. All report Mr. and Mrs. Schultz royal entertainers. ' The -big four piano values Knabo, Chickering Hros, Sohmer and Fischer. Select your piano from sample .save a good ftit profit and have- the piano shipped from factory direct to your homo. This olfer of pianos direct from factory to customer good for ten days only, December 0 10. No trnveling men's salaries, no hotel bills and a lot or other unnecessary expense Every c king saved to tho read er who takes advantage of tho Lincoln Journal's bargain week rate ending Doccmber 28. Tho whole year of 1009 for $3 without Sunday or with that big paper added Call at this ofllce. There aro many people who sutler from liackache, llheumatlsni, Lumbago and similar ailments who nro not aware these aro symtons of kidney trouble. Pinetiles for the uldnoy act as a tonic and legulator to kidney and bladder and purify tho blood. :i0 day's trial Sl.OOsold by Henry Cook A RE you after best? 10CAIETTE8 to come here to us and say Hart Schaffner & Marx . clothes; we'll do the rest. We'll set before you a great feast of ' good things; the finest clothes made; the best styles; the choicest foreign i and domestic fabrics; the highest class t f of tailoring. It will be worth as much to you to buy these -, clothes as it's worth to us tto sell them; your profit's :as good as ours. I t fr his store i s t h e home of Hart Schaffner .& Marx clothes PAUL STOREY Geo. Hummel went to Omaha Mon day. Dr. Nelson returno I fro n Kins is Monday. llmjh Miner was In Superior Wed nesday. C John Fulton wMsdown from IHvertou Wednesday, Mrs (iteii Oluisteiiil wai down fronl inav do Siturday. Mrs, ddlo Lugcttauil s.m returned to Hebron Tuesday. MNs Vei a Cr.ibill entertained tho Junior Wills Tuesday, Miss M irtln roturuod Wo luesday to her home in South Dakota. Mi s. Addlo King of Cowles Is vis ting herslsterMrd.lt. U. Hunchcy. Mrs. Gus Routs and daughter Mrs. Hughes went to Wilber Wednosday. Miss Frltzgerald returned Thursday from an extended visit with relatives in Mo. Mrs. MeCoy of Denver City is visit ing her daughter Mrs Karl Teach wo'ith. S. U. Claggett and wife of Kirwln, Kuns. aro visiting Mrs Dr. Nelson this week. Marlon Mercer and Alvlu Snapp go to Holdrogo this evening, where they play with an orchostra tomorrow. Jack Stunllcld, manege r of the Neb raska Telephone Company at Superior was the guest of G. W. Warren Sunday You aro Invited to call at C bickering llros. Hooth and receive free of charge Chickering Bros, one dollar collection of " sweet old homo songs." Kings Little Liver l'llls prevent blll iousucss, sick headache and keop you well. Do not gripe A pill in time that will save nine. Price Tic. Sold by Henry Cook. During tho legislature, which will certainly bo a warm session, Tho Lin coln Stato' Journal will bo particularly interesting. If you bring your money to this olllco beforo December 2S wo enn get it for you tho whole year of M) for only SJ.or with Sunday SI. Other It. Wilght and Miss Anna Andei sou wore united in marriage- at tho M E: pirsonago Wednesday, Iter. M. T. StilVIer ofliciating. 'lhese. joiing people aro well known hero and tho Chief joins with a host of friends In wishing them a long life of happiness and prosperity. Mrs. C. W. Frink died Wednesday uight at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. ami Mrs. 0. W. Raker, living live miles cast and ono north of this city. She was home on a visit and had been sick about threo weeks. Tho funeral is to beheld this afternoon at Pleasant Hill school house. A more extended n otico will be given next week. The versatility of the Compauy en ables them to give a program o f unusual varioty. In addition to tho vocal and Instrumental solos duots and readings, they presont several nnini ber in which the whole company appors. Tho program closes with a short sketch "Orange lllossoms." which was written especially for Miss Sblpp and hor company. At tho Opera House December 13. something good All you need to SKv Hut ShiffVur U Mant CS" . ' J Doll TiiriiMro was in Chester Thurs day. Hov. C, 11 Smith returned from Cambridge Tuesday. Chailoy Godsey was up from Sup erior tho first of tho week. (."apt. Sehoouovor was down from Oxford tho last of tho week. Mrs. W. C. Frahni entertained tho afternoon Whist Tuesday Mrs. Kd. (illlard of Naponoo Is visit ing her mother hero this week' Mis. Gillunl returned to Naponoo Tuesday, after visiting here with Mr-. Anna Tulloys and hordaughter Mrs. K Glllard. All ye chinches who wish a Hue piano, organ or pipe organ for your church call on Factory Agent at Chickering Bros, Booth, Auditorium 0 10. ' ' , A band of tho Union Salvation Army is here and will hold meetings every night in the Baptist church, begin lug Tuesday evening December IB evory body Is invited. Pineules for tho Kidneys are llttlo , golden globules which act directly foil tho kidneys. A trial will convince you of quick results for Backache , Rheumatism, Lumbago and tired worn out feelings. .'50 days trial 51.0(1. They purify tho blood Sold by Homy Cook Will tho leglshtturo guuanteo bunk deposits? Will It pass county option Will it i educe taxes Whatever It does will truthfully and fully bo given in Tho Lincoln Stato Journal, and wo will get it for you for the uholo year of lOol) without Sunday for 83-or SI with Sunday, but you must brlug monoy in beforo December SS. Colds contracted at this soason of tho year should bo treated with Bees Laxatlyo Cough Syrup. Its clears the head and throat. Instant relief for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness and bronchial troubles, should bo kept iu the house for children. It i s pleasant to take and gently laxative, Guaranteed. Sold by Henry Cook. This year's legislative session will be exciting and no matter what your pol itics this is ono tlmo you surely will want to read Tho Lincoln Sti'e Journal. The bargain oll'er of S'l for the who'o year or 1030 without Sunday or 1 with Sunday, will doubtless bring thousands of now readers. Call at this olllco beforo December 28. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates tho liver, relievos sick licadacho constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. It Is partlculary recommended for Jaundice chills, fever and malaria. Its tonic effects on the entire system aro felt with tho first dose. Tho 81.00 bottle contains 2 1-2 times as much as much as tho 50c. sizo. Pleasant to take. Sold by Henry Cook, Lincoln belongs to tho people of tho stato and most of thorn recognize Tho Journal especially in stato alfairs. It's independent and foarlcss and growing wonderfully. Wo can get you a cit price of ti for tho whole year of 1900 without Sunday. Add $1 for tho big Suuday paper You must come in before December 23, as after that date the price will bo SI and $5. in clothes? The do to have it is 1 w N & ,', ' You'll find our prices no barrier to choosing exactly what you'd like to give "Him." ', K IHMOMnHHHHMHHHHSBHHnWinH Always Reliable ,li W. W Buy Your Presents NOW! : Unir WAiii uut iuui it wVwr '"VVr You have more time to select, you can shop with comfort you get First Choice of a large stock. They will not Cost you a cent more. We have our usual large stock of ::::!,:::: : : : Christmas Gifts. lb lb lit ib ib tb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb tb lb lb Will you come in and look them over? I CHAS. L. ib The Ucinoinber, it pays to trado with the man who advertises. Foit Sam: Six room noune, o lots Inquire at Newhousc's store. tf l'ationl.o homo industry, Spoelal prices on a to C hundred pound lots of old wheat Hour at Itcd Cloud Mills. Von Sam: Several good thorough bred Duroc-Jersoy boars. Come quick. N. V. Andorson, 1 mllo east of Cowles. Get a white plymoth rook cockerel' on talo December 13, 1003, 2 p. m at Studebakor's barn For Salo Improved farm 7 miles south ofInayale. O. M, Noble, route 2, Inavalo, on Womor phono lino attend tho Poland-China hog sale, Red Cloud, Decembor 13, 1903,2 im. 1 1 uy a pure bred Poland-China male and improve yolir herd of hojjd Thoro will be n salo of pure bred Poland-China hos, both sexes, ntfctubo baker h barn, ltpd Cloub, Dee. 13 ,1008, at 2 p.m. These arc of tho Iarj; o typo and utility hind. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postotllco nt Rod Cloud, Neb,, for tho wook ending Dec. 10, 1908: Mrs. O. M Knjerrt,' " ' Ruth Roso, 'p7 l-rnnK well), Nathan Wright ? Thcso will In- Mmt to i ho dead lot tor ojlico Doe. 24. 1008, if iiuealled for bofore Wlion 'ivUlii for tilmvo ph. n bllj ",l(ll t il.' 'V C. IlAtKEn, PohtiLailei, rARKEn:s HAiri BALGAM li 1i4vl A luAU.tAht yrovfi JJcvor ruilii to lUstora Ony llalr to U Yontliful Color. Curvi Klp aiMk-j it lulr itihxit. SUGGESTIONS FOR "HIM SUIT OVERCOAT RAIN COAT BATH ROBE NIGHT ROBE UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS HOUSE COAT SUSPENDERS UMBRELLA ww HAT to give hllfl for Christmas is problem wc times a day. Our store being Headquarters for men's things, is very easily answered. For Men, both Old and Young, Great and Small, giftsjust the sort of gifts that will be appreciated the Christmas is over. From our stock 'of Men's excellent Garments, correct I lead wear and choice 1 laberdashery the most appropriate Christmas yifts, it is possible to make, can be chosen. Make your selections early, while the best. Better now than later. Uiliri First Door Norlh Hk. A V llincnnfc! riGacuia; m n i m m t n t m m ti VVV' COTTING' I Druggist. 5 Wasti'.ii At once, u: or 30 youne; men and women to take a course in Multigmphing. Course can bo com plcted in from one month to six weeks Wo have a position wuiting -for you as soon as'yon aro rcuriy, Salarys run from Sin to S20 per week for,bcj;lnners. Who will be tho llrst to enroll? Tuition for complete course S23. For further particulars address tho Hebron litis! ness College, HobronNcb. Notice of Tax Sale, HTA'SH OK NKIHtAHICA, WKIIlTKIl COUNTY. I, W. V. rrnhm Treasurer of the County ot Wolwter, In tlio Htuto ot Nuhrnska, do hereby certify that the follow Ihk described Ileal Ks tato In said Comity and Htuto to-wlt: Lot '1 1'atinoren Hiib-illv to Itcd Cloud, Nebraska, nsseascd aRnliiHt W'ni.vHerI wan, on tho Gthdny of April 1IW7, duly old by mo In tho niniiner lroldid by law for tlio delinquent layc fur thcyousUHUlOOIand 1W& tlirrcou, amount liiKtoK.17 cnti. Ifutliir certify that unlim redemption U nuulo of snld itonl ltatein the mnnner pro vldul by law, tho bald H. Too lie Ira or iiMlgns, bo i ntltUd to a deed therefor on mid after tho 7th dny of April A. I). 1 WW on Hurreiuler of thla Certllleate, and In coinpll ancdMlth tho provisions of tlitn act. IN WlTNi:s.SWlIKlti:OK,I liavo lure unto bet my hand this nth day of April A I). 1007. (hkai) w: v. I'iia iim, Treasurer. No lh or or imp ro moillcil adh in ' theMui'olii Juii tut. I. 11 1M1' u home pupi". Wo cmii invito '! fat price or $ for tlio wlioai year of lUu'JorSt with, "mii n.v DH'or not (to id nftc Dc-. iu, v ", , IVi-oubI cxp'.ilsiioj ,it,ia twin i-f Man 1 11 . u im'j J oil H 11 M.ii.v.....i. l,..-f fur a ! 11 it of pltt. f'a'i ' applied ditc i i tho a1Uct.it pu t, riddi'inp lull' hiu - uonsuei'ing ana mming umuanteed Price 25c?. Sold by Henry Cook, I I ft V SHIRTS CLOVES HOSIERY MUFFLER ,,. TIES,c,fec solve many , the question we've ideal most, after picking is the - GO. of Postoflicc GAR LOAD Of Fine Apples I have just received a car load of fine apples which I am selling at lowest prices. Ben Davis 75c. per bu. Grimes Golden and Black Twigs $ 1 .00 per bu. Lower Prices In Large Quantities. New pure Buckwheat lour Just received. An up-to-date line of elern fresh groceries always on hand, The Groeer 4 the Phones STEVENS DON'T BUY A GUN 1 until you haro coon our New 1 Uniihlo Itnrrol IVInrial flU.l I with Stevens Compressed Forged oieci uarrcis DEMI-BLOC SYSTEM Tho mode of constructing those superb Trar and Field Dntm . fully ect forth In our Nour Shot- I gun raiapniec. $ond two-cont tamp lor it, Aik your Dirftr for Steveni a f or ateveni g r -7 . ttstwvur snafre. ttni- '' 'X j.STEveia , mmecioouio. ( P.0.CM s p.,, CbkFJU-,H (!- s: nNKit JT tjfbr Tf SJf TTlhSi Ji , w Irw'- r JV J. re v 1 wi jr ik. .w .r r i,B Ms3 yi :n 1 1 -j VI Lr V f s , nr 1 "(L W M ';i m v.1 J I . 'i-i 1 ,i 'M vv Ue ' ' 1 M '. "W v. I lK' - ' V-" "' r iWiiiim"it - im 1 lllfli MMMiii iw n i