U)f I I A Natural Inference. rodgera CwBtiul)--I have ncvor re ceived a crow? word from niy wlfo u my life. Smituy That ho? This !h the first I'd heard yon married a deaf mute. When a man cornea to ask yon for your opinion, ho really asks jou for n confirmation of his own. When a woman callH for hor son to come "just for a minute," he knows she wants him to work an hour. Household Tribulation. The old homo is not what It was long ngo, Thero'B "lltleryehoor' In each loom. We're all of us talkln more careful an' slow An' vcnrln' expressions of gloom. Nobody nmkos Jokes or tells stories or sings, Cnuso lajgbtcr ain't truly refined Au' wo'ro pnttln our thoughts on su lieriur things Since Maw Is iniprorln' her mind! Were talkln' "bout. ShnkoBpoiiro an Browning an' Keats. The biscuits look iiueer an' task wrong. Hut she says it's no difference what a man eata If his lnteloct'n healthy an' strong. An' Paw wiya a "culture club's" harder to hear Than the ton plaguiw of Kgypt com hlncd And excuses himself to go outdoors an' swear While Maw Is Improving her mind. Were tryln to heed the. oxumplo she sets, Though the naco she has struck makes us nnt. She says "cavm't" and "shawn't; but she sometimes forgets And falls hack on plain "can't" and "shan't" Tills morning Pa said, as he stood at the door. Ho was more than throe-quarters Inclined To enmp out an never conic home any more Till Maw quit improvin' her mind! Washington livening Star. Real Dace Ball. (W. J. l.amptou In New York World.) Ob, take me away from the bas bull game Where science Is at the but And the players play In a technical way Till a rubo can't tell where they're at .Where scores are highest when noth ing at all And nobody takcB a base; Where nobody makes Any sort of mistakes And evwytMng's just in place. Where spectators keep on tho watch for playH So close that tt gives theui a pain; And whatovor's done In hit, catch or run They scream at to take oft" the strain. Oh, carry mo back to the old-fashioned game That doesn't, know science at all, Where, f.bo sides go in With a whoop to win, And they don't do a thins but play hall. .Where twenty or thirty or forty runs Aro likely aB not to ho made; And tins baga aro hut From many a awat In giinws) that aro placed us is played. Whero the catcher don't look like an armored knight And th pitcher la not so Intense, The barter can't hit 'Em a WWe hit, But bangs 'em clean over the fence. 'Where something is doing that sure stlrn up tho soul About every mlnuto or so. With ho homo runs made And doulflo iriaye played And the whole darn tiling on the go. .Where grandstand and bleachers are all of a kfcnd, And aro there because they are thoro To seo a good game That's good Just tlio same Though science bo up in the air. Lincoln Directory FOR SALE abargaTn" A 5J5 II. P. Wailnottn Gas Engino almost now ami im 11 K. W. 110 volt General Electric Genera tor WIG HoTolntions por Minute. Add. Till lUCOU MS & ELECTRIC LIGHT C Attention of Mr. Vurtmy. Lincoln. Nt SfS GLEANERS AND DYERS And Pressors of Ladles'. Gentlemen's and Children's Clothing. Write for Prico List. J. C. WOOD & CO. 1322 N ST., LINCOLN, NEB. HERBERT E.GOOCH CO. UROKURS AND DEALERS Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton Main OMIce, 304.303 fraternity UUg, Lincoln, Ncfiraaka. Doll Plionn BIB Anto Phono 2050 I.nrKUKt Houso In Htato Taft's Ranch at Taft, TEXAS Thin fumouH ranch, tho lient In tho coaflt country, ut rotutonnhki pricey, cuxy tonnu. Vrltn im today for particulars. WHITE & LEVI, 716 P S, Lincoln, Nebraska. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND Now 1 ymrr importunity to buy KoutU Dakota Innd nt lust prlcitt. I.ariio lint to Mlert from. Write na lor particular!). WHITE & LEVI, TIG P St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Gasoline Engines Our uow 4 oychi motor U designed o jiodnlly for farm unit kIioji. CUSHMAN MOTOR CO., LINCOLN, NE3FL' . TALK OF NEW YORK Gossip of People and Events Told in Interesting Munncr. Where Strange Sects Find. Asylum MKW YOHK The arrest of :2 mem ll hers of "Tho Plrst Assembly of Christ' in Hrooklyn hns called the at tention of church as well as local au thorities to the number of religious rocletles In and about New York who have succeeded in keeping themselves under cover, although In many in stances their rites and ceremonies nre iif peculiar as those practised by the Hrooklyn hand. "The First Assembly of Christ" courted rather Hum avoided observation. They were arrested while going through a ceremony called "drawing the dragon." .John Augustus Wall's "Natlonnl Chinch" promised a permanent exist ence when it came Into existence in Jiinuary, 1007, in the Berkeley I.y. eeum. The sect aunouncod that it was founded on the principle of tho (olden Rule, had no creed, and was not governed by nn dogma. The "Holy Hollers" still maintain an organization In Xew Yoik, but Dog Dines in Style at Hotel Astor BUT the queer side of New York is not all to be found in the direc tion of religious fanaticism, for odd freaks aie to he found In ull the walks or life. An attorney mid a bull dog cut a swath at the Hotel Astor tho other day. The aforesaid lawyer and his canine of aristocratic French breed, strolled into the hunting room of the Hotel Astor and took chairs nt a table. "Bring friend spring chicken and a pot of tea," ordered Dickson. ".My dog likes It." "Yes, sir," suld thu waiter, think ing what a facetious gentleman Mr. Dickson was. The food being brought. Dickson tied a napkin about the dug's neck and told him to go as far as he liked. "Yep, yep," remarked the dog, and fell to. The waiter got excited and wanted Pleased by Airship Performances FAUMAN and his neioplane have captured Now York. His success ful (lights have aroused much Interest und the conlldence In the Scotch aero naut and his mnchine are growing. Ho is an enthusiast and In speaking of his plans and his work aud what ho would attempt next, said: "To do nuw things. Wo are all tho tlmo moving llko birds. You cannot explain these minute details, lor they arc of such un infinite variety. Wo are always changing more or less. Kvery day brings something new. The Scotch aeroplane expert does not take all the credit for the Inven tion of his flying machine, saying: "One man cannot do e vet y thing alone. I used plans of Iuigley aud some of Llebcnthnl, hut not much of tho latter. 1 have used some of the Ideas of Chanute and have used some of sovoral others. Hut still 1 hope to Sahara's Emperor ACQUES I, emperor of tho Saharn," J Is In town. Although actually un employed at the emperor business at present, U10 new arrival hns moro money than ho could count In a month. When off duty he answers to tho nnmo of Jacques Lebaudy. He Is the son or Lebaudy, tho Fronch sugar king, himself a picturesque porson allty while alive. Ho has Inherited tho immense sugar business, valuable property in many purts of Kurope and much ready cash. Asldo from tho young ninn's drenms of a ready-to-wenr emplro, Wh 0110 mission in life appeurs to bo to samplo hotels and hoarding houses and dodge nowspaper men. His royal highness, accompanied by tho imperlnl court, consisting of four advisers, who nre paid for hooping their advice to thcnuiulves, rolled up v v v v V V if show no desire to make themselves conspicuous. "The Holy Ghost and Us Socloty," which had Its origin In Maine, got a foothold in New York about a year ago. Tho name here was changed to tho "Holy Jumpers," but tho practices were Identical with tho rites of tho sect Down East lytes from all over the country. They started near Hound Brook, hut subse quently removed to Now York. "The Overcomers" Is another sect of which llttlo is heard, although they have their prcacherB and missionaries In New York and Brooklyn. It Is estimntcd by church statisti cians that tho number of believers In doctrines outside of those taught in the Christian and Jewish creeds will exceed fiO.OOO persons, and this in cludes the Seventh Day Adventlsts, tho Disciples of Christ, and the sect known as tho Christian Israelites, who have a church of their own on the lower east side. There aro In tho city of New York at least thirty pro fessed believers in Parseolsm, all of them horn In this country and not de scended from Oriental parento; about fifty who arc neither Chinese nor na tives of tho Far KaBt, who follow tho teachings or Lluddha and Confucius, and probably ten believers, all Ameri can born, who aro disciples of islam. to retract tho chicken and tea. "Co ahead; take them away," Bald Dickson. Tho waiter reached for the chicken plate, when "g-r-r-r," said tho dog. Dashing off to tho head waiter, tho private explained to that functionary. "I will see," said the head waiter, and he approached Dickson and tho dog In his best manner. "It's a way my dog hns," explained Dickson, lightly. "He won't hurt your chicken." So the head waiter let It go at that and sought a man higher up, who ap proached, looked over tho situation and decided that since It had gono that far It might as well go the limit. Dickson's dog ate chicken, hones and all, drank his tea from tho cup, and when he had llnished immersed his snoot and paws In a linger howl. Dickson dried him off with a napkin. When Dickson got his hill there wan nn extru Item on it "Breakage, S2.75." "Hut I haven't broken anything," ho declared. "Not yet, ni'sieur, but soon," said the grinning waiter, and, suiting tho action to tho word, ho smashed tho dog's plate, cup and saucer Into smithereens. keep improving. Delugrango uses ex actly the same machine as I do." Progress in the development of tho flyiug mnchine may be best obtained by public experimenting, said Farm an. He continued: "It ie b'tt?i tti do vurjrth!ng pnb llcly. It U d cult enough, any way, and it is better for others to seo what you are doing aud for you to seo what they aro doing, -each improving by noticing the mistakes of the other. Of course, the great difficulty In flying is tho gusts of air. 1 never had but one bad accident, aiud that was worse for tho mnchine than for mc. A steady Btrong wind Is what yon want. Theu you can mnko a good flight "Among tho other diincultim to he met with in ncroplauo flight is tho presence of trees, houses and high structures which dUrt the wind from Its true course." "Has tho aeroplane a future so far as practicability is concerned?" "Yes," replied Farman. "It will have a future to a very great extent. I think tho aeroplane will bo safer than the auto or other methods of conveyance. H will be so easy and so quick." in the Metropolis to the Hotel Helmont, West Forty fifth street, on foot Thoro was nothing about their raiment to indi cate they werfi members of a royal family on leave of absence. Lebaudy slowly approached the di-sk, with hlB retinue following in single file. "I thought they were a mob of street musicians," said tho hotol clerk afterwards. "I told them to pick up their Instruments and blow them selves to a walk. Then tho emperor hurled sumo Sahara stuff at mo and wound up by bouncing a $20 gold pleco on tho desk. 'Take yon shim mering coin,' ho said, 'and when It has fultllled Its mission tickle tho an nunciator and I will produce. I havo yet moro nnd then a few ot tho samo material. Enough of this. Lead us to tho royal suite.' Lebaudy has been in tho limelight for years, and this Is not his first trip to New York. Hits eccentricities have from tlmo to tlmo made Paris turn around and look, but his establishment of tho Em pire of Sahara, with himself as ruler, won him tho greatest notoriety. Ho announced that ho Intended to trans form tho desert Into a Jlourlshivg kJugdom. f l .- C 1ST0EIA. is a Iiarmloss mibstituto for Castor Soothing Syrups. other Narcotio substance. Its ago is its gurjanteo. It destroys Worms and allays Povorishness. It oures Diarrhma and Wind Colio. It roliovcs Toothing Troubles, euros Constipation and Eatulenoy. It assimilates tho Food, rogulatos tho Stomach and Bowols, giving healthy and natural sloop. Tho children's Panacea The Mother's Priond, Tbo Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has boon in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signaturo of Chas. II. Flotchor, and has boon mado under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to docoivo you in this. Ill Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " aro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Exporionco against Experiment. m m IllWfTr'Plam ALCOHOL 3 PElt CKNT. ANfaelalklfrrursllonlnrAc. simllailnSHicRjOflanaRcf'ula (ing(licSiomausarull(MUsor PromolcsDigcslionhccrM ncss and (test jContalns neitlw. Wii! l' ,!i MS' Opitini.Norphiac norMracraLI ?.! NOT NARCOTIC. jiccfacfoiJitsMXLrnmn JlajJhf Smi' jttxSaaat JtxMliUtf MmSrfd- genJUSUfur. fttaApm XmR MaiMataaa. Aperfccl Remedy for Coreflpfr Hon , Sour Storaacli.Dlarrraa Worms jConvulstms.i:evcrisu ncss andLOSS OPStEEP. RcSinrile Signature oT NEW YORK. FlWti M OIOlB d under if Exact Copy of Wrapper. OF COURSE HE WOULDN'T. .-t r f ? :.i zzz:' &2? I.''-.C "You certainly wouldn't marry a girl for hor money, would you, Tom?" "Of course not; neither would I have the heart to let her become an old maid because she happened to bo well off." BABY CRIED AND SCRATCHED All the Time Covered with Tortur ing Eczema Doctor Said Sores Would Last for Years Per feet Cure by Cuticura. "My baby nlcco was sufforing from that torrlblo torture, eczema. It was all ovor her body hut tho worst wus on hor face and hands. Sho cried and scratched nil tho tlmo and could not sleep night or day from tho scratch ing. I had her undor tho doctor's caro for a year and a half and ho Hcemcd to do her no good. I took hor to tho best doctor In tho city nnd ho snld that sho would have tho sores until sho was six years old. Hut if 1 had depended on the doctor my baby would havo lost hor mind and died from tho want of aid. But I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment and Bho was cured in threo months. Allco L. Dowoll, 47C9 Enston Ave., St. Louis, 5lo., May 2 and 20, 1907." Novel Uso for Visiting Cards. In connection with tho forthcoming world's drawing congress in London, when it Ir anticipated that .'1,000 peoplo will attend tho reception at tho Royal College of Art, It Ih proposed, for tho purposes of Identification, that mem bors of tho British committee should wear their visiting enrds upon tho lapels of their coats or their dress bodices. The American Frlonds' board of for clgu missions has so far had control of Cuba only, but It Is planucd now to transfor to It :ho work In Palestine. f "' T S- iWPgs, Mexico, Japan. What is Castoria. It is ploasant. It contains noithor Opium, Morphine nor Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.1 Dr. F. Gerald Dlattncr, of Buffalo, N. T., oayo: "Your Cantorta. Tb jjooa lor children nnd I frequently prcecrlbo It, always obtaining tho desired results." Dr. Gustavo A. TJioengTaohor, of SL rnul, Minn., Bays: "I havo titusd your Castoria repeatedly in my rractlco with good rcnulta, and can rocom mond It as an excollont, mild nnd harmless remedy for children." Dr. D. J. Dcnnlo, of CL Louis, Mo., unyB: "I havo tiBed and prescribed your Castoria in my canltarlum and outoldo practlco for a number of year nnd And It to ho an excellent rctnody for children." Dr. 0. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, rn., eayo: "I havo used your Cas toria In tho cnr.o of my own baby and find it pleasant to talto, and hnv obtained excellent results from Its use." Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, HI., naya: "I havo mod your Castoria la cases of colic In children nnd havo found It tho best modldno of Ha kind on tho market," Dr. II. E. Esltlldson, of Omaha, Nob., says: "I find your Cnntoria to bo ntandnrd family remedy. It Is tho best thing for Infants ami children I havo over known and I recommend It," Dr. L. It. Ilohinson, of Kansas City, Mo., Bays: "Your Cantorta certainly lias merit. Is not Its axo, Its continued uso by mothora through all theco years, and tho many attempts to lmltato It, sufficient rocommcndatlonl ;Vhat can a physician add? Lcavo It to tho mothora." Dr. Edwin F. Tardco, of Now York City, says: "For several yearn I havo recommended your Castoria nnd shall always contlnuo to do so, as lb hoa Invariably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. B. SIzcr, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to what aro called patent medicines, whero maker alono knows what Ingredients aro put in. them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and advlso Its uso." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sean tad 2Lym&i The KM You Bate Always BongM In Use For Over 30 Years. TH(C(NTunooMMnv, rr NO SURPLU8 FUNDS ThcRE. Beggar Satisfied with Evidence of Poverty In Sight. Two old Hohrow beggars we're trav eling together through tho residence section of Pittsburg not long ugo, in quest of contributions toward their joint capital. Presently they passed a hundsomo residence, from which Bwcet sounds of mualc issued. It was lko's turn nnd hopefully he nscended tho Btcps to tho front door, eagerly watched by Jake, who expected quite a handsome addi tion to their funds. Ills consternation was great conse quently when ho beheld Ike roturnlng crcstfullen and empty-handed. Anxiously running to meet him, ho said: "Veil, Ikey, how did you make out with tho good peoplo?" "Ach, Jakoy," replied Iko, "thero was no iihu usklng In there, because they are very poor peoplo themselves. Just think two lovely ludlcs playing on ono pluuo!" Judge's Library. Starch, llko everything else, Is be ing constantly Improved, tho patent StarchcB put on tho market 25 years ago nro very different and inferior to those of tho present day. In tho lat est discovery Defiance Starch all In jurious chemlcnls aro omitted, whllo tho addition of another ingredient, in vented by us, gives to tho Starch a strength and smoothness novcr ap nroachod by other brands. A 8lander. Squaggfi Why did tho butcher heat up Longloy? Squtggs Slander. Squnggs What'd Longley say? Squlggs Suld ho saw a dog down in tho butcher's licking his chops, und a lot of customers quit before it wns explained that tho dog was licking his own chops. Toledo Blade. WK NKI.I. C.VSH AMI THAI'S CIIHAI' &. buy Furo & Hideo. Write for catalog 105 X. VY. llido &. Fur Co., Minncapuliri, Minn. Habit has moro forco In forming our characters than opinions have. U. Hall. Smoker have to call for LcwiH Single Hinder ciRiir to urt it. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, l'coria, 111. If you aro unablo to hold your tem per get a strong man to hold you. Mr. Wln.low'H Rootlilnr Hyrtip. Forrtilldrrn teeUilnir, .often, tho KUtn., reduce. Id flimmatloa, alUjf. pla, cure, wind collu. 2&c a botUo A talking machlno In all right if It does not talk machine politics. ri"el Alli'DM iwxit-HiMi. iin at Tour linn.'1tM'iL WrlU, A. W. OlmsuA, lM UortS. V., Jul ".!$ " Better a tramp in tho woods than a hobo in tho woodBked, Oil, Parogorio, Drops and Signature of MUMuvanttrr, R.wvoMaorr. The 8plder and the Ffy. In tho long warfare between tho spider and tho fly, tho latter has had tho housewife for Its auxiliary aud friend. Tho flics havo lxxm toloraled, oven fed and nurtured, whllo tho spiders nnd their webs havo boon ruth lessly destroyed. This nnremlttlng nnd unrelenting war against It keeps tho spider population down, whllo tho files Incrcnso and mnltlply by tho millions and ten of millions, almost unchecked. Tho spider 1b ugly and his web Is unsightly in tho estima tion of most people, but spiders hurt no human creatine Thoy feed on flies, which aro tho foes of mankind, nnd do mankind a service. Philadel phia Press, SICK HEADACHE Positively cured fry lliesc Utile nils. CARTERS HHITTIP trmflfrmt7ftpiHlii,In. WM u 0rW dlB'JftloiiarxlTooIIeoity Q IVtK UaUiiR. A pcrreat rem- H nillC edy for Dliilncsu, Nau- MM r ItLQi nen, DrowtrincHH, Dad 1J1H Truite I nthe Mouth, Cont- il ed Tuusrae, rain in tbo I I Hlil e, TOliriD I.IVKR. rhcy regulate the Bowels. Pnrely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GARTERS VlTTlE TlVER PJLLB. w"KW-2IThompionfi Eye Wl8r Kit VCA TMOXA Nebraska Military Academy Lincoln, Nohruaka 'J.lJr.l1.'lM,n,llt"rJ,,H",nlllK'''o'0'toy.8plai. illcJImUdlrKuml if round. ITnpuroeforwIIciioaml limine;. ttHvluldi'p.intiicntforytiuni(loyuiiderll juiru. surlufurauUon.addroMU.D.LUjrw&ril.Uupt. Cotner University ltt!tliiiny,Nil.1l.ln,oln'iinnrsnbi!rb.i;or.! BOrm MlHTiil AriisMwllclne. Hriiciiiijt; lllblo.MuUr.UJ pri'KxIiin, HiikliuiKa, Normal. Art. Aimiiemv. Son. I'Mrr iiotiHrpuiubar7, January 26. Hapeuwtavary low. Send fur catalog, ela. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 34, 1908.j