The Chief E. B. DoWOLF, Publisher RED CLOUD, NEBR. Tho Htrnw lint usually shows which way the wind blown. Even beef on tho hour hits apparent. ly taken to n gallop. Tho Mexican porter handles loade of 400 pounds with ease. It has bcoiPestlmated that n Lon don fog wclghB 3,000,000,000 tons. And now Tlie" prco oflico should bo up, and old Bhoos tnko on a sentl menial vnluc. Thoro'H a big dlffeienco between n man't) worth ns cHtlinuted by hlmsalf and nn shown by his Hillary. Tho MndrldpoTlco havo nt lnnt cleared tho HtreetH of tho plague of boggars, tho blind iilono being allowed to remain. Tho innn who ralla moBt nt tho ex travngunccs of fashion Ih tiHimlly tho first to bo caught by tho woninn who follows them. If tho peokaboo waist had not been received with such nn open welcome, tho dlrcctolro gown might seem to bnvo not n leg to Rtand on. Rev, Forl)imh'B "opinion Ib thnt we can't afford to luivo hell next door, but it lu understood that thlB does not re for to tho neighborhood phonograph. When tho ocean steamer largo enough to hold u hnlf-mllo track la built tho rncotrnck peoplo can scorn ub and Bend back hotting dope by wlro lens. A granddaughter of Bismarck pro poses to marry tho man alio Iovob nnd now European society doesn't remem ber when It over got Biich n shock be fore Sir Wilfrid Laurlor, with nil his troubles, Is better off than Mr. As. qulth. .Ho doesn't ncod to use tho back door because an army of suf fragettes Is encamped on his "stoop." Ab President Castro's proclamation did not succeed lu driving tho bubon ic plaguo from Venezuela, ho tuny bo Induced to tnko moro sensible sanitary stops to destroy tho visitor which do Acs him. Tho old squuro pianos bavo lost enflto to such an extent that dealers no longer tako them In part payment for now planoa. And they nro too heavy nnd cumbersomo to put In the. attic. Their namo is Ichabod. M. Tournny, a Bolglan engineer, has been commissioned by tho "committee (or tho International exhibition nt Brussels In 1910 to eroct n tower nt Ixellea which will bo much higher than tho Eiffel Tower. Tho cost is esti mated nt $240,000. VlBltors nt n Paris hotel wcro ills agreeably surprised ono morning to find that tho boots they hnd loft out sido their doors hnd been stolen by a burglnr. Only ono pnlr was left, on which was a paper with tho words: "Not good enough for mo." A beautiful nnd npproprlntc gift is tho chnpcl boll presented to Tufts. Col lego chnpcl bells nro moro devoutly nnd attentively listcnod to now ttinn they were in tho old days wbon stu dent attendanco at all tho religious ex ercises waB moro insistent uud com pulsory. A man can taka a pretty girl to a baseball game and spend two hours trying to show hor tho difference bo tween n foul strlko nnd n bnso hit, sayB tho Now York Press, but if sho's his wlfo and can't sco tho first time how much better Ills currency Idea Is than congress' bo goes wild. A new method by which tho audience- at a theater can show its ap proval or disapproval of a play with out disturbing tho performance is be ing Introduced by tho Italian dra matist, Trnvcrsl. Hoforo leaving tho theater every person is to drop a tick et into ono of thrco boxes marked "good," "indifferent" nnd "bad." A German sclontlst has discovered that bachelors nro moro llablo to In sanity than married men, and Bays that investigation in lunacy wards in hospitals bhows that 80 per cent, of tho Inmates nre unmarrlod. Evoryono will ngreo that tho mnn who Is ini tnuno ngalnst tho blandishments of the moro chnrmlng sex has something rad ically wrong In his montallty. In addition to other natural wealth Jr. vaBt volumo, It turns out that Alaska hns great doposlts of coal and also velnB of petroleum, tho quality of which Is still to be tested Hut there Is no doubt of tho lmmedlato avail ability of tho coal, nnd ns tho terri tory has had to Import most of tho fuel used thero tho importnuco of tho And will bo apparent. Alaska's possi bilities apparently nro Just beginning to bo comprehended. Dr. Darlington, health commission er of New York city, ha3 been compil ing and Btudylng statistics of heart disease In this country, and says tho highest death rato from this causo, 38.47, is found In Massachusetts, while Indiana has tho lowest. Ho ns cribeB tho Increaso and oxtont of this dlscaso to tho pneo Americans aro traveling, it will cnuuo Indinnlnna oomo surprise to learn that tholr pace Is olowor than that of any other state, but under the circumstances thoy will perhaps not wish to dlsputo tho doc tor's statement. HB OB STATE NEW8 AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THEPRESS, PULPIT AND PUBLIC What Ib Going on Here and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska. A spoclnl election Is soon to be held In Vnlcntlne to veto bonds for water works. Tho Wymoro opera house has changed hands, F. 15. Crawford becom ing owner nnd manager. Tho next term of tho federal courts for Omaha will begin the fourth Mon day In September, when both federal grand and petit juries will be assem bled. The old settlors reunion will' bo held lu Union August 14 nnd l(f. Ex cellent programs consisting of ora tory, band music and sports have been prepared. Fifty dollars toward will bo paid for tho ureal and detention of Fred Gnrd ner, who broke jail at Valentino on the nighl of July 10, stealing a black horse nnd saddle to get away on. J. V. Brooks, northeast of Beat rice, brought a small limb from hli poach ochard to the city which con tained 100 pearlies, lie says he will have 1,000 bushels of this variety of fruit for sale UiIh year. In anticipation of tho early establish ment of tho' freo delivery system of tho Postolllco department In McCook, tho city ofllclals nre arrnnglng for a bow system of naming the streets of the city. Secrctnry of State .lunkln linn re ceived a Jar of bugs. These Insects enmo from llershey nnd along with tho consignment was a note stating thai tho bugs ute up everything In sight Prof. Bruner will bo given ti chnnco to catalogue tho pests. Solomon Itowo, residing east of Plnttsmouth, stated that during a storm a bolt of lightning struck his residence and blew out one end of tho building nnd ruined almost everything In It nnd the carpets and rugs were burned nnd discolored. Mrs. Howe was badly stunned, but not Injured. Tho Homing mills nt Genoa owned by II, 1-1 Fonda & Bros., a plant valued nt $15,000 was burned to the ground. Mr. Tcllmo naud 13. T. Christy, the two millers, were tho only occupantn of tho building at tho start of the lire. Christy was burned to death. As n result, of tho recent litigation between Clifford C. Pierce and Lester F. Wakefield of Sioux City against tho Omaha, Decatur & Northern Hallway company, Judge T. C. M linger of the federal court hns appointed L. It. Slonecker of Omnhn receiver for the railroad. Tho York High school has lost a number of Its most efficient teachers. Mr. Dallas, the principal, has accept ed a position as principal at Sheridan, Wyo. Charles Wray, teacher of math ematics, has accepted n similar posi tion in the High school nt Ogden, Utnlu and Mls Gertrude itowen will go to Milwaukee, Wis., as teacher of history. Carles Johnson, a young fellow about twenty-seven years old, was drowned In tho Blue, between tho two mill dnms at Crete. In company with Fred Macca ho was rowing down tho swollen stream when tho boat was carried by tho current Into a tangled clump of willows. Johnson nttomptcd to swim ashore and was drowned. Tho first annual exhibit of tho Thurston County Agricultural society will bo hold nt Bedford, September 17, 18 nnd 19. It is noticed Unit a very liberal premium list hns been pro- pared by E. F. Chittenden, pioneer homesteader and printer of Thomas county, covering n wide Held of indus try nnd productiveness, nnJ thoso who visit the fair on the dntes mentioned will no doubt be ns much surprised ns thoy will bo pleased by what thnt rap Idly developing section of Nebraska Is ablo to show. Tho members of the order of tho Knights of Phythlns In Nebraska arc planning to celebrate at Omaha on tho 2Ild of November next, tho fortieth an niversary of tho organization of tho first lodgo wost of Ponncylvnnla "Ne braska No. 1" which was Instituted nt Omaha In 1808. The famous "Day ton Team," consisting of 100 well drilled nnd uniformed Knights, has boon engaged at an oxpenso of $4,000 to glvo n dramatic rendition with beau tiful electrical effects of tho famous play of Damon nnd Phythlns upon which tho Ordor Is founded, and dur ing tho celebration upwards of 1,000 men will bo Initiated. Lodges from nearly every western state have signi fied tholr intention! to attend, and It Is conservatively estimated that not less tbnn ten thousand members of tho Order will visit Omaha on that occasion. Tho farmors of Adams county are Jubilant over tho fact that wheat yields In thnt section nro exceeding nil expectations. Ono farmer residing ton miles west of Hastings threshed nnd marketed his poorest pleco of wheat, It producing twonty-fivo bush els per acre, which he marketed at 70 cents por bushel. Congressman G. W. Norrls of the Fifth Nebraska district, has rccelvod credentials as ono of tho American mombers of the Interparliamentary union, which holds Its next sessions In Berlin, Germany, beginning Septem ber 10. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Greater or Lesser Impor. tance Over the State. Tho county assessment of Douglas county totnls $32,793,424. Corn brought moro money on tho Omnhn market Saturday morning, says an Omaha paper, than In Chicago for the first lime In tho history of the Omaha innrket, according to grain dealers. On the floor of the exchange J. H, Swcnrcngen sold eight cnrlonds to the Transmlsslppl Grnln company for 75 cents per bushel. It was No. 3 corn nnd a few minutes after the sale waa closed Mr. Swearengen was offer ed 75V4 cents for 8,000 bushels. The highest price In Chicago was 74 cents, Mrs. Amelln Barr of Plattsmouth re ceived a telegram saying that hot youngest son, aged 1(! years, was drowned Sunday In Pennsylvania. William Walter, blacksmith of Bur ress, a village seven miles south of Kxeter, was accidentally shot with u 22caliher rifle In the hands of his lu- year-old son, the ball passing entirely through the thickest part of his thigh, canting considerable hemorrhage and pain. Hev. F. M. Sturdevant, for the Inst four years pastor of tho Tecumsch Baptist church, hns resigned, asking that his resignation trke effect Octo ber 1. There Is no discord between the pastor and the church members, rather quite tho contrary. However, Hev. Mr. Stuidevnni desires to make a change. Sheriff T. V. Carroll came to Repub lican City from Alma and arrested Os car Kent on n peace warrant sworn out by his wife. Kent was taken be fore County Judso Shelborne nnd placed under $300 bonds. Kent, It Is nllcged, has been abusive to his wife, on moro than one occasion has struck her and threatened to take her life. While putting up hay on IiIb father's farm near Fullerton, George N. Carter, aged 20, was overcome by the heat. When Dr. Barber arrived he found the young man's eyes set and body rnp Idly growing cold. He bi ought him to the Carter home In town and after much work was rejoiced to see a change for the better In Carter's con dition. Al Ravennn the "fats" played the "leans" a game of baseball and won by a score of 9-S. The proceeds of tho game, nenrly $100.00 were do nated to the "good roads fund." A club of fifty members has been raised and much more will bo secured from time to time, us the road question Is tho most serious one Uavenna busi ness men have to contend with. A freight train No. 7l5. enstbound. on tho Burlington ran over and killed August Crumroy of Culbertson, three quartern of a mile enst of that place. Crumroy was walking In the middle of (ho track and was practically ground to pieces by the engine and cars, Tho man was evidently very hard of hearing, ns he paid no attention to re peated whistling by the locomotive. Albeit II. Evans, a liveryman of Wray. Colo., was tried before Justice of tho Peace H. 11. Berry of McCook charged with adultery, and waB held to uppear nt tho next term of tho district court; bis appearance bond be ing fixed at $300. A Mrs. Brady of near Wray is tho woman In tho case, and the crime Is alleged to havo been committed nt McCook, May 23, 1908. Boston dispatch: Arthur O. Kolley of Franklin, N. II., expects to assume this fall the position of profeusor of biology nt Douno college, Neb. Mr. Kellcy Is a graduate of Dartmouth, with tho degrees of A. B. and A. M nnd Inst year was an Instructor In biology in thnt Institution. Mr. Kellcy conies of New Hampshire stock nnd is ono of tho most brilliant young men In thnt state. The greator por cent of tho wheat crop In Johnson county hns been cut. Most farmers seem. to think the crop will bo a fair one. Corn on tho hills where It has been dry enough to work Is being freed from tho weeds nnd, after a week of dry weather, tha low land corn enn be worked. Some farm ers who havo lands on tho extreme lowlands havo lost their crops as a remit of Hoods. . That Merrick county Is to hnve a dralnnge ditch, constructed on scien tific principles and extending tho wholo length of tho county nnd re claiming 100,000 ncros of land which during every wet season like the pros out ono nro more or less useless for agricultural purposes, heoms qulto probable of realization If the recom mendations of tho government experts, who nro there going over tho pro posed route of the ditch, are heeded. Now York dispatch: Forty-throo school teachers, forty-one of them from Nobrnska and thlrty-nlno of thorn women, went to Ellis Island and saw how Immigrants nro received. Thoy nro, stopping at the Cosmopolitan hotol. I. A. Downey, stnto Inspector of normal training in high schools In Nebraska, is In chnrgo of tho party nnd Mrs. Sarah Brludlcy Is chaperon. Tho tenchors wero solected from va rious towns In Nebraska by Bchool board. They are studying pedagogy nnd psychology In the various places they visit. An Incident of tho big flood in Wheeler county wns tho destruction of tho dam which C. A. Stltzor was building nt Erlcson. Tho Central City boys' band, nn or ganization undor the direction of Fath er Dolfosse, for several yoars lu otic ceslon n fenturo at tho Ak-Sar-Ben festivities In Omaha, has been re-organized. Aftor tho departure of Fath er Dolfosse for Robinson, 111., last fall tho organization of tho band wns dropped for n while. Now Pi of. Fritz W. A. Paul, who comes from Pough keopslo, N. Y lies been necwed as NEWS OF THE WEEK Most Important Happenings of the Past Seven Days. interesting Items Gathered From all Parts of the World Condensed Into Small Space for the Ben efit of Our' Readers. Miscellaneous. Mexico Is In the throes of a finan cial panic. Lack of frw colnago of gold Is blamed for tho situation. Three deaths from heat occurred at Coffeyvlllo during tho recent hot spell. jimu in-'j iiuiicmi ttniic uiun in miji . Is said to be slated to succeed Milton B. Purdy as assistant attorney general of tho United States. An effort to regain possession of the thousands of acres of public r.chool Innds which hnve been sold In recent years Is to be made by the state of Kansas. Much evidence of fraud has beon secured by State Accountant Gnf ford. Dr. W. A. Hemphill, accused of com plicity In the death or Miss Lizzie Gleason, whose deathbed statement In criminated the physician nnd Ilov. Clyde M. Gow, wns convicted of man slaughter nt Troy, Mo., nnd sentenced to three yenrs In the penitentiary. Six persons wero killed when a train on tho Pennsylvania railroad struck an automobile at Columbia City, 1ml. A, joint board of the war department and bureau of forestry has taken up the matter of preserving the forests on military reservations. Tho government Is to make a mili tary and nnval exhibit at the proposed exhibition nt Albuquerque, N. M. Tho Arab patrol of Ararat temple of Kansas City was awarded Hrst prize in tho competitive drill of the Shrln ers at St. Paul. The Standard Oil company has made overtures to tho administration at Washington to consent to a nominal fine In each of the cases against It, on the principle that this was Its first offense. Tho administration's reply wns an emphatic "no." Tho excess of this country's exports of merchandise over Imports In the 12 months ending June 30, 1908, wns $(;C0,C00,000, making a new record for n year's trade balance. Tho deathbed accusation of Eliza beth Gleason, who died In Elsbcrry, Mo., from the effects of a criminal operation, has cost Hev. Clyde Gow his license to preach as a Methodist. Striking miners fired on a train containing strikebreakers at Jefferson, Ala., mortally wounding a deputy marshal. Several of the strlkecrs wero also wounded. State troops havo been ordered to the scone of tho disturb ances. Tho Interstate Commerce commis sion reports thnt during 1907 tho rail roads of the country killed ono pas senger for- every 1,432,031 carried, and injured one for every 07,012 carried. A total of 122,855 persons were either killed or injured during tho year. A pleasure launch carrying 75 per Eonii was caught In a typhoon In Ma nila bay and 25 of thoso on board wero drowned. Three Americans wero among tho lost. Jn tho federal court nt Chicago Judge Kohlsnat handed down a deci sion upholding tho anti-pass law and declaring that railroads could not ex change transportation for newspaper advertising. A suit Involving $30,000,000 worth of bonds with Interest has been filed in the federal court nt San Francisco against tho various Pacific railroad companies and E. II. Harrlmnn. Tho Democratic cnndldato for pres ident nnd vice president havo issued a joint appeal to tho farmers of tho country for enmpnlgn contributions. Tho Krupps havo bought all tho rlghtB outside of Sweden for tho Ungo torpedo, ono of tho deadliest instru ments of destruction yet Invented. Herbert Cutler, president of tho Cutler Paint & Glass Co., of Kansas City, committed suicide by taking acid in his private olHcos. Business re verses caused by floods Is given ns tho cause. A dynamite bomb wns exploded in a fashionable apartment house In New York whero 40 families resided. Tho building wnB badly damaged, but no loss of llfo occurred. Tho emperor of China is reported ill again in Pekln. The Democratic national committee hns adopted a resolution declaring no campaign contributions will bo accept ed from corporations, and that no ono may glvo moro than $10,000. All gifts of moro than $100 will bo made public on October 19. Tho Shrlncrs havo selected Louis ville, Ky., as tho place for tho 1909 meeting. In attempting to oscnpe from tho Nebraska penitentiary at Lincoln J. G. Fnrrell was drowned. Tho Socialists, Prohibitionists nnd People'a parties must hold delegate conventions In Missouri In order to get their presidential electors on tho official ballot. Sunday theaters aro Illegal In Kan sas under a recent decision of tho supremo court What Is declared to bo tho original painting by Hubens of tho "Descont From tho Cross" has been dlscovored in a Cnthollc cathedral in Warsaw, Russian Poland. Twolvo men lost their Hve3 bb tho resulL-of nn explosion In a coal initio at Wllllnmstown, Pa. TJio Atlantic battleship fleet arrived at HcAiolulu on schedulo time and met with nn enthusiastic reception at tho hands of n cosmopolitan throng which i bad gathered to vlow tho arrival. According to n statement issued by the bureau of labor tho average wnges In 1907 wero 3.7 per cent higher than In 1900. During the same time tho average price of food advanced 4.2 per cent. Senator LaFollctto Is to discuss tho record of Senator Long of Kansas in a political speech at Emporia on Aug ust 1. The railroads comprising the South eastern Freight association mid tho Southeastern Mississippi Valley asso ciation bnvo ngrcfcd on nn advance In freight rates amounting to from four to ten cents a hundred pounds, to tnke effect on the first of September. The Atchison (Kan.) Oatmeal und Cereal company mill, tho only "nntl trust." mill in thn wnt. bun bren hoM to tlu, llntUo Crock nrcanfast Food (omtinnv Tho Wcstim Federation of Miners nnd the 1'nlted Mine Workers of Amer ica have reached nn understanding rt.g,ir,ng ti complete and uniform ex- change of working cards. Steve Adams, a member of tho Western Federation of Miners, has l en acquitted of the charge of kill ing Arthur Collins, a Colorado mlno superintendent. The Santa Fo railroad Is reported to be handling 50 cars of new wheat a day In southwestern Knnsns. Most cf It Is going to Kansas City. The lire which has been raging In the Santa Maria oil fields of Califor nia has been finally brought under control. An explosion In a powder magazine at Cle Elum, Wash., caused the death of nine persons and serious Injuries to a number of others. Tho Prohibition national convention at Columbus, O., nominated Eugene V. Challn of Chicago for president nnd Aaron S. Watklns of Ada, O., for vice president. Hev. W. I). Palmoro of St. Louis was first named for vice president, but declined. Tho platform adopted Is the shortest on record, con taining only 350 words. Tho thousand-mllo relay raco from New York to Chicago by members of I ho Y. M. C. A. started on time from tho city hall In New York. Two thousand boys, each to carry tho mes sage from Mayor McClellan to Mayor Bussc a half mile, engaged lu tho race. Gulseppe Alia, tho murderer of Father Leo Helnrlcbs in a Denver church, was put to death in the state prison at Canon City, Col. Ho was hitter to the last and went to tho scaffold calling down maledictions up on the Homnn priesthood. The Modern Woodmen of America havo filed a suit in the federal court at Dc3 Moines to recover $420,755.49 which was on deposit In the First Na tional bank of Charlton, lown, at the thno of Its failure. Tho receiver and tho comptroller of tho curroncy are madn defendants. Chairman Hitchcock has arranged for a Borles of conferences with Re publican leaders of tho various sec tions of tho country to map out tho campaign plans. Tho first meeting Is scheduled for Colorado Springs July 20 nnd 21. Tho city council of St. Joseph hns pissed nn ordinance creating a public utilities commission over the veto of Mayor Clayton. Judgo Dabbs in tho circuit court at Carthage, Mo., set aside a deed to a fifth interest in tho Carter estato of 533 acres of valuable mining land near Webb City, on tho ground that tho deed was obtained through mls representation. Personal William II. Taft has been elected a member of the International Society of Steam Shovclmcn. Col. William II. Hosslngton, for many years one of tho most promi nent members of tho Kansas bnr and a powerful forco In politics, died sud denly at his homo in Topoka. His daughter found him dead In his library on returning from a abort automobile ride. Mrs. Mary Holllday, widow of tho lato C. K. Holllday, projector of tho Santa Fo railroad, is dead in Topekn of old age. William F. Walker, tho Now Britain, Conn., absconder, has at last- arrived in this country from Moxlco. Ho will be returned at onco to Connecticut for trial. Miss Ethel Hoosevelt, second daugh ter of tho presldont, recently celebrat ed her eighteenth birthday with a fancy dress party at Sagaraoro Hill. John M. Korn was warmly wolcoraed upon his arrival at IiIb homo In Indian- npolls by a nonpartisan gathorlug of citizens. Vice President Fnlrbanka escorted tho Democratic cnndldato from his homo to tho public square and made tho address of welcome. Thomas D. Jordan, formerly comp troller of tho Equitable Llfo Assur anco society,, nnd who wns undor In dictment In connection with tho Arm strong Insurance Investigation, dropped dead In tho subway at New York ro- contly. Trof Edward O. Frazlcr of tho Kansas university has resigned to ac cept a professorship at Rochester uni versity at Rochoster, N. Y. Tho Slirlners had 10,000 men In tholr annual parade at St. Paul, Many novol effects wero produced by tho uniforms of tho 3G Arab patrols in line, Mr. Bryan will bo officially notified of his nomination for president In Lin coln, Neb., August 12. Whllo trying out a spirited horso Gov. Fort of Now Jersoy waB thrown heavily to tho ground and painfully bruised. A non-partisan welcomo was Given Gov. ami Mrs. Haskoll on their return from tho Denver convention by tho citizens of Guthrie A GOOD SHOWING 4 NEBRASKA'S OUTPUT LAST YEAR EXCEEDS $151,000,000. THE PACKING HOUSES LEAD Less Than 500 Institutions Report Payment of $8,371,748 In Wages to 13,358 Em ployes In 1907. According to tho Nebraska stnte bureau of statistics 191 manufacturing institutions In the state last year turned out finished products worth $151,28G,92G. This announcement has been received with considerable snr prlso by thoso who have been of the opinion that Nebraska manufacturers wero insignificant in comparison with agricultural products. Tho 494 Insti tutions reporting have a capital stock of $43,5C9,C75, employ 1:1,358 persons to whom were paid $8,371,718 In wages and paid $81,403,998 for materlnl. Slaughter houses and meat packing is tho chief nianufacturiit? industry. Labor Commissioner Ryder In giving out tho statistical Information for publication, said: "Tho grand total value of product of the almost 500 manufacturing plants, $151,000,000, in round numbers, makes a good showing when wo keep In mind that tho total capital repre sented Is but $43,500,000 In round num bers. And the $8,371,7 IS paid out In wages Is scattered into houses ex tending almost from boundary to boun dary of the state." ACCIDENT AT FREMONT. A Burlington Bridge Man Loses His Life. J. C. Woodrlng, superintendent of bridges and master carpenter for the Lincoln division of the Burlington rail road, lost his llfo nt tho Platte rlvei brldgo of that railroad near Fremont, Neb., nt 11:15 a. in. Saturday. The breaking of a chain throw him from a temporary bridge Into the water, 30 feet below. In falling his bond struck tho edge of a steel bridge girder and two ugly wounds wore made. He dropped Into the water, was seen to como to tho surface about 15 feet away, face down, and to disappear again. It was 2:15 p. ru. when the body was finally taken oul of tho river, three-fourths of a mile down stream, aftor tho workmen hnd dragged tho bottom of tho river for hours. Protest Over Cattle Dipping. There Is general Indignation around Ainsworth, and presumably in the en tire western part of Nebraska, over tho enforcement of tho cattle dipping problem. This Indlgnntlon Is, first, against an order that requires cattlo to bo dipped when they do not havo the dlscaso and bnvo not been ex posed; second, at tho requirement for dipping at this tlmo of year the hot season; and, third, because the dip ping and tho stato Inspection do not seem to bo final a government in spector having to pass on them be foro they may safely go to market without risk of being run Into quar antine. Several head of cattlo nro re ported to havo died from tho results of dipping. Drowning Nerr Snyder, Neb. August, son of Herman Zahn, was drowned Saturday evening in the Pohblo creek near Snyder, Neb. Young Zahn was fishing In tho company or several other boys and In somo way ho fell into tho stream which was 20 feet deep at tho point whoro they wore fishing. The other boj3 wero unable to save him. Tho body wa found Bcevral hours later. Tho boy was 18 years old and wa3 a son of Herman Zahn, who wns killed In his saloon about eight years ago by the Crowell gang, which was later sent to tho penitentiary. Turkish Soldiers Revolt. It is rumored that 7,000 Turkish B"ldlers In tho Monastlr district arc in open rovolt and that 32,000 troops havo been ordered to tho scone of tho outbreak. It Is also reported that a number of officers of tho Third army corps havo threatened thai unless the officers now awaiting court mnrtlal on tho charge of assisting tho "young Turkey" agitation aro Immediately lib erated, all tho generals In Macr-isnla will bo killed and tho army will then march to Constantinople and demand tho re-establishment of tho constitu tion. Schuyler City Hall. Fully 2,000 or moro pooplo assem bled Saturday afternoon nt tho site of tho now city hall nt Schuyler, Nob., to witness tho laying of tho corner stone Good music was given and good speeches woro dollvorod. Tho hall Is to bo a $15,000 building nnd ono of Uio best of Its kind in tho Ftato. Boy Plans Foolish Prank. Phil H. Conlgllo, a 15-year-old Italian boy, son of a fruit dealor of Lincoln, Nob., was arrested Saturday, charged with having tried to wreck a train botween Ashland and Greonwood. Ho admits having placed n tlo on tho rails but denies that ho wlshod to wreck the train. Ho says ho was walking be twocn Ashlnnd and Greenwood on his way to Lincoln when ho took tho notion to pluco tho obstruction on tho rails. As a reason for tho deed tho boy saya: "It was Just baby work, that Is all I can say about it."