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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1901)
-ntrfw ir i , I' m im I 1 JSSSSSCSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSO "a Wbman wants lo nut out a fire sh dor n't ItAAa Mn a.I fittA wnnti ?shn lhffi'U'1 ! onwater.know.nKthatwaterquenches , IllOt VVIICII wuili.tll wtkiuo vw ;wi F well from diseases peculiar to her sex, J she should not add fuel to the fire ? already burning her life away. She jj should not take worthless drugs and J! potions composed of harmful narcot- ( tea and opiates. They do not check O the disease- they do not cure It- they simply add fuel to the fire. o . f3r4.4tl1V Parnate (1 Regulator should bo J? taken by every woman t or girl who has the slightest suspicion of nny 01 inc Ali ments which af flict women. They will simply bo wnnllnK tlino until they tnko it. The Regulator l it p u r I f y I n k . strengthening .tonic, which i?rts attherootsof the disease and curea ltdoeanot druz the cause, hf naln. It eradicates it. It Stops IBIIIBgui lUDnunu, leucorrhea. (aBammatloa aid periodical sufarlaa, Ir ragnlar, acanty ar painful menstruation) and by doing II thU drlvca away the hundred and on ache and pain which drain health and beauty, happiness and tood temper from many woman's fife. It la the one remedy above all etbera which every wnman thould know about and uie, 1,00 per bottle Se ml for nut fife IHuMr.itrd bimk The Wradficld Regulator Co. Atlanta, G.x. W"".'""''W'd Dr. E. A. Creighton, Honortiry (i rati unto & Silver Medalist Western UniYornlty, Camilla. Calls Answkkk Day and Niqht. rrrcr terCsoh's Phaiimact. J. S. EMIG-H, DKNT1ST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crow. I Bridge Wirk ir Teclh Wilhut fltdi. POHCKLA1N INLAY And all Uielttett Improvement ta 4imial mecb inlin w can surnUli 7011 brick In tyat the lowest pos sible na Htick on sale nl either of the lumber yards. Get Ouh Prices Before You Buy Biiick. LUDLOW BROS.. Red Cloud, Neb. iu: in BTHBMt. Gtnalnc stamped C C C Never sold la bulk. Beware of the dealer who trlei to tell "tomcthlnt; ut u good." For 14 Cents! Wc ntll tht MlowlRg rare ! tiuit I pkt. tiia niMd TMu sm. a . 1 1 I " H.tlk.r. l.. , ,jj a aiaaia'a ratnii,auafia4( ,B I UlaUardM SMlkVia4, Jo 1 " !!., audi. Wh,J, ' J "ui.aot.H.u.,,!, ;!; IMUUal n..,r M, ' Worth $1.00 , wc12 Wrn paoaifM taia, a alll utl rat fiaa, tabar villa aar fiaal lUaiwaiM HJ CauU,ialUi allabaat Kaliar'anillUa DailUrCraa Alt Ohlf Oalaai , 40a. V. Tafalhff llh tbaa-aaliaraatllNITafa. labia aa farm Ma, mq laaalalallu. MtlktoatiM. Wk,aaa,aaalul ,aa a Nti Ta lll aaiMaaliVaau J a.tAUII ( II., UCnaasWk. TRIUMPH INCUBATORS lUtcbM all Hatchable Eggi;. Usee lees oil than any other machine made. Require) no supplied motet ore. Perfect Ventilation. Equal Head. Absolutely Automatic. Catalogue free. TRESTER SUPPLY CO.. mWIITUN it.. . X03 B. 1 1th St., Lincoln, Nob. nRnA 0WU I' A koo.1 looking afrfl honw and poor look- 'v-",ai Ins liuriieMit In the ,i?"sV wont kind of a com- f? I-5 bltutlon. '3sSl2 Eureka v3Si Harness OlHm notnalrmakritlmharnrMamltht IA hnrM Inn rttar, hut mM the IB leather luft tint pliable, putn U In con. Vk nil Hi illtlon In lfwt-twlen an luni H.T (Hltdaw'A hi It cn'lnsrtly would. IIS aw1E3(lll,7. Bvll tm.ak.ra la taai alllBM HMuii'fl ,,n, iui. b; iMUm. MUlif STANDARD Ifl Your mBam Horse a EmM Chancer fgy T CAIWY tVkTBAamc . Hi eHjEwvBEBBMHBpMfMBejBaaaajp blfc ! MM B A Ijjj in 111 tii 111 bh mv i t Beat Vowa qanta. Tmui . 99 I SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. i The rurtil ralo In Ktifrlnnd is IA in cir-rt 1,000, In towns it It 18. 'I hi' only linolimtnry tnnsfle coin of red or ntiliul libers is the lienrt. Wood jlclils one-fourth the hr-nt of coal, clrfireoftl about the same heat as coal, A telescopic photoRrnph of the milky way, taken recently at the Harvard oiiMTtatory, shows more than 400,000 titan, Southern 'states are making much larger Rnlns than any other section in the luislne as of cotton and woolen man ufacturing. The first mulberry tree In America was brought from France in WM, with the expectation of eKtubllshlng mul berry groves In New Vork. The rearing of tdlk worms and the production of silk during the yc-ars be fore the revolution promised to be come one of the most imiiort'ant in dustries of wmerlca. The first, exports of cotton from this country was In 1785, in which year one bsg was sent from Charleston to Liver pool, while 12 were sent from Philadel phia and aae from New York. During the last year about 71100 tons of sugar were produced in the I'nlted fit ales, .10,000 tons of which were contributed by 2!) enne sugar mills and 40,000 tons formrd the output of 26 beet sugar works, only 10 of which wexe cninplrtril in time to avail themselves of tlie entire crop. Twenty-two more Inrt ktigar mills are now either built or building, THROUGH HEART AND BRAIN. Teader-llenrteil Hunter Who Felt No tllory In Killing Ifrr Tlrat nik. A woman's first expel ieiiiT of killing an innocent animal Is 11 disheartening thing or wliich to read. et it l some- no train, should travel at a rate exceed what consolatory to know that she , ing 50 mile nn hour, the kinfrcould not felt, the sadness of It. as well as the issue a proclamation exempting a cur emptiness of the glory. Let us hope, toln train from the operation of the that other women will not be moved lnw. Nor can his majesty Issue a proc to engage in similar "sport." ThU is' lnnntlon which would Injure the enm how Mrs. draco Scton Thompson shot ' munity, such as. for example, u procla her first elk, snys the Youth's Compan-' mat Ion exempting a wholo town or '0,l ' nciKhhoi hood from serving on 11 jury He wns drinking from the lake. Now, Though the king could recall tiny was the time. I cniwltd a few feet subject from abroad, he cannot corn- nearer ana raised the gun. The stag iiirncu pwruy away rrom me. in an other moment he would be gone. I -lirhted nlony the barrel mill a terrible bang went booming through tin-air. The elk raised hUnntlercd head and gaeed In my direction. Another shot nnd the animal dropped where hestood. He lay as still 11s the stones beside him. 1 sat on the ground and made no at tempt to go near him. One Instant, a magnificent breathing thing; the next, nothing. j a 1 niui no regret, no triumph, only sort or wonuer at what I had done. I felt surprised that, the breath of life could be taken away so easily. Meanwhile, Nlmrod had become alarmed at the long silence and fol lowed me down the mountain. He had nearly reached nn; when lu uearu ine two shots nnd came rushing "!' I have done It," I svild, in a.dull tone, pointing to the dark, still thing on the ,f f" lOu surely have." j we went tin to tin oiv Wmrn.i paced the distance 133 yards. How beautiful the creature's coat was, glossy and shaded in browns! And thos great horns, with HI points! Tliey did not look so big now. Nimrod examined the carcass. "You are an spt pupil." he said. "You put a bullet through hi, heart, un another through his brain." "Yes," 1 suid, "he neer knew what killed him." 1 felt no glory In the achievement. .a . ' VALUE OF SENTIMENT. It llaa Prepared the Way for Every Worthy Work Iho WotU Ha Known. In nothing are practical men more , likely to err than In umlerestiiuutlnir ' ...... . . ." 1 .. ,... .en mii-ni, hliy a writer In uie haturtlny i:enlng Post. How often we hear of "mere scntiiucnt." at if it were utterly impotent and lrtue le There is a common contempt for dienmerk. To call a mini viMomiry Ik to blacklist him among tho-e Iiohc chief end is to bring thiugs to pas. And yet, verc we to read history aright, dealing with forces back of facts, we should learn that some dreamer or tIkIoiiIm, some koul uf fiihcd with "mere ueutiment," has pre pared the way for erery wortln work the world haa known. 'Hie Hebrew prophet was a dreamer, but he lifted hi race to the enst of that ciili..ition which did for moriiljt) what Home did for law and what tireecedid for art Not (laribaldi, uor Victor Kmmnn uel. was the creator of modem Italy, (irand old M.i7ini had dreamed of a free anil united Italy, and hud blurted a hundred thousand young men to dreaming, ruul they were (larlbaldl's red fhlrted battalions, "every one In love with hardship, privation,' freedom and death." Hamuel Adam did a much with his pen as tleorge Washington with his sword to unloose the coloniea from for eign rule The poet l necessary to thu soldier. He "aing us up to courage wnn coiumanuing rhyme." The man of sentiment is to the man of action . what the architect Is to the builder. There must be castle in the air be for we know how to lay the stones. Iet not the hand say to thellmagina Uon: "I have no need of theeV' .Senti ment is not the vague, tiebuloiu thing It seem to be. It founds empires, marches before armies, writes con. tltutlouN and governs the globe. It is immortal, and it character justifies such a phrase as Umerson'i, "Hie eternal IdeaL" NEW KING'S POWERS. Restrictions Under Which Britain's Monarch Will Reign. (Jnrtnllment of lloyal Pre roaallve ef fected by I'nrllmnent Dnrluw the ItelRn of (leorere III. Mm It a tloaui of Authority. Conclderftblo as are the) powersof the new king, they arc not unlimited. There nre Home very curious rcfitrlc tlonn On the royal prerogative. The King cannot, for liiediinrp, communicate with. Ills subjects nn can the inoHt meni al of his ncrrnntH; nor can he receive presents from hla eople wtvc through oillcera of state or friends personally known to his majesty, bays a Loudon exchange, Th klnff could sell or give, away the royal nnvy, but he could not Hpend a fclngle facthiiifr of public money with out the eoosxMit of pewlUmeiit. The king hasi no power over tsxtion, and could ot create ay new office with fee attached to it. Neither eonld he anntx mw foes to old ofSccw. Ho could not iacreae the wnf ea of & of his footmen, unlesa he did it out of his pri vate fnndw, wr without excedinfr tho llowan by parliaBM'at, A ctrrioua curtailment of ttta rayal prerogative Is effected ay an act of par 1 lament passed in the reign, of George III. ThisactdeUwith Sabliath break ing, and in It it U distinctly stated that the tnonnrch cannot jmrdou ofTenilers who hae been -onvIcted of o certain form of Sabbath breaking. Yet Ills mjety could pardon 00 peT cent, of nil the prisoners in the Intnl. I Though no net of parliament is com plete until it has been signed by the king, his iiiujctj isMihJiut totheltiwb that he signs, nnd cniiuot IshUe n proc lamation contrary to Inu. If. for in . htjince, it were the law of CtiirkuKl tlutt pel a subject to leave Orent llritaln. This disability does not cense to oiht- . ate even in tlinpof wnr, and, though at fitich u time the king could call uou I every able man to take up arms, Iip could not force n single civilian to lenve the country, even to enrry on n necessary war. I His majesty could not set up court8 euch as the star chamber, the child of Henry Vll.'s misguided genius, nor could he invest a spiritual court with temporal power. Though his decision is absolute ufter i nrisoner has been sen tenced, he could not intenene with the course of justice before the sentence has been parsed, nor could he exert any inilueuce over the judges. Xeither could bo interfere in :i case of private a opposed to public wrong I he King is the only person who not arrest a suspected felon None tJon can be taken against him for breoklng the law. nnd therefore he is precluded from making an nrrest, as. supposing the suspected prisoner were innocent, no nation for falsi? Imtirlson- ment could be taken against his maj esty. The law, indeed, assumes that the king can do no wrong, which seems about us absurd os the legal as sumption that the king caninot be under age and cannot die. The king cannot exclude n member from parliament ufter he has been duly elected, nor can he delegate the duty of signing lawB to anyone. His power of dlspolnr of territory in time of peace hus been disputed, in time of war his majesty could hand ovorlxn don to France to bring the wnr to un end, but it seems clear that in time of peace his majesty cannot subject nny part of the empire to the Bway of o foreign power. Jc,K)' ,ht NtW DttUtX' pleases all thn family. Four Il.tvois: ..ran, ntsnbeirv and straw. berry. At your it tuiay. gioceiH 10 cts Tiv Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cneerlulnes3 soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon (or a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or II, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, tho cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the Kianeys ana oiaaaer ana not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need tho same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is&oon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty- (ft-w cent and one dollar iffliBtrWSk sizes. You may havea3jfin3HiliiJ3m sample bottlo by mail 33aiJEgS free, also pamphlet tell- noma or RwaunitooL Ing all about It, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferera cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer I & Co., Blnghamton. N. Y., do sure and Pitjf nd Beauty The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ ence. Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is gone. The little one gets no fat from her food. There is some thing wrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hciv, and that is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be quick ! Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. The genuine 1ms tills iktureon It, t.ikt-110 other. lloti)me not tried it. eiiil for free ample. il agreeable tatewlll surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chomlsts, 409 Poarl St.. N. Y. 50c. and SI.OO all druggists. BEST FOR THE BOWELS ir jou lian't a rraular, healthy morement or the bowels every ilny, jou'ie III or will be. Keep your bowels open, anil bu welt. Force. Ill llio aliapoof Tlo lentlhlariilllilon,ls Uanutrou. Tho smooth eat,aaet. imt jierfetl way ol keeping- the bowels clear nnd clenn Into tako jgiv CANDY m lEar Vm i riMn i ivs , EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY in...u.i,i li.l.ial.ln l,n lit. Tnntii flnmL PftOood Suit Hlckeii, Uenken. nr Gripe, 10, Z niul M cents per box Wrllu tor tree sampfv. n,l booklet on Iiealth Address '" STI!nUU RIIKUT lOSl'AST, CI1K1CO ar SST TOUK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Awaiting Settlers AnousauuH ui ratnn Orant Homesteads (160 acres) In tlie Hard Wheat Belt of Manitoba, Aaslol bola, Alberta and Saskat chewan (Western Can ada.) Experience shows thai the lands of Western Can ada are unexcelled for drain Growing-, Mixed Farm In ar and Dairying-. Railroads exist and are projected whererer settle- neat extends. Schools and hurclies conremont. Taxes merely nominal, Climate the Healthiest In the World. Crops always ood, Wheat Tarr ing from 25 to 40 buihols to tbo acre. Uab ro to luu nosneis, oiner grains In proportion. CATTLE RAISINS more profitable than elsowhore on thu't'ontlnent. Marketing prodnce at highest prices Is particularly eaay. Low Flruresasked for land adjoining f rco uomesteau i.anas. Wrllo for pamphlflti and nopies of letters from settleri and dele- ITatos. Address 1'. t'edley, Sapor lntendnot of Immigration, Ottawa. ICanudii.orto UUNNETT. MJ. , N(. S01 IN. I. ww oiuiM ""-" Sooolal low exouralon rnton durlna; February, Moroh and April. daeit Yrar Btrwolti With Ouearats). Osuidy Cathartic, our aoaatipaUoa foNraa. m lBjtzm a fTM w. v ph W. B. ROBY, DKAI.KIt IN Float, Feed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hay and Coal Oil. HAII - AlVO - No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. PLATT & FREES CO., Chicago - Lumber - Yard. KEU CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. oma:d:erjs iumbeob co, DEALERS IN LUMBER and CO A! founding? rixa.t3riaLl, Etc. Red Cloud. - - Nebraska JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" k H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD TO EYERT STOCKMAN AND FARMER. How many of you have loa tho price of this Enj?lno In one day on nccount of ln sufficient wind to opurutu your wind mills, leaving jour stock without water. Oct one now to do your inuupliiK whuu there It no wind or to do It r"ulurl". Went 1 1 or doos not iilK-ct Its work, hot or cold, wet or dry, wind or calm. It Is a), iho sumo to this machine Will also hhcll corn, urlnd feed, saw wood, chum butter nnd Is handy for a hundrod other lobs In tho lriuso or on tho farm. CostH nothlnK to keep when not working', and onlr 1 to 8 contu per hour whrn working. Shipped completely set up. ready to run. no founda tion needed, ii grout lalior and money Haver. " Itoqulres practically no attention, and U absolutely wife. We ninko all sizes of Uusollno Knglncs, from 1M to ,5 horso powor. Write) or circular mid sioclal prices. FfllRSHNKS. MORSE & CO.. OmflHA. NEB. City Dray and E. inC. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONEriMO. 52. l SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PKUPR1ETOR. DEAMCR IN Vines, Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP. ZfjX&r, CVUCUEiKtaV KNQU.4U .la usisa u4 Ul aaauuM Miaa wmin I 1U MM naMS. 'railia aaavr. mmmmm mast.Biaiaw mm. (a; ar j.mi Drasstaa. M aaa Va. u k. ratalNUiai TaaaswaUlt m-Mjr a. L.SM.!, aaar. ww In,, ajau !, Taalaaaraaaaa. BaUkf I KraaHaa, CbUkMtav SAIisl Oak, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM . Cleanati and waulldM Us uaa. aHnn.iaa m iniuiiam i,iuaiii tvrr ii o rv.iYr'i C7 hIa Hiasavi M hatlf lalUlHT. Hair to i is mutttiui vuiwis v"jr-:K.iii ,ViY i.,rH- - i "g. sWJ m a aft MJ O. V. ARGAIiRIGIlT, ARTISTf PORTRAIT PAINTER. Red Ci.oun. Nkukaska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits mada to order. STUDIO IK DAMRRELL BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE f FARM LOANS Look Box a. Quid Itock, Ntb. ill kinds of property bought, told and xehangod, OMXaOTIOafl MAUI. mBKOaT .BMP SOJBYIV. - COA1V. T NEBRA8KA. Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest TIMETABLE. RED CLOUD NEBIi! LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS ami all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL1 LAKE O'Y PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISC0 and all pointi west. TrUlNS LIATB AS FOLLOWS I 13. PaMtciiRer dally for Obcrlln No, and si. rraucis orancnes, ux ford, McCook, Denver and all points west . -. 8:23 a.m. Mo, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison. St. Louis. Lincoln via Wymote and nil points cast and south 8'15 n.ra No 17, I'atscnger. dally. Denver, all n oints in uoioraao, man ana California 8:40 p.m. No. 18. PatweiiKer. dally for St. Joe. Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis and all points east and south I0:00a.ra. 144. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Hastings. Grand Is land. Mack Hills and all No. points mine northwest. 1:00 p.m. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via He- publican. ...-...... ....12:30p,m. freight, dally, Wymoro and St. Joe and Intermediate Junction points.... :45 p.m. Freight, dally for Hopubllcan Orleans. Oxford and all points NO. 143, No. M No, 63, west .. 10:40a.m. No. ee. rreiRiit.aany except minuay for Wy more and all point east 0.45 a.m. No. 173. i- reuni uaiiy to tixrora and Intermediate nolnls l:Snnm SleepliiK. dining, and recllnlnc chair rars, (seats free) on through train. Tickets sold and bKKSRe checked to any point In tbo United 8tates or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address a. Conover, Agent, Ited Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Ocncrsl Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska. CONSTIPATION the rmjutDt cause or Appendicitis and many oUwr sera loua ma siiuuiu n.vvr u la-viccicu i no oujecuon to UM hloh lnrr4jM i auiu cinjinio rvoiDuivaia mcir cwuia nwrion 1 Mr tonijtlfaUon tnstd ot curing It. fAHKUt'S IKK TON 10 ts th trpr rrmKly. It acts on Iti ', and when nsed u atroctcd, permanently remov w aiNur.ii Urrr. i Um ooosUpatioa, M ota. A $Lst at alt Urmnfist PONT TOBAC430SPIT and 5M0KB YourLlfeawavI You can be cured of any form of tobacco uslnir easily, be made well, strong, mairnetlc, full of f e1 le nd b0' b' uklif fto-ra-MAQ. that makes weak men stronir. Manv csJsi ten pounds in ten days, over Man'nna cured d. All S,r .,.,. .T-Ti V.T All drurglsta. Cure iruarantecd.' kt and advice PKUH. Addresa Uook. IltUKDY CO.. Chiuira nr N, vAVw- ,INI 437 Don't Be Foolcdi TaataUagcaul .erltiaa HOOKV UOUNTAIN TKA Ma4 oary ky Madison Matft ftaw C.. AUdlsaa, Wis. H keM yaj wail. Oar traa nark cut at) aavck ikackan. Prloa, 33 emt. Navar mM la AcsMit dMMj '' fr 1 t i 'i ' ! f. nk I Ti Ma,aa. 00.0,lil, t . J Mi mention this paper.