;--?- --;t s. x -. &zir- r -.-?at's'-, - - sS - ' X TK w - -!-) U .-- V-3. n p j f mx .nuns -IN- ImVbster County. -o- THE BEST TRADING POINT IN THE .Republican ValTy to: 8. GARBER & Co, EALEUB IX lu lorai uioiuuiiiiuidoi ; CirS18TINa OF JTUBiriTTJBE, -tflmss, Aai a treat Tariety of other Articles. . Oat stack of Dry Goods lias been Bo asted witk special reference to the traats f tha People, and consibts in pari af afclNR DRESS GOODS, CALICOES, TBROWN & BLEACHED MUS LINS, PRINTS, CHECKS, GINGHAMS. &c. ko. Tki Ladies of Webster County and axa reapcstfully invited to oxatuino our kaw stosk ef Wkiwk we feel warranted in saying is :$ Largest and Most Complete ever kraaghtinto Southwest Nebraska, and tehick will be sold at Prices that Oefy Cornpetitian. Ya all keep on hand a Good Stock of READY" MADE CLOTHING Of various kinds and extra Qualities aid for sale either by the suit or single VI lisle. F Dry Goods, v Groceries, f. SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, Ami everything else in that Line. R-mitRd Fruits in VarietY. TOBACCO V CIGARS A TiUUflDC STONE-WARE, WOODEN-WARE. VLOUR & MEAL, --v -r BOOTS Sl SHOES- " T to suit the wants of everybody. tr wish to call the attention of the plfelio to the fact that we are constant ly keeping oa hand a full assortoientof fltrwhieh we will sell at Jlottom Prics . Cask. Call and look at our Goods io aei fail to inauire ths ?rioes. S. GARBER & CO. rHElREO CLOUD CHIEF. if LOCAL MATTERS. Notice in this Column 10 Ctfc a tne. Official Directory. 002JQRBSSI05AL. T. W. Tipton, Irownrille. P: VT. IkHheoek. Omaka, Loreaso CroaaM. U. S. Senator. U. S Senator. RaBreeesUtire. EXECUTIVE. R.W. Furoa..Br1wi J. J. Qhtptr. Lineo!n. Till. Governor. fee. of Bute. t ti ir....., I'.itnpf - AHUiior. H. A. Koeoiii. CMumbas. Tnumnr. J. R. Webster Beatrice. Alt j Wen. J.M.McKnxi.Linc In. Sapt.Pub-JnitrHc'a JUDICIARY. Geo. B. Like. Omaha, .. , Cbief Jutiee. Daniel Gantt. NabntkA City. I A-eociate Ju. Samuel Maxwell. PlcttsmoathJ WEtfSTER COUNTY. J. A. Taller. E. H. Jones, I. W. Tullera. II. C. IliU.I H. S. KMrr. L. F. Mnnitl. County Clerk- Treasurer. Probate Jndiye. Sheriff. 6chool Sup't. Coroner. Coaaty Snrreyor. County Commiationerfl. W. E. Thorn, A. M. Hanly, O. w. Ua P. Matteeon 2LISI0US. Preaching by Elder Kennedy every fourth Sunday, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Preaching -Jjr'Rcr. Mr. Latten, once iaoiir wreks, at 11 o'clock a.m., com mencing Sept. 7- Union Prayer MectingeveryThursday evenine. at 8 o'clock p. m. Al are cor dially invited to attend. Union Sunday School it 9J -'clock, i. m. All are invited to come on every Sabbath morning. Don't fail to attend night the concert to- Large lot of Boots and Shoejust ar rived at Gabber &Co s, New Goods at .McNitt'r. . I Baskets of all kinds, at McNitt's. Ladies Wear, at Garber Co's. ' ' - Smoked Halibut, it Bere.tzen's. Yard wide unbleached cotton for 12J cent, at John O. PotteVs. Fancy Groceries, at the NewSiore Berenzen k Co. Whitefish, 12 cen's a pound, at Berenzen & Co's. Go to. Potter's for "all Staple Gro- 1 cenes. John Parkes wants to oive notice to all indebted to him, to call and pay up. These amouut aro small, but the aggie gate counts up bie, and the money is needed. Call and settle. m m MrtCoon occasionally gives us a call, and is always welcome. - -i iswaa i i ... In time of trouble, when items accu- mulatc,iand "cafes" get low, then we so nd for "Joe" who is always ready to give us a lift. Two teama ran away yesterday, but wo haven't learned whether there was any damage occurred. Zkij6 has been putting up ice, and has about 100 tons ttorod away. Look out next summer for " ice-cold lejponades" and all that sort of thine. - i - Sleepir hM' got -the tallot hitching post in sVmerici, its a liberty pole. TnERE is a lettor in thi post-office directed to ' 'Treasurer School District No. 14." Let-said treasurer appear and claim it. - ' " . Jddae Tui.LETB called yesterday and paid his respects. SuqH is fame our feJTow-ritizen , H. S. Kaley Esq., delivered an address nt the opening of the State Normal School, and the ntwsjiapers noticing 'the same we find, 'Haley." " Hally," " Kyley," "Kaely;"aBduRley." We are pleased to add the Aurora Re puhlicnnt and Hamilton County A7tr, to our exchange list, the former publish ed at Aurora, and tho latter at Orville city, all ia Hamilton County Neb. Both aro good paper, aad well represent their respective localities. Our Id friend and fellow "jour," P. T. Sherman, is pablihing a paper, the Republican, at Aurora, Hamilton Co. We are glad to learn of the pro perity cf Mr. Sherman, and hope Sis newspaper career will be pleasant' md profitable. , i5IJke a jrqod locaLjwj, paper, and let otters manage thaibcal quarrels that aro evideatly goingtn in that ceaaty, and you will do wcIKti the ontco: From the East we have awcunta of terrible stoma, bad wea ther, rtc "We are happy to inform oar friend in that part of the coHBtry that we we having pleasant weather, and hare not had. more than three or four disagreeable days tbie winter. ' We leara tha' a prrtain gentleman who livea aboat 3i aides from here, got on bis "ear" baca ae we published only a portion of his co nmanlcation. All we have to say about it b tlat we are the sole judge of what wits us, and while we pay proper deference to our patrons we are obliged tocartail-nKoy letters for waat of faera. The taMWtr officers diet, have all been quaJaWe1, aaa! take possession on Monday text. To them all, individual lv and colleetivev, we make our best bow. and take tarn opportonhyof ioforsrii them that are always a !. ce,; when ihare u anychaaee to make any- tniag oy it. Dance at HuaaWajgnt, ni if any of ovmftimwaax a tjop time, they had better Warn head at the f Elm Creek Hewe t wgat. d t MAllta-0.2?K. llSSStV Ii IhIaria Micbak. 0",T rJ. oniciatiDg. Olswt.'K. B. 8nntl bsq.. 'Itofdediotoalong and happy life. MKnoDisruTuirBooV11 Garber & CVa and J. & Ptter m 77 . .itfal- Tsw frame of Joha G. roir --.. i? i . J nnd wc at" ung was ratsea ycsietu-j? -notioe that a coat of ptint is being spreaj on Sleeper's house. Rev. C Ru.t will comment a pro tracted mectiDg at the School Hou?e on Saturday night. Mr. Riley is, good speaker and an energetic worker, and his, labors in this county have already been productive of much good. TE January auaibcr of the llhutra trd, Vernal exceedf in beauty anything of the kind which his appeared from the press. It is abuntantly illustrated with full engravings, and contains a very rich table of contents. A scotch of Utah, embracing two large views of Salt Lake. Cittf aqd.Qther illustrations of in teresr is one f the special features of this number. The Journal is published by the American Publishing Co. of Chi cago, for $2.50 a year. A volume of thid magaiine will make a book of greater literary and artistic execcllence than can be bought for many times the subscrip tion price. Addresr Thomas G. New man, Room 27, Tribune Building, Chi cago. NEW GOODS! at J. G. NEW GOODS ! ! Potter's G. NaTOAN Plnt, Juniata, has secured the agency for tho Singer Sewing Ma chine, which is acknowledzed to be tho beat machine manufactured. 23-4 TnE Singer Sewing Machino is Bold by Nathan Piatt, Juniata, Adams Co., Neb., on terms so favorable as to place it within the rench of evry ono. 23-4 A fresh supply of Dry Goods and Groceries at J. G. Potter's. Richardson wants the person who has been stealing corn from his crib to call around in the daytime and he will either give him earn or furnish the mon ey to purchase elsewhere, or quit steal ing and save expotaro. Pork BARREijinnd Cooper ware of an kinds, at Sleeier's. 24td 2KJSca Jnst received, ar fresh Bupplyof Dry Goods and Grocef&s which will bo sold at bottom prices, i' Give us a call and pneo our goods. ' J. G. Potter, I . Red Cloud. Currants at Irenzcn & Co's, only l6 cts per pound. J- S kates, atMcirr's. ATBICA.N dOtDEN WILLOW. The best frillow 'or live fence, hedge, or wiod-bre;lf,andf hiphly ornamental. Grows on al kinds if oil equally well. For sale at 12.25 pert th.nnnd, by US. UK HELVERN. 26-13W Red Cloud, Neb. 4 Mrs. Joies is a prepared to give Music Lcfsfjs, eitlir Instrumental or Vocal. Allpersons acciring instruction in music wit please cll on Mrs. A. M. Jones, who aill give. logons at rea?on able eharge ' I 26-td Cheap GIoceriks at J. G. Potters. Factory-Dotton, one yard wide, for 12 cents peryard, at J. G. Potter's. PRINTS. at PRINTS. Join G. Potter's. There wll l-e a meeting of the Board of Mswgcra of the Webster Co. Agricultural Society, at the office of the CniEFoa Ssrarday, January 3d, at 1 o'cloefep. m. It is hoped that, a full Board will be present, as many matters of importance to tke-8oriety will come up for actioa. Lvi Moore, Presin'ent. i Tea, Black Siam, 60 am per pound at BtRJCTEEK & Co. . Nice fresh Cranberries at Bercnzen's M. B. McNrrr has received the ap pointment pf)WtmaMe3Mb;Bad-ClMl, and jook peascsMBa'of the post office, yesterday, aaaving the same back to i former place in the Hardware Sto McNitt wil' make a good postmasi and we Icoftfrratuhte htm oa receivi the appointmeat, but justice compels ua to say that we have ever received the most gentlemaaly eaarteey from Mr. Jackson, while he was P. M , and hope that he will fad seasethiag alee equally heaorable and lacrative. Potter Bro's. are ranaiae; their'mill 3ay and night. A large aamher of logs t SonL mhetoflogs w : the past two 1 jr r,eje ripping XF haiT TheyrejUr 9 have accumulated dariag or three week, bat they them up as fast ae peaarsea, quest the romhojhamdiaz ta brine corn for, gnndieg). nol -te bnog-a large amount at ene Uale, at orier te give all fair SB0W The greater pert of thmisaaeis taken -.1. ,i.(Mruat nt aatttni Affair n wiin -. "- nd is of interest to every tax-payer in county. '0AVVX2S3:aVf Wri ?. hereby fffea, that at Special I the meeting of the Bcarf ef W, Oma, missioaers of Webster tamajag will take place on Fraiay, J""T 1874, -at 10 o'clock a. ., ' House wnjLTA9.- CewatyCfcrk. L00SHS3S! If you want a firt-clas?, s,tylLh fitting Garment cut or made, or cut and made, go to O'Sullivans, at Riverton, Franklin Count y, and you can get suited He understands how to do it through an experience of IS years in the business. SUOAR, nice brown, 9 pounds for f 1. -t Berenzen & Co's. aaai al sam The grandest affair by all odds, that has ever come off in Red Cloud, was the reception given by Mr. Cook and Mr. Barry, Christmas night, on the occasion oUmiT wedding, which camo off in the lift ernoon of the same day.. The Mason ic Hall wa3 engaged, and cards of invita tion sent oat to their many friends to attend a ball and supper. The dance pasjd off pleasantly, until near the hour of midnight, when supper at the LaClede lIoue was announce!. It is impossible for us to do justice to this supper, but the large number of guests did, judging Jrora the many ex clamations of delight on every hand, at the sight of the richly-laden table. About SO ladies and gentlemen partook of the repast, and as many as wished, of the fine wine. produced for the occasion. The supper was prepared underjhe di rection of Mrs. Morgan; ths-'Tiride's cake were made Dy Mrs. Zeiss, and were marvels of beauty. After supper, the guests returned to the ball room, and the festivities were kept up until almost " break o' day." Everything passed off smoothly, and not a discord disturbed the harmony of the occasion. m . A FEW days sinco Geo. Wilson, living on the White Rock, Ks., was shooting at a buffalo, when the breech of his rifle flew out and struck in the center of bis forehead about an inch above the nose. Dr. T. B. Williams, of this place, was called and succeeded in removing the oold iron and fixing the wound up in good shape. W. also, learn that Drs. Williams and Head removed a large abscess from a lady on Penney Creek, aud that their patient is doing well. SCHOOL N0TIC2. All School Directors of the county are hereby requested to immediately forward to the County Superintendent's Office a report thowing: 1st. The number of children in the District between the ages of o and 21 years, 2d. When District wai organized and the length of time School was held within the prasent Annual School Year. From the records delivered to me, I am unable to make a satisfactory distri bution of the State apportionment now on hand. Plcaso be prompt. H. S. KALEY. Co. Sup't Public In't'n. Continued from '2d p'tge. John Dunbar 3 00 E Peters 100 00 Oct 7, John Lavcrty 75 00 Deo 3, August Picrstoff 40 00 John Sabin 100 00 Baker Matney k Co (bridgc)500 00 do 500 00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do Sept 27, John Laverty do Oct 25. M B McNitt Nov 25. B F Larkin BFLarkin BF Larkin 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500;00 500 00 500 00 590 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 680 00 5 00 15 00 185 tX) 100 00 100 00 100 00 $8,710 00 $5,587 32 Am't Gen'l Fund Warranta Total, $14,297 32 Amount Gen'l Fund redeemed $858 67 Road Fund $106 00 Total Warrants redeemed Amount unredeemed $964 67 $13,332 65 List of Warrants redeemed and received in payment of taxes, and cancelled. July 3. 1872. - Abe Garber Oct 21. Wl E Peters July 3, 1S72, N A Avers Peter Head J C Holcomb Sept 9 irmi, - C&GRasser 4 00 25 00 50 00 00 8 75 1872 n Dunbar 00 00 rn Fnnnimonr 7 1872 W E Jackson Jan 23 1873. H D Ranney E Peters G W Ball G W Knight A Garber J R Laird Tho9 Vaughan March 14 1873, 31 20 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 20 8 50 2 00 W Richardson WE Jackson 12 75 7 50 3 20 2 30 3 00 3 20 tn Sabine Houchia Sam'l Garber John Sabine Jary lo 1S73. JohnR Willcot T B Williams 100 50 100 00 42 60 46 20 Peter Head P M Hardy Jalv 16, Hall's Safe Co A M Hardy do John Dunbar A TAvcrs W E Jacksoa do Jaly2. Wm Sabine July 28, Thes Keanedy I W Tulleys JoheuBarber CJHeCamber Jas Baldwin- 60 00 11 69 7 60 7 20 48 00 37 86 6 00 5 20 54 90 6 20 6 10 .6 25' '00 July 31, John Emmlck 6 50 ' Casper Ross 6 50 Stephen Bayles. am't war'nt 7 20 and paid S4 0 McCall 6 50 James Bailey 8 00 Augl. L S Miller 8 00 J J Haskins 7 60 Osborn Aver 7 40 J Hull, am't of war'nt 6 80 and paid 4 63 Mathew Stratton, amount war'nt 7 40 and paid 7 00 Sept ,y7 f B Williams 6 05 Tho Vmiiihan 2 00 GoTavlor 4 00 Sept 2S, T B Williams 3 00 do 3 6S Oct 2, II D Ranney 6 00 Oct 24, J A Walker 2 03 John R Willcox 2 00 Oct 31, Z P Earl 2 00 Nov 3. lliman Holdredge 2 00 Nov 4. Wm Fennimom 13 97 Nov 29. J W .Tone, am't of war nt 18 00 and paid 2 45 do 8 83 Wm McKinney 2 00 Dec ! N A tyers 6 00 II C Whveler 2 00 A M Hardy 4 00 Dec 5. TB Williams 13 59 March 14, W J Harris, am't of war'nt 2 50 and paid 1 OS July 16. E Fearn, am't of warn 6 10 and paid 2 10 $85S 67 REDEEMED ROAD WARRANTS. Aug 8 1773, John Dunbar 3 00 StopheQ Baylej 3 00 E Peters 100 00 $105 00 SUMARY OF RESOURCES LIABILITIES. resources. Cash on hand Co Gen'l Fund $17 61 Sinking Fund $164 23 Land Road Fund $184 15 AND $365 99 TAX LEVIED FOR 1873. Co. Gen Fund Sinking " $2,892 20 $1,051 71 $262 93 $7,887 82 $262 93 $12,357 59 $12,723 58 Poor - Bridge Bond it ii it Total Resource I.IARILITIE3. Bonds $2 000 00 Interest .'J00 00 War'nt;. unred'rn'd $13,3:52 65 Total liabilities $15,532 65 State op Nebraska, ) aa Webster Co. I s1" We do hereby certify that the fore going is a correct exhibit of the finances of Webster County for the year ending Doccmber 5th, 1873. W. E. JACKSON, Treas. John R. Willcox, Dep. SSSD WHSAT. Z. P. Earl has on hand for sale about Seventy Bushels of White Wheat, care fully cleaned for 6eed. Give him a call. 26-td - m FLOUR. CORN MEAL. at JonN G. Potters. m i J, R. Willcox ha" for pale tho cheap est Quarter Section of land in Webster county. Timber and Water, bottom and level upland. Twelve acres broke. Warranty Deed given cheap for cash. J. R. WILLCOX, 2-tf Red Cloud, Neb. Red Cloud Retail Market. corrected weekly uy oaher & co. Crushed Sugar, for a dollar... 6lb A Coffee Suenr 6j C Coffee Suwr 7 Yellow Coffee Sugar 7 Drtffc Brown Sugar 9lbs Choice Kio Coffee 3 rVlCC o Gunpowder Tea per lb - I 80 vlolong......... . ......... vj i oung Hyson . . J'J Smoked Side Meat 12 Canva.-ed Shoulders . 15 Imperial l 30 ( 1 50 tfuttcr ................ j fjlfgH....tf. ...... ........... ! Flo'ir. Beatrice Cream of thy Valley 3 40 do XXXX, Hebron -- 3.25 Red Flannels .60 hitc do ....'"'''"J X'juncct do...... .... - Mi Brown Shirting 1318 SpragueandMerrimacPrint-' 12 Common Prints-..........-.- .... IO Brown Dctnins ..... ........ 2-" Blue " ..-. - -25(230 Heavy Brown Ducking..... 'Ihffeft) Stripe " " - IS'a Heavy Boots 4 50'5 50 Ught Boot 4 50,0 25 Heavy Shoes. 2 25f2 75 W BROWN, CARPENTER 4 BUILDER, 3ed Oai, XibaikL It rrrpared to saabe tiziatf ad taka com trw.i for all kiavXa of buildi&s. 17-td J. H EEOWy, V. LT7DLOW. " BROWN 4 LUDLOW, Plattcrtrs 4 Sttne Mastns , SeiCIniyekrafJca. . Are prepared to takf eontrvrti for anTthin m taeirline on ht netiea. Dtpadibt aa tfaeqaa!hr of Iheix work Utrr ao'Icit a fhara of ika jratlic atroBaca. JOflEPH A. IEEKVT REAL ESTATE AND TAX-PAYIKO AGENT. iflASXLQr CITT, TrnsmiM dematllaa.t buck iiouax:, S23232 3UC2. Jan.. - - ?23?3I27:2, FRANKLIN, NEB. Good Accommoiia lions, Livery and Feed Stables. Rennecfcers Ranch, Six mile? sonthwest of Red Cloud on the main travelled road to VTllTIf CENTRE, Kan mrllas accommodations for Forty Teams. A lrPlenty of room and good sub stantial farj at reasonable rates. The Trawling public are respectfxdly invitetl. A. J. 33SK3CSS3, Proprietor. G EOKtt E ZEISS, DCiLtaa i Wines t Liquors, CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECTIONERIES A Specialty. Fwh Lazer Beer from " Antelope"' Brewery, constantly on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf OLDEST DRUG STORE IX RED CT.OUII. Opposite Garher A Co. DRUGS, STATIONERY, FINE SOAPS, SPICES, Patent Medicines PURE WINE k LIQUOR. CIGAR, MATCHE, And the thousand and r.nc things utially kept in hiroilar estabh?hiiients con- htantly on hand and for snlo CHEAt' FOK OVSII. Call and Sec. MRS. U. F. LUTZ. WANTED1 Five laTuiicIred Cwreeii haek.H In Exchange fur HARDWARE. Consisting in part of STOVES, TIN W ARK, HOLLOW WARE, SADDLES. HARNESS, CARPENTER and MASONS TOOLS, NAILS "f ALL KINDS ANDSIZES.CAKPENTERS CHALK RED. Wll ITE. A N D B L U E, TAPE LINES, k CHALK LINEd.A CLOTHES LINES, SPADES, SHOVED HOES, SCOOPS, HAY KNIVES, FORKS, RAKES. BLAST! FG POWDER, RIFLE 1'OWDFR, CART- TtrLfUBc4, ALLdlZttS, COARSE k FINE SHOT, SCHOOL BELLS, kc AXES. Ac. Farm Impleneati a Spccality TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SILVER PLATED TABLE bed TVJl SPOON'S. Tfct Best and Ckeaptst THE REED BREAKING PLOW. It h sot -reeesizry to cuumtnM tier? thing on hand, tat saSre to ay that any article fn oar !f ctr b? h at the Cheapest Prices kaown ia the Wet. M. a McNITT, Rtt) GtOUD, - - NEBRASKA,. STABLE, J. D. POST, Proprietor. Have fitlffl cp a Kit tmnla i prepifeJ al alt tiajM to furniefe rntn aiJ ftt for tm. Lirer? rirf on h rt antic. StiV.3 West cf Hx Vl!er 3sc, VANWINKLE 4 BR0WN PAIIffTERS. 3ei r4ui. ITfibrAJiJL Krrrythirif don la ih nsit artletlo ar4 wiTin.n.il. miiiner. OMti aj?it with ill -patch CURtr; w rk vj.ic4U-1 and pr-lua ukeu in civhc- "5 t4 M- (VSr!.L!VAN J. P. 4 NOTARY PUBLIC, Conterani-mc an I aM taitter prUinin U KhI hjitateor;hrr I'roprity prompt Ir and proprrty tecuipJ. Prteapti:s 7il!sgs a S?e:iUtr. DR. D. TfOKIUS Prat I icing Physician, Office and Rtoidrnn?. B2D CLOTO, NSBSASSA. amirSH'c,ial attention given to chronio dieite'."&l fli.ss H. A. JlmiMell, WoulJ re.pecffnllr inf rm the IaJih of IUJs Cltfiiil auil v .'.iut 'li't -no w pr" to exc'ulp orJrr fi r Miri.iRrj3RY, Dress-Making AND PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds. Onhanlrfh-I for.i a ana A.trtratut of LACfiS, VAILS, KID Gl.OVKS. LADIES HATS. .o. Miss S. A. HUNSELL, IlnMcVitf Rull.UDf.l RED CLOUD. - - - - NKli. JOHN JACOBSON'S HOTEL, FKKD, SALE, AND LI V E R Y ST A HLE. JCMATAJdami Co. Nek. ARMSTRONG & fifARTiM Bros DEAU'Iia IK LI 112 STOCK. CASH PAID FOR CATTLE, niUW. SHEEP. Of every dxrjp'ion bought sod qA Red CSnaic, fteb. Lcfial Notice. In Tlc Di-trict C'urt of th Firt Ju dicial District ia sai hr Wcbtr County, Ntjbrwka; T. P Kfnwrd, C B. Jacr.l-, and R. W. Jseob. doinx btinc- uwlcr tha came cf Kcnnard k Jaib tit(n. agair$t John I). Pe&ny and Noah Perry, latply doine bune?) ondcr name of Peuncy A; Perry, defendant. To abo7e nannd defeadaot. Joha D, Pnney r Y.dz wiinaie notice tbat on the 26th day of Novenlr. Jd73, th above mined plainufw fil J lhtr r-rtuion agaJnt th alcove nsuirJ defendant, prayog to rrer th im of Fonr Hundred and Sentem ISira ni thirtj-fivs hindredth. ?417.35). on y justly due thrw opn tratMNorr aote and oaynt. and in" Je iherr on from the 4th dayf Sr;'eibcr. 1373. You are I farther rvifj-J that upon the wiuk- Jay cf 2n a d ptltlcn aa order of attachment x Lud out of said court agai't the gw-J arJ chattels srd real :kH if iltlenHnv, ad that a !?vy ha1 Ua tciie npoo tha projert7 of dtfen-iint You are nl) catiSd lhl unku yc3 appear afl aner k1 i-?:in&o ra or before thlWi Moo-Jay afier tk 9tb day of January, 17 J. xrl pttiiiOB will ii-r taken a true aryj )uJ;Baat reademJ iceor'J'a-'Jf. KKaed k Jacobs Bans . By II. S. Kaley, tlr Atty. 244 P f f 10.00 M ,4 ft ay" ? t - 4 hi i & v -I 4 - jMC7tf i ate, jr-jxt k . j,