The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 30, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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r7mn rtoriASirA i i rSE5S5
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for H grout leavening strength ninl
lienltlif nines. AmuroB the foixl HRalnst alum
nml all formn of adulteration common to Hie
cheap brand. HOYAI. BAKING l'OWDKK
Hock bcor on tap nt Stein's.
To-night-1'he "May Day Festival."
Homer Sherwood has returned from
Donald McCallutn of Guide Ilockwas
hare Wednesday.
Rubber boots and Fish Brand slickcrB
at the Chicago Store.
Its to-night at tho Masonic hall, that
is tho "May Day Festival."
Rov. T. E. Horton will apeak at
Indian Creek on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Williams of Neosha, Missouri,
Suudayed with Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
II. W. Short of Nelson was here Mon
day. 0. E. I'ope of Blue Hill was hero this
(Sot aglass of that Hock boer at
John Fulton of Riverton was hero
Tuk Chikk 'is prepared to do youi
Job printing.
W. l Morrison of Lebanon, Kansas,
was hero Tuesday.
M. Uatudal of Campbell was doing
business here this week.
Will savo you a dollar on a Mackin
tosh. Ualusha & Wcscott.
Attorney P. A. Wells of MeCook was
attending court hero this week.
There is a rumor of a wholesale liq
uor house and a now gambling Joint.
Miss Pearl Smith and brother re
turned Thursday morning from Me
Cook. Tho "May Day Festival" is going to
bo the best thing tills season. Don't
miss it.
C. E. Hoover of Papillion, this state,
was looklngafterbtuiiicss matters hero
i uesuay.
Jacob U.Kllnglo of South Beail.Imli.
ana, was looking after business matters
here this week.
Tho heavy frost on Wednesday
night did considerable damage to the
mill crops in mis section.
Why you should ride a
- CRESCENT -Bicycle.
Crescent makers and Ores
cent agents ate reliable The
Croscont guarantee is as good
as a bond. You know Jut
where to havo everything
made right that is wrong with
a crescent, ami the assurance
thnt it will bo done In n
prefmpt and reliable manner-
C L. Cotting,
General Agent.
Morhart A Cutter
fatcattlo and hogs,
are now buying
See them before
as. I'oter-
ido Rock,
Huy your fencing of tho Red Clo
Fence Factory. The best hog fenco
earth. A mouhakt.
Nothing nor nobody works so steady
as an ad in a newspaper and a mort
gage. Clay Center Times.
A. Scott of Campbell was hero this
week attending court nnd came m and
gave us a dollar ou subscription.
Newspapers arc said to add warmth
to tho body. A single item lias made
some men hot. Heaver Valley In
bune. The entertainment to-night is for tiie
benefit of the Epwurth League of tho
M. E. Church, and every one should go
nml help them.
J. M. Gutherie, whoso houso was
burned last weak wishes to thank tho
mnuy friends who aided himself and
family financially and ethorwiso.
A proniinynt business man who kick
ed on tho fakir soiling cheap goods on
the streets oiotiaay gei ins juu-jhuj-Ing
dono in Kansas City. Council
Grove Republican.
1 Croup and whipping cough nre child-
IIOOU 8 lunula; uun p-vm. .
bronchitis and other throat and lung
troubles, can bo quickly cared by using
One Minute Cough Cure. C. L. Cot
ting. Brakeman E. M. Cox of the Republi
can. Francis line had tho raisfortuno
to crush one of his foct quite badly,
Tuesday at Wilsonville, by having a
trunk fall onto the member. MeCook
The introduction of tropical plants
Into Kaasas has always been a failure.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemon of Rush county
have boon married tea years and they
are still tho only lemons in the houso.
Smith Center Pioneer.
The city authorities should see to it
that the boys who drive cows to tho
various pastures adjacent to the city,
keep tho cows off the sidewalks. Noth
ing breaks tho walks of oureity up
worse man loose siuuk iumuiuk vu
Romembor Wiener has inado
nrrancFcmonts whilo in New
York recently to ro into busi
ness in that city and is anxious
to claso out his stock ns soon
as possible Now is your time
f , to buy cheap.
( n.,,..iu imv hoon rnnniviHl bv friends
in this city announcing thomarringoat
Allcrton, Iowa, of Miss Dollie B. Scott
to Mr. E! P. Phillips. Mrs. Phillips, in
tho daughter of D. R. Scott formerly of
this city and has many friendshoro who
together with TiiKCniEif oxtond con
gratulations. k-s. uu t..,.i..ou nf lticl Cloud, was in
ft town on business Saturday. Whilo
V hero ho sold a couple of ots in the
Sweezy addition to Bluo Hill to W. A.
Scott of this city. Sid is un old time
friond of ye editors, and while hero he
ordercd:theLcader sent to his address in
Red Cloud. By the way, Sid has just
returned from Arkansas where ho
lived three vers. Ho says Nebraska is
good enough for him. Bluo Hill Loader.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Qripe Cream of Tartar Powder.
Geo. MeCall, manager of J
son's implemont house at Gu:
was in the city Thursday.
When you want a nlco smooth shavo
or hair cut, give Geo. Fentress a call.
One door south of tho Hon Bakery.
Leon E. Rogers nnd E. P. Root came
up from Lebanon on their bicycles
Sunday and spent several hours tu the
T.J. Blankonbaker of Inavalo was
hero Saturday and gave us a dollar on
subscription for which wo extend
Remember Fish Brand slickers aro
the best and cost no more than tho
others. We keep them. Gnlusha &
Charley Gcstring a prosperous and
hustling farmer living near Ilosemont
was down Monday and left us a dollar
on subscription.
Charley Coloman left Wednesday on
a visit to the homo of his parents in
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Ho goes to take
part in a family reunion.
H. E. Grico has a neat advertisement
in hid show window in the shape of a
"nigger baby" witli wheols in it's head
which attracts considorablo attention
from passersby.
S. C. Johnson one of Webster
uounty's prosperous tillers of the soil
was a pleasant caller on Saturday and
toft us a couplo of dollars on subscrip
tion as a remembrance of his visit.
Unconditional surrender, is tho only
terms those fameus little pills known
as DeWitt's Little Early Risers will
make with constipation, sick headache
and stomach troubles. C. L. Cotting.
Charley Robinson received a tele
gram Saturday night aanouncing the
sorious illness of his father at Hastings.
Ho drove up Sunday morning and re
turned Monday. He reported tho old
gentleman as quite feeble.
II. C. Wolfe who is one of tho
pioneer subscribers of The Great
Family Weekly called on Saturday
and renewed for The Chikk to Jan
uary 1, 1808. Ho is one of our pros
perous farmers south of the river.
Personal. The gentleman who an
noyed the congregation last Sunday by
continually coughing will find instant
relief by using One MinuteCough Cure,
a speedy and harmless remedy for
throat and lung troubles. C. L. Cot
ting There has beona stream of people
coming out of Wiener's carrying large
bundles since his closing out salo at
cost has commenced. Penplo know
that Wiener never ndvortises anything
but weat ha means to fulfill. On ac
count of the rush ho has had to employ
additional help,
A Hastings paper announces that 100
men of that city nre wearing home
made suits who never before patron
ized tho homo tailors. This is the sort
of "theory and practice" that build up
a town. Help nnd sustain tho man
who manufactures anything from a
coat to a shoo peg. This and this alone
will increase home Industrie.
Several cities in tho stato havo a city
ordinance prohibiting chickens run
ning at largo between April 1st and
November 1st. Tho children of neigh
bors can snfllclently endanger poaco
able relations without the active co
operation of a flock of chickens, and
Red Clqud ought to have an ordinance
of tho sumo kind, as some people will
persist in allowing their chickens to
run at large, to tho great annoyance of
their neighbors who havo gardens.
One evidently has to go away from
home to hoar tho nows according to tho
following from tho Guide Rook Signal.
We had not thought that the news that
Red Cloutl would bo run on tho "wide
open" plan this next year would boar
fruit so soon: "Tho building near the
depot, for tho oil tank lino has been
completed and the tanks placed in
position. They nre massivo iron re
coptaclcs, each about ten feet In
diameter and liftcon feet deep and wo
understand will each hold a carload of
oil. The wagon which will be lined in
delivering the oils to the towns that
will bo served frcm this point, arrived
several Weeks ago and is a very hnnd
somo and substantial affair. Now
if wo could just manage to side
track thatcarhmd of lino old Kentucky
whiskey that is said to be ourouto for
Red Cloud and abstract a tank full of
It to operate as a sldo lino, Guide Hock
would onoo more bo strictly 'In It,' "
F. H. Daitchy of Lincoln was here
J. A. Lacey of Bellevuu, Kansas, was
here yesterday.
Attorney A. II. Kidd of Beatrice was
hero Wcduesday.
C. L. DeGrofV of Nebraska City,
spent Thursday in this city.
Will save you a dollar on a Mackin
tosh. lYnlusna k Wescott.
J. L. Harrington of La t robe, MU
souii, was in the city Thursday.
Crete Hour Is' finer than silk. Just
try a sack. Sherwood & Albright.
Received this week slickers, Mackin
toshes, rubber boots at Chicago Store.
C. F. McGrow of Hastings was look
ing after business interests hero this
P. Hradbrook will, the first of next
week remove to his rosidunco property
west tf tho M. E. church, recently oc
cupied by M. M. Stern.
Win. M. Evans of Malvern, owa,
was looking after interests in the dis
trict court this week.
Th Oranire Judd Farmer and tho
American Agriculturalist Almanac to
gether with The Ciiikf for $l.a5.
C. L. Cotting, sole agent, will refund
your money if not satislied utter using
ono bottle of Dr. Fenners famous medi
cine. The executive board of tho Children's
Home Society will meet at tho home of
Mrs. Vic Hilton on May 4th, at oight
Senator Charles H. Sloan who repre
sented Fillmore and York counties in
the legislature of 1894, is hero attend
ing court this week.
Homer Kinsel who has been teaching
school near Blue Hill has closed a very
successful term and returned -to his
home hero. Homer is very popular
among the patrons of tho district.
Tho American Agriculturist Almanac
a book which treats on hundreds of
subjects, The Orango Judd Farmer,
one of the best farm papers published
and The Chikk nil ono year for $1.83.
Tho Christian Endeavor Society of
the Congregational Church will give a
dime social at the residonce of Miss
Emilino Warren on next Friday even
ing, May 7th. Refreshments will be
sorved and a good musical program
will be dispensed.
You can save big money on
clothing, furnishing goods,
hats.caps, shoes, trunks, va
lises by buying them now at
Wiener's costclosing out sale.
List of letters remainiucr uncalled for
at tho post office at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending April
29th, 1807.
Reuney, Bort Randal, Miss Sarah
Thornton, John Nullonwaber, N.
These letters will be sent to the dead
letter ofllco, May 14th, If not called
for before. Frank W. Cowmen, P.M
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Hlgbet MSIm4 DMoau.
ScOtt S ejfc
Is nude up of the most essential
elements that go to nourish
the body. Where the appetite
i rarying or lacking, it in
creases it, and where digestion
U weak, it aids it to perform
its function in a more vigorous
way It enriches the blood,
makes healthy flesh and cures
chronic coughs and colds by
making it possible for the body
to resist disease OurfriendstcU
us "IT Works Wonders"
but we never like to over-state
the merits of our remedy even
when it has been tested and
tried for over twenty-five years.
If you will ask for it, we will
send you a book telling you
more about the subject than we
can put in a few words.'
Go to your druggist for Scott's Emul
sion. Two sites, 50 cts. and $1,00.
SCOTT & BOWNE, NtwYork. .
aaaL 'laaaB
You Must Decide
.... Before long where you will buy your new outfit. The
earlier you make your resolution and act upon it the more
use you 11 get ot tne ciotnes. it you
think we can give you any new ideas or
be of assistance In any way, call on us.
In any event, before you buy you
ought to be posted on the new
H. S. & M. fashions.
Having made arrangements to go into a different line
of business in New York City we will sell the
entire stock consisting of
Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Men's Shoes,
The finest tailor-made ready-to-wear
garments in America bear
this trade mark. You'll find them
very uiucrcm numuicuui iuiua. 0
At Actual Cost prices
This gives ycu the greatest opportunity to lay in a sup
ply of these goods at prices you will never be able to
' duplicate. Remember this is NO OLD FAKE
STOCK as has been sold here before. We have
bought over
$5ooo Worth of
this spring, and are offering all at which prices we
paid for them. Older goods at less. We offer you
Best Ittade Goods in flmenea.
All our goods are made by Reliable Manufacturers and
were bought to build up trade.
Money Savers can make from $3.00 to
$4 on every $10 worth they buy of us.
Gome Gonvinee Yoar selves.
- The Clothier.
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