k'V-vy Jv' - Tribute iJ r- th v' , 'vrAv7 Pnonograph 4 rent l 'master, who has no use for i tl to rec- umz the Phonograph as a for- two-step kinu sas that people will no in y can have music in their own homes so iney can with the Phonograph. This is an i. nevertheless a tribute. The man who has Even John Philip S Phonographs, has l midable compeiitm . longer go to concerts easily and so cheap! unwilling tribute, but a Phonograph has a con. nt in his own house. Even a king could not have more. At our spmc ou can hear them any time. The Victor Gramaphone. Vicron Sy J T f "His M.-vitor's Voice hc.u.9 TT.W. Tlie Victor Junior $14.20 The Victor Z 21 .20 The Victor No. 1 26.20 The Victor No. 2 31 -20 The Victor No. 3 44.2 3 The Victor No. 4 54.20 The Victor No. 5 64.20 The Victor No. 6 104.20 In Oregon when ho wns receiver of nubile moneys at tho Uoscberg office. United Stntes AJttornoy linker's next move wns to produce the copy of a telegram sent by tho defendant to P. V. Mays of Portland, Ore., July 2G, 1002, three days beforo tho proclama tion creating the nluo Mountain forest reserve, which Mr. Baker claimed was the "tip" promised Mays by Hermann, thnt the former might tako tho neces sary Bteps to make entry In tho state school lands he won negotiating for In this reserve. The telegram Mr. Hop iitnim admitted sending. It read: "Kiftcen patents to timber land on tries forwarded to RoRcborg land of fice. Land office hna recommended withdrawal original Strawberry moun tain and all additions to secretary, who hns approved the same." On his direct examination Hermann had testified that he had never had any business relations with Mays, had never written him communications nor had Interviews with him; that Mays had no Interest In the Blue Mountain reserve that Hermann know of and that he wished the jury and court to understand this statement Is be as strong as tho English language could make it. Mr. Maker rend this statement from tho record and asked tho deft ndnnt If, when be made It, he did not think all traces of this telegram had been de trocd In the destruction of his It t r i i e.)ku. Hermann would not ad mit this. BRYGE foTRESBYTERIANS The above prices include 12 S-in. records with each machine The Edison Phonograph. The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00 The Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00 The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00 The Edison Triumph Phonograph 50.00 Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen. Compare these prices with anyone s, and remember we save you. the freight. t jra) I bsag i"i -& 3 Newhouse Brothers, Jewelers and Opticians. Burlington Watch Inspectors. 'VVV,rv'Vv'vx-Ji is bib no PICTURES STANFORD WHITE AS MAN JUSTLY WIPED OUT. I UTS THAW ON HIGH PLANE Lawyer Throws About Form oner Mantle of Chivalrous hood Jerome Will Make Address to Jury Today. of Pris-Knight-Closing joy. "I am s: grateful to the governor,' she exclaimed. "Of course, 1 have been hopotul of getting a new trial and I feel stuo If one could be ob tallied my Innocence would be proven next time, for I am innocent. 1 can not give up hopo that my lawyers will yet be able to do honielhing for 1110 in that way and tho fact becomo known to the world that I am not guilty of the crime charged against me." New York, April 10. In an eloquent appeal, both to the written and un written law, Dolphin M. Delmas com mitted Harry lv. Thaw's fate to the jury. Tho California attorney con cluded his live-hour summing up speech, declaring his client was justl lied In killing Sumlord White. Justice Kitsgeruld would not say whether or not ho would charge the jurj directly following tho district at torne s closing remarks, but the gen-er.-il imnresslon is that he will do m. With tho exception of the moments when ho was reading Horn testimony, Delmas' speech was ono c,r sustained oratorical effort. He thiew about the form ol Harry Thaw tho cloak ot chivalrous knighthood. "Why." he t?notuod, "should we, who admire the chlvalrv of tho 'knights of the middle .ages, who went, about redi easing wiongs and rescuing maidens in dis tress, withhold our sympathy from this brave man?" Bitterly the attorney assailed Stan ford White. He declared White sought to play with Kvelyn Nesblt so long as her beauty leniuincd and thou would have thrown her away "like a dirty rag, to lloat down life's sewers to a grave in tho potters field." With dramatic emphasis Delmas cried out that when Harry Thaw bo held Stanford White on the Madison Square roor garden tho story or his wlfo's wrongs overcame! him. Ho pic tured In an instant, as a dying man may picture, his past life all thai Stanford White had done "tho ruin ho had wrought and ho struck; Btruck as tho tigress strikes In defense of her young; btruck for tho homo; struck for Amorloan womanhood; etruck for humanity, and Stauford White fell. "Ah. gentlemen," the advocate went on, "if Harry Thaw believed lie was the instrument or Providence, who will sny lie was mistaken?" Delmas discussed but briefly the testimony of tho expert witnesses, do-' daring that whatever weight might attach to their utterances was on the ' side of the defendant. He declared j tho burden of proof as to Thaw's san ity at tho time of the homicide rested, with the prosecution, which had failed to make out its case. In discussing Thaw's mental state, ' Delmas came at last to the "unwritten law." He declared the experts had' been at a loss to classify the form of insanity from which Thaw suffered. "I will suggest Us name," lie de clared. "I would call It denientln Americana.' it is a species of insnn-i lty which has been recognized in every state of this union. It Is that1 species of insanity which makes the1 American man believe his homo, his wife, his daughters, aro saeied, audi that whosoever stains tho virtue ol his threshold violates tho highest ol human laws." Twice during his closing periods Delmas was Interrupted by Assistant DiM net Attorney Ciarvun, who sug gested the argument was taking too wide a scope, and Justice Fitzgerald called Delmas' attention to the tact 1 Former Land Commissioner Is Put Un Thaw set nied to liu in tho best of Sanborn, Intl., April 10. The busi ness section of this place was dam aged by a dynamite explosion. It Is said that persons enraged at David IJruner. a druggist, who is alleged to hae operated his store as a "blind tiger." did the work. Hruuer's store was wrecked and the lailioad sta tion, hotel and a number of other buildings badly damaged. Brewery Strike Settled. Pittsburg. April 10.-The stiike dlT fleuliy between tho Western Pennsyl vania Mrewiis' association and the Dreweiy Workers' union, which af lee ted fllty-three plants in Pittsburg unci (inity, has been settled. HERMANN STILL ON THE RACK spirits ami declared to ills lawyers in tho Tombs that he felt his case was won. He seemed to hao no diead of the assault of th district at torney. Theie was a icport that Je rome was ill, but ho appeared at lilii olllee and mid he had been busy two days preparing his argument. In view of the district attorney's remarks hclorc the lunacy eomniis.sion that Thaw is today hopelessly insane, much iutei est attaches to tho lino ol argument he v ill pursue in asking for tho man's conviction. WOMAN HOPES FOR FREEDOM Now that Mrs. Myers Will Not Hang She Expects to Be Vindicated. Liboity. Mo., April 10. When told in her cell hero that tho governor had commuted her sentence) of death to llfo Imprisonment, Mrs. Aggie Myers smiled uud then laughed for Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Ow-WortL Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to lm traced lo the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all discuses have their bcgiiiiiinj: in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter mill purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidncysnre wnfc or out of order, you can understand ww? quickly your entiie hotly is affected ami how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel Imdly," begirt taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's .Swatnp-ttoot, because as soon us vour kidneys are well they will lielp alfthe other organs to health. A. triu.1 wiP convince anyone. If you ate sick joitcaii make no mis take" by first doctoring your kiduej The mild and the extraordinary elTeet oi Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the i;re-at kidney lemcdv, is soon iculieel. It stands the liigh'cst foi its wotulei fill cures of the most disticssiui cases, and is sold .... : .,., 1... 1l r.-jiriv mi 111 imiii.i .', .... I"1 fT , I tliuggi-.tsin fifty ccntrtlJJjUiiSB 1 ... 1 .. 1.. 1, .. . : ...lit-WC'kiTiiiliri tU.iuirjiw.3 I ItlM I uni'-lUMlill !!' I:-Ali,f?l "I M' 'ni;iWt bottle. Yon iiinv -iauuuK: Iiummi s.miple bottle nnmntifiimimp-Raou by mail lice, also a pamphlet tt Mine; yon bow to find mt if mi nave kidney nr bladder trouble 'Mention thi pap'.'r when wilting to Di. Kilui'-r it Co , irij iiiitiilnii, N. V. I ii'ii't 111. ike iiiiv inistukt hut leiiietiibei Hu- tl uue, twatii-Root, Di Kilnur"s w imp Uont, and the ml Jiess, lliughauiton, N. V.. on every bottle K&z&K&ifcizKKmmxxmTZ!niaiMtfa OYSTERS rcunm&njxuaisKX dec Cross-Examination. Washington, April 10. Interest In th'. trial of Dinger Hermann for do sinning public records received a de cided Impetus when tho defendant, who had been testiling In his own be half for the past live da.is, was put under crohs-esaniinution shortly before tho close of court. Alter saying positively that no members of his family had acquired public lauds during his administration, Mr. Heiniann qualified tho statement later by admitting thnt his son, Schiller, had made a homestead entry, to which titlo had not et been ac quired, that Schiller had purchased three such entries beforo patent had Issued to the claimants and that these pure liases had been acqulied for $3, 000 In gold by tho deiendant to re lievo Schlllcr'a embarrassed financial condition. Mr. Hermann admitted that ho had acquired 30,000 acres of pitbllc lands in every style, teriii"; to parties fiances a specialty. Draws Distinction Between the Church in America and Scotland. Washington, A pi II in. "llv-bylo-riani in" was the subject of an ad dress, by the Mritish ambassador, Mr. JSiyte win n be was the guest of honor at the annual banquet of the I'ri .. terian alliance ef Washington In the New York Avenuo Presbyterian church. The ambassador, who Is a Piesb terian. spoke on tho doctrine of Picsbyterinulsin in Scotlantl and the Unite d States. Mr. Ilrcc deprecated the movement In tin Presbyterian church of Sent land to abolish the old-time songs lor hjmns, saying there Is 110 plausible reason for a change. The umhnsi adoi s.il.l he recognised the important place Pre diylfiianlhU! occupied In the hearts of millions of good Amerli ans. Thfi particular faith, ho .said, had done more to uplitt ilie people of Scotland than any other religion. "In this country." he added. "Pros hytcriaulr.m has grown widely and powerfully. It represents tho sentl-1 KSCEICC nieiit of many millions of able men 1 .....i iiui i....,. ..I- it nil in 11111 wwiiiiii, .inn i" m-.ini j hi yffMWgg-;iv;T;7;'?rTrr7V unit me laun carries wuu it ru serve, dignity and honor." Ca-antl Fresh Bread Cakes, Candy Cigars. Pies, and The Bon Ton W. S. HJiNSI:, Proprietor. sssssssssmxmnsisassa KANSAS IS FOR ROOSEVELT Senator Curtis Assures President o State's Support of His Policies. Washington, April 10. Senators llansbrough and Curtis visited tho piesidmt. The latter declared that Kansas is for the pri'sitlent and IiIb policies. "If the president should con elude that he will take the nomina tion again, Kansas will no doubt sup port him. If some other man is to bo nominated and the president's policies aro at.ac-:"d on the floor of tho con vent Ion, Kansas will support the presi dent," said the senator. Delegat" Andrews of New Mexico, a close friend of Senator Penrose, who, it lias been charged, was the "prominent man" who gave away the story of tho alleged combination against tho president, was at the while house again. This Is his fourth vbit since the story regarding the dinner became public. He refused to talk when asked whether Senator Pen rose was expected at tho white house. No appointment has beer, made lor tho stiiator. Do You Eat eat? When you rvo hungry and waul somethig nice in tho meat lino, drop into my market. Wo have the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages nnd meats, fish, and gamo in season. Wo think, aud almost know, that wo inn plouso you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON it BURDEN. wu&owAiMBiMs&xmtrjytiuMzxaima ibtifabiJltUtbibiiibtt'l4Uilytlit' iibLrObibUibbilUiUlil'UUilitJi(itltVvltibUiJitiktiUllbtVAAr- SAY, HISTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US. to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at, ouryarelsV Not only that our prices avuuoi: lower, or at least as low, us those of our ciompotlt ors, but hecjauhk wo tako especdal ouro of and protoot all oan bo classed us RE(iU L A It O U S T O M K U S . PL ATT FRBBS CO. Coal. Lumber. (pT11mTM111l1''11'1'P1,111,C1ieTTeT'f'J'eP City Dray and Express Line. F. W. BTUDIGISATCUH, LMtOP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence '188. Offie X3xj a & if- e- ( r 0 c- tfr c-(- s & lf-s- S r ,' J 'i