VJV pr""R'a jrl i 5 Fi ifmnMnn A Newspaper That flhns The Nf.ws l:lrty-to Weeks Rich Yrnr for Cue Hollar. fill) (JIiOlJD. NEJilJASIvA. NOVKMIJUK 127, IJJOS. VI i I'MI XX.W1. NTJAir.flJK.t8 T1 1 r n "3 4 R JeL- d 'S r v i .X- 9 S8SeR&$2Sffi3 ! ta nr nj I I have nothing but the besf and Newest to Offer you I have dis posed of all the odds and E nds of my stock and have the clean est newest stock of clothing in Nebraska. 1 TWO INJURED TWO FREIGHTS MEET. IN DENSE FOG OF SUN DAY MORNING engineer, Me Ill email, Cul- loo a 'n BJ tires &. jmpj iti. 4X CrtZ?, ' Vl Crawford! Shoe Munsing Underwear eveiy thing new and up to-date. t PAUL STOREY I ... JtiiialiUitibbUiiltUiiiilittiUiiklitb)tlbttiilUitliiillibtliit(illitbkttbkbUfttitiliUiUiili.Aw J i -S a -j t -3 -a ri a i -3 SAY, niSTER! Do you kunw thut It will pay VOU, us wo 11 us US, to buy your Building Ma terial iuulCoHliitouryHiilb.' Not only thut our prices avlkauk lower, oi at least as low, as those of our coiuputll ors, but because e take especial cur nr if?-. . tot' at) J protect all can 'bo classed AT1 "'" R E liULAIt C U S T O M B II S . i PL ATT & Coal. FREES CO. Lumber. 4 A i j1H.'t'n.H1"1lf mn.i.flT'niii( l'Mf1'P'i1itiTl'Hiiirriittnitiit1'r',l't't'UV J- WATCH For our "Xmas" line Now Due A fine line of New Rugs, our Store is now one of the greatest in the Republican valley. See us before you buy. i EE2S3SES3SD' ixZSSn23Z!!21SZZ2SSS!TS!ZSia IT St" IXIHjg. mHVJiJm A 1 & s ? Leaders in Furniture and Undertaking C MOON BLOCK ALLTHE PHONES S trder of Hearing en Petition for Settlement of Account. Stnto of Nol.r.islcxi ,n t,)0 romUy C()llrt Webster County. ' I.v tho mutter of the Cstate of Uaeh ael K. Lowls Deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of Clinrlos h. Lewis, Executor, praying a final hottletnont and allowance of his llnul account, filed on the. 21th day of November lO '8, and for IiIh discharge 1 mm father feervleo. Oituunr.n, f lntt Tuesday, December 11th A. I). 100s, at ono o'clock p.. m., is assigned for hearing wild petition, when nil persons intorehUnl in wild matter may nppear at a County Court to bo held In mid for said County, and show csuim why the pruyor of petit ioirr hho'ild not be granted, and thut ,uo ni'JV"! ndcucy of sddiiotHIAii' inntth u mi, thereof, bo gtyon to nil ) I i'- leatyd in .M n'mttar t e ipy of tftii urdpr in i O iutt id weok'y news. i in nt" Ouunfy, for three 1p i r , kuo Utirln',. (Seal) Notice to Creditors. bTATi: ok Ni-.miAhicA ) In The County Wi.nsrt:u Cou.vfv. Court. In the'mattor of the estate of Ella Hldy, Deceased. NOTicn'is hereby givon to all per sons havliif,' claims and demands against; Elixa IUdy, Iao of Wob.ster county, deceased, that the time fixed for filing claims against said estate is six mouths from tho I Mi day of Decem ber 100s. All ,ueh persons are required to piOfcont theirelaiins, with the vonehoih, to the County Judge of wid eouiity.nt. his ollleo therein, on or befoio the llh dily of ,hm I90f); and all elainiK no filed 'will be hcmtl before tlie said judge on the Mb day of June 1Q09, nt 10 o'clock 'a. m.: and that thu adinlnlatrator W allovrod one, yar from the 1'ith day of November 1909, hi wblch to pay tho debU allowed gmnstttld aHate aud flettln.Mtu same. h W. Kixion, i2Al.i CoUBt'v JudaA. ltrinr Lu rniitt .lav of f 7 j mmmmmmemmmMm Tin: I)iui: John Diiitholetuew, Cook. George Siioko, hertson. Tin. Is.ifiun: .Iiihn I.stHtiliorgii', brak.Miun. II. nd..M n. tin mini Ked C'oml. I i-1 miiliH- morning a I about 7 HO x'lorlt Uie people of this city Wert. grmtly shooked to learn that a 'rail mail wi-eek had oe urrod just west of tow a in which liven had lnou lost. '' lie first ivpnitllHil it I hat Xo Kl, II i ui st-bouud fast pas-i ngor li.iin. a- in the etillison, and ni.iny hearts Wen- tilled with :i hlekiug diead of ' wlmt the U'si.lt miglil in . Within afowinonients nfteiieeeiviiig the nows, eiowds of people on foot and in ooiieevanoi-s' were on their way to the scene of the dUastor to tender wliatever assislanee was possihlo. The regular train crew pulling No. (!). a west bound freight, weie cilled Sunday morning for 5.."i0 o'clock to pull an extra freight west. They had completed their work in the east end of the yardb and with a train of forty sit ears worn pulling to tho west ond to take siding for No 13 They had just cleared tho west switch and were waiting for the fog, which was very dense at tho time, to lift a littlo so that they might get the sigual to back up when tho crash occurred. Tho east bound train, a stock extra in charge of Engineer Uartlioleniew and Conductor Martin, had received orders at Oxford to run extra Oxford to lied Cloud. As tiioro wero no olllces ope i between these two points,uothing was known of their where aboiits except thut they wero soinowhoro on the load. Tho fog was so dense that it was im possible to see but a few ear lengths ahead and it was without an.y winning to cither of tho train crews that the collision came, which oecuied at 0.55 o,clock u. ui. Tho etash camo with suddenness that tho crew of eust bound tiain hud no time to save thorn selvos, and Engineer J3artholomew and Flroman Snoko met their tragic death among the wreckage of their engine, which wa$ thrown from the track' and irarjtd Almost to tho' right-of-way fence, a broken twisted maas of iron and ateel. John Llstenborger a brakemau, yrhWjta, riding In. ithe. cab of the stock extra, pavf the, daugar in time to.jump and escapod with a broken leg. The body of tho engineer was throw clear of tho wreckage, whilo that of tho flremnn was buirod uuder tho engine. Undertaker Amuck nndChauoy were notified to come for tho bodies, and thut of Mr. IJarlholeinow was brough up town while the wotk of rescuing the body of Mr, Kuoke was i ting pushed with all energy aid hleh was aceuinplishe-1 about ID o'clock. As soon as the bodies of the desd men hud been cat ed lor the woik of clearing away thu wreckage was com menced, und with tho assistance or the wrecking crew which arrived from McCook at about H';,1o p. m., the track was eleared so that tralllc was resumed at about 0 o'clock. SroiiY or ExniNKKii KjinNCH. Tho stoiy told by Hoy Ficneh, eugineor of the west-hound train, when lie testlled nt die coroners in quest was about as follows; "We were called for r.Mo a. in. to pull an extra west. We hud finished our work in the oast end of the yard and wore pulling to the west end to go1: in the clear for Xo. Kl.ti passenger train. Wo had cleared the west Switch and were wutln for thu fog, which was very bun vj and t.cemd to bo Jloat ing in drlfu, t'i ele ir away so tliat wo couhl go a aigiu4 to back up. I looinng iwoit tor Uia algiml, whun for sonic rvHhon, i itMO,v not what, I glauuoil ahead and aaw a headlight, which wa the fir. t iiitimatltm I had Mist a tin wan oootn ahead of us Uic Yoalli'.s Cjniiunloii for Clirlstnhis. There are three good reasons why Tho Youth'n Companion makes one of the best gift for Christmas timos for birthday: for any occasion when u present is in order. Thero is somothmg In every Issue of The Companiau for every member ot the ramtiy. liiu cnildrcn never pass it by, ntid the parents are restless until the children loluctaully put it down to go to bed. You need not go through the vexation of Chtislmiis shopping to make a present of The Companion. Sit down ill the plot of your own house, and send tho subscription. Tho Companion will be delhered whenever jrii Miy. on ( liristnias morning. Nine out of ten Christmas presents hrie lost their novelty by Xew Yeu-'s. The Cotnpahion provides n continual pleasure, for It is leuewed M times until Christinas comes again. Is then allot her present equal to it thut co't so little 81.7V." Tho new subscriber receive fioo the double Holiday Numbers and The Companion Calendar for Hul'.i. "in (Irandinotliei's (Surdcir," lithographed In Kl colors 1'iiil illustrated. Aniioiiiieeinebt of the now volume for HUM will be sent with sample copies of the paper to any address free. The Yotth's Companion, lit Hi:itim,i:v Stiii:i:t, Uoston, Mas PIANO CONTEST OPEN TO ANY LADY IN WEBSTER OR ADJOINING COUNTIES. $550 in Valuable Prizes ' Following arc the names of the contestants and their standing this week: Miss Frankie Ward, Red Cloud 2.1,275 Mrs. Miles Doyle, Red Cloud ' ', 21,100 Miss Ruth Warren, Rci Cloud v. iS.Soo Miss Vera Crahill, Red Cloud j ,. ..... i 5500 M iss liernice Potter, Rod Cloud , 1 2,850 Miss Mary Francis, Cowles 10,300 Miss Fdna Watt, Guide Rock 10,600 Remember that with every dollar paid on subscription you are entitled to 300 votes in the contest. If you wish anyone entered in the contest just senn in their name. Vot ing and subscription blanks will be furnished anyone making application. TWO SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEEK ONE NEW PRICE & TEEPLE PIANO WORTH $350.00 (case slightly marred) will he sold Too Cheap. A SAVING OF $100 ON A PIANO SHOULD APPEAL TO YOU. trftjftfnffjfffflmMmipfiiaft ONE EXHIBITION PIANO A $600.00 CHIGKERING BROS. UPRIGHT BABY GRAp XAPACOUSTIC" INVOICE PRICE (freight added) For Cash This, Week . AT JThis Is the finest upright piano ever offered for sale in this city, and $uch a bargain will ; mot go, begging for takers. It is an exact duplicate of the $600 piano to' given away as r la FIST PRIZE at the National Corn Exposition At Omaha Next Month. This Is TStricAti Advertising Proposition For CHICKERING BROS. PIANOS: v--- 1 I also have in stock a full line of the famous KOHLER AND CAMPBELL PIANOS "TUB IJEST PIANO IN TUB WOULD FOK THE MONEY" 90.000 now in use FACTORY PRICKS ARK MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Why Not Select That CHRISTMAS PIANO NOW There Is Nothing Which Could Please YOUR Wife Or DAUGHTER More Than A Standard High'-Grade Piano, and you cannot buy the cheap "Stencil'1 kind at this store. I offe you QUALITY IN PIANOS USZESu o V. ARGABRIGHT POTTER BLOCK UPSTAIRS, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. STILLWATER the l'Viriueis aio beginning to shell new crop of corn. To of Mr. Trior's boys tun huslriug corn at V. II. Huinpttr'H A rally Is talked of lor Bukloy Sun- wus j ,y mj00i fa ti,'tt )KMll. fufuto. A innn with newly arningud Itlblc was oanvtwistng the co mtvy lMt wel'. air. and Mri, Ashby of Alt). Ilopo at tetulwl ebureU tit ICufcloy Suiulny I r..Ji A ty I he Hroraaw and jumped. ,noMl,r' Behley Sunday. Iiost ss 'i'lio event was in lioncrof Mr. Mr audMr.s.Kll Tugler of Hasting ,I",,,.n.'': tw,,,tyt,l,rrt l',plhday ,U1 drovo down last Sunduy to muUo a n"'e,'8,,l'y' few dayn. vi.lt with old friendt,. A J' K 1Cl" ,CP was ,,,,iv,lff Gl,U1 Koek Sunday aftoruoon an unto camo .lohn and Leonard Howard attended ,, bphlnd him wJilch sciue'Mhe horso tlie Jubilee Singer's uoneiut at tlnido ,u ho began to run, Mr Cio.ler tried KoekoiiThurfcdayoveniggof Invtwudk. I to hold hhn dou and the lioraQbcjcan Iho leoturo given by Rev. Cordon at' to Idek, fctrlklng Mr Gro.ior ciu tho Eckley eluiieh on Tuobday evening, j right hand whioh eauM'd hliu to I0S9 N'ovamber 11), mthptonouuuod flue and his hold on tho linen, lie I lien turned dcorving of it hatter attendance -, him ugiilwn it Uluphono polo wlieh Mrs. B II. BeWolf returned to hw t'll'o" th horsu, brwaking the cross- lioim In lied Cloud Tueiuluy. She wan Pteu uotwufti tho 1uivmi. No prions 1 starred to runifud had jnntgot to. Mtflrnry wckty wm MrptMMd t!aoertmpaiiiid by Thus. DeWolf, who ' dmug wne dono to 'Uhor man pr r. vr. wijsok. (on Mr JriM.u : -A .UJ4B! Tilj'li-ij''Ti '.Read The Chief. j th Iense when tbtf eaiut togbthw,1'; PUAWiut ftjdjje tuhaol licu lu.it Ji'ri u.wii -log iwrttonod Hr., Frch dHT nlglrt. tattdih'jt thb cmionjlng train wan Itor.Odjtfijii pmujUM an fxtullnt utdv car length from Uiawwhe wVitton 'at Eekley ohuwh Sunday ho8rt,f.een It, and that u fur in. ha' morning. J, ho. w Aey hni no onltni to meet ttny ; nltn whVhaabwn .itttndiiiff east- m,.,i,i train. school nt i.iiKolu, , llt t.lUrch llf will visit iii thu roivnty beat until tttUrTbaukaglvlrif,'. Arn (diver 1 1 ml sou Mirprlawl her h lmiid on riat'urd.iy evening by in- viringmw uumoer or young' ji .n'c. The evening wan tpent In gninen, otu Tcfreshiijvjtitf, vore nerved bv. thu ' i I buggy j ;iicii um. . , ij rarths w . i g laud thtUT Uyxi cropo wjl pny ! r tun l,k 1 1 ahoaldvvito H, V Hum'), HonUh man, Nobr, J . ' it. t vJ ( -.-, rf