1 D SECRETARY OF UNCLE SAM COMPANY INDICTED. K OIL ARRESTED AT KANSAS CITY Cherryvnle Man Charged With Using Malls to Defraud Arraigned In Federal Court at Topcka and Held in Bonds of $1,000. i "Topeka, Kiui., April 10. Following J)1h indictment on tho charge of uain tin: mulls to (lofruuil, returned by thu Judej-al grand jury, 11. 11. Tucker, Jr., Chorryvalo, Kan., secretary and jiromoter of tho undo Sam Oil com jojiy, who was arrested In Kansas Oily, was arraigned in tlio United 'Stoles district court hero. Judge I'ol .lock fixed Tucker's bond at $15,000, .-and at 3 o'clock ho left for Kansas Oily, In com puny with an olllcer of the iour1, to securo ball. It is charged In the Indictment that Tucker has sold about $1,200,000 cokIi value) In stock In tlio Undo -Sum company, with u par valuo of over $10,000,000; that thu sum of about $1M).000 already paid In divi dends wan taken from tlio receipts of Mock sales and not from thu earnings u' I ho company, and that whilu this was going on Tucker was using thu malls to accomplish the sale of moro ulovk; also that tlio assets of tho n-onijmny aro now $ 1 fiO.OOO less than ".ie money received from tlio saio of vlii! stock. Tuekor said that ho entertained no learn in regard to tho criminal iWiarges against him. Ho said the company had 2,(50 stockliolders in Xausiik, 1.IO0 in Missouri, oOD each in Oklahoma and Nebraska and 700 each in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. At a meeting of tho directors of the Uncle Sam Oil company at Kuiifu? Clty, which was attended by Tucker nnd tho attorneys for tho company, it wiw decided to call a meeting of tho stockholders of tho company within Uhe next ten days and explain to them rhe. oxact condition of the company's .Tiffain?. If tho stockliolders docido i hat they want to take tho business vf tho company into their own hands, Ttickor and the directors will inter- . joso no objection. The Masquerader (Coiitiiitiud Horn l'nge Into.) mnlnotl alone until tho moment that Kvo, either by request or by accident, had found her there. Tho facts re solved themselves Into ono question: What two hail Lillian nindo of those solitary moments? Without deviation, Lodor's mind turned townrd one nnswor. Lillian was not tho woman to lose an opportunity, whether the space at her coinmnnd wns long or short. So convinced was lie that, reaching Trafalgar square, ho stopped and hailed a hansom. "Cadogan gardens!" he called. "No. Tho moments seemed very few be fore the cab drew up beside the curb and ho caught his second glimpse of tho enameled door with its silver fit tings. Instantly he pressed the boll the door was opened by Lillian's discreet, deferential iiiiiin-ci'vmit. "Is Lady Astrupp at homo?" be asked. Tho man looked thoughtful. "Her ladyship lunched at homo, sir" ho be gan cautiously. I'.ut Loder Interrupted him. "Ask her to see me," he said laconically. Tho servlint expressed no surprise. His only comment was to throw the door wide. "If you'll wall in the white room, sir." he mild, "I'll inform her ladyship." Chileote was evidently a frequent and a favored visitor. In this manner Loder for the second time entered the house so uufnmlllar iiml yet so familiar in all that it sug Rested, filtering the drawing room, lie had iei-uire to look about him. It was a beautiful room, largo and lofty. Lux ury was evident on every baud, but It w:i,s nut the luxury that pnIN or of fends. Knch object was graceful and possessed its own intrinsic value. The alnuxphere was too effeminate to ap peal to him, but he acknowledged the taste and artistic delicacy it conveyed. Almost at the moment of acknowledg ment the door opened to admit Lillian. "1 thought it would be you." she said enigmatically. Loder came forward. "You expected mo?" he said guardedly. A sudden conviction tilled him thnt It was not CHICAGO GRAINJND PRUVISIONS features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago. April 9. Realizing sales "Smd a weakening effect today on thu -wheat, market, tho May delivery clos ing at a net decline of -?s Vjc. Corn J5s up Vi'V- Oats aro oft e. Pro visions show a gain of 12i&nV flGlosIng prices: Wheat May, 7VW7G',c; July, 78 71e; 8oit., BOVWFfSOMc. Corn May, 4Uro; July, 4fi0lG'ic, Oats May, 12:Jic; July, 38y(c. Pork May, $10.02'..; July. $10.10. Lard May, $8.73; July, $8.87'-. Itlbs May, $8.55; July, $S.75. Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard "."S5Vin)78c; No. 3 com, 43:)i34iyic; No. 3 white oats, 414l'.c. LEGAL NOON. -A Timo That Seems to Vary In tho Different States. Tho courts of several states have - .ienlt with an odd question, none of 'diem agreeing upon a similar answer. T.Mien is It legally noon? Fire insur ance policies expire at noon, and tho word m admitted to mean exactly 12 -'clock midday. Hut standard tlmo ! Jhas not been adopted in all communl Ties. Many small towns cling to sun idme, which may be from a few min utes to nearly an hour earlier than standard. In one state a lire occurred -at two minutes past noon, sun time, and the Insurance company held that Uie policy had expired before the lire. -Sun time is used In that town, but the insured sued the company, holding that local customs did not rule the policy -and that he was entitled to ids Insur ance. The stato courts sustained him. In another stato a similar contention wis taken to the courts and just tho opposite decision given. Several con Hiding precedents have been estab lished In state courts, and It is said tlio question can only be decided for ..good and all when a case lias been carried into the United States courts -ami passed upon by the supremo court. New York Press. nn Influenza. Influenza derives Its iituno from Kalian word meaning intlueuce. -was thus entitled by tho Italians itha seventeenth century because they t Attributed the disease to the intlueuce - f the stars. A very common belief H nlint Inilueir.a Is a comparatively mod aru disease, disassociated from a gen eral class by latter day medical men, knit this Is far from being the case, for the Illness has boon mentioned by ancient writers as far back as tho fourteenth century, thcro being roe .trds of Its appearance In Franco In -Al nnd llO.'l. ilic evidence of her eyes, but something at once subtler and more definite thai' prompted her recognition of him. She smiled. "Why should I expect you? On tho contrary, I'm waiting to know why you're here?" lie was silent for an instant. Then ho answered in her own light tone. "As far as that goes," he said, "let's make It my duty call -having dined with you. I'm an old fashioned per son." For a full second she surveyed htm amusedly. Then at last she spoke. "My dear Jack" she laid particular stress on tho name-"! never Imagined you punctilious. I should have thought bohemlan would have been more the word." Loder felt disconcerted and annoyed. Either, like himself, she was fishing for Information or she was deliberately playing with lilm. In his perplexity ho glanced across the room toward the fireplace. Lillian saw tlio look. "Won't you sit down?" she said, Indicating tho couch. "I promise not to make you smoke. I shan't oven ask you to take off your gloves!" Loder made no movement. His mind was unpleasantly upsot. It was nearly a fortnight since lie had seen Lillian, and In the Interval her attitude had chanued, and the change puzzled lilwi. It might mean tho philosophy of a wo man who, knowing herself without ade quate weapons, withdraws from a com bat (hat has proved fruitless, or It might Imply the merely catlike desire to toy with a cert-' '.v. He looked quickly at the delle. face, the green eyes nnewhat obliquely sot. the unre liable mouth, and Instantly he inclined to (he latter theory. The conviction that she possessed the telegram tilled him suddenly, and with it came the de sire to put Ids belief to tho test--to know beyond question whether her smiling unconcern meant malice or mere entertainment. "When you tlrst came Into the room," he said quietly, "you said 'I thought it would bo you.' Why did you say that? Again she smiled tho smile that might be malicious or might be merely amused. "Oh," she answered at last, "I only meant that though I had been told Jack Chileote wanted me, It wasn't Jack Chileote I expected to see!" After her statement there was a pause. Lodor's position was dllllcult. Ins'lnetlvel convinced that, strong In tho possession of her proof, she was en Jo.vIiik Ids tantalized discomfort, he yet H ' craved the actual evidence that should ill1 sol liU siisnlolons to lvst. Actillir 111)0.11 the desire, he made a new beginning. "Do you know why I came?" he asked, Lillian looked up Innocently. "It's so hard to be certain of anything In thla world," she tiald. "Hut ono is always at liberty to guess." Again he whs perplexed. Her attl tudo was not qulto tho attitude of ono who controls tho game, and yet Ho looked at her with a puzzled scrutiny. Vonicn for him had. always spelled tho Incomprehensible. lie was at his best, his strongest, his surcBt, In tho presence of men. Feeling his disadvantage, yet I determined to gain his cud, he made a I last attempt. "now did' you amuse yourself nt Grosvenor square this morning before i Kvo came to you?" ho asked. The ef fort was awkwardly blunt, but it was j direct. I Lillian wns buttoning her glove. Sho did not raise her head as lie spoke, but her fingers paused In their task. For a second she remained motionless; then she looked up slowly. "Oh," she said sweetly, "so I was right In my guess? You did come to I find out whether I sat in the morning room with my hands In my lap or wandered about In search of entertain ment?" Loder colored with nnnoyanco and apprehension. Kvery look, every tone, of Lillian's was distasteful to him. No microscope could have revealed her more fully to him thnn did ids own eyesight. Hut It was not the moment for personal antipathies; there were other Interests than his own at stake. With new resolution ho returned her glance. "Then I must still ask my first ques tion. Why did you say, 'I thought It would be you?' " Ills gaze was direct so direct that It disconcerted her. She laughed a little uneasily. "Heeause I knew." "How did you know?" "Heeause" she began; then again sho laughed. "Heeause," sho added quickly, as If moved by a fresh Im pulse. "Jack Chileote made it very ob vious to any ono who was in ids morn ing room at 12 o'clock today that it would lie you and not lie who would be found filling his place this after noon. It s all very well to talk about honor, but when one walks into an empty room and sees a telegram as long as a letter open on a bnrciu" Hut her seutent e was never tin! bed. Loder had heard what lie came t) bear. Any confession she i:ilrht have to offer was of no moment In bi eyes. "My dear girl." lie hn'.-e in brusque ly, "don't trouble. I should nrd.e a most unsatisfactory father ennfe-or." lie spoke quickly. Ilk color was still high, but not of annoyan e. Ills sus pense was transformed Into unpleasant certainty, but the exchange left him surer of himself. Ills perplexity laid dropped to a quiet sense of self re liance. Ills paramount desire was for solitude in which to prepare for the task that lay before him the most con genial task the world possessed the unraveling of Clillcote's tangled skeins. Looking Into Lillian's eyes, he smiled. "Goodby." he said, holding out ids hand. "I think we've finished for today." She slowly extended her fingers. Her expression and attitude were slightly puzzled a puzzlement thnt was either spontaneous or singularly well assumed. As their hands touched the smiled again. "Will you drop in at the Arcadian to night?" she asked. "It's the drama tized version of 'Other Men's Shoes" The temptation to make you see It was too Irresistible as you know." There was a pause while she waited for his answer, her head inclined to one side, her green eyes gleaming. Loder. conscious of her regard, hesi tated for a moment. Then ids face cleared. "Right!" he said slowly. "Tho Arcadian tonight!" if: VI i ; . m Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in uso foi over 30 years, has borne tho Bignaturo of nnd has been made under his ncr- "fflAS sonal supervision sinuo its infancy. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and4' Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience igainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind -t' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, eures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS. Bears the Signature of ratSCSH3aBaCK3SK-' tm 44 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CKNTAUn COMPANY, TT MURRAY STftCCT. NIWVORK CITY. r 3rM&&8BBBBE8BESR tff2dC4 "v -V 0 - Jay via y? IsU L w S ia & 85 gives woman come of her most miserable and wretched hours. Alonjj with tho backache, gener ally como headache, waist pain, falling feelings, irritability, nerv ousness and the blues, Have you theso periodical troubles? If so, you may hnow tnat they are duo to disease 01 some 01 the most Important orcans of pa your Doay, organs tnat snouia g? get help or, In time, through eSj CATARRH &E?s rJ-HM RfilM msmm ISO PY-FEVER 50 ' KSK rv?r yVj ,XV &y WtUWICiJ, health and health with will life. wreck your Help them to OF V"1 IIP HI 0W South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, April 'J. Cattle lie coiptB, f.,000; slow to sluiilo lower; na live steers. $15.007 3. SH: cows and heilcra, $2.fo5-1.75; western steers, ?3.'Jo(Q5.2r; Texas steers, $3.000 4.25; canners, $2.2uQj:5.25; ytockors and feulcrs, $3.00 5.25; calves. $3,000) 0.50; bulls. htiiBS, etc., $2.8004.35., Hobs Receipts, 11.000; shade to 5c lower; heavy, $i;.3O0'G.37!.; mixed, $15.32 'j0) 0.35; liRlit, $0.300 (i.371..; pi'S, $5.5i0jO.25; hulk or sales, $0.300 (1.35. Slitop Iteooipts, 11,000; steady to stronger; yearlings, $0.25 7.00; weth ors, $0.0000.50; ewes, $5.0005.85; lambs, $7.2508.25. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. April 9. Cattle Rccoipts, 4,000; $1.1000 $3.r.O05.OO; bulls. $3.3004.10; calves, $2.500 7.00; Blockers and feeders, $2.50 05.10. Hogs Receipts, 13,000; 15c higher; choice heavy shippers, $0.0500.70; choice- light, $0.0500.70; light butchers, $0.0500.70; packing, $0.3000.05; pigs, $5.400 0.20; hulk of sales, $O.OO0",O.O7'j. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; strong, lambs slow; sheop, $1.2500.05; yearlings, $5,350)7.00; Iambs, $C.OO0)S.5O. WOMAN'S RELIEF i Says Mrs. Dlanche E. Stephanou, of 1228 S. izna Ave., cnicago, "i sin tered miserably for live (.5) years i with a constant pain in my uacic ana richt side and alUioui:h my husband employed several of the best doctors in tills great city, not ono couia give me relief. At last I tools wine ot Cardul. which relieved my pain, pre vented an operation and restored mo to health." It Is a wonuertui cura tive mediclno for ail womens' ills. Try it. E26 At all Druggists $1.00 Ely's Creara Balm This Romody Is a Spoclflo, Sure to Civo Satisfaction. I GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It clcans fioothes, hcnla, and protects tho discard litcnibruntt. It cnron Catarrh and drive iwiiy n Gold in tlw I load qulokh Host ores the Benst!) of 'J iwto una biirqi Kiwy to Tlio. Contains no injurious clrnl Applied into tho nostrils nnd absorbed. Largo Sine, fit) conts at Druggists or by mail j Trial Size, 10 cents by muil. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York. Beit for cough Coldi. ( Wlioopl roup. na Cough, Etc INFLAMMATORY IIHRUMATISM (JlMtKU IN 3 DAYS Morion I,. Hill, of Lcbnnon Inrt.. (ays; "My wlfo liuil Intliiminatorv ltlieiimntlsm In every miiMilo una Joint; lier Miircrliii: w,,s ternuie ctfMiriv common to best steers, d hor bmly nnd fnco wero Hwollen nlmosino btcmiy, conimou to "i "--'' y0I1(, rcroK..lilon: hud been in bed Mz wouki 0.75; heifers, $2.i55.25; cows, B,m hHlj eKlll physlnliuiK. but n-eolved no bcnetll uiKii nun irieu uiu jtiyuc t uru iui niiuumiitlHiii. It chvo Immediate relict and hbe win alilo to wallc iitiout In three days, i hit 100' ! mire It Mvcd her life." Sold by li. H. Orlro niKKiti. neu uioiiii. ) Opiates, Conforms National to I'uro A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding, protruding piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if Pnzo Ointment fails to euro in 0 to 1 1 days. .10 cents. i Food and Drue Law. All couch svrurm containing oolatf 8 consti pate tbe bowels, lice's Lazativo Couch Syrup moves the bowels and contains no opiates. HCLLI3TCR-3 Kncky Mountain Tea Nuggets, A ilasy MeJiolne for Busy Feople. BrinR!! Qoldan Hjalth and rtocowcJ Vigor. 1. Hpenlllo for CnjuUnitlon, Iudlcrostlon, Live . MM Kidney I'loiililo. 1'imple. llcemi. Impure 4 J!ood, Bad Hivath. Slu.T.-Ish Howols, Headache- ud IlncJcurhy, Jt'sRr .loimtaliiTea In tao 't form, JiTi -iits n box. (lenultm made by -jnM.liJTGR DlU'U Cow ah v, Mitdlcnii, Wis. wJLDEN Nirprm POH Bftl I ov PP0PLE JL AJLJL& XXJLS W& GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. A. DOSE AT BED TIME WILL USUALLY RELIEVE THE MOST SEVERE CASE BEFORE MORN.NG FOR SKL0 BY i Tho medicinal virtues of the cruda gums and resins obtained from tho NativePlne have been recognized bv the medical profession for ceutunes. Plne-ule Contain the virtues of tho Nativo Pino that are of value in reliev ing Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder aul Rheumatic Troubles. TH5 & tTiVjr A fT? l-:a."; pv u t x fi fri Kxtti II )fiXlkmJE HENRY COOK A IL BT? rjia To Cure a Cold iis Cures Grip En Two Days. . mm A T, I .AYAtlve BromO Ouinme Tablets. k ? on every utni i,.M .u tn ud is months. Thts Ricnaturo. 1&yrw box. 25C OVVVi BliVU' ww. . f" - - --jj r