The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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    .'t-,4PWR- .?.
iujuli Mmmjwuij,
Red Cloud - - Nebraska.
Kntcred In tho Tostomco nt Kcd Cloud, Neb,
m Second Cl Matter.
E. II. DkWOLP I'uiimsiikh
City Officers.
MJor- : Cf W well
Clerks - ,''A ,i.;.?J;
Trewiucr 'V'a'J,1!
Gounellmen. l.t .td Kd..her
C'ouncllmcn 2nd ward J. A. McArtluir
Air. McCnll
Bitjit. I.lglil and Wnlci 0er UiitroiiRlm
MarMlnl, ilnr ,".AI,?I",,
Mnnlial, night John Klnn-1
County Officers.
Clerk District Court (let). V. llillrliNun
JuilitD I. n. IMmiii
t'lem II- W. Kim
TrcHMittT.. .W. '. I'rnliin
Attornc) I.. II. llliickloclKu
Miornl ... . I lludtiu
Aet.Mr II c SVotl
Mipl. 1'iilillc liiMtiii'ilun Nellie CxMit
Cormier Iir. -. It Jlnil
hunejur leo. uturliiK
t'omiiih-liiiiciH .. . .Iiim. (i. oeriiiiiii
T .1 t'lmllii
Win. Aliiluin ill
(leo, '. Illiiiiinel
on u rcnrpsontntlvc: Ills every net mid crs of Webster county ably, elllelcntly.
word litis shown that he Is in Hyinpa- and aceuptahly, and is n candidate he
tliy with till reform legislation, and If-foro tho psople foro-olotlon at the
ic'oct'd to congress will hen tower of
Bp ttr
B k k k k k. k. i j w b l
p T m r r r p P m p r p
Among other propositions be- $
fore the public and worthy of
consideration, are: -M
1. The guarantee of bank de-
posits. $
- 2. The election of United
J States senators by direct vote
of the people, and
3. An Income tax levied on
large Incomes to help pay the .
expenses of the general gov-
ernment. $
Those propositions commend JV
themselves to thrce-fourths of
the voters of Nebraska. Bryan
" stands pledged to everyono of iK
them. Taft and his party are
against them. Where do you
6tand. ijf
For President
W. .1. Iliiv.YN', of Nohraskn.
tfor Vice President
J. W. Kkiin, of Indiana
For Congressman, 5th district
Vnr.n W. Ashton, of Grand Island.
For Governor
For Lieutenant Oovcrnor
, . vE. P. Oajuikt.
For Seorelary of State
Dr. A. T. Oatkwood
For Auditor
Wii.i.iam II. PlttCK.
For Statu Treasurer
i'or SiiirititiMidoiit of l'ublle Instrnc
N. 0 A into r.
For Attorney (iuncnl
1 1 a ut: t:. r'u:n wax.
Vox Coinu.lMi'ii r .ii I' .ihc .atiils
W. II. LS1M.
Fiir Kail .ay t'otiiinlxUiiiir
Wii.i.iam 11. Cuut.u.i..
For Senator, u'lith Ji-triut
Cii.viti.cs U ltisi;.
For Koiricntiitive, IIUi iilstrict
Kiii:ii II. (ii;iii.acii.
For County Attorney
L. II. Hi.AcKi.niHii:.
For Coiiiiu ssloiier, 1st district
Mn.oN. M.v it i i.n.
Itli district
Fiii:ii:uuK II. Ci.atii:.
strength to every monsuru Jn the inter
est of the people. A vote for Ashton
is n vote for tho best interost of the
Chtirles H. Ilosso, dctnocrntlc condl
date for state sonator, was born and
raised in the state of Maine, in tho
year 18 18, and came to Webster comity
in 1871, took ti homestead and has re
sided In this county since. Hy dint of
frugality and economy ho has aconin i
luted a eompoteney for his deollnlni?
years. Mr. Ilosso is no politician, as
the term implies in thoso latter days,
and was Induced by friends of loiitf t
acquaintance, Irrespective- of party to
offer his name at the late priiunrit s as f
candidate for state senator. He has ,
hud some legislative experience, was i
PI oat lepreseiitntlvn for this and Ail- i
inns co'iiitics two yours iifro. His re
cord In the lctfiulatiue on (iiestions of
reform In the interest of all the people
of the stale, his disposition to ileal
equally fair with corporations, fjlves
him prestige as a successful eaudidate
in the November election. It is not
saying too much for Col. llosse when
we speak of him us one of the foremost
citizens of Webster county, enjoys the
confidence and esteem of tho bilnkor,
the merchant, the mechanic and the
laboring man alike. Col. lle.sse is a
member of tho State board of Agrlcul
culture, Is a practical fanner, a close
reader, well versed in the questions
of the day, He feels mid knows tho
interest of an iigrlc litural country
such as ours, his many qualities and
qualinieatlons makes him an ideal can
didate as a true representative .for
lovers of "the square deal". Ills homo
folks will five him their support on
November .1.
Fred Garhieh, democratic and peo
ples independent candidate for repre
sentative to the legislature for this dis
trict is a practical farmer, lives In this
county, and has for a nuinborof years.
He has. by industry and good judge
ment, b dlt for himself and family a
comfortable home; has a a Hue farm,
well stocked and is independent so far
as this world's goods are concerned.
In polities Mr. (Jurlaeli has served asa
member of the board of county com
nilssloner.s. has business tact la hand
ling the affairs of the county, is duly
appreciated by the taxpayers, us will
be frilled in the coining election Mr.
(iarlaeh stands for. and will work and
vote for the needed reforms, as sol
forth in the national and state demo
cratic platforms. Fred Ciarlaeh Is a
German by birth, by adoption one of
America's most enthusiastic and patri
otic citizens. A vote for Fred is a vote
for "Equality before the Law".
L. II. Ulackledge, Democratic and
Peoples' Independent candidate for
county attoruoy, was born near Jeru
salem, Ohio, in tho year 1808, coming
to Nebraska when but a mere lad,
commouced reading, grnduatod and
was admitted to tho practice of law in
his homo county (Frauklln) at the ngo
of 20 years, removing to Hitchcock
county in 1888 ho was elected countv
attorney and two yearn later was elect
ed to the same ofllce, succeeding him
self, his wise counoll and fair inter
pretations of the law won for him the
confidence of the peopje of Hitchcock
county and it is fair to presume that
had he wished another election he
could have had it.
M r. Blacklege came to Webster coun
ty in 1899 and was soon recognized as
one of tho loading attorneys of tho
Webster county bar, and regarded as
one among tho successful practition
ers of the state. In luotl Mr. Hlaek
lego was tho nominee of tho Demo
cratic and People's Independent paity
for county attorney and was elected to
the nllU'K over a strong opponent (Mr
Walteisi IIo has served the tapa
November elections. He deserves tho
election as an end. moment for tho
olllulout manner iu which ho lias con
ducted his olllcn,
Mr. Ulnuklego stands for tho reforms
cnunclatod In tho Democratic national
Arc microbes in Your Scalp
Mitny Explanations of Baldness Have
Bcca Adrnncctl. The Most Correct
Is that of microbes.
The term microbe refers to a
parasitic plant or fnngt also called
I bacteria. A microbo is so small that
it can only be detected by tho aid of n
and Stato platforms, and has spoken microscope. Some microbes aro harm
ns a lawyer upon tho saneness of the less, while others produce dlseases.and
Depositor's Ouarantoo Law. The vo- 'derive their titles through tho form of
ters of Wobster county, wo oplno, aro their growth or becausoof the diseases
not yet roady to try any experiments they create, which diseases aro infec
aud swap horses In tho middle of the tious or contageous
stream. pm trim,, nt i?.imii,,.. n....m.,,r
... ......,. .......... ,h, .. ....... j ,
and Dr. Sabourand, the leading dor-
Cannon anil NorrlS. matologist of France, discovered that
One of the most amusing spectacles j a microbo caused baldness, and their
of the present campaign is Congress- theory lias time and again been verified
man Norris' attempt to mislead the thro igh research experiments carried
people of the Fifth congressional ills-1 on through the observation of eminent
trict bv avowing political aniurisily
to Speaker Cai.non
In a speech nt McCook on September
SO. he Is alleged to have cut "Uncle
Joe" Cannon, speaker of the house of
topresentatlvcs, cold, because he used
the power of his high position to j ire
vent the consideration of legislation
asked for by the peoplo and desired by
a largo body of the house of represen
tatives. Mr Norris has been in con
gress for several tonus, Did ho not
know the attitude of Speaker Cannon
on the proposed legislation to which
he alludes when he voted for him last
Docombcr saying nothing of once or
twice before that? If he did not, then
he lias not enough discernment to qual
ify him for tho ofllco which he now
holds. Mr. Norris' position is hypo
critical, not to say ridiculous, and Is
certainly n rciloction on his gumption.
Cannon was made spenker by the
republican tnbtnber.s of the house, not
one vote boiug recorded against him
Mr. Norris was one of thoso who fell
over themselves to vote for "Uncle
loe." Docs anyone assume that if
Cannon was not acceptable to the re
publican party in the house, Unit he
would bo retained In the position of
speaker of that body? Does Mr. Norris
imagine that he can induce the people
of the Fifth congressional district to
believe that the republi an party is not
l ('sponsible for Speaker Cannon's ele
vation to the speaker's chair? Nor
ris' lute slaltltudoin tills matter smacks
of a political deathbed repentance.
ma .e for the iiinuistakcable and un
doubted purpose of holding his party
in line th it lie may sue "eed himself
Are there any so simply credulous that
they can be deluded and diceived li,
such opaqualy silly twaddle.
If Mr Norris was so solicitous for
the enactment of legislation asked for
f by tho people and recommended .by
President Koosevelt, why did he not
vote for such legislation when it was
pending iu congress, and when he was
invited so to do by Mr. Williams, the
leader of the minority? Mr. Williams
long and earnestly plead for thirty re
publican v tes to assist the minority
in passing legislation which the. people
wanted, and which President Kooscvolt
strenuously urged? Why did not Mr.
Norris respond to this Invitation if he
Is so solicitous for "legislation desired
by a large body of the house of .rep
resentatives?" sMr. , Norris posltlou, at this, time1 is
plainly taken to save the stampede
which he apprehended with great al
arm. Hut will he be able to stem the
disaffection? Are the people eo easily
bamboozled? We predict the contrary
and confidently believe that when the
votes are counted in November, Mr.
Norris will find that ho has fooled no
body and that his methods have over
whelmed him as they righteously
scientists. This microbe lodges iu the
sebum, which is tin- nut iral hair oil, '
and if permitted t IIo irlsli. it destroys I
the hair follicles, and in time tho pores
entirely close and the scalp takes on a I
sllilll !limii!l1!lllf!t Wttiitl llltw 1i.iiti1liu I
there is no hope of the hair growl li be
ing revived.
Dandruff is a contagcous disease
which a microbe causes, and later pro
duces itching scalp, falling hair and
baldness. Dandruff is caused by the
microbe diseasing tho sobaceous mat
tor, which dries up and scales off.
Sometimes the cuticle surrounding the
hair allows the natural oil of the halt
to force its way between the Hakes of
scarf skin direct to the hair, and the
microbo being between the Hakes force
them apart and they scale off as dandruff.
We have a remedy which will posi
tively remove dandruff, exterminate
the microbe, promote good circulation
in tho scalp, tighteu and revitalize the
hair roots, grow hair and eure bald
ness. We back up this statement on
our own personal guarantee that this
remedy, which is called Itoxall "l:"
Hair Tonic, will bo supplied free of all
cost to the user if it fails to do as we
promise. It will also restore gray or
faded hair to its original rich glossy
color, If loss of color has been caused
by disease, yet it is in no sense a dye.
Kexall "iT' Hair Tonic accomplishes
these results by making every hair
root, follicle and pigmont gland strong
and active, and by stimulating a nat
ural How of coloring pigment into the
hair cells.
l"exall'v.i:f Hair Tonic is entirely free
from grease or sediment, is exceeding
ly pleasant to use, and will not gum
tint hair or soil the clothing or pillows.
We want everyone troubled with
hair or scalp ailments, even though
they arc bald in spots, to try Kexall
"U3" Hair Tonic on our guarautee. We
exact no obligations or promises, and
simply ask you to give it a thorough
trial, and if not satisfied, tell us, and
we will refund tho money paid us. For
sale by the H. K. Grice Drug Co., Rod
Cloud. Nebr.
mwiiiii runTi iiihiimi ii mm iiTrrTin hi mm Timiimiii in iiiiiiumi n n 1 1 in i n iiiwimiMKt
jl- us wmi
.. V !" W
'i ttTOK fi
Ky h7V
TO c
l 'V.-
Insures delicious, health
ful food for every home, every day.
The only baking powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
made from grapes.
Safeguards your food against alum and
phosphateof lime harsh mineral acids, which
are used in cheaply made powders.
Bryan dub Meeting
At the Court House, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Jttonday Eve., Oetobep,
Grand Torchlight Parade by the Webster County Bryan
Club, at 7 n. m.
"Pinesalvo carbolized acts like a poul
tice. Quick relief for bites and niintr
of insects,, chapped skin, cuts, burns
ana sores, tan ana sunburn. Sold
Henry Cook.
Furnished by the Mary Bryan Club
Song by QuartetMisses Longton and Argabright,
bright and DeWolf
Roll Call of Mary Btyan Club
Vocal Solo Miss Josephine Mizer
Address-F. E. Mauer
Song by Quartet-Misses Longton and Argabright, Messrs. Arga
bright and DeWolf
Selected Reading-Mrs. Dickson, President of Mary Bryan Club
Recitation-Miss Nita Argabright
33uinoa v'asn siav oaicsquij
Buy Your Underwear
Our Candidate;;,
The Democrats and Peoples' Inde
pendent party or WclMcr county,
whilst not asking any and all honor
able means to carry the county for
William Jennings llryan aro now turn
ing' thelr'attention to the state, con
irrcbsionul and county candidates.
Each and every candidate from gov
ernor down to county commissioner aro
deserving the support of every voter
who believes in an honest aud econo
mical administration of affairs of gov
ernment A. C. tihullenberger, candl
didute forgovcrnoron tho Fusion tick
et needs no introduction to tho peoplo
of Nebraska, having served this dist
rict In cougress. Ills every net,
wpcehes and voto was in favor of tho
armor, laboring man aud mechanic.
Fred Ashton, tho candidate for con
grrcss, was a member of tho lastj legis
lature and Is kuowu for his splendid
qualifications for duties devolving up-
Hii'h'ii i ottou Vests, all sies,'.
Uuben Wool Vests, No 1 10c. Rise, .Msnsvc.
Infants Wool Vests, button down front, Xo. 1
25c. Rise, ."ic a size.
Childrens Wool Vests, whito or gray, vests or
pants, .10c,
Children's Cotton Vests or Pants, Uecco lined,
l(i(T 12'jC, rise 2JjC a size.
Childrens Cotton Vests, heavy lieeco lined, sio
No. 1, lilrt?l."e. I!isi',ic. a size.
Childrens Union Suit-, fleeced lined, 2."ic.
' " " heavy, ."().
" " " " wool, size
No. I, 7."c. Rise "Jo a size.
Ladies Cotton Vests or Pants, extra largo sizes,
Sot-snug Vests or Pants GOc.
Ladies Lightweight Uniou Suits, $1 00.
Ladies Set-snug Union Suits 61 l.".
Ladles Wool Vests or Pants, 81 2j each,
Ladles Half-Wool Union Suits. 61 00.
Perfectly pure, unquestionably whole
some. A pure food factor ante-dating
all pure food laws. Indispensable for
raising finest cake, biscuit and pastry.
No Alum. No Lime Phosphates
Be on guard against alum in your food. Prof.
Johnson of Yale College says he "regards the
introduction of alum into baking powders as
most dangerous to health."
Read the label. Buy only where
Cream of Tartar is named.
Before buying your Ouling, Colton Bats, Table
Linen, Napkins, Dry Goods, Combs, Collars, Hose
or Gloves, look our stock over; if you don't find any
thing to suit you, you are not forced to buy. We
are always glad to show Goods.
We are Headquarters for Yarns.
N Bvitterick Patterns ns