The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 14, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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3 w .-stA raiusaa5JiiJtJCvl
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Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for lt greal tcnvculng drcniith mid
licMthfiilnet. Auiircft the food ftgaliHtnlum
and all forms of atlultcratlcu common to the
rlicap brniidn. KOYAIi MAKING I'OWDEIt
Geo, Rogers of Lincoln was hero this
Clarence Slino of Superior was here
Henry Ltnllow of Cauibell w3 hero
County Attorney Hanney of Ditto Hill
was hero Thutsday.
Mrs. Dart anil daughters of Camp
bell woro hero Thursday.
The board of county commissioners
wlllccnvoiioon next Tuesday.
(Jus. Moats was looking after busi
ness matters in Kansas city this week.
Win. Carter of Iuavalo was in Satur
day and left us some cash on subscrip
tion. Honry Richmond of Omaha was hero
tho first of the week greeting old
Morhart & Cutter
fat cattle and hogs.
mo now buying
See them before
Mrs. Kate Judson left Tuesday for
Lincoln where she will take treatment
for rheumatism at tUo Lincoln sani
tarium. Dy Shophardoon of Riverton was
hole Tuesday and reports a severe hail
stai'M south of there.
Straw Hats from 10 cents to $l.r0 at
Galusha & Wescott's. Good ones for
20 and 2.r cents. Nice style.
M. A. Spauhllng of McCook whs tho
guest of D. J. Judson while looking
after business matters bore Tuesday.
Harry Goblo and wife who have been
visiting with F. E. Goblo and family
returned to their homo in Hastings
Monday. "
A Sunday school rally will be held at
tho mill school house, two miles south
wt of town on next Sunday, May ICtb.
J. S. Whitk, township president.
Ira Armagost and Julia Delay, both
of Guide Rock worn married on May
7th, by Uev. A. W. Shamel of that
place. Tub Ciiikf extends congratu
lations. Will save you 25 cents a pair on
overalls. Will save you 25 cents on a
shirt. W1H save you 00 euuts on pair
of pasts, audgivo 1897 goods.
ha & Wkscott.
The Daptist Junior Union will give a
social in the church next Tuesday eve
ning, May 18th. A short program will
be given commencing at 8 o'clock, lco
cream and cake 10 cents.
Croup and whooping cough are child
hood' terrors; but lUo pneumonia
bronchitis and other hroat and lung
troubles, can ho quickly cured by using
One Minute Cough Cure. C. L. Cot
ting. r Remember Wiener has made
arrangements wliilo in New
York recently to go Into bttsi
ness in that city and is auxions
to elosu out his stock ns soon
as possible. Now Is yonr time
to buy cheap.
Mr. Clius. Wiener having resigned
as a member of tho board of county
cammlsst'dnerstho vacancy thus caused
has been tilled by tho appointment of
Mr. E. D. Smith. Mr. Wiouer's con
templated departmolu tho near futuie
to resldo in New York Is tho reason
for his resignation. Mr. Wiener has
made a good member on tho board and
Mr. Smith will fill tho vacated position
in an able manner.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dot Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A i"tfrc (Intf Crenra of Tartar Powder.
Aiiovyn TOWN.
H. E, Girlco was In Omaha this wcok.
Geo. W. Liutlsoy has gone- to Cripple
Thk Cuikk is prepared to do yotit
job printing.
Dr. Damercll of Hastings was in tho
city Tuesday.
James Overman is homo from a visit
to Oquawka,Illinols.
Charloy Irvln and sistors of Rlvor
tou woro hero this week.
A baby boy arrlvod at the home of
Arthur Cozad Wednesday.
Med Lavallco of Rivorton was down
Sunday and spent tho day here.
Look at line of Mod's Suits from 93.75
to 87.00 at tinliisha & Wcscott's.
Deputy Sheriff Conrad of Ditto Hill
was horo this week looking after busi
ness matters.
C. L. Cutting has had awning
placed in front of his store room. Ed.
Young put it up.
Mrs. Webb Josselyn of McCook was
hero this week visiting with Geo. O.
Yelserand family.
Duy your fencing of tho Red Cloud
Fence Factory. Tho best hog fence on
earth. A. MouitAitT.
John Cox, formerly a readout of
this city and an engineer on tho D. &
M. was here thisoweok.
Dart Wright left Monday evening on
a trip to Denver, Cripple Creek and
other points in Colorado.
Ed. Cook has boon looking after the
jewelry store of T. E. Pentium during
that gentleman's mbsouco at Donvor.
Compare prices at Chicago Clothing
Store beforo buying old gootls at any
price. Soe how cheap new goods ate
Geo. R. McCrary who has been
teaching at Guide Rock has obtained
the appointment of principal of tho
Dim) Hill school.
Children's Suite fiom 81.60 up. Ages
freui 2) years to 14. Our line of Jun
iors are correct in style and price
Galusiia. Jfc Wkscott.
Tho newspaper plant, subscription
list and good will of tho Argus was on
Wednesday sold by Mrs. Lcnoro E.
Wnrrtiii to I). C. Jenkins.
Jos. H. Schroedor of Illinois nud
Matilda Shaslok of this county were
united Id marriage by Judge Duffy on
May 10th. Tire direr extends best
Carl Warron, tho youngest son of
Joseph Warren foil oat of a tree on
Wednesday with the rosult of a broken
right wrist. Dr. F. E. McKoeby re
duced tho f raoture.
The Webster County Sunday school
convention will meet at Bladen next
Wednesday, May 19tfa. An interesting
program has boon arranged and a
large attendance is expected.
Fred Good and R. L. Adamson left
Wednesday for Bellville, Kansas, to be
on the ground in ease the arrested
thieves tried to obtain their release
from jail duriug Kunehey's absence.
Unconditional surrender, is tho only
torms thosu famous liule prHs known
as DoWitt's Little Early Risers will
mako with constipation, sink headache
and stomach trouble. C. L. Coding.
J. H. Smith writes combined insur
ance for a term of live years at 3 per
ccut. On schools anuses, churches and
farm property on thn installmotrt plan.
Drop him a card at. Red Cleml, Nan.
Wo havo It from reliable authority
that Joo Nau, lato of tis eity, but now
of Kansas city, is to be married next
month. Tho lady lives in Iowa. Wo
all smoko, Joo, remember that. Blue
Hill Loader.
Peiwonai.. The gentleman who an
noyed tho congregation last Sunday by
continually coughing will find instant
relief by using Ono Minute CoughCuro,
a speedy and harmless remedy for
throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cot
ting Tho question of growing)gardeus
and chickens on tho same lot, without
a partition fence higher than tho
Grant monument, is Just now up for
general discussion. From a financial
point of view, the hoa scorns to have a
little tho host of tho argument. Loba
non Journal.
It Is with a itreatdoal of ploasuru we
make tho announcements this; week
that on Wednesday Mr. D. C. Jenkins
secured control of tho Argus of this
city, and will hereafter bojjits editor
and publisher. Mr. Jenkins is a gen
tleman of ability and Tim Chiek hopes
that he may bo successful in his new
Held of labor. It is a roal satisfaction
to know that tho republican papors of
this city cau reach out again tho hand
of friendship across tho bloody chasm
of hatred and bittornosswhlch has ex
isted bore for the past four years nud J
tho editors cau moot eacholher on the
street with a pleasant word and smile
instead of that "I'll nut even" look.
May tho now state of feelings ever con
tinue is tho wish of Tut', Chirk.
iir. Price's Cream Bnklnj; I'owdcr
Wnrid'B Pair Hlsh&st Award.
"Sometime her narrow kltchtn
Stretched away In tUtrly halU."
This happened to Maud Mu,
lor, but our prices on
Wall - Paper
Make U possible for it to hap
pen to every body. Wall
paper that used to sost so
tndch that it could only
bo hung In tho parler or
in stately halls, is now so
choap that tho kitchen
walls cau bo made really
Come In and sec our new
Designs tor 1807.
C. L. Coding,
The D. A M. pay car was hero yes
Ed. Ovoring was in Alma tho fori)
part of tho week.
Miss Myrtlo Jones of Guide Rock
was in tho city Tuesday.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Tomlinsou
was in tho city Wednesday.
Creto Hour is finer than silk. Just
try a sack. Sherwood & Albright.
J. II. Person was a pleasant caller
hriduy and gave us a dollar on sub
miss uwcms 01 luoomtuglon was
hero Tuesday tho guest of Miss Tilla
Mrs. A. J. Bunnell of Franklin was
hero Wednesday tho guost of Roy.
Hussong and wife.
Mrs. Minnio Smith who has been
living at Franklin for same time past
returned homo Tuc.duy.
Tho Orango Judd Fanner and tho
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with Tho Citir.r for 81.JI5.
C. H. Potter has had a new sidewalk
placed in front and at the side of his
property occupied by J. (). Lindloy.
Mao Fulton ono of tho jolly and
prosperous farmers of Walnut Crook
was in and left us a dollar on subsrip
tlon. O. L. Cotting, solo agent, will refund
your money if not satisfied after using
no bottio of Dr. tenners famous medi
cine. Decoration Day services will be held
in this city ou Sunday May 0tn, and
tho decoration ceremony at cemetery
ou the following day, Monday May 31.
Tho American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, The Orango Judd Farmer,
one of the best farm papers published
nun urn uintr nil duo year (Or Vl.UO.
You can snve big money on
clothing, furnishing goods,
hats, caps, show, trunks, va
lises by buying theui nvw at
Wienw's costclosing out sale.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postotlice at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for tho week ending May
18th, 1897.
James Hauley, W. P. Milnnder,
Mrs. Kato Miller, Larry Rosenblatt,
Florcnco Belle Morrick.
These letters will bo sent to tho dead
lottor offico, May 28th, if not called
for before. Frank W. Cowdkn, P.M.
50 lbs.
of Coal
A day would keep your rooms
warm in winter. But that
small stove will burn only
twenty-five. Hence,dlscomfort
and misery
A certain amount of fat
burned daily, would keep your
body warm and healthy But
your digestion 1 bad. and you
don't get it from ordinary fat
food Hence you are chilly,
you catch cold easily, you have
coughs and shivers; while
pneumonia bronchitis, or con
sumption.finds you with no re
sistive power.
Do this. Burn better fuel.
of Cod-liver Oil Appetite and
digestive power will revive 1
and sooa a warm coating ot
good flesh will protect the vital
organs against the cold and the
body against disease.
Two ilzes, 50 cts. and $1.00
Book free for the asking,
SCOTT & noWNU, NtwYork.
DeWltt's Witch Ilnzcl Salvo
Cured Pile, SculJ., burns.
Closing Out At Cost
Means a Saving to you on
Every $10 purchase of
from $3 to $4.
Now is the time to buy up-to-date goods cheap. Wc have made all
arrangements to go into business in New York and are
anxious to close out this stock quick.
We have all the novelties of the season, as half of our stock was
bought this spring. . -'
- The Clothier.
W. E, Jackson, a former old resident
of this city was bore the first of the
Every sack of Crete flour is war
ranted. For sale by Sherwood Al
bright. Fred (iMud and Miss Edith Kopisch
of Blue HHl wore viiltiug friends here
tbe Hrst of the week.
Peto Shea and wife passed through
hero Thursday night to their homo at
Orleans, after a visit to St. Joe.
Kuscoo Sollars, whilo climbing a tree
In search of birds eggs; hud tho misfor
tune to have iho limb break with him
ani fall to the ground a considerable
distance No bones were broken but
h6 was seriously bruise! and shaken
When tho spring tlwocomos, ,'gentlo
AuMie' likj all other sonslblo porsens,
will cleanse tho liver and renovalo tho
system with DoWitt's Llttlo Early
Risers, famous little pills for the liver
uml stomach all tho year round. O. L.
Tho now mayor is knocking tho eye
ut of tho small boy and his sling shot,
and next week ho will stop thorn play
ing marbles for keeps. Uo can bull
doze the kids but the big fellows who
play for keops don't pay any attention
to lus erders.
The Nntion says, "Wo are now pro
pared to fix your lawn mowers if they
enn be fixed, and our work is guaran
tied." We havo often heard that Jack
was a school teacher, railroad man,
nrlnter. odltor. and. prominent poll-
ticlan, but this is tho first intimation
we have had that ho is also a black
smith and manbinist. May success at
tend him in his new venture
A fakir who sold a littlo of ovory
kind of goods kept by our homo mer
chants made a store room out of a dry
goods box at tho corner of Bert (itico's
drug atoro last Monday, and disposed
of his wares almost as fast as be could
hand them out. He paid a paltry two
dollars into the city treasury, and car.
ried a hundred or so out of the city.
Tho license rato Bhouia bo increased
until it is so high as to do away with
this kind of business.
According to tho newspapers, an
Ohio husband became tho happy father
of seven uhlldi on not long ago. Of tho
sovon all lived but ono. It is to bo
hoped ho laid In a supply of Chamber
hilu'fc Cough Koiuody, tho only suro
cure for croup, whooping-cough, colds
anil rough, and mi insured his child
u 11 against ihuse iUiaw. . Ifoi sab by
11 K.tttli-c, Oiugglft
Of Interest to
The personal appearance of the men she
knows never escapes a woman's eye. Ten
to one she can tell at a glance whether you
wear ordinary thrown together ready-mades
or H. S. & M. good clothes, the kind that
have this label.
These garments fit and stay In shape bet
ter than others because they're made by
skilled tailors.
We have
Marshall. Field & Go's.
Sample Itine of
i. ' ,
We have received 200 samples from them.
This is the largest and best line ever
brought to this city.
Remember this is the great Bargain Oppor
for Umbrellas and Parasols.
Parasols I
ft j
i mi
w i
t. &$w