&3gtn,f V3S5 -rT-r w-" 4 -V- J ? . -t t "li ' OLDEST STORK -IN- Webster County. THE BEST TRADING POINT IN THE Republican VaUy :o:- 8. CARBER & Co. i TKALERS I General Merchandise, v- CON8I8TI.NO OP ' Dry Goods- FiimiiriTrBE, Gltass, Sash And a ttreat Varioty of other Articles. :0: One stnc of Dry Goods has been te- mvA with special reference to the vriut of the People, anil consign in purl nf 71 NE DRES r.OODS, CALICOES, KKttWN k BLEACHED MUS ' LfN'S, PRINTS. CHECKS, GINGHAMS. &c. kc. Tlie '.H'lif-J of Webster County and arn respectfully Invited to exatuinr our sw took of - DRESS GOODS, Wlm-h -rr frol irjriautcd in E4jing is) ';" L-n!f ""' Most Complete ever ir.mr.t ip to Southwest Nebraska, and rhioh will bo told at Prices that Defy Competition. U i!- U-ep on hand a Good Stock of HEADY MADE CX.OTHUVTG Of various kinds and extra aualitiea and for -mIa either by tbe'suit or eingl urtsele. CGAR5, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICKS, fcd everything olo in that Lino. Canned Fruits in VarietY. TOBACCO St CIGARS - RNWARE, STONEWARE, WOODEN-WARE. VLOUR & MEAL, o.y BOOTS & SHOES- To.t rait the wants of everybody. We wish to call the attention of the Public to the fact that we are constant y keeping on hand a full assortment of rood which we will Bell at Bottom Prlefea Fee Caeh. Call and look at our Gnod arfi do not fail to inquire the Prices. S. GARBER & CO. THE REd CLOUD CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. Notion in, this Column 10 Cents a Line. Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. T. W. Tipton. BrownTille. P. W. Hitchcock. Omaha. Lorenso Cronnse. U. 8. Senator. U. 9 Seaator. Represeatatire. EXECUTIVE. R.W. Faroa. Browns-Hie, J. J. Gosper, Lincoln. J. B Western. Beatrice, H. A. Koeni. Columbia, .T R. Wthitfr fUilriea. GoTtraor. Bee. of State. Aaditor. Treses ftr. Att'j On J. M. McKentie. Liuc la. 8apt- Pub. lastrac'n JUDICIARY. Geo. B. Like. Omthi. Chief Jutiee. Daniel Gantt. Nebraska Citr. aoeita Jai Janmel Maxwell. PUtUmootU Aoc," J"' WEOSTEK COUNTY. J. A. Tnllejs. E. H. Jnni. I. W. Tulleya. H. C. Bill. II. 8. Ruler. L. K. Munsel. W. FT. Thorn. A.M. Hardy.) G. W. Ball. V Fi Matttton. Count? Clerk- Treasurer- Probate Judf a. Sheriff. School Hnp't. Coroner. Cotrnty Snrrejror, Conntr Comamrioner-. Arririli and SepartnrM of Hails at the Bed Cloud Port Office. Jnaiata ami Red Cloud, astiree Tassjsas and Friday. 6 o'c'ork p. m. Leares Wednesdays aDd Mflturdar'. 7 a. m- Hetiron and Franklin, arrive-, going; Weirt. Tuesday and Friday. C p. m. leaves tVednen dayn and Satnrda) 7 a. in. Going Eau Arrire Monde--and Thursdays, ftp. in. Leave Tuedars and Friday. 7 n. ta. Smith Contrr ami Hed Cloud. Arrive Tuea-diiyi- C p. ta. lav Wednesdays 7 :4. m. Jesrcll and Red Onnd. Arrive ftaturdaa. 12 m. Xenveii lp.m. . All peiTons wifhinK to Keter l-tter. will pl jwe hand them In the cvcnmir berore the mail leaves- .. ... T, ,, M. B McNITT. P. M. Saop 10 cent per bar. Matches thrown in, at Bkuknzkn & Co. KEnofENE 40ct?-, per gallon. at Gabber's. California Dried Apple? and Utah Peaches, at Bkrenzen'h. W'oitcfibh and CodBsh at Garber & Co's LEATriER! LEATHER! The bent Horse Brushe in -America, warranted to clean any horse without distinction of nationality, color, deposi tion, or sex, at BteKENZEN & Co's. Yard wide unbleached cotton for lilj cent?, at John G. Potter's. Garden Sfed. Ox-boT8 and Keys at Bkrenze.v & Co. R.F.KJ) Breaking Plows at McNitt's for 27.50. Light Caiico ju?t received at BERKNZEll'JkXJO. Oxion Seed for nale at MoNitfg, for 25 cents an ounce or 75 cunts a quarter. Broom Handles, Wire and Twine at McNitt's. Harrow Teeth, at the Hardware Store. PRINTS ! PRINTS! 1 PRINTS ! ! ! A lot of New Prints Spring patterns, at Potter & Pcrry'c. Reed Breaking Plows at McNitt's. Pg cheap. Large lot of Boot" and Shoe just ar rived at Garher & Co's. New Goods at McNitt'h. New supply of Hardware at Berenren & Co'?. "Heaps " of New Goods at Garber & Co's Grain Sacks, for sale at McNitt's. Ladies Wear, at Garber & Co's. The best Ax Handles in the couutry at Bercnzen & Co's. Knives and Forks at McNitt's, for the small sura of $1.15 per set. - Grass Seed, all kinds at McNitt's. Fine assortment of Clocks, at S. Garber & Co's. A FELL stock of Door and Houe Trinmiincs st Granger prices, at the Hardwaro Store. BOOTS and SHOES ! We have cot a full line of Ladies and Children's wear, which we will sell cheap for cash. Plcaae givo us a call, and see. Potter & Pebry. 2 lbe. Choice Rio CfiKe W1, at Gabber's. McNm has received, and b reoeivinjr a large and complete stock of Farming Implements. If you want to get good Bleached Cotton, go to Potter & Perry's. 8 lbs. Light Brown Sugar for $1, at Garber's. A fresh supply of that yard wide Cot ton at 12 cents, at Potter & Perry's. Large lot of assorted No. 1 Italian Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, mt Garber's. NEW GROCERIES! NEW GRO CERIES 1 At Potter & Perry's, which will bo sold at Onager's prm-We mean what we say ! FURS! FURS! Highest market pric paid in cash for Hides and Furs of every dicription. Wm. Montgomery, 30td Guide Rock. Neb. A full stock of Dr. Jayne's Celebrated Family Medicines, for sak at Garber & Co's. Cardigan Jacket the very thing to protect you from tie wintry wind for cafe at Garber 4 Co' R- We learn that some geatkmei from Crete propose building a louring aill on Elm Creek east of town. Notice Mr. Heller's card to another column. He has been 22 years in the tailoring business, and is prepared to furniiih suits to fit all who apply. On Sunday evening a beautiful rain came to moisten the earth and bid the grasses and flowers look up and come forth. Dr. Kcder, of Juniata, was in town last week attending to the wants of those who are troubled witk diseases about the molars. ii Read O'Sullivan's article on W. W. XV. i m We hope the farmers will send us for publication the number of acres of wheat five and upwards, which they are sowing this spring, that we may show up the agricultural growth of the surrounding country. John Bremer, lately of New York City, has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop just s)uth of Weber's. Give him a call. J. Q. Potter & Co. are to build a flouring mill oil the Republican river at Red Cloud. Their dam and, niprace are already nearly completed, and a larpj crew are to be put on in a few days to finish the work. Success to our en terprising townsmen. . Jacob M. Casebeer, of this place, left town on Tuesday to attend the Ober lin College of Telegraphy, Ohio. Our hand for your success, Jacob. C. B. Palmer, editor and publisher of the Nrbrntlia TacJier, of Beatrice, Neb., is attending the Teachers In stitute. The editor of this paper arrived on Tuesday evening, and will attend to his "knitting" for somo time to come. If you have n thing for a dentiit to do call on Dr. Kuder, who will be here on Monday next. The County Commissioners have been in session during the week. Full report next week. Our fellow townsman H. C. Whealor. has been granted a license from the M. E. Church as a local preacher, and has received an appointment at Edgar, Cla county. His family moved this week. We wish him much happiness and suc cess in his trcw fiuld of labor. It is mildly insinuated by sonic of our good citizen- that a proper respect to the time and place, ought to deter any ono from eating peanuts during religious services, and we will also hint that as a large portion of our people are in the hafcit of kneeling daring prayer at such services, the loor would be in much bet ter order if nore-jtobaoeo juica wa n$al lowed, instead of being squirted about for a squaro yard or two around each in ducer in the weed. Prof. J. M. McKinzie, State Super intendent of Public Instruction is in town, attending the Teacher's Institute. Prof. McKeniie is an earnest wnrlrnr in the cause of popular education, and uti- dcr his management Nebraska has the best sohool system in the west. Prof. McKenzie, State Supt., and C. B. Palmer, of Beatrice, favored u with a call this morning. Granger suit of clothes for $7.75, at LetAENZEN & Co. Next week, report of Teacher's In ctitute, and proceedinga of Commis sioners. Summer Clothing, dirt cheap, at Berenzen & Co. m We find it nccesiary to call upon all who arc indebted to The Chief to do what they can towards 'paying all or a portion of their accounts. We would not be obliged to make this call under ordinary circumstauces, but our long ab sence has entailed heavy expenses upon the paper, and there are debts which we must pay. To our friends one and all ire appeal for as speedy a settlement as possible. to Britania Ware and a general stock of Crockery at Berenzen Jt Co. It is again necessary to call the atten tion of our corrtspoadeats to the' fact! that com mnnicationa wtucl be eaort in order to secure publication. An article of five or six page of foolaeap, which may be worthy of publication hi the greatest paper of magazine in the coun try, will from its length be rejected by us, unlesa there is some peculiar iaUrast attached thereto. Make your articles SHORT. Fresh Groceries jast received at Berenzen & Co. J. Q. Potter will pay cash for logs delivered at his mill ia Red Cloud. 43 Best Summer Boots ia the world at Bere.n2en & Co. LOCZSni! If yom want a first-class, stylish itttng Garment cut or made, or cat aad made, go to O'Sollivans, at Riverion, Franklin County, aad you can get suited Re understands how to do it through in eiperieace of 18 yean ia the bari nex. IKI Ob tat mo-aias of tit 3Hh ial Liu.t Qxxajis, daasater of D. aad U. P. Int. of thia '.r. Agri 4 Skea. LUlja wita taa attlf bow. Aad athile Bar lew ww dt7 Bteara, We recofBlM tar baa J. (lb uodl Aad sar Thj m-31 k oa.w Paalie eerricc ia evaaecticB witk fefaakoT ewaiwai U aet4 ar a- 3Uzwtf). SakVk BMtmiaa atxt at tha S4 CHAS. R. JONES, ft-ALKR 191 Dry Goods, Groceries Boots Shoes Hats, Caps, Oieensware, Tin-ware, Furniture, Hardware, Store, AND GRAIN. I am Ageut for the REfiP OTMRASKA CITY PLOW, Dixon Breaking and Stirring Plow. Weir and Sweepstakes com MUowc MOLINA corn planter ALSO A GOOD LINE OF HAND PLANTEIW, REAPERS, 'WAGONS, MOWKKS, And FARMI1VO Implements, Gall and Etimlae Stock and Price At My New Store BuiUmg 2nd Door North of Post Office, Jmwttala Avenue, .inviAti --.. - 1 J A. lit HARDWARE! 5 4 I would cull the attention of the Farmers cr Webster and adjoining cguwio to the fact that I have on hand a good a.ortu:ciit of FARMING IMi'LEMENTS, And iinXJiistantly receivini: a lot of PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, REAPERS, MOWERS, and RAKES, among which will be found the EXCELSIOR REAPER & MOWEIL IIOLLLSOSWORTII PACIFIC and HAMILTON SULKY HAY RAkha, For which I am ole Agent for Wrcbhter and Franklin Counties,-Nebraska, and Jewell and Smith counties, Kansas OTIS L. BATTLES. South Guide Bock, Nebraska. J. Q. Potter will pay caSdn for log., delivered at the mill in Red Oloud. 42tf BOOTS at and SHOES Beuknzen & Co. New Broom Corn Seed fbr hale at McNitt's. Crockery and Stoneware cheap at Berenzen & Co. Wanted. 8,000 feet of Oak Timber, in the log. '" n4l-3 J. Q. Potter iCo. If yon want a hcap-CorPlow go to MoNitt, ho sells lower HiiM "any other man in the valley, fbr eaah. ' FoR'RENT.-acre ofiOli'GVowwd for rent. Terms $1.0t) per acre, Cash. W. N. Richardson. . Remember that McNitt sells Imple ments cheaper than Grangers, and a better article. We have started a complete Boot & Shoe Store, which we will always keep well filled. Ladies Gaiters aad Slippern a specialty. Childrens shoes from 30 cents up ; Gents boots for summer wear; fine English Oxford Ties. Ridiculous rates, at Berenzen & Co. "I'ofsAtJ. Two span of heavy farm horses. Two setts Double Harness. Two Wagon One House and Lot in good location, &c. Will sell cheap fbr cash, or exchange for young cattlet or County Warrants. W. N. RlCHARDSOR. Spades $1, $1.35, $1.50 Shovel nearly all the same, at Berenzen k Co's. HATS AND CAPS I Persons wishing to buy a first-class Hat or Cap. of the latest htyfe, will con sdlt their own interest by calling on Potter & Perry. Boi.Tadirt cheap. Augers, Bits, etc., hanuuered away, $1,000 worth of Plows on the road, to Berenzen & Co. mitdim mttWE, First-class Building Stone, for 50 cts. a perch, at my Quary, twa Unfiles north of Red Cloud. " J8All.orders1protiiarfi, , 3m-n36 NoAMTERkr. Suigariaa Oram tad: James Murphy, oa Butflp creek, eight miles west of Red Clowtbaa Hun garian Gnus Seed for sale at reasonable rates. 30tf . For Salt tr Best' My Livery SUble in Rad Cload, for merly owned by A. E. Perry, will be sold cheap for cash, or with part down, I will give 6 months time oa balance. . John G. Potter. FOliXVT. Sixty-five acres of old grouad for rent. Terms easy. Apply to' Gtw'ZsriXL. Kafcraxxa XstaQifc&M Iftoej. JaVrwtn ia aaj sart ofNrak Ooriroas of -" adTtrtkimna the Eat. rata oOLafia.tka ia4acairBU offWrcd by tkeir loaaliar for asrr baiBe. actcrprije. profession, tndt or calllar wkatcTr. or fir r6& ckeap homf for people eoaatnr iato onr utfe. wilt apply ta oa prwaptly ceioiBxtaap. fbr black rcrt. tftaie ia wkat oaper to a aa liU aJTcrtJrenl- J SO. X. 1JR.VDFORD A CO.. Liac.Ia. Nebraaaa. AFSICAX X1AZZ T2Ia7Y. The best Willow for Vss. feae, Idgc. or wtnd-br?av and is aighly prsaracata). Grows on 11 kind of soS eoalfj well. Fr sale at 25 per ikoummd, by D. S.-HHVERN, 26-13W? B4 Csowd. Neb. - . - -- . NEimASlCA. 1 M. HELLER Merchant Taylor, Would respectfully inform the pooplu of Red Cloud and viciuity that hew pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line, on short notice and reasonable term-. A Gro:d Fit is Quaranteoi, and all Work Warrantel Shop, west of Berenzen k Co'.-. Store. CHASE. ItIILLEK, CARPENTER it BUILDER, Would respectfully inform the citiiensof Red Cloud and vicinity inat he ia prepared Jo da all kinds of work in hu line on rhort notice i and reasonable term. Satisfaction guaranteed. All onlaraiuarbo left atM. liciitrx Jarior FWm. ,. Bad 01ttL - - -JUimiJL. Red Cloud Retail Market CORRECTED MEEKLY UV OARnER A CO. Crushed Sugar, for a dollar Tib A Coffee Sugar t C Coffee Sugar "i Yellow Coffee Sugar fe Dark Brown Suqar...... 'Jibs Choice Rio Coffee 3 Rice 8 Gunpowder Tea per fb $ 1 GO Oolong 00(,90 Young Hy.-on 1.00 Smoked Side Meat I3J Canvassed Shoulders 15 Imperial 80(1 30 IStlttCr eeBs)Bsees)s e ee I 0f; l" Jj47deee JU Flour, Beatrice Cream of the Valley 3.51 do XXXX, Hebron - ... 3.-5 Red Flannels 40&GO White do 50,0.60 Twilled do m Brown Shirting 131S Spraguc and Mcrriniac Prints I -J Common Prints 10 Brown Demins...... ....... ........ '.. Blue " '-'3 Heavy Brown Ducking 25(30 Stripe " " 18(25 Heavy Boots 4 S0s:S0 Light Bootj? -t 5()T 50 Heavy Shoes. 2 -0(n2 75 41 31 1 S J ? o 3 Riverion Retail Market corEeoed weekly bt tf. c loiiff. Crushed Sugar for a dollar- .Gib C. Coffee Snirar 7 Yellow Coffee Sugar 9 Choice Rio Coffee.s .t..... 2j xxtce...... ................'.........-... ' Tea per lb......."...... m.1.00a$I.G0 Brown Shirring per yanfc. 13,I7 xTtnts..... .......... .. ...... .l.s Common i rmts... ...;. to Brows Dennis.. ......... ........... ..... ') Heavy Brown Ducking 271 Boots and Shoes (ffiens) per pair..$2(j.$5 Womeoi Shoes per pair .$2(u3 Nails per - : 7l(a.ei AstCHtBALaa it. KINJTEAaU JJDTA17 PTILIC. iZAL SS7A7S A3SXT, AITS AUCTIOJH. All baajaese strictly atteade.1 to aad all cor reapondeaee promptly aowerel. Special at -t-Btion ais-ea.to rayisrat of taxea. CoIIeetioai aad Real FVtita Practice- RivERTON. FRASKL1X CO NEB. STOlffS MASON. H C. WEBER, Would aaaoaace to the people of Red Cload aad Tieiatt that he i prepared to do all kinds of Jstacoa Work, on tkon notice asd reawtntle ternsa. All orders nay be left at this oficc or at hts reideBe 4 ail norta-e.t of Kd Qoad. Sec 30. loam X rane 10 west. ! IaiMK!! Maxwell L Dtet Wiah to intira tha pablio that they tmx saaia sxvaire prrgira:.i,tss to aasfaetare Lists, at J will kstp e haad a FULL SUPPLY taeettliedesaAdsofta;h)i, wfcka will be sold at -eajocale ratej. the Place - nutter per id f..M -..:.... lWrt-JJ Ktffi pruoxew..fc......,i.i-... iv Planned per yard . 4050 Fi-e solle wast of atai ClovL irUre oai Seats syecfEixer. T a I HARDWARE! HARDWARE!1 Plows, Plows ! I am now ready to supply the public with all kinds of Hardware. Consisting in part of ROCK ISLAND. PEKIN. r. K1KN CITY. ri.TI'PFR RKED BREAKING PLOW. FUUST A: BRADLEY. snd BLACK ' I HAWK WTALKIN'G Pl'LTIVATOR, ' BROWNS and f'LIMAX CORN i PLANTERS. DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD, l HON BE M, SCOTCH k FRIEDMAN'S PAT ENT IUUBOWS. FHKPT& BRXDLEY. and DAYTON SULKY HY RAKES. EXCEL SIOR REVOLVING. RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES. GRASS SCYTHES. And EvcrytmiB? Uanally Krpt iai an IMPLEMENT STORE. Alo a full Stock of NAILS, nnoil TRIMMINGS, and SADDLERS HARDWARE, CAR PENTERS and MASONS TOOLS. A full line of Pocket and Table Cuttlcry, Cloves, Tinware, CARRIAGE BOLTS, all lengths and sizer. C.ARDEiVsfcGKASS SEED f allKintla. M. B McNITT jr - i ItED CLOUD, -. NEBRASKA. GEORGE ZEISS, -DRALKK.-4 IN- Wines & Lsiquors. CIGARS. Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, A Nil CONFECTION HUIKS A Specialty. ms""I'Vsh Lager Beer from " Antelope)" Brewery, con-tant'y on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf GO TO Piatt's Piatt's DRUG store; JTOIA7A. rZ32A33A, For your DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS. -.. aLAS3. Ac And you will get them clieaper than Elcwhere. THE ONLY Boot & Shoe Shop In Webster County. -0- imnx s. park9 Wishes to inform the Public rencrall7 I that he u prepared at all times to take orders ana aianuiacture all kiods ot Boots tfe Shoes ' In the Beat Possible Style. tgrYinz Cilf Boots made to order and t "Perfect t Warranted Repairing on Short Natict.- X2-CL0j2. VZS3JLSZJL Cledo HoB. Red Cloud, Nebraska. ra. X025AX. . TrCj'eor. Um1 Mittilr la rafclka with lb HOl'MlA This hotel hat hfn rttc-l and re!trtHal thrnuchont. toitat eta' Men. Kailroitl Ma. and all j-arue vmtin Itt fnud. U1 lot nipU sccoatn-Kitiocii at tai Hotel. W.N RICUIKDSON, J A. TULLET Richjrdsgn & Tulleyt. 1SAL 2STA7S t C0LLEKIK3 AaSUTS. Wit! tur and sell Real K-t te on Coaalasida. and r-J" tse tr aon-ridnt. Special tteutiin sirsn t collections. Cor-re-MB ieace rdieHcl. A 1 letters of laqalT.or on oui.ne promptly anwrd. RED CLOUD. - - - - NEB. JlKlS LAtSD. Jcnlst. LBB EKTILLB. tii Cl-ad. Attorneys at Law. RED CLOUD. - SK I VBKoiv.V PAHVTX2A. Sed CIssi. Kebrasia. Krerythior don- in the ta' rtttls ana nKininllk- winner nrntly nd with di -patch. C nntry tk o!lcited ud produce taken in txchuiat. " td M O'SULLIVAN. J. P. It NOTARY PUBLIC, ESTS37017, TraaHia C:., Sea, ConTcrnncltJs; and H irnwtrr prtlnlnt ea Real Kutf orothrr I'n i-ity prompt- l and proprrl? necuteO. rr3-oa?J:n FiHagj a Scecality. Prat t icing Viyyirici n, OiEco and Resilience. S2D CLOTO, N232ASZA. CSrSpecial RttL-ntioa given to chronic ! iw" "5 " sCiss S. A. TCai iisell, WuuM rcrertfit'Iy infonn the Iuitv f ReJ C loud anl Ttciititr that he l tre pnrctltc otruti-orilerj fhr MILtIaIIYERY. Dress-Making AND PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds. On hanJ ami f.ir e a fine aj.ortaent of LACES, VAILS, KID GLOVES. LD!E HAT? ko. Miss S. A. MUNSELL, fin Me.VItt's liolldinK. RED CLOUD, .-.- A'AVf. JOHI4 r " iTf' SeV j,--! JACOBSOS'S HOTEL, FEHD, SAL And LIVERY STABLE JUNIATA, AalaMg Ca. efc. THE HTAXD1RD Worcester's Quarte M1 C Tl O.Y.I R li R'waar.dM by the 5p-ristc-leat ef Pablie iastmctioa for the staU ef Nebraska. lieaataerii? of tSeTJ. 3. Ksae aai floaaa of Hepre-matt- -t. sal of iTsarrr. scajrsa. qziw;r. , -i kaksb. max. joaaetf. ' ' tsz4icz. sxraeTt li il SITXY. MILS. TflXtMtnt. BILLAttH. MOLMKS, LlCrSLUJW. Mtxar. ttXTos. sorxms. asd tiIe-iicrsUjofoflB.-cpaail Aaavriea. Retail Price, $10.00, LI!t?il dbesiet rvl r sbool districts tckcH.rs. i-jl.?r aaH 'lots. RECOMMENDED TEXT BOOKS. for CootBBoa School?- m H-Bard- Rpaders. Wore?tr Dtc tlonzt. Worcester' Spelling Book stifJ dizvoy's U. S. Hiuery, are alo rseo-3taaal by the State Sapertatea-dtot- BnEWER iTILrSTON, PqHbt. I Bms. Maae. j AdJresi J OHN 31. TAGG ART. Aat. M ? n T ry '- - T C-' n i,- -ws 1 rwaascrsae-stf