The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1908, Image 2

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The Chief
E. B. DoWOLF, Publisher
Castro needs n lltttlo pilmnry In
structlon ub to who wo nro.
Wnr bnlloonUts mo beginning to
mnko battlo-shlps look old fushlonod.
Persians now have tlio massacre
fovor. Ob, civilisation Is spreading,
nil right.
If AnniGoulds mnnTngo Bhonld
turn out hnpplly, bow surprised ovory
ono would bo!
Tlio wofld-wldo steel trust Ih warned
not to glvo cniiHO (or nu alteration ot
vowoIb in ltd name,
Thcro aWlulmujicoplo-who didn't
oven look ut their monoy after read
ing of tbo ten-dollar counterfeit blllB.
A cclebraTod ornithologist Bays that
butterflies nro tbo bent actors In tbo
world, nnd bo was not speaking of
summer girls, either.
A Now York wotnnn committed sui
cide bocniiBo alio couldn't puy her
renL Homo peoplo go to extremes In
trying to fool the landlord.
Tho board of education In Shanghai,
China, has decided to punish tbo teach
ers of schools who report that somo
of tho students nro too bad to bo edu
cated. A NowYoriTlJilcf "wim nrrosted,
tried, convicted, Hcntenced and started
for prison within 24 hours. Howover,
bo Is permitted to take his time about
serving his term.
CommandeTPeary knows now who
tho candidates of tho great political
parties are, but bo will have to wait
until next summer to find out who
has been elected.
Now that wlroloss lelephono mes
sages have been successfully trans
mitted over 12 miles botween Newark
nnd Now York, tho future of wireless
telephony seems bright.
Tho nowcst nnd llncst passenger
stenmor hns n tolophone In every
stateroom, thus enabling pusflongors
who nro seasick to cnll ono another up
nnd describe In detail atl their symp
toms. Latest disclosures of tho Inhumnn
treatment of prisoners In Yekatornl,
St. Petersburg, are convincing that the
worst had not boon previously told
nbout darkest Russia. Hut surely there
Is no worso to como.
Pcnry'n lust expedition northward
Ib being roforrod to as "a race to tbo
pole." If only there was a general be
lief that he will cover tbo completo
stretch of tbo racetrack tbo gamo
would bo mora exciting.
This proposition to give ovory horse
employed In tho postoulco department
a 30 days' summor vncatlon further il
lustrates tho comparative luxurious
noes of working for Undo Sam oveu
nn u modest snlary. He's easy.
Tho BhortCBt tlmo around tho world
is claimed to have been mndo by Lieut.
Col. Burnloy Campbell, who left Liv
erpool on Mny 3, 1907, and on bis re
turn, lnnded at Dover on Juno 13, 1907,
covering the circuit In 40 days and
Prof. George K. Pnlmor of Harvard
university in a recent lecturo snld In
substance: "Tho scientific world
swung to Darwinism and then
swung back; tbo religious world
swung over to tbo scientific position,
and is swinging back."
The queen of Spain bus mndo a
quick rocovory, nnd has loft hor room,
wbllo tbo now baby, now aged three
weeks, takes his first promenade In
tho gardens of La Oranju. Tho first
thing wo know, tho youngster will bo
riding a pony and driving his elder
brother to do stunts over tbo garden
Tho meanest man In tho world hns
been nrrested In New York on tho
charge of cheating poets. Ho not only
stole their songs, but also tho monoy
thy sent with tho versos In n prize
competition. A man who would do
fraud a hardworking union poet should
bo mndo to read all tho poetry ho re
ceived. A well-known French physician has
written a long article upon the useful
ness of tears, but he falls to nolo the
fact that they ofen procuro for a worn
nn her own way when dealing with
bard-hearted man. No woman who
uses her ability to cry aright will
agree with tho porson who spoaks of
"useless tenrs."
Tho following advertisement appears
in a Hungarian Journal: "Kxperlenced
porson has opened a school for all
those who deslro to perfect tbemsolvos
in tho art of being humorous. Dry
intellectual humor taught, as well aa
ordinary witticisms of dally Hfo.
Demonstrations in practical Jokes If
desired." Hero's a great opportunity
for tho editor of London Punch.
Onco every three years the Sunday
school field is surveyed at a conven
tion which brings together delegates
from all over tho world. Tho latest
lias but Just closed at Louisville, Ky.
Figures given thero aro so surprising
us to bo almost Incrcdlblo, If thoy
wero not so well authenticated. For
example, during tho last thrco years
thero has been un Increnso In tbo
membership of tho Sunday school In
North America of 1,000,000 pupils, tho
financial resources lmvo doubled, and
l,O00,0P0 nddltlons lmvo como by way
of tbo Sunday scboolB.
What to Golna on Here and Thero
That la of Interest to hte Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Four business flrmH In Tecumsch
woro victims of forged checks,
Tbo Presbyterians of North Platte
will erect a $19,000 stmcturo.
HnllrondB leading to Lincoln did n
big business on Bryan notification day.
Tho chief of jmjHco of Nebraska City
has resigned and gone Into tho saloon
Tho gaB company of Ileatrlco will
hereafter pay taxes on $52,500, Instead
of $35,950.
Tho mayor of grand Island wielded
tho big stick, discharging a number of
Chicken thieves hnvo of Into been
operating qulto succosffully In tho
vicinity of Greshum.
Catholic churches In Ncbrnlkn City
will merge and build one line structure
to nccommodato all of (hem.
Nebraska City's Chautauqua this
year was n great success, the attend
ance being double that of last year.
$1,850 worth of grain raised nnd
threshed from ono quarter section of
lnnd Is tho record made by J. L. Titter
lugton, n young fnrmor a mile from
A largo party from Wymoro went to
San Louis valley to be present ut tiro
land drawing there. About seventy
five In that place have invested In the
lnnd scheme.
Howard Toncray, n former Fremont
boy, Is lying ut tbo point of death In
n Denver hospital as tho result of tho
drunken escapade of Daniel Delnncy
of Denver.
'Tho coroner from Wahoo was
called to Hescuo to bold nn Inquest
over tho remains of an old Bohemian
by tbo nnmo of Anton Velohn, aboul
sixty years of ngo, who had died sud
denly from ptomaine poisoning.
The Wl'stern Union Telegraph com
pany of Nebraska City was ordorcd to
movo Its lines from tho principal
streets nnd tnko down all poles. Suit
has been Instituted to enforce tho or
der. .1. T. O. Stowarl of Omnbn, a travel
ing representative of tho coming na
tional corn show In Omaha, has been
In Johnson county working up interest
in tbo show. Mr. Stewart snyB some
thing Ilka $75,000 in prizes will bo
given for tho best com.
James Durko and Frank Smith,
Btrangors, who enmo to Central City to
attend the reunion, nro In Jail pending
tho investigation of a robbery that, or
cured on tho grounds. Tho sum of
$CT nnd a couple of watches were
James Brolt of Uentrlcc, who was ar
rested some time ngo on a charge of
bootlegging nnd discharged for a lack
of ovldencc, has flletl a suit for $5,000
damages against members of tho civic
lenguo who caused his arrest nnd Im
prisonment. Fred HoIiib of Horshoy postofllce, on
his farm woven miles south of Hcrshny,
raised twenty ncrea of winter wheat
that threshed out forty-four bushols to
tho aero. His neighbor, Cbniles Molnko
of tho samo place, raised twenty acres
of winter wheat that threshed out
forty-ono bushels to tho ncro.
Tbo Initial meeting of tho Nebraska
Travelers' association, an organization
that Ib tho outgrowth of tho South
Platto Hustlers' association, will bo
hold In Prospect park, Hastings, Sep
tember 18 and 19. Tho Tnrvclers' as
sociation Is purely a fraternal order
and has no Insurnnco fenture.
Low Tuttlo of Palmer has perfected
n mncblno for cutting tho grass nlong
unballasted rnllrond tracks, which has
been tried with tbo greatest success
by tbo n. & M. It is built Bimllnr to
a mowing machine with a five foot
sickle, and tho wheels and nxlos wero
tnken from a handcar. Ono horso
draws it with ease, and it does the
work of ninny men.
Tho main progrnm or tho State
Teachers association meetings nl Lin
coln, Novomber 4, 5 and 0, is nearly
complete. Wednesday, November 1,
will bo taken up with the exercises of
tho superintendents' nnd principals'
association, which in a pnrt of tbo
main association. These exercises
will bo unusually varied and Interest
ing this year.
In order that his funeral may not be
too elaborate and unnecessary ox
ponso involved, D. S. Gardner, a farm
er living near Archer, has purchased
his coffln. Tho cost of tbo casket
which ho solocted nnd ordered re
served for him is $50. Ho explains
that bo did not enra to go above this
amount, because lie wished his sons
to have ns largo nn Inheritance ns
possible, and did not enre to have
monoy wasted on an oxponslvo funeral
Tho Wnhoo Chautauqua closed with
Capt. Hobson as Its drawing card.
Tho Farmers' elevator at Henedlct
Is ono of tho successful and prosperous
farmers' elevators In Nebraska which
has been doing n most profltablo bus!
ness for sovornl years. Its success is
duo principally to tho fact that the
farmers and stock holders aro In
enrnest and nro nsslsllng tbo ofllccrs lo
mnko It successful. Tho farmers lmvo
had a great deal to contend with us
olovator aftor elevator owned by trusts
and largo corporations have purchased
houses nt Benedict, but thoro is no
(llRHArtRtnn nmnnr- iht fnrmnf.ii
I " ""' "'
Items of Greater or Leaser Impor
tance Over the 8tate.
Nebraska City hnB mudo Its annual
tux levy 8 per cent lower than last
Hnlled Ilrelhren nt Shelby hnvo
laid tho corner stone for their now
Tho farmers' elevator at York hns
proved to bo a highly successful in
vestment. Dig iMjllthlca! guns, It Is snld. hnvo
not drnwn well ut Nebraska Chnutnu
quas this year.
Harneslon. (Inge county, Is now
without n saloon, whereat old boozern
aro In a sullen state.
Alnswortb hnd n hull storm that
mndo Hmlthereens of twenty-seven
lights In tho school bouse.
Out In Deuel county they nro get
ting forty bushels of wheat to tbo
acre and corn appears tho best over.
Elmor Duncan, a young man nbout
twenty-three yearn of ngo, whb nrrest
ed at Uentrlre charged with bootleg
ging. Many eastern people nro this year
visiting relatives and friends In Ne
braska and aro delighted with tho
A half-section of land two and n
half miles west of Homlngford was
sold for $25 per ncro. This same sold
for $3 per acre four ycura ago.
At Fremont preparation is telng
made for the opening of tbo now $G0,
000 Young Men's Chrlstlon association
building during the week ending Sep
tember II.
As evidence tbnt Dodge county land
Is not declining In value witness tho
nalo last week of a 400-ncro tract In
Pleasant Valley township nt the rato
of $110 per aero Is chiontclcd.
John Frerlchs, of tinge county, n
prominent Gorman farmer, was kicked
In tho stomach by n horso and se
riously Injured. Whllo his condition Is
serloiiB, It Is thought ho will recover.
Elmer, aged 18, and Charles, nged
20, sons of David James, wero
drowned In (he river six miles below
Nobrnska City. Tho family resides nt
Mlnorsvllle. They hnd gone In swim
ming. Miss Mnry Hooking was killed at
Lorton by n Missouri Pnclllc trnln as
she was making a crossing. Tho road
had allowed tho weeds to grow so high
that approach of the trains could
not be seen.
Old frlendB and neighbors of tbo
Pioneers nnd Old Settlers' association
of Hurt county have been invited to
attend the hlxth nnnunl reunion nnd
picnic, which Is to be held in To
kumab, August 22.
Division of Knox county Is being
ngltnted ngnln, the plan being to dlvldo
tbo county east and west, and n peti
tion asking for n vote on it this fall
will soon be presented to tho county
board for consldcrntlon.
Jay Webster, ago eighteen, n son
of Al Webster, a fnrmor living nbout
fifteen mllcB north of Tekamah along
tbo river, was drowned In tho Mis
souri. Ho wns u good swimmer, but
never roso after bo jumped Into the
August 25 nnd 20 the Northwestern
Nebraska Dental society will meet In
Hastings for Its scml-nnnunl meeting.
This society Is ono of the strongest in
tho .state, comprising nbout twolve
counties and the cities of Grand Island
and Kearney.
Many Bentrlco peoplo read with
regret regarding tho removal ot Union
Pnclflo headquarters from Ucatrlco to
Marysvlllo, Kas. Tho company cm
ploys about 150 men in Beatrice and
tho Commercial club will do nil In Us
power to prevent such n chnnge.
Practically every section of land In
Sioux county Is now filed and has a
bona lido resident on It. neforo tho
Klnknld law was passed this land was
all the rango of a few cattle com
panies. Tho entrymen aro raising
splendid crops of nil kinds on tho
land, which lias similar soil to east
ern Nebraska, and relinquishments
are hard to buy at any price.
IngerFolI Hros., who nro sinking n
deep well for Gilbert E. Unnka on his
farm south of Nobrnska City, aro down
to n depth of 1.000 feet nnd have
struck several traces of oil and thoy
have encountered n number of layers
of shale, which Is encountered nbovo
oil fields. Their well Is dry nnd ex
pect to go tho depth ot 2,000 feet. Mr.
Hanks Is not bring for oil, but Is after
n big flow of nrtcBlnn water to supply
his homo nnd farm.
Tho Omaha Corn exposition has ar
ranged to hold an agricultural con
gress during tho exposition this win
ter. Plans arc mndo for a number ol
noted spenkors. Among them will bo:
William J. Brynn, Zeforlno Domln
quez of Puoblo, Mex.; Judgo H. E.
Deemer of Red Oak, In., Judgo of tho
supremo court of Iowa; Governor
Cummins of Iown, Editor Henry Wal
laco, Governors Buchtol of Colorado,
I loch of Kansas nnd Sheldon of Ne
braska. Spill, n neatrlco pacing horse, pur
chased somo tlmo ago by C. II. Dixon,
has been doing some flno work slnco
being taken east. Tho other day ho
was third In tho 2:0S pace at Kalama
zoo, Mich., tbo tlmo of tho heats being
2:02, 2:0G, 2:03', 2:0C.
Tho rccrd prlco for land vnluca In
Cuming county was reached a few
days ngo in tho Bnlo of a quarter sec
tion in Deemer township owned by T.
C. Kirk to Benjamin Martin of Illinois
at n prlco of $22,000 for tho qunrtor, or
$140.02 por acre. This Ib tho highest
prlco ever obtained In Cuming county
for ordinary agricultural land.
Most Important Hoppeaincs cf the
Past Seven Dayc.
Interesting Items Gathered From all
Parts of the World Condensed
' Small Space for the Ben
efit cf Our Readers.
Flro at Oklahoma city destroyed the
Loe hotel, ono of the flncat In tho city,
nnd other buildings. Tho loss Is esti
mated at $250,000.
Tho riot at Springfield, 111., was
continued In defiance of tho state
troops. Tho entire negro section of
tho city was given over to tho flames
and the frenzied mob even went so
fnr as to Btorm tbo capltol building
nnd several bullets entered tho win
dows of Gov. Deneon's office In which
the executive sat, but he escaped In
Jury. Hov. D. P. ItobertK, pastor of a negro
church In Chicago, advised his congre
gation to nrm themselves and be pre
pared to resist mob violence.
Tbo now $1,000,000 west Noblsh
channel nt Snultu Stc. Marie, Mich.,
has been opened to trnluc.
KnnBns City bank clearings for tbo
second week of August were tbo
largest on record with one exception.
Thoy amounted to $39,205,257.
Capt. P. C. Halns, son of Hrlg. Gen.
P. C. Halns, shot nnd killed Wllllnm
E. Annls, editor of Burr Mcintosh's
Monthly nt BnyBldo. L. I. He accused
tho editor of breaking up his family.
A scandal was recently caused In east
ern nrmy circles by Mrs. Halns' ac
tions with Annls wbllo her husband
wa absent In the Philippines.
A three-year-old son of James
Magerell of Holton, Knn was killed
by eating lco cream. No trace of
poison was found.
Tho town of Pnho In Hooka county,'
KnnBns, wns recently partly destroyed
by fire. The loss Is estimated at $25,
000. The telephones in three directions
out or Sallna, Kan., were recently put
out of commission by an electrical
storm. A Boaklng rain nccompanled
tho Btorm.
Tbo Biirvlvors of the Fifth Knnsns
cavalry will hold n reunion nt Knnsas
City In October. Gen. Powell Clayton
of Arkansas, who commanded tbo reg
iment, Is to be the principal speaker.
Tho "miracle" wheat exploited In
an nrtlclo In the Saturday Evening
Post Is denounced ns n fake by agri
cultural authorities of Kansas.
The six Chinamen recently captured
In n freight car ut Herlngton, Kan.,
have been ordered deported.
Two persons were killed and six
injured by the explosion of n balloon
In Loudon. Tho balloon, owned by
Capt. Lovelace of tho Now York Aero
club, was being prepared for an as
cent when tho accident occurred.
Springfield, 111., wnB In tho hands
of n mob recently bent on wrenklng
vengeance on the negro Inhabitants
because of an nssault committed on a
whlto woman by a negro. Gov. Dc
neon ordered out several companies
of militia to preserve order. The
homes of many negroes wero looted
nnd tho owners benten. Several per
sons were severely Injured nnd n boy
of 14 wus killed.
Tho next convention of tho supreme
lodge, Knights of Pythlns, will bo held
In Mllwnukco, Wis.
Tho United States nnd England
hnvo. reached n satisfactory ngreo
mont regarding tbo New Foundlnnd
fisheries for 1908.
Tho Chicago Great Western railway
has withdrawn its notice of a cut In
grnln rates filed u few days ngo.
Sergt, MaJ. Helyen and Master Elec
trician Jones attached to tho military
force nt the Presidio, wero killed In
nn automobile accident in San Fran
cisco. Mrs. Duke, wlfo of the millionaire
tobacco manufacturer, was convicted
nt Chicago ot passing u worthless
check on u hotel.
Chairman Hitchcock nnd Arthur I.
Vorys held nn all-day conference with
Judgo Tuft at Hot Springs, Vn., re
cently. After tho conferouco It was
announced that Mr. Taft would make
no political speeches outside Cincin
nati during tho campaign.
Six persons wero killed and 18 oth
ers Injured in an exploBlon on board
tho French Bchool ship Couronno off
Les Sallns d'Hyeres, Tho breech of
a gun blew out whllo recruits wero
receiving Instructions In hnndllng it.
Ono thousand Cblncso soldiers sta
tioned nenr Wlucbow, mutinied
murdered their commander, his bcc
retary und clerk and pillaged tbo vil
lage. They then Joined tho rebels In
tbo mountains.
Mrs. Cntherin Stucker, n widow of
St. Charles, Mo., was taken from her
bed to n lonely spot and brutally
treated by a gang of men for whom)
tho authorities nro senrchlng. Sho Is
now In tho county hospital suffering
from tho result of her experlenco. Sho
is not expected to recover.
Moro than 50 motor cars and taxi
cabs wero destroyed in u garage lire
In Chicago. Tho total loss Is placed
nt $500,000.
A mechanic's lien has been tiled on
tbo aeroplane brought to this country
from Franco by Henri Farman by a
New York firm.
A recolvor has been appointed for
tho Gold Hill Copper company of
North Carolina. Tho concern Is cap
italized for $5,000,000.
Every presidential candidate has
been invited to lake part In the re
ception in New York on August 29
to tbo American Olympic athletes.
A meeting of railroad employes wna
held In St. Paul recently to organize
nn association to fight legislation hos
tile to tho railroads.
The Prohibitionists aro planning to
make a vigorous fight for tho voto of
South Dakota for their national ticket.
"Sonny" Bridge, a professional
motor cyclist, wub Instuntly killed
while testing a machine on the track
at Paterson, N. J.
The Baldwin airship made a flight
at Fort Myer which broke all reeords
in this country. For two hours It
flew back and forth over tho course.
It now becomes the property of tho
wnr department.
The Philippine nrmy has selected
Pittsburg us the place Tor holding
their reunion next year.
During the recent race riot at
Sprlngllold, 111., E. W. Challn, tho Pro
bllbtlon candidate Tor president, was
Injured by being struck on tho head
by a brick. .
Tbo meeting of tho Commercial
Travelers' Interstate Prosperity con
gress In New York wob Interrupted
by a parade of the "army of unem
ployed," under tbo leadership of Alex
ander Borkman, a confessed anarchist.
Tho police dispersed tho paraders.
A score of young men and young
women on horseback Invaded Saga
more Hill and held President Roose
velt up for u contribution to the Nas
sau hospital at Mlucola.
More than $1,000,000 wns paid the
Canadian Pacific strikcrB by tho rail
way compuny tho other day. Tho
amount wns wages due to tho tlmo of
the strike.
While making an experiment in
alighting after a successful flight nt
Lemans, France, Wilbur Wright's aer
oplane was considerably damnged.
Mr. Wright was not Injured.
Mistaking hi in for u robber. Sheriff
Thomas shot J. M. Crisp a merchant
of Arapahoe, Ok. Crlsy may recover.
Tho International Typographical
union In session ut Boston voted to
bold tbo next convention in St. Jos
eph, Mo.
Twelve thousand persons from nil
parts of tho country marched In tho
annual parade of the Eagles at Seattle.
At the first day's session of tbo St.
Louis grand Jury five men woro In
dicted for frauds committed nt tbo
recent primary election.
Tho American Federation of Catho
lic societies has udjourncd to meet
In Pittsburg, Pa., next year.
Chicago was visited by a heavy
electrical and rain storm recently.
Lightning destroyed electric feed
cables cutting oft light und power.
Many basements In the downtown dis
trict wero flooded.
Kootaual, Idaho, a town of 300 In
habitants, was entirely destroyed by
a forest fire tho other day. A lum
ber mill valued at $200,000 was
among tho property burned.
A heavy storm visited tho camp of
Instruction nt Fort HI ley, Kan., blow
lug down many tents nnd flooding tbo
enmp. The hendquarters tent was
struck by lightning and several men
knocked down but no fatalities re
sulted. Tho campaign for tho nomination
for governor of Kansas cost Cyrus
Lelnnd n llttlo more than $0,000. Mr.
Stubbs Is reported to hnvo expended
only $3,713 for tbo snmo purposo.
Mr. Taft hns made plans for n
week's flBhlng In Lake Erie before bo
goes to Cincinnati.
James M. Harper, president of tho
Bank of Conway Springs, Kan., nnd
ono of the wealthiest business men in
Sumner county, Is dead.
Dr. C. B. Kennedy, ono of tho oldest
nnd most widely known residents of
Pnrsons, Kan., died recently whilo at
tending tho funeral ot an old friend
at Erie.
Prof. Chatelaine, a well known
tenchcr of Omaha, died recently from
the oxccsslvo heat.
A. It. Spofford, llbrarlau of congress
for 33 years, Is dead nt Holderness,
N. H.
Tony Pastor, tho widely known the
atrical manager Is dangerously ill nt
him homo in Elmburst, L. I.
Gen. Fred Funston hns nrrlved nt
Fort Leavenworth to assumo his
duties ns commandant of tho army
service school.
Ira D. Sankey, the singing evangel
ist and companion ot D. L. Moody for
many years, Is dead In Brooklyn, N.
Y., uged OS years.
Ex-Senntor Hogcr Q. Mills, of Toxan,
recently underwent u nurglcnl opora
tlon nt tho Johns Hopkins hospital In
Baltimore. Ho Is Improving.
It is now reported that Sonator
Long of Kansas will go Into tho ce
ment business at Mcdlclno Lodgo af
ter tho completion of his term in the
Tho Typographical union of Lincoln,
Neb., tendered a bauquet to G. H.
O'Sulllvan of Lowell, Mass., at which
tho principal speaker was William J.
Bryan, who recently becamo n mom'
ef or tno un,on'
Ira. Emily Haines Harrison, a
nurse nnd spy for tho anion forces
during tbo Civil wnr, nnd widely
known in Knnsns, Is dead In tho Blck
edryko homo, Ellsworth, nged 87 years
Referee In Bankruptcy W. E. Blair
of Pittsburg, Pa., has adjudged Harry
K. Thaw n bankrupt.
Wllllnm J. Bryan was formally
notified of his nomination for tho
presidency of tho United Statos by
tho committee from tho national Dem
ocratic convention at Lincoln, Neb.
Representative Henry D. Clayton ot
Alabama mado tbo notification speech
and Mr. Bryan accupted the nomina
tion In an address outlining bis posi
tion on the various issues of tho cam
paign. Tho coremonles woro Bhort
and simple and were of a non-partisan
Doller Explodes Killing One and Injur
ing Many.
Mrs. Isabel Labonte of Traverse
City. Mich., was killed and u score of
passengers wero Injured Monday by
tbo explosion of the boiler of a pas
senger steamer Icelnnu bound from
Leland to Fouche on Carp Lake. Carp
Inko lies In tho northern Michigan re
sort district, being located In the pen
insula Jutting northward between Uiho
Michigan nnd Grand Traverse Hay.
Having only aboard pleasure seekers
bound for Traverse City to attend n
wild west show tho Utile steamer whs
plowing nlong tho nnrrow lake with
a steam pressure of eighty pounds, try
ing to mnko up the tlmo tbut bad been
lost In tho earlier Btugcs of the trip.
As sho was passing Blufb the engineer
discovered n loose bolt In tbo engine
nnd shut off steam to remedy the de
fect. It was whllo ho was working nl
tho looso boat that tho explosion oc
curred. Tho boiler gave way with u
crash, tenrlng off the top of the en
gine nnd demolishing tbo pilot house
nnd tho forwnrd upper works of the
stenmor. Mrs. Labonte was silting
nenr tho pilot house conversing with
her brother, Charles Moslur, captain of
tbo boat, nnd was blown far out Into
tho water, terribly mnnglod.
Seml-Centennlal of Under Atlantic
Mouday wub a notnblo day In the
history of submnrlno telegraphy. Jut
fifty years ngo, on August 17, 1S58, tho
flrBt cable message was sent across the
Atlantic. Tho messago was nlnetj
words, from Queen Victoria to Presi
dent Buchanan. It took 07 minutes to
transmit. Today somo 23.000 words
nro sent by cable botween America
and Europe each year and the various
llnofi hnvo n capacity of 100.000.000
words. But It was tbo little message
sent fifty yenrs ago that ufforded tho
first tangible proof that ono of the
greatcBt attempts of man In tbo Held
of Bclonco had succeedod. In tbo earl
days It cost 100 to send n message
across tbo Atlantic. Tbo cable com
panlcB mado a charge of $5 a word,
and tho minimum amount of words to
bo transmitted wns fixed at twenty.
Recent developments In cablomaklng
and operating, combined with honlthy
competition netween cable companies,
hnvo proved instrumental in bringing
down tbo cable tolls.
Laudanum Is Pumped From Dcspon
dent's Stomach.
A traveling man who registered a:
the Hnmpton hotel at Holdrego. Neb.,
ns F. L. Zclgler, from Lincoln, who was
selling credit registers, attempted sui
cide Mondny morning by tnking lnurt
nnum nnd wub only provonted from suc
ceeding by tho timely ncUou ot N. (.
Jones, munngcr of tho hotel, who sum
moned nil tho available doctors In town
nt the time, who pumped out the pol
son nnd saved his life. From :i letter
which ho possessed It was shown tbnt
there were somo domestic troubles
which preyed on his mind, and these,
coupled with mo fact that ho wns dis
charged from his position nro given nt-.
tho cnuso for his nttempt Ho gave
Mr. Jones tho check for his baggage-,
which consisted of sample machines,
and told him to kcop them until his
hotel bill was paid, and after deliver
ing tho check, took tbo laudanum
while Jones was looking at him.
Accepts Baldwin Balloon.
The nrmy airship board Monday de
clared that Captnin Baldwin's dirlgiblo
balloon had met all conditions entitl
ing to tho amount agreed upon for its
purchnse. The board calculated that
tho airship had maintained un average
speed of 13.75 miles per hour while In
the air two hours and ono mlnuto and
50 seconds, tMIs speed being slightly
moro than mo required 70 percent of
tho maximum speed ot 19.01 miles
por hour. Captain Baldwin will re
ceive $5,(37.50, which is 5 percent less
than tho amount ho would buvo re
ceived had ho reached u maximum
speed of 20 miles.
Bank Surrenders Charter.
The Enid, Okln., National bank, capi
tal stock $100,000 and deposits $800,
000, one of tho largest banks of the
state, Monday liquidated, mirronderocr
Us national charter and reorganized
under tho stato guaranty law. Ton,
other national banks tako out stato
charters In order to tako advanlngo of
tho state g-inranty law. This action is
taken in accordance with tbo recent
ruling of tbo comptroller of tho cur
rency forbidding national banks lo
get tbo benefit of tho law.
Chautauqua Tent Is Wrecked.
Pawnee City, Neb., wna visited by a
hard rain storm about 4 o'clock Mon
day morning, accompanied by high
wind. Tho largo assembly tent of tho
Rcdpath Chautauqua wub ulmost total
ly wrecked, tbo wind being so strong
as to snap off tho center pole, orentlng
n Iobb of $750. The only other loss was
sustained by Frod Woods. His largo
now barn, forty by sixty foot on his
farm four miles north of Pawneo be
ing blown off tno foundation and com
nletolv wrecked. Loss. $5,000 bait cov
ered by insurance.
Was One of Mob.
"I am ono of those who helped to
lynch Wllllnm Donnognn at Spring
field, nnd I bollovo I am going Insano,"
was tho statement of Charles Gadwtn
nt tbo ofllco ot tbo superintendent of
tbo Bartonvillo nsylum nt Peoria, ill.,
Sunday. "V stamped him In tho
face; wo cut his throat; and then put
a ropo around bis neck. That's what
It took to kill him." Gadwlu snld that,
lio formerly wna a member of tho
Thirty-second United fitnles volun
teers in tho Philippines and has n sis
ter nt tho nsylum. Ho was placed un
der guard.
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