The Herald. jnO. . lACyVlURPHT, DlTOR. PLATTSMOUTII. DEC. 1, 1881 Oar Club LitU Here we are with our Club List. To every subscriber who pays for the coming year In ad ranee we will give a copy of Kendall's "Horse and His Diseases" free. As win be noticed by looking over thin list carefully, aeTentl prem iums are offered by other papers and matja zincs, o our readers can, If they wish, obtain tw premiums aa well as two papers at low rates : JBR PBIE, Hrhald and Inter-Ocean, iweekly) fi 75 " " St. .Louis Globe-Democrat... 2 "5 Burlington Hawkeye 2 75 " " Louisville Courier-JouTnal... 8 05 Leslie's Ills. Newspaper 4 15 " " N. Y. Times, (em-weekly)... 4 15 " " Sun. (weekly) 2 $5 " Toledo IUade 3 oo Iowa Farmer, (and Garfleld prem.).. S a " " Scientific American 4 20 " Ner-rsuka Farmer 2 T5 " Omaha Kepublican ( prem). 2 75 Omaha Bee (and prem.) 3 5 " " American Agriculturist 2 6 M Trairle Farmer 3 ao Western Rural S 30 ' " Harper's Bazar " "3 Weekly 4 85 Monthly 4 5 " " Young I'eoole 2 8 " Sciib'ner's Monthly 4 86 " St. Nicholas 4 10 " Eclectic Magazine 6 Demorest's Monthly Maga zine, (with pram.) 3 15 " Godey's lady's Book 3 25 " FhrenoiKicalJournal 3 15 " Literary & Kducafnal Notes. 2 25 fiood Company 4 (0 . " Ehrlch's Fashion Quarterly.. 2 10 A letter from Mr. MaeMuiphj from St. Joe, on the Convention, hai bean delayed somewhere on tlic road and prerents our giving any detailed rcjx rt of.the proceedings. Coxgress assembles on Monday the 5th iust. The great question novr is who shall be speaker of th House. Candidates are thick 'tis aid, but Ka.sou sceroa a littl akead. Claka Louise Kellogg, the great songatrcss, appears at Omaha u the 1st. in at. (this erening) and at Lin coin the 3d. Sereral of our citizen ar to enjoy the pleasure ef hearing her in one place or the other. The Herald published the funer al obsequies ef Col. Broadliea J and Gen. VnnWyek'a children from the Milford Tribune three week's ago, that our Daily friends through the state are just now printing in full A primer, after Fields. See this Man. He is a Printer. He Prints Newspaper. See the man Talking to the Printer. He wants a Lie Printed for leu cents. Hut the Printer will not do it. He is an Honorable man. He will not Print a Lie for Less than A dollar. D. Tribune. You bet; that's little enough, too Toe Beatrice Express has merged the Courier into one with itself, and now holds the fort. Jiro. Urown is a first class newspaper man and knows hor to conduct a paper on business principles, which means success. His paper is ne of the best in the state. A cheering instance of the old theory that "murder will out" is ex emplified in the case oi the arrest of a party for burning the Boyd Pack ing House in Omaha some two years ago. It seems Mr. Boyd Las had a detective oa the track every since and now thinks he has his man. Chascellok Fairfield of Lincoln lectured in that city last Fridaj' eTeDing on the subject "IfVork and Wages" and was followed the next eTening by Mrs. Dinsmoor of Omaha on 4.he same subject. Both parti 5 drew full houses. The point in con troversy was really woman's work and wages and the efTect which the ballot would have upon it, Mrs. Dins moor arguing of course strongly in favor of the ballot as the great lever in righting the wage question for woman, and Chancellor Fairfield tak ing the opposite side. It does seem to us that the intent, the arowed open intent, to kill the President should be such evidence of the guilt of Guiteau or any other man that little evidence would be needed to establish that. The only question to be considered is the one of 6anity. and the general opinion is that a man sane enough to plan and execute a murder for his own ag grandizement is sane enough to hang for it. The Jury should have no doubts on this point. Further more if the openly avowed intent to kill so high a public Oi!k-er is not murder it should be made so as soon as Congress meets. The Coming Board of Trade Banquet. A meeting of the committees of the boJrl of trade to arrange for the ban quet, was held Saturday and resulted in calling out a large number of the Board. The invitation com nit tee re ported about one hundred and fifty names of parties from other portions of the state as the list to be invited. The question of extending invitations to prominent county and city officials was finally decided in the negative, as room being limited, and other invita tions in the city being confined strict ly to the board of trade, it would give rise to endless dissatisfaction. The list of invitations from abroad include prominent railroad men, state officials, president's of the boards of trade of different citiea, leading newsapr men, &c. Arrangements for defray ing the expenses of the affair brought forth immediate Tesponse to the ex tent of over S190 with good prospects ef raising all that may be needed. Death to rats and vermin, Parsers' Trctem mater. GDITEAU'S GOINGS-ON. JTHAT "RUIIAMAU " CORRESPON DENT OF THE liLOUE'DEM OCRAT THINKS ABOUT HIH. Other Opinions Concerning Cranks. Washington, D. C, November 34 The trial of Guiteau is a spectacle that no one of any public Bpirit or in terest fails to attend, at least once, and curiosity alone, bo matter how mor bid and reprehensible, leads many to the dingy and ill-smelling chamber to get a look at that most eontemptinle wretch.' A glance at the man con vinces one of his qualifications for the gallows, and by bis outrageots con duct natuial disgust deepens until nothing could arouse a spark of sym pathy for him. There probably never was a criminal so universally execra ted, and who each succeeding day adds to the general weight of obloquy by his clumsy antics. Through the grace of a legal friend who took me I had a seat in full view of the prisoner, and for two hours could watch that most repulsive coun tenance. The bustling and .quick little step with which he patters into the court room, the breezy and non chalant manner in which lie presents Ids hands to be unfetteivd, and the intent and important air with which he spreads out his morning papers, but add to the unfavorable impression of his evil and wicked countenance. It would disgust any legitimate actor to see this mountebank roll his eyes, as sume the maniac glare and deepen the perpendicular furrow in his brow. The auiienee that gathers daily in the City Hall is, as a rule, a rather seedy and rusty looking assemblage, and all through the compact rows of faces are many that approach in gen eral tvpe the so-called lunatic him self. At the left of the judge's bench are a few rows of chairs reserved for the distinguished and fortunate peo ple, who enter from the Marshal's office and are seated at this peint of vantage. Mrs. Blaine was an occu pant one morning, and had not Guit eau been cased in his triple-mtanted brass, he would have quailed before the severe, level gaze she turned upon him. Not a smile hovered near her mouth at nil the siick-tongued talk of the prisoner, and only the irrepressi ble shade of disgust broke tee stolid composure of her countenance. About evury clergyman in the District has attended the court, and in the curiosi ties of crime and the annals of wick edness there cannot be. anything so full of teachings as the history that is being developed of this headlong ca reer of vanity. The loyalty wiili which his brother and sister stav bv him is the one beau tiful feature of the casp. Mrs. Sco- ville's plump, elderly face, with its crown of wavy gray hair, commands respect from every side, and in the fresh bloom and color of her counte- nance-there is only the long profile of the nese that bears the least resem blance to Guiteau's ugly face. Sitting there with a poke bonnet of black felt on her head and a black centered bro- cha shawl wrapped around her shoul ders, she is a picture ef middle aged dignity cemforting to look upon. Her voice and look seem to quiet him more than the Judge or the bailiffs, when he sets to snappins and ftnailing at the speakers. It is a fine sense of hen or and a boundless charity that puts Mr. Scovillo to defending such an la- crrate. and though he strains his con science and exerts himself to the ut most to cast the faint shadow of in sanity over his client, there is no ring of conviction in his tones, and in heart he cannot think any better of the wretch than the rest of the world dees. Ruhamah in Globe Democrat, The etat has nothing to do with the moral responsibility of criminal cranks m devising ways and means to protect itself from them. If it does itself no good by punishing or executing them, it clearly should re frain from doing it. But if it should appear that the punishment or one crank will deter others from assailing society, there is sufficient justifica tion for the punishment. We ar not called upon to split hairs upon the subject of moral responsibility, but to estimate the wisdom of inflicting pun ishmant. In desiring to extend the principle of individual rights to the farthest practical limits, we have overdone the matter and suffered ae coiety to bo visited with injustice, In acquitting criminals en account of emotional or semi-insanity if the term bo allowable we have certainly multiplied the number of cranks. AVe have extended the privilege of mur dering. The acquittal of state assas sins in England led to the establish ment of the principle that if the per petrator was sane enough to under stand the consequences of his act, he was sane enough to have them visited upon him. Under the theory that moral irre sponsibility renders a man unpunisha ble, society has no protection against cranks. It places them where they are just sane enough to keep out of asy lums, and net sane enough to be pun ished. There should be bo such stand ing ground. If the asylums do not ab sorb them, the prisons or the g-dlows should. Make one or the other the al ternative in all doubtful cases in volving murder. Globe-Democrat. Spectators at The Trial. Washington, D.C Post. Nov. 23. The attendance at the district crim inal court yesterday was the most fashionable and select since the as sassin Guiteau was put on trial tor lis life. More than half the audience were ladies, tne majority or mem ar rayed in purple and velvet. Promi nent among the spectators w ere Mrs. Secretarv Blaine and several of her in timate friends. The wife of the mur dered preaidents's foremost adviser wore a sad expression, and not eyen the most ludicrous saying of the as sassm could provoke a smue on ner face. Chief Justice Prince, of New Mexico, and his fair bride were given seats within the bar enclosure. The ,ev. Mr. Paxton, the Rev. Dr. Sunder land, and other white necktied gentle men repk'e?i?4 the theologians. while the theatrical profession was present in the person of Florence and several handsome and magnificently attired actresses now on the boards at Washington theatres Florence wa seated near the government table; he studied the prisoner with close sru- tiny, and sorrowfully examined the bullet taken from the president s body, banded him by his friend, tlu-district attorney. Mr. A. S. Solomons, and other well known Washington resi dents were in court in company with their ladles. Col. John A. J:yce was in the front rank, acting as escort to a bevy of Georgetown bauties. The at tendance of insanity experts was un usually large, embracing parties sum mened by both parties. Ms Jses tried to shot GuiWaa. We is knew Jones was a bad sho;. Smith would have done a great 5m t5T. Watchman. MISSOURI IMPROVE MENT CONVENTION. COMMITTEES, &C, c Rosewater on Deck, Gets away with a Missoarian. The great and long talked-of River Improvement Convention met as per call at St. Joseph on Tuesday. The delegates from here, that finally at tended the Convention, were F. E. White, Jno. A. MacMurphj-, II. M. Bushnell, Geo. S. Smith and F. Car ruth. Mr. McKnew, As9't U. S. En gineer, was afterwards added to the Committee by general consent, he be ing of great value, on account of his knowledge of the river. The first day was mostly spent in wind, we should judge, as no orgaaization was effect ed until yesterday. Whether this is to be a bona-ffde endeavor to perma nently improve the Missouri, or only a great raid on the Treasury of the United States in its incipiency, time will develop. Gen. Craig was made temporary chairman, and T. M. Post gate, secretary, assisted by Mr. Bush nell, of our place. The committees appointed were as foliows: Credentials Jahn L. Carn,cuHirmaa ; L; A. Allen, J. V. llallay, Lot Brown, Sam 'I Burns, M. II. Iiohrer, z. K. Ayleaworth, S. L.'Ryan, M. II. Chs. I'ennanent Organization T. D. Ilillyar, chn ; X. F. Leslie, Hon. II. Clay Far. S.-un. Hwlruea. Marshall Key.C. C. Ilouael, F. E. White, T. B. Bullene. Lieut. Gavemor Kabert Campbell. Resolutions Hon. II. J. Latsliaw, chairman ; WIubIow Judson, Dave Rett, L. E. Caoley, Hon. C. H. Chase, Victor VUqualn. Hon. J. P. Root, Gen Willie Urown, Jude Brake. Order of Business- M. H. Rohrer, chairman ; Hon. N M. Fortescue. Hon, Frank Smith. Ed. Rosewater, Jalin A. MacMurphy, W. IL Wood'. Jas. S. Hendry, M. Mnulord. F. W. Mott. Vice-Presidents M. L. Haywood, Nebraska; N. Morrill, Kausai : L. R. Boulter, Iowa ; John Hog an, Samuel I. Smith, Missouri Gen. Geo. S. Smith was electee chairman of the Neb. delegation. Rosewater was there in force and in got the opening Wednesday rather awav with the Missourians on the report of order of bnsiness report There was a good deal of St. Joe, and Kansas City in the meeting but as we hold the next one at Omaha, we, can probably keep 'em level in the future. The Hirer Convention. St. Joseph, Mo., Not. 29. The Missouri river Improvement conven tion met at Watle's opera bouse at 11:30. Four hundred delegates were present. Geo. W. Uelt of bt. Joe called the convention to order and intio- duced II. J. Latshaw, of KansaM City, first vice president, who assumed the chair and read the call. Major II. R, Hastings moved the election of Gen James Craig of St. Joe as tempor ary chairman, which was carried x rans m. rose gate or 5t. joe was elected temporary secretary. Letters and telegrams were read from Michael McEnnis, president of the Merchant's exchango of St. Louis Congressman Bland of S, Issouri, Gov. Nance of Nebraska, J. L. Count of Desota, A. II. Edwards of St. Charles Senator Cockrill and others, and a let ter from Prof. James Rollins of Col umbia. Hon. John Hogan then addressed A. . .a a. tne convention at length. At one o'clock the convention adjourned until one o'clock this afternoon. The temporary chairman will appoint tbe committees. The citizens are show ing the delegates the city this after noon. Books and Papers for Next Tear. 1 his is the season to sub scribe tor reading matter for the 3-ear to come, and a wise parent nowhere proclaims his wisdom more certainly than in the choice of good and plentiful mental food for the family With the object in view of helping our subscribers to the best class of reading matter we have prepared our emu list and nave jnven our readers the benefit of the commis sion offered lis by the various publi cations that they may obtain- them at tae lowest, rates possible, and we think a list is presented which ought toprovidoa sufficiently wide range for all. We would call attention to a few of the special inducements offered which a hurried reading might not discover. By subscribing for the Herald and Iowa Faimer, vou will receive the Herald premium, Kendalls Horse and His Diseases and the Iowa fine picture of Farmer premium, a Garfield, free. With the Herald and Omaha Re publican you hwve the IIkrald pre mium and a chance in the gift dis tribution of the Republican. With the Bee, Omaha, chance in gift distribution and Herald pre mium. With the Cincinnati Commercial a premium book, your selection, and Herald premium. With Good Com pa ay the volume of the previous six months, as 'a premium, and Heeald premium. Next week we shall have some ijqiorc inducements to offer, In the meantime study our club list and the prospectuses of the various mag azines and papers; our word for it ycu will find them good reading. Sociable. A Presbyterian, social will be enter tained at the resider.oe tif Mr2 Jt M. Roberts, Thursday evening. Dec. 8th; all are cordiallo invited. MRS. J. M. ROBERTS. Makt E. Vass, President, Secretary. f eeble ladies. ThQ laisgi'id, tiresome sensations, pausing you to t'fta scarcely able to be on yo'ir fet; that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elas ticity, driving the bloo.n from your cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irrita ble and fretful; can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy Hpp Bikers. Irregularities and ob seruutiona of your syiteui are relieved at once, while the special cause of per iodical pain is permanently removed, j Will ywi heed thief CI Temperance XDITKO BT THE WOMAN'S CHRI8TIAK rXRAXCC UHIOW. TKM For God. and Come, and Native Land." Temperance and Religion. Every church member should make temperance a part of his daily religion. The bottle is the deadliest foe to Christ in our churches and our com munities. A friend of Christ mwst be the ememy of the bottle. More souls are ruined by the intoxicating cup than by any single vice or error on the globe. Every professed Christian who gives his example to the drinking usages is a partner in 'the tremendous havoc which those evil customs pro duce. "If any man will come after me," said the Divine Master, "let him cfcnjr himself." And the great apostle only clenched this glorious precept, when he said, "It is good not to drink wine whereby my brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." On this immutable rock of self-denial stands tke temperance reform. There the divine founder of Christianity placed it. With Christianity it is linked; with Christianity it will stand or per ish. We do not hesitate to close this rief paper with the declaration that with the triumph and prevalence of Christian self denial in the church is bound up the only hope of the triumph and prevalence of pure Chris'ianity, in our world. T. L. Cuyler. The time for temperance men to be true is when the timid among them prophesy disaster because the enemy is held. Never sanction a wrong by legal enactment. Never become a special partner with rumsellers. Do your utmost; and if you fall, fall with your arms in your hands and your face toward your foe. When you rise you will not have to turn round to be gin the eonflict. N. Y. Christian Ad vocate. Whea Bad 3Iea Conspire Mast Combine. Good Men No safer rule for the guidance of mankind has ever been furnished, than this suggestion by Burke, "When bad men conspire, good men must comline." Whisky, billingsgate, de ception, subterfuge aa.l strategy are the weapons of the conspirators. They stek only to perpetuate paying busi ness. These veracious hhylocks de mand that nsh and blood; bone, mus cle and sinew ; peace and happiness; families and friends all be sacrinced to fill their coffers witk pitiful dollars They seek to confer no blessing upon humanity. Sordid gain is their sole ambition, Bad men have conspired for gain. Good men must combine for principle. Sel. The Ballot will Blet out Intemperance. A. B. Richmond, in the preface to his book "Intemperance the Great Source of Crime," indulges in the fol lowing sensible remarks: "It has been ray object, as far as possible, 10 present me subject in a manner somewhat new, to travel out of the beaten path of temperance lect- Aixet, aud to convince my readers, if bossible, that prohibition by law is Hie' Only means by which the traffic in alcohol can be abolished, and the jtfpuntrv relieved of the great curse of intemperance. I believe :n the effica cy of the 'kind words' of moral suasion as a great remedial agent; ocknowl- edge oven the great forqe of the 'tufts ef grass' of public opinion. Yet when the boy remains obdurate and will not come down from the tree, I have an abiding faith in the virtue of stones. "If good, reverend men could preach the license system out of existeuce, J would be Tery glad that they should do so. if the prayers of Christian neon and women could extinguish tne fires of the distilleries or smother the still worm, I would be glad that it were so. But, admitting the truth stated in the table or yksop, that 'the gods help thoso that help themselves, and that it was the shoulder of the teamster applied to the wtieel of his cart that moved the load rom out the mud of the highway, I believe tliat it will require the force of the whole peo ple, mn and women, applied at the ballot-box, to effectually blot out of existence the great curse of the coun try, the laws that license and permit the sale of alcohol as a beverage. "I deny the right of the government to st 11 to one citizen the privilege to tempt another to commit c.ime. I doubt the policy of those laws that seek te raise a revenue by the sale of that Which debases the people, is the proline source of crime aud pauper ism, a.nd costs the country annually a thousand times more than the revenue received therefrom. I deny the jus tice of those laws that on one page of the statute book legalize that which promotes crime and makes criminals and on the next provides severe penal ties to be administered to those they nave tempted to transgress. " is It Right! Is it right for men who piofess and call themselves Christians to pray, "Lead us not into temptation," and then needlessly expose themselves to the influence of drinks which have tempted and ruined thousands? Is it right for men to ask God to ''Give us this day our daily bread" and then support a system which licenses men to destroy the good grain by con verting it into body and soul destroy ing drink r , Is it right to build churches, chap els and schools to help to save the peo ple, and at the same time, license men and women to open shops in which iquorsare sold which will destroy the people t Is it right to license a man to sell drink which will make pixple drunk, and then nne men and women for get ting drunk r Is it ripht to licotise men to make paupers and criminals, an4- tax sober and virtuous peop;e to pay rates to keep them? Is it right to derive a revenue out of a srsteaj which demoralises and de- graees tne people t la it right for people to wish the temperance cause success, and at tbe same time continue to drinV and sup port the liquor traffic r Is it right for any man or woman who wishes well to their country to stand aloof from the only certain cu;e for our national intemperance? Woman Is so great a'power in tho temperaace cause, and is so identified with it, that whatever advances her also helps it onward. Man's work is aided and supplemented by hers, and whatever hinders her progress in this work retards his also, there is a necessity that woman should come to tho work of teinpei auce as well equipped as possible in every way. The cauje j; jn upd wf t-tfucatcd, cul tured women, which will make earn est zealous workers. A clieee fat-tory, out near llardj, NickoIIs County, ei ared 8800 last suiQmer, the first jear of its existence O. W. K,l'ey of Ped Cloud whs eVf ed to 611 the unatutrefl -eriu of his brother the late II. S. Kaley in the A Religions Newspaper. We deoire to call the attention of our readers to one of the greatest newspapers of the ago one that se cures the best writers in this country and Europe, regardless of expense; has tbe best and fullest book reviews of any paper in the country; has able articles upon financial subjects; has departments edited by specialists and devoted to Fine Arts, Music, Science, Religious Intelligence, Mis sions, School and College, News of tho week, Hymn Notes, the Sunday school, Legal and Sanitary questions, Biblical Research (something that cannot be found ia any ether newspaper in the United States), Farm and Garden, In surance, Weekly Market Reports, etc in fact, a newspaper fully suited to tbe requirements of every family, contain ing a fund of information which can not be had in any other shape, ind having a wide circulation all over the country and in Europe. We refer to The Independent, of New York. "The largeet, the ablest, the best." See advertisement, in another celumR. and send a postal card for free specimen copy. 3712 Our Greenwood readers were doubt less somewhat suiprised last week, to find through the columns of the Her ald that a creamery had been located in their midst. The fact was, that tt was owing to the good will ef the com positors in our office toward Green wood. From the Glenweod Opinion or Journal we learned that a creamery was established near that place, and accordingly announced, as we sup posed, the fact, which our coaspositors rendered otherwise; and the proof reader being sick it was left so. as well as a notice of Elder Crowther's lec ture. Now, if our Greenwood friends will start a creamery, we shall only have been a little premature. Rescued from Death. In the following remarkable state ment. William J. Coughlin of Somer ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1876 I was taken with a violent bleed ing of the lungs followed by a se vere cough. I was so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 I was admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I hud a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dollars in doctors and medicines. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. HALL'S BAL SAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle to satisfy him, when to my sur prise and gratification, I commenced to feel better, and to-day feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. I write this hoping that every one afflicted with Diseased Lung3 will be induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOIt THE LUNGS and be conviuced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I can positively say that it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken during my sickness." Sold by drug gisrs. 16 Telephone Exchange. A telephone exchange for Platts uiouth seems to be a fixed fact. Mr. Lewis, -ho is to be the agent for this place, informs us that opeia tions will be begun as soon as the parties have completed a similar work for Fremont on which they are now engaged; ana that tiiey are de sirous of getting the work under wav before extreme cold weather sets in Catarrh. Clear head and voice, easy breathing, sweet breath, perfect smell, taste and hearing, no cojch. no distress. These are conditions brought about in ca tarrh by the use of Stanford's Radical C ure. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent, and one Im proved Inhaler, in one package, for 81. The E. A. U. Sociable Thanksgiving evening, was very larg 1 and pleasantly attended. The sup per was a suecess, the music excellent, and the parties in charge deserve com- aieuuauoji tor me aucces wnu wuicu , t- . . 1 f . i they meet in keeping their Union in so flourishing a cond.tion. About one hundred dollars was the successful financial result of the sociable we understand. Snrprise I'arty. At S o'clock Tuesday evening, about seventeen couple of TrJattsraouth s young folks met at D. IJ. Smith's and proceeded to the residence of Mr. Richard Newell, for the purpose of a surprise on Miss Lazzie. J. ike near ly all surprise parties, however, the party tor wnom tne surprise was in tended found it out before (lnd The evening was spent very pleasantly, playing games &c, among which was the game of "Going to Housekeeping" which caused considerable mirth as each one told what they would do with the articles they had named, with which they would go to house keeping. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. GltAIN AND PUODUCE. WeUuesJay, Nov. 83. 1881. Uieat. No.2.. . (k-4i.t 00 40 ato Corn, ear sneiieu new 35 25a2S 50t,vTo Oats Barley, No. 2 Kve Viuive-Caiile.... dr.i t) IIokh...'. . .5 00(55 25 Butler aot.i5 Lard is-' i Krbs 20.25 rouiioei 1 2du1 M NEW YORK MARKETS. Nkw York, Nov. 30, last Money aac. Wheat Ryi'.V. Corn . ..; $ 1 39' 1 Of. 68 45 Oats CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, Nov. 30. IS8I. i 1 M Si?6 75 .l 2ii 5S'-i Flour Wheat Com Oats Rve 99 1 Oi ,.tj i.x34d 45 ..6 '.'fra. o "i .. 4 eo-A 4 75 Barley LIVE STOCK. nous. shikDinrf. Cattle. Sheep itt n : n SFNtV sums TO DAVID.LANDRETH &S0H3. PHIIAJ f ACTS WANTED FOR HISTORY 111 Cemteni EXHIBITION 045 PRETflCTI tTATCn A?t fTTATT trm-iDdr.Fre uhe i-rrot der. OnV- 31 CAT MARKET. GOTTFRIED, FICKLLR. PLATTSMOUTII, NEB., MAIN ST. At thin thop you'll 'Hud meet wholesome find weet, Sausace, pork mutton and veal. And it is our !Mef, you'll buy excellent heet. If you ;t this butcher sliep deal, lie kcpj .-i ahv;.Y 0:1 hand the beet ia the land ; OK Mii-h :is your families cee-d ; Oiliprs iiiiiy do wril. Lut they cannot excel, I'r Fickh-r w Hi mil take the lead. A good b;rjj.-iiu ynn'il make if vou want to buy Or oi!i iiii- i: or to boil or to frv. You c;in liave a j;td di!i of whatTryou wlsli. Compel!; ion li.' wf'.l may t'.efy. Tlu.sliushiuss provides for-ood pelts and hides. Lard and tuilo-hr'll both buy and sell ; utl jo'il liud Ihu ti.o, there 's no other phi'.-e. You'll do better, ii you wi quite i well. And ill U Me tell if you've fjl cattle to ell. or hoj: ir l.ei that are nice; You can bring tlieiu right here and you ceed never fear. But for them you'll net a good price. Satisfaction to all who five liini a call, It l hi intention to give. For we're certain indeed, this belong t his creed Not od to live bill let live ! 3lm3 . CcsreMTu. A Large Stock of :eewood's NO SHODDY GOODS NEW Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Or an Old Stahh in new hands entirely . Tho New Finn of PATTfcKSOS & DIXON, op'ju th H am eight jiarx on the Corner of jih and Tej-rl Streets with a flew Livery Outfit. GOOD UOi;.-tX AN i CARRIAGES at all time HOUSES For: SALE, houses noun itt axd sold, HOUSES KEPT 11 V THE HAY OH WEEK. Call and st e PATTERSON & DIXOX WILLIAM O.EROLD, dealer In DUY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, . FURNISHING GOODS GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS LrA stock af BOOTS and SHOES tt b CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Queensware, and iu fact everyihiug yoncn call for in the linn of General Merchandise. CASH PAi!) TOU IllIlKS AND VVRS All Klnas of country dkhI-.icc taker n ei Chance for.yooils. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HOUSE .-HOEING. ASI) WAiiON HEPAIRfNTt All kinds of FARM IMPLE.VKNT ic f tided Neatly & Promplp :0- Horse, Male& OxShoeins:, In short, we'll shoe any tiling that ha? lour icet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTEW SHOP ninths' between Main arJ Vine Street-. UM acror . eomer from the f.t IIERALI AS nT?A2AlLrLS3 a w- o f Ik OirATK Kt9S. OfiLY WRITE Vw Ctyla Ka. lloo. DimBioaf Uetcbh, n laa.s Itaptb, Atiu'ress or call upon DA HI rSiiSti -. . .- .. .... It loots & Shoes ; f fieii Blood PoionIns!, Scrofuleus Ulcers and Itching Humors, Abscesses and Glandular Swellings. LKAH l'OIOMj. Mr. Albert Kiiipsburr. Keene.N. II., troubled with bad humor on hands and neck, caused by lead poiitoDiuif. tUf.'u a painter.)- At times it would break out, ctm'X opeu. and the kln ep aialc from the tle!h iu large pieces, suffering preat continual itching and stinging. Purchas ed your remedies : used Cti R'lKA KkbolvkNT internally, Hixl CfTiri ija aud C'tTIct HA Soap externally, and in If than three mouths ef fected a complete cure, and h;i not been trou bled Biuce. Corroborated by BalUM Si Foster. Druggists, Keene, N. 11. tiliKATEST OX I'AKTIt .1. W. Ad am. Newark, Ohio, says ; "'Cl'tici ha ItKMftitiKX are the Kieateht medicines on eirtli. Had the wort case of salt rheum In thla county. My mother had it twenty years, and in fact tiled from it. I believe Ci'Tiri'KA would have saved her lire. My anus, breast and head were covered for tluee yarf. which nothing relieved or cued until 1 used the Cltiovha Ki:m)i.vrT internally suid Citicira and Cl lici'iu soap externally. TMOKIASIM. H. E. Carpenter. Eko.., Henderson, N. Y., cur ed of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty vears landing, by the Cuticcra Kk.hoi.vknt Inter nally, and Ciiict'HA aud Ccticcka Soap ex ternally. The most wonderful cae on r'wrord. i,ure certineu to neiore a jut!ee ol the pear ana prominent cuizens. au auuictea witn itch ing aud HCaly diseases should nei-d to us for this testimonial in full. HALT ItllKI'M. Tho-e who have experienced the torments of Kiieinu can appreciate t lie auonv 1 enrtur ed for year, until cured bv the Cu m i ha ICk- 80LVF.NT internally and Cuticura and Ctrrr I'fKA So a ! externally. - MKd. Wm. Pki.linwtox, Sharon, Wis. CUTICl'ltA and Ctni'i'iiA Soap externally and Cuticcra lirxjLVK.ST liiternHMy win positively cure er ery specie of Puinvr, 1mm a ciinnum I'wnp.'e to Scrofula.. Price of Cltic cka. email boxea. Mk- ; laritK liaxes, l. Ccticuka Rkkoc.vknt, si per inline. ii'TicuitA joav. zzc.. ccticuka sin Soap. lftc. Hold by all druggists. Depot. WEHKS & POTTER, Boi-tun, Masr. Ca&TARi&fir- Sanford's Radical Cure, Complete Treatment For $1.00. 8AXFOnt)'8 JtAlUCAL Cl'BK. CATARRH AL Sol.VKT and lMI'KOYKD with specific directions, may now be had o nil druKgUt, neatly wrapped In one pnek aie. for one dollar. Ask for SAroRU't Radical, Cuke. This economical aud never-failing treat ment inatantly cleanse the naial pafsave of putrid mucoiie, subdues iutlammntioi when extending to the eye. ear and throat re.tores the siisk of omeli. taste and hear iug when aSacted, ltavee the bead deodor ized, clear and open, tlic breath sweet, the1 breathing eay, and every eene in a grate ful and aoothed coudition. Internally ad ministered it cleamen the entire uuicour teui through the blood, which it purine oi uib aciu liaison always preceni in Ca tarrh. Recommended by all druggiats. General Agent. WEEKS POTTER. Keston, Masa. BATS, MICK. Roaches. Vaur Busa, ai.o lied and l;lrk Zt Ants eat ravenously V PARSON 'N tXlEK- JviiNAIOK and die. No fear of bad smells. Barns, granaries and households often cleared iu asinicle uit'tit. Rest and cheapest rrrmn killer in the world. "No failure in ;s years, tvery nox warranted. Sold bv ail croeera and drueuists. Ask fr PAR. SON'S. Mailed Irr 25 cents by WEEKS & POTT Elt. BoBton, Mafa. UAKTI.fU DiWKAMKM Sue'i as Consumption, Bronchitis, Aethma, licnei al Debility. Brain Exhaustion, Chron ic t CB-Ilpatiou. ( hiouio Diurrha-a, Dys pepsia, or -- I.okit of X'erroDS Power, Are positively cured by FELLOWS COM POUND sVflirp OF IIYI'Ul'JlOSPHITES, As phoepl'.oriiH entrs so largely into the ani mal economy, it beeomes pur excellenee the best vehicle, with which to umhoc late the other vitalizinjr ingredients of healthy Blood, Nerve and Muacle. In Fellowa' Syrup of Hyponhos phites ure combined all the stibstanees found necessary to insure robust health, and whereat it was invented with a view to supply every de fieiencr, U certainly has performen eome won derful curen. Manvhehtfr, N. H., June 18, 180. Mr. Jamf.s I. Fellow. Dear Sir: I wish to acknowledge the ifreat benelit I have received from the us f Fel lowa' Compound Syrup of Hypophoaphitee." I have been an invalid for nearly two yaars with a I'ronehial affection that had taecom chronic. In the Fa.ll of 1878 I had a phyaie'an eighty days Is succesain, beaidea the counsels f several others. They gave nie but little encourage ment, some ef tlioin none.. Last July I wa Mil vised to ci.e yeur remedy a trial. I did a , and in Ies than one week there wax a tnai Ued im prcveinent for th better. I have continued iia use frwin that time until th nretent. imnrovini; all the time, aud 1 can truthfully nay I air isore than a Uitniired per cent, better than whan I commenced its use. 1 have inereaad in weiirht aliout fifteen pounds, anil my coiiKh, which was ieariui. nas nearly uisappoared. 1 believe tisa it uot been for your Syrup. I Misulii ere this have leen beyond the cares of life. Very truly yours, Albkkt Stort. IpUu not be aeeetved by remedies bearing a si in war name ; no otner preparation is a suu- . . ... .1 : . i i . . oiiiuir una, u:;ur iinj urcumi'iaiiees. For bale by aTl arugifisis. STltElGHT & MILIEU Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES COLLARS, and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Repairing of "all Kinds I NEATL Y DONE CW SHORT NOTICE . NEW EAR1TESS I TURNED OUT IN SHORT ORDER And Satisfaction Guaranteed. rirRemcmber the place. Opposite Het-i J'.oeek's Furniture Store, on Lower Maia Uet. J lattsiiioutu. eo. STREIQHT A MILLER. ATJIEL'Fi BEATTV The mott Successful House in tho World. FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. This Magnificent CABINET Organ Withan Ue ent 5UxI, Book and If iuie, boxed and ooard cars al WuiiioKtuu Naw Jeraey. Oehvtrtd oa I lor Only 863.00 SatUfaeMon abiulQteIy guaranteed or money rvrnoaea aiier oua year a oae. 24 STOPS. epetflcatIou as Fellows t 1 Cello. S li. tone a atelodi. 8 ft. tone. 8 CUmbtlla. 8 ft. tsm. A llinml Xiih-KmiJ JIflft. fi Bourdon, lflft too. 6 SipboiH uiapason. 8 rt. tone. 0 Viola Dolce, ft. tone. lO brand French Born. ft. tone. 18 Harp voUenne. 13 Vol Humana. 14 Ecbo. 8 It tone. 15 Dnlclana, 8 ft. tor. 16 Clariont 8 ft. 17 Vf.iw Ctfleiite. H fL tone. 18 Violins. 4ft.l9VoxJnW;ant.8fU CO PieeaJo 4ft vv. ?1 Coupler Harrnonlque. Orchestral orte. 93 Graad Otko Suet Stun, g4 blKhtOriraa Kiwa Bup. RFWAHF f'Po .t tnii,! of yl aa lAiio uua aa vetav taalep. a atop vaiob doablM th powar of to liitnmit. AU f bt ortui h it. This vntu W- BOpn i in unraa Boilder-i art. It i vrrj mtlfml im ASM,1 lllulkb'Mt Taasf wild wi ' aut, profnMly rBraBEd with haa'i mrv rm in d xpaiv far Tan. Th -, ncpoccet u t atot tirni mmmiw xtaak it Baa ntbw apniint mxu- lw .with gtecl rpnmca. rvller for mortag. uhd autal jmbJj. ao4 budlo. t.. A U It ia j . nlu. i. tk lullKi- YThT aire'a Mrioa aad a-ait araaatat t&a ha- g tlWITT UwrOTrr. Eivn Prepaid, uk Drafv or Knwtereii Letter. Mowf refnaded aa4 all freirht ehrepil. if aot nnfHaud. rarcm to nathiairVaB Kt Jener. sd Victory, u wru of aa iaa.i aa. iuocuit omtu- Ux Tii wra bi MMaithi, walU af HlltUBf I iat HlMt 19 I rr r J EL F. DCATTYrVhlnftCT- TJeW Jersey. au NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS AN ONLY DAUGHTER - CUBED OF. 4 COXSL'MPTOS'. When death was hourly expected, all rem edies having foiled, and Dr. IL Jaiin'i was ex perimenting with the many herba of Calcutta, he accidentally made preparation which cur ed his only child of Consumption. Ilia child is now In this country, and enjoying th beet of health. He has proved to the world that Consumption - can be positively and permanently cured. The Doctor now glrea thU Keeipe free, only avkin;: two three rent tain pa to pay expenses. ThU herb alo rurea Night Sweats, Natixca at the Stomach, and will break up a fresh coid in twenty-four hours. Ad- urese Craddock & Co., 1032 Kace Street. Phila delphia, naming this paper. BIIEATTY'M l'IAXOFOKTJE-Mg. nilleeiil l.o!iclay presents : Mjuaie grand pi anofortes. lour very handsome ioui.J c ornera, roKewood caves, three unisons, Iatt's match less iron names, stool, booii, eoer. boxed.. 75 to 207,5O ; catalogue prices. mm fl.Coo : satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded, after one years use; npruht piano forte, f li'j to $1?S : catalogue pne 1 500 lo oe standard pianoforte of t he univei se, as thou- anus tetiiy ; write lor a mammoth ini oi tes timonials, llratty s cabinet oi);an, cathedral ehurcn chanet, parlor. I.ti iiuwaid : visitor welcome ; free csirriHKe meets pamenKers ; Il lustrated catalogue (holiday edition) fie. Ad dress or call upon IIamm, K.RKAn v, Wash ington. New Jersey. A U BEAT OI' t1. II FOIt HOLIDAYS S PIANOS aud OKtlANS at K X T 1 1 A 0 1 : 1 1 N A K Y LOW mice for cnh. Installment received HPI.K3S DI t) ORGANS. Hb. Sf.d, 10 in. MAO NlKKENTT's oet. KOSK I ll U PI A NOS,stnl and cover, oly fciyo. . VVai runt-ed 6 veara. Il lustrated Catalogue r.ialicd. Agent.4 wanted. HORACK U A 1 IM & CO.. Manufacturer and Oealer. S.'rt Kroitdway. New Voik. 60LD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A ttw ttfrreat M4iol Work. f avrrtDt. tiir bmt and obtMp-' Ml, iniinMitail to mrwmrj in a, outlfd "Lb fteiyne of ifV" boumt in ttrvat iVDt h Diulin.embofHl ,f nil mlt. fr pnXM,ooDUim iaatif ul tA ajriini, 135 rcripUona, j)nc only $t.2SPct by mai! lilufttratm! fcaini'In, flc .; miJ new, AdrlrfTW latvicT Mctj. el lDtittjtor !r f ll Pa. J. I). SIJIPSON, ; . ' J . ; : agency Koit - . Geo. WooJs & Co, Pianos and Orjani"" Xews Depot, Magazine and Papers, '. Conl'ectioiieryTvuacco HEADQUARTERS -Main Sf,. opposite New Hotel. , ri.A rrsMouTii - - n tthkastca. J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and leab r In . Also, a full line of SADDLES, COLLARS, BRIDLES. ' wniPH HORSE CLOTHING, ETC -ETC. RKPAIRINQ Done neatly and promptly at xhort notice at hU' Directly opoite I'ost Offlce, Plattstnouth. Ntb. None but tho bent of stork ued ! AND MACHINE SHOPS I JOHM- WAYMAU, I'lattntooat li - X-brakat. Repairer of Steam Engines, BoQers, Saw aud (Jrist Mills, GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS. Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Pipes. Steaoa flanges, Safety Valve OovcrnoiK and all Kind ef P.ra.-s Knginc Fittings, repaired on short notice. Also all kinds of KAItM MACHI.M:UV. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED ' Carriages always o'rTHan HEARSE FUNERALS - T'-AJKLS 'it'OTIOTJ3 I I want all of my accounts settled to dat, ant I shall do no more credit business. All old accounts must be settled up, and no new ohm will be made. Cnless snch accounts are tettie4 fihortly they will be sued. - I wish to alo a strictly cish businens Ii fat nr - JOHN 8HAN50.V, Plattsmouth. Kebs. O. SOHLEGEL, Successor to Hchlkgkl & NltMAK.l Manufacturers of , And dealwrslu SMOKERS' FANCY ARTICLES, HMOK1N4 and CHKWINO 1 TOBACCO . Special BRANDS and sizes of Cl(i.fts maf . order, and s.-Ui.sfaction guarai.J. Cicar clippings sold for sinokt'' 'baoc. Mai". Street, one door west of J. S.Xoko'a atr OptoMiU iMt Office, Plattsmouth. N kb. .'. lua. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers ii '"""' CINE LUMBER, LATH, OOOKS, BLIND3, ETC., ETQ.. Mam utreet. Cornarof Fifth, PL.ATTSMOUII, .... NEB. PlAnOFORTEG. . 3 v A BCATTY'S P!ANOFOTrs.--lU?ri ' Ifj.KUy prrauiun qur rmid piaj.of ort, fcicr rj haadnoraa round eommt, riM'trwl et, Uut nwrna- ' fluy' niatrhlai trua frarsr. stool, book, , r, toi' t- Mwinpuoa ratmi" v. '-7 um i ur.tu.tif iiMnororaea, a I i t . u hi wvmi " ' . r- - . w v. w w v - ey refunded, aWfOue war'. ' ' Y ttyb, coUui -r PrtcttL lofortM vt tho i, uvna, 4 Vrt ftjtfA -- Kiindaxd ManofortA 'ti'Minr1' unLizy , wn iot nwnaMCi iu of t4j ymi? g Ifciatyoaimt othvw, cuuwiu, caorciv, rbatol. uuior. A:t nn-uil: rliCLora Wkwn Im. a-W.... 1-1 il. m&gmt Uliiatratwi rtaJoru (hotWuy wiuuoi . A i- (UMWurcamw . . p k. i , If 9n OT ir-IPORTAflT III -S3 - wont it ditiUDCtlTunderntood that I am pmii mjtiioiuw tun nuui'Ai rKiiUiT I3ia tm uw.t. buT(irnnd.6ouar and lTrrtp-ht Piano and na mnufictiirrs tsuch fnormom profits, iicforerou doclde to pirx;liaa a, Htxio elsewhere, rtct I WrtU t once for tbJ viable lnformaUon. Trickso? tha trado WneretlMjcoBt cornea la ; how af-v7 Wl'laao co ZZOOO throuirh aeents ro-oflta of from E'JU to ITul mad on a Binplo sale. A f 1000 Piano olU t- oo mara for S800, to bia neighbor, tho naarn precisely for faU), to another fur Is $LiJitr Iharv- . one price, no apents, salts are nul dirvrt, myet. aiogue liu uo UcUUoua pr2 ISIZi TO UXt, '