The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 21, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    m ..unSfSHPiiHH
2 iTfnifiriMiiiimi V wiwhhw "JiBSiJ, ' -.&. J 1-toMO
n.n . -,' V 7 v.. r VM
-.. C.iCt-
.... V-lilfNf. JMMltftnJISUNMWjKWJA .-T ,.,
l '
Absolutely Pure.
celebrated for Us K't-'nt lenvvnlmt atrutiRth mxl
lieMlbfulncss. ArMircR tlic food RKKltut nlmn
nml nil forii of adulteration common to the
clieitp brands. KOYAL ItAKING I'OWDKIt
Look out for the "colored troupe."
Dr. E. A. Hall has gono to.Color:ulo.
U. 0. Best of Bladen was hero this
Mrs. E. E. Hurt- of Guide Hock was
here this week.
Miss Dolly ShophonUon of Hiverton
was hero Wednesday.
The inter-state O. A. II. reunion has
again boon captured by Superior.
Morhart & Cutter nru now buying
fat cattle and hogs. Soe them before
Dr. V. E. McKecby was in Lincolnrnt
tending the twenty-uinth unual session
of the state medical society.
A small admission foo will bo charge
od for entranco to tho hall on tho night
of tho graduating exorcises.
Straw Hats from 10 conts to $1.50 at
(ialusha & Wcscott's. Good onos for
'20 and 25 cents. Nico styles.
O. E. Woscotttiudhon Earl of Plnttv
mouth spent sovornl day hero thin
week, roturniuK homo Friday morning.
V. L. Huinos and wife, formerly res
idents of this city, uow residing nt
Belvidoro thiu state, were horo this
Herbert L. Hussong, principal of the
Hardy public school, was hcio tho last
of the week visiting with his bi other
liov. Hussong.
Sick bcadai'he can bo quickly and
completely overcome by using those
famous little pills known as "DoWitt's
Little Early Risers." C. L. Cotting.
It is coming, tho greatest show of
tho season. Soon be hero. Friday
evening, May 28th. Adratssloi, chil
dren, 10c; adults, J5c; reserved snts
25 eents.
Will save you 20 cents a pair on
overalls. Will save you 25 cents on a
sfbirt. Will save you 50 couta on pair
of pants, and give 1897 goods. Galus
ha AWkscott.
J. A. Boyd of Red Cloud Marble
works was hero today nnd put up a
Hue monument over tho gravo of Dan
iel Rice. It is a very nio piece of
work. Campbell Press.
Elinor Crone on Thursday wont to
work as messenger in the Western
Union tolcgraph office at the depot
Elmer is a bright young man and wo
hope he will be sucrcssfull in this field
of labor.
r Remember Wiener has made
arrangements while in New
York recently to go into busi
ncss in that city and is anxious
to closo out his stock as soon
as possible. Now is your timo
to buy cheap. liL'C
1'oto "Say Rastus you heah 'bout
dem juniors done got up a mighty
pow'ful uiggaa show!" Rastus "Go
long wif yo', you desult dis respective
coon by tnlkin lak ho jus' done como
from 'Souri, I done heah 'bout dat
1fo' yo' was bo'n ohile. Nullln wrong
wif de Mastodons.
Rov. E C. Condit, district superin
tendent of tho American Bible Society,
will preach at the Congregational
Church in tills plnoe on Sunday tho
2.ld, at 10.30 in the interest of tho bible
cause, also on tho same subject at tho
M. E. Church at 8 o'clock p.m. All In
terested in the spread of tho bible are
carnostly requested to be present at
the meetings above spocilied.
HlflMSt Honors-World' Fair.
0M Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure flrnpc Creaoi ol Tartar Powder.
Save your quai icr ami hear the min
strel Dick Tinker of McCook was down
this weok.
TiuCiukk Is prepared to do yotu
job printing.
A. C. Hosmor returned Wednesday
from a trip north.
Charlie Ilnzclton and wife left Thurs
day on a trip to Kansas City.
Mrs. P. W. Shea of Orleans is hero
the guest of L. H. Foil and family.
Chaa. Whlto, Homer KlnselCnnd
Walter Kilcy went t Blue Hilt today.
aWm. Sawyer of Guide Rock was
looking after business matters here
this week.
Tho mother of Ooorgo and Roy
Hutchinson arrlvod in the city Friday
on a visit
Buy your fencing of tho Red Cloud
Funco Factory. Tho best hog fence on
eaith. A. Mohhakt.
Rhino Blrkuor and Hugh Swoarln
gon loft tho last of tho weok ovorlnud
for tho Big Horn country.
H. E. Pond and wife and J. W. War
ren attended tho inter-state reunion
encampment at Superior Wednesday.
Compare prices at Chicago Clothing
Store before buying old goods at any
price. Seo how cheap new goods ate
The Union Fire Insurance Compauy
is tho best mutual. Combine risks; in
installments 8 per cent. J. H. Smith,
Special Agent.
The Firo Department nrc pushing the
celebration with u vim, and by noxt
weok they hope to have the program
ready for publication.
Children's Suits from $1.00 up. Ages
from 2 years to 14. Our line of Jun
iors nro correct in style and price.
Mr. Foutz of Guide Rock was a pleas
ant caller today and gave us a dollar
on subscription. Ho repeits every
thing looking fine in that portion of
the country.
Aftor a long and oxcitlng debate in
the bonato on Wednesday afternoon
tho resolution recognizing belligerency
for Cuba passed tho sonato by tho de
cisive vote of 41 to 14.
J. H. Smith writes combined Insur
ance for a term of live years at 8 per
cent. On schools houses, churches and
farm property on tho installment plan.
Drop him a card at Red Cloud, Nob.
Ernst Welsch is clearing away the
burnt debris at tho cito of tho lato lire
and will begin at once the erection of a
two story eating house. He settled
with the insurance company for $1,900.
A man up near alma died this week
from bavins swallewed a carapaipjn
button. Tho swallowing of a Billy
Bryan campaiga button is enough to
kill any man and ho will be a longtime
A gentleman made tho remark Satur
day that in order to make some excite
ment ho would havo to bring his bull
dog to town and get np a dog light. Ho
little thought what excitement wo
would havo in the next twenty-four
The following is list of the graduating
class of tho Red Cloml high school:
May Lorona Sanborn, Susie May Rife,
Lucy Garbor, Mattie May Abol, Jessie
May Kellogg, Ada Olona Skjolvor,
Edna Henderson, Jim Yeiser, Mabel
Oriva Howard, Dennis Kchaff nit, Bessio
Carpenter, Robert Sanford Mitchell.
We beliovu it would bo a good idea
to got up a purso to be used by the
sheriff in hrcukiag up the gang of rob
bers of whom tho escaped prisoners are
members. A purse of fiom two to
three hundred dollars would bo suffi
cient and the Ciiiei is ready to put up
its share for that purpose.
A good joke is told on J. O. Butler,
one of tho volunteers on tko robber
hunt last Sunday. Jim saw somoomt
(tossing the pastnro on tiio Monntford
farm iu tho edge of Kansas, and im
mediately got out of his buggy and
gave chaso. He chasod the supposed
robbor across tho pasture and to the
Monntford homo where ho demauded
to know of Mr. Monntford "who that
follow was who went in his homo a bit
ago." Mr. Mouutford informed him it
was no one but his daughter and Jim
went back to his buggy with the firm
intention, we aro told, ot coming to
town and getting bis eyes tested.
The little nine year old son of James
Mahada, living about six miles north
of this city, accidentally shot himself
Tuesday evoniug. The folks were
working in tho gardeu"ud Mr. Mu
hody told the boy to go to the barn
and shell some corn for the stock.
The little fellow weutlnto the houso
whoro ho was found some time later
shot through the hoart and the woap
ou, a 'smull 22-cnlibro riflo, was lying
on tho bed. It is supposed that tho
llttlo follow wont into tho houseto got
tho gim in order to shoot ut rats in tho
barn ami hud accidentally shot him
holf and thrown tho gun onto tho bed
boforo ho oxplrod,
"!oiiwhIiiii' licr ii irroiT kitchen
Ptretctud nwnjr lit Mutely hull "
This happened to Maud Mm
lor, but nttr prices it
Wall - Paper
i Mnko it possible for it to hap
pen Kl UM'l,)()(lllJ. Willi
paper that used to sost so
much that It could only
bo hung in the purltir or
in stately halls, is now so
chenp that the kitchen
walls ran be made really
Conic in nnd sec our new
Designs for 1897.
C. L. Cotting,
Dr. Robinson of Guide Rock was
hero Thursday.
Miss Nellto Waircn Ita9 received a
new Wnverly bicycle.
Crete flour is finer than silk. Just
try a sack. Sherwood & Albright.
David Kaley and wife of Cowlos
wore visiting hero tho Urstofthe wook.
Buy trunks of us nnd save a dollar.
Como nnd see. Galusiia & Wkscott.
Mrs. S. I. Cozad left Tuesday morn
ing on a visit to her old home at Marys
villc, Ohio.
T. E. Penman and wife returned
from their Denver trip Saturday morn
inc. Randolph ,McNitt wus looking after
legal mutters in Bloomington tho first
of tho weok:
Mrs. Noise Lougtin and children ar
rived homo Thursday front a several
weeks visit in Kansas.
The Orange Jttdd Farmer and tho
American Agriculturalist Altnatiac to
gether with Tho Chikk for Sl.Un.
C. L. Cotttng, solo agent, will refund
your money if not satisfied alter using
uno bottle of Dr. Feuuers famous medi
cine. R. L. Alyea on Monday sold a lino
Wilton Hereford bull to F. H. Powell
of Hardy, this state. Mr. Alyea's ani
mals are getting a good reputation over
the state.
The American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, Tho Orange Judd Farmer,
one of tho best farm papers published
and Tho Chuck all ono year for 11.85.
m You can save big moqey on
jfm clothing, furnishing goods,
jm hats.caps, shots, trunks, va-
n Uses by buying them now nt
' Wiener's costclosing out sale.
Mrs. L. P Albright of Rod Cloud,
Mrs. John Garber of McCook, and
Mrs. I. Frisbio and Mrs. Chns. Frisble,
of Lester, woro in Guide Rock yester
day the guests of Mrs. Proudllt and
Mrs. Hayes. Guide Rock Signal.
More than twenty years' practice in
answering tho questions of inventors
and owners of patents havo givon C.
A. Show & Co. of Washington,' D. C.
remarkable facility in this lino as may
bo seen from a little hook they have
sent us, nud which they will send free
to nuy address. In this pamphlet, they
have anticipated and answered about
every question inventors havo In von tod
and that is saying n good deal.
La Grippe
If you have tu4 the Grippe,
you know its ache and pains,
the fever, the chiMs, the couf h,
the depression yu lenow
them alt The Grippe exhausts
the nervous system quickly,
lowers the vitality. Two
things should be done at oncet
the body must be strength
ened, and force must be given
to the nervous system. Cad
liver Oil.wiU de the firstt Hy
pophosphites the second. These
are permanently and pleasantly
combined in Scott's Emulsion.
It lifts the despondency and
heals the inflamed membranes
of the throat and lungs.
But you need not have LA
You can put your system la
a condition unfavorable to It.
You can have rich, red bloods
resistive strength steady brain
and nerves. Scotf s Emubion
prevents as well as cures
And whether you send or go
for Scott's Emulsion, be sure
you get the genuine.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WorU'eFelrnighcrtAfMlalMd Diploma,
Closing Out At Cost
Means a Saving to you on
Every $10 purchase of
from $3 to $4.
Now is the time to buy up-to-date goods cheap. We have made all
arrangements to go into business in New ork an l .u
anxious to close out this stock quick.
We have all the novelties of the season, as half of our stock was
bought this spring.
- The Clothier.
Chic. Harrison of Bontrico was bore
this week.
Roy Tait receivod a line now Victor
bicycle Tuesday.
Look at lino of Men's Suits from 18.75
to 17.00 at Galusiia & Wescott's.
Evecj sack of Crete flour Is war
ranted. For sale by Sherwood Al
bright. James Kidd of Sodalln, Missouri, ar
rived Tuesday on a visit to old f rlonds
and rolatives.
Mrs. Sadio Cummings has had her
rcsidonao proporty in the south part of
tho Ity nicely painted.
Mrs. John Garber who has been visit
ing frionds hero for some time past
has roturned to her homo at McCook.
The Hastings Democrat says that,
"With cucumbers nt twenty-flvo eonts
a pleco It costs as much to got the colic
as it does to got rid of it."
Will not only duplicate price on
clothing but will go any merchant ono
better. Money returned if yoa can do
hotter anywhoro. Galusiia & Wks
cott. A great deal of difference of opinion
has been had over the dogs from
Boatrico. If tho old gentleman Craw
ford had given nn exhibition of tho
powers of his bloodhounds he would
havo loft a bolter impressiou as to
whether they should be called by that
According to tho newspapers, an
Ohio husband became tho happy father
of seven children not long ago. Of the
soven till lived but one. It is to bu
hoped ho laid in a supply of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, the only sure
euro for croup, whooping-cough, colds
and coughs, and so insured his child
ren against these diseases. For sale by
11. K. Grico, Druggist.
This is to certify that my loss of
March 25th, 1897, was settled today to
my ontiro satisfaction through . G
Bohanan special agent of the Farmers
& Merchants Insurance Co. of Lincoln.
As soon as Mr. D. E. Thompson, presi
dent, arrived homo from Moxlco iio
sent be a draft at once itnd I thank him
for the settlement. I also state that I
shall rebuild at once and will bo glad
to write my insurnucu iu the saute com
pany, Yours Respectfully,
E. Wklsch.
K B Smith, AgMit.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wood's Fair HJabcst Award.
Of Interest to
The personal appearance of the men she
knows never escapes a woman's eye. Ten
to one she can tell at a glance whether you
wear ordinary thrown together ready-rriades
or H. S. & M. good clothes, the kind that
have this label.
These garments fit and stay In shape bet
ter than others because they're made by
skilled tailors.
We Have Received
Our Eighth Invoice of
Goods in Our
Millinery Department
This will be the opportunity to Hats. All
goods. No old stock.
Have you tried the
Black Gat Stocking ?
Our stook of Umbrellas is
Prioes the lowest and
gc ing very rapidly.
quality the best.
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