The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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TUPiMaHaiMrJiiiiwii mtlmwr '
f 1
r .
inrfwrniTi-rr" rnwwT"'-"" u.vra.-.t-strt vryxr. t .v.r?wi
Ivy Poison
Child Suffered for Threo
Without Relief -Terrlblo Itching
and Burning Skin Disease.
41 When thrco months old our hoy wan
poisoned with ivy. Ho Buffered (or throe
yeara without getting relict. I saw
one ot the advertisement of Hood's Sar
saparlllo, consisting of n tttlmonlsl
where a child was cured of ivy poisoning.
My faith was very weak at first, but I
told my husband I would like to try a
bottle of Hood'a Harsaparllla. Doctor's
medicine had (ailed to help him in the
tout. We concluded to buy five bottles
Of Hood's Barsaparllta and tbo child be
tan Uklng it. Before ho had finished all
tint we had purchased he was cured. I
have also been cured of skin dlscnso by
Haod'fi Barsapnrllla. I was in such ft
condition that 1 conld hardly enduro tho
itehlng and burning. I felt that I must
give Hood's Bnraaparlllan (nlr trial, which
I did. I took four bottles and it cured
me." Chhihtina Giiehn, Ganastota, 8. D.
Hood's Barsaparllta is sold by all drug
gists, ft; six for fO. Bo suro to got Hood's.
raaMittit) nr .
W. L. MalllliliAN.
Oae year,... MOO
Ssassonths SO
puunsnuD kvkhv Friday
Intered at tbe post offlco at Red Cloud, Neb. as
sesona class nail matter.
11 may not bo nn impossibility to pro
duce a tariff bill without arousing son
snttoaal rumors tnoro or loss scanda
lous in their nature in aonncction with
Its sugar schedule, but it hasn't been
done for Bomo years. I ho sugar
scandal started wlion tho Wilson tariff
kill was in tho senate, anil roco;itly ru
called by a supreme court decision
which .vlll compel broker Chapman,
and perhaps others, to sorvo jail son
tuncus, unless a prosidontiai pat don
iatot-voncs, ought to Intro boon unough
for n generation, but now thn air Is
onco mor full of rumors nbont tho
sugar trust's connection with tho sugar
schedule of the amended Dingloy tariff
bill, now before tho sonata. It is ad
mitted by ninny who do not bollovo
Hiat there was any special intention to
favor tho sugar trust that tho nuw
sugar schedule doos favor it, and that
it, and tho striking out of tho clause
declaring (or a continuance of tho
reciprocity treaty with Hawaii, has
boon takeu advantage of already to
make a large sum of money by specu
lating in sugar. It is gonorally under
stood that many changes are to be
made iu the tariff bill as it now stands.
Were it not for that understanding
there would be an opon revolt among
republicans against any of its pro
visions. Even as it is, the leaders aro
having a bard time keeping tho rank
nod tile silent, and tbe task will be
come more dilUcult after the 18th (
this month, when the bill will bs taken
up in the seuato for debate.Promlneni
republicans ( the house stow no hosl
tatioi in saying that tho house would
refuse to agroo to tho bill in its present
ajnipe, and friends of President Mo
lttoilcy say that ho would veto it, if it
paused as It now is. It is evident
that a hard tariff light is ahead, (and,
surprising as it may sound, the bitter
est lighting is going to bo botwoon re
publicans who will in tho end voto for
thn bill.
You canuot always toll how u senator
stands by tho way ho records his vwta.
It is kHown that several sonators who
voted (or the rntiGcatfou of tho arbi
tration treaty wore much pleased at
its rejection, ami probably thut their
vote's would have beau oast against
ratification had they boon ucoded to
reject thotteaty.
Assistant Secretary of tho Navy,
Hoosovelt will go to Now York this
week to mako an investigation o( n
number o( charges concorniug favorit
ism and the dismissal o( employees for
political reasons in tho navy yard at
Brookjya. Mr. Roosevolt's course will
bu watched In tho navy yards at Brook
lyn. Mi'. Hoosovolfa course will bo
watehod with oven more interest by
tho politicians who aro classed asspolls
men tbau by those who call themselves
ivil sorvlco reformers, of whom Mr.
Hoosovel lias uoou a saining light, it
is believed that investigation will play
an Important part iu tho contest (or
tho control of greater Now York and
its immense patronago, but which sldo
is to bo betiolittod is yet to bo ascer
tained. Mr. Hoosovelt and his im
mediate, superior, Sec. Loag, aro both
supposed to bo antagonistic to tho
Piatt republican machine in Now York,
but President McKiuloy, whilo not giv
ing him much patronage so far, hat
acted as though ho weru especially de
sirous to avoid u break with' Senator
There is considerable gossip 4ln naval
cttcles over tho plain manner in which
Heal Admiral Solfridge, who is in com
mand of the Kuiopoan. station, has
hhowu his disappolutuuint'becniiho tliii
Mtciciury of Urn navy declined to outer
him to l'uglljli water to represent tho
Or. I'rJi . Cftm Hakwj' lovUc
Al'lH' i 'HP' t r. n i ) fai tf Ity dsi-
U S I iV t Hh (JiKcn'- Jiibl cc eel
lirnlton lIN nct.oii has been nltogf t
iiv uniifiinl. When it was suggested
to him by cablo by the hooietniy of the
navy that the war between Till key and
Greece might make It advisable to send
him more ships, ho replied that there
was amplo foice there, and added a
strong hint about his being the proper
officer to be sent to the Queen's jubilee.
Secretary Long, then cabled Admiial
Selfridgc positive Instructions to re
main whoro ho was until otherwise
ordered, nnd to keep iu oloso commit
ideation with tho U. S. ministers at
Athens and Constantinople; also in.
forming him that Admiral Miller would
bo sent to tho Queen's jubilee aboard
tho cruiser Brooklyn. Needless to say
that public opinion is bavk of Secretary
Long In Ills keeping a strong navnl
force in tho east until the lighting Is
known to bo over, even if ho had to
keep n navnl officer out of a show in
order to do it.
Probably tho only case of Its kind on
record Is tho resignation (torn tho
treasury department of Mrs. Mary K.
Wilcox, who In addition to being the
widaw of a Mississippi congressman
has tho distinction of Having been
born in the Whlto House. She re
signed bccntiso she could not do hor
work to hor own satisfaction, bccatiso
of ago and feeble health. Secretary
Oago was so much Impressed by her
statement that ho accepted hor resigna
tion to take effect at tho latest possible
date three months ahead and gave
hor lcava of ubsonso with pay until
that time.
Tho Boat Romedy for Rhoumutism.
From the Fairhavcn (N. Y.) HegMcr.
Mr. James Howland of this village,
slates that (or twenty-live years Ids
wi(o has boon a sufferer from rheuma
tism. A (ow nights ago sub was in
8ttcli pain that she was nearly crazy.
She sent Mr. Howland (or the doctor,
but ho had read of Chamberlain's Palu
Balm and instoad of going for tho phy
sician ho went to tho store and secured
a bottle of it. His wifo did not approve
of Mr. Howl.tnd's purchuso at first,
but nevertheless applied tho Balm
thoroughly and iu an hour's time was
able to go to sleep. Sho now applies it
whenever she feels an ncho or a pain
and finds that it always gives relief.
Ho says that no medicine which sho
had used ever did her as much jood.
Tho ar and CO cent sixes for sale by H.
E. Grico, Druggist.
Tlioro will bu a mass meeting of Hed
Cloud township's Sunday school work
ers held in tho M. E. Church Saturday
evoning at eight o'clock, May 15th,
1807, for tho purposo of olooting a
township president for the ensuing
year aud transact such other business
a may properly come beforo them. If
timo will permit tho Sunday school
lesson will be taken up aud discussed.
All aro welcome. Come.
J. S. White, Twp. Pros.
The Westfield (lud.) News prints the
following in regard to an old resident
of that place: "Frank McAvoy, far
many yours in tho emplay of the L., N.
A. & 0. Ky. here, says: 'I have used
Chamberlain CoMc, Cholera aad
Dlarrhwa Kcmody for ten years or
longer am never without it In my
family. 1 consider It tho best remedy
of the kind manufactured, I take
pleasure in recommending it.'" It is a
specific for all bowel disorders. For
sale by H. K. Grico, Druggist.
Robbery nt Cowles "
Dining Suudat t Moml.ij
iii'irulug the general merchandise
store of Fuller & (Sor d i t'"vles wn(
entered by thieves aud a huge amount
of shoes anil other goods were taken.
The theft was not noticed until well on
to noon on account of the fart that the
shoes were taken (torn tho boxes and
the boxes placed back on tho shelves
After tho robbety was discovered Sher
iff Hunchey was notified and he started
out Monday evening for Kansas, that
being the supposed destination of tho
robbers. Although they hud consider
able start of tha sheriff, he passed them
during tho night, he being on a road
ouo mile wost of them. The sheriff ar
rived at Cora, Kansas, at about one
o'clock and staved thero during the
night. Lcnvlng orders here with tlto
blacksmith to telegraph him nt Smith
Comer if tho thieves cuuio tiiiottgh
Cora, lie pushed on to that place. Ho
here mot Sheriff Jarvis of Smith county
at tho train ready to dopart for the
east, and notified him of hU mission.
Shortly after the dopai tun of tho sher
iff from Cora tho thieves drove Into
that placo and tho ulnrkmith hitched
up his cart and followed thorn, tele
graphing tho sheriff from Bellaire that
tho men wore coming townrd Smith
Center. Sheriff Hunchey immediately
secured a fresh team and, together
with n deputy sheriff, a son of Sheriff
Jarv'.s, started cast to inteicept them,
and when nbout three miles out
the thieves wore discovered coming
west. Whou thoy discovered the ap
proaching buggy of tho sheriff
the thieves concluded it con
tained officers and whipped up their
horses aud turned south. Tho shcilff
having a fresh team the chase did not
last for tnoro than about a mile when
ns tho thieves went down a hill and
started up another -which was slippery
to t'uoir horses feet tho sheriff pushed
ids horses aud pushes! iu across their
path the deputy sheriff covering them
with a double barreled shot gun load
ed with buck shot and thn sheriff with
a largo wicked revolver. Tho deputy
kept them covered with his shot guu
whilo tho sheriff lied the team and they
wcro thou ordered to get out of tho
buggy when they were searched and
nothing but a knife and some smooth
looking skeleton keys were found. A
rovolvur was found under the lap
robe where one of tho thieves dropped
it when ho found there was no chance
to tiso it. Tho Uvo tnou were taken
back to Smith Centre, and upon a
promise by them to come back with
out requisition papers Sheriff Runchey
started with thorn over the Hock Island
in order to striko tho B. & M. to this
city. Bafore thoy reached Bellvlllc,
Kansas, they changed their minds
about coating back and were placed in
the jail there until papers could bo ob
tained. When thoroughly searched in
the jail at Bellville Mvc mere knives
end a razoi were 'found secretod'about
their persous. Shorlff Hunchey return
ed home Tuesday night, received
the propor papers, and left Wednesday
mot ning for Lincoln where he will re
ceive the papers from the governor of
this state and will go from their direct
to Topeka, secure the papers from the
governor of Kansas and take tho Rock
Island backto;Bellvillo. He will reach
Bollvillu sometime Into Friday night or
Saturday morning nnd drivo over to
Chester in time to meet B. & M. pas
senger train 10 ou which if nothing
happens ho aud his prisoners will arrive.
Council Proceedings
Council met as per adjournment
with the major nnd full boatd preei t
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
The following committees were ap
pointed by tho mayor:
Auditing Beck and Spokeslleld.
Suri'MES Wright and Holllster.
Stkkf.ts and Alleys Holllster aud
Printing Beck and Wright.
Proposition o( J. W. Kinsel In regard
to tho appointment of water nnd street
commissioner nt the salary of $30 (or
first six months and $25 (or Inst six
months of this muncipalyear was read.
Communication of H. P. Huchlnson
asking tho appointment of night police
was proscntad to the council.
On motion tho proposed plan of con
solidating the offices of city engineer,
and water commissioner was not ad
opted. Mayor re-appointed J. M. Sollars as
engineer at a a salary of $40 per month.
J. W. Kinsel was ro-appolnted water
and street commissioner nt salary
stated iu his proposition.
Mayor appointad H. P. Huekinson ns
night marshal and tho salary was fixed
at $10 por month.
Heport of treasure! .
BhIhiicc nn hand Mar 4, 1HVT
Itcocltetl from csunty tress.
ram out on warrnm..
Ilnlnticc cash ou hand
Itecehcd from license
Pnld out on warrants.
Transferred to water fund....
Total tWKJ 60
Hee'd from county treasurer... $ VI7 U
I'nld out on warrant...............
HalAtico on hand.....
Totul I 217 tt
Ilec'd from county treasurer- I 1SJ 4I
l'ld out on warrants .............
Ilalanso ou lmnd ...... ......... ....-.
B W0i al
wx ... m
r 9ir h o sEo:orf l,
vain Bmt. av.l bbKiui JlOi'tl--,.
fjt m VK ji - w MmimW" vm...."- IL
aassssssssM mMKusTVasssssHsni u'uHNI
9 Jell
:5ar dfJMSSS
You will And one coupon
Inside each two ounce bac
and two coupons Inside each
four ounce bagofBlackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of thla
celebrated tobacco and road
the coupon which gives a
list of valuablo presents aud
how to get them.
l?M r.i lfn$
........... 68 00 Stt
11767 0 11707 M 5Lru
,. II0M50 J&Si'i
II0MK) gl
m 77 S&Q
1 217 14
I 119 0
IU 10
Total ( IM 0 I Vi 49
Itecelvcd from water rent.... f MS 01
Kecelvcd Iron ocsuiiatloR fund KU W
Paid out 8ii watrants
Unliuco ou hand ........ ....
i:ir. m
M 02
The Kalby Shob Co.
Successors to A. . KALEY.
See Oar Ox Blood
and Chololate
Oxfords and Shoes.
We have a Bargain in Black
or Tan Oxfords at $1.00.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Shoes.
All kinds of repairing neatly done.
M Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store.
Total .... ISlWr.7 tllS!)t7
Total cash ouhaim May 111, HW.. fJOO S3
liiiimld reRlstered ') 1ut Keiieml ht
rants . M) 07
Untmtri rcKlstercd '9fl levy ueuvral ar
rants W 'J8
Unpaid rt'Klfctercil -wi levy .miter Mar
rants 2M W
Uapald registered 'W lovy JndijiiR'Sl
Hnrrniits - -TO m
Total..- .. . IIOWM
O. W. Dow, City Treasurer.
The report of water ioiumislontr
was read nnd accepted by the council.
Mayor appointed Aldeimeii lh-ek
aud Wright as a committee to confer
with county treasiuer iu matter of
drawing warrants, mayor specified to
act on said committee also.
Bond of city treasurer was preMMited
to thn council aud ou motion wits ap
proved. Mayor appointed J. V. Kinsel and
H. P. Httcliinsdn as pntimlmaslers to
servo without extra fees.
Mayor inttrustcd marshnl to caution
boyn in tho nso of sling shots.
On motiou it was ordeted that the
contract with tbo B. & M. Hallway Co.,
in retrard to tho use of water at tho
depot grounds be renewed at the name
rate 820 per month.
Tho council then ndjourned.
Harness! Harness! Harness!
We are making Special Inducements on Harness this spring.
We are selling harness to correspond with corn. Fol
lowing you will find a few of the articles we arc selling.
i-)i-inch Harness from $19 to $25,
i--inch Harness from $20.50 to $29.
Sweat Pads fhom 45c to 65c per pair.
All other goods in proportion1. Call and be convinced.
J. O. BUTL BR, JProii.
city Dray and Express Line.
It should bo made a matter of publio
kuowledco that DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo will speedily euro piltts of tlto
longest standing. It is the hoiisehuld
favorite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises
and sores of all kimls. C. L. Cotking,
Bottled Up!
ml. k:ny
To California Comfortably.
Evory Tlutrsday afternoon, a tourist
stooping car (or Bait Luke City, San
Franeisco and Los Angeles loaves
Omaha aud Lincoln via tho Burlington
Houto. It is carpeted, upholstered in
rattan, has spring seats and backs and
is provided with curtains, bedding,
tmvols, soap, etc. An experienced ex
cursion conductor and a uniformed
Pullman porter accompany It through
to tho Pacitic coast. Whilo neither so
nviintialVitl v tltitoliaifl tinr aa film tn litnlr
. j-. - - - J J.jJIiaS tj IIMI'IMVt sva W IIIIV Vr ,-....
nnVnoiTnd drr.r, " Htastho pakuo sloop.r, It Is Jtut as
a a 4 V d kdiLfe iia U tfmtfft 1
We OHor You a Remedy Which Insure
SAFETY 10 idle a oi uoiu
MoUier and OtaNd.
Whether in the form of pill p
or lumid, tbe doctor's prescriptii
Dioou utieases is always tue
on (ot
1 1 aUsfseVW fKVk JlH
system, but they also dry up the marrow
in me oones at me same time
The suppleness and elasticity of the
loiuis give way 10 a suuuess, tue rack
Iok pains of rheumatism. The form
gradually bends, the bones ache, while
decrepitude and helplessness prema
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a short step to a pair of
crutches. Then comes falling of
the hair and decay of the bones, a con
dition trnly horrible.
Contagious Blood
roison tue curse
of mankind is the
most horrible of all
diseases, and has al
ways baffled tbe
doctors. Their pot
ash and mercury
bottle up the poison,
but it always breaks
forth attain attack
ing some delicate.!
ortran. freauentlv
the mouth and
throat, filling them
with eating sores
5.5. s., is tne only
known cure for this
disease. It is guar-
good to rldu ia. Second class tickets
re accepted for passago and the price
of a borth, wido enough aud blgonough
for two, is only 15. tor fouldor giving
full particulars, call at nearest Bur
lington ticket oillce, or write to J.
Francis, (!. V. A., liurlington Houto,
Omaha, Neb.
Endorsed and recomaeuded by pbyal
clans, mldwUcs and thos whohaye osed
It. Beware of substitutes end Imitations.
!!eVTp.Vpi.V.u. -SBokf-SBW&sHSS
msilid tut, containing TOlunUrj tesilmontsls.
SOLD r am. nnuooisis.
Goods Delivered to any part of the.
' Charges as low as the Lowest.
Farming- Impleme nt s
McCormiok - cnxxcl - buokeye
anteeu purely vege
table, and one thousand dollars reward is
offered for proof to the contrary. It
never fails to cure Coutngious Wood
I'oisou, Scrofula, Ic7ema, Rheumatism,
Cancer, or any other disease of the
blood. If you have a blood disease,
Like a remedy which will not lujuro you.
Hew are of inercuri. don t dvi idtuco
n mhu - t,m Onu't j;H (joMVdupf
iim hil s .i.t ' '" ' "-(' -s:'
. in , m i ,tii v. c , Atlujt 1, .a
"It iatho Boat onJEarth."
That is what Edwanls & Parker,
morchants of Plains, Ga., say of Cham
borlain's Pain Illani, for rhoumatism,
lame baoK, doop soatd and muscular
pains. Sold by II. . Grico, Druggist.
Notioo to Toaohors.
Notlco is hereby glvon that I will ox
atniuo all porsous who may dosiro to
offer thomsolvcs as candidates for
teachers of tho public schools of this
comity, nt Hed Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month.
Spooial examinations will bo hold on
tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Saturday
of each month.
The standing desired for M aud 3d
grndo certltleatuls tho same no gnulo
below 70 por cent., average 80 por cent,
for llrst grade cotlilloato no grado'bo
low SO por cent., uvorago U0 per cent in
ill hi'iiuiiit'o rtmiirvd 03 law.
1) .M 111 Nl'KK, fi.illllj Supt.
C ; Asi'iuvw t.t Willi Cure, euro
Thtttswusnt was made tor.
On a red hot :
Anv TTirM 'S
Uootbeer V
stands be- :
turoati rnii ryy.
and the dis- '"III
easing ef- '
fects of the heat.
cools the blood,
tones the stom
ach, invigorates
the body, fully
satisEes the thirst.
drink of the high
est medicinal value.
UtS ool,
Tkt cstii.1 c mm Co , rstu.
Yoa Want a Wateb. Hereiis.a Snap for You.
W j K
i i
Xl f.. si
rll l a7 .. W
' wv x, ,".
Aii timorican inaita watch throughout
complete witli white metal chain for
m . oo
Seven jeweled, nickle, stem wind, stem
set, movement in open laoo silver
Ino case. This wateh is warranted
to bo perfectly satisfactory in ovory
tespect. Come in aud oxnmiuo it
and at tho sumo timo soo tbo other
exceptional values wo havo iu jew
elry. Wo do guaranteed repairing.
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees:
,, -., . . i Mu.Kb akp rurirs of ai.i. kinus in
.1 AT. .
.H.V m a'v-
iiV?. V
sasrassisli i tannnpiafii nastaw "i
' t