--ti&cr' -:- s? S& & . -'. y l Vi- IgS- ?t m li 0- J-!? FAUX AND HOUSEHOLD. The Farm. My lord rides through bis palace gile, ' Hy lady am reps along In atate, Tlie sage think long on many a thing, An J the maiden mnw oa marrying;, Tbe mltmtrel barpctbmerrliy, Tbo Bailor plow tlic foaming sea. Tbe buntcman kills, tbc Rood red ilwr. And tbe oIrtir warn without e'er- tear; Kvtfall to rack whate'er lefall, The fannrr lie muntfeed Uirm all. 8mUh Bsmmerrtb cherry red lbe sword, Jriet prracliPth pare tbe Holy Word, Dame Alice workrtb broidery well. Clerk lUcbard talcs of Iotc can tell, Tbe tap-wifi- rell her foaming 1jct, Dan Fijiber finbelb In tbe were, Aud courtiers ruffle, strut and rbice, While paRi liririR the Rafcon win: ; Jlutfall to each tchate'er befall, The fanner lie mvttfecd than all. Man traild. bis catstlea fair and high, Wherever river nionrtb by, treat dtim rice in every land, Orcat churches thotr tbo builder's band, Ortat archc, monuments and towers, Kair palaces atjd plcaMiiR lowt-rs ; Great work in done, le "t bcre or tbcre. And wfU man arorketb c cry where ; Jlut trork or rent, teltate'rr Iff all, Tlte fanner he mutfeed tliem all. Encociuoe home manufactures, if it does cost a little more at first. It will all come back to you iu various unno ticed avenues. Why is it that some men always have good crops in bad seasons? It is from the fact that Providence helps those that help themselves. Be careful to bathe horses, shoulders just beginning spring work, three times a day with cold water. . If the shoulders are tender, use a decoction of white oak bark. The American Stock Journal pays: "For gravel in horses, give two-thirds of a tiiblespoonfnl of saltpeter in a little salt, for three consecutive deys ; or take a pint of watermelon seed, and boil it in two quarts of water till reduced to nearly one-half, aud drench two morn ings in succession ; your horao will be cured." Value of Hides at IIome. The skin of nn animal, whether cow, colt or horse, that dies on the farm, is worth more at home than at the tanner's. Cut it into narrow strips, aud shave off the hair with a sharp knife, before the kitchen fire, or in your workshop on stormy days and evenings. You may make them soft by rubbing. A rawhide halter strap an inch wide will hold a horse and last longer than an inch rope. It is stronger than hoop-iron aud more durable, and may be used to hoop dry casks and boxes, and for hinges. Try it on a broken thill, or any woodwork that has been split. Put it on wet and nail it fast. A wmtek who has devoted his life to raising onions, says : " None but a novice would ever thia onions. I did it the iiret year, and spoiled full one quarter of tho crop by the operation, and have never repeated it. Onions will grow in bunches, and I think bot tom better where they crowd each other, even though the center ones are lifted entirely out of tho ground. So Jong as the roots reach into tho soil the bulbs will keep on growing, though they may bo an inch or more above the surface of the ground. "Where the seed is sown by a drill, thero will be no occa sion for thinning, except possibly where the drill stops, and a spoonful of seed falls in ouo spot. To Destroy -Lice. The best prepara tions for the removal of lice from cat tle, young or old, are a salve of fresh lard ground up with lino sulphur (one ounce of sulphur to four ounces of lard), aud raw linseed oil mixed with kerosene oil in tho proportion of four parts of lin seed to one of kerosene. These should bo rubbed from between tho ears all around tho backbone to tho root of the tail about twice a week. Two applica tions are generally suillcicut. They aro not in auy degree hurtful if they are -licked by the cattle. Lice which have been placed in contact with a small quantity of either of these mixtures were immediately killed, whilo mer curial ointment aud carbolic acid failed to kill them in several hours. N. Y. Tribune. Facts ix Fattening Cattle. Bous singault estimates that an ox woighlng 718 pounds, fed upon -10 pounds per diem, will increase- in weight about two pounds saily. Accord ing to "Mr. Low, an ox weighing 770 pounds and consuming 223 pounds of turnips per week, if ho thrives, will gain in tho same timo nearly fourteen pounds in weight. Allowing 100 pounds of hay worth 7G pounds of tur nips, tho increase is still about two pounds a day. Mr. Dubois says tho quantity of green fodder consumed by an ox during tho eight months when he is fattening, is equivalent to G.G00 pounds of dry hay. Tho averago ration of green for age per' diem, ho calculates, therefore, is equivalent to about twenty-seven pounds of bay. Mr. Stephenson estimates that 50 per cent, of tho whole animal will be butch er's meat ; 8 percent, tallow; 6 per cent, hide-; aud 20 per cent, entrails. This, of course, depends upon the condition of tho beef a fat ono will yield a greater per cent, of meat at fifty-three to sixty two per cent. Jiural New-Yorker. The Household. A oexcine coru-pono is made thns : Corn meal and water mixed to a rather stiff batter, salted to taste, and baked well m a hot oven. Drop Ginger Cake. Ono enp of mo lasses, half a cup of butter, half a cup of water, three cups of flour, two tea spooufuls of ginger, one of soda. Drop with a spoon on a buttered tin. Plain Cake. One cup butter, ono cup of syrup, three cups of Hour, half a cup sweet milk, five eggs, one spoon cream-of-tartar, half a sihidii of soda, plenty of spieo. Bake in a square tin. Corn meal cakes for a morning dish : One quart of sour milk ; two or three eggs ; a teaspoonfnl of snlcratns, not heaped; two level full of salt. Mix thick with com meal, and fry after steak, or in lard. Hasty Busks. Two eggs, ono pint of flour, one cup of sugar, one cup of milk, one dessert-spoonful of butter, ono teaspoonful of soda, two teaspooufuls of err nm tartar. To bo made up and baked imciediatelv thereafter. PuDDixa Sauce. One-half teacnp of butter, ouo and a half toaenps of sugar and one pint of strawberries mashctl till juicy. (Canned berries may bo substi tuted for fresh ones.) Beat tho butter and sngar to a cream, then stir in the berries. JFrkxch Cake, Two enps of sugar, four cups of ilour, three-quarters of a cup of butter, ono cup of milk, four eggs, two teaspoonfnls of cream tartar, ono teaspoonful of bi-carbonate of soda. To be flavored with rose-water and baked in tins. Light Corn- Beead. Scald one quart white corn meal with one quart hot water ; then add half cup molasses, one te.ispooufnl Ealt and one quart cold water. Stir well, and add one quart eal, half pint yeast. - Let rise in a 'warm plaoafof t hours, then eix well, put in the skillet and bake by the fireplace four hours. If youhaven't hop yeast add half pint salt-rising yeast before putting to bake. Delicious Dressing for Fowls. Spread pieces of stale but tender wheat bread liberally with butter and season rather highly with salt and pep- fter, -working them into the butter a ittlc; then dip the bread in wine, and use it in as large pieces as is convenient to stuff the bird. The delicious flavor which the wine gives is very penetrat ing, and gives to the fowl a rich, gamey character which, k very pleasant. A Nice Omelet. Beat two eggs, yolks and whites together, in a bowl, uatil very light. In a cup put oue tablespoonfnl of corn Btareh ; add slow ly a half teaspoonfnl of milk (new milk is best) ; when well stirred and smooth, pour this over the eggs, and beat them all well together for a few minutes ; a littlo chopped parsley can be added if wished. Cook as other omelets. In making any kind of omelet, salt and pepper should not bo added until sent to the table ; and to have them perfect ly light and tender the ingredients must be well and quickly beaten with the iorK. Remedy for Sore TnnoAT. Take one large red pepper, such as aro grown for family use ; steep in half a pint of water, after which strain in a quart of molasses, adding a little vinegar ; boil all together to a thin syrnp ; use this whenever the throat feels dry or dis agreeable ; if it be in dead of night it will soothe tho throat (and not irritate) and warm it up well. If sharper than can be borne in the mouth, put it back near the palate with a spoon and swal low ; apply outwardly a thin slice of salt pork, warming it up well in vinegar and pepper ; apply as bot as can be borne on the throat. Medical Journal. A Writing Machine There is a fair chance now of writing being done away with altogether. An instrument has been invented by one .Tames Densmore, of New "York, called the "Typewriter." It is about tho size of a sewing macliiue, and is worked like a piano. Tho keys are in four " banks" or rows, twelve to fourteen inches in length, so that tho key-board is about fifteen inches wide, and the process of writing is to sit before the instrument and manipulate tho keys. When the key is struck the type is thrown up, and will not fall uutil tho finger is removed from tho key. The types are engraved on the ends of a scries of steel bars, pivoted on a circle, so that they may vibrate on the pivots aud all strike at the same point. Di rectly over the point where the types all strike an inking ribbon is drawn, so that every typo will strike it before it can strike anything else, and is mado to movo so as to touch every timo in a fresh place. Directly over this inking ribbon the paper carriage is made to move from right to left, and tho paper is arranged 10 go unuer a cynnuer or roller, which acts as a platen, bo that every timo a key is struck, a tj-pe is thrown up against tho inking ribbon, carrying the ribbon with it against the cylindrical platen, and thero it leaves its impression. Tho remaining ma chinery is very ingenious. Tho speed is said to be three times that of the pen, and the force required very small. An expert may write sixty-five words a minute. Tho machine has forty-four characters. Such is tho type-writing machine. All wo now want is a spell ing machine and a patent braiu-workor, through which a man may hatch ma chine poetry, and the summit of human ambition will have been attained. Equinoctial Storms. There is a popular delusion that a three-days storm is inevitable when the sun crosses the line in the latter part of March and September, and tho unset tled state of the weather at this period, which usually culminates in showers of some duration, is always spoken of as the equinoctial storm." According to Prof. Loomis, of Yale College, however, the equinox has very little to do with storms, and, excepting that the weather is generally uusettlcd by the changes which are taking place in the atmosphere, there isno moro like lihood of a storm upon the day that sun crosses the line than upon any other of the year. So much for ono of the popular theo ries, which, like our popular supersti tious, obtain a stronger hold upon tho public mind than the strongest facts. In tho light of this truth, it is not diffi cult to account for the length of time, centuries perhaps, which it takes to dis cover a popular error or establish a scientific truth ; nor can wo measure our indebtedness to those men who de vote their lives to discovering facts in n attire and art, and establishing them upon a scientific that is, a real aud kuowable basis. For it must be re membered that these men are always in a minority ; tho mass of mankind are content to take tho world as they find it, with all its errors, all it superstitious, ull its prejudices, and feel no gratitudo to those who disturb their fond and fool ish belief in them. Transit of Venus. The coming transit of the planet Ve nus is a matter of great importance to tho scicntiGc world. Tho phenomenon will occuron the 8th of December next. .T . 1 .- nuu uxieusivo preparations are .nemg made for the observation of the passage of that planet across tho sun's disk, i The last transit visible from the earth occuri ed in 17G9, and thero will not be , auomer uu mo vear ::uoi. jjv tlte knowledge wo now possess, as a baM3, for calculation, it ia imi)ossiiilo i to aseer- i tain the earth's distance from the snn within 300,000 miles. When the total dist.tnco is about 91,4S0,000 miles, as slight a matter as the distance above mentioned would seem to be of noprac ;...ii ;i. t.. .--i- - MI..H luniunaucc , uui ts inriiiuun oi forty times the earth's diameter renders computations too uncertain to suit as tronomers. It is expected that tho ob servation, which will be taken next De cember, will leavo a margin of only 50,000 miles open to doubt. As the transit will occur in the winter, the base of observation must bo located south of tue equator. Great Britain will have special stations in the Sandwich Islands ! nnu in seven other localities. Tho TTnUwT to, .n l - v. .- fipiJ""! r-y-'""w-"iv "-" , lag two sides of a triangle in omer to , uctcxmm" LUU mnL " " " Ltvee-pool." The policemen of Liverpool wear a badge, fastened on the cap, a silver bird, somewhat resembling a crane, but in reality intended for a liver, the old-time bird of Liverpool, which was once literally a marsii or pool. There the liver went to nest and live, and was found in no other place in Eng'lr.nd. The liver is now extinct, thongh. specimens of the bird are pre-1 served ia the British museum. I Tito Ti.a Ti,iSi l li tJ i "te world s conghing might bo prevent S,m,rJJEr; blem-issiniply the fa- b a 8tronB effort of the k He inihar geometrical procostrof construct- , f nf n xvn,, i,i;Ms. IIU1IA. ILII.SMH innT" AT nTTil nirl LWmaasnw The Duradc-st Knotringcst Dog that Ever Wore liar." He came in from Truckeo Meadows yesterday, did that level-headed dog. He rode in by the side of his master on a lead of potatoes. He was not a pretty dog, not a dog of blue blood and higfi degree. He was a till, gannt, shaggy haired, wild-eyed looking briudle beast, of unrecorded pedigree. As the wagon, carrying man, dog and potatoes, halted for a time in front of a saloon in North C street, ono of a party of half a dozen loungers thereabout made some remark in regard to the appearance of the canine, when thus spake ye horny handed, frowsy headed tiller of ye soil": "Fellers, that air ain't a purty dog, I know he's like me, makes no preten sions to nateral beauty but he's just the durndest knowingest dog that ever worhar. He's got more instinck, that dog has, an more savey, an' pen 't ra tion, an' insight into human natur', jist in that ugly old cabez o' his, nor can be found in 4he beds of a whole pluza full of yer eddicated town dogs poodles an' feich. What I pride in him for is his regular human sene; he's just the darndest dog out ! Now ef I come home from town perfectly sober (when 1 ve left him to see after tho ranch) it would jist do your hearts good to see that dog show off what a sense of ap preciation he's got of me. Fellers, his gorgeous tail stands aloft; he skyugles about ; he ruus on aforo me a scrapin' up tho yearth with his hind feet, sendiu' the chips a flyin' ; he holds up his head and barks in a cheerful an' manly tone o' voice, escortin' me forward, an' feel in' prouder'n if he'd holed a wood chuck! But let me come home full of tangle-leg, cheep -herder's delight and terrantiler juice, and this is the darnd est shamedest dog yer ever saw. He jist takes one look at me an' he knows it all. Down goes his tail, he lops his years, hangs his head, squats his back, an' lookin' back now an' then, he slinks off an' crawls under the barn actually ashamed to be seen about the premises for fear somebody will find out that I owu him. I tell you, fellers, he's the cussedest dog for right out human sense that ever was seed in these parts, and Truckee Medders is proud that ho war pupped thar !" Virginia (ici.) J'JntcrpritiC. A Dangerous Game. " Drop tho handkerchief" is a danger ous game. Dcsdemoua dropped her handkerchief, and it cost her her life. Handkerchiefs have played a great deal of mischief. A handkerchief ruptured a Baptist Church in one instance. Thero was a church sociable in the chapel, and "they played plays," and "Drop the handkerchief" was one of the plays. Wo don't remember just how it's done, but they stand iu a circle, promiscuous, and a lady, taking a handkerchief, walks around on tho out sido of the circle and drops the hand kerchief behind one of tho male per suasiou, and ho runs after her or he don't avo forget which but any way, if he catch her, or if ho don't we forget which he can kiss her. There is kissing about it anyway, whether he catches her or not, for "Drop the hand kerchief" would bo no play with kissing left out. Aud "Drop tho handker chief" is a real play, and when grown up peopls'play, kissing is the main part. So we know thero is kissing in it, and tho acount of this peculiar affair says, " tho game involves kissing," to which the pastor naturally took exception, and ho declared "right out loud" that the "church was built for a house of God, and not for kissing parties." Aud ono of tho voting men who was . a aa "involved in tue Kissing party even threatened to smite the parson, and the account says " tho pleasure of the even ing was destroyed," and the pastor re signed his charge. Savage Sanity. Travelers generally report that insanity is of very rare oc currence among savages ; from which the Journal of Mental Science rather superficially reasons that diseases of the brain are duo to tho vicious usages of civilized society, such as alcoholism, ambition for wealth, consanguine inter marriage, hereditary predisposition, etc. Somo of these usages are, of course, productive of mental degener acy or aberration ; but, physiologically speaking, monogamy could as justly be assigned as one of civilization's insanity producers, as contrasted with savage polygamy. The whole civilized system must bo pronounced insane if the Jour nal'a line of argument is logically car ried out. Itccrt'M Temple of JIiihIc, Chics K. Good eccond-liaud pianos. 123 to 200. New Rosowood pinnon, 5200 to 300. Now Square Grand pianos, 330 to 173. Warranted to please, or money refunded. His Time. Said a member of the Mississippi Legislature : "Mr. Speaker! Mr. Speaker ! Mister Speaker ! Ain't J 'titled to de flo', sah ? I got up, sah, next after Mr. Smith, who was next after Mr. Johnson, who was next after Mr. Brown, who came next to Mr. Burrus, who was next to Mr. Bates, who wa next to Mr. Ball, who was next to Mr. Blue, who was next to Mr. Barclay, sah, and have stood hero until they all got through turnabout, and now it's my time." It was an ancient custom of the Spar tans, in order to inculcate among their youth an abhoirence of intemperance and its lundred vices, to make their slaves drunk with wine in the public market-places, so that the rising genera tiou, upou whom would seme day de volve the honor and safety of the Liice- dernon'an .Republic, mieiit see before thsruaJltheeh.ist!y details of the drunk- iVl otAwjj ., urn ivar ui reiisun aim oi Physical strength. 'Twere well, per haps, to-day, could some of our youug men contemplate a similar instructive lesson drawn from the life, showing them, by a sharply drawn contrast, the advantages and true loveliness of ab stinence and virtue. For such as appreciate these, Vixe gak Bittebs is the beverage best adapt ed, it being purely a vegetable draught, devoid of alcohol or mineral poiso its and possessing all the virtues, but none of the damning curses, of the different poisons which year by year are swer p- inS af llves thousands oi dollars una 42 UOUGHISO VOLITIONAIJ. UT. ArOWH- to bo the best of Cocghiso YoLmo.vAi. Dr. Brown- authoriUcs. thinks that two-thirds of - a vani of his hospital niei to say, "The first paUent who coughs here shall go without food to- Jay;" and very seldom heard a congh after that. Doubtless, indeed, much coughing i3 of nervous impulse, to xrhich the will yields too readily ; and many diseases are needlessly and peril- ouslv aggravated thereby. To Preserve Fi.owEns FarsTT. A vase of flowers can -be retained in fresh- ness much longer by using soapsnds or soaped water try it. t( The "Inratfct-A Pen Picture. S ber pajid connteaanco, but & t-hort timo ago the pictnro of ruddy health, tho envy of tho bchool aud the pndc of ttie household. 8ho was slwajt welcomed bv her schoolmates, for her lithe form and plca-ua;: deposition carried cheerfulness into their rants. lJiligotit, punctual aud oumplary. cbedicnt and grace ful at home, die von the hearts of alL Uut. alaa, fro ere sorrowed. Those rosy cheeka and ruddy lips are blanched by Consumption. Tho voice once so enclu tingin Ltuyh and hodr is feeble, huaky and supplanted by a hollow cough. Lctua approach ittrrcttch gently and tako her liand. Ho not shudder becaueo of thofcebloand pa?rcn!cd8 giasp. Tho hand once do hearty and plump is emaciated and ehowa bouy outlines, whilo tho cords aud tor tuous voiua Are ,lain!v mspprd upou tho eur faco. Tho pu!o that oundwl with repletion, carrying vigor to tho whole byetcm, and im parting hie. beauty, vivcity, health and Btreugth, ia dehcato'to tho touch. Tho feeblo heart cauuot propel tho thin, scanty blood with force. 31ust wo lof her while yet iu her teeua? Compamous and friends gather around with words of cheer aud consolation, aud depart with moibtcned eyes aud silent etops. Must wo lose her? No! there is re lief I Wo cau etay this desiroyorof our happi ness and not suffer tho lot of so bright a gem. Something moro is required now thau dietary and hygienic observance, for nature calls for aid and she shall have it. Tako this pleasant medicine. It is invigorating. Hon it allays the irritable cough, improves tho ap pctito and digestion, and scuds a healthy tiuglo through tho frame. Tho blood is en riched, ncrvoua foico increased, and tho heart bouuds with a new impuhso. b'ce her face brighten by degrees; tho color is roluming, her voico is getting clearer, aud pleasant words aro spoken. Tho strength falters yet, hut is gaining. Let us take Iter out in the warm fctinehine. Inabhort timo she will bo able to go without our aid, a chectful girl. This delightful uicdisiuoniuatbo tiod-blcsrcd. It is restoring health to our loved one. She is emerging from her eicknets sweeter ami nobler tnan beforo, and "Dr. 1'ierco's Golden Medical Discovery must havo tho credit It has raised her. 8. It. EoLAit, druggist, of West Union, O., says that Dr. PiorcuV Goldon ilcdical Dis covery has elfcctod a wonderful euro of Con sumption iu his neighborhood. WiiiiioFT's Tonic ! A Safe, Srnn and Scikntikio Cl'kk ! Tho unprecedented ialo of thif worhl-renownol inediciao proves inconteatably that no remedy hai superseded the tico of tlii-s roliable tonie. No r-plecn has been found so hard as not to yield to its ioft eninvj inlluenco, and no liver so hypertrophicd as not to give up its long-retained bilious tc crctions, and no chill or fever ha yet refiif cd to fall into line. Wheei.ock. I'im.ay A Co.. proprietors, New Orleans, l'or sale by all druggists. P.ix, deformity and death aro pre vented by the humane. ofTorts of tho National Surgical Institute, Iudiatiapoli-i. Iiul.. tho largest institution of tho hind founded this side of tho Atlantic for tho euro of paralysis, diseased joints, all deformities of tho human body, piles, fistula, catarrh and chronic dis eases. Send your sddro-s to tho institution and receive their largo Journal giving full in formation and particulars. SnvnitATj Irishmen were disputing one day upon their own best points, when one said in an aggressive man uer, " Faith, and I'm a brick." " And, include," said another, " I'm a brick layer," aud felled tho lirst speaker to tho ground. Tur. NoitTiiwisTni::,- Honsn-NAixCo.'s "Finished" Nail is tho best in tho world. Go to ltivEBsiUE Wator Cure, Hamilton, IU. THIRTY YEAltS' rcXlKlS.lKrVUKOK AH old xuxis:-:. MRS. WINSLOW'3 E00THIXO SYKUT IS TnE PltESCIl'TIONOP ono of tho lest Teraalo l'hysi ciana and l.'ursca In tho United States, and has been used for thirty years with never fatllcc safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from tho t echlo Infant of ono week old to tho adult. It corrects acUlty of tho stomach, ro licvea wind colic, regulates tho IkjwcIj, aad gives reat, health an 1 comfort to mother and child. We hcllcTO It to be the Bestaad Surest Remedy in the World In all cases cf DYSEKTKHY and DIAR RUK IN cniLKKV; whether It arises from TcotliinKorfroiaanyothor cauio. Full directions fur usliic will accompany each bottle. Norro Genu lno unless tho fac-s'.mils of CURTIS it PERKINS Is on the outside wraprer. SOLD 11 Y ALL ilEDICKIK DEALERS. CHILDKKX Oi-TKN' LOOK PALE AND SICK, from no other cause than having worrai In the stomach. DROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without Injury to tho child, being perfectly WHITE, and frcp from all color Int; or other injurious icsrcdicuU usually used lu vroria preparations. CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietors. No. Ill 3 Fulton Street, New York. Stilt lv Drucqials and CViemisf , and dealer in ilCilirinrz, u( TwMTY-rire cxxtj a Box. HOUSEHOLD, W1' will Yim Surrerl PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. To all porsons suffering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps lu tho limbs or stom ach, Bilions Colic, Pain in the Lack, bowels or tide, we would say Tick Household Paxacea ;akd Family Li.mmcxt is of all HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. others tho remedy you want fur iutornal anil external use. It has cured tho above com plaints In thousands of cases. There Is no mistake aboct it. ITry it. Sold by all Drusrittsts. S5o7 fi i woek. Aeents wanted. I5iiinc- Icslt A. Itritomhall, iluscatlnc, Iowa. imatc. (ti.- KACII WKK1C. Asents vraiited.iiirticii ip i aJ lars free. J. Worth .t Co., St. Lou's, II". t1 ( a day. Agents wanted everywhere. I'artlcn HJ." lars free. ArtAsency,10fiS.lthSt.,St.r.ouIs. A K.VTS WASTED-Mm or Women. S3t a 1. week or Slt) forfeited. The secret free. Wrl:c at once to COWEN A CO., 6th St., New Vok. sftHsfagPor Day guarantoodncmir iTrfa yriui n aiieor,mi "" urcKTro" sjsie asa a iw " w.w.cji '.lili3,.-ulaita. U JUBILEE ORGANS.11 R. D. Willson, J 10 West Madison-ss .Chlcaffo. A DVERT1SEBSI Send Vi cents loOEO. P. BOW JA. ELL CO.. 41 l'ark Bow, New York, for their ramythJet rltvrjxr?':, containing listsof 2X0 news papers and estimates rhowmifccst of advertising. flUC (lllVC UnOlc'n! secure a R-yal Quarto UrlC UAI O ITUlmimiT, tnperhly Wind in Turkey Morocco, and illustrated with 12fEMrrav lnvs. Retail price $17. CoperthaItiCo.,rhlla. WHY NOT. Send 2ft ets. with addresses or5 others and receive postpaid a Fi-.eChrrmo7x'VOFtb $l..Vt.aiid In-trurtir tnrlear .0Oad.iy. Ftcan A Co., icj South Mh-st., Thlls-, l'a. Mo Mantels, Counter-Trps. Fumnure and numbers Rltbs. "d JTarb'fl t wholesale lr THE OOWEV 3IARBLE CO., II North Clarfc Street, CblcaRo. ANY ONE sending the 6ldrM of ten perrons jruh 10 cts. will rcelT, fre, iantifcl Cbrozno and Instructions ho- to "'?. 11' raid. CxtySorell v Co., 1 SvEtn-st,. TUla-Ja. LEARN TELEGRAPHY. WaatU inrardtateiy ."U Te a ns to rrcrre thctiirMr to nil rncrtie rxst'lons. Aidless J. P. AUEKMrritt, Sort Tel . CleTt.aad.O. THIS PRINTIrfFlKK'Sc nrpr' PolldlnKlfcw Trfc. For sale fcr CM ca sts NewsraperCn(on.tlMonrt.e-t, J.i 1Mb and ii-Ib rcas. Alsoafsllassortastntof Job Inks. 3 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED la eath county fir tee Sprir-sran-' Sanrac. SI 50 per mnntti. 5nl f'r eireUt strtre f.s.l pr tlcsUrs. riEOLEiliircCCEDT.CL Mtfo, I L DU. SJL3V1.. S. FITCH'H FA2MTX.Y IPIIYSICLAJST WIU te sent frn by rsall to any cae sendtcj thetr address to 711 Broalway, Sew 1'ork. A 5 aKTTS VV.VSTBD to sell car Janly ctlstrxisd Articles for Ladies' wear, Indlsptctable aad abtolatelr necessary. IO.OOO SOLD .nt.'TIll.Y. Taej tr to etmfort and satis faction. So fesale raa do -wtta-rot tbera. iHsnrle at. nn recetct Cf S Olt. Kit K FT. Sind for ninsuate.! Circular. 1-E TEKLE ECBBEB CO., 90 Ccarabcrt 2txt, S Tork. CAKYASSIUS BOOKS SEWT FREE FOR PROF. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK On Karaaod, Wommfcecd ana tieir Jtctaal J iaier-rcui:ea; j-arc, ia j-a-sa, rmrer, eic Atrrnti ares'lHcartotna 13ty5 eweJescftMs wcrk a ay, and we send a rwrticg book free to acy Ka: airenr Add-rt,stay7exprtee,ett, XATIOSAi Pr. CO, Calc,:ar St.L93U,So m Clap Bnsiifiss Directory. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CHICAGO BCKATKE A DITCHER CO., S6 LaSaUe. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Da. HIATT Lc ROY, 125 South Clark. AWNINGS. TENTS. TWINES AND CORDAGE. OILUSUT, HUI1BARD CO.,2X to 30 South Water. BAKING POWDER AND EXTRACTS. DR-rRICE'S.Steele.irricoMr..2inA33S.Water, Chicago, ax N. Zl, sc Louis, 21! Miln, Cincinnati. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. ROCKING HORSES. SLEIGHS. Etc. JAKES E. THOMAS, Manufacturer, lit N. Teorla. DRUGGISTS-WHOLESALE. E. 1IURN1IAM 4 SON, 82 and 14 Lake. ENGRAVER. SEALS. PRESSES. BURNING-BRANDS. SOAP STAMPS, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS. L. 1IOC1IK, 171 E. Randolph. ENGRAVERS. S. D. CHILD?, JR., A CO., 115 Franklin. ENGRAVERS' STENCILS AND STOCK. C. H. HANSON, 33 South Clark. FURNITURE. A. L. HALE JL BRO., 19. li, It and 16 CanaL GUNS. CUTLERY. FISHING TACKLE. Address " SPENCER," 335 Wabah-aT. Est.lSW. HAR0WARE AND CUTLEST-WHOLESALE. EDWIN HUNT A SONS, M and CO Lake. HEAVY HARDWARE-WHOLESALE. KIUBAKK IIH03. A CO , BO to St MIchlKan-ar. HOTELS. NEVADA HOTEL, Wabath-ar., bft. Madlton and Monroe. Central, cononlnt. 2.(0 per day. IMPERIAL AXLE GREASE. GEO. n;SWIFTACO.,frs.,lU to US Fulton. LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD MANUFACTURERS K. W. BLATCHFORD A CO., TO Worth Clinton. LINSEED OIL AND OIL CAKE MANUFACTURERS. E. W. BLATCHFORD A CO., 70 North Clinton. LOCKSMITHS' AND BELL-HANGERS' MATERIALS. J. F. WOLLENSAK, 223 LaSallo. MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS. THE GOWKN MARBLE CO.. It North Clark. P. W. SMITH A CO.. Dealers la Kouhand Fin lihod Marble, 43 E. Vau Buren. MUSIC, SHEET AND BOOK. AND DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GEO. V. ROOT A SONS, 109 State. PIANOS AND ORGANS. V. W. KIMBALL, 303 te 203 State. PUMPS, WOOD AND PORCELAIN CYLINDER PIPE. Etc. J. F. TEMPLE A SONS, Mnfrs., cor. Folk aud Canal. REAL ESTATE. JAS. B. GOODMAN A CO., 73 Dearborn. SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. AMERICAN S. M. CO., 212 Wabath-ar. "DOMESTIC'S M. CO., 7t State. AtfOntt wanted. rjROVKIl A 1IAKKK S. M. CO.. lffl Mate. 1IOMKS M CO.Jobnon.CIrkA Co., 157 State. VICTOR S. M. CO., 3ct Y.'ett Madtson. SHOT. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO., 70 North Clinton. SHOW-CASE MANUFACTURERS. SAMUEL B. MARTIN, 57 State. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. JAS. S. KIRKACO.'S STANDAUl) SOAPS, sold by Wholekalo Tr.tde crery where,5 to 362 N. Water. STEAMSHIP LINES. WHITE STAR MAIL LINE, 97 CUtk, A. Lagerffrcn. WHITE LEAD. ZINC AND COLORS MANUFACTURERS. CHICAGO WHITE LEAD A01LCo.,Oroen A Fulton. WIRE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS. CLINTON WIRE CLOTH CO., 175 Randolph. FnOFtTJlBLE EWPLOYHEHirT Work fiir Kvrryboily. (innil AVaKe. 1'criuniiriit Kiniileij mriit. .Mriinnil Wo men sauted. Full purllculnr frcr. Address W. A. Henderson & Co., Cleve land, 0.. or St. Louis. Mo. THE IMPROVED MOWE" SCALE Is tho i uly ono containing all !ruYt.mcuts. tbe Modern Im- COMPARISON INVITED. COMPETITION CHALLENGED Send for Circulars and Price. A.M. GILBERT A CO., :P State-st.. ChiragO. QILRF.RT A COMPANY, IU Walnut., Cincinnati. Wanted Agents. From $75 to $250 per Month, Everywhere. Male and female, to sell one of the most useful articles ever invented, need ed in every family. Send for circular. Address .KCO.IH .V CO., 157 STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. illniiitrnrttircil anil for sale at 23 & 25 E Randolph St. Chicago. Portable Soda Fountains! . $-10, $50, $75 and $100. OOOD, D0BABLK AND CHEAP. Shipped Ready for Use. Mintif-rtured by J. W. CUAPMAB I CO., Itaiiuoir, las. SEND yon A CATALOQUE. IOWA AND KEBUxlSKA! KII.MONS OF ACRES OP TnE BEST LAND In tho West, f.ir rale on Ten Yean' Credit, at ft irrmit. Interest, l'J tho Hurllntou and Mis souri lllver Batlroaa corojianr. NO PAYMENTS REQUIRED, Climate, lonir Seai-mt, low Tarsi, and freo Kitten- Except lntcreft, till fifth ye ear. Rich ."u, warm lion, free fare and Lou i'reiyhtt on household goods to those who BUY T For Circulars and Map, with full rsrtlmlsrs.ad- dress Land Commissioner. Burlington, Iowa. Vr.v. . iiauui". 500,000 ZINC COLLAR PADS Have Keen Used Since Jan. 1st, 1871. A snfllcient crnarantcorif their utefuinets. They are warranf ed to prevent ehsflns? and to cure any ordinary ;.M.KI .ECK on IlflKSKM or ?IDI.KS.tf Trlrited ntri-rlirr-lttwc4. Have alj s ZIAC t:it;.AI)I)l,K IMII that prevent rhaniieon the tick, and m l.KAI-l.I.'r J1CI I.Alt VKAT IMU to protect the shoulders from trails. All of which are fur sale by harness makers thriutrhnut the flitted Ptate and Canada Manufactured by XIC COLLAR I'AO CO., HUt IIA.-VA.-V. .MICH. Sandwich Manufacturing Co., SANDWIPH. DE KALB CO., ILLINOIS. ADAMS' IMTK.ST oF.LK.KKKUI.VU PinVKlt CIJt'.MIKL,t.KK (popnUrlr known aa the "Sandwich Sheftr). arylff ta Ue and capscity to salt all wants. Farm Uvwv HoiTfrs. Hand Corss-lhallera. ! raaoo-fi-tarer. of tte celebrated COKX KIXU CViV TIVATUIt. Oescrlptlre ClrcnUrs.fnlly UlnstraUd. nallci free to may a4drtss. t. P. ADAXS.fteTstary. The Human tcnraetlre sbosld fcaearafBlly rrytoecre.ctbrw it stay ran oV tbe track of life at aay acatrat. To kesplts CUst tatertal aiaccsacTT ta perfect tnaa.cr to cut It la gooi werktcc cwtdltlaa when catcf order. . 14 y ealtar prorttce cf Tarraafjc Effenrf$cat Seltwr JlperieaC Tbe tborca8h--.tis with wklca Udeaases vttbect irrttattcc lbe Wrwels, the lose and nrr which U cc"irn.rcfreh:orratiaii.frrsr.tarHfit iesparts tothe stcaaeb.ttaapc-euztas Sect.tC aff.irds in he t4 acne. Its aaU-tCUa-Bi yiopartl. acd tts savertor rsertti as a srsra! rarr-nirc. jaituriieaiienioo iui is is. cyoao BJicsaipsr- Uer, the nsoit Tiraslte faaulr mtOHze oi m s;. SU ty all irtwutt. Ifcp i',.'' !S?VE'aPJBWB.jBafc rmlaSPliafisaask HAZ27S VEGETABLE SIC1UA.1 HAIR This standard arWcls Is compounded with tat greatest care. Its effects arc as wonderful aad satisfactory M CTer. It restores gray or faded hair to Its youthful color. It remoTet all eruptions. Itchier, aad dandruff: and the ncalp by Its use become wia.te aad clean. glands t( their norm I vigor, pTeTentingbildnei. and making the hair grow thick and strong As a dressing nothint has beenfsucd toeZsclual. or desirable Dr. A A. Hayes, Stat Astayer rf Massachusetts, saysoMt "t consider il iKe Utt yrtjurjtwn tot ts Intended purposes." BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to ehincn the color of the teard from ttrav or any i other undesirable shade, to brown, or Mark, at discretion u is casuy im1". pemu in m rrciMrufwn.andoulckly and rff.ctn.llr produces xermanrnl col waahuS. nor wsuea wilt -.ciiacr iub uvi i MASTFACTCaaD ST R. P. HALL" & CO., Nashua, N. H SJd lu aS. Druyfitti ami DtaXtrt in Sltiiuina, 4M414444 FLORENCE The Lota-eoMte.trtl Suit of th FLOUKNTK -KWI.Nt: JtlAt MINK CO. uuut the Mnxer, Wheeler A t lon, and CJruter A Hr ciompnioj. laiclvtcc over S2BO,OOt, la finally deeitled by th Stiprrtu Oturt of tho United .Vnrev In for of the KI.OKKNtT, wbtrh !'n his llroken tho Monopoly ofJliyh I'riees. THE NEWTLORENCE Jm thei OXLY titaehlne that aeirs bark- ttttrtf antt fortmrtt, or to ri-jht ami Irft. Simpteat -Cheapest liett. Sold ton Cash Om.t. rricciAt. Tkilms tuns Mi ik.i.i:ics. TO Aprit, 1H74. flarene, Mast. Qw.Wvfr99VvWlllSHIt)tie FA KM KMJINKS. LANE Sl BODLEY, MAHUFACTURKKS OF The Best Portable Farm ENGINE, JIOHT, TEN ANr TWELVE HORSE POWBTI. J mounlei! 1 n a 5trorir W.a u am! ro.dy for u. Otir Imiirrv it Sitk Arrettur ts tho leit In use. Send unfer iHrrct Illustrated Catakitfucs fur nl-lied on aiiitictlou to LAiSE cfcBODIJEY JOHX AM) WATER ST3.. CINCINNATI, O. tr :fKJ tca-s 53 (9P slirco f1 K.ci.r-J'tj U n bs."'P3 2.-; sr2Tfc?tr p Cr "THE THRE8HER OF THE PERIOD." tftUOIi55it fr Sifss This Is tho famous "ViniUTOR" Thrkiiiikk. which has crcatrxl surh a rcrolntion In the trailr ami Ix-como ) rVLi.r EnTAitt.iaiiKn as tho ,lralln?TIlrtllc, of thUd.iv ami pcncntlon. More ttutn act en thou&anl iiurcliaacrsaml ninety thonvttiil Rrahi ralscm pronoitnro thec machine K!CTiK:t.r L.veq l'ai.i.rd for ajraln MvlnR time aavinp,ant money inakliifr. Four mltrm made, Tlxt 21-lnrh, 28 Inrti, 32-Im'li, and 3H-lnrh f'yllndrra, salttttl, 8, lOstnd la-llorMei.TfoHiiIrd" PiiHPri. A Imo epmrttrm si lour " ei prfaalr forNtcam I'oMrer.and Improrrd POK-TitllLK kTtUa KGIXfeS for Ntram iTlarlslRca All irraii intcrxllns; to buy Tlirpshlnir Jtv chines or .Scpnrator "alone," or Honwj Towers alonc," ns well at Gu aim Itair.ux ajco r'.utw. rn who want their jrraln thrchel, viTeJan'l clcannl U the let flrantaer. arc inr itM to enl for our new forty page IlliMtrattM ramphlet ami CirrnLtra (tentfrr) pivinjc full particular al)Ut thee linprord Machines atui other Infor mation valuable to fanner anl thrcshcrmen. ArtUress, NICHOLS, SIIEI'AUD & CO., pMflU CVesJr. ,ta LEGS; nd ARMS. rVnUaoetlon Ouav rmnt-J. Pamphlat Tr CIIA8. VL. EVAK8. MaouTror. 70 ronrth HitmI, ... LOUISVIU.H. KT, 132 Wot rourtb 8trit. - - CUtClWJfATI. O MEDICAL. Samaritan Nervine! It tha treat remedy for aTpl Uptlc fits. Conrttlstrma and pasms. It is an tnfaitlbl rtmedy. a cerlaia and sura ear in every ease, ef toss; or thirl ttandlt.tf.il matter not vjw many drxlors bare triad thetr skill and failed. It baa beta tested Vy bnadreda.ana' nererwa known to fall la atnfllecas. Ccrneor send la, mediately for medlctnet, and teakrslltf A trial bottle wJ b seat fre to any one iwflr 1b with the above named dla eaaes. Alwayt rtre naraa cf your Zi press ofllee when or dertnaaoetlcloe. SPEEDILY CUBED. All Chronic asd VerToaa Ihteasee.ef tcth text, at reasonable prices J-mtg at en who are saffer ln fron nerroaa deltllty, a weak, nerroct. ea-hjnt:edfllr-. ro eaera;y, Hw pint. roKfasM aeavt. vtak raemory. etc, pertaaneatly cored. renaJt can eonaais at . personally or Vy Utter, aboct any of the dtatrclttee taddest to taatr tear, wtta tbe assurance ef tpce4y relief. AU coBssao Blratloaa strictly ecaAdeetlal. InctAeetwo ttamta tr aa lllattrated Journal of ealta-accatUUUeatlteeaaUckre'nUdtaceeea, eoatatalcsT npwardaof alzty saet, also, albori Lectsre oa Xarrlace. It U a bck that every faaa lly oorht to have, aad so one thonlj te wltboat Jt To the weak aad sickly oae. It lay bar the raa sea of tbe saalady, points eat the rrsaedy, aad dlrecta how to ratals that precleas boos. Over lat aav tttatt are bow aaer trtatratot. pleaae elate where ton u thl tdvertltait, Addreet, SR.S A.SICRXOSD. f O.B9X'l.lt.Jeh.f. OSes) oa Vraacta street, opposite prift HotaL jryTbe ntr alao want a partner of gso4 tseral charart'r an4 ef good tt4iatT, with flftft capital. u assist ta raaxlss- his bnstxest aad act as correspondent. Address a afcv. RUPTURES POSITIVELT COIED. wadetaaepfja-etrrcIar.oreaaL itHrraaiaaHajp porter. Saol4cr Brta. Cmtesee; aH ataJtTaf retrtxUr, oreaaL iBawlaalthits 1 ir"V Crateaee; alt ataJtTaf dessrattUe. HJ t wtace, Bastw . . . - A. . tHfi' WaafctattrtattB IU. Ostoaaa ICIinuavaH VJW raaftvi metu.Ac 1ST BUT Ik P. COATS' BLACK tfluMvH!1! ssLfc 1 nT 5 C sip -;v: 2.S';SZ 2 ' a--srv-r- . Vi ---, e 1 s rrri atf.MOT.y JHCPjTWc- afcVif??'--- TjiJTS-rtBC sigjms&a BBBams) laeai r- t-ix lX JSVSV TME-1 iS MjrS Yfc Vh A;rr " rgy lt-A J Dr. 4. Walker's California tin- egar Kilters aro a purely VcouWi preparation, made 'Molly from tho nn tivo horlis found on tho lower raises of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho nietlicirxil properties of whka. aro extracted therefrom ritliout tho ua j pf Alcohol. Tho question te nlinusS , , ., , . ,.,, . f. ,. ..... ,k. i daily Oskcil. "W hat ia tllO CIUSO Of tho unparalleled success of ViXEfi.vii Hit ters f '' Our answer is, that they remo o tho causo of disease, ami tho patient re covers his health. They aro tho ;reat blood puriflerand a lifo-gi vim: principle, a perfect Renovator and In vibrator of tho system. Never before? Ia th history of" tho world haa a medicine Iwa - ' comtHiuiuled poiwiudnff tho rrm.irkabU I.- . r ... . t.. t I !... ..- , qnauue.i 01 WHiAaiui .- in muK " I aick of oTcry diwo iiian is hew' to. Thy arts a gentle mrrTauro as weua-n a tonic, rchernif; Conpti or InflnamiatUa of tho Liver aad Visceral O.gAas, ta lithuiu DtM'a3s. Tlio iiroit?rties o". Dk. Walkers Yineoau IliTTKRaaro A,H?rii'nt, DianhoroUe, Cnnninative, Xutritiou. laxative. Pmrt'tii', Stnlativp, Counter- Irritaut, ijuiiontie, Altera tive, anil Aati Dllio,J Grntrful Thousands prwlaim Vin-- KOAK IUtteus tho most woiulerfi.l In Tigorant that over sustained tho aiuktu system. " No Person can lake thoso IlUtots acconliiiR to dtrertioiw, ami remain lm unwell, iroriclcl their botiLM aro not ch stro.vetl by inmcr.il iolm or other mciun, nml vital urgniu w;wtcd booihl repti.r. Uiliotis, Kemittoni anil Intor mitttMit KcvtM'S, which are mo prt-va-Icnt in tho vr.l!o)H of our ivat rirort throsighouL tho United State-, especially (ho.se of the .Missiiwippi. Oliio, MtHMitn. Illinois, 'IVnncsseo, Ctuulterlaml. Arkan sas. Hcd. Colorado, Hmzcv, Ulo Ornnde, IVarl, Alabama, .Mobile, Saiannah, U. anoke, .lames, and nianv others, with their vast tributaries, throughout ir entire country during tho Summer ami Autumn, and' remarkably so during sea sons of unusual boat and dryno, are invariably accotnpauied by extoi8Tido ningeiucnts of tho stutniu h and liver, and other abdominal vUcera In thur treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful inlluenco upon theo various or gans, is essentially necessnn. There is no cathartic for the purpose ecjunl to Du. J. Walkku's Vinkcjar iltriKus, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid irmtter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at the sump ti.n stimulating the secretiou.H of tho ltv .-, and generally restoring tint healthy functions of tho digestive oraiw. .Fortify the hodynainsl dir;tso by purifying all itn fluids whh ViNitciit ifirrKns. No epidemic can take hutd of a system thus fore-armed. DysjM'psia or ludicstiou. Mul acherraln Irr ho .Hhonldrrn, CfHighe?, Tightness of the Chest, Inzltww. Sur Eructations of tho Stmach, Unci Tato in the Mouth, lliluuis Attacks, I'.iIjmIa tation of the Heart, iudammatiou f tho Lungs, Tain iu the legion ef the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful ymp toms, aro the oUspringit f I)p'fm. One iKittlewllI proven hotter guarnnteo of its inerita than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, Swelling!", lT!cers, Hryi-ipukw, Stvellr Vhlt. ;-i mmIc. (nitre, Scrufuluui iii().iiiiituiti. IiMlttt Iiiflniniimtioni, Mercurial A irw w, OIl Sore. KrupUoiirt nf tha Skin, Horn 5 . -. In theco. n in nil other ct:Kitnthij I- euei, W'ALKKlt's ViMC'iAtt HiTTBUrt unft nhown their preat etirntiVfi power to tbn most olmtmnU; and hitntctnlile cn. For Iiillanunatory and Chronir Kheumatlsui, Ooiitlbhoin, Kotmt tent and Intermittent Kever, I isHWnt.f ie JIIocmI, IJver, Kidney 'nl ItUtlOVr. Ehi-M) Itittcru have no ciunJ. Hiulc l)iasei mo caaed by "itiated IUom1. irWhaniral Diswiscs. PerBorw m zngrd in I'aintn and Minenils, suuh m lluniben, Typi- tlern, CnM boaton. aft-1 Mtui:ri', aa thet itdvanco in 1m.'. an Ufr ' to iiaralyaia of tlto jtvrl. To gtM.4 itKaint thm, take, a done of W'ALKHtt'u Vi koaii UiTTKns ncctudonalljr, ForSkiiiDi.soavSesrKruptions, Toi ler, Fait Ithctim, lIi:lcbpMr SpoW, Pimple I'U'tulos, lloIU, Vnrbnncltbf, Hlng wrm. Scald-ljcail, 6ri Kyc?. Kryripola. It. cenrf Ijiacriloratfon of th rjkin, HMr" and Iii3"iei of tho Skin of whntrr imh or nature, arc literally dng np aul arrH-l o'lt of the rte:n iu a short tiui by the tr--f tbce flitter. I'm, Tupe, ami olhcr iionn. hirkitir; m the rt'm of o oionj Utataaztb. .ore i-i!'ccltiaHr dcxtrojTftl and tauim-eil, ' vTKlcm nf iiJtJRinr, r.o rt-nnifaai, m m thclmtnilicx will free the $ tcra fiwtu vrvrut hJte thco RttT. For Fonialc Complaint"?, inyoun or oli!, tiittrrfcd or Mnglo, at thfilatvii of wi manhtxnl tir thu turn of hfr, thru Toc DitJvn diijIar an i!-cidl an influeaee that iaprorctnent s wxm rmrcpUM. . Clean tho Viliatetl JHootKhen- cTfr roa Cml iu fmpantfcbarjtiaj; Unvagii the kin in I1rnl, KnipUor., jt So:. clrajue Jt -srhen v find it olrlrarUl at Jczpjib in Ihc Tn.; clcwiw it xbet tt k fonl , Tour feolicR mil tll rta tr ito. Kp tho Wood parr, and tbc health of th t rtt Trm iou'jw. M. II. MetHiytAUtl Ai CO Im tsUu mtAC.m.A tna.. Mn YtWn. Cdi&rel. aa4 vn t Wabt-Ura aad ChtUt Sta, :. V. ll ly-ll IrwKKlta'-ocl Deattera. Ill J. I A TTAAOEaTS waete-d In uwa ao-S JL Pa r rensatTy t aII TJU. or -et op ehjb orders Utt tb UuiaiT'i CooipaJsy InAaerlca. Impnrtrrs prices and tadaeeaoealt '" ' H CUtvUr Aedrett. ROBKRTirzLU.tjreteyat T rOM,m PTCI,0JIASCT oa OCI. CHAKXKMJ-I M. Itowitar sxmayfsxaatan4 an tbe kv aad arfvrtloae f aay person itey '. etanUy. Tbte elaspls atenUi ar4lreseat a cae Pe. fre by osaCI. or 3&c totler vllh rrtif . ryptlaa Oracle. Preass. Ui!s 2itf,.,5- A i'' Vk. mjrr: sold. Addrcrr T. WllJJjUt A CO PabarAUadclpfcia. MiESIi.. Si. Aa litrreefxnr 135 trat-t work oast r yrt. MMralMlBa' i- ?rWcr. t?.SiT,,Kl.2 WBlrBruI aarars. BR. WHiTTIER, 17 Cltavlea Street, boevst est-aer jvf swat toeveeefal pky sKtaa rt thaaafa. CoataHatn or passpaOatfrfe. Ca er wrtU. JsstpM;sht 1st nuf a,wsysaf ae BTa". UJIIS. JtU. yerejasa. lebt:ify, 4c Masklet. 3 era p; a ftek,M?ar:, taasuafsd.iec. BOOK of af sdseal Woewers- BavraU Wrtr aH. eat froo rr 2 ttaase. Address . 05AAaVT. Ctacxasatl.a car. V. so. ae te t&ZZtZr! T w tJbe -tisefseisl BDfflll fir Tig MMDR J 1 - -. JK r I s It cr r0 i n ' J saaspai "a m . ftc-. c ft. fea'J! & --.- JS-J! . . .rW lig -. LZ2. wavsj IrNi" f, - -v "-1 aj--" -vj