TSP' 111 1-1 f he can get the best value at moderate cost, with the . extra protection of a positive money warranty, by choosing Paul Storey The Clothier if LWALtlltS m m ini Chautauqua dates August r to 1.". Mri. Romford Is In Omaha this week. Father Fitzgerald was In IMue Hill Sunday. J f Mr-. Sloss returned Sunday from ' Mr. coin. Mr. Leon Lester and family went to f Denver Monday. t Mr. and Mr. Sawyer were down from lua vale Saturday. Speelal price- on old wheat Hour at the lied Cloud Milling Co. Mrs. Mary Fuller of Kansas City is visiting her uncle. .1. O. Caldwell. Some good city lot to trade for stock. H. W. Gri.t.iroiiii. :iu-3 pd. ' Frank Cowden was in McCook with ' the hall team Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Xettu Gardiner of Orleans is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fort. Its. Furgeaon of Guide Rock has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wll ber Hamlltou. Merlin Thompson of Stanford came in Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs. Sherwood Albright. We want a correspondent from every . neighborhood in the county. Call in nd see us or write us a line about it. Join our excursion party August 4 tb, take a trip to Texas and see the crops . that are rained there. Seeing febeliev r In j, This land Is sold-on .10 .yea.ru; ' time w,ithmall cash payment ' down. Red Cloud InvestmentCo., Potter,block, Bed Cloud, Nebr. For the Very Best In GROCERIES Gall on . IKepAHliAJlD The Groeef All th rhnes Separator oil for s,ue at Co. ting.-, i Cliiiutnufiuu August r. to 15. l'lun to attend. ' , IM Rurr was tin from Guide Rock ' " u sdny Rert Morhart went to f ecumsefr1 Saturday. MUs Fay Hurd wasdown from Cowles i Saturday. Roy Morgan eatne In from McCuok ' Saturday. F. ft. Gerlach wasdown from Rose inont Monday. Mrs Rife left Saturday for a visit in Beatrice and Lincoln. Special prices on old wheat dour at tlia Red Cloud Milling Co. Miss May Winters of Lincoln ar rived Saturday to visit frleuds. Rert Dyer came In from Denver Tuesday and Is visiting friends. John McCune of ltladeu was a visitor In the city the first of the week. Mrs. It. Runehey went to Clayton, Kas.. Monday to vkit with relatives. Miss Maud Miller of Hebron Is visit ing her friend, Miss Y OUi Schwartz. C. H. Harris, east of town, is enjoy ing a vislj. from his sister of Missouri. j A. T. Walker and wife went to Den ver Monday night for a short outing. Harry Harlow arrived from l'eoria, 1 Ml., Saturday for a visit with his par ents. J. R. Hodges has moved Into the Mc Cune property In the west part of town. Mrs. Dow and daughter Ava re turned from Colorado the last of the wcclc. Mr. and Mrs. J no. Rurgess are home from Rlverton where they visited their daughter. Hadleigh Fent was a visitor at the Hastings chautauqua Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas and daughter Mabel of Cowles spent the last of the week with Dr. Thomas. I'ationie home Industry. Special prices on :i to .1 hundred pound lots of old wheat flour at Red Cloud Mills. Alvln Snapp arrived in the city Tues day and will make his home here. He has assumed the directorship of the hand. Drs. Welriek & Riddlle, Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists. Classes fitted. Over German National Rank.. Hastings. Ry mistake the name of the Mitchell .Jewelry Co. was omitted last week in the list of those who have chautauqua tickets for sale. Greatest cleaner on earth for cut glass, silver or gold. Ask for trial package, full size package 2." cents. Nkwiiousk Ritos. Grant Christy aud wife returned to their home at Oberlin, Kas., the first of the week. They brought the body of their little girl, who died last week, here for burial. The Citizens Concert Band will give a concert on the street this evening. Prof. Snapp has charge of the band again and has prepared a One program which all should come out to hear. Vfe extend our thanks to the friends and neighbors who administered to us during the illness and death of our little son, Vauahan. Also ,, to those "who contributedXhe beautiful -flowersj Mr.-ahd'Mr. E. U. Smith and,famijyr Every farmer in the county should,. hear Prof. Bowman of the Iowa State Agricultural college lecture on "Corn.' Prof. Bowman is recognized as the best authority on this subject in the United States, At the Red Cloud Chautauqua August 0th. If you were toread of some of the large yields of wlie.it this year in the Panhandle country in Texas, where two millions of acres of that land have been sold in the' last two years. You voul l come right up to The Red Cloud Investment Co.'s otlice anil make ar rangements to go down and see that country on August 4th. Indiana, which gave the world a chase for the big money at the first corn show held in Chicago, seems de termined to win place at the National Corn Exposition to be held in Omaha Dec. 0 to ID. The Indiana grain deal ers are so confident of success that they are coming to Omaha with the corn growers on a special train, while many Indiana business men have offered special premiums for those who bring trophies back to the Iloosier state. The lecture on temperance in the Methodist church on Monday night by Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, the now fam ous president of the W. C. T. I'., of Georgia, was a fitting climax to the wonderful series of revival services 1 led by her in the Methodist church the past w eels. Mrs. Armor Is a wondei ful woman, we don't know how other wise to express it. Shu holds an aud ience from start to finish, audit would bo a heart as hard as flint that could not be movedto higher thought and earnest resolve under the spell of her magic speech, and apparent soul earnestness. Her lecture was listened , to by one of the largest audiences ever assembled In Hartwell. Mrs. Armor is a great 'ocd and brave woman, and we wish her Gjd speed. llartwt.ll I (Ga.) Sun. Geo. Itoit wan down from lowles 'llliri1'1. Win. Irons was down from lnavale Tm,rMlfty' Fred liortfeld whs In McCook the lhsl of t,ie Wi'ok- Irving Cumtuiugs went to St. Fran- els, Kas., Thursday. O. C. Tcel spent several days In Lin- coln tMs weekon A new Hag pole has been raised on the court house grounds. Orrln Taber of Blue Hill wus iu the city several days this week. Grant Bailey came down from Omaha Saturday morning for a visit with his parents. Will Taber departed Wednesday night on a business trip to Lincoln and Oraa.ha. Quite a number from here attended the ball games at Franklin Thursday and Friday. Verne Bailey of Mankato. Kas., was In the city the last of the week visit ing with relatives. Samuel Wright came in from Galves ton, Texas, Saturday for a visit with his mother and sisters. Red Cloud had to take two shut-outs as their portion in the games played at McCook Monday and Tuesday. Best tleanser for silver, cut glass or gold. Trial package for the asking. Full sl.e package S.l cents. Nr.wiiorsr. linos. Cut out the free vote coupon In this Issue of The Chief and send them in foryour favorite candidate In the FJuno Contest. For Sale three thoroughbred Short horn bulls. Can be seen on farm two miles southwest of Guide Rock. Jouv Oiimstkhk. Alva Sellars has bought a new auto mobile of .las. Peterson, which lie will use in showing his land customers over the country. Are you trying for that $10 In gold given the lady having the largest vnv in the Piano Contest August SU. See our announcement on another page ot this issue. With one of the best wheat crops in the history of the county and prospects for bumper yield of corn, the people of Webster county surely have cause to feel jubilant. Foi: Rr..r. I desire man with help of his own to take stoelc farm on shares. L'." to 40 cows. Also well stocked to hogs. Apply within one week to I. W. Edsuu. Miss Lena Hermansoii came home from the Alma Normal last Saturday morning through the advise of a doc tor under whose care she had been for a week with typhoid fever. Rlverton Review. Don't fall to see the two ball games between McCook and Red Cloud, Aug ust nth and 0th. The record of these teams during this season is ten games played, each turn winning five and two shut outs each. Wm. Klrkpatrick of. Guide Rock, who was injured in the railroad wreck near Reynolds, brought suit against the railroad company for damages which was settled satisfactorily to tha plaintiff. Bernard McNeny handled the case for Mr. Klrkpatrick. Look pleasant and don't forget ,to rnauroyour-propefty against." loss- bypo' "ie eighth when Superior made vt- T.t..httw'Jt.''rtf1i in n. n .JI on&.-tieibosthaHeor. In1 the last half Fre ,.LightlHg!i,'Cyclone in one of the bid line 'insurance companies repre sented by L.ilE.Kort agent, Damerell block. 31000 cyclone policy only costs you $5 for 3 years. Don't forget the Texas excursion date for the Red Cloud Investment Co. is August 4, where all kinds of chances for good investment will be on tap In the Panhandle, the newest land of promise and big crops. We are ex pecting you to go with us. Two emmlnent devines of national reputation will appear at the Red Cloud Chautauqua next week. Rev. Fr. Nugent of Des Moines, Iowa, who will speak on "The Philosophy of Civilization," and Dr. Matt Hughes of Kansas City whose subject will be an nounced later. The report of tlje death at Genoa of E. T. Christy in the fire that destroyed the mill at that place has proved to be untrue. Mr. Chilsty escaped, but was burned and injured so that his mind was partially unbalanced, and he wan dered away, not realizing his condition until he had readied Grand Island. There he was furnished with clothing and money and returned home. Ills many friends in this county will be much pleased to luarn of his escape. On August 10th will close the entries of races to be contested at the State Fair, Lincoln, August 31st to Sept. fth. There will be fifteen harness races of which the M:'J." and 2:21 trotting and the U::ii. 2:22 and SMI pacing are for purses of SI 000 each. The 3-ycar-ohl trot, the :i-yenr-old trot for Nebraska bred: t lie S::to. '.':,,,.r., and -.':17 trotting and the 2::i."i, 2:3.-,, 'JM.S and free-for-all pacing are each for purses of g.'on. A H-year-oiu pace and u .l-year old pace for Nebraska bred, eaeli for a purse of SHOO. There will be nine running races one of which is n four and one-half fur longs for "-year-olds, Nebraska bred, with a purse of S.'OOj another U the Nebraska Derby. 1 1-115 miles aud the lemainder are from one half to one mile, fn.u tlu Ki.xtin i'l. A. H Carpenter arrived home from the west Tiii'sdav. Miss Blanch Gross Lincoln Saturday. returned from Chicken thieves have been quite I numerous in town this week. i I. N. Young of Crete Is the guest of his brother-in-law, Sum Foe. Rev. Rates will hold regular services at the Episcopal church next Sunday. Miss Etlzabeth Sturm of Marysville, Mo., Is visiting with the Taylor girls. Eurllla Caldv ell and Adeline Baylor came home from Hastings Saturday. Dick Runehey went to Clayton, Kas., this morning to visit n few days with his wife's parents. Rert Garber camo up from Esbou to day and went to Franklin to pitch for the Red Cloud Mavericks. in the ball games at Franklin Wednesday and Thursday Red Cloud and Franklin each won one game, the scores being .1 to 1 eaeli day. l S. Senator.!. P. Dolllver of Iowa to w horn was offered the vice-presi dency at the last Republican conven tion will be in Red Cloud to speak at the Chautauqua. Don't miss luin, he is one of the few great men iu the I' tilted States today. Do not fill to hear 1'nlted States Senator Dolllver on "The poor man's government and the poor boy's coun try." This will be the opening num ber of the Red Cloud Chautauqua Aug fith. The world f anions Royal Hun garian Orchestra will furnish the music for this occasslon. Have you aver heard Denton Crowl the portrayalist of Sam Jones and Father VnughanV Or have you ever taken u trip with Dr. Eugene May up the Muttcrliorn or with him under the fire of Vesuvius'.' Then don't miss a rich trent by missing either one of them at the Chautauqua. It is the first time In the history of our city that the people are prlveleged to hear Joseph F. Nugent the cele brated Roman Catholic divine of Des Moines. Father Nugent is an intel lectual as well as physical giant. To say you have heard Nugent Is to say you have heard one of the greatest thinkers of the pa-t century, lie will be at the C iutaiiqua, Secretary W. R. Mellor of the State Board of Agriculture and Secretary W II. Whitteu of the Lincoln Commercial Club appeared before the meeting of the Western P.is-enger Association nt Cuicago, last week together with re presentatives from live other states, and secured a rate of one and one-half cents per mile for all stnte fairs in this western territory. This will be the flrst'redueed rate granted to farm ers since the enactment of the two cent fare law, and should result in an Increased attendance for the Nebraska State Fair, August .list to Sept. 4th. MCIrf3-faKrlrf. In one of the fastest and prettiest games of ball seen on the home grounds this season Red Cloud defeated Super ior last Saturday. In the first inning the Mavericks made one score, which ended the score crettine until the first one,-tielDgithe,iscqre.- Injthe last half ot the ninth Red Cloud made two scores, breaking the tie and winning the game. Adams for the locals, pitched a strong gam, striking out ten men, while Harris, for the visitors, only struck out four men. This was the fifth straight game thut Red Cloud has won from Superior. Si ii day School Session. At Red Cloud Chautauqua Sunday August Hth, 10 to IS a. in. Everybody welcome to tills union Sunday school gathering held in the tabernacle on Chautauqua grounds. Good music. Interesting Sunday school talks undei auspices of south west district. And best of all the International Loui-ville convention report by our delegate, A. A. Cressman. SWATS Premiums Hams and Bacon Fresh Meats Koon Bros- Red Cloud, Nebraska. essmtl ;w5kTr m Mfr iSvv vim kook hook took Look at the fine Dress Shirts in our south window for SQC These are big bargains. We have plenty more inside. Come in and ask to see them. While you arc inside ask to see our line of of light-weight Two-piece Suits, Straw Hats', Thin Underwear, Light-weight Sox, and Oxford Shoes We can fit you out in just the right style. Gomden-Haley Clothing Go. ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Postottlcc. FULTON FOR Bargains in Groceries ABC Goods FJIRPKS should inspect our DBLAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR before investing in a machine. All we ask for the DeLaval is a trial, and we would like to have you take one out and give it a fair test along side of any other separator made. It will cost you nothing to make the test. You will keep the best, and we are sure that one will be the DeLaval. A 490 Miri owelty separator far 975.00. Will yti live It a trial? - llll - M II II. Red Cloud Hardware nd Implement Co. WM. WOLFE. Secretary. 9 BIG GAMES during the Red Cloud Chau tauqua at Red Cloud. 1'iTif fi itn Red Cloud vs. McCook AUGUST 5 and 6 Red Cloud vs. Franklin AUGUST 7, S and 10 Red Cloud vs. Superior AUGUST ii and 12 AUGUST 13 and 14 To Be Supplied MARKET Nothing hotter on tho inurkoL. "Wyandotte Cleantr and Cloansor." Bettor than lyo or soap. Cleans every thing. Fi'lton M.uikkt, Diitnoroll Dlk VvvvsVsvAlyv House to rent. Citne. Inquire of Ed Mo- IIa'H'ixoh, Ni:ii., .Iim.v S3, Oi. Mits. I L. Smi rii, Rkh Ci.oun,"NKi:ii. Dkau Madam: I understand Mrs. Armour ot Georgia Is soon to speak there. I hope you wlllnot consider this presumption, but I drop this line to nay, do not fall to have all the people out to hear her. I have known her for years, and she docs not have an equal as a wouuinj speaker. I am platform manager of this as well as several other Chautauquas, ar.d you can say to your people that there has never been a speaker, manor woman, 011 this platform, who is her superior, and very few her equal. For liery oratory, beauty and power, she is sim ply wonderful, and no one who hears her there will ever forget or regret it. Very respectfully, Lincoln McConniill. Vniifcb.au .Smith. Vuughan, the ten-year-old son of Mr. and .Mrs. IJ. 1. Smith, dled'last Satur day morning. The llttlo fellow had been a suft'uror for the past four years. Funeral services were held from the' homo Saturday evening, conducted by Uev. Stllllor of the M. E. church, and the hodv laid to rest In the Red Cloud cemetery, The bcruaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire, community In their great sorrow. X n ". a jw iSi.