The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1907, Image 8

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Recommended by
Prominent Physicians
and Chemists
Baking Powder
Perfect in Quality
Economical in Use
Moderate in Price
tfcuVUiwWUbitttttkVvfcUUfU 7uVUiawVviiiiViiiiivVUvViiUiiirfUaiiliailiaiviUivkuVi)a(V4ivi-ii(i.
I Neiasy Notes from
(From the Sentinel.)
Tho referendum vote on choioo of
sites for tho now ConirrcKationul
church reMiltud in a tie.
Thu uity council did tho right thing
Monday night when it took stops to
provido more hitching posts for tho
firmer who come hero to trade.
Tho many rrieiids of A. A. Madden, i
former publisher of tho Kreo Pross in !
this city, will bo interested to know
that ho has bought a paper in Lady- i
smith, Wis.
Tim n..oloof tlm (Himtmitiitv woril 1
shocked early this morning by tho
nows of tho sudden death of ono of
our earliest pioneers, Henry Warriner,
from apoplexy.
While rjJlwood Giiyun, ono of tho
section men, was working Monday aft
vruooti on tho road near town, a crow-
bar with which ho was prying a tie I
supped from his hands, struck 1" ;
jusi auovo mo aiiKio ana nrouo ins
(From the Ileviow.)
TTarry Hoyeo leports tlie finding of
oil on his place northwest of town tho
fore part of tho week. (Tho item does '
not state whether it was in a jug or a
At a prairie dog holo which was dug
on J. M. Pollard's farm north of town
this spring, it is reported, tho dogs
brought up at least half a bushel of
coal, which lias boon burned. Rome
augor work has boon done, but wo did
not loarn tho result.
Tho first fight among tho real fight
ers for somo poriod of timo occurred
Tuesday just after dinner botwoon
Goorgo Connor and Dr. Wilson. It
w.w a throe round, knock down, list
light of tho real old fushionod kind.
Tho doctor got tho worst of it.
(From the Advocate.)
Judge Losey is now a full-Hedged
lawyor,'having this week gono to Lin
coln, wlioro ho was admitted to the
bar by tho stato supreme court.
W. H. Millor informs us that his,
wife, who recently underwent, a surgi-
....I .,......! !.... ... .1... t .1 I ..
"uuu,r, u,u1',, '' "I"' '
Otnahn, is getting along nicely.
Pnn.iU- U.i.ii....,i ,.r in. i. 'i .i , i . , . '
iouuij uioik lieilluiid ol PhPlps, huthcher knifo she was eurr.Vllig L'ot
county, who was .ecently down to
Nilina, Kan., camo homo and repoiiod ,
unit tlio new railroad would bo built
this year, and that it wits a Santa Fo
(From the Kxpress.)
I. S. Kdsall has gono to Xiwat, a
town near liouldor, Col., wlioro ho will
tuko up tho work of installing tho Kd-
sail system of making alfalfa meal for
u big milling linn there.
... ' . . ,
1 ho ball park grounds have boon
leafed from Lu Ileal and it is hoped to
bo able to put out a good team this
yonr. A. C. Felt and several base ball
enthusiasts aro back of the move
ment. T. Pain of Burr Oak was arrested
101 1 i til 1 rt
1010 bunduy night and, tho shorill of
Jowoll county camo over Tuesday and
took him back. Ho was wanted on a
charge of knocking down a Mr. Har
rington nud trying to rob him.
JleigbbdFing Touins
Considerable, excitement was croatod
last, night by a woman who lives in
ono of tho Sweet apartments, west of
tho Suporior house. It seems she had
taken on a little "obojoyful"and start
ed out to have a time. She took a
loaded shotgun along for a companion
and tho llrst mark she. aimed at was
Charley llilyard's horse, ns ho drove
by about 7 o'clock. Slio pulled both
triggors, but tho gun did not go oir.
Sho had somo mora fun by tolling tho
next door noighbors if thoy stuck
their heads outside sho would shoot
thoin so dead they would novor kick.
1'liu womuii llmilly (piieted down and
W0I,L,,,, "' morning when tho
marsiiiii wo in auor ner wiin a warraui
sho was gono.
From the Loader.)
Win. MViinifiM' iiiwl Mi-, iitul Mrs Win
So,mU IlltemUo ,euvo lls W(ipk fm.
vislt t() thuh. oI(, bU) it, Gormuny.
A vory pretty wedding occurred at
tho homo of Louis Ilartmann Thurs
day afternoon when his daughter, Miss
Uosu, was married to Herman Kort.
Over two hundred relatives and friends
woro present and witnessed tho cero
mon; Clyde Smith sustained a broken leg
Wednesday afternoon while on his way
to town. Ho was hauling in a load of
hay and was just leaving the yard at
tho farm when his team became
frightened and, lurching ahead, caus
ed him to loso his balance and fall in
front of tho wugou, which passed o ver
bis right log, fracturing it just below
tho knee.
(From the Citizen.)
Tho Headlight saloon was burglar
ized Wednesday night and about fif
teen quarts of liquor taken.
Married, at (5 o'clock in tho morn
ing, Tuesday, April lit, at tho Catholic
church, Mr. Henry Dorra to Miss Uosa
Do Mars.
Goorgo Firkins, aft or two month-,
absence in Omaha taking treatment tit
a hospital for blood poison, at rived
homo Wednesday evening and was
warmly welcomed by hi friends.
Mrs. ('. ). Johnson cut her hand
quite badly ono .lay tlii- week. While
,.H..i..,rii...i1 ,!.. , i. , . ..
I "T -"" - " "
..auglit. in the door casing, tho blade
slipping through her hand. '
(From tho Fiiiterpriso)
Wliilo on their way to Blue Hill last
Saturday Mrs. I"). S. Phelps and daugh
ter Xauta had the misfortune of hav
ing a disastrous runaway. They woro
driving a colt that had boon driven
""ft ll f,T t!ms' au,1l hUd,tJ1 l,) ,l ow
, ,',"'-tl'l l)iigKy that had just been
pureluised. The colt got frightened at
M1IUU ttlo ,,,Ksut tho s,,0 of Ul0 ro,u,
I Utltl
and started to run. Tho women woro
8l,wi,1.i.uU,iii.,.iii, . ii . ,
so sut prised that the colt got a good
start and could not bn st mumd 'I'lm
sun mini i mini noi tie snipped. J ho
buggy was overturned and Mrs. Phelps
iim.s. ,..,ii.i i.M.ii.. i... i i :
wastpnto l)tull bruised, while Zanta
got off without ii scratch. Thoy got
. --
soineono to drive them on over to IJItio
Mill .u.d camo back on the train that
evening. Tho horso and what
us mi t
lit. even-
of tho buggy were returned that
i juki is mm
Republicans Fall to Agree on a Can
dldate and Joint Session Adjourns
at End of Eighty-First Ballot With
out Any Choice.
Providence, April 24. Until Janu
ary next Rhode Island will linve but
j .. ....wv ......,. .. .-
ono United States senator an tho re-
bull of tho failure of tho Republican
in tho loglslaiiro to agree on a caiull-
date. Tho joint session adjourned at
(lw, ..,,! ,tt lw'' Knllfll
... . , . ., , ,, ? ,,,, , '
which showed that, tho deadlock was
tHt minnloto Final hallof Colonel
Still COinpitK. -lliai '''" t-oionti
11. It. I. Goddard (Dcm.), Providence,
40; Colonel Samuel Pomoroy Colt
(Hep.), Bristol, HO; George Peabotly
Wetmoro (Hep.), Newport, 30
Tho contest was. tho most pro
traded and stubbornly fought In the
political history or tho state. Twenty-
live ballots were taken at yesterday's
session, none showing any particular w. jj. Richardson fell out of a lum- I'e dated Jin ilrM. iwir Tlivuld bonds to tut- In Mm llnn.iin , ,, ... - negotiated at a mi in not Icch than their par Talue
uianbi in mo lineup. ber wngon in tlie south end of town and to bo Hold mil) In the innoutiti iieeesMiry at
x.rr u.n- m.nx T,..r t,H' ot,,er ,h,y nml W!lS inilU Wr , w"SSMit,.f,ri,
The Hed Cloud Odd Fellows went to 1u'n vllllrawliiierei only from dato if miI
Rrrrct.irv Resumee H r Duties at th . . . . .. And -hiill said board of county comtiixonert
secretary Kesumes mis uutics ai tn ne Hill on the 'JOth to celebrate Odd of the Mild county of Wcbxter or oillceiM-f
War Department. V.-llows dav Tho took tin. Sons ..f "l' "ly 7" " hcclirtixed by law vi itli ti
r rtiious tiaj. i nc iook me nons oi iintyof loylni; Iiixcn of mhl cunty for ilu-
WashlngUm, April 24. Secretary wterans band along to furnish the t nic bidiiK. lnaldltlon toall other taxc-i levUd
Tnft resumed his routine duties at tho t orcauved to be lcled annuully upon all tasabli.
j an iLSiimeu ins ruuiuie mines ui iu nnisie. properly In Mild countv. an nmoutit of toil"
war department. The fact that It was .,,,., . . ut!lcleiittopa theintirit on Mld bund at
.,i,i,,i ,i.. n,mi i) ,w.m,o.:orf fnr Hm At tile board of trade meeting hist the Mime matures
cabinet day made It necessary ror mm -,..,, , - , And shun the bonni ..f count) coiiiuiNvfoiierx
to cut short the timo allowed to call- 1 uosdnv night the board unanimously of ald countyor muti othci oiilccn. ax mnv le
ers anl to iost,.one until a more con- petitioned the city council to grant a S?,
venlent moment tho consultations he franchise to the electric light cotiipa- oatiM- tube levied, in addition tmili other txe.
desired to have with General Hell, y. which will be done. iJl.VirniebV'one
chief of staff, arid tho other ofllclals.
It is doubtful if, In his Washington
experience, tho secretary has had to
deal with more newspaper men than
ho saw durlnc the day. They woro
mainly desirous to learn Just what tho
secretary intended to do In answer to
tho challenge which Senator Foraker
, , , ,7 , , ,,,. ,, i
had issued In regard to tlie contest in
Ohio. Mr. Taft frankly told his news-
....... ....lbHi 4 ! t lii inLf tindnx It n
Denies Giving Permission to Any
Newspaper to Publish Letter. 1
New York, April 24. ICdward II.
llarrimnn was tho principal wltnosB
at the final hearing In tho case of
Frank W. Hill, Mr. Harriman's formtr
secretary, who Is charged with having
,.i.i J ii,.i ti. now inmons
i. k... I... Mi- llnrrlniiiii In mdnov
letter b Mi. Hairiman to faiuncy
Webster. Tho publication of the let-
ler drew a heated reply from the
picbldont, in which tho statements of
Mr. Hairiman were characterized as
untrue. It Is charged that Hill sold
a copy or the letter which ho trail-
scribed from his original shorthand
Mugistrato Wahlo announced after
the hearing that ho would givo his
S that he ever gaVo permission to
any newspaper to publish the letter,
On tho other hand, ho said that when
UCClSlOIl Oil MH.v I. -ll. iitniiuiuu uv
he learned tho letter was in tho pos-
session of the New York World he
tried, without success, to prevent Its
... -,,, , i-inr, nnn
Philadelphia .Woman Gives $1,uOO,uuu
for Rudimentary Schools In South.
Phlladelnhla Aliril 24. A gift of
1 iiiiaiitiiniiii, npiu -i. ;v hi.s v..
$1,(100.00(1 for tho establishment of a
....,.i !., ,M.Hi....iiHirv vr-hiMils for
tillld l IlUllllientai.v scuwilh tor
southern negioes was announced hero,
Tin. .imtm- In Ml Anii'i 'V liVms 'a
Hie donoi Is .Mlbs Alina l. .jc.ins, a
Quakeress of this city. Hooker 1.
Washington, head of the
n Tuskouee
" " . ....
liiKiitute. nml Ilollis Uurke Frlssell,
president of tlio Hampton normal and
Industrial institute, are named as trim
,! ,-....,1 I,,.. nil,o r.r tl.n
i cub ui inu uu. .., .j... ..v..... .. s..
insl'lutlons they represent will share
, tu, ,,,, .,, nt ,iw, i nan
ill tho gilt. I he Income or the ?1,UIIU-
dOII Is to be used tor tho solo purpose
.1 i ,i, i.o,.iw.,... itHi.1
of assisting In the "southern United
Slates community, country and rural
. , .. . i... r
schools for tho great class of negioes
to whom the Slim rura and commit-
iii nui in uiv. nuu ii ,.,,,
nlty schools aro alono available.
Town of Hollo, Capital of Panay, To
tally Di-RtroveH bv Fire
tally Destroyed ny r-irc.
I , , . ., ,.a im. . i..ii
I ""'. 'Mi fV' T. n" " n
was uiiuiiy in-iiu,si.'ii uj in i.- unit -.-
.,..., ........ij r(,luior(.,i homeless
peopio lcntieiui uuiiieies.
( itu,,orts have been received from
South Luzon of a severe earthquake In
o""1'1 ,,u" in " at; ,l-v-",,n '"""7 '"
tho town of Nuova Caceras. capital of
tho province of Arlbos Canmrlnes,
- j.
and also at Nayabas, In the province
of Taynbas, In northern Lilian. Tho
destruction of bulldlngB Is reported,
mentlou of any
meie ia uu ui unj
loss of life
VUI.L- ..... uui u "- - watch, a suit of clothes and a gold
disadvantage of a considerable ab- . . , . . .
senco from tho country, with only hvi"u'a ,l,,,, v,,lu,, !lt ., belonging
scanty news of the important political l -Mrs- K'1v'h fntlier. who is visiting
event's that had occurred. He did not here. They got nothing at tlie Jones
feel, under tho circumstances, that home.
It was proper for him to tnako any i -
kind or a statement as to his political ' The relief of Coughs and Colds
opinions and plans. through laxative influence originated
7 nil iiiiTiiron oriiin w'th lice's Laxative Cough Svrup.con-
HARRImAN ION WITNESS STAND tabling Honey and Tar. a cough syrup
contaiuiiiir nooniatesor noisons. which
Items of News Found In Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week V v y.
Work on the water works system
wi'l soon begin.
Ailinn Mnrlini-t hn fT litu
Aiiuni .Moriinrt lias sluncil oil His
Hurry Pond is the proud possessor of
' ' '
the llrst new potatoes of the season. .
(.(. f invert, while pnrinir a lath
Uu' "trier daj, put out one. or ins eyes,
We failed to mention lust week the
marriage of Charley 0111,,,,,, to a Kan-
hlis ,jv
' '
Mark II. Warner htm lieen appointed
... . .
ity marshal and street commissioner
.,...... f .,, ........i, I
- ll wmJ or u.i per moutli.
Kd Metealf's sod house eaved in the
other niirht und narrowly tnissed oov-
. . ,,. ..... ....
eriti( up two of his little children.
., , ,, ,..,, . , ,
(n-iice Arneson, the little, fyirl who
"s m 1"".v "unietl at Inavalo a few
'lays ngo, is getting along quite well.
0n Thm,S(lav cvollinff of i,lst OTok
occurred the wedding' of Mr. Georgr
, , . , -- " "' '"'v" '" ,
"'h 'I'-",r ' i"' 1 kmh r,"' lu, lt flirl r,Mlhe(
bouse, 'and Mrs. hmma .Saunders, at Mild propoMtimi ximli la-by
the residence of K. McFarhtnd.
Last Friday evening tho homes of
c. W. Kalevand K. 1). Jones were en -
" "" " " "". i nui vii
tm,(i i,v burglars. At the ICnley home
,., ,:,,., ... - , .
- -.r)-.-... -.vr..... ... ........ j ... (."'
5s L.xtensively sold. Secure a bottle at
ollt.llt oLtiiln a guarantee, coupon, and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
inom.v wjh i. refunded. Sold bv
m.,,,.;. Cook's drug store.
... .r , e
Word was received here Monday of
tllO serious llillOSS of Henry W liellin S
oldest daughter, at lilooiningTon, slio
was operated upon tor appendicitis on
that day.
lice's Laxative Cough Syrup contain-
tabling Honey and Tar is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conforms to
thu vis5()ns of thu Nntonili Vllve
pjo(l und ljaw? Junu lmh
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug store
Courthouse Bond Proposition.
It wax moved by Commissioner H. 0. Shwut
, . 1...1 i... ............ ......ib ri- i i, ......:...
Mini seeiiiiiieu viiiiiiiiinmw.ici i. i . uiiu.
(mit ,ho foIlmVinn prca.nble. renoluilon and
$ S'bm ItBHKl). that at an adjourned
ineetliicol theicirular .laiiuaiy. llfiT H-sslou of
1t )(mr(j of cou cnmiiilssloiiL'rs of Webster
(.onnty. Neliraxlia. held ni the mint house In
tnc city of lied Oloud In s'lld count) this UUli
(t,1V0f-Mnrcli. IIh.T, Hip said board beinu duly
convened and In session for thu trnnsuctlou of
all buslucsH that iiiIkIU properly conic beforo It.
.,.....,., ,,,.... ruMIll w. Hlclmr.l. clialnnan.
hiuI W. II. Aiukrson. T. J. i luiplln I o. over
man and 11 fl.Srtwjer. commissioners and
lioTour. county McrK. Biuii iiiiiiru r.eiim ro.iuiir
lv convened and culled to order for the fnns
btuHka. it is the duty of tho board of count)
COmtlllSfloiiern III Mll.l Cll.llll) III r. .1 Ml'.
- t .. . 'i ... ......,ij. ..
und suitable courttn use mill oilier necessary
bulldlni;8 for said county, and to provide suli
able otllcex for tho several county ollicers'iind
,.OMr,roomsH,j oillccs for the accommodation
of the several courts or record in nam county.
and llropioof vaults and safes for theMife keep
mKOfuie county records and
iViikiibas tho yrcsentcouithoiisc of Webster
county is an old frame bulldliiK and wholly lu
M,itioientand liiadeiinitc to accomuiodate the
soveral oincers oi saui couniy. n nu inc tiuiun
I tneicln aro not tiro proof and aro limdeiiiate In
Ue nnd construction and allord no protection
to tho rccorus or saui couuiy sioreu iiiereiu in
caso of tire, thereby rudaiiKcriiiK tho title t the
real estate lu said county and other valmible
rlulitw and property of the snld county and the
nltlznns thereof, and.
Wiikiikah. a potlllon has been presented to
thlN board purporiiiiK to no sinui ny a mrne
.......,,,. ,0'wi,. overson of tho ckh voters of
...ii.i ndimtf nwb tin? tliiit riwlulfiti lift mitiln fur n
sulVablo corVhouVe and ounry oilis ami Tho
,oan deciuiiiK mo same 10 no necessary aim
proper to bu done at this time.
' Therefore, bo ll icsolved by tho board of
county (oiiiJiiIhxIoiioih of Webster county. No
briiskn. in reRiilur session as aforesaid
hi the courthouso In Hed Cloud In said county
,, n.u luth i of March. hki7. that a sneclal
I) V Ml 1 11 llllli 1 ll iu iv nun 111 rrini t;iuiii ui -
ner at tho various voilnc preclnctH t)iercuf on
m,,,,:!ai!o,rUnm ftr if lSI.TCicrI
of hti, rounty tho proposition which is set out
billv In tho rollowinn form of nolle which is
ma,oa,mrt of this order and resolution, which
mill nronnsltlou It will be necessary to carry out
lu order to eimblokald board to provide a suit-
nlilecotirthoupe for mid county, mid nnltabto
oIIli'CF. rooms mid vault for the accommodation
courts of record, thu county oU'ccs and
roDOHltlon Is to vote for the hmnuice of
me nouns oi whki co ii 11 iv in tue cunt u
live thousand dollar (Iffi.IKO) for tli
of obtaining fiitnlH to purchase Hie
mid labor and construct stld couriho
the bonds of said county In the Mini of seventy
mo purpose
it1 materials
courthouse at thu
county seat of Mid county of Wibster: all
authorlred by nrtlclc I of cliHitcr 18 of trio com
piled statutes of Nebraska, l!mr. and particular
ly sections ar,, 20. 27 mid 88 thereof:
To Ihf Lfyal Vottr of Wtbtter County, .V
sotlcc Ih hereby Riven that at n special election
to bo held In Mild county of Webster on
'luesdny. the .'loth day of April, Mr7. there will
b "iihinltud to the h-Rnl voiltn of Mild coiinly
for their acceptance or rejection the following
proposition, to wit'
shall the bonrd of county cotuiulslmicrx of
.V,'" !',",ml:. ,;,,r,'lM; rr ntl lit behalf or
said county, Issue the bonds of Hiild cnuniv In.
thosiimof scvciit) five thousand dollars (J75"Oi
of the dciiitinliiiitlon of ono ti.ou-iuid dollar
(I.OfO)eaeh. for the uroc of purchaslnc
iur,i;i iii. iwi mm iiiiiiuillK, I 'OIlMriJCllllK. iiiruixu
ina mid completlm; a courthouse biiiidlnn for
?! oVVhM ! coiVmy! ,',!i"C prc1"e,!!,t connh!!u
niniuriiii loriiiiu oillHlillK, COIISirilcllllC. ftirillMl
KIS' of ' seve. 'oW'Sni lafs
( the entire amount of the proceed of
Said bolllls tlbf lH)llhlo tobl'lllcr 111 il.u llllli .1
"f ' ireasurorof ihoMutenf Nclmixr.ii at i,ln-
eoln. Nebraska, m the expiration of in cnr
rrom the flute thereof, hut to be made redeem
able at ll.o option of said county of Welter U
miy timo after the dnto f the Ismihiko of th.
?2 ' i'm ..V iV-v n ..hi. .Mi:..rT!! !ii. '.i?".hi".
"rst ln)xof jauuniy o'r.iuly Itiene'h year. And
Mini uiiiiiiKiuiiriuv i ierceuiiiuere.;pcraniinii'
from thu date of IhMianee of the Mime, payab i
r.-MiiMiiuninii) uu uu- nr.i .iiij ui iiiiiiiiary an
July of each yenr. which lntetet pnjnienta
' ! if TnM"1!.ll:L:in;ilH.r.V!'r,V.f.,.!:a"
Minn no uviuciii in nv niieresi coupons executen
Miineieiii in pay nui icis.x iiiiin ten per cent not
c i nmto Hum twenty tei cent of the prlntlpal of
, Mild bondH anuiiHlly for the period of leu jeurw
umntil a Nutllclent Hinoiiut MniCii tpl() said
led. that t)n nti- on
ballot In the follow
r'Zu,,,,,,,, ,,,, UM1I0.
To vote rorthe Nuiance of M-vcnty the thoin
. V" 'l"l'"-Mv,-,1W1"",0,"Ss i!' 'frroui.iy
i Subrnxkii. fur Imllilliij; and llnMilm; n cour'
houxc hiiilditu: and for the levy of n tux on nb
iMx.iiile.rowttvliiB,j1i..i.iiiiiyii.,H the inter
-. i..i.'i. 1 .11, iit II HI ii Willi-- 'll. -.11. Ill 'if
tlie resolution and aotlceot till- election:
.MiiKe it crox llnis i. ) within the siimrc oipci
polti' the ionlh ! or the bonds and tn.
To oii nun I lift the liiiiini of M'V.'iiti ihi-
thousand dollarh (K.MVnii it liuiidx of Web-tn
couiiii. Ni'l.tiiskii, for UK mid llnishfiiKn
ciiurlhoilM' bulldiin:. und against tlie lc) (it h.
(MX Millh lent to pa) tin- intcii-M and ,rl'iii'liii
of raid bonds imrsiiiint to the rcsoluiluli nmk
notli c of this election'
Mnkeii I'tiisK thus t'i within the iinio op
posiie (he words .yu,iis !lii, bonds and ta..'
Fortlic bonds and tax j
AKiiliisi Uic liouilMitid tux i
The mi hi ballots t(. iK. pri pared, prm tired and
dellM'red to llic proper cliTtlon mil cts ny re
nulled bv law bv thecoiiut) clerk of Mild county
at the tluii' mid lu thu miinuei n.iilH-d by law
and sobxtHiiiin I) the same ns in other cases,
and the uiU's on Mild pronsitloii tobeiecelved
counted und the retuiiis tiieteof iniide and can
xassi'il h the olDeciMind ierons tn the county
und in the form and manner reiHlm b law
and substantially the miiir' ax s t t'ntiir'fil in
ueiieral iltctlous. And the said i oiiiuy clerk It
iutthei otdeied P. prm me and iIiIIm-i to tin
pioei election nlllcersilie nceessmj i. , 1 1 boost
and other iiiatciialsiiiul supplies nc(c"ai) fur
the submission of the si.i iiroiMisition necotd
nit; to the forei-'i.liu rcM.ltiti. n nl the sneebt
i flection called lis iitoiesiud. and thai nolicc o'
HiNmiIiI nronosition ies,.iuiioii and ekcilon b.
KXl. ( ,mnlishii,K the fotecoinu' tewiliitioii
and notice of this ordir in the Webster Count'
Arn'iis and the lied loud Cun.r, lepil new.
in pe ra publislied In nml of Keiicral circubitloi.
In said county of Wi bstcr for at least four l
coiisccuilc weeks prim to said Tiiisday. Aprl
.'nth. IIKI7. and posting up at each plate of lotiii;
diirltu. Ihedii) election a copy of Mild resolution
nonce nnn outer.
Tho noils of which snlil election lntll be oper.
at the hour of S ('clock In the forenoon am
continue open until 0 o'clock In the ufteruoei'
of tho said day.
On the ticstion. shall the reMilutlon pass amr
bo adopted, the oto was as follows:
A)o, Ulchiird. Snivjor, Anderson. Ctinpliu amf
Ho, none.
Thorciipou the wum wax adopted and orilerc'i.
to he made f record.
Attest: I,EKIr.TOUK. W. ItlCIIAItl).
County Clerk. Chairman.
J. C. dVKII.MaK,
II. tl. SAA'YKIt,
T. .I.CHAl'l.lN.
(SKA I.) ('otiiinxxoner
Just Received, a Car oft
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Residence: First door south of
Rod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
Can bo found at homo every fore
noon. I
Terms reasonable.
ofllces. ro
SmI(1 tiri
Mfittf8Wfl ' .i.i!.i