IP jKiTFSIajK " i ? JT K..vr;" - 1" A t.v i"w wu uwu'mJi -ij'..u,-.cgao-i gffi.... , ., niPtun. t I .j IMII.J..J l 1 iIuH.iPWg 3 US1KESS DIRECT OR Y riitornciv & Ssuivseior at Law, -AK BSAXr ESTATE AGSMT. P.DD CLOUD NEBRASKA. " ill buy and sell P-a! Lsfcitt- on com-3j.?:-ipn, pay ras.es for non-iesiden:s. aT'S;ec:a: aiteution rpven "to the lo cation jf S OLD IE Z S' Ot.-iAf ST ' mier tbe act cf Jucc Sth, 2ST2. Clvlmscjr.rested, ana ail manner of bus:ut:a;r before the u. S. Land Oihce wi.h promptness nnd dispatch. 572: CCTJK7V. THE BED CLOUJ? Ctt&f. C. L. MATiiTH, r'JiMToa. THURSDAY, OCT. 9, !a?A COP.REoPOIt'DENCE :. tllpr.ttscf rht? .''tats and country r- '.wd- :..- r..l ati'syn-oiis ltts-3 r.tidcon tausicat re. Isfjr0 aid ailri'Js cf the vri ;pr ar- :n -; j&s.-iidiopejisr Jc, as -i su&rsr.tj cfkO!' TaitL. slspabiiesa Count? tlsfcet T vjj v. .V'-r ''iv-r Irf k Wfc "! wvu 3 AT LAv-L a i J. KAIiJEY, A770HNEY SJCTASY X-U3LIC A& KIA 2S?AT 7J Chtid. Xil-r,Z3'-:c. V-YI ncfiate i:e rale of ?chl :-f o:.tcz; -n.jrcr.t Tor fccaoo! rriirar-f ture. ATTOP.KY AT LAV, :? .;.ar reside ?.A2 estate AGSH?. ItZr '."CUD - - - PESKA-EA! iep at a ii-eount. JAHE3 A. TULLSY5. For Trevurer, For Sheriff. JISKEY 5. BILL. For Probate JuLie, ISAAC r. TaLLPYS. or Sup't of Public Instruy.ion. HENRY S XA! SY. For Coroar, L ?. MUfElL. For County Jjsrvevcr. W. S. THOP.il. Fer County Ca'aniissw:;?, 22JSai:rot.-GEO' T.V. jiAl-L. 3c rnstrict, FRA.NK BATIKS OS GGNSTJTUTI08 or THE ARTICLE L This Kocioty shall be known ca the Vj'essteb Oon.NTi Agricultuhal-Sc- CIETT. AEKOLS II. - 'I'kz object of this 3oc;ely shell be :h-2 preiuotSGi; of Agriculture, Hor::cuhnr'i, Sicck-raibing, and the Mechanical Art? ARTiCJfc: in. The oScarn of the Society fhsH be :i President, Vice- President, Secretary. i'rfv.parfr, uzz sna r.n i,7.e:ut:ve Lom r.i:ttce of zlz raem! ?rs, cue tc bo cloctci from eajh roti:: precinct in the esuaty, a!! of ;:o:.n shall :$ elected at the An n::a: Mctbg of rz'A ?;ciety, &ni shall hold their enkes ore year, snd until their successors ere clecreu. ariic:.x IV' The Preaidor.: ebali j reride at a!! the T2se::r of the Society, is ell oreri I r ?'. Prr.o ji - tv -t--.. rir rftrt V- .6S3tiri ycte in C2.?2 of tie, anc perform all c-ther drttea uctfzlly required cf s ?rsr:d3t i .-. Mrwjnr i-rm ji..-ii.ffViTem " . HI'ID fof. cor:' TAEHA :-:'. " s07.t2- ja5. laied. a:id '.SAL ESTAT2 A03NTS. f.tc State. PROCTOj? HOUSE, 7 PP.OGT0R, - - - pROrr.-rroH, The Trav-lir: Public v:!I nd this SS5 C&OtilJ fK2CiKC?WS?. For .Tu:icee of the Peaie, B SMITH. CHAhLi:? MO'GSR. itr :nir.ble?. irti- . .. t.e urst-c.iS3 :n sv.-ry re ;: jfeCa-.'aije runs dally tc Uelvidsre, t e '.earet.? Station on the Si. Joe- ;c D. c r. h. 3. Sl. Oi3es ccs-r.-, i?aa CHA.HLF3 guhkey. O. McCALL" Fj:r Assessor, P. K. RICHARDSON. For Judges of Election, 0. 0 COX M. PMcNiTT. G20..TAYL0?.. Kor Clerks cf Sisction. h L. PINrJSL. W v. 3SAL. . r-ALS, V?Br2s SParrijuir attention jjiveu tc P.e ;a "ns Fir.o "Watches and Next Tcesdcv, cur readers are sll sare, :; electicr. cay. We hope that as far as possible evsr? voter :e the county TV'ii! profent aicsslf it the 70!!?. Iti-:in:norfai: that this, a? veil as ev e-ry oouaty in the vesteri art cf the .art of the State, have cut i fell vot". It vili have ; saricg upor c-ur fiitu'c reprtseritaticc, Rd wfil. sho be sss tning of in iiiioat:in of hCrs?H il crease ,i the c.vfh and populaioe : South.-s: Nsbras. It ha? beee currently rercried tb.t Dr. I W. Taiieys, tcs eoeiiec for Proba-e Juc", "jut uraj;b" tc e oura 5 uousxaticn teat the ihi'jg 73 cried up quictiy and then ?pr;iot' at rh right rotui2rt, sci a jot :f cit stuff as ahicrd it irite.r. Dr. Tul r.cobatic. are - It -U!!' be the &.V.7 of the VisslPrfiS- ident o cssi't the ?r-i.v..e::t :n the per fcrrriAnce cf bin dutpa ?rher. isquirjd. rrjd t:i preside ir. bin ahseaes;. In the absence of brrh 7 'resident and vice Ih-eid?nt, the Executive Uositett- tse Lili -leet cr.e of itc members to pr& 3ide, Rivisjj preference to its chairman. AP.rrcLE v:. It chali be the duty of the Hecratary io record the proceeding1, cf the Society, to receive ail mor.oyn and to psj the sarr.s ever to the Treasurer, taking his rece:pt therefor, "ouatersicn sll orders ou the Treasurer for money, and tc-ae notice cf si! raeeeti-u cf tho Society, and do aarrcspond f;r the beneSt z: th cocifty. Secretary to the awarding csremitteo before awards are made. 7. Sxhibitcw are ezpected at sli tirnp tc giTe the cacesrary attention to to whatever they may have en exbibi tian, and at the oiose cf the Fair, to take entire charge of the same. Diligence ili be used by the ofheers of the Soci ety tc prevent injuries, but in no case will the Society bo responsible for any damages or less that may ooour. 8. Persons desiring space fo? (h.z rz hibition cf articles not entered for com petition can be?e it allotted bypplylg to the secretary, giving name t article and owner and space required. 9. All articles not enumerated in the premium lit, wi'l .be entered in their appr-priate class, and if found worthy w:ll bo awarded a diploma, or premium. INVITED GIJErfrd. 10. The ofnce.'s of all Agricultural and Mechanical Societies, and member? of the Press are respectfully incited to attend tho Fair without further nctice. ?.2F?.E3EHE!-:r3. 1!. All p2J"3r.j fjrni?hinc: ref-esh menta on the grounda are required to lay in their supplies before 8 c'olcesr A. M . of each dar of the Fair, and fcr . . - r?t IUY YUR HSD8S PLANTS A.nd ycTi wiilget Good 8t:t. 05tsr for sale the coming Fall LUMBERI W. .. & jf 2 Wg K9B5rfc. s: VAN'AiLSTYNE MJS? Jir&'M, &"j2JgMg&M'& D2AI.F.?. : IjftL 5C ;arAJ3.3air?50 03 THOU AVD PEACil TKSE Kr.rsary sis miles Sruth-c-st cz P.ED CLOUD, VESRActZA. that rarpcj ticksijlf admiaeicn wilt he yran'ed fcr tbcmselvos and vafcons, but preoiseiy ?.t that hour the grounds 111 he c'oc.ed The sale- cr -zs cf !:i:.?ic&t:-:g liqu:ri3 j --. forbidden ,ia:;kli MF7? Goi?': .4ccam.vi3:iro.:5, Liver? n.id THE Ol-L LUMBER. LATH, 8HHSC&ES Use. Tarred Pap$?. Ste". ' And ersry Article-csusLy 'iept ":n 1 First C:a-s Lumber Yard. 3S?r:c3rt invariably Fo:r Dclla-i in advance of rai'ro d pr.se.J.. I GUaRA.VTES TO DUPLICATE ANY HILL THAT CAN BE GO? AT JUNIATA CF. I-ASTI.SGS. levs did not scc:-r . V. T e; IvFg-, V: , ""$-;; pUV''lB15' did no: e.en gi-'e his cenrent tc those .6 SKt S 22 ifS.-i .- S. WILLIAMS, Tenders his services to ihe Public and . aicud to all Prcft-'rrdonal calK .rseysr & Civil Engineer. AND ;;hUi. 3STATS a:;E2?T. P.h.0 CLOUD, NLB. ;rompPy anend to all busineSatU' .--sd 10 his c&rc cHC3o;:nert ;mc2 rzti, L 3 t ?j-t -V 1 X? ". Vfc&. X'''ll V" i -(t ' i;..TUUU3t 0-rner2 tef? :irc2 run -'" f;: jzGjSj: axd sign i:??br. .a NI aLL PIINDS OF PATTEE1S Xadtt to Orct'r. --XD ?!';: - . iTSSSASSA. SAriL WE2f:, ronventicn . soon ar- the nomination; f.r Treasurer was inneuncjd, bereft the ocnvcntion. -tth the rmri to several of bt; friend? tear he iic i.oi ant fbp noa:,: susn. It vrss ?. jt cf .-pcuia-zc;v.? cod-w.il on lbs pa; t of hid friends. Whaev r cbi-.m" 0: sctrs that there as asy urdsrhaocc-d toijc in the mat t-cr ia an usta it kited rVsiUr. ana ctiier busmen or tne .vr--ercry tnst Gfc:fa3rt-iciriu.oj:ro?ide for hold- :rg th? Annual Fair o! the Society, to anpcinr ar.d jrr;;rbt tho duties of all s-iperintcndentc ind 3"e.rdmr oenmait- Vs La.e no: a w.rd v. s.y arjainst . -. -,.-,. ,,...,,.. , .. 1 -- f.r 'A US J.;i.? 'jiiiiicuk. v .-ro w Lets grcaniur consistency. "lfu:.cgi!,ae on short notice, in the . :t -tyic and at re:nihio ratce. Q. SH3&KAI?, ?:-Tisisr. lu.M s-t v? opness ma o.wicn en stoncy. In e great isa- jarity re.o:ni.:a and bold to the princi pie cf o:nv3n:icuR and n:mlr.atio'-.st ace My. Lutz knowd thia as wed a anjcsE. Kotithsrandin:, he prefers to try hi ftianoS aj un independent caedld.:-, v'-lk aoral certaluiy c" beius defeatrd. fcAaA 3CCr--traAX Whs:? you ri to vo cr.' election day see that the 1 '-.av cf I-aa2 V. Ir.lieya jcr Probata JndfO, ; cr. you: ballet, awl don't I? i.u.-ncti by any misrep resotitationi in reari to him. li shall be the duty cf the T-'earcrsr to receive all moneys of iha Society frcm trc Secretary, give- h:n a receipt thert for and pay the sane out cr. tne rrder f ih-2 Pre-ident countersigned by the ?ecrtary, ard tc aocount -o Vv: Society for ail m:ne;u received by him. The Treasurer before entering urcn his du fes ahs!' jive a bond in such sum ?.j may be design - ted by the rkecutive Oc mrr.it -to, to bo apj.ro ved by the President. AP.TICL3 S. The Bzecutive Committee ?ha!l be the inane? CJcmmifee cf the Ccsicty. It shall i6e: on the 5rst Saturday :.-. luay, of each year, and rettl with the Treasurer, and attend io all he 5narc:al v.. A77A,y.Di:.G C.IKHIITZSS. 12. Aardirs Ocmmi::355 vili be sf-lcct?d frcm varirjij cecJ'cm cf thi? and idjcining ocucties. -uid n:tih?d of their appcintment :n cr tefore the 5rdt day of th? Pir, at -hich time thay tli be furnhhei wi:h premium list '? the secretary. Merabori ci awardint-; ccmmittccs v?i:I r port to supcriatecdant of classes st 10-o'clock a. K. of tho day that is fixed in '.he prcsrirame for awarding prem iums Dn the ciac-s in -hich they are e':cted to yil&o. lie article cr inlmai that m--y be dyemed unworthy shall be er.tined o a premium, but in all esses, h"re tboro is no competition n second premium shall be 3r.rTed '-- .articles worthy cf a prem ium. Awardir committees will rspcrt to trc- Secretary as seen S3 practicable &f- tir :cm; the ariic'tOH -,z csh'b'ticn. Pea ribbon? fhall deeirate ist, and blue rihpens 2dpremiu,2,!. OUPBIlIFTZtJSl!1! 07 DZP'TO 2. nuper:ntend:s-:t3 of Departments i!l tskd particular d:rf c'ion if a 1 r ticlea in the.? sfect;v& depjitmc-n:., i2 that the articled and anbaa.s -have aporor"iste pltccs and stalls, zri that articlo-' a-o oTjverrisntl ar-ar.red fcr ::amio ation by the judges, an weh as to fnrcinr information reiativa to thf esb:-bitlr-i 3unE:"n..v--i?J!: trot rcpctjcg tc tie G'cret'ry by 19 c'c'cck a k. of the Istday cfthsFiir-il: have their places 5'tieJ by aplpoiatmrnt. 14. The luarchal shall hve charge Boq & SSslq Sjfep hater County. i7.:'f?i -0- JOHW S. :?MTzJM V7ich-r?. tc inform th Pui lie generally that ht ie prepared st all tirn3 to ia-e o:drs and rnanu?ictura all kinde cf M1SM7 SORK! 3WW UiSBJZmi mmi k persy , arises ssjogs iQM$im tm8isLlS f&aU&aytfiaasia! Oon$u:i ;-. rnr; r CAiJeOIS, 5AP.E. LIQ5? a ??;K i''aa 1?.:MM:ng:1 i: LININGS. cc-r.5-:s -i: ski?.ts, vails ?a olovss. TA3L2 LINENS. TOvY?? A':D "3H2D MU3LIN 5ots 4r- Siiea tie t F'ssiliz Mylr, ' a': r.-r.oc- and pubu? krrangements, tecs, and to have genera: auoirie'er. -.f i "-1 2i9-5,i bo d- to :tli"r-e himsalf . ".., r ? " . . . J "vorrs for- Z. ,. Pulleys for Coanty Cleric, if you an: aa ' efdeient publiG omrc-r, one wIju t-U: nci only alwi rifbe on band for bidc-is, but i!l attend to buKiiess vrith proitiptr.f :,3. V.rs have received a cory of the Pit Valley Tir.rs, a paper published K.OcS jcunly, Ohis, which e;ntain-i the foilcw.ng in regard tc the Tulleya Bros , whloh uhowj the cstima'joa in v-bich ib-:y are held at their old hccie in Ohiv: BAitrBr.iDGE, Ohio, Sept. S7. K.. 7lHz.il 1 se.e from reading the V '..:. -j . 'i: ' . ? .- irr' i:w ...uuvai.-;, puuuyr.eu in , sc- Sfij' 'V' A' S'fptwKiWBSrlHTnari-"! the ?., piinucs-n v.ounty Convention recently held in that county, Zt .Tames A. Tl leys v&8 nominated for County Clerk, and Lr. I.. V. TalJeyg ;br Prolate ."v.ige. P.cth rf theb-3 are -xcei,'er: nomir.ati-.n-, nd both ou'ht tc w uieettd, ahi if they arc as -cil h:j-.?.n the au-.ire and property rf the Society ruHcct to the central cf the Scnlety, A?,r:cL2 ix. All articles comretms fcr premiums shall ie entered in the name of the carv er, and no article shad be ente.-f d for a rt premium bet or.-"-- in the s:me cisss except in Swenpstake0. ard n' premium shsli bo awaried tor ar. inferior article cr anima; where thare :r. ro competititn. AEIICLS 7L. Any p--rscn may become a m-mber of this Society hy payicrj ono dc'lar to th? Serrstary, and may renew be .-ame an nually by the payment of one dol.er. ASriCLS Til. This Constitution may be aTuended by a raajcrity vote cf the members pre?ent at any regular rnoatirig of the Scciety. The Pair Grouncc t:!I be open tor the racaptioo c: all ariicie? and Ptocl-: on the first lay of ih". ?&:r, st 3 c'cbA a v.. :at-iji-.c witn tee proremma arc tze ths it is executed. 15 Sale of ?tocj and other irticl? may take place evo:y ds-y of the P-iir uruer cearge c: tn-mittee. oT ecutiva Oom- 'iSi-kV,.-p Half 'Tn-''C r- nr", , 0,r- -.1 Perfect Pi: Warratd- OLDEST Crrrjjto Girler i Cs. RK5JSS, STAUOSUBY, FfS SOAPS, SP5CES, pup.e vn& 2 i.iauo?. . ilOAR .V Liiv, r-l.T-Vit IANTSS OVSP.-ALLS SHIRTING. COFFEE, SySAf?5 & TEAS of sfi Kin Csfift Frsitf 0-8?3rs ii?l Cracrur Cawi2i9 and SQk? Tobsces?, FLOUR, aSEAL & SACOK Ani everything usually ireps in i Phst CIks Dry Good.? Qr-cfy Sto.-. oTCall at lbs how Case for NOTION a PaNCY GOOD .-s Be C-f:ii? h'ebra'Mii. '- ll-W-.Vr . .'trr. J2 "ii- V, And the thousand ari ope things uuall;. htpt in ?irn:hr estbh"hna?nta con- ?Uot"y on r.-.". and f:r eale . -.. . ,,J 1 m.ynr--.i ,j.-.,.. IIASMARS ! HARDWARE 1 ID WAR IL nkt ciiSA? ro?. Call nd 5; AhrT,y :. T. L'JJZ. 5F.SMIUKS Ab'D DIFLGKA?. Cash nrcmiun:.! Clcud. and their real merits n vcdl apprcn-.isd '".- milea f-o-i'hve.-t uf rown, w-il he by the citizens of Walter County, us - -r., the Bridge is buiit Tearn, and t- are hcre t- bcth rorrj rife: orosseu in r.atety at an reasonaD:e . , . . . . . - "nu ri:?eri, v.erc wj:f ."e no nou:t ot 'j&sdSloud iaa?.is ; iif1 f ??J airilSaa! sesssfesiiiY on rCuitoni Vork 7arxi.3ti. 'heir elation, and the cifirtiH of S'eb st--r county will rind that !r. the- matter of chasing cvjnty officii, in rw. in-.-;.;:T.cer, at lux. tiiej Tnde eminsnfy prortr ce.ection. As I have befora aai-J. b&tii cf these gentlemen, who are brcthers. .re Lcra and raiht d in this plzce. And among the great nuthnr ef :h" yonnn mes of this vicinity, vho iAVi left fte bo;ue-,or their jou;h to mA in peopling thj Hft "Vert, I know of none more- worthy of the cr.jfid"uvt! and support vi the peo ple in tbe'r new hcmv, and none whoso Kueeeaa io life will give old friends here greater pleasure. H. may be made at any convenient time the iecreisry'ij omce, at r.sd previous to the o-ening cf ih ?.ir, ana after that time at hb ofnea on the fair grounds. 1. All szhib'ttri must pu: chafe membership fchets berVe mabir-g en triec, a urn b-vij; regarded sc one per son, hut only one member of th, urm will be admitted to iks grounds en the ticVct that a1iowc the iirrs to c jrjete. 2. Articles that are the products of the soil m.iat hy entered in the name o: the producer, and animals zi-.ci be en tered by and in the natre f the o:;er of he sim.''., and artiotes that ae th result cf inabanica! or rtitio skill may be entered in the mmo of the artist or ecntiiver :-y ;h.dr agent. 3. On the .n4ry of each ar'icle or animal & card will bp furuishod to the e'-hibitT derigcating :bo number of ihe ent:y, t1i 'ot an-J c-a-v"md -ho nam- cf the ehib -, which card tcp! be at tichi !" aid :emin or. :' c- -article O' r,nim--f duiing thf B'iir. Ayj -no arli.il.a ar animal ii! be alrncd a place or, the ground until the entry hrz b?.P3 madf a" above stated, and mut wreain en in hibition during the F.iir. f? tlss -.rcmium.i -!! na nsiU a? soon aa pocaible af.-r the airardr. are bsnded in and recorded. All p.miums not cisirced befcrA the 1st of January af'cr 'ho Pair fi.l bo conicered a" do r.sfed o the Scciety. The D'olcmap. of this Society will be sw.rded enh to ,nimVis ind article." f the highest merit. A' eatriice fee cf 10 per pent on the premium cjmr-ted for will be charged at thi time cf envy. A iiplcma will be awarded in rIace cf a oiP3 premium if the exhibitor deiurr?. Bp3o;al premiums mvy h6 ufeed r individuals fcr inhibition cf speed :r h"sc2, rr e?.ccllenje in cattle cr ether steak, also, in any other lino nf merit or display vrhich is lik!y to :covp attrac tive, of which due notice ili be given thraugh i'rn Presn Hcdg Yom rm Red TClOsid DXA. 33,15 : will have fcr eaie this ran ioo,oo& e PLANTS, or ths 7iF.or a:::'Ual ?aix op th3 OF 7:12 IVSoT?;?. COUNTY AG?.TCU" TUF.AL nC-CISIT, TO E HKLD AT- SSD CLOUD, OCX. TA'd & r.3n. 1873. CLASS I. Lor l."fio?.ss3. Bert S.'sllion 5 yearr. old and over -2 GO 2-ibist - ;- -1-rj'T do 4 years oid arj-d under 5 2 GO Pest 1-i'sre 5 ye-.ra o'd ani oer ?. 00 2d beA , , 2 50 dj 4 vo-.r? old and undr 5 -CO AI home grown and cf the best! quality. NitfGery )ii? niik East of KEI CLOUD. IPON. NAIL?. AaSJJ. 8A.VS. aur,.s s. iOrrts. ?C"P.HV,K TjOL (JOPFIN TRIMMINGS. f-Or:-? TairifXTNT,s" ""' 2 00 ley, :cs. irransta: . No --nry can be made after 5 o'e'eek iv- ti.- J. 5. rM'VTKli- BRC,. : ;2d -Jicrr-, 2B, aubscribe tor the P.2D Cloud Chief. ha only paor in-Webfter county. the Fair, eucspt in rase of 5, A ringle auimal may be exhibitsd bingly, as one of a herd or pair, and in rfWceptiKe. but shall not be otherwise entered in more tnan one clas? or let. 6. Entries of Thorouch-breds must by statements and copies of such pod igrees aa are required by the awarding oommiteerand mustbg dsHered by the Lest brcod mre snd colt Hd bet Judges A'2. Pii v. . y-ao-on. I OT 2 Pka?i IIof.sec Beet span draft hsraea 2d bp bpni air.glo draft horse 2d het net ??.in d-sift mules Zk best :,esJ s-ngie nratt mule 2d best best cch one year oid cr undr 2d best Judges Sams as above. Lor 3. P.OAnsrzRS. ilest pair hcrsc-s nf any 2 2-ibesi bes rrn- carrisgo horse 2d hest best 'iug'le narrisye hx-r.-e 2d best Judfls Same as above. Lot 4 Saddle Hoesss. Best saddle horse, any see 2d h.sh best trotting nor?e cr mare 3 GO 2 50 2 00 GO 3 00 2 50 2 UO 2 00 ?. 00 1 00 VALLEY .HOUSE! Red Cloud, ffciirssSia. lOS. "C. vTAP.MSP., - Prrprietor. Thr nbeve Hotel is entirely ne hav !r.r t-ezz. built the present sca-r;, and is f.lted P.p throughout with reg'-rd to Oar Stock 13 v2.-y large. sri orcprisej nearly everything kn- : the trade; Amtng many of ih? thing.' c-nstantiy hcr.t on h-nd m.-.y b'n mnthBPd AJL3-. HA'lL LOOKP, TOOR KNOP.S. 7IKSKF. F.LKLS. H-P.NP. iBIMHiJW;.. A-.. Ac. IQi CHAMPiON MPWEIJ; Tf ist ir Sa ?ks Hartes Plows, CyiTafwr-s, Siivvels, Sailsi e(;: sSAes, SO 3, Cja.2: rS. STftlVIir JBTOHS MAMJm 1 And eveyih4ng?9.n,tcsfisi:jasd neeik-.urfsaeh: in th labor-, ef tha farm PiOAED UY THE DAY k 77SBK At raawnable ratas. (5 G52? STABLES. Sts-TOcoc Barber Shon in .t;nr.ection STOVES. TNWA tee n Cteh To ADvnRT:3r.R2.-A!j ririic3vbo center t... . . . . ......... 1;-. -.,,.. ..,. .v.. c;tion cf Advortiteoniarhouli scd to .1 00 2 50 3 GO 2 50 2 00 1 co 2 00 2 00 3 GO ss- ,-. S &? IPiall 3eis ojT MASOK' TOOL9 CARPSKTER'S TOOLS, Cilt and ezamine our Htoch and iuuire Pricer, vaih. will compare favorably with any House in aha '-Vast. We shall keep cur Stock fuli and complete, end uave saIctod it with eoecial reference to the wants of the cetilert!. lQ- t5 "fturt! Jfl fA rlaijeti. js-itpiif:, a siece:ptoric. '" i)i"-r ' """ Hays. 25 f-r cCirlr.r. cr:-vin.-Src3aw.forth'jir One ",.". , . "iVj'litJvriyaSndnTrCo. eos hua-Jro-i pn PniphK ciitA.n.aK L:2t.- of Dp.rhn 1 ars !jae:ysoo. 2os ssd v,' -e Hay?. 35 3,000 V-wapaperaaaU ritin)Rtr. shr-inx the t,r.. Civris. 2'- 'S-i-i. ut sot 'crf:oite- Saxsg c-utofadvertiaias alseaaayssefulhiaMtosI- Swwt-si. i-ag an.'. CBflroj. Disss. 30 sdCi-.-iL ffv. W v'crtswre.andsosie aoc3:tn:of thfezi.p.-ae-s Ma:t: --tav. s ape. Csoru?. Dana - 0 .:.Ip,. e ;.fa,.je. ms sad OP at-Hwh ire kscs tJ.'acceeifu: advert:.- Lea: as; si-ed ai. Dor.ntkfr. ! Thcrsi'. Hsys. 40 km. Ihiflsria ve prcp.-iotirs 0: the Amor caa nrre!i Lvr.u; ::I. w-s:6t Hcae-:-. c -Lv sie -h-re 7 Mother's Newspar-r Adrrtisiaa Agency. I h:h. :l tc. iarisse- F:sk tieo.s?. osasd'Jhsiua Stuart- 40 ! and CU0.-U3. , , .Akj. rf vs.tA.irid'. Sirred s?. Facieroo. SO ! Asiinea i'.e.s3inr iroct -ntiser. y S! Part few M. U Sceicasd Ciorus. Recjliictitss of CUiidhosi. i3r:tos- t sr- etft-itr. Atilssis L-avDs. fecsnd Penee , - ----- . . -niM'''fk ' - -v 3J- - t-'t t r;A9 .--3 --- - 2d best 2 50 Thou zU. l-nr y.i. Ballad DanSa 33 ?;??, "I'tffiv ;'P--t -n"ii'E: hor-.- cr ma-3 3 GO asd .ra7 -ost ot nn-quan ra:u:Mri fcr siref7ar.;is t.-sjr.-. -anbVa Ots-K oj"."h "ra33 1 Vm 3PSU7-S? Vaei -rt of adrerrii-niesu is ai Bosennd Choru?. Pratt ? .j'hr -" '.. -J ..-.. Hnni l.T!i?p. Mlorarf il m;ik."-- ((fwcii PJ I'tfru 't!i -o -- - C. . r r&y. a Kinkei. 3q Xmkel. -Tg StcSt-K y , ' i " -2 ? " 4- IH SgKL'syWW m 1 l -) Sf- 4 " c -" . t- -S?i31&fc. . iirt. 'a.,jj t. - r-i s. i "9- .. 4 - J