Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 29, 1881, Image 3

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-.- n. i'. r i. line, lieular arivpnu
. . i. -tP line. Au adveruseenfiititiseit
'r than ii cent.
- -..:;-.r:..lS::Uafer.tH.
i-..rt t.-Hrri- Jf lit Ihw ncld
.: -,V i.t ! notiees hand In,
. -I .j. -- 1" H.:'.idiur pruf of pntitioa-
. ui ... ui:iic will beiieUi for Ui uublica
ino sucli uo'.ice.
. ...... ..,5.,. itinittd. all co-timun!cat!ont
,-'u'. o i.i'.' I bo' to t!, with no wastt
,! r f. n.
f ., ,..,..,- it ivi::!!ie for rfte correetneM
. -r! co) V of paid matter sUld L"
- wtio Mkes tl e paper re;-Tilarf
... 1 . 1 . . ......4 ,4 nil
J' -M..CO. wiii-;arv v. .....
. s i: la a subsertoer or not Is
v. ii .., ,!-,. n ordei his paper discontia-
i V :,.nit pay ail arreara?, or the publish-t-
,1... combine to i-end It until payment la
,..: .' and collect the whole amount, whether
i,V; vr I "i taken from the office or not.
- ; !n emu 11 hare decide that refusing to
tUe newspaper and periodical from the post
or removing and leaving them uncalled
tor. Is iiritna fat it evideuca of iktkktioicaIi
Masque Ball!
At Fitzgerald Hall.
Thursday (this evening,) Dec.
2m h.
Fine Carving sets at J. S. Duke's.
Frank Maldaner was
in town
Sausage Machine chean for cash
at J. S. Duke'i- 40t2
--Will StreiRht, of South Bend was
in town last week.
If you want a first-class boot or
ahoe go to Sherwood's. 40tf
Frank Green cam down from
Omaha the lirst of the week.
f Vred Gorder'a
new building is nearly finished.
llr. Burke, the equestrienne of
Omaha got her divorce n Friday last.
Schlegel's -Leader" takes the lead
of any Gve cent cigar in the city. 40t8
Mrs. Pitman, inoUer of the ritman
brothers in this county, died on the
TUfir i lobe a little party at
D. !J. Smith's this evening, we under
stand. . For the best staple and fancy
trocerifs in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
ir..i, 1.'- mtf
Charley Gyger came down from
Omaha and st-ud over night with hfo
folks, Monday.
Teeth fillrd, pulled and cleaned in
most skillful manner by Dr. Salis
bury. Give him a call. 3)tf
--Judge Newell. J. C. Cummins and
Matthias Searl caine down from Oma
ha Tuesday evening.
Fresh Oyster every day at F. S.
White's, direct from the oyster beds.
Don't disrenaetnber it. -Utl
--Billy Bennett holds forth behind
the counter in Bennett & Lewis' store
during the Holidays.
Siftyke the "McConihie Tost, G. A.
It." cijjar, ihe best rive cent ciar in
th city, at Sch'.enel's. 40 1 2
Joins & Eikeubary will have a
car lo.-.d of horses in the latter part of
it.:.. .....I,. fTA.l Anaa t rr
Wilis rr rca, ol iud vu wu'--
smith & Black Bros, sold so many
Holiday goods that they didn't have
time so go to supper for several days.
Sam. M. Chapman has been under
the weather lately. " This weather is
tough on all but the hardy and strong.
--silver Knivs and Forks, also a
Silver plated goods at J. S. Duke's. 4812
One of the leading members of the
Christian church received a big ruh
ber doll from the St. Jacob's Ladder.
Turkeys, Chickens and all kinds
of game, that can be procured at
Frank Morrison's. Just what you
want. 40t2
v A big time is expected for Thurs-J
day night. All who are going to at
tend ae busy getting their masques,
Ac. ready.
We regret to learn that Mr. Hes
sar's mother, who has been with him
now for soma two or three months,
has been quite ill.
X The Hebk and Ladder house was
moved down back- of Shannon's Liv
ely S:ahlR, Tuesday to make" room for
Robert Sherwoad's new block.
The three signs, "The greatest as
aortment of Holiday goods." "theXext"
at-.d "3d best assortment," caused con
Biderable fun on the streets last week.
Mr. llt-sser remembered us again
with a bunch f Chrisimas greens, and
some delicious lettuce. MrH. never
forgets th printer, and he shall have
his reward.
Mr. Doud, too, added to our
Christmas cheer with some extra nice
honey, that will keep us sweet for
many a day. We appreciate such kind
ly recollections.
A Merry Christmas Greeting to
the Herald in th shape of a lovely
iced fruit cake, comes from Mr. Fred
Stadeimann, and we shall thank them
as we partake of it.
Duke has something nice in the
wav of a griddle for baking "cakos,
made out of eoapstone, which do not
need to ba greased, do not smoke and
stay hot when once heated.
A singlnc class will be organized on
Friday night at the Christian church
under the leadership of Frof. Mutz.
Any iiih desiring a rudimental course
will have the opportunity to join the
The next 60Cial of th ladies aid
socin of the Christian church will he
held at the residence of Deputy SherH?
McElwain next Tuesday night, Jan 3,
1882. Special efforts are being made
to make this an enjayable occasion.
The T. A. M. Club dance was well
attended last. Frida-y evening, quite a
number of strangers being present
the guests f members of the same
Th club is a decided success this win
ter, both ' socially and financially.
- Mr. H. Bestor, came in last week
And renewed for his Herald another
yar. Mr. B. has been a steady sub
fCT'r.for. twelve or fifteen years and
has pever been behindhand in paying
his siibscripti on. e have some more
of ihat . sort cf subscrilwrs and we
vaue tbw aa old and tried frauds.
" . - Personal. '-
L. A. Moore was in Omaha yester
' Hon. Lawson Shelden was in town
Dr. Root, of Greenwood came in
Tuesday. ?
A brother of J. W. Barnes, from Mo,
is visiting our town.
Gen. E. . Cunningham is in Lin
coln, the Journal says.
Ed. Eoggin, Assistant Secretary of
State was in totfji Friday.
W. It. Thomas came down to spend
Christmas with his friends.
Miss Gerrans, of Lincoln, is the
guest of Miss Mattie Cooper.
Mis Helen Aughey is visiting in the
city, th3 guest of Miss Maggie Daw
Miss Cushman of Omaha is spend
ing the holidays with her sister, Mrs
Alex. Mcintosh spends the Holi
days in Lincoln with friends,-v un
M. A. McKinnon is in Fremont
this week visiting his relatives and
friends. . -Geo.
Adams, of Avoca called yester
day. George is a little off but a god
man for all that.
Hon. M. L. White one of our widest
and most active citizens, is sick, we
are sorry to learn.
M. O'Rourke, the Merchant Tailor at
Weeping Water, came up to spend the
Holidays with his folks.
James Donelly. one of Cass County's
old settlers, is now in town visiting
o!d friends and acquaintances."
Miss Mary Sage, of Ashland, came
to spend Christmas with her relatives
and returned Tuesday morning.
Charley Warren has a new barbar
too, and a first class workman. Char
ley's shop is full all the time.
Tom. Marshall, of W. W. called
Tuesday. Mrs. Marshall expects to
visit riattsmouth soon, we learn.
Mr. Wm. Wheeler, of Glen wood was
in the city several days last week, the
guest of his son Mr. D. II. Wheeler.
Parker, the grave stone man from
Lincoln, was here lately. He has had
bad luck with the roads, pink-wye, &c.
Judge Laverty. our new Judge la in
town. He got home from Michigan
some weeks ago, and looks fine as can
Fred Iiamaey, assistant foreman ia
the y. & M. Faint Shops, went over
to Burlington last Friday to spend the
Miss Minnie Ilouseworth of Bur
iiugion. sister of. George and WalUr
Ilouseworth, is spending the Holidays
with her brothers.
' Mr. P. Warniek of Burlington, spent
the Holidays in Plattsmouth and took
in the club dance. He was the guest
uf.i ho Ilouseworth bovs.
I'rwf. Love was home Christmas.
He is baling hay near Fremont, and
speculating otherwise, aud is gettiHg
rich and fat all together.
G on'ti M. Spurlock returned from
York Fiidav, where he is attending
College, to spend the Holidays with
his parents. lie says York is a nice
Dr. and Mrs. Black and Master Ru fi
ner left lor Burlington .last Saturday
to spend the Christmas holidays with
their daughter MrsHtint. We wish
them a pleasant visit.
Wm. Chambers of J. G. Chambers
& Co. went to Omaha Monday ; by the
way the new Ad. of this firm in the
Herald makes a neat appearance and
William got it up "hisself."
Miss Annie Johnson, of Burlingtoa,
cousin of D. B. Smith, is overspending
the Holidays with D. B. and family,
and we understand, is going to spend
part of the winter with them.
When tho editor came home from
Omaha the other day, the smiling face
of Billy Hamlin "The Transient" was
before us on the desk. Mighty good
likeness of a mighty good looking man.'
W.C. Wilbur and wife are visit
ing in Omaha, their old home. This
editor and w ife enjoyed a few of the
pleasantest days of their life at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. in Colorado
last summer.
Sol "Beardsley, Esq, future Com
mander of the W. W. Post G. A. R.
was intown Tuesday and visited the
Post here ; besides "Sol." is a good old
friend of the Herald and we welcome
him accordingly.
The Trenton (N. J.) Gazette, men
tions the case of Mr. John Wood, with
the American Pottery Co., that city,
who was cured by St, Jacobs Oil of an
attack of rheumatism, which had con
fined him to his bed for seventeen
weeks. He praises it unstintedly.
Work will be commenced on the
basement of Robert Sherwood's new
block soon, unless it freezes up too
hard. It is to be on tho corner of
Main and 5th Sts, 1X0 feet deep. 22
feet front, two stories high, made of
pressed brick, similar to tho Union
Block. Tho front end will be used by
Mr. Sherwood, and two stories front
to the east on 5th street, in tho back
end, which will start 5th street as a
business street up to tho Herald of
fice. We will be in town yet!
The above was crowded out by oth
er reading matter last week.
A Smile or Satisfaction.
This from the Cleveland (Ohio) Pen
tijf Pttss, carrie i its own suggestion:
Recently meeting Mr. H. G Keffer,
treasurer of the Cleveland Herald, our
representative inqnired ot that gentle
man, after stating his mission, if ho
personally know anything about the
Great German Remedy, St. Jaeeos Oil.
A smile played across Mr. Keffer's ex
pressive face and his eyes twinkled
merrily as he replied in the affirmative,
"I will not refuse to state my experi
ence with it. and you may use it as
you think best. Four years ago I
sprained one of my ankles, an accident
which, as you are aware, entails much
suffering and sometimes leaves the
limb in a condition to remind one fre
quently of the old hurt. Unfortun
ately this result ensued. Whenever
the weather became damp or my sys
tem - absorbed the slightest cold my
ankle pained me This' went on at
intervals for over three years, and I
could' not obtain relief. Last winter
I 31rliP(i thf St. Jacobs Oil ami l
completely cured me. I have not since j
felt a return of the pain." , . 1
'.i Christmas Festlvies. ii '1
The various churches provided for
their Sunday Schools in different
ways, and the children of each receiv
ed much pleasure both in anticipation
and realization.
Tho Catholic church came fi.rst. with
a Christmas tree Saturday afternoon
over which M. O'Donohoe presided as
old Santi Claus and made all the lit
tie ones very happy with toys.and caa
dies. The church also -remembered
the members of its choir in a suitable
manner with gifts of .silver. articles of
various kinds,. and to Mr.Schulhof.the
leader, a very handsome secretary and
book case.
The Christian church, Saturday
evening, had a Jacob's Ladder, full of
gifts for the children. The
church was decorated with
evergreens. Mr. Robinson gave
some excellent character representa
tions of Mother Goose Rhymes. ' The
choir led by Mr. Mutz rendered some
fine music, and the evening was de
cidedly a success.
At the Methodist church, Saturday
evening, the children were treated to a
supper, with lots of candy and 'good
things. Music also was well rendered
bv the choir. The church was hand
somely decorated.
At the Presbyterian church a hand
some arch over flowed with gifts
and much that conld not find a place
on it was bestowed uon a table be
neath. The pastor and family were
remeirbered with a set of fine china, a
silver tea set beautifully, engraved and
a handsome lamp.
The Episcopal church reserved their
festival for Monday eveniag when a
carol service was given by the children
and gifts of candy were distributed;
the church was festooned with ever
greens. Terrible Murder in Omaha.
About three o'clock Sunday morn
ing last a foul and unprovoked mur
der was committed in an Omaha sa
loon. The victim was the barkeeper
at Treitschke's saloon, Oscar Hammer,
a quiet and popular man of good hab
its. The saloon had been open con
trary to law- until three o'clock in the
morning. Hammer bad got into an
altercation with a party named Kos
ter and was standing at the door, Kos
ter being on the outside when a blow
was suddenly struck on the side of his
head, crushing his skull and killing
him instantly. Chas. Ioster and
Frank Kenniston were arrested, charg
ed with the deed, but Ken niston lias
since been released. Hammer was1 a
married man and was devoted to his
wife who is crazed with grief and
threatening suicide. The Coroners
jury brought in a verdict that Ham
mer came to his death by a blow from
some unknown iustrument.maliciously
and wilfully inflicted by Chas. Koster.
A Ilaudsome Gift,
Chaplain Wright was the recipient
of a very handsome present from the
young people of his congregation;. at
lielievue on Christmas day.
he was about to pronounce the benedic
tion, Miss O'Neill, the leading soprano
of the choir, stepped forward and an
nounced that, in behalf of the young
people, she - ished to present a slight
testimonial of regard, and presented
him with a handsome ebony, gold
headed cane, appropriately inscribed.
The Chaplain is naturally very much
leased with this testimonial whose
worth does not all short of $-30. Such
tokens of good will may well cause
his eye to brighten an J his
step to grow so brisk, that he may yet
rival Fonce deLeon in the discovery
of the fountain of perpetual youth.
And that the nearest approach to it
man has yet discovered, the stream of
good works, cheerfulness and good
will toward men, may be as succi'ssf ul
n the future has been in the
past in effacing all records ofuaies
destroying hand, will ever be the
wish of his friends both your.3 and j
old, i
lion. James Hall rerurned from
Ohio, yesterday, where he has been
visiting for several wjeks; James has
gone back to the old hone, way back.
as many of us have done, and
found that the old farms are only pas
ture lots, the old mill that looked so
big a small affair, the road to the
school house that semed a league only
half a mil, and the mountains of in
conceivable heights only ordinary Ne
braska bluffs, while the lako, and pond
in which "no bottom" could be found
are now almost dry.
To compensate for these disappoint
ments bo found lots of true-hearted.
genial old time friends who greeted
him as of yore only multiplied by the
fond remembrances of tima and past
regrets, and he now returns to his own
home, in Nebraska, a better, wiser,
more contented man ; so mueh for so
much. '
While there James saw some things
we can't equal, for instance a peal
tree that measured C feet and 3 ir.ehes
in circumference; an apple tree that
measured 7 feet and 9 inches, planted
in 1807 by his motner. when agui. aad
from which 101 measured bushels of
apples were taken this fall. Among
other things he brings some Ohio soil
from Highland County, and it's poor
looking stiiff to us of the rich ,
loam of the lihiue and Missouri valk j . .
though by work aud cultivation, gua
no, etc., they make good land of it.
Still further he brings one great, all
important lesson home, one" fact par
amount ia importance to every farmer
here or olse where, via:" To u can't
crop any land under the shining sun
year after your with graiii and lio;;e to
have it last forever. . Rotation, rota
tion, rotation is nature's law. Clover,
corn, timothy, fallow r something to
give old mother earth a chahce.or e'ift
here, in Ohio, Egypt, the Rhine, everv; P "ea iionuay.
whers and' all prsr, sooher or la,:.r4v-..Cargess ofliciating at the funeral.
6he takes her revenge and tie land
. ;Cnt-Flojrers.;--
--Roman Ilyacintis and
lJriuiises inw in
each. . .41tSL
bloom 2inA St,
l4W .A. itwjy;.
1 U Ml
ROBRT0?-HAEMnER-- At. the reK
ilencc of tue Driue pareuts,near Leuiviue.
Nebranka. Thurlav, Dwcembr?2, iM. Ma.
Jamks KOBKKTSO.v'aBd MihmCallik Hahk-
m f.ik a. Ker.J. T. Baird. of rlattsmoutli, ol-
-t fleeing, i
landing the terrible roads th mie-
ivter arrived jest five inlautes before the time
to pert orrathe ceremony, sne not another cloud
occurred Ui mar the nappy event. About thirty
five frieudn. were .preseat to rejoice with the
newly wanieJ couple, who after a bounteous
wedding repaKt left for a atiort bridal trip, and
will then take up their abode amongst ole
frlt-nds a iil familiar en"tt. They did not for
aet the .;-hit?r i theUhaipine. bu bentiv.
ed nin ;M a plentiful -sftafe' of wrddUig cake ,
The fulluwirg area few cf the iveddiug grfta :
I! chain and ring, by the giobm ;
gold watch and chalo. Dr. Haienieier ; et eh I
na ware and wah bowl aud pitcher. Mrs. J. II
H.iseiufcier ; silver castor, J. B. Kay ; silver but
ter d:sh, W. B. fcliryock ; Marseilles spread and
riritMi napkin. Mr. and Mrs.-T, W. Shryock ;
silver butter knife, Edith Shrjock ; set eaeh
Rilvtr tea and table spoons, Geo. Tackenburg ;
liver pickle dish. B. S. Kameey : net sliver
knives and forka.Ben. Uaaemeier bronze lamp
and counterpane, Chas. H.-utemeler ;-lace liana
kerchief an.-J tidy. Miss Ray; pocket book,
Leighton & Brown. I.incola ; pair vats. Louisa
Lhnho!t ; set glassware. Mr. and Mrs. Consta
ble ; mustache cup, Nellie Constable ; bed
spread aud towels, Mrs. Peterson ; glass fruit
stand, Helen Staueer.
A Novel Christmas Gift.
Old established custom designates
Christmas, as proper time for giving,
and receiving gifts; and the enjoy
ment of good things. So our friend
Air. Bion F. Dill, of South Bend, and
Aliss Alice Fackler of Springield, Sar
py County thought, when on Christ
ma3, at the house of Jacob. Fackler
Esq. thev eave and received, each tho
other; Rev. Diffenbacher lending his
presence and assistance. - ' 1.
Small Fox Remedy. .
Sulphate ot zinc, 'one grain; digi
talis, one grain; sugar, one-half tea
spoon. Mix with twQ tablespooufuls
of water; when thorougblv mixed aaU)
four ounces of water. Take a spoon
ful every hour. Disease will disap
pear in twelve hurs. -.For a ehild,
smaller dose, according to age.
The above is said to be one of the
est remedies in small pox known.
Masquerade Farty Tonight.
De sure and bring your invitations
or you can't gain admittance. Fun
nier ciwiumes than have ever appear
ed here before, We have learned all
about them by underground telegraph.
Admission to the Hall 10c. each.
Dance tickets 81.00. Oysters, 50c
each. Cake and Coffee 15c. each.
Holiday Goods.
I have a good assortment of new
styles Mason and Hamlin Organs at
my residence corner 7th and Locust
streets which 1 shall te gi.tu to snow
and have examined. Four new ones
just received and more on the road.
FnicivS Low for cash. Fastest
TekmC ; ..:,
Jam ics Fettek GenI Agent.
3!Vi Flattsmouth, Neb.
lias lemoved to his New Store in Em
pire Ji;M k. (Uie. Guthman corner), and
is read to supply all with strictly
pure drugs and
He maks a specialty . of compounding
prescriptions day or night.
1AI.TS, OILS, &.C.
Full line of Faints, dry and in oil.
Window Glass of every size.
Imported Key West and other
in great variety. An immense stock
of toys, dolls, &c, &c. Call at Dr. Dog
ge's and examine them. 40t3
On and after January 1st, 1682,
we intend selting goods strictly for
cash, and will make prices so that ii
will be for the interest of all to deal
with us. Give us a call.
Bakek At wood. 1
Good Blankets at J. G. Chambers
& Son's, for S2.00 a pair. 41t3
A fortune awaits Dr. C. It. Sykes,
of 109 Madison SU Chicago, if he was
not so utterly opposed to advertising
hi "Sure Cure for Catarrh" and "At
mospheric Insufflator,", but he says
they need no advertising. 38t4
v Scai cely. - any V notices of New
Years receptions. Is no one going to
receive in Flattsmouth?
38tf . . 5 r Will S. Wise.
- The -wife of Michael Archer, Es
quire, of Rock Bluffs, died very sud
denly last week.
-Saw Bucks at J. S. Duke's. 41t3
Our University Cadets are all
down for the holidays.
Come to the Herald office for
your .N ew Years cards, a fine line in
That hacking cough can be so
quickly curea by -Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold" by Smith & Black
Blankets at J. G. Chambers &
Son's at 81.75 per pair. 4U2
Sleepless nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure
is the remedy for you. Sold by Smith
id Black Bios.
Ed. Motley, the boss shaver, still
1 mugs out in his room next to the
Court llduse.
Shiloh's Cough aud Consumption
Cure is sold b us ua a guarantee. It
cures cuusumpt.un. Sold by- Smith Si
Black Bros. 4leow
The freight oflice will be moved to
the Junction in time to begin there
the first of January.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia
;:id Liver Complaint. Shiloh's Vi
talizer ia guaranteed to cure you.
Sold by Smith & Black Bros.
The Commissioner's are in session
this week; it is an extra long session
&s they have the yearly settlement
with the Treasurer and other officers
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In
jector fre. Sold by Smith & Black
Bros. ' f
The iufant child of Mr. Wm. Tay
! loi of Oreapolis was buried Monday.
Gray hairs prevented, dandruff re-
f itu. the scalu cleansed, and the
hir made -10 grw. thick by the use of
llall's .Vegetable SicjHiao Hair He
newer.. . -
"llA,acT? "Ui
t-uotti y, ti- umik,. icuvu.u your tiusu ot
t-urt UoUbU in-dttSDutitli. jfeb. Wjb
- -- : .. , : - - J
Somewhat widely and favorably known as the "Popular Clothier of
. . ; this section,' announces -
i d3
-worthy of inspection. IIi best hold i
V . , aud he haa a complete stock of new goods.
.,. r v w;:e3:.a.t dbiel cjlaims. -
JJesi Materials, - Jjxtest Styles, Superior Finish,
" Perfect Fits and Popular Price's.
Clothe von from head to foot in a neat, durable and stylish manner,
. save you big money, and fill your soul with happiness.
All Garments Warranted. ''Try "cm 'fore you buy
We will sell at greatly reduced prices all
. . :'-
b m wt -sir- - - - v- . .. ...
Muit Bresse and Jackets,
having' quite a complete stock on hand yet, and not wishing to carry
' them over. Call early and secure, what you need
before the assortment is broken. .
Cloaks, Dolmans, Blankets & Comforts
.'wZJ . iLrTjsa? C3-o i
Parties needing any
should give
T AVe. huve an elegant, line of suitable Holiday Presents for
Ladies, . Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.
put up in fancy boxes for everybody.
The prettiest line ever shown here.
Underwear! Underwear!
in Scarlets, "White and Colored, for
One door East of First National Bank,
The Relief and Core as Certain as day follows day by Dr. J. A. Sherman's
method, with safety from the danpers of strangulation and without the ipjury trusses inflict.
Those wishing proof should end 10 cents for his book, containing likeness of bad casses 1
fore and after cure, endorsements of professional gentlemen. Minister, Merchants, Fanners
and others who have been cured." Trusnes and Kupture sooner or later effect the nervous and
mental system, bring on organic diseases. Impotency, destroy energy and social desires, make
ing the yuunK old and the ld ne)ess. Offices, 251 Broadway, N. Y., and 43 Milk St., Boston
Days for eonsultion, each week .New York, Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays ; Boston, Wed
nesdayH, Thursdays aud Fridays. - .
Successor to J. G. Chainbers.l
Saddles, Bridles, Collars, AVrhips,
Blankets, Lap Robes, &c., &c.
We not only use -
But sell a3 CHEAP as the CHEAPEST.
plattsmouth:, -
Fur Sale hy FRED. GORDER, Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Who has the Right for Cass and Otoe Counties.
, " Decidedly the
Farmer's "Oate Hinge ever made Call and examine them at once at
.;. FREDGORDR'S Office.
' fAgehts wanted in this County and Otoe. . 40m2
Hair Work. . . ; . i V
Mrs. A. Knee will be glad to receive
orders for -hair -work of all kinds.
Combings made up, roots all one way,
without extra charge. T- . 30tf
- Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Cv Sciilegel's opposite
4 7
1P. 0.
4 o
us a call
before buvino; elsewhere.
In jf I0n
fu l uu iiU Ii wiJ M uJ uvl
Remember the place Opp. the P.O.
Mosey to Loan.
J. S. Mathews has money to loan t
nine per cent interest, on Heal Estay
secutity at three or five years. Apply
at his office on Main St., Platts
mouth, yet)." 26tf.
$1500 per year can be easily made a
home working for E. G. Bideout & Cc
lft Barclay Street, Jfe w York. Send
for their catalogue an 1 full particu
Iarsr 9htf.
John Leesley
Oilers for sale tho following
. -. . . . t
each rr.dnz pr.h'd
Apple Trees 3 years old 20 92 00 $16 0
Appie ireet s years om. nrst
Apple Trees 2 years old. sec-'
ond sie . . ...i ,
Teach Trees 2 years old......
Early Richmond Cherry. 5 to
feet ...
Early Richmond Cherry 4 feet
Plum Trees, Wild Goose, 5 to
6 feet
Quince Trees
Apricots. 3 to 4 feet
Grape Vine, Concord
Straw Berries..
Raspberries, red, the best ... .
Snyder Blackberries
English Goosberries..
Cherry Currants, red
Fie Plant, Linens or Wine
l- 1 50 11 00
10 1 30 8 00
E 1 75: 20 00
40 4 av 30 00
35 t W 20 00
33 4 00 30 00
40 3 CO
30 3 00.
10 1 00 T CO
60 5 00
10 1 00 5 00
10 I 60 5 00
10 1 SO S 00
10 1 00 6 00
io i r 7 oo
Norway Spruce 23 cent per
Flowering shrubs 2o
Koses, all kinds.. no
Flret class fleJee plants per.
thousand, $i no.
Maple Trees 3 So
C otton Wood Trees , 2 00
Any person not teeing me ean seud rders
through the To(t Office. 4itl3
A brief dispatch from Miss Ualtie
Fulmer announces the sudden death
of her father on Christmas morning
Her many frionds here will sympa
thize with her.
Nothing but Oak Tanned leather
used by J. G. Chambers & Son. 1
No hair preparation in the world
has attained such a werld-wide repu
tation as Ayers' Hair Vigor. This is
due to its healthy action on tho hair
and scalp and its remarkable power
f restoring gray hair to its original
color and imparting a gloss and fresh'
ness which makes it so desirable to all
classes and conditions of people.
i . : Wanted.
A good girl to do general housework.
Apply at the Hekald Office.
2-"0 208 and other . popular
styles Mason & Hamlin Organs, at my
residence, corner 7th and L.ocust sts.
40t2 James Pett ee,
Gn1. Agent
Capt. Palmer and wife remembered
the Herald oflice Christmaj, and oh,
gracious tho fun Maitland, Dr. Living
ston and the rest of us have had out
of the Capt'a present, eh?
Rubber Boots and Overshoes by
the car load at Sherwood's. 40tf
The engine House on ,5th street is
removed to 4th and Pearl or there
abouts to mako room for Sherwood'!
new building. If fortune Jiasn't fa
vored the builders of new houses this
fall it never can.
Proposals for Grain.
Oiruilui, AVhraofca, December 10, 1881.
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, mbject to
ttieuiial coiiriiMona. will be received at this
oflice until 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturday, Janu
ary 14, 182. at which time and place they will
be opened in presence of jlddeis, for funiiiiing
and delivery in iu;tnUtien tis required, up to
Juno 30, 1S82. at Om;iha Depot. .Nebraxkii, or
at station on the Union lat-ili: Kailroad. eiiit
of Kearney Junction, of 2.000.000 pounds CORN,
and 1 pound OATS.
Proposals for (ittanlitics le than the i.Iiole
will be received. Delivery of the'
required, commence February 1. lf2. Prefer
ence, will be given to articles of domestic pro
duction. condition of price and quality being
equal, and such preference will be given to ar
ticle oi American prouiieiiou produced m inc
Pacific coast to the extent ui 111
coubuuiptien required by the public- service
there. 1 De government rcervea the i llitto
reject any or all proponal.-. IJiiU chould Kinte
the rate ier .00 Hounds (not mm bushel.) and the
envelopes containing tliein should be endorsed
"liidf tor !rain" and addressed to tiie under-,
signed. Bidders are requested to submit pro
posals for delivery of the corn in new lesewed
tiunny sacks of loo pounds eieli and for deliv
ery of Oats in new lesewed burlap racks of 100
lHunds eacn.
Copies of this advertisement and ot the eir
rular of instructions to bidders can be ob
tained on application to tins, and one
copy each of said advertisement and circular
enouia De attacuea to or accompany eacn pro
iosal and form a pait thereof.
40t2 Chief Quartermaster.
The lliggest Bargain Vet.
Horse blankets $2.00 a i;iir. form
erly sold at 3.000 at Fred Herrmann's.
Coal and Lumber -A
full supply of hard and sof t coal.
Also all kinds of buildingmaterial can
be found at Dean's Lumber and Coal
Office, Ashland, South Bend and
SpringQeld. Give them a call.
' Headquarters of Santa Clans.
The undersigned takes pleasure in
announcing to the citizens of Platts
mouth and Cass county, that he has a
large and well selected stock of Holi
day Ooods, now on exhibition at his
store, consisting of gold and silver
watches, chains, rich jewelry, hand
some silver ware, the very best in the
market ; gold pens, clocks, musical in
struments, fancy goods, spectacles, ne
superior lenses to be fodnd anywhere;
pocket cutlery and razors, chinaware,
notions, toys, a largt selection ; chil
dren's wagons ftc. All goods will be
sold at the lowest possible rates
Thasking my customers for their lib
eral patronage, I would respectfully
solicit the continuance of the same.
28t4 Jeweler.
Timber at Auction! -
Parties desiring valuable .timber
and wood near Plattsmouth are in
formed that on Saturday, Dec. 31st.
1881, at Glenwood, Iowa, I will sell at
auction to the higtest bidder for cash
the tract of timber land on the East
bank of tho Missouri River . known as
the Ferry t 'ompany land. . Sale with
out reserve and by order of Court,
Inquiry by letter or otherwise for any
information concerning the land or
sale will be furnished by ran cheer
fully on call from now to time of sale.
Seih Dean, Referee.
38i4 Glen wood, Iowa.
Tin: c. a. it. t ic; nt ;
is now ready on sale at the Monarch
Billiard Hall. This cigar is guaran
teed to be the best 5c cigar on the
American Continent.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M.
Eoberts. 3tf
. Are you suffering from indiges
tion? If so ask your druggist for a
bottle of Sherman's Prickly Ash Bit
ters. Taken as directed it will cure
you. These Bitters have now 'been
before the public for a number of
years, have "been thoroughly tried, and
give entire satisfaction. ' 37UJ
FOE SALE , " '- .
S3tf Will S. WrsE
, First Premium.
The Domestic sewing machine re
ceived first premium at the fair.; - It is
the lightest running, makes the least
noise, nd it is warranted the best ma
terial. SOtf - Peter Merge?.- :
For mused paints go - to
'CmgettrtU .
51ff- -
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
Livery Notice.
Ilereafttr I will have carriages at
all regular trains stopping at this de
pot. Any person desiring a carriage
to take passengers to, or from said
trains will leave word at ray Livery
Barn In Plattsmouth and they will be
accommodated, at reasonable rates.
Sotf Chas. M. Holmes.
One Experience From Many.
"I had been sick and miserable so
long, and had caused my husband so
much trouble and expense, no one
seemed to know what ailed me, that I
was completely disheartened and dis
couraged. In this f ramo of mind I got
a bottle of Hop P.ittors and used them
unknown to my family. I soon bpgan
to improve and gained so fast that my
husband aud family thought it strange
and unnatural, but when I told them
what had helped mo they said 'Hurrah
for Hop Bittersl long may they pros
per, for they havo made mother well
and ua happy. " The mother.
$70 A WEEK. $12 a day nt home easily made
' fcVoKtly outfit free. Addrcsn, Tukk & Co.,
Augusta. Maine. 4'.ily
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur
ity. Inquire of I). D. Martindale,
Louisville, N'eb. 13tf
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycnreno Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
CITY lots.
33tf Will S. Wise.
a week in your on town. Term and
outfit free Address. 11. Uai.i.ktt &. Co
rortland, Maine. 4oly
Road Notice.
To all whom it luav eei 11 :
The section line road petitioned for by i'eiiv
Walker, el al. and described us follow" : Com-
niencliiK at south eat-t corner ot xcctiou 17
t p 1 1 ranie 12, l iinninj; theuee north to north
east corner ot (tec. ft township Jl ranee 12 , aud
termiuat itir at said no int. win be ticciaieu an
open road and all object hunt thereto or claims
for damages, must be filed in t he Count y Clerk'
otlice, on or before noon on the 1st day of March
A. It. ib2. or audi roau win ne opened wiiuoui
reference thereto. .1. I. Tctt.
4113 County Clerk.
-Probate Notice.
In the matter of 'the estate of Elia rulvcr
deceased. In the County t onrt ot I a.s l o,
Vnoii readl!!2 and flliiu: the duly veiilled pe
tition of W. I). Oihhou. Piaylnn that adiulnia-
tratlon of the date of Eliza 1'nlver decern
ed, be granted t Nomecuiiable pern, ordered
that notlceof the pendency of said cause bo
putilinueu in tne in kuiiahk a ii kimui, wee
Iv newsnai er. printed, published, and In gen
eral circulation in aid County, lor three con
secutive week, and that the licarli. of said
cause be ct for the bull day of January, A. I).
inni. At. 1 o'cloek o in . at the ulhce of the
County Judue at l'iatluioutli. at wUleh time
ana place ail pcron iniereiii may wppeur ami
show caue. it any thev have, why aduiiiiiHlra
tion of said etate should not be granted ac
cording to the prayr of aald petition.
A. N. l I.I.IVAN, tOUIliy Jll"e.
riattf mouth. Ucc. V8, it8l. 4it3
Notice of Dissolution of Part
Notice is hereby civen that the firm of I'at-
teson . Dick-Miii Livery. business, n nerenv dis
solved by mutual ciueut. A. 1'attemou re
iiiainiuii at I be old place, where nil the books
and accouutH ot tho tirm will be found, and a
r-peedv seltlcnieiit IS desired with all parties
havinir husni Wltn liie nnn. iJirnrun re-
novex to a bam on the alley lietween Zd ami
3d directs. 1'ie'aM-call and nettle at tne corner
of l'eai l and (.11. sts.
401.-, .1. W. IlCKbO,
l'l , l ihMol 'l Jl, l)ec, 171 h, 1h)1.
Road Notice.
To all whom :l may concern :
lhe coiiiiiiissioner appomiia io vacate a
unit v road described as follow : Commencing
it I he south east corner of the south west of
the south west U of Meciion fifteen (IS) toubhi
twelve ill') north of range thirteen (13) cant,
runnliii: north on -aid line ?i of n mile, lias re
noitcdTu lavor of the vacation thereof, ami all
objections thereto or claims for uamajjen, inu.t
be riled l.i I lie oillity t. ICIK H omi-e, on or ne
toie noon on the l dav of l-'ebruafy A. I.1(4-'.
or fuch road will be vacated without reference
thereto. .
J.JJ. 1CTTT, r
40t3 County CleiK.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate ef M. L. Court-
light, deceased, in the countv court oi Ca
County, -Nebraska.
Upon icadinj; and lilintr the duly verified
isetition of Frederick Al. Coin-fright, praying
that administration of the estate of M. I.
t'ourtrlKht, deceased, be trrauted to tl. V.
Ordered that the notice of the pcnr.eiicy oi
Halt cause be published in the Nebraska 11 kk-
ali, a weekly newspaper, prlutcu, puousueu,
ami in L-cneul circulation in Maid county, for
three consecutive weeks, and that the hear-
iiis of said cause be net for the 2ml nay or
lauuary, A. I. 10 o'clock A. M. at tlie
oiiice ol the County .Judc at rlatt.Hinouth, at
whieii tune and place, all persona interested
uify appearand hIiow caune, if any they have,
why administration of -aid estate Kliould not
bcK'an.ed to Ihe said r. VV. Clutter, accord
ing to the prayer of said petition.
-V. Pll I.I.I VA.'S.
County Jmli4e.
IMattxniouth, IVc 14,1881. 2'JtJ
Probate Notice.
In the matter of tlie ehtateof James MeN'urlin.
tteceasea. ' in tne i.ounty .:un oi
County, .Neb rack a.
Notice la hereby given, tliat Jarnes M. Pat
terson, administrator of the estate of the naid
James .Mc.Nurlln, deceased, haa made applica
tion for final xetlletneut. and that Naid caiife Is
set for lieai in j! at my oflice at 1'Iat tmiiomh, on
the icali dav of iJeccnibcr A. I. lHst, at ne
o'clock 1. M.. on said day ; at which time and
place all persons interested may be present and
examine aid accounts.
A. . hui.l.IVAW, County JudKC.
I'lattsmoiitli, lec. itth.lxxi. :r.u
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Etate '--f JameH II. Tiick-
er, deceased. In the County Conrt of Cass
County. Nebraska.
Notice Is 1 ereby ifivf u. that Albert C. Tuck
er and saraL. Tucker, administrators of the
estate ol the said .lames Ii, Tucker, deceased.
have made application for final ee'tlement, and
that )aid cause is set ftir heal iiiK at my otlice
at I'iattsinouth. on the 3d dayot January. A. I).
Is82. at one o'clock, P. M , on said day ; at
which time and place, all persons interested
may be present and examine said accounts.
a. i.liv a . county juoe.
Plattsniouth. December nth, tl. 3yt4
Estray Notice.
Tiikeii up by the subscriber, two aud one
half miles south of I'iattsinouth. on Kock Bluffs
road, on the farm of Mrs. August lieins. one red
cow with white epots on fide ana on front of
head, horns rawed off at the ends, and end of
lelt ear uImi o!t. The owner can obtain the same
by proving property and paying charges.
Plattsniouth, Dec. 1, 11
Mas. Aio. P.K1NS.
Road Notice.
To whom it may concern :
The section line road jM-titioned for hy John
M unfold aud others w ill he by the Cwunty Com
missioners ordered opened at the session of
the Hoard at their March session; all objec
tions '.hereto or claims for damages, mu-t be
hied in thw County Cleik's oliiee, on or before
noon tin the Itiiii day of February A. D. 1WJ, or
such road will be. opened without reference
thereto. J. D. Tctt.
3ot3 County Clerk,
Road Notice.
To whom it may concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a Co.
K').:il Coiiuiienchie; at a point on road No. 1 1 . 3
chains eat of u point where road No. ltd, first
leaches tlie Central line running east and west
through the centre ot section -zl town VI range
11 east of ;th I. M. ; tlieuee north feast
chains ; thence noith rf.- ea-c lscliains 55link ;
thence north 73' eat 14 chains 17 links to west
side of road No ltd oil centre line of section 27
running north and south ; thence north Cchains
to a point SO links wet of 'i corner betw een
section 'i aud 27 and in road No. iil ; thence
north 10' east 15 chains ; thence north 30"
fuel 13diaius; tbeuce 1101th 8' 30' east 10
chafes-, thence north 17' easts chains aud 65
linka : thence aioitb 11" 30' east 5 chains and
33 links i thence north 10" wet 0 cbaius aud
0 links-;'- tlwsuce north 11 30' east tt cbaius
10 links ; ' thence east 10 chains aud u3 links to
north side 3d st. in town of Louisville ; has re
ported in favor of tlie locution thereof, aud alt
ub)ecruB0 thereto or claims for damages,
inuit bt filed in the County Clerk's oiiice, of
or liefore tnxiii on the 'nth ciav of Feb. A. D.
-l!, o such road will be 'located without
retererrcs taetcro., ; -' J, I). Til