'r. -3 t: IV K?. 4 I N ', t y V r " s 1; V SI NESS Dl RECTO II Y n 9. KALEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTABY PUBLIC AND SEAL ESTATE AGENT, ? Cloud, Xcbraxkn. V!i negotiate the falc of Scliool Honda. Ac. . County Superintendent nf Public In struction. J. U WILLCOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1T0TAS7 PUBLIC & HEAL ESTATE AGENT. RED CLOUD - - - - NEBRASKA firlloineMeatl and Pre-emption f retired. Spccfol attention given to iapins taxes at a difcounU :ash paid for county warrants. iv. n. richardson, j. a. tum.evs. Richardson & Tulleys, SEAL ESTATS & COLLECTING AGENTS. Will buy and fell Real E'tUeon Coinnii'sion. and tny taxc for non-resident1!. Special attention jriven to collection. Cor rcpiiondcnce solicited. All letters of inquiry, or on burinc! promptly answered. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. LEE S. ESTELL, Attorney & Counselor at Law, AND SEAL ESTATS AGENT. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. Will buy and .cll Real E,tato on commission and pay 1 axes for non-residents. Bpeial attcntionT2ivcn to the location of SOLDIERS CLAIMS Uuilor tbo act of June 8th. 1872. "laiun contested, anil nil manner of business before the U.S Land Office attended to with promptness and dispatch. LOCAL AGENT F03 B. &M. B. B. LANES. Immigration Agent for Wofcster Co. A. 11. BOWEN. JAS. LAIRD. BOWEft Sc LAIRD, Attorneys at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. J6T Will practice in all the Courts of the State. JUNIATA - - - NEBRASKA ARCHIBALD K. KI.NXKAK. NOTABY PUBLIC. HEAL ESTATE AGENT, AND AUCTIONEER. All business strictly attended to and all cor respondence promptly answered. Special at tention Kivun to tuyuicnt of taxes, Collections and Real I'L-tato Practice. KIVERTON. FRANKLIN CO.. NEB. jajiks la inn. Juniata. LKK KSTKM.E. Red Cloud. LAIBD Is ESTELLE, Attorneys at Law. RKD CLOUD, - - - - NEB. PROCTOR HOUSE, G. D. PROCTOR. Proprietor, HEBRON, NEBRASKA. The Traveling Public Will find this Hotel Jo bo first class in every rerpect. CBCarrinKC runs daily to Bclvicerc. thencar eit .Statitn on the St. Joo A- D. C. R. R. E U JONES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB SSfParticular attention given to Re pairing Fine Watches and Satisfaction Guarantied. I. W. TULLEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. U. S. PENSION SURGEON. Office 3d door South of Court House. Residence One Mile East of Red Cloud. Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, Family Physician, Tenders his services to the Public and will attend to all Professional calls. Office at the Red Cloud Drug Store. I1TER1 cV FEED J. D. POST, Proprietor. Uavinn fitted up a larjre Stablo is prepared at all time to furnish room and feed for teams. Livery rigs on short notice. Stable West of the Valley House, HARNESS SHOP. S. V. Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kinds of work in the Harness Z,ine. The best of materials ut-ed, and all Work WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop iu McNitt's Store. Red Cloud NebrasKa. Red Cloud J1TIVJE Feed and Meal constantly on Hand. CASH PAID FOR WHEAT CORN 4 L04S. Custom Work Warranted. J. Q. POTTER. RED CLGU5, NE3. W- E- THORN, Surveyor of Webster County, Will promptly attend to all calls. Order for work may be left at Clerk's office in Court House, at Red Cloud. Port 0ce idirerr Wells. Webjtei Co.. Keb. 30-tf THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. C. L. MATHER, - - - Editor. THURSDAY, WAY 2S IS74. CORRESPONDENCE From all part" of the State and country res pectfully folicited . We do not read anonymous letters and com munications. The name and nddrcn of the wri ter are in all caecjindispen-able.at & guaranty of jrood faith. As 'ho time is approaching when the question of who j-hall be elected to fill the various official positions in the State, and a new Legislature. al?o, we take the opportunity to Mate that The Chief will cspouc and labor for the succe.-s of the Republican parti, as opposed to all other parties or combinations, whether sailing under old or new colors. While wc may and do have our per sonal prefe-enccs as to whom we would desire to -ee-."elected to fill the.c posi tion?, from that of governor down, wc yield all such preferences and distinctly state that we shall labor in season and out of season, at all times and under all circumstances, to secure the election of each and every candidate who may be nominated, for any position whatever, by the Republican conventions dulv called after the style adopted in making party nomination?. Wo take this stand as the result of convictions duly formed from observation and a study of the po litical parties of the day. With respect for the honest opinions of those who differ with us on the po litical questions which will soon agitate the people of the State wc shall not al low the columns of The Chief to be come a medium of personal vituperation or slanderous abuse on accouut of such differences. A party that cannot base its hopes of success upon its merits does not deserve the confidence of the people, and will not meet with permanent prosperity, and for this reason we shall make no at tacks upon our opponents except in their character as exponents of princi ples antagonistic to our own. With the prestige of many party tri umphs in the pat, and the expressed determination of the people, generally, to allow only the be.-t meu to come to the front in the future, we predict full and complete success for the coming campaign, with majorities that will put Nebraska forward to being the banner State of Republicanism. Kedical Topography of Nebraska. We reprint the following ns a matter of general interest. Many persons do not know the thorough healthfulness of oar climate and it is a subject that con cerns all who contemplate making Ne braska their home. Dr. Mercer of Nebraska, writing on the Medical Topography oftho country says: Tho elevation of the land at Plattsmouth, on the Missouri river, is 910 feot above low water of the Gulf of Mexico, and at Kearney Junction City, the western terminus of tho Burlington and Missouri River Railway the eleva tion of 2,114 feet At Pino Bluff", on the western boundary of tho State, the elevation is 5,620 feet. From the south eastern corner of tho State, the elevation is gradual to the west and north, at the rate of about 7 feet to tho mile. Tho soil is made up of vegetable mould, silica clay, lime, and occasionally some bi-car- bonate of soda, and tho whole mass con stitutes a black loam. The sub-soil con sists of silica, olay, carbonate of lime, and in the western parts oftho State, some bi carbonite of soda. Soil and sub soil are porous, and afford perfect drain age in wet weather, and in dry weather the soil gains moisture from below, ow ing to the porous 6ub-soil. This combi nation, and the mechanical properties of soil and sub-soil, arc salutary to health, and favorable to agriculture. The wator of the State is clear and above the aver age in purity. It usually holds in solu tion a small per centago of carbonate of lime, and in the west, in addition, some bi-carbonafe'ofsoda. Alone the Mis souri and other rivers, there are occa sional mineral springs containing, in addition to carbonate of lime and bi-car- bonate of soda, a small per centago oM sulphur and iodine. The depth at which good well water is reached, varies from 30 to GO feet; but in the Platte and Elk horn Valleys, it is found at from 10 to In feet. On the bluffs sometimes, it is a hundred feet from the surface. The spring water occasionally found, is of good quality. The fact that the streams have high banks, rarely, if ever over flowing , and the naturally under-drained soil, and the dry, pure atmosphere, ren der tho State comparatively frco from malanal disease. The average amount ofmoiMure in the atmosphere is less than 50 per cent, of that required to sat urate it. There are no lakes, or largo bodies of water, bounding us on any side. The temperature has a range of 115 de grees. Uecember has been the coldest month, the thermometer having fallen to 13 degrees below zero, and the hottest August, when the mercury has reached 102 degrees in the shade. Both these extremes, however, are exceptional. Thunder storms are prevalent from May to August. The direction of the wind Taries with the season. In the spring, it is from the south and south-west ; in the summer, south and Fouth east ; in autumn, west and south-west; in winter north and north-weit. Tho extreme force of the wind generally is only a fresh breeze, although at times, and particu larly during the colder month?, it blows in violent gales- from the north and north-west, at the rate of from 30 to 40 miles an hour. Vegetation is abundant, and the soil produces everything com mon to this latitude ; but the mUsmettc influence resulting from deciywg vogeta- tion are largely prevented by nipid evp oration, and thorough drainairc ThN combination of circumstance f Dr. -Mer- cer concludes) will indicate to every med - ital man that the climate of Nebraska is fivorable to the prevention and cure of disca.-es of the bkin, lungs and respira tory organs generally : and that the malarial diseases common to the middle and south-w stern states of the Union are less frequent, and not so potent in their results. The State is equal, if not superior, for health and longevity, to any other from the Atlantic to the Pacific or from the great lakes on the north to gulf on the south. TEE" STATS" FAIR. At the city of Cmaha. Sept. 'Jinb. 1371, the Nebraska State Fair will open. With proper interc-t on tna part of our farmers and fruit growers, the season having been propitious, that exhibition will be a complete demonstra tion of the wonderful fertility of Nebraska soil and its perfect adaptability to the production of cereals, root crops and fru t incident to this lat itude. Kvcry citizen can do aomethtajr to for ward the affair toward' success. Eevry citizen has an interest in helping to tho best of his ability, and each farmer in the Stato will cer tainly hare something worthy of exhibition. In England premium crop are raied system matically. the plowing is pre in urn plowinz. and so the planting and the attendance of tho crop is of a premium character, that is. first rate, best. Rut here in the west, whero soil is rich and easily tilled, wc too often leave extraordi nary qualities and quantities in production? to fortuitou circumstances. Can we not torn orcr a new leaf in this regard, and make ju dicious efforts to demonstrate the full capacity of this soil? If without special effort seventy aild eighty bushcli of corn can be frequently raised upon an acre of ground, why not. by extra tillage, produce an hundred buihhls. and even an hun dred and forty of the same grain upon the same breadth of land' And. whereas, with ordinary cultivation, fo.-ty bushels of wheat hare been given to the acre in Nebraska, quito frequent ly, why not endeaver by superlatively careful sowing and harvestsng to produce seventy-five bushels? Tho premiums offered by tho State Board of Agriculture aro liberal and will be promptly paid when the awards h lve been made. In ad dition to this incenlire tho Union Pacific and Burlington and Missouri River railroad offer special indu:ements. as purchasers, at reinun orativo rates, of specimens and samples from all premiums or extraordinary largo and fine orops. Will not numbers of the farmers of Nebraska endeavor this year to cultivate premium crops and bringsamples of thcsametothcStateFuir'.' Among tho attractions for tho intelligent cul tivators of tho soil, at tho next State Fair, will be the nddrci? on that occasion. It will bo de livered by Arthur I.athan Perry, the able and well-known profr?or of Political Economy at William College. Ma?. Prof. IVrrv is the author of a standard work on Political Economy, and is a gentleman who think? clearly, writes perspicuously, and speaks eloqnontly. His themo of tho address, which will bo giveii at tho Nebraska State Fair, is : "THE K0R3 or TII KARMKES." It will be an effort worthy of tho man. nnd tho time, and the place. The newspapers of Nebr.cka will confer a groat favor upon tho reading and think ins cit izens of tho istate by making general notice of tho fact that Prol. Perry will positively bo present and "peak a aboyo stated. I. Stfklixo Mokto.v. President Stato linard of Agriculture, Nuckolls Coentv. Nob. May 19th, 167-1. Editor Chief: In compliance with your request I will try to give you a licvr items of interest. Small grain of which there is a Inrge breadth sown, is growing rapidly since tho very beneficial rains of the last two weeks and looks well. Early potatoes are "looking up," corn is mak ing its appearance, although there are n fevr who an; pot through planting yet. ( 1 rass is growing very rapid I y, and we look forward to a bountiful crop of all the necc-sarics of life Our county is one of the best in the State. 'Water power for manufacturing purposes can be had in abundance, plenty of timber and enough rock for building purposes, ex cellent land for stock and agricultural purposes, coupled with very good rail road facilities, makes it a very good place to live in. The inhabitants are generally intellicent, schools are becom ing quite plenty, and well attended. tiooa una can be had at present at prices ranging from $2.00 to .$5.00 per acre. Government land is scarce, what little is left is very broken. Nelson is the county seat, and contains a store, blacksmith and carpentcr.hop. Nuckolls county has some excellent officers, amongst whom we might mention Jos. Garber, County Clerk. G. D. Folhnor, .treasurer, and J. Downer, sheriff, obliging gentlemen of ability and strict integrity. I must not forgot to mention our Probate Judge, Mr. Mayfield, who is also dispenser of the creatine comforts of this life, at the Nelson Hotel. Any one passing through the place will find comfortable lodging, a well-spread tabic, and a gentlemanly host by giving Mr. Mayfield a call. Occasional. PAY THE PBI17TE2. BY XERXES. Come you sinful debtor, in whoso breast Somo conscience may rovolve. Corao with your guilty fears oppressod. And make this wiso resolve. I'll seek the printer, though my debts Have like a mountain roso. I know his wants I'll pay him off Whatever may oppose. Perhaps he may tike my excuse Perhaps believe I lie. Hut if I perish. I will pay And then his thoughts defy. Straightway I'll to his S.inctum go And see him face to face, I'll boldly fork the "greens" that's due And thank him for hi? grace. Although ahamed thus late to go I am reolved to try. For if I stay away I know In great iisgrace I'll die. I know his patient niture well. Delinquents he'll forgive. He'll kindly pardon debtor's sins And bid such penitent) live. 7SA5HS2'3 ASSOCIATION. Red Clocd, Webstor Co., Neb. May22d, 1S74. Association called to order by the President at the appointed hour. After singing, conducted by Mrs. Jones, com mittee on Permanent Organization re potted, and committee discharged. On motion the coastitution was read. On motion the final adoption of the constitution was deferred until the after noon session. Officers of the association were next elected: A. L. Burton, Pres ident; Dr. Fetz, Vica President, and Mrs. 31. E. Brown, Secretary. The subject of reading was next in order, and conducted by" Mr. W. Wilson, who volunteered to fill tbe place of the absent conductor of the fame. Remarks and general suggestions were made by several on the subject. Ixymnastics, conducted by C. W. Springer. tocography, conducted hy Mrs. M. h. 1 Brown, was next in ordcr. Several of- J ! fWed uireestiots on the wav it should ' be taught. 1 V. V. Springer presented before th ' association, the subject, AgaMz, and the snnciiaiion oi coniriouuoii pr ttie cn Inrcnunt of a Mn-eum, commenced by him oreviou-s to hi death. Committee on Resolution: appointed, Mrs. Knight, Mr. M. WiKon. ami A. L. P.urtnri Committee on Pros:raiiimp, Dr. Fetz, Rev. M. Maxwell and Mr. Noble. Adjourned for dinner. AFTERNOON SESSION'. Association called to order by the President. Oh motion the constitution and by laws were excepted. Tl e nb jectof fractions was taken up by C. W. Springer, whicn called forth considerable dicusion. Language lemons was n-xt J pre-enieu oy a. i. nurton. RECESS. Onniotion one half hour wa granted for dicuion of School tJovernment, participated in by Dr. Fetz, (.'. W. Springer, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Knighl, Mrs. II. Lutz. and Mr McXitt. Sing ing. Mrs. Jones presiding at the organ. Adjourned until the first Friday in September. M. E. Brown, S' t'eretary. SCHOOL LAND SALE. Notice i? hereby given that on the loth day of June, A. D. 174, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the north door of the court hou-e in the town of Red Cloud, in the county of eb-ter, 1 will otter tor sale at public auction, to thokhigheat bidder, in tracts "not greater than Torty acres, upon the terms fixed by law, the following de scribed school lands in the county of Webster : T. R. Sections IGand 30 1 north 12 west do 10 2 do 12 do NJ sec. 3ti 2 do 12 do Nl swl .;) 2 do 12 do Nj sel 30 -2 do 12 do Sections 10 and 30 ;; do 12 do do 10 and 30 4 do lj do EiiVnwlofnel 10 1 do 11 do WA&nelofVjl 101 do 11 do Swl ec 10 I do 11 do S nwj 10 I do 11 do Section 30 1 do 11 do Nl and so 10 2 do 11 do Sections 10 and 30 3 do 11 do do 10 and 30 1 do 11 do Nwr 10 1 do 10 do nj &sw ot swl 10 I do 10 do Sections 30 I do 10 do do 10 and 30 2 do 10 do do 10 " 30 3 do 10 do do 10 " 30 1 do 10 do do 10 " 30 I do 11 do do 10 " 30 2 do 'J do do 10 " 30 3 do 0 do do 10 " 30 4 do i) do No lands will be sold for less than seven dollars per acre nor less than the appraised value thereof. Said sale will be adjourned from day to day till all of said lands have been offered. Red Cloud. May 2. 1ST I. J. A. Tulleys, County Clerk. 1T0TIC3 TO CONTEACTOaS Si BUILDESS. Notice is hereby given that tho County CommisMoncrs of Web-ter County, No braska, do invite proposals and bids for the repairing of th" bridge across the Republican river, outh of Red Cloud, in the County of Webster. Said repairs to consist in tho erecting of one or more bpans in the center ol said bridge. Length of break in said bridge being about two hundred and forty (240) feet. Proposals and bids must be accompan ied by plans and specifications for repair ing by inserting oue or more spans in said bridge. Said plans and specifica tions must be on file in the office of the Clerk of Web-tor county, Nebraska, at Red Cloud, on or before 2 p. 111., of Sat urday, May 30th, 1871, at which time there will be a meeting of the C'ommi.s sioncrs of said County for the purpose of opening said plans and specifications, and if found satisfactory a contract wiil be let. Contractors will be required to furnMi bonds Jin double the amount oftho bids, conditioned for the faithful performance of contract, both as regard-' time of com pletion and durability of structure, all work to be faithfully warranted. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. For further information apply to the Clerk of Webater County, at Hed Cloud Nebraska. B order of the Board of County Com- mis.sionera lor Webster .bounty, iNeb. Red Cloud, Neb., May 12th, 1 874. J. A. TULLEYS, F. Matteson, Clerk. Chairman. SAB0AXNS nr SEAL ESTATS. 100 acres of land within 3 miles of Red Cloud, price $200.. 100 acres within 4 miles of Red Cloud, 20 acres broke, price $250. 100 acres within 4i miles of Red Cloud, 20 acres broke, good running water, price $600. One Lot in Red Cloud, House with three rooms, cellar under house, good well of water, price $400. Four lots, and house with nino rooms, cellar full size of house, good well of water, price $1200. Also many other choice lands, lots, and houses on favorable terms. Apply to Richardson & Tulleys, at the Court House in Red Cloud. nlO-tf O. K. FURNITURE Red Cloud, - - Neb. SMITH & CALVERT, Ilavc just received and offer for sale a large assortment of Furniture, carefully selected with Bpecial reference to the wants of the people, consisting in part of CHAIRS, TABLES, BUREAUS, UEADSTEADS, LOUNGES, SOFAS, PICTURE FRAMES, &c. &c, At Juices that Cannot h Beat. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. CEF7C7S XASZ TO 033S2. GIVE US A CALL AND EXAMINE PRICES I lis Chirjs r Asrrwirs 3KtiKs. VALLEY HOUSE! Red Cloud. Nebraska. .OS. C WARNER, - - - Proprietor. Thi Houl is entirely new. having b-n built he pree"t scifon. and is fit!ed up with regard to c:i:st asd coiwEiriEircE. BOARD BY TIIK DAY k WEEK At reasonable rate. A large and coinujodtom STONE STABLE has ju.t been added to the premises. i-Gcod liarbcr in ammlnnccat the Houc- NEW DRUG AND GROCERY STORK IN- Ited Cloud, Neh. We wish to inform the citizens of Red Cloud that we have a new stock of goods which wc offer at Granger prices. Consisting of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES AND FANCY GOODS. Also a choice lot of TEAS, and T0BACC0ES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, Special attention given to Dispens ing of Medicines and Prescription-. Wc. Defy Compttitio in Quality and in Price. R It MURKER & CO KSroivn & JI;iu3iIL:r, . Carpenters & Builders Bei Cloud, Slerasia. I prepared to make c.-timates astd take con tract fur all fciiiiM of buildings. J7-td JOSEPH A. PGIIKY, REAL ESTATE ANI TAX-PAVING AG EXT. FSASSLCr CIT7, Fraailin Ctmt? Neb. LAND! LAND! NOW IS THE BEST TIME To secure CHEAP HOMES. The B.&N. R,R. LANDS IN WEBSTER CO. NEB. Arc now in market, and are offered at low rates and ON TKN YEARS TIME to actual settler, at rates varying from $1.50 to $5,00 per acre With a liberal deduction for cash in hand. These lands arc among the best in tho Republican Valley, and arc UNSURPASSED FOR FERTILITY and beauty of Location. Lee Estell, RED CLOUD - - - NEL, LOCAL AGENT FOE WESSTS3 COUNTY, Will at all times bo ready to give all information in regard to location of land, terms of payment, &c. THE FOLLOWING SETBACTS From the Circulars of the B. it M. R. R. Co., will in a measure, explain their terms and the advanta: offered. The purchaser can pay cash, or di vide the amount into three equal parts, paying one-third down, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with intcrcs at ten per cent, annually; or he can have ten tears' time in which to make up the sum by small annual pay ments at six per-cenL interest. Most buy on this htter plan of TEN YEARS CREDIT I In which ax the purchaser pays at the outset ono ycr'a interest at eix per-cent- on the price. He makes three other payments, each of six per cent" at the commencmcct of the second, third and fourth years. At the commenc- ment of the fifth year, he pays one seventh of the principal and one years interest on the remainder, and tbe same at the commencment of each successive year until all has been paid at the end of ten years. Any buyer can pay in full at any time and get a warranty deed free of all incumbrance. Buyers on our long and generous cred it of ten sears, a ra expected to settle and improve their land at their earliet convenience, say withia one or twoyears o as to improve aboat three tenths of the land bought, within three years from date of purchase. 5F"Better terms have never been of fered and probably never will be. 5&We invite eomparboa and defy competition. A. GARBER & CO. PKALKIU? IN GEKKRAL MERCHANDISE Consisting of DRY GOODS Boots 6c Shoes. Hats and Caps, And everything usually kept in country stores. Giro us a call, examine goods, inquire prices, and be convinced that tho Kt place to trade is AT HOME. A. OAltHIClt & . 2STEW STOKE NEW johx bi:im:zi:x a o. Take pleasure in informing the citizens of Red Cloud, and the Public that they have opcr.fi out and have on hand a now and cotuplotv Ktock of Staple 4V Fancy Groceries Of ever' name and variety, -elected with special reference to th want pf the Pouple of of the Republican Valley. CALL AXI JJEE OUR STOCK We have, also, a line Stock of DRY COODs. Boots & shoes- I5i:iM:XZIX A Co., 1tl C'1biiI, Jrh. NEW J. G. Takes this method to Inform the PUBLIC that they hava Just opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & CROCER2E8, Confixtintf in part of CALICOES, DARK, LIGHT. PINK, CHAMRRKrf. DKLAINKS. LAWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS h LININGS. CORSETS ,fc SKIRTS. VAILS .V GLOVES. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS TABLE LINENS, k TOWELING. PANTS, OVER-ALUS k SHIRTING, OOTS & SIIOJ:St IIAXS fc AF, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR, MEAL & BACON- And everything usually kept in a First Class Dry Good k Grocery Stort. J. G, Potter, Red Cloud. Nebraska. LUMBER? LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE RED CLiOUn, - - WMSBR.lSK.l. DEAI.EIl IN PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings - Lime, Tarred Paper, Etc- And every Article usually kept in a FInt Clxs Lumber Yard. I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. Republican River STAGE LINE. J32N EZEISi, FrcrrisW. Regular trip wiTl be made between JUNIATA and RED CL0U0 On Tuesdays and Wednejdiys of eaoh week. I 'ball be pteved to tsrrr ra- f j-ensers upon the day mentioned, Icav-! ioz Jonjata. at G a. a on Tndav and Red Cload at 6 A. ., Wednesdays. Fare reoBabf. AND GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigar. N'KW STOJRJt GOODS, GOODS! POTTER ANY BILL THAT CAN BE G07 OLDEST DRUG STORE IX RED CLOUS. 0t,rite GUr & Co. DRU6S, STATIONERY, FINE SOAPS, SPICES, Patent Bledicin' PURE WLNES k LIQUORS, CIGARS, MATCHES, A"d tbe thousand and one this mm!!- "P 'n roiir caubltshaaeBU vm- Manny on nand and for Ie CHEAP KOU CABU. Call aod He. "v. M - k f J 1 . J A f a JfRS. II. F.LUtZ. l 5jg?3?Fg 1 -S-, t. PtrTfrrff-iTffr- f -i-fi"yiB----"r- mim amr mrrrr m gSlWPJsPv .gjLjiMS