ZF a B fcS ft, XT -- -57" 3tJ" -agar-4 wniifcv 3gMwfMW--jlWMla IP- m0 mmm&immmitmmm)im B tftnr aawaaiMaaaaaajak jH rtjipoV Vi ?$-S. -V cr THE CHIEF. JOB WORK Cloud Chief. The Red - 2ijfc HL&i'f OV tun J f IW. L. THOMAS. ttfefftrr1 rJ5v ' .. ,.. i ixrm imjcrr ykm -ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE Or LIBERTY,- AND $U50 A YEAR ISTHERKOTTyTE CBIW. BATH? OF STKsarlATIO?; One easy. s.ne) ear. One 'i f. tJLrre taofttb. SIM. MaOM v-A. t KEI") CLOUD. WKBKTEK COUNTV. NKBRASKA. FRIDAY. MAY 4. ISO. VOL- X. " &t0nAt " P,.J $ -1. jlM1 ., 3$ I ISp- JtHr :'(-' V Pre.'. iVzofc. Hala. A n't La hr. Liatsls fel fails??, iB,,&.' r - . First National BanK Car. G. o- lTtit Street", TvcoBlMftii 5s Js. f Cap40 Grounds, 7JXolx, xi:n. Tii-4a-cat wl ni ew !" tiirtihtB-nt J wf rt. fall wartwie t ererr tUt? ia tie r-JM. krir fnraasnrr. ta Ttulk. )' Wi a THE CHIEF OU WASKIKCTON LETTER. r-i.W.- iliiih mt tititnm a WMT a anr rrlH' ritie mimii tirw A oar UMioeil W .1 ' - a a RED CLOUD, NE3. V-AiriUih - 50,000. Tranracl a retJrI baakirp fctulo. taj r-I -jort ami x-bI fcbtrlet Ixtcd. Buy acd . rwreub Lieaaare. IllKnCTOIIS 11 I llr. T1 M. L.THOMAS, Editor. FRIDAY. MAY 4 13 ... . . .tr .i I TTF- Tl-!'.' M Itlift Oi U1C UMTKi I -- . .... . . - w . JSSJVrc ..r.v... .... .rktA .Mil Ln.r l nrinnH titTwmsmvmi. -j iw ! ti '!" - 1V. JilCaar'JtQB nr inrrtwf to enll wii b ty. Irrru- NMay I'uWie, 1 T. i " r' ! Wwr.Jwf.Am.S 1555. j h . ,riIM. s ruU, mv the cily Mi43r -Mfliac H eetol 1 . " M T " l B-ip f " " - -. -F.- b 4mp vBfivr mb 4wrtlfMpttB. n ta ut Mhrrd a ucc- l!u iIUm mS - j vrmnfa rsvocniclt li he ? f -i ! tor a um riuuljr ntck. tktuS lr u, liM fcl t in rr-jtanl t thf h-nrWr t IlaMi Hef-njwtfd iiwny ban C !- trif, F A 5WJ.E7.T. iO COOi to tcop. Ills JWJk- HfHV.jl.Ut tWt U Jt '! Aiofclj j, m -p jl,,- a mln V j -,;"""' "u -' JeJ lor t'ing wnut :u ttvxi ca oc wo m ;hii ww w . j, f) w , ri tj urn xnxninc ail ttTnte wht mv d'ire tiJHV Ot.-.-l c-simlWlnt for i$UX HILL WEIJTKK CO, "CB. ?- ot lirt rmni ctnm ol u lue Hill Bank, SIKPSOH & SWEE2Y, I hn hieu tinfort!nat- tn hsts err-. Vnp4Kg n bum, titcmch b w a , Hng mr !a? Trhom he biu! l.nlKrti ln! tftroa-jhUte catrffnl -wffh bi- Cll rt yyt'TiHUt ) XI - -r conitr. m m fAfrye in Km .tom1 im tb thml -:! nlay cif"K month. I'xiumnanot to rumwienf nt V M Du uirt k Utc ; il Amtirtrw. otil ?p'riitl-r',nt nf I i'ie fi tZlt I-" UK-. hl UaJ KMntf UriifcM FUt.iT. Sew York City; Bank, tnaha KebrL. E L K A Z Q 0 ,2r fc ! T T P. AmseioiT. Yt-i'rJJeaU Hills Bank ol BsA Qni rri Vnore. ininlr Jrrre4 if ii lh mnf the i)- I I'lfctJnit i-i.ul. Any '!' n ii h Abt oar It W'okt. V. HltnT. Cvbicr. ! iJBl" anr an J oil . Mr-M arnmi in-' r-i. t?er (.owe tn f"' i'h it ju b tjtrBuuith HituiiuiiifiniOiut all & In- W An m tu'iirt efrni ntc It tn I irfrfIBt'h uri JIr iM.tbleinprfry lu-nitorM f.n ! bni asn'Men u a. triiulr ni(,li(nrhfl. more wou lorh! ftiU.au' tunc i i-Url nn it nt t-l''Brp in.-ikinc thr 1 1 Mtdnlufeuiil Mmi". atid wtirhtue 4 if my no !( iNtirwwit. l tn vrontie.':ai ira-j ;0eifti Attention Civcn to conec- irit iNrUr 11h.iirri jarofcc In tb-lay H-'- " DIUKCrOKS: J.W.HnKtWtK.. St!.plB!tFI. Lrrj Moycit. i'- Albwgbt. Kobt. V.SnirXT. A7 c.orA xi:n. n ., llorW tb Kins- imal' fnira benatiful I- r. .1 '!, iirisbt ii-f-tJi triiiiminffi. 'u iUnimi h 1 rat J I.t t a Ji'i 'ue Mtiil i rare l civ ( .c(a'tia I'ft-r tia'y " fur SI: li fr $2 rut iirnanl t r v iiIre. iy t!n tip manu fit turrr I LUA.OO CO. Iltti'J'.e N. H. tOlS i. Ctf Wjanlutt Mrrt. V.au.a lly, n. At tn H J br tu 'nt iitlmt J - f lr.K NTV..n and Inlc li &' . -. .1 Btt.-1- iltljAt Jrffii V "' V'X ' lH M t ''"'ft"- AvKC W') "' lJorn ti tnsr riCKVnid A m, riw-t, Taj'o-t.-m, 2lJ!swc" Ui4-.tiB, AhmA, L;tlr-r, 1 r ..'yaixl SWtJ !) . iif rii8rsntftl r i ,,. r- futitf it rttsrtr- bw tlr:iKi)cpn , .1.xjHftfi' t ImtHtfant AU meUidWf fur r.u.a-esdfcr -uormltElniR;ic' I'v tl. ,t- l a 4Uuuk .-wtitMt T lttr and mi .; iiirjit.inftnt',rrwh"i tn.t friBi- W'l'' uer 'o Injuriimi' medicine -rd iu d-l ullCu from lliir, WtrtM riwl"''" Pftrrm. f oMxahatiMH fr. -ntl VvtrHt-l.- ",vn" ' 'J l-tt.r. A IijK ! ' ' ' lM "r" I r, u'ar.Kf i"tir-t. V r " '! , ol -' r.f... iw fcti j- . u i" ii ''"' Buv nnl c11 EtHinne. Uection". .lioount i):e (Jciitrtvl 15tiil:n Hit;U"". Iti:i:f,-t All.ov.ku on- DU'DsIT-. Mkt col aml do ti all Tim I ttfar mm fcnt'txt rvtt rtitng a . . - - W & vu-t rplt-ea fcy hilnf criOrt re-ji-taiioej trf ft hw rvfUin flow- b atrie uf;t-- -r i.- mt oqiW-', mof tho Kiihri. he sit!. h nt-, uwn hmsM p w " mt au4 ia.- mJ m i !) Uif .bIiih of H. lHns Wn;tHiuvprrtMo. TW )rM4n Vj uw,.. and a rlea.-aM untile broke over bi- ' ;?Mtty r.-trmr hi txtkiK t , - ' -, countonunctt. '-Jijtw. hm' I zueu tboi WL ituttw. U h ur uf ; ri .. -uprcme court woa't njvsrie thai de-t wun w lynuouutntw of a emlljr ferw uci ! far ctJT iwir.;ii ituiii i i i '" -Tf'-i -n- CJiTgJ K.n m 0u u tiaj vww tnk to a Mcoii of h 'J Utr b tnJ WL' ui Ik. Ku. cpion. Tunnn w olv trj" Kmall matter of tl II t-s ,er ...jw Ite pom rf l"?J'Z2J rvltfe. AU wivi ii HUkA4- tm. IxvnwhMte. tKMMHMMt Mrtin cct buck t Yabittft9u trrery - cauplie or y Aww of U I? wh.. ha nn.- l.ritlHl il nlOMM- fJU Mt Urtai bUir t f UW arrat rrfn twro pf tbe ahM. ft fHMti U wo- ' J ?. ?" caw; i ti Ih &U. j IWi V. 000,000 in dl'put betvrt-fn i!i Koveni- ht-s high otRrtj, Jhu fc -py t4 to mfrnl nd tho 't ion Pacific Ilmlroad comjutMv,, growing otttiw titttermic of or.uiion lftwe tkf itortor licimrt- n.jit&iHl the tianpitttr p.- to what -on-4i " ttlewNmt that w re ftr .vJtu:e net ernina under ibe Tbttr- wliiiNf w Rr5. m ui oiw ; TfUO to M9r 7njst nmii Hd. The Bucntory of iki mt;rtr , Sin hJ aou i w & tS,ce , Ta ,,, .j tlj m? r harpqiii-tedthedojtmtfiHtiiitwxf,n,JWMl,,her -,- iMn wit aMl mWr. mawwiwyy orxlor to fiOotx a fumi e,oUicn.it of tW t " pmaanctu mxaw. vvijHi-fy aw Mli6 by Amaw, a4 tronhlc iiotonly wtlhtha IVhjii tmrtl fl 1wa bw nlfcrtl wbtml Vm-.ihe yarru htiltd hare thorough hut uith th? othtr cbwjwitiw ntlnod ' tdm Arthnr fiu jmm1 ifr cleftniH lom d W tf hr the 'HiunnMU acL lane el-! m.iawern, and lLle Ue- ? J 10T!1.!nf . "T1!!? trtifc?r tnt4WrUlitr. HtKifr oqtr- rvwdt Th are Ii Ni - . i-ur- ement-, d tbo inapreavkm Ht mi1 ; ti tn&kae ta lt A ;.-. aa a a cti.Mjru.ujah. In4ahlr ti;fcA &I by IK-ory CumIu .s -m1 im th-e ioit the tatter, t " " " - l'rc-IJntt ITlltU V. ILStaoau. (j. E.McKr.BT sn:oiiM&3iKi;nuY, Attorneys At Lav. IM'.I) rLOl'l). - - kb. Mi bs on.ultrJ i: Unrhh or (Jetiuan. ColStvtion'Mill rtfistrprninptattctitien. OITICE 1 JiM.r wtof fruio l-uk uf Red CIou.1. Jaf. MeNeur. Tin: civilizini:, refmiuR nd sof;jn itij; iutiticucc, of Tvyinrn ujkki our courts, tviifre Iney aro h1iiiU.-1 to th Iwtr, wsf l.atdly, vty the S:.tt' J-wrtiil. ucctuplitivd iu Ahi'.itukf".' li Kt Kart hio was practiriiii,? lelrt. ti TRUE Temperance It vni. i-ic pfc or atkwt a mAc-xat oath liui canaot be Jwj. became of tbcnutt-rrtDt rioltaeoune hqmor. TUct.?ytohe 2 srjmi tcmprrjwc u te tii the ckaunt k Uwj: (iiurltiil ryso sswrybrtnJaXdfecLt to jtrtnature tpait, d davotrtioB. anil snr! -- HapamaaT Jatt) M tMHaV - -- -SKaRBES. Hrrt,r" ?IArlirr FKEESU n&it.r&fi .y- TT a.- -fcii. Red Ooud, Ncbraskn. aai"awnaaaaaiaatawaaiiaM GO To W. iUD I D r'K w la JMbbmmt. fri M&.WtftttliMOTtl Caraai '. vw avM rtttt stat h rwnry L.r mkilk, Mll.b' tar tc a u i2k arak, Mai i j the o4 MMi UtkawMi tcxaav iwr tarn iianaw tiaaaa, 4a k r fiROHiRHp, ! -Staple FAtir? . -TTF Tf TOBASC & CIGalRS Choico Nuts. Fruits- Ii Confections. ru LS! rfrntnrniilHiit' liin- i'.n OwinMrn ;:- U,Vi.t.ie. m-2 ,rv - - 1 SkoRNEYSiiUXSELOnSATLV. "2lS OPSZlXXatI" ill.racucin.-ill the tVurts fthi State j. a. -. JJ3-. anillBfccrnKutw. Coilcctiutir ai welt lit- rltlSi k-TyIEI J4!ll L212SS a f ed t. DCrios:-Fiirt rtKr uth uf JUoaal .. . . m. . Ti Mt. sit t,.f.il r W a'.-l Mcirt ,t'.Jin(. h. ii:!r I'aiirb n- iwtl'tTP"- with lJ--i I ' -" i. a twif p k 4ii 4uun iliurtrateil In r-trj i tttr aita.ftnr Unifr 'ratn fH ,f i;i-ali I ! C tV. RAt.rr. -i..rl, ferth J'n wit biiiiirar.,ii'c . KqJ CJwuJ, Neb. co. Jw tt ntid tat iMilarjwitri -umrt llfUCLOl'p. NKB. J.T.. Kxt..T. i'Suoui'is'na, Ncbiai'ca. ntinjgipiia """rt of that iy h. romin tt in,, 1 LV' r " 'cotivmco! J-nt Artlmr io not Wec l-!Ka , I ffr L ' r. Sail he ha, nd w. bo.A- Hjj Mjaskj WfWW Kpfi , f tL' trrniij-iiei UtugofthojudJoteiu27..fcfelS,B' l,lu,rt 8dto- twlflrnttltc headoT u,ecourcpuwho "aw "Uco aMractindy. lj " : i .t.i.i .s-SEas-fc Ilikrs to talk in hi- idh'r moi :jrury"n-pHraiiw nnM rwl: pt ' tunao- , lie. momenLi Special Inducements. M?. ;-. . 1 . .11 . m.. . . - ' : I.. .t.1-.l .KaitK.l.T tllKOS lO IdlK UI l- TOUT IRVintiMJi 'w&rourioii Mtftche.1 Itlm crfertu- nl,lt the """ b" ,,w Mwl " Si diitrihuumi rf iu. rv,.hn.!...i.rr i-ohl untor. Ti... U r.rf! about jUhJMU ofh rd- h or m! ur prewi lt ckanni I . . -. - tmr TI.. .tWfi " rnoicmhant uim h i Utai nxt r, h ns anxHitta to kcuuri fiuod Mi- Kno $W f.-r nh1, 1,u M0" . .J! .. ., imm. tW c.iUui.. fW Weekly ffcumL U the court thought that '- lo-qifweuiuii i m ,. , m mmbve ,'. would shut up sbdrUwi or tW iwurt ,k 0li?ry tojHtte nkr up A" :dlMW ,, u iprr aaJ to Iw did not know iu-eif. She "!Mk her I -l prre-ye d.. of hi rb-Mtir..,. it loiMir Wribr . Ir , . 4l T tf.w.tt.. i Anion improvement- nhou to 1iifii. nmaitial pneo. In wloJ o ,m:ud freely to tho jud-e, ho Io.I !- I va,, oil- U... aW f-r thf UW th pcrmvA ' uit. auvfhtng intt nctrtlu . . . . , ,.. , , I tear. 6mmh raw mut Jawmary tut. on cxnrraiion." WWIe thu court was P "'' sml " I"5 ""IdolUM-. TUi. i Om. h prt r- I OUtHlin. I IU WtrK Ot !TCMHrtCiM,E cscprn Jininshcrsho va? roftnjup liim. ttho rtpt OfiW hmWtftt; lu- Wpmuj lilt VahuiUm rc'ic- and oUjrhiv -lll-fcl 3- sam. raa 1 by " ' Mr.,u i -nil HCattt. rattahle On! v rt. a yrar j rlM it. r T r! H Tnr wi'b -b.lf ! i . ! -ii t'ritle flat J CMlrcr -...a . WriM-i new , lerJttHI iirimr l &r er Am iMitmry , I-lew. itt ntral'4. ilefin ti'l vt'tr U. numrr-j jttM. Mimi'l tn i"l h eio H'Htr ihiu b-u.ii i " intok". r wh lrful in ltmn-in-imrv lvniff 'a ilu t.t m ii haHille prl! at l ta t back hittHlM. s i- pl'ite et- or ert H!I liaruin o.w . t muinral inS'ruiniit knprn l.tt-e $1 i hi'bT ,f aive ii-ciii.UMjs and Uwu ( sri"nt fr fr e'fn 'arap. huasc-ta n.t a'l-f tn.n jrrant.I r m nrr rM'in tnt. T-i it tr:s .1 umntb tor only 1 rrau -iin"i't. e. A Mre. al.U s 'N ,'!,V !!VN.'H:. Hixoalc N.U. 2t '! KALEY BROS., rror..NLyi? at law i ueal ltats AUFNTS. Wilt prc:5ec in nit tbe t fu-t in Xrbrafka nl uarth'tu Ean'-i- cillc.-iin t(tni.i!y at tci.Jrd tu stui corrci.rIf n s vtkitcJ. I.ID CISuD. Kcbriiia. AUo. Accutf for It. A .M. It. It. 1-acJs. ml& )& jfea a ,m AArWlfiSJL'IsS jMUi-ivitr 7JC TS.1A J. S. GILHAM, rrtiKXEY AM) COrXr-KLOIt AT LAW. T:iKlohy the laie cjrloneisi the torical treasure, couot-tme if :eruu- 5otithe:u5t I snid hy tho lCansa City , i apprel, ihiiwi and household oob. Journal to he full 250 kHU-l nutl 300 J thnt nre frmliHr to the IVitotR CMlli'e wounded. Toe storm entered the. J v jjj :,ovr e rouoved to tho Xattonal country from the Gulf, Hounded .ncrot ' 3iMp0ttiii. LouUmuu without doing harm, and di-' ?amQ rcrCS PrHnt Lhionln vidingon the Mi-M-?inpi line, settled I W(jh ,1J1VC 1Clcr m bcen intWkly down tol.usim- Tlie main -yclonoMliil.tc1 huvo r'Mh n lwoMsht went northeast oy east, wnue me k4! imr ? vat-rtt jmmrmni f th -ta. k4 ail' ah itl 0KWlttt of tufc JihfTui ti(fr. .THE BKE 1'UBLISIIIXC CO OM VII V 5EB. SCriY! MONEYS crz itsbriiri a: tit Tir? :c:. We ca!! U Htittion vTa!1 doirtne l h-hl. The-e aro the rminurpnii I SUtfj, acCutumtMian..o. u, tht fnrm 1Sl I 0fo' opjmi:c Ctty licnif Store. ' BED CL0UP. - KBKASICV. Edwin C. Hawley, rtll l"' mSS rnrr t- all BjnHlraat. and to cu-tnc- n la -a-irri u wa-nce't. ltci.itaJn atiout 13. i , s.v Liivsa""!.. rn . iccurto ilixnrtioii tr..l -alitalih UrH-tjou lr jlattn llii YiTjtl of wtall aad noxrer Nfd, 1kU. Fruit lT,ttc. lavuabJc toall. MjifC laUy U Slark.-t OanJe'terK. Send f.ir it D. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mich. A TTOUNEY t OOr.S.-F.LOR. AT LAW. OrnCK: Over Ah KarUnds store. Laird & Smith, io I"1 T which covared the bel on which he loan drirtn:eut ot our Niaints in nd dnappearwl hfthlVhe i.fl,, aot, tho jol-U htrh w . sai ofiriM lh br i so. 'Hie main . ,. ... ,.M. ,,ltiljM!B-caji.tu.tWi-iUK. hr.mch ostahhidiment took, it ?pin U- wnrd? the outhcu-t an in a hundred nul! or so. 'Hie main ... " . ,. ... .rtni, ,,.t.iwi . dwcJtot u tW wil cvclone imam divided on the Ueorui.t ',:.:" ,:fr ti,h ,4,heil .u-av with iIht TUerr la iil-oliiiely u rat to or ,- . . . .ix, while hx-mctw etihett J witu umt ,fcttMUMni., ola&r abstract tttlr. hue jMVisely a, it did on the Mi.-,,,- Uwj ,u!lwrfjU HJHW it, .a lbe se-j j. jr rwuroit mrt; Mm ippt line, the iiimii -torm tmiiv-tna , ... whidi.altho ordr i f -t taVms RckuM UaWruttmfc M ALthama undOeorgia and ha-in; ito?f, nfSorg09O Gworal ltriiow, replcol U'. ! tHck "r - u !a tW tnr.Kt ka aui srjaata aKaataM Laa. It tit & wc& nirthcaajciatad fici that mam medacuies, capccuItV 'bOtcn. are ootfc ing bmcaeap wiukcyY JrJy cxjmcocIck! tor km u lou.i opUon ootmtricv Sch ti not ibe asc v.Jj I)ti0ftX5t IaoxBfTruLi. ItLrottS cijc, a cue for wakacM a .id decay in the acroowi, muscular, snl dcatiw k rjarui of the Lnvly, prxk: tn good, rich blood, health nnd strcnjjth. Try oac bot tle, l'ncc $120.' Geo. O. Yeiser, coal Estate Agent isr.i ftfn xrB fyfRoa on Whaar rsmt. m lafir A aM 4 a(l atmc aa-VJMwI an at laai. aavwti iwc apatr m i "n" ' ' ii i' '- "- - Tn M i jr ii i i -.r -- r - 1 ' " - i, wi . i ,i', i.cmaT, iwwwwiwwiwg - r A ' tw J 'Lm A . V - Lrf, ".k ... --V -JSB7t i - j . ' ' v -.. .jtr-ar . - rirX -Vwri A"Mlbfa. YYu. : -sn. "f v .," r r juikAC r'tT LaVlTCV-N:iX---lr-- 7SS V'V'A . . ' . 2. t ?- - N ." - 1 -r Z , -2t - r s-t,L2-. U-TTJi. .V Vv B i m. r ,, - , ' w-l- rr.-K-lf-c a I taaart aaf II ii iiliai LASTWARO. ptJy Xtfttaw k ' KArth l atat M Ut Tb - TVri taavir- ' ! m- t 'a Rr , fkav ta-voo fc4 - a aj - W wx t M n WSATWAMD AMt r aau ra j mMm a, , '! Im n ni.i t , IHii &m a( .1 Xawat 1 .) 1mm t H Uwa . - a-.' tV mnP . S. CU?Tt3, CnTt T(k,l Agent, - " WMt - a Wa4 -a m. ,v . -. . a- t ' C : UMfr M art.arfai HJ f jJ' ' ?' V Wl k j H i BirJBi3ar4 S ?? i 2 : ' k4 ft B iVI fall V : P' St 9b in I ' -f J i i. r . "a m 55 auav? MAKK TI-rSV JE2.ZOIX "USIl-aiaa 7 s tin tl a ,..., ,. P t. hSJI wsiS HLOOl) c V 7 Per Cent. Honey to Loan ! M?rT to pTt- np with n ftnai f- 1 8 S rnd l-"- twr r.t .-ntm' n r at S wU Bfi iH wlaa wfM tta I 1 wi t.4 Ittnm I t k. wf V- m m "'I - . Jmw), IT Ottm Im. (MrM. r t. Nl' 0-r.JA-A h4 r .- tr i lW4 Hk lrWi. . Uka- l 4m. y. .. IMlt4 ! n l- rtar riM. iJ f i. J, . JdhMmi fit ilk, THti Mkr utraiifbt 9 per -it n .wiiwtaa ' ", " i .' t.lf.cr. in otith Carolina KaniU; evdone, I.eaviuu only w - --- --- -.---.---, -"a ' I B !.. . . - . . m a. - - out thr ', . , . !..,.., :.... ,v... fwmru ou f-rtT ' P7 - w iiw iimnmc ortw k.!. ji wj ,XrtMl4,itl enteric c4 tlu raoaay. tawt TlfR PATRLAirR SYSTEM AYTOUNnVN-PCOrEIO AT LAW. or- ajj' jijaaaniii na . II T1N".'?. - TTvt;K?KA. CATHERIKC CREAM A3 KAK1NG BUTTES Davis & FAIRLAyB ajgTarJAa laac.ar jEg&SSSB Kv5"-25Iar5ifl CacS3,' faaa 1 JC4i. & BVal HBMaaaaaaBa-taak. f - . aV-aw t amv Will practice in alt the Conrt f the State. Prompt attention cirea to all buine -nmtsl to in care. inlyl-T aad UnOinin OXEAMERY SUPPLIES. 200 Cans ent on trial. 170lALSi..CIUCAC!O. ScadforCitatecnoJL niation h:1)i.n1iinI ui p.miphiut font. and diftrihtitcd all oer tlie. country -vL-mil.l t". inn liwtrnclixe :iud iiiterc.-tinr .PliysicianSi Surgeon.; radius. nnd 1 .rm-h i popi whu rehahie data al oil' V cri .....U ..!.. 1..U .1 . ,umn ""'J K,"t ' ' tv.- ... rK of the hist. motoalllS of;. 12 ln. m. in aa-uiai aavi. am three people; ami i$ suppose.: to tme ;o artvriMi iresil.nt. Jh&y are coum wttiBt y d4actoi whm heen an independent stomu the suth-! .... , t ..rtrit. S vor, Wton t-jdone lrelI Wiit !X EhM " """ ,! ,", T, l " I-""" "" '" iw. d MiM p,.u. i .our .-.. J.r2"-" i-riJrif r: htle the eJiects of ik r.nvaes are still .; r - a. im1. itiaL bit ran rime all mod lah . . , ,,.', iM.i ndjotimnicnt ofconsrew aw-aitm the 1 "? can afmi iwrnv plain, the signal er tee bureau -hotml - r . . ion liorl majiet). ..! .-r..;!...-i ..,..... ,1. .!. formal icturn of the iadK-unUr Wl, . --o-ri t AH rfrl watalcd delict and collect all the in- "n i' for .'"l ia ? ?; k t "n lucent rahi nfl, jj j ' -. ., . . Route frawhi whtle he w- ITmtl chftrw ofmy natwrr -.Thatewr. Alii0" lormiuioii pufpioie, utuu iu lio.- ii-ui- . . ...., .. nf intitA atwl nnnrtnal t....: r.t. .. 'i...- 2....I. ,.r SJ M-nalor. h, )ut lft ftr his P ? of Wjl W& IIMII fc a Ut laV ,! fca aa.- rv CltOVP. ATTMMA. 8 ML fS.l So r tG K u aauuaanSwsa JGHrSCN?3 ANODYHr- LINIMENTS at2Sfe LialBaBBWrvPK. . s mn a.ai - - jajaaaa vJalawaaiawaaaa a. jajaaii J.H.1'1 . 4- .. ." ..- Mr- 3 aaMMH - !. rtt aafflMHif ,m ... w. tr Vv K3i, JT a .. .. , IrH . W t. . V ti' t - rni J. w- , A . ' Xl. c - t--' t M CM . v,-a H W-r, -4 ' - l.a. a wr. , tt Wrf '-v-.. ttimmirl . - W . ' - ftvnl!? r'.9tm ft' Co ' ; b!l, r v-i .- b t . M - -w rr. t. . tmt- t . loungers as? t'n Tt&i ClOLP, "rRR-KA Omcsr Ono i?crcuth of Chiki ofice. KIHaa 91.50. Rrmlven Sl.no. Znln i Hrrffh Lwir$l.(.o. KuiieaSArta. i Kilter Watrhr-.Mcin V. lMd-r8I.oO. i nj PF3V n 9 M'""t i ,"e "r knowa i 1 U U Ctt L-.t-.kU1 nrwen x..ir-ra. if & M -m vi js OUR $15 SHOT-BUH aaaaaaaaBMaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaBBaBl I ii.ft. iJCttlOfU. IU:i Cloup, Xeurvskv Office and ilcewsnc room over Henry Ck ttn outhern hotm. He a u. reoturea to give Imil, for hi- spaarao lferc the Court. He ls felt much annoyctl hy t.l"t! chitrt. 1-wt sj in vet SMO'tn t!l ..vc tHsr i& ii tmur A cojy of the csrii. sct.ce mlaa. tmauuwiiu tne ivns wTinm: hhkiwuis. Te Owe Indifin inhuntaorc in wn furnL-hed caeh utettther f the Ghc county i ho-diaffco-ed of. ad eaUnet in the city Friday. Tha ofc date for comnioxieitic siile tinady jeet of the drfinhtitioft wr to od4e dreadful niyston. ?Litf Journal L. . DEIIfcY, 31. V. physicians Surgeon, j fixed, onator Van Vv"yck forward- theni ca-e.liy to .ttat ttie rhs n j -k". , the foil wine information, under date ndvsm-e of thtHr irmal voiHidra:ion mtiv U xtatifK at t" Uk. aid wifl he ftA tn tt partus frr uf ei.arge a4 mterett mtB fttmrwA to or ruatoan-nir. A; to otir prme? nd fair daa4-1 inp wv retr u toe -' wtKni wt hare pi- 1 Laaasi f rtaiicnrt a pr- at :-:! ix lu-il-ri) -t' loBr oiBce, or nd!rt- m thnMMth Uw mail. 21 tf S4ir .t rfaraiai. irveHiii. Xobm-ki ESTHAY K OTIC 5 7aks tbe aa4" ri. ti riai. ta ; raat P wt i w Jarto.ttA.n Fftaa. apmltiu. im .eu VI ir-l r 'i hi .ia t J " 5H Sain ranor daioon, I U3fiTTTX. rrnvV. Rsci CiotftJ, Hetrssk:a. j CHOICE- v 'c. rcss wag &' jjk Wl&' re . TSTl rrr-,-,v-i nrtrr sll r!(sr?afira of tho StOrQXOh. Xivatr. Sl Bowels. Kidney Skin aad BlooL PV Jl Hf toil testify toils ofilcaoy n hal !&.! iiur tho abovo nauTSd &ias, aud pre gfeV nouuoo It to bo tbo SBiajL BEST HHMUDT ITNOWN TO IrXAlT. tuamtxack Guaranteed to curr Dtjupepxla. fTAGENTS WANTED Laboratorr 77 W. 3d St Nov York City. Irx2 gUU !! it v aa aas- IH i T Tf'K. RTO'T.l-t ,t5u 2aHJU.c-tt; tINv.VTI.i Drue item. V2 4 amr jit: DR. SCHErVC!. SlaV.fyt'Wy EFORTRIUlPhysician&Sxirgeo'nJo.' euUUf. A.. M.laT'Tn. ...1 i t i i i i .... I .NfrrrMU J"f.ij: and HraafM.IM C0WI.E5, NERKA5KA. ait or indtacreuon, -. cwtr- I rofcs.ional eall promptlv auerrtieil. l&ZZiT&SS, , OKru e: At residence near Ctmle. S-51 on vnaJ tax ot rJ) pill. AdUrrM. atuiOUtuanfUoa.CniCtOO, I MA 1 LYOK&KEALY State a Konros St&..Chica: WBl t3 T-rrJt I. w Sim iV BANS CATALOGUE tm li. r? r.". il tjr er lu'jtnau xitN Ofs "'" VA.M.ii. tra i!vS S-t"V. . IteM ttaltiti. 1 l4l tckrt. .Srttr tn. &4 a taMMtB CU Ulti.,.l, hula 3 I 3. ."JaB I i fum ! S-a. 1 Kms it W .-- AAA KQ be Jnada rtSV 4T.ffr.r.t I K-7LrTiT Ta B .api . ..ui mwm. r?il tf ?tLfc &.iiin.- '.Jl TllCSOH'S HAPS CHARTS 1 II mQ fg Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDE1TTJ)ENTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. D. J. Hallowell, M. D. Surgeon, i fakes a Specialty of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. HARDY. - - NEBRASKA, 25ns6 of April 24th: Wri-arity ,.,... , Ull4M ;-i- . era nr-"S aci TrtH. I.aa iwm a4 : tail Me ji t-r7 g IM Um' .-MttMtr. . ..! . . . i . i ii I mwtz !. '-3 ni ' -w r a w ar "wy. m t - - - - Si. -31 VAWMtn. HIUC44 M IK! HfBU M--I 1 (fcg TtlHI H lW. MMMl. t 4 BUSKFOBD WAGOW " IU- dirnrtion of si-piaJ-r of the in- af.r tl '.afiil, natm. Thft so-! o ?"' pa ananaji t 771 f . . - -- - - - fc - - w - i-r - -w- - - -mr - - -w p jBva - - m aa r a. -- . n. m a a . ? a r ! tllaafllf BUJ 4laVVaa af tw . . . . -a -- - . - tenor Uic reimuudur ol tnc inini nrtnntum for wie rHtrtttHn ' c 2ja 3w r a . . i x , t rvA i tr.x nri ,vCinnn in. TtntffTro. Mtrrar -r iaT-ft ay rtMHaUtw i a, .'i ou T -.a a a t Ya IT l '.iii - s vn a uratairu ? - di.m rcj?eratinn in Kansas and e- awd will W eniirel to h;fore the aa- . Lai osr ttBUwaitaX ai Xmtpitrz t - 1 1 Litd B. XaOkcM. Ajkr.4. sa 9 bra.tat coxiipriinj: .nbouf50.0W aera-,, ' of the fiscal year. An Omgr ftoJad ! TjJ?$t!iit2?2SZ I OIaL YBR08. PrOJt'n, miH hi olKr.'d to ntthlir sale nt -the to innLo an nrtrirooritian Sar 3io.xt wa"Sa prl ta awrrrt h, . aa4 t ,-....., .-. ,.., ' o, ...:. :. .- ;'...., .. . ,. fr!?T J'rJA5LJ.r.Tak tn X-lho.l Wrmioc l.'IIIItl -Ti.l.l llLIlfi filiate .a, IM'.'tai lLr. hs r. tL X r 1 IirtTrtl LDTi; Kin tr am, HviirZaW2 awsTX sx t.fn l.lflnj .-Vaaaaw- avb Daa'TA I expee Nehraka on the 30lh of May next. larj; acctiniohtkn before xrvoney i senator an wycsiruo na.- oeen in- a5;uu svaiiawe. lZLTiZZ. Wit irrS ppa. on trnmeutiil ininncins alioutthis ?ale Afar JHa. Hit. rtr Wrxl-ttn Herx. H"d . ir tVe t.wrth-Ti' starter C at 1II. I..M. -..& . . II. .. JHaria jtar?rn prwo ah ianUaM ra- ( pUttf Uaet thoir smi ' hett oonatiamijr MiC i . . ft& WJW B3 r 'ki4mhL any FL0CR, MxtVL AP rESD a r v -.... ..i . I fauatnaatL O, K. T. Orr, iCi CO I JectscrrrtUa. EL. Oxshs.Sb. TTwon'yrow . o-?ortMiji.i:clireapJaacie desttti J rv4jj iat Tr able. Klwr i.S printed la l.nc!lJ anU j.in ,ia.nwsnifl-ynUrtlht-trateiUiiaiuSmurtyiitMint. K- j! rritK- fcoofe cn-yrnnhlKlixl Jjr iclsn C. ttnin(b. E.I.BK, rt A I l'1'HVa.TJFOnot bar thi mU'linenny.r- Ji' AXVfXl raip!Nt rata;K -n books w! ti , erhirb tie ra-intry I n oi"l. TJj-t "re suerlj" J wnl.lfT;onocirns'njOnti2e3-orvnftheKntaJ j can. ami a nas- rnnd nn lie m.W- 3Tftjora t!rtIr i-.i. Tlimilrwor.wt)r:hx- tbth,rae. SwuU i. Jo. I -tnpaiorAar3ta Outfit. s. i.' ,-" Ck. "' t $ Paints, 3 QOOK'S Oils, 3) HED Gia.?, CLOUD Notion?' S3 it-...j .j ... r .wt, U . JHan M CUIK-IUI OVlllH. Ui .3 US . .-.. - ,1,., ..J . 1 -. l,.,a nd-oil ".froturx TrHrr to nl :n T l r l r?.. n.':. .1. c . r Jif. T.b. I-..-,.. u...w k.... tci v. 1T. r ,t. j . .. .- .' . I audi KttfcurfUaaiter. all af TWHavau . Sew Owr ratriwf of 4 x ghnraa- rrw?ii . swin:LB. Ktmer ,.or Ut wc ht mrrr hairicnsi either O-.a. Atrf4 .t ita S-t rei "f " " i " Wr atw and OU xiai. -KaMtAJ.vtviflif a4sMs cnUmrr can airar fnHl on !t ouicer irom uie aeparcment 10 super- the race who has craved to portrav arrUea? H intend it, and u is probahle that Com- Shakaspoarian cliarActers, will make misioncr McFarl.ind of the tneral i,er timntauc delmt al Iarin: JIali. office will so to Lincoln for that pur- ?he ha had a complete course of elo- pose. Lands will only le old to per- Cutiinn- instruction under a. veil ThlS ?JttT&7l18; rfc - p-iaaly & -4L 7ut n cf at o jntfwsse Airs' a T--a4 .t md jay. irrotir re fdr tk--n-u-'arr ?IAt'T ? LY -.-l -Lii; ' 5 X5aS ;as ae DRUG Wail Paper, STORE. La.i:e. iy , 1 ,'-" CxTste cri ar jm -rti tasanacKv7 " t2 asSn ,-st . of etsrie i u-Ba- i s i - ox-- i f t ' VbtsTMT. -- C--2T Irta. J tata bra?. xrro4 sTts. ..... . t. M .t.11 .1.2.. .1 -. . ...1. . . .. .. ... i:....... H. KU i .j j , uus wou Miitu, n umii torer: oiouui? irnoKti fInr,uo-,-.t and i KAjii i, i, uawri. inwt - wv rwwn. wf - -.--... , -, - - - ft, m ftjhat inods A w ""!( from date of anplicattou, maue per- clerer, enpsKins. and good looking, manent settlement upon the claims. NotniUtetendmj; the latoncas of the andeivch application ixiu be acrojn- Sea5on, there was- quite socUl gutter panied hy an affida-k, : an evidence in Diplomatic aad official circles Sat of good fhith iu this respect. Lands nnLiv eveDiur. rrominent. amon2.tlre I will be sold to the highest oiddcx, at cntcraunnusntt were dtxroer siren not less than the aprted value, in SO hr the Mitterofthe Argenune Re- ticres tract?, ami no one person wii; be public to personal fheatb. aui a dis allowed to purtfre than 160 acres, ner in honor of Post Master GatiI The tem of alearo, one fourth cash, Grcsham by General Shermin. lolepaidin three months from-date j , of fHfs application, the remainder in t one, two, and thrcr: years, iritii urter-' TitnB.& M.bos lea much tootc -est at five per cenL" ' rfleral in its allowauce of special rates-' Tbi wmmant of the original rescr- for state iaic purposes than theU.P. I ration; rldch previous tn 1873 corupri- ror inmctr,-MdAKfn people will b I . ..! tun uu ? m- Vt1c rt -TrisTt tt.a trtJtfM TiT ,lm.u.n fi ju,wj acre, craorace some, ot "- " - "- " .., ..ur.v tbe most fertile lands in Nebraska; Iilw iuclotlod, for $7 the round trip, while erally watered and in many localities the people of Ojilal. about the ictae uitc" heavily limbered. " ,.r dZstoacawav have to pay !230. a. aaaiai Vaa xSF4-irt xVac 2tfJryMTu or om t i." 7ii . 5 cnt off oi tt nt? " rrt aaaaa n "'II1'''." . .iiwuw 1 H&f Vaaa.4 i5iSSiti; -7.- rf,-I- L. aeUS3- -jJTi. r2?r? la' fc. "T -; arf'V'i- - . Ja- r aarSk aiTf.'SffllFl., . a? -aX.A23 1 """V -"V- -r-r" w-. . f & .h aLt r aa -r a r, i i r ' ' 2S?EL ,?. - ?-- WfS ,NP"5av.fc' -w V jt .; ciaVBSnBSBaavk - 39IMBVfBaP ctjkIZSiBkaa f Sp5aW?9aV. n ,.i.4Bk.'Wr - at ?v.-rrt "-mm 3tt TBel"raa4i Sateaaat '5rt3iJ5r hwsjs '' " . 'aawap 7 X, aae LBaaaami i. "t iafC!it3aaaK; uxx?rjrrjn t 'VIW0NA WAGON CO. f -5TJX2r027 ? a..' Aa 4 airon triTi on it own 3r-r-iLai - - Jl . - aav --, a, b3Lcr-??t'?'vu. trj7! osys f ,IX ri.lVT. fcr ALU tltOS 5jt AiJ. CU- TT Jenrp-J tr f neX L?sl sii to dii ier5' stK asxjac T Jirr j Mt -- - - - - ri fm- i f i ir a iaf -ol iwtri4 lirrfrf. FlKC aa amaa Ii"HIRAMSlLEYatCOCKICAuO,M. ioc(UrT. FALL KINDS reasALxtr 4 - .- .G .-r l- '.''' i.zZ? v a -!-i- ! f w j "r-I V..fVT. i J CU. J'hjOfJ'fii . ;r c Fayty rsrI33HR raa-enticJ C&Z3.Wfr a.s SsreJ CrrJsr XTtXE TO A.LL. . iMBxraiwrcscsa rs Tocs-sciyz caiow jst tkak u-t. .0AR3 IJiSHa&SSSStSraS v.v z&?W&y&2ro 7sj tT ir inr sr -"pI J&MZZ- -1 lllli-rai aaaaaw' --'aT-aaSTC aff IC. I i ' wi irox : " Hi? . - STatX)UI3MO Sfe. 'a--. "' ,4 ii -- r .r .wr. & 1 5 yav w y