!(3l.,IXt,. ttrtamM)anMWS&i&r---ir2i tmmj&miiimKKMmwtMtMtixi''?s - ... wnl Hull. lllMiWIIWIIW.T" iwii yyTTTyT- III 13 N A-t&ifisi'Hr .v..r:- .-r- The Chief E. B. DeWOLF, Publisher RED CLOUD, - NEBR SUMMARY OF DEWS CONDENSATION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT HAPPENIN08. I0TH AT HOME AND ABROAD General, Political, Religious, Sporting Foreign and Other Events Re corded Here and There. Political. Ronator Scott, after a visit to Judge Tuft, eays ho is confident tho president-elect has plnnH for n progressive and courageous ndmlnktrntlon. William It. Tuft carried Missouri .)y a plurality of 1.02G, according to tte tabulation of llio official returns BMdn by Governor Folk. Tim defeat of Congressman n. U D. Granger, democrat, for ru-olcctlou In tho fclrst Rhndo Island district by William P. Sheffield of Newport, ro publlcan, wub confirmed by official can collation. Norman Mack says there Ih a deficit iB tho democratic campaign fund, but all bills will bo paid. A Savannnh paper suggests that tlio riomocrnUa party run a southern man for prosidont in 1912. President-elect Taft believes rovllon of tho tariff must be thorough und mado in good faith. Ho Is seeking light regarding porHonnol and organi sation of next congress. Tho American Federation of tabor jfsodlflod President Gonipors' recom tnendation regarding realBtnnco to In Jonctfono, but a vote on It was not reached. Govornor Crawford of South Dakota has eont an order to l'lerru nppolntlng JnrtRO Charles S. Whiting to tho su premo bonch to fill tlio vacancy cauHctl y tho death of Judgo Howard O. Ful ler, A campaign fund of fl.dOO.OOO, con tributed to tho national republican committee In tho recent campaign, will bo shown when tho list of con tributors is filed nt Alabany, according to tho Now York Evening Post. Ex-Sonator Millard of Nebraska may ho In Tuft's cabinet aB secretary of Alio treasury. Presldont-cleut Taft discussed polit ical affairs with Vlco Presidentelect Bhcrman and William Ward, national committeeman from Now York. President-elect W. H. Taft declares that Socrotary Itoot meets bis Ideal of u far-seclng BtatOHiuan. Generar. ' Explosion of n gas mala under a Brooklyn nlreot engulfed workmon ad men, women and children who i-wero on tho street at the tlmo, over twenty, it 1b bolloved, being killed. Tho American Federation of Labor adopted tlio roport of President Com pors aftor debate of n day and a half. Sovoral herds of cattle In Pennsyl vania and Now York were destroyed by ofllclals In the light on the epidemic among swlno. Charles loonard, portor at tho Hen ahaw hotol, Omaha, chocked a ? 10,000 powelry truuk to himself at St. Jo seph, where ho wont, wtui arrested and confessed and tho valuables wcro recovered within four hours after tho deed. Otto llicoiner Grimm, lieutenant in tho United Slates army signal corps, llod suddonly of hommorrhago hi n drug store at Long Bench, Cal. Moxlcaus who aro coming to tlio Omaha corn show aro anxious to know what kind of clothing it will bo neces sary to wear. Tho gorgerlcB of Petor Van Vlsslu een, tho Chicago real estate broker, will reach 12,000,000. Ho was tnkeu to Jollot to begin IiIh sentence. Frank Shercltffo will bo placed on trial In Minneapolis next week for alleged complicity In train robbery. Mayor Tom I. Johnson of Cleveland has announced that his fortune has been swopt uwoy in his efforts to pro toct his brother's estate. Ho will glvo u bin big house on lSucltd avenue and sell his automobiles. Tlio Inventory of tho estate of tho late Nelsou Morris shows that ho had extensive holdings In South Omaha. Wild scones at tho palaco followed tho deaths of tho emperor and (low gor empress of China. Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska vie with each other to seo which will lead at tho corn show. In tho United Stntes circuit court, of appeals at New Orleans tho enso of tho Pullman company against tho Toxas railroad commission was again decided In favor of tho Pullman com pany. Tho caso Involved tho order of the Texas commission ordering n re duction of about 20 per cent in Pull man car charges. Tho sentence of one year's imprison incut administered upon Chnrlex J. Hartlovo for desertion from tho navy to marry a daughter of the late Sena tor Gorman has boon affirmed. Venezuela has completed prepara tions for tho threatened blockade of her seaports by Holland. The Southern Pacltlo railroad has announced a reduction of rates on tihlpmeutH of lumber originating In California, Nevada and Utah. It moots rates recently mndo from Oro Ron and Washington points. Major General Duvall will succood Uenoral Weston In tho FhillnnUnoa. Henntor Halo at Washington say tho peopio hnvo nut called for radical tariff revision and he doo not think it will be given them. President Gompcrs of tho American Federation of Labor Bald he would go to Jail before bo would pay a fine in tho Buck's contempt en bo. Labor leaders who were gucHta of President Uoosevolt suggested a num ber of changoK in luwn, uevcrnl of which will probably bo Incorporated In his annual message. The stato board of Nebraska makes up total of assessment roll, Jhowlng valuation of $.101.7.15,404. Tho National Corn show of Omaha will tako on nn International aspect by tho prosonco of delegates' from Mexico, Canada and Great Britain. The statu labor bureau of Nebras ka Irriioh nn cstlmato of Nebraska crops Bbowlng tho state has ample bonis for prosperity. , Hot urns from Cuban elections indi cate tho suecoas of, tho liberal ticket, headed by General Gomez, by a big plurality. President-elect Taft wait orator of the day at the dedication of tho mon ument to tho prison ship martyrs at Brooklyn. Two counties of Ireland aro In a turmoil over tho question of licensing itn Insignificant Inn out on a country road. The federal court of appeals has de cided that the American Tobacco com puny Is a combination lu restraint of trndo. Washington. That a special session of tho "fifty first congress will bo called soon nfler March 4 to tako up tho matter of tar iff revision became known positively when William H. Tart, presidentelect, slated that i.o intended to call such session soon aftor his inauguration. Tho temporary roll call of tho bouso of representatives for tho Blxty-flrst congress has bron rotupleted and pub lished. It presents u complete list of members of tho new house ns shown by unofficial returns, and gives the politics of all of them. According to tho publication the next hniisu will consist of 219 republicans and 172 democrnts, a -total of 331, nB agalnBt a total of 389 In tho house during tho Inst session, or whom 223 were repub licans and lfifi democrats. President-elect Taft announces a special session of congress will bo held ns soon ns practicable after March l for the purpose of revising tho tariff. The chairmanship of tho Interstate and foreign commerce, mado vacant by tho defont of tho voternn W. P. Hepburn of Iown, who came to con gress twenty-six years ago, will, In all human probability, bo filled by James R. Mann of Illinois, who has been Hepburn's lieutenant and who has special qualifications for tho plnco. President Itoosevelt, upon learning of tho attempt mndo on tho Ufa of Fronds- J. Heney lu San FrnuclBco, sent telegrams to Mrs. Honey und ltudolph Sprcckcls, expressing his "horror and detestation" of tho deed. Secretary of the Navy Victor II. Motcalf tendored his resignation to tho president, to tako effect Decem ber l', on account of ill health. The National Grange, ratrons of Husbandry, gave n reception to O. II. Kelley of Washington, D. C, tho only surviving member of tho small group of men who organized tho grange about half a century ago. Foreign. Tho Gorman Emperor takes tho po sition that his .pledgo is only n reaf firmation of his oath of olllco and that ho has not changed his olllclal .rela tions to tho ppoplo or governmoht In any way. Iteform edicts in China indicate that tho now administration will bo progressive and modern. Death of the emperor Is said to bo duo to niirnsth oula nnd heart troublo and that of tho dowager empress to apoplexy. Lack of unity among political parties in Germany mnko it evident that tho kaiser's concession to public opinion will not bo followed by Parliamentary government. A resolution demanding amondmont to constitution making ministry responsible to the Reichstag will bo Introduced, but It will not com mand over ono fourth vote. Tho funeral or Grand Duke Aloxls of Russia, undo of Emperor Nicholas, who died horo Novombor 11, took place In Paris and was accompanied by tho traditional pomp and ceremony of tho Russian church. Count flout Is still making nn effort to securo his children rrom his former wiro Anna Gould, but tho caso has been repeatedly postponud. Personal. Apparent indifference or Emperor William to public sentiment in Goi many irritates tho peopio greatly. Indications from Washington aro that Mr, Cannon will bo ro-electod speakor without much opposition. William D. Cornish, second vlco president of tlio Union Pacific railroad, died suddenly lu Chicago, Forced by the angry tide of popular feeling that swept tho omplre from end to und, Emperor William has ylolded to tho nation and promised honcoforth to conform himself to con stitutional methods of conducting tlio policies of Germany, Attorney Rood or Mndlson, who stands near to Shallonbergor, sayH a bank deposlto guaranty law and ro Iical of tho county assessor hiw will bo main pieces' or legislation in Nebraska. Genornl Gomez, libornl candidate for president, carried every province In tbo Island of Cuba. HKH IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJEGTSTQUCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. Richard Vlttle of Nebraska City lu circulating a paper asking for appoint ment to tlio position of game warden. It is reported that many cattlo la Gage county aro afflicted with tuber culosla. Tho second reunion of Spanish vet erans will bo held in Omaha next April. A district Sunday school convention will bo hold at Poolo December 1 and 2. Quito a lnrgo number or farmers In Gardnior township, Buffalo county, aro losing hogs from cholera. Tho village of Mitchell by n voto of 83 to 4 voted to Issuo bonds to tbo Amount of $18,000 for a system of wa terworks. Word was received in Beatrice from Mobllo, Ala., that tho lumber yard and sawmill owned by tho Dempster com ipany of that city had been damaged by fire. ' Tho 4-year-old 6on of Mrs. Ellen Ithoden or Tablo Rock was severely bitten by a dog which ho was torment ing. Tho wound waB Just below tho oyo and n Jinlf dozen stitches wore ro kulrcd to close tho wound. Tho caso against C. S. Depass, an lnsuranco agent arrested In Bcatrlco October 20 on tho chargo of writing a policy or $2,000 for John Clare without first obtaining a certificate, was called in county court. Georgo Pierce was accldqntly killed ono mllo oast or Ord by it Burlington passenger. Ho was riding a velocl pedo on the trnck on his way to Sumptcr whoro he has been working as a Boetlon hand. Tho car was scat tered for nearly half a mllo. , At Lincoln, Mrs.AlphaM. Sholvnlier. (convIcted of perjury on cloven counts, jwas sentenced to flvo years In the ponltontlary. Mrs. Shovnllor was named as tho benoflclary in tbo will of Mrs. Horn, and In defending tho will nho Bworo falBely. Iowa Milling compnny at Fonca Is onco moro ready for tho production cf flour. For two years tho mill has been silent The lower part of tho town was flooded several times and tho city called for tho removal or tho power. Tho city paid tho company $2,000. Chnrlos Hoopor "played horse" Tor John Johnson, ono of tiie proprietors of a Fromont laundry, giving him a ride .through tho business streets of Fro Jmont In a little go-cart. It was the carrying out of provisions of an elec tion bet. 'Grandma" Fentress celehrated hnr jnlncty-seventii blrthdny by giving a idlnnor to a large party of relatives and rrlouds. Despito her great ago Mr-i, uontroas enjoys good Health and Is 'qulto active. Her homo Is Osceola. Tho county Judges or Nebraska will nttompt to secure legislation noxt win tor to correct several faults which they find In tho statutes covering matters which came under tho judlsdlctlon or their court. To that end an nEBocla tlon has been organized with .Tudgo Carrlco or Koamoy county as proB lldent and Judgo Roper of Duller coun ty as secretary. ' A monument weighing 30,000 pounds Iwlll mark tho spot noar Niobrara, whoro Nowcll Knight and olovon other Mormons, porished in tho cold winter of 184C-7. Tho monument was built In IFromont and It has Just boon shipped -to Niobrara to Jesso Knight, who Is a son or Nowoll Knight. Tlio death or itho twelve Mormons was duo to e. iposuro and privation. W. H. Woods or Omahn spent a day or two recently In tho vicinity of Fort Calhoun searching ror Indian objects In Desota township. Ho received vnlu. ablo aid rrom William Haas, tho famll ,los or tho lato Charles Soltz and ta zarus Borgeous. From Mr. Crulk (HhankB and Editor Ostorman or tho Blulr Domocrat ho received a valuable stono hatchet for tho Robert F. aildor collection. Tho supremo court recently hoard .nrcntmnnt n mnllnn c r if.j oi,..n. ,way for a rehearing. Shumway was iconvlctcd ror murdering Mrs. Mnrtin 'Of GniTO COlllltv mill tlin ulinrnmn rnnrt affirmed the death sontonco and sot October 30 last ns tho dnto of execu tion of tho Judgmont. Tho court later sot tho date or execution far January 8, pending argument on n motion for a now trial. Tho now dato of tho death sentence Is ono day nftor Governor eloct Shnllenborgor takes his soat aB governor. If tho court rnfnsnn to Igrant a yohonrlng tho condomncd man (win have nn opportunity to nppoal to two governors ror a pardon or commu tation of sontencc. James Barton, a vonnc colored mnn. 'shot nt hlB wiro in Koamoy with a single barreled shotgun nnd four shots took effect. Tlio wnnndu win nnt lm 'ratal on account of tho dlstanco from tho weapon. From prosont Indication local grain men at Lincoln sav thorn win lm 'notlceablo shortago lu production of winter wheat In 1007. Grain ronorts .show that thoro is n world wldo drouth which will affect tho supply or thin "rain in atirh nn nvlnnf Mint tv.n price which Is now high, being about $1.03 a bushel at Chicago, will climb ;tosfl,2 before tho ndvanco stona. V. f. .". .fc NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Greater or Lesser Impor tance Over the State. A farmers' Inntltuto Is to bo hold nt Nollgh Friday, November 27. Alliance is taking slops toward pro viding n complete sewerage system. Alfrod Wternor was arrested by Iho sheriff of Keith county for forglns chocks. Tho diphtheria quarantine nt Wy more, in force for somu time, has beon lifted; Farmer Burns, the famous wrestler, thinks of removing to Omaha and opening a school of wrestling. Tho NcbrnAka-MolIno Plow com pany's building at Omaha burned, In flicting loss or $100,000. MrB. Mary Lconnrd of Dodge county has been adjudged insane nnd was consigned to the hospital at Lincoln. Tho patient Is about 80 years old. Wlnaiow, ono of tho new stations up tho Burlington toward Slbux City, Is to havo a new cement block fac tory. A young man by the nanio or C. A. Anderson who lias been omployod for 8omo tlmo with Hayncs Bros. In Hast ings, w.ib arrested after having passed bogtiB checks on about a dozen busi ness men of tho city. A hand car containing eight laborers wB struck by a Burlington switch en gino pushing two empty freight cars into n sandpit siding near Oreapolls Junction. The crow escaped without serious Injury. A party at Plalnvlew who drew a good claim In Tripp county has figured It out that it will cost him about $2,700 by tho time ho proves up and ho Is not sure It Is a big investment nftor nil. Mrs. Koehler or Pohocco precinct, Saunders county, bad an applo that she picked from a tree In her orchard early in tho fall of 1907 and is yet a good, sound apple and shows no sign or decny. Tho ladles' aid society or the Con gregational church of Clay Center hold a fair and social, serving both dlnnor and supper, nnd selling a largo assortment or articles which had been donated for tho cause. Tho program Included a babv show George C. Boyer, who killed Her man Pedluts nt Bnyard ou August 28, wa3 found guilty of manslaughter. Ills alorneys will fllo a motion for a uow trial. Boyer killed Perlets with a tamping bar which he (Boyer) used for setting posts. Tho largo farm resldenco of Colonel Reeves on tho east side of tho river from Nebraska City was destroyed by Are. The family was away from homo and whon they roturncd nothing waB loft but tho smoking ruins. The loss wn8 partly covered by insurance. Mnbol, tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Sperry or Falls City, fell into a tub of water backwards and was nearly drowned bcroro she was discovered. After some energetic work over the child she revived and has now entirely recovered. Mrs. C. L. Bnrrackman, who at tempted sulcldo at Hastings by swal lowing carbolic acid, Is recovering satisfactorily. Sho had been suffering with tuberculosis and her attempt ;o commit suicide was prompted by de spondency on account of her sickness. It Is understood that Governor Shel don will appoint four Judges of tho supreme court beforo ho goes out of office, but whether or not ho will an nounce tho names prior to the dato or tho official canvass or tho constitu tional amendment providing ror bucIi appointments or wait until aftor tho stato bar association meets in Lincoln, November 2.1, Is not known. Miss Emma Paulus, daughter of Pe ter Patilus, who took his own lire last spring during a fit of insanity, proba bly fatally shot herself at the farm homo seven miles west of Falrbury. The young lady had not boon "right" for some time prior to her father's death. Word was received In Fromont of tho death at Denver or Mrs. Volona Thomas, widow or W. D. Thomas. Sho was ono of the ploneors of that city and moved to Donvor to livo with hor son, William Thomas, about threo years ago. Her remains will be burled in Nebraska. Tho Cass county Sunday school, lu convention assembled, unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Wo, tho members of this convention as sembled, do hereby doslro to go on record as emphatically pledged to county option nnd all othor good meas ures looking toward tho hastening of stato and national prohibition, nnd wo will always support tho men whom wo know to bo pledged to tho same." Rev. II. B. Foskott, formerly pastor of tho Baptist church at Fromont, In augurated a series of stereoptlcon bib lical lectures in the Eden Baptist church at Stromsburg, a few evenings ngo. Ilov. Mr. Foskott gavo a similar series of lectures at Fremont nnd they wero very Interesting. Harold Grow, 15 years old, son of John Grow, a drayman nt Brunswick, Antelopo county, was nccldontally kill ed. Ho wus walking alongside of n loaded wagon when ho fell In such a way that the rear wheel pa6Sod ovor his head. Ho was rendered un conscious and died within two bour. HENEY TO RENEW WORK Graft Prosecutor Gives First Interview Since the Shooting byYtaas. Tho Call, of San Francisco, Monday morning prlntB tlio flrstlntervley grunt ed to tho press by Francis J. Heney since the district attorney was shot in Judge Lawlor's court room November 14 by Horrls HanB, while tho hearing of ono or tho cases against Reiif war In progress. After expressing devout thanks for his escape, Mr. Ilenoy gald: "In this great, battle against vice and corruption let no one beltove that tho truo source Is to be found In the indlvldunl dynamiters, Jury bribers, kidnapers and assassins and that their extermination means uutlmate victory. Such things are but the bubbles rising from tho pool of filth that has been years In making. Tlio seed has been sown and wo must reap the harvest, but in gathering the tnrcs let us bo sntlBflcd with nothing but the root. "It hns been a terrible sacrltlcc, but if my blood has not been shed In vain, if tho assassin's bullet litis suddenly disclosed to the public, eye tlio hide ousness of the gigantic conspiracy to defeat the law, then I shnll fool that I havo not lived In uiln, that my poor cffortB havo met with immeasurable benefit to my beloved city and Btatc." The foreglng is a part of tlio state ment which Is published over Mr. Hancy's signature. The wounded man la woll on the road to recovery and stated that ho was eager to get back to tho prosecution of the graft cahes again. Sheldon Files His Statement. Republican Treasurer Sheldon filed hlB roport with tho secretary of Btatc Monday. It shows that $1,035,308.27 was spent by tho national commit tees in the late campaign. Chnrlos P. Tnft donated $110,000: Ltirz Anderson of Boston; Morgan und Carnegie gave $20,000 each. Tlio Union Leaguu of Philadelphia gave $22,fi00 and the Un ion Lcnguo of New York $31,777. Edith Corbln, wife of tbo general, gavo $10, 000. Mrs. A. A. Anderson of New York $5,000; Mrs. Russell Sago $1,000; Mrs. Mary Ames of Boston $500; Mrs. John liny of Cleveland $500 and Mrs. Mary Plnchot of Cincinnati $500. Alex S. Cochran nnd William Cromwell of New York and J. N. Bagloy or Mich igan, gavo $15,000 each. C. D. Borden, Whltelaw Reld, Frank A. Mnnsoy, Jacob H. Schlff, Fred P. Smith and Seth II. Carter gavo $10,000 eacn. Bullets at German Balloon. German military experts wero fired on Monday by Russltm soldiers while making experiments with a war bal loon. They wero unhurt, but the affair stirred court circles. In tho flight Monday, while a hundred meters from tho frontier, tho Germans were seen by the Russian frontier guards, and told that they must not cross tbo line. Seemingly, disregarding the order, they wero fired on. The officers des cended and communicated with tlio foreign office, which protested to the Russian embassy. Strong representa tions aro being prepared to send to St Petersburg. Russia will be asked to disavow the action of hor soldiers in Urlng on German property. Americans Play Ball in Japan. In the presence of an enthusiastic crowd of moro than 8,000 people tho American baseball team which went to Japan to play some ot tho univer sity tennis, opened the season Sunday a r tor n oon and defeated the Waseda unlvorslty by a score of 5 to 0. The Waseda team played snappy ball, hut did not succeed In getting a man as far as second base. Count Okuiiia, the Sago of Waseda university, wearing the cap and coat of tho American team, tossed tbo llrst bal lacross tho plate. Aftor tho gamo too American players wero tho guests of Count Oku ma at a garden party given by him in their honor. Labor Crisis Confronts Germany. Unanimous action by tho labor un ions of Germany Ih expected as n re sult of their domnnd that govorn mental aid be given the unemployed nt once. The problem now facing the omplre Is most sorbins. It was de clared by labor leaders, who Monday, presented tho reault of their Investi gations to the ministry, that already moro than one-third ot their total membership 1b out or work, with no moanB or support. Tho authorities agree that tho situation Is more sir lous than In a generation. Tho Berlin authorities hopo to bo ablo to In auguruto extensive public Improve ments and thus provide work for tho involuntary idle. Japanese Poachers Fined. Word nnu been received in Soattlo that Judgo Held or Alaska has lined tbo members ot tbo crow of tho Japa nese Bcalor ivlnsau Maru, convicted or seal poaching, an nggcrguto or $35,400 or $300 ror every man convicted. Thu Japanese hnvo glvon notice that they will appeal. Tho men wore captured when two sealing vessels wore seized last AugiiHt, one ot them being fitted to rcsemblo a rovenuo cuttor. Judgo Reld glvcB tho alternative of 300 days In Jail at Vnldez. Death In Wake of British Hurricane. Reports of tho damage canned by Sunday's torrllllc storm, which swept tho British const, Indicate that the loss of lire will bo very heavy. Sov oral yachts aro reported sunk off tho southern const. Collision on the Border. A special dispatch from Vienna sayB a band or Servians, while cross ing tho Bosnian frontier near Sevor nlk, was ropulsed by Austrian troops, 'x'no Servians lost seventeen men killed and tho AufltrJaus tbreo killed. TO CURE A COUGH Or Break a Cold in 24 Hour Mix ttto ounces of Glyccrlno and a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pino tsom pound pure with u. half pint of Straight Whisky. Shako well aud tnko a tea spoonful every four hours. 'I bo genuine Virgin Oil of Pmo com pound pure Is prepared only by Thfl Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, and Is put up, only in halfoiinco vials, each vial seciirel. sealed In a round uoodmi caso to Insuie Its frenhnoe and purity. i -i t A Terror to Hts Kind. A ccrtnln congressman is the father of a bright lad of ten, who persists, do spite the patuntnl objection and do cree, in rending literature of tho "half dlmo" variety. "That's a nice way to bo spondlng your time." said the father on ono oc cahion. "Whnt's your ambition, any how?" "Dad," responded the youngster, with a smile. "I'd llko to havo poople ttemblo like aspen leaves at the more mention of my name."- Llpplacotfa. BrtTi: or omo Crtr or Tot,? ix. I I.t'cw Cocnty. f T'ntNK J. CII.NY tnKktii mill thM ti to wnlof prtorr ul tho nrra nt I'. J. oii.net A Oo (lolnr bunlnna In Iho ('111- of Tulrtln. antv urn Ht,i. nforiwnM. ml thit MM nmi will pay Ua dum W vnu iiunijiii.il ik.1i. i. mi lor men tna ovrry CAM flt 1 "AT A 111! 11 llllt fAMldt I Llltol bjr W9 UDU Of HAij.'a ilAiAitiui ci-ur. FIUVK J. CIIHNKV. Hnoru to U'torn am kihI ruliwrilml tn tar pttnenn. Uiln (Ul day vl IIitcilIkt. A I)., IM6. J or.At I A. W. OI.EABOM. NocAar Public IUII'h CMaitIi Cure I tw Intrrimlly and aru flurrtly upon tin" tilixx! aurt inuonu surfctaa of lb rnum. (cud for tntlmimkilft, frrr. u ' J. cmw.Y A co.. TWoda a Hold I17 all DniitKlMii, Jr. Take llall'H I niiillj- l'llli (JV rm'M4aUo Mr. Lapsltng'c Mean Joke. "You havo named tho baby Tetan us?" exclaimed the horrlflod caller. "Yes," answered .Mrs. Lapalfng. "I think that's what we'll call her. It's tbo name my hiiBband Hiiggeaw." "But think how It will mortify her when sho grows to be a young woman! Do you know what 'tetanus' means? It means lockjaw." , "You must be mistaken about that. Ho sayB It means silent, quiet, re served." Starch, liko everything cWo, is be ing constantly Improved, tho patent Starches put on tho mnrket 25 yjoars ngo aro very different and inforlor to those or tho present day. la tho lat est discovery Defiance Starch all In jurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo tho addition or nnothcr ingredient. In vented by us, gives to tho Starch & strength and smoothness novor ap proached by other brands. A Cheerful Gueescr. "What does an actor moaa by a 'ft part? " "I don't know, but from tiro olongin oub sound I should Judgo It ncaas ttm olio." Kansas City Times. yruprffigs ElmriSfinnn Cleanses the System Effect " jl UttllV.JUlSl 1.V II t annus ciuo lo Lions itipatton; uuuufe uuu iti uonsitpauon; Acts naturally, acts Truly as t a .Laxative. 1 Best forMenXimnn and Chucr-rcn-ybungana1 OWL 17 cet itsTWpfmlnlFifcnt ai " ' l: ... .!.. rl' Jit n MOVUVS UUV UIU Ul ic crenuine much lias Tliejull noriv name of the Com- CALIFORNIA Ro Syrup Co. by Mrhoru d U manufacture A .printed: Hie front of every pncknflc. SOLO BT ALL LEADING DRUeOSTSc one size only, regulnr prico 5(Krbolt. colds from exposure: to all kinds of inclement weather are of such com mon occurrence that they are not generally consid ered dangerous. This is a greqt mistake. Serious illness often follows in the wake of a neglected cold. DR.D.JAYNES Expectorant has been successful for seventy eight years in curing Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, and Pleu risy. It is also a BUwdaid remedy for Croup, Whoopicfj Cough, Inflammation of tbo Lungs or Chest and Aathau. Cure your cold noto go to your druggist's and get a botsfa of Dr, D. Jayne's ExpectMaar. Three sizes, $1.01), 50c. and 26c. Dr. V. Jayne's Tonic Vermtatfa will bullJ you up iiplemlldly Jf 'run down" from a bevcro cold. i-Tg..Ml l 1 l ml f y .W.WTMWf1'WrT'i WamtmmmlmMmm