The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1908, Image 8

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    f " I
New C liver Automatic Tabulator,
a Twin Improvement to the Oliver
Ruling Device.
JuM, uMinpli1, eK'iiuciit niuolitiiiNin
for tubulating npuniti'tl by a Muffli'
Yet that single lu-.v unlocks bcurus 1 1
doors to added typewriter convenience
ltdoenawny with the brain tension oi
tabulating. The movement of car
riage arc controlled by uikccii (lngci
The tabulator vovlb uutomatlealh
with unvarying accuracy.
Equipped wllh its new Automa 1c
Tabulator, "wntcli can be operated in
conjiecVwm with the Olivet Line Ruling
Device, the Oliver's sphere of usefulness
is unlimited.
In the wnrlt of
wrltluguiiil ruling
Statistical lepoils
Invoices, State
ments, Inventories
et e Listing
Cheeks DepuMi
Slips, Ciish Items,
Vouelii' '
eredit sales, Trial
llalanees, Pay KoIIn, Cost Keeords and
Kcores of similar tabulated records,
Oliver No. : has no ecpial. it Is the
only machine that eovers the whole
broad Held of modern commercial
work in a NUtisfactoiy way.
The Oliver Automatic Tahiihitoi- is
an Integral part of every new machine
furnished without a cent of addition,
al charge.
It caps the climax of a l'tig sei W-s of
improvements irlvcn to the world In
the iiiugnillccnl nee Oliver Xu .",
Each of these icmurUtililc mum
tlons Hie Oliver Taliiilatlir and ii
Oliver Killing Device supplements the
Together they form a comliloatl. n
of untold value in all branches of ciu
mercial accounting.
The Oliver Typewriter Is llrst of nil
a correspondence machine supreme in
splendid service. It makes work a
pleasure by providing automatic means
of spacing, tubulating, ruling, indica
ting exact printing point, securing
proper register, etc.
The saving of time, of mental caleu
latlou, of manipulation, of eXlruutten
tiou ami of eye strain is an in ealen
lable benefit to the operator.
And the gain in volume of work well
done without extra operative etVort
means much to every employer.
Write for the new" Oliver Catalog 01
belter still ask the nearest Oliver
Agent for a demonstration of .Mode'
No. 5.
The Oliver Typewriter Co.
1 16 S, I5lli Street Omalm, Nchretk.i
GEO. CORNER, Local ARcnl.
Wecnn iliuu M!MTI i ii( iiu'ii of ihu t uln
chIIIiit In w.ll hnjliii; "-lliii. n t.ticul ki'li
for the Oliver Tiumll rlni. irll.try nutulrvHiii
tnkcn If Intcri'Kipil wrili fur five rein ui I. ...
"The lle of Him I.ochI aki-mI "
Low rate Kveursions to eastern
cities and resorts. Northern Michigan '
Canada and New Kngland, daily until
September 30th. '
Attractive low excursion rates
daily to the. Pacific Coast. Yellowstone'
Park, Utah, Colorado, Dig Horn Monti-
tains and the black Hills.
During September and October to
Tuget Sound, California and hundred
of intermediate points.
at Oarand niid and Powell, Vyo
Personally conducted excursions to
the e lands the fir..,!, nml tlili-.i T..t
dsys of each month, (ioveinuietit '
engineer at Powell shows the laud
Also deeded and Carey Act lands.
Write I) Vlem llenttr. General .,j,,,t. Lul,,tk
t lyoriuan,,,, (,, Umnhn or htu M,lfr
It Free
Write nhrie,h-rll,Uonnj Vor t,roVe,l i,ip
and let u white yon Sou- to mule it the le,t uuu
ml the lent edit , " ,
Ticket Agent.
ti, V, WM.kl.KV, (! P. A..
Lacking the "Ear for Mutlc."
Ho bears a great loss nnd sorrow
who has "no ear for music." Into
one great garden of delights he may
not go. Thero needs no flaming
sword to bar tho way, since for him
there is no gate called Deautlful
which ho should seek to enter. Want
ed and stolid, ho stumbles through
, llfo for whom Its harp-strings vain
ly quiver. Yet, on tho other hand,
what does ho not gain? Ho loses
tho concord of swoet sounds, but ho
in Bpared tho discord of harsh nolsos.
For tho surges of bowilderlng bar
mony and tho dopths of dissonant
disgust, he stands on the levels of
perpetual peace. Gall Hamilton.
Potter's Blcck, Red Cloud. Nebr.
Radical Change Cut Price Sale
We have decided to make a radical change in this business.
We have decided to entirely close out our entire stock of Dry
Goods, Piece Goods, &c. y
We are going to make this an Exclusive, Ready-to-wear Store
Our entire stock of dress goods, silks, velvets, calicoes, percales
cretons, table linens, toweling, bed spreads, outings, Shaker Flannels
ticking, muslins, blankets, underwear, millinery, notions, &c, MUST
be sold out at this sale. '
This will be your last opportunity to buy this class of goods of us, as we want to t,rt Mc .,
deal as soon as we possibly can. This entire stock will be placed on S.e a! TsPECIAL BARGAIN WllS
YOU cannot afford to miss this sale as it will mean a BIG saving in making your fall purchases.
Special Selling of All the Dress
All the Dress Goods in this entire stock placed on
special prices, regardless of cost a.s they must go at 01
lfc, 18c, and 20c plain, fancy and plaid dress
piaceti on sale al HJc per yd.
.50c wool dress goods, sale price .'
5 and 75c wool dress goods, sale price ,'.
1. $1.15, 1.25 imported wool dress goods, sale price. .
f 1.50 Broad cloth sale price
1.50 Panama and other new dress fabrics all on sale
05c black, brown and white Silks, sale price,
1 black and white M inch Silks, sale price
1.45 . inch black SUks, sale price
M.75 36 inch black Silks, sale price
1 50 a inch Holding Bros. Satins, sale price
1.00 Silk Velvets, all colors, sale price
Special lot of 10c Flannelettes, sale prices "
12k Flannelettes, sale price
18c Suratt Flannelettes, sale price
"Si u1ew,funcy s,liti"gs, sale price '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.
All the best 7c Calicoes and Percales, sale price
10c Percales, sale price
r-c and 15c Percales, sale price
sale at
. . . 'Joe
. . . 48c
. . 5t)c
, .. t)8c
at l)8c
, . . 48c
. . . 75c
. . 75c
. . ic
... 9c
.. KJc
. . 5c
. . 7ia
. . .)c
American Thread Co's Best Thread, sale price 4c
Tc Unbleached Muslin, sale price f)(.
l'Jic Hope Bleached Muslin, sale price. .'.'..'.'. '. '. '. '.'.'.'..'. .' 8c
18c Feather ticking, sale price 124c
J8 and 40c table linens salo price of-y
(55 and 75o table linen, sale price '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 48c
l table linens, sale price 7,r)C.
7c outings sale price !.'!!!'!". '. 5c
10c outings sale price '.!'.'.'.!!!!!. 7i
12 1 -2c outings sale price r)c
i c Shaker flannel -)0
Our entire stock of Ladies' Boys' and Children's
Shoes on sale at Special Money Saving Prices
2.00 ladies' shoes at 1.45 !i pat leather shoes at 2.25
?2.25 " 1.70 3.00 Vici kid shoes at 2.25
2.50 " 1.25 3.50 pat leather " 2.65
Boys Pontine shoes at special prices. This is the best lino
of boys' shoes for wear over sold in this city. Every pair
warranted. Hoys' 1.75 Pontine shoes at 1.35; 2 Pontine
shoes at 1.65; 2.25 Pontine shoes at 1.70; 2.50 Pontine
shoes at 1.05 t&y- rz BP S '
Misses!M.35 shoes at 1.15 Misses 1.85 shoes at 1.45
doQ 1.5.) " 1.20 do 2.00 ' 1.55
Bargains in little folks shoes at 45, 55, 6S and 78c
Special Blanket Sale
248 Cotton and Wool blankets on
sale at Bargain Prices
It u i pny you to buy these at once as after thev -uv
t ey w. not l,o duplicated again this season
2 pair oOc gray cotton blankets at
20 pair f5c " "
20 pair 75c tan "
20 pair 1 tan and gray "
35 pair 1 35 tan and gray "
4 pair 1.50 and 1.00 cotton blankets
20 pair 1.75 cotton blankets.
28 pair Buells wool blankets on sale at " ;5' Xv'kh
and up to 5.50 "......), .-.ou,
All the Cotton Balls
on sale at special prices
15c Majestic cotton batts at in,
18c Melrose cotton batts.... ,
25c ' " !-c
30c Perfection " Jc
85c 3 lb cotton batts J"
1.00 4 lb cotton batts '.
Special Underwear Sale
OlAIi PKIChS. All tho men's fa and winter IIiu1pi.wp.,t
on sale at SPECIAL PRICES unrteiwear
Sl4:ciALUpTlCES.yS niUl cl,i,(lnjn's ""dogear on sale at
Special Sale
I). B. Fisk & Co's ladies' and misses new fall hats and mil
linory Every hat in this entire lot will be placed on s"l1o
at special prices. This is without questfo tho ?argest
and best showing n this line ever held in this city. Mek
hats are known all over the country as one of the very
best, latest and up-to-date lines shown in this country
Special Waist Sale. The Greatest Bargain
Values Ever Shown
5 silk lined not waists, sale price t, 0
5 u u ,, v 2.W
(! U U n ' . . . V w. UU
5 silk waists, sale price ',
0 w t 2.05
l.to6anTi!75V,'llneS " isUM fibe, 75cVi.20, 8l.25
MM Sit