The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1907, Image 1

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il5fttrti3SjlBiitiifTT flfflMM
ftimnnfirllft II
Subscription t
Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
k3f v
r a . h m
I f Cream
Made from grape Cream of Tar
tar; absolutely free from atom
t Strongest, purest,
and healthful of leavening agents
Carefully guard yow food from alum.
0n,M Four Voting Precincts Ollt Of
Sliteen Give Majorities for Bonn's, i
U. is ...11 ,..... Tl tv win'
,.) .'4 to wait a few years longer be- "l" ""d await the outcome. There is
Ffore it can luU'e a safe place to house . .Vl!L N,mu h"Pu- KUur tm' ommt-v
ts valuable r,'vords.-Tho vole liV 'onnnissioners may re-submit the pro
'k v.ecinets was.afoUos: ' poiition at the fall election, or they
lied (loud, l-'irst ward... IDS
lied Cloud. Second ward.P.Kt
lied Cloud precinct S.'i
Potsdam precinct I
I nit vale precinct '-M
(Snide Pock precinct II
7.1 '
Jen wood precinct II
Patin precinct ,
Line precinct
Oak Creek precinct....
(nrflcld precinct
Klin Creek precinct ...
Pleasant Hill precinct,
Walnut Creek precinct
.. I
1 1 :i
Stillwater precinct
Heaver Creek product .... 1 1
Catherton precinct J
Harmony precinct I!
Majority against bonds
It J0
From t'.ie moment it was announced
that a special election was to be call
el, The Chief had no hope that the
bonds would carry. However, we did
not look for any such a landslide
against the bonds. Py their votes the
people of lied Cloud showed their re
alization of the gravity of the situa
tion and the peril in which the valu
able records of the county arc being
placed by being housed in a tinder box.
and our nearest neighbors on the south
in line township, also showed that
they hud a correct understanding of
the situation.
It is not dilliciilt to understand why
Potsdam, Oak Creek. Klin Creek and
tttillwatorsliould be against the bonds,
btit it is surprising that the voters of
Pleasant Hill, (Juiile Rock, liartield.
Walnut Creek and Inavale should have
given the bonds-such a black eye, in
view of their proximity to the county
scat and their knowledge of conditions
at the court house.
Several factors contributed to the
defeat of the bonds:
First -Indignation at the calling of
special election
Second Opposition to voting bonds
of any kind.
Third The cry of "graft" and the
fear that someone would get more out
of the deal than the other fellow.
Fourth The contention' that the
amount asked for was too much.
Fifth A general desire to "soak"
the lied Cloud Commercial Club.
ixth The misrepresentation of
most economical
certain opponents of the bonds regit rd-
ing the cost to iijdividuals. despite the
fact that they had the plain figures
lHf,, '"'
can create a sinking fund without
asking the consent of anyone,, and it
is highly probable the latter action
will be taken.
The situation demands immediate
action, and should a sinking fund be
created it should be for SI 00.000. in
older that the county may have a
building suitable to its needs.
Memorial Sunday and Decoration Day
Program. N
On Sunday, May SO, all soldiers and
sailers of the Civil and Snanish-Ameri-
' ' can wars and members of the W. II. C.
I hall at 10 a. in., from which place
they will march to the opera house,
where union services will be held.
The memorial sermon to be delivered
by Rev. Austin. Music will be furn
ished by the High School Olee Club.
On Thursday, May U0, all members
of the C A. II., the Relief Corps, with
all old soldiers of the American wars,
will meet at the 0. A. R. hall at I
o'clock p. in.
Line of march, commanded by K. M.
(Sard, will form on Webster street and
march southwest to cemetery.
Details will be assigned by the post
commander and president of the Re
lief Corps to decorate graves of com
rades and members of the W. II. C.
After decorating graves the line of
march will form a hollow square at
the monument to the unknown dead.
Here will be held the exercises of the
Relief Corps, the children and the
(I. A. R. Ilcncdiction, Rev. Austin.
Column will inarch to speaker's
Invocation by Rev. Hummel,
Music by Rod Cloud band.
Song, "America," by audience,
Recitation, Pearl McConkey.
Flag drill bv children.
Music by the band.
Reading list of dead comrades, by
Commander McConkey.
Oration, Father Fitzgerald.
Penedictiou, Rev. Cressinan.
Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease. A Powder.
It makes walking easy. Cures Corns,
millions, Ingrowing Nails, Swollen
and Sweating feet. At all Druggists
and Shoe Stores, S.c. Don't accept
any substitute. Sample Free. Address,
Allen S. Olmsted, Lelloy, N. V.
Business College Notes
I'M win McDonald was a v
shorthand class this week.
tailor in tin
Hvcrton Koe was out of school Mon
day as hi! anil his brother wore in
Kvorton Koc of the college sang a 1
solo in the Noting Peoples Society at
the Congregational church Sunday
night. !
We are sure we welcome Prof. !
Moritz of Uluc 11111 to the superintend. j
ofthe Rod Cloud schools the ,
coining year.
L'dwin McDonald rented a typewri
ter this week for the summer. Speak
for one if you want it during the
slimmer vacation.
The chapel lessons have been from
the lifefof .loscnh and you should read
the good biographies that the students
baviwritten on his life. I
Prof. Dietrich gave an entertain
ment in the (Initio Hock Paptist church j
last Saturday evening. It was only i
advertised a few hours, hut the (initio
I lock people know how to appreciate
a good entertainment.
The (diver typewriter agent was a j
pleasant, caller woiinesuay. dame
always has something new for us.
This time it is the new No. . Oliver '
the last est thing and the best type
writer on the market.
The South Ward Sunday school is,
doing nicely and the young people's j
classes growing very fast. New song
hooks have been sent for, and we will
say tliis: If you want a good place to
go Sunday afternoons, the South Ward
school will welcome you. Rev. Thomp
son of the Advent church taught a
class and made a very interesting talk
, . , parlors were heautilully ilecoratcd in
n mis mir a a. j n ni red. White 1111(1 blue, with Clll'ds lllld
Runaway Wife Was Arrested By Blue , ... , ,. , . , , .
' every thing, ot that order to match.
Hill Marshal. j mi.ij,jr u indeed a place for one to
Plue Hill Leader. feel all the huoyaney of their patriot-
Our city marshal, M. Dunlin, rcceiv-, ism. A general good tiuiewas had by
ed a telephone message Monday even- everyone, thus keeping up the standard
ing asking him to arrest a colored of their yearly entertainments,
man and a white woman who were'
supposed to be in Plitt Hill. He soon f Birthday Surprise.
located the couple and placed them I The children and grandchildren of
under arrest and they were locked up , .1. Chaplin gathered at his home Wed
in ttie city baatile over night. Tucs- nesday and gave him a pleasant stir
day morning the woman's husband, prise. This was Mr. Chaplin's seventy
who resides at Woodruff, Kans.. put ( foiirthlbirthilay and it was remembered
in an appearance and took charge of by about thirty-live of his relatives in
his erring wife, and the colored man this manner They descended on the
was turned free. Win. Sloan, who ' home about 11 o'clock, bringing along
runs a livery barn in Wilcox, was also eatables, and proceeded to assist Mr.
here on the track of the same parties Chaplin in enjoying his birthday. They
for a livery bill they had contracted , presented him with a nice chair as a
at Wilcox. As they had no money he ' memento of the occasion. W. A. (lar
was unable to collect his bill, but uc- rison gave him a present in eoinmemo
cepted an order on a Hildrcth iiian for ration of his birthday. Itlue Hill
the amount. Leader.
Complies wmi all requirements
Drink the old original Arbuckles'
RlCteA Coffee, the blend of
Brazilian coffees, most wholesome
and stimulating, as well as most
economical. Anything dearer
than Arbuckles ARIOSA iu
extravagant, and no one can sell
as nood coffee for the same price.
litntil amMFSi
People who drink Arbuckles'
Taurctzi . . araifH
IssnSiisfssN vi3t7--n
AKlUi3A Coffee are not dys- puckaged cofu:e ; sales of Avbuck
peptics with fachionable nerves J les A.RIOSA Coffee for 37
Has Hopes of Sometime Becoming the i
County Sent.
Tho following article from the Hast
ingsJRopublicun explains in part the
attitude of Pino Hill on the eonrt
ltonse proposition:
"A loading citizen of 111 no Kill (ells
the Republican that enterprising citi-
z,.s of nine Hill are becoming more
anil more convinced tliat logically and j
i,v rights the county scat should be at
IMne Hill instead of Fled Cloud. The
wiutherii half of Webster county is
vtiVi' "B' "MV HlPMly settled and
"u ,r,MI1 uumS iJS ,t!,ulu II lartning
j country as the northern half. Two
i thirds of the population of the county
is north of the half dividing line. He
intimated the wav the tight was brew
ing the people of Red Cloud were liable
to wake up some morning and discover
that the wido-uwako and resourceful
Mine Hillites had planned a large coup
to have the seat of county government
moved from lied Cloud to Pine Hill,
the most enterprising and growing,
town between Hastings and the Ivan-
sns line."
That is the kind of talk that turned
manv votes against the bonds but it
is not argument. The only thing ap-'
proaehing argument is the statement
concerning the division of population, '
and it is the reverse from
the truth.
Clio Club tins Banquet.
At the home of Mrs. A. (1. Stone
broker, last Tuesday evening, the
Ladies' Clio Club had their annual
banquet. They met at six o'clock, and
soon were on their way. in excellent
progress, witli thedainty, three course.
"patriotlo luncheon." This
was fol-
lowed bv 'liiijh dish" of ice
ThenTaine t lie club':
s guessing contest
and many other interesting features of
the evening, which gave delight and
1 entertainment to nil present. The
of the INtUonal t'ure 1'oou L,avf CaUu.untce No. 2041, filed at Washington.
who take vacations in Sanitariums,
on featherweight rations, but the
healthy vigorous manhood and
womannocd that constitute tne
I -------
i useful majority. The first roasted
City Marshal Worsted.
I'Yankliu Sentinel.
For once City Marshal lohn David
son admits defeat, (siially when
John goes after a party he lauds tha
victim but last week when attempting
to take a certain individual in custody
he woefully bit the dust and this ex
pression applies literally as well as
llguratively. We think where the llrst
mistake was seeking to arrest the din-
turber without a warrant. Then too
it was a female he was after and as
all know man frequently comes out
second hest in an encounter of thit
kind, so.lohu really should have known
better than to tackle her ladyship un
assisted. She had made a nuisance of
herself; well, in fact, hail been running
at large for two days, and dually be
came so annoying that divers oiti.oiw
requested our peace preserver to make
an arrest hut.lidin couldn't do it alone.
Pohlly the marshal faced his duty,
however, and after an exciting ehaso
for fourteen blocks caught, the out
law, Moon's old familv cow, down
near (lorham's barn and attempted t
lead her to a post. The cow made it
hist desperate break for liberty. John
couldn't let go of the rope, his feet
assumed a perpendicular direction and
his breast struck the ground, render-
ing him for awhile hors tin combat.
To days at home were sulllcicnt for
repairs and (lie marshal is again on
duty, a sadder but wiser man, his in-
juries, by the way, amounting to a
bruised breast ami sevcrnl ribs which , they were cracked, though the
X-ray fails utterly to reveal any yawn
ing fractures. John says he'll secure
a warrant hereafter,
Poker Game Interrupted.
Riverton Review.
Last Sunday, while some of the boy.s
w!ru enjoying themselves ju rtlt
Park by indulging in fresh air, sun
light and big jack pots, and the more
unfortunate ones consoling themselves
by nibbling tlte green grass, a couple
of ladies swooped down upon the un
suspecting bunch like a whirlwind. ,
Lady No. I came to inform her "hubby''
that dinner was awaiting his presence.
Put when No. i came the scene was.
entirely different. The players made
a hasty retreat on the double quick
order, going in several different di
rections and ax yet are bunched up
like Prown's cattle, tine in a bunch.
It would seem no matter how good u
thing is, it must come to an end.
Here Is Relief for Women.
If you have pains in the. back. Uri
nary, Ithidder or kidney trouble, and
want a certain, pleasant herb cure fm
woman's ills, try Mother dray's Australian-Leaf.
It is a safe and never
falling monthly regulator. At Drug
gists or by mail .10 cts. Sample pack
age free. Address, The Mother (Iray
Co., Lelloy, N. Y.
years, exceed the combined sales
of all the other packaged coffees.
In scaled packages only for
your protection. Don's: buy loose
coffee out of a bag, bin or tin that
the roaster is ashamed to seal in a
package with his name on it.
If your grocer won't supply
write to
New Ycrk Ctr.
4tm'p4 W