Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 24, 1881, Image 4

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    THE H&&tt).
Little Dora's Soliloquy.
I tiu't se what our baby boy Is d ood for any
way; He don't know how to wal'x or don't
know bow to play;
He tears up ev'ry bing-le ting be pos;er-b:l y
An even ti led t J break, one day, my mamma's
l-e t -st fan.
He'i nl'syi tumblln' 'bout te fl or, an' give us
awful ec nes,
An wbea he gr e to tel atolgbt, be never
says bl prayer.
0 i Sunday, too. he musses up my (ro-to-mcct-
In' clothes;
An 0"C 1 foun him bard at work a i lncin
Ik11f's nose;
An im ozzer day ait naujrhty boy (now what
you s'pose y"U 8'nk?)
Upset a area; bid bot- le of my papa's wrltlo'
An' 'jtead of kyin' dood an' hard, as course he
cueht to done.
Ha laughed, an' kicked his head most off, as
a u?h he souxbt 'twas fun.
Ha even tries to reach up b'gh an' pull zings
off eesnelf.
An' he' al'ay wantlri" you, of course, Just
w'en yon wint's you' self.
1 rather desa, I really do, from bow he paTi my
Z.iy all whs made a purpose to 'noy us little
An' I z -rewa n't no such zlag as naughty
baty boy -
Why wh,z ti'n him a kyin' now; bo makes a
d.- ful noise.
I de a I better ru i an' s'lf, f r he has boo
U ot
Felled down zo stirs an killed hiSse'f what
ever s-s-s'ail I do!
Su Nicholas.
Anything for the Misa IlopkinsesP"
asked a melancholy, freckled-f accd boy,
nil neck and elbow3, poking his head
in at the door of the little, dull-reddish
station-house of Podville.
'Nothing," said the worried-looking
6lation-agent, scratching his ear with
his pen "ain't nothing for nobody.
Clear out!" Adding, as the boy went
off, scraping his toe3 dejectedly along
tho dusty boards of the platform:
"That feller's been coming regular as
the train all the week after something
for the Miss Hopkinses, and don't no
thing c .me for 'era."
"IiouU on the Miss Hopkinses, isn't
it?" said a gentleman who had got. off
the train, and was leisurely starting tip
the principal Podville street, with a
shining black valise in his hand.
And then he forgot all about the Misa
Hopkinses and their probable disap
pointment, until, passing a tall, cream
colored frame house, back of a yard full
of roses, he observed the dejected,
freckled boy entering the gate, and
three excited -looking, bare-headed
young ladies running down the walk in
the most unignitied manner, calling
"Did it come, Peter?" 'Teter, did
it come?" "Didn't it come, Peter?"
"Those are the Miss Hopkinses.' re
marked Mr. Eustace Blake, passing on
with a smile.
They were the "Miss Hopkinses,"
two of them sisters, and the third their
cousin from Cane Creek, back a few
miles in the country; and while Mr.
Blake was proceeding calmly on his
way, the three young ladies were in
dulging in a series of lamentations ex
pressive of their intense grief and dis
appointment. It was a serious case. They had each
sent to the city for a new and stylish
hat, the like of which the primitive Til
lage of Podville could not by any
means produce.
The necessity of having them by Sun
day was imperative, and now the week
had ebbed away to the very last day,
the last train down from the city had
departed, and the cruel sentence, alto
gether blighting to their young hopes,
was passed namely, that there was
nothing for the Miss Hopkinses!
"Ail the girls'll have new hats to
morrow but us," mourned Miss Geneva
Hopkins, forgetting all her queenly dig
nity, and flopping down on the sitting
room lounge with her regal head in
Grandma Greeuleafs basket of quilt
"And Mrs. Sim--mp son said her
nephew from the ci city would be at
church!" sobbed Floss, who was nt ver
troubled with diguity of any kind,
perching dismally upon the table, and
crying in her white apron.
isallio Ann, the cousin from Canv.
Creek, rubbed her little turned-np uose
and pouted her Fcarlot lips, till her
pretty mouth looked twice na large as
"Well, gals," said practical grand
ma, "sulkin' round and btin' babies
ain't goiu to hilp nothin'; you'll have
to fix up your old hats somehow or
Old ugly things!" said Geneva, con
triving to send the basket on the floor
with her Juno-like elbow.
"All out of ty ile," sobbed Floss,
scrubbing at her round, blue eyes with
her starchy apron until the rims were
as red as strawberries.
Sallie Ann had been sitting by the
window, resting her short, dimpled
chin on the sill, and gazing thought
fully out at nothing; and now she said:
'I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I haven't any hat that will possibly do
to fix over even. Tm going to get a
couple of yards of white Swiss, and
make me a sun-bonnet."
Goodness!" said Geneva. "I would
not be hired to do such a thing!"
"Me neither!" said Floss, as indiffer
ent to grammar as she was to dignity.
"Why not?" asked Sallie Ann. "I
can hear the gospel as well in a sun
bonnet as anything else. I would have
liked a nice hat, but I don't want a
fixed-over hat, and I reckon my soul
will be just as safe in a sun-bonnet.
I'm going to the store now for the
"Now, Sallie Ann, don't I You'll
look so like a country-Jake" began
But Geneva gave her a sudden poke
in the back, and winked at her; and as
Sallie Ann tied on a broad, flapping
brown-straw hat, and ran down the
steps, she said:
"What a goose you are, Floss! You
can't see an inch further 'than your
nose. Can't you see that if Mrs. Simp
Bon's nephew is at chuurch to-morrow,
Sallie Ann is doing us the greatest fa
vor possible in wearing a sun-bonnet?"
Sallie Ann, coming back half an hour
after, found the household in a breeze,
caused by the arrival of Miss Lucretia
Hopkins, a stout, ruddy and stylish
aunt, -who had just come up on the
stage from the town below.
"Just bought a fashionable millinery
and choice fancy-goods store, and of
course I didn't forget you all," said she,
bustling about in high good humor,
with her bonnet sliding off the back of
her head, to open various parcels and
packages. "And I've brought Geneva
a perfectly excruciating parasol, with
the most exquisitely-carved handle you
ever set your eyes on; and Floss as ele
gant a lace fichu and tie as you
could scare up; and Sallie Ann a hat
latest shape and Podville' 11 turn
green and over it; anl Aunt Lucy a "
But nobody heard anything else, for
with a wild cry, Geneva and Sallie Ann
and Floss made a ruh for the hat: and
Geneva, possessing tho best scrambling
powers, flourished aloft the most aston-xshin"-
structure composed of delicate
white'straw and lace, and creamy rib
bon, while Floss and Sallie Ann held
their breaths in speechless admiration.
Then, with a sudden inspiration. Miss
Geneva, brushing ber silken black
bangs down across her white forehead,
cavlthehat a flirt, and settled it co
nuettishlv upon her handsome head.
q h7oh! look, girls!" she cned.'m
ecstatic rapture 'Oh, I must have it !
SlHeAnnf I'll give you the grwolij
vou'll let me have the hat. Cant e
change, Aunt LucretiaP
-Law, yes. if you i both want to,
Mhi easy Ulss Lucretia. "Don t ma
ter a pin which gets which, just so
you're all satisfied."
"Then you will let me havo it oh,
won't you, Sallio Ann? P.ease, Sallie
Ann, that's a dear!"
And Sallie Ann, mentally comparing
that lovely hat with a common little
sun-bonnet, almost burst into a flood of
tears, between her desire to look pretty
and her wish to be unselfish. Tho
strtiggele was sore, but conscience
gained the day and the hat was Gen
eva's. Not much of a sacrifice, perhaps,
come to compare it with the iilea of
sacrificing one's life or liberty for a
friend; and yet I have little doubt that
when weighed in the scales of th great
hereafter the small sacrifices shall bo
found to weigh heavy for their size.
"I hope you fell in love with some
body at church to-day, Eustace," aaid
Mrs. Simpson to her nephew, as they
eat upon the porch, enjoying the calm
of the still Sabbath afternoon. "I am
sure you could find just as good a wife
in Podville as anywhere'
Mr. Blake ran his fingers through his
heavy locks and gazed reflectively at
the toe of bis boot.
"1 saw an uncommon lot of hats," he
answered, thAughtfulIy, at last; "but I
sat back, you know, where I cculdn't
seo much else. And I am sorry to say.
Aunt Margaret, there was no individu
ality to be discovered about those hats
very little variety, the principal differ
ence being that whereas half of them
had pink ribbon on them, the other
half had blue There was something
that struck me. though not a hat. but
tho dearest, cunningest, sauciest little
white sun-bonnet, with puffs, and lace,
and blue ribbon all over it. Character
enough there. It showed in every liu
tie tuck and frill. I was afraid some
one would catch me staring at it. . Yes,
Aunt Meg, I did fall in love to-day, but
I couldn't see the lady's face. She
would look straight at the minister's
face all the time.
"And where else should she look?
That was Sallie Ann Hopkins, from
Cane Creek. I'll take you over and
introduce you, if you like."
When Eustace" Blake went back to
the city, he took Sallie Ann with him,
and she was Mrs. Blake.
"And you fell in love with me Grst at
church ? asked the rosy little wife as
thev were whirling off.
"No," said Eustace, "not till after
ward. It was there I fell in love with
your sun-bonnet.''
The chief meals of the day should be
breakfast and dinner, and they should
be served regularly. All food, both
flesh and vegetable, should be well
cooked, not eaten in a partially raw
condition. For heavy work the best
drink is a quarter of a pound of oat
meal well boiled in two or three quarts
of water, with an ounce and a 1 alf of
sugar added. Beer or alcoholic drinks
should be altogether avoided by young
persons, and should only be taken in a
diluted form, with food, after the day's
work is done. Liebig's essence of beef
is recommended as the best stimulant
of a ready kind for fatigue; strong tea
or coffee coming next to it. As to
young people, it is mentioned that fac
tory children between thirteen and six
teen years of age were found to grow
four times as fast on milk for breakfast
and supper as on tea and coffee. When
food is given too hot to children, it
damages their teeth. For the opposite
extreme, old age, tho food should bo
very digestible, and small in quantity.
Very old people should always be spare
in their diet.
The Englishman Abroad.
Odd as the ordinary Englishman
holds tlie right of being at home, it is
in going abroad that ue lays himself
out to emulate the grotesques of the
stage. At home he encases his legs in
trousers that leave the spectators at a
loss to decide whether they grew with
the wearer's growth or whether they
are bnsted on the limbs and then past
ed. His coat, too, is generally a gar
ment of fantastic disproportion to his
brawny frame, and his headgear well,
there is really no adequate illustration
for this jaunty compromise between a
tin-cup and a stew-pan. It is, however,
when thoy set out for over the sea that
the Briton and Britoness give loose to
what, in the current slang of the day,
may be called the crankeries of person
al adornment. Are they not known,
these artless guys, from Boulogne to
grand Cairo, from Berlin to Cadiz,
from Nice to Peru, wherever. Cook's
drove .f tourists have scorched the trail
of travel? Are not their ways, their
garments and their serenity the inex
pressible joy of tho Paris gamin? To
do them welcome doesn't every bou
tique from the Boulevard Sebastopol to
the Church of the Madeline cordially
announce that "on speke English
here?" It is here that the "one" who
speaks English is always mysteriously
absent when the confiding Briton pre
sents himself 'to the accommodating
Parisian; that as a consequence he is
compelled to make bis bargain by signs,
and th::t in the end he is neatly fleecod
by the thrifty son of Gaul. Philadel
phia Times.
A Spanish City at Night.
As the shades of evening descend,
this whole street, illuminated with
lamps, torches and parti-illumined
with lanterns, becomes a fairy sCrne.
The cafes are then crowded to reple
tion; youthful eyes flash love at each
other over glasses of snowy Uorchatas;
old men sip their spiced cognac aud
dream of the isles of the blessed, and
fiery politicians rave and stamp and
seem realy to tear each other in pieces.
Here a group of artists discuss a pic
ture; there a couple of padred are try
ing their hands at cards; here is a
young militaire fresh from Madrid,
covered with spangles, and as gay as a
peacock; and there in that corner can
you believe your eyes! the veritable
old beggar that you just saw on the
.street, investing the piesta that you
gave him iu a night-cap of invigorat
ing cordial. Every rank in society is
represented; every variety of color and
costume flashes out beneath those bril
liant lights, while your ears as assailed
by the din of voices, the tinkling of
glasses, the sharp click of the dice on
the marble table, intermingled with
the strains of delicious nimie. This is
De las Siarpes by night. Would you
not like to see UP It is a phantasma
goria of splendor; it is a babel of con
Fusion; it is a page fr m the "Arabian
Nights' Entertainment" supplemented
by sundry passages from the "Hero de
la Mancha."
A Beautiful Science.
Astronomy is a beautiful science.
We are told'that if a railway wer. run
to the nearest fixed star, and iIih fare
was one penny for every 100 miles, and
if you were to take a mass of gold to
the ticket office equal t twice the na
tional debt $3,800,000,000 it would
not be sufficient to p y for a ticket to
the nearest fixed star aforesaid.
If this be the case, it ni-t'tcrs very
little to us whether such a railway is
ever constructed. It woul I bo disc u im
aging to go to the ticket office with a
mass of gold equal to $3,800,000,000
and be informed that tho fare was
$5,678,052,000. If the ticket airent
wouldn't trust until we got back w'd
be compelled to forego the trip. Nor
ristown Herald.
Mr. A. IL Moore, residing in Mont
gomery countv. Pa., values his keune:
of dogs at $75,000
The Costly Search After Gold and Silver,
As every one knows, the Conxstock
mines at t! e present time are all in
"borrascn," or poor ground, and not
onu of them is to-day paying a dollar in
dividend. On the contrary, they are
all 'evuti-r as"sments,.and are spend
ing enormous sums in prospecting and
driving after ti-at will-o-the-wisp bo
nanza that is forever bing predicted
as just a little bevoud the levels of
cvVry mine on ti e lode.
The YJIow J.icket, that at one time
had a famou bonanza which paid in
dividends $2,184,000 previous to 1871,
md which t.a- been a sU-ady assessor
for the greater part of the past ten
yars, has prospected the lode to a
dpth of 3.000 feet by a shaft which on
the 1st f Julv last had cost, without
i'iteret, $1,674,203.60, and is yet with
out ore. The assessments of this com
pany have a!r ady amounted to $4,
098.000. tnd during th year ending
June 30,1831, t! expenditure at the
mines were $548,740. of which $27,230
-.ere on aoc- u'it of and for driving 743
feet of tii" Sut ro tunnel. During tho
"r 1.0.r.5 f t of drift were run. aid
I'SO U-fl of .!i:im nd d 51' prrm-ect o!e-,
w. :c wa.s -.11 t-e effective prospecting
lo-e ov- r $-500,000. The groater
part of the t. ay w,s for pimping and
n-p-irs. Th superintendent says:
Fro-i- A;-ril 16, when connection was
m ulo witi' the Sutr tunnel, to Ju-ie
"0. or in a 1 tt!e more Jhnn one nxutth.
we pumood -nd hois'cd 85,000.000 -r 1-'on-i,
i r 360.000 tons, of wat r. We
; Kve l-ad since thru lime a steady flow
- f 60 miners' inch-s, or 720 gallons pvr
minute. This amount-, 27 tons per
oii- m, or about 3,900 tons a day, is
mised from the S.OOO-foot level to f ie
Stitro tunnel, nearly 1.500 feet, and in
volves an expense greater than that re
quired to work pome of the largest and
m.:st profitable n.ines In this country.
Y! at tiie present time the Yellow
Jack t is -imply a prospect, and all
th'-se expen Mturos are merely pros-,
pectin ' expenses, incurred in the hopo
of fr din i something. And this is but
one ou' of a score of mines prospecting
th Conislock, none of which pay ex
pns'S. N'ver before in t!te hi tory of the
world have such enormous sum been
expanded for p;osp c!ig as we see to
day on the C'-msfock. The same
amount prudently invested in less ex
pensive and more promising districts
would no doubt produce vastly better
rt'pults. Engineering, and Mining
What Electricity is Doing.
Ex-Min .ster While says that while in
Paris he visit -d tho electric exposition.
He says Mr. Y, "dsou has one of the finest,
if not lit' exiiibil in tho building.
Tii: S;--ni -OS broth'-rs. of Berlin, who
iv :avinj tiie iihvv Atlantic cahl , have
also a lino ex- ibit. The ei-etric rail
roa I, as lai t in Benin and Pa; is. is a
perfect su-ces. "I thiuk,"- snid Mr.
Whit ', "it wi'l create a revolution be
fore long. Tiie elevated railroads
must coon a iopt that system, for it does
away with the wear and tear of the
he:-vy engines. Siemens brothers are
preparing to establish a new road in
Beilin about four miles long. The only
apparatus tho car carries is carried in
a box undernea'h the floor, about three
fiet long, three feet broad and eighteen
inches hih. The car stops and starts
as easilv as a horse-car, and runs at the
rati3 of about fifteen or twenty miles an
The elephant was put npon the coins
of Caesar because that animal was called
Ccezar in Mauritauria,
A Connecticut woman has give a her
son a large comforter made of hair cat
from her own head during ten years.
According to the official statistics,
not a woman over 30 years of age was
married in Philadelphia daring the year
of grace 1880.
"Always pay as you pro," said an old
man to his nephew. "But nncle, sup
pose I have nothing to pay with."
"Then don't go."
Secretary Blaine's face is unchanged
in its expression of force and acuteness,
but his hair and whiskers have whitened
so rapidly during the past Summer that
he looks much older.
A willow tree in Bristol, N, IL meas
ures twenty-two feet eight" inches in
circumference, one foot fromjth ground
and is eighteen feet three inches nine
feet from the ground.
There is a weekly sale in Paris of
toads, which are brought in casks filled
with damp moss. One hundred good
toads are worth from f 15 to $17. These
are bought for gardens.
The term Q'taker was first applied to
the sect in derision. When George .
Fox, the founder, was brought before
the magistrate ho told him to quake
before the word of the Lord.
"One of the first duties of a commun
ity," says Mayor Means, of Cincinnati,
in an interview, " is to protect its
youth protect the boys first and they
will protect the girls."
A cha; in Oregon married four wive3
wit . in ten miles of each other, and
wasn't found out until the four happen
ed to meet at a pic-nic and showed tho
same kind of dollar-store ear-rings.
A s -rue what ancient beau rehearsing
his conquests to a youth: "My last
flame was a blonde; her name was
Angela." "What a memory you have,"
says the young fellow.
The "Winter Palace" at St. Peters
burg is closed; visitors cannot enter it,
and it will not be occupied for two
rears or more. This is because of tho
Nihilistic attempts in that part of the
L. Cornelius, of Pike county. Pa., is
said t have been the largest man in
America. Ile wa3 six feet hih. eight
feet two inches about the waist, arms
above elbows, two feet two inches,
about the wrists one foot two inches,
weight 700 pounds.
A New York letter writer says.
Book reading is giving way to the
newspapers. Everybody reads the
latter, and hence editors are making
freat efforts to increase their attractions,
he best writers have found books less
profitable than newspaper work."
At the beginning of the eighteenth
century the English language was
spoken " by less than 8.000,000 people;
at the beginning of the nineteenth by
less than 20,000,000, and now with one
fifth of the century yet before it in
which to Bpread, it is the mother-tongue
of 90.000,000.
The Southern States possess a ohioken
syndicate. Six firms virtually control
the poultry market. The combined
capital is $50,000. Their agents rereive
five per cent, for purchases, not. only of
poultry, but eggs, butter and sausage.
The quarters are at New Orleans,
Savannah, Charleston and three places
in Tennessee.-
The total number of cabin pas
sengers taken to Europe during the.
East summer by the principal steamship .
ne from our Eastern ports was
23.245. against 19.496 in 1880. and this i
army of excursionists was carried over
the Atlantic without the loss of a single ;
life. This showing is remarkable and :
very creditable to the carrying com- ;
ponies. 1
Massachusetts pays higher than the '
average to ml school-teachers, giving j
them over $67 for the mouth; but tha '
female teachers are cut down-to $33.50
The average paid to women in New '
Hampshire is $22.83 a month; in Nevada :
it is $83. Tiie male teachers receive from
on average of $25.54 in South Carolina to
$84.46 in Nevada, and $89.47 in the
District of Columbia. In Maryland the
two sexes have the a&ma average pay
43.49. ... . ... . ; . ,
Keuralqia, Sciatica, Lumbaoo,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frost ad
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
Ko Profound jti in ,-s.fth ihhI nt ? ti. .
a inf, rM-, mimpli' ri rhrirji Kxti-n -i
lirmpny A t: ial eiituii tut the- eunipnmtivvlT
tritlicg outlay of 50 (Vstj. n-l very ons Miifi-rintj
with i'in can lure clittip and positive uf i:
rircctiini iu Eleven Language.
Ttnltfmnr, Mil., ir. S. X.
Armt w&ated or the Lift sad Work of
Tb only completestory of bis coble life and traglo
death. Fresli.brlliitiiit.reliublo. tiepuntir printed
In Enffltah and Uenajutiraagiiinceritfy illus
trated; bandsouK-ly bouml. Fttsi?t sellinc boolc
Ter pobliMied. By John C Kldpalh, LL.D.
PAllTinW not buy the catch pen cy. re
v"U XXVyXl vamied campaign books with
which the conntry is flooded. They are utterly
worthless: an outrage upon tbemetnoryof the great
dead, and a base fraud on the public. This hook is
entlrelTaew. The only work worth v the theme.
Send GOc. in stamps for Aeent's OutUt.
W. IL McClaim, txm Moines, Iowa,
:i week in vour iwn town. 'tut-
1 fit free. No rik. Jivert 1 hi nn new
I Capital not required." 'e will
furnish you everything. M.tny
' are making fortunes. Utdi cm
make as much as men. au.l hoys
and pIVIs ru:ik- reat pay. Ii-;nu-: . i; ..ii
a Uuaiaess at which you can muke ptent ji iy ;.l
the time ycu work, write for particulars ; H.'
Hai.lrtt & Co., l'ortland Maine. : lv
Ijoss of appetite.Nauaea, bowels costive,
rjtinTn tn Ho a d.wit'h dil sensationin
the back partTP&in und erth e 8 h o ul der
blade,Tu!ms8aftreating, yriih a disln
cSnatfon to exertion of body or inmii
Irritability of t e mp e r , Low e pi r t .Ijobs
of memory, with a feeling of having neg
lectd some duty, wearineaa, Dizfcins,
Fluttering of the H eart, DoU beforthe
eyeiTVellow Skin, lieadache, Hegtlegg
ness at night, highly colored" urine.
TU'lT'S PILLS r epecia)lyadaptdto
such CMse,on dose f ffecta uch h change
of feeling as to astonish the sufferer.
They lnrrraM the Appttte, and cause tbe
bod;' to Take on Flh. thus the xyitem Is
noori,hrd. and bv th PirTou Ir art ton on the
ItiCMtlTfOrjninfc RrcnlarMlMl are pro
duced. Price S cent. &5 IU. array . .
Orat HAiRorWnisiCKR changed to iOtoeY
Black by a single application of this Dyb. It
I in part u a natural color, acta Instantaneously.
Sold by Druggist or ent by express on rcii' ot JI.
Office, 35 Murray St., New York.
Dr. TtTTa A!ir.U- o TluaMe l.flmatloa n
V ravfol Hrerlyt will auilrd FKfcC m plirUra.
rui uuuyiis,vfuius,i
aits coxsntPTXCH.
Sstrn;thru th System; 9
wean k.
Debilitated. ET
provs U 9
for Dr,dmk1WlMb
of Tar I lake no othw. r
For sale by til IroggiU. Ik
S.N. SMITH! CO.. Prop'r
1 M
Avalnable Disoorery adj Ww Dopartmr in Md-
!cl 8oiace. A puflitlvr:-
:T.'Ctle I:-niedv for tin
spMdjud perm a u at in
!o. friffiofc wnkQ the
dplormble dtaenso rHSalti-- l .-frj indiscreet frnctlca
or iiomwi In youth or t na timfl of lif hy the only
true way. lz: jir&ci jvyixcazion acting oy jio
sorption, aaa crtic7 it trw.ltio infiuocoa thm
Valclt Iuct, od Glaiti, iaataro uuaMo to pp
form their natural fuoctioia? viia tola it4aa pr
fadea tha human oranisnt. TLt uha of
U attended Ub no DMnor tacooralf!DC, and 1t
not Interfere vitb toeoriiinry purait of life; It Is
qaloklv diaaolved and a.n a'trMl. nroduciDg' as
Immediate eoothlutr and returfttivs eofe upoa tbe
nerroue orcanlzaMra wre fced fruui viciotiH hbltaor
eioeveee, etopvlofr ttie rt; n:rt irt:n th &rteio. rtor
lao tbe mind to Eftlt? and c-.nrt nvmory, retnwr
Ina tbe Dimneee of &.i.t. LHnfnainn of Ideas.
Aversion to 6ociety. eio., to, aad tbe nppearar
01 prtmsiura c;a gn v&ixkt arroc
trouble, aad reetorln? tbe forcee, wi-nre tho
uent hee stood tho t-t r.ry pvr ca:. pn-i ie
BOW t DroDOQDMf! ftQCIKC. XlTllg A V tO "nt(r& Jjrif j
oribed In this troubl,, .-i-1t v t;ar?i i.Ar. 3rRt r:. T
ea to, with bot llt'Ie if i:y fii('tt i
le 00 nAnaenaabvi:t t.u ?i:-i;t:: . V--,-'. ;
aerratton nonhlee ua to r.W! -.. .r-.n'-rfi t ' li i
will gn eatinfictloa. 1 h - i, .. . r.-'-.J -c i
for eeTsral yeaa t1 ( r,. t -.t-, i t.:- ;
Moninle from r-ntlenl. s t lr T"' . hit! :' cm j
diti oeeo oorminE lor viir. xrviH rtione or T.rtt-
nanant cnr. iimI... r n! t-Mtt i.'j . Ka.
UaatlBK over tbre'.h, vtiij floir t hre io tbi
wortcD!lii'iT.' 37. Se'ntbr mail, tn p!an wrppr
'i'JLPIEC-rI0I13 i-i iiccoaipic
menu for ftealcrt ynrriirtirt; Pamiii-
fefa giving JlttatoiHlcal JllantmtUttut
mint Ttntitntmfj, irhieH trill roteinee
tlie moat slsepticttf Hint then ro n b tre
I etwretf to perfect health. urf the vital
g fmreen thoro'ly re-etltsMimhetf rnmnml
Vaa if never affertetl. troltl .VJt, Jc ty
MirketandBthSts. Ft. Lqi.;!3, MO.
Unsolicited tettlmc to liki Etr.aacv cf !
Prof. Harris' PastlSlea, takr. f.r.r,-. :
In-tiam. April
il If if". r"TT.i- 'p .r '.2 a.
Iowa, Oirt. lOtb.'i'O. I am alTot srp.-l. Mt jen r
Pat411ee. Tber bare worked Ut a rlXris, 'i-i t'..v. t
nt twire a n afh o man c I ni lt tura i.1: i ,
waaontheTenteorthegrrive.l tti-i:ph. ao :
o oire lor me, bjt 1 arsi ir, no.i r. 'ie Ioj a w.
Weet Viririnia, Aup. Sslsl. I .r'l T .vr '
eiae and beLievo It baa cu-wl te. 1'jt w.). J ;
taankfnt. indexed ftad l'lnae ae:il ui- . i..-.r ,
boa I No. 21 for a frieod. Yoa hire dont. a trf.
fox me. I will eend y-q ell t'ie.r'lr i cu. .
From a Physician and burgeon.
Mlaaonri. Jnne IS Pleaiw forward m acjt'urr r
mt toe Faetiliee. Tae patient oa wbntn 1 hr va
moat of one box, la addition u a i.rsiiln hci, xe f-.t
recovering, and I mink anntbfr wiil act aim aii titt'A.
Froma Druggist.
Maryland, Eept. 2. "73. Last January we rt a box or i
jonr Remedy for one ofonr caaiomM".ftsl it bus murfe
a erfct ove of him. We bave anotlwv rnflamw now
WliWir to tae eai wax, aod wiaU one o. boa.
1 T
Is the Best of Tonics ;B
Tsv'y 1 Cures Dyspepsia; k
jt ?5i T-Ke8tores tne
1! Zrfj fM and
41--rZf - AtrislofltwiU
Hr ; is?2?weclira.Ak
Jt - HI d.
treable. that la well known to H- tb-' cen-oi in vanv Your Spavin Cure put the tnttl to the I V. '"-a
nlaerytoaomaaF.i'ndopon uEctt pjf vwro 1 -r.,..,.. s.ct;i. nu, for Hie Cist time sinre luirl. ...
Upatupinoeatboie.of tRroe-fifi. No. l.ienoiici I 1 J J---Tj' ivilOil. foi 3 l.ihillv lirililiei.l it j r,,.r .. , :, j
tolasta moutb.l S3: M-j. . isnni'.-k-nt lor;rt amr- i ' :- WK yii.tLe ' Ver Use!. j 1
W.igon, liwjyy. Machine ami Plow rt-
pairin-j, ami general juhbimj
1 .:! ?!.- i'.--p.!rvl ti lo ail kinds ot r,;.iri.-:.
! 7j;r.i irt!t-r ti;u-iiUK i v, its tJirt
, h n, i'4().l l;ithr Mi my -"hup.
The old Reliable Wason Maker
n.&t:iKMi ciiarue ol the whkoii shop.
Hr Is known hs a
Sfw Wvcuu sad leajfgieh made
Mi.-0 ' Hiv'h street rrosit' S'reight's SvaUf
JAMBS C3-K,A.(5e!
T3e'ti1 l.irniftYi "nanlAts
ri.AlTSMOlTII. .... NEB.
Billi:n4 Hisii ju4 8 i!i..n t Mam Stj-t-T, ff.av
door froiu Sixth ul Neville'
old ;l;we.
Zteraen her th Xamr and Plar,
l?v James Grace.
35 ;
HP ' ;
A. ;
i'eto, Clmii, Firat Class M?at ahvp,
otiMuin Sttvt't t':riier of 5tli. I'lultumuuth
Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat.
"boins' brick yardT" "
111 I lie of the Konnor Stables
ejoop HAIUJ
F i r s i - C ! n s s Brit'
Will t!o Con tract Work ami Ouaiaiaee
15rr3 PhittMUOUtli, Net;.
Siirirsors to Joiipi & Agnew.
Again takes charge of the Old
Brick Livery Stable
Tlx-ii( ;.;i!i r Siables. in riattfmoi:tti. ore
'.it.-' i V'V .T.l:tc KiL'Onhyri- iti ll'.v
J 'Qt:xi:: Sew svnd handHOiue aocoiamoud
j - ii: l ii iiw;.c of
ii . Ii - V. VA tihIA fJES, B UQQIES,
We -mc mow prepared to keep HORSES
And will
Train and Break Colts
On Kpftponublp Trms.
That with plenty of room (that rvry one
knows we tiave in our otable. p can get Farm
ers' tock and wsjgoiis, load-) of hay, Sc, under
cover, Heie ihcy will keep dry.
Tbai.Ki:is; M the old patrons for their liberali
ty, we: soiidt their trade for the future, natNfted
tli itwecan aco.rminodate them better and do
better by tr-ein Miaa everbefore.
1. iUlil.l,, - Proprietor.
Flour, Corn Meal & Feed
; A!.ys on hand and for sale at lowest casta
i : lot . The hirhent prices paid for Wheat and
I Cnrn. Purl icular attention cirea custom work.
i everltoov"roii. an It m certain in it effpets
ana aoes uc! nnter. Aio excellent :or hu
man llesli. R!CA1 I'ltOOK BEiOW.
COL,. Li. t. fostei:.
Ycungstown. Ohio, M:iy ltth.1380.
I'!.-. 11. J. K fs 11 all & Co., Oen:sr-I had a
Yery valuable Haml)!cUn::iu coll which t !rla
vn v titifiily. he tiiul a laiao hone sj;tvin oil me
1-ilnt iiol Hii.sill oue on ihc other whu-n made
r.i.,! vrj laiiie ; I had him un.ier the eliare of
!! wteriiinry siiriretins failed Jo cure
him. i wan one d.iv reUini tiie i.tvrlit meut
fl Ki 5:rIc!!V Sj,;tvi:i I'nre 111 tlie "lii',iO f.x
prf. I .it-ii-i mirc.i ;,t fuice to trv it. (iu-v or-if-eil
thrpo l.oitle .- i tuuk them n'.l iin.l
io ik1.i I wu'.:' j,ivf it a ihiii-o'.u'h trtl. ( used
it vi vrdiog tj dueciioim aud t!ie foiinh day
I hi ! re -vd 10 he lane. i:d the la;iiiis hve :.fiued. 1 tned but on- t ot il a;id the
etttlA um.Iw itr iiK tw froirt lui:nis a:d ae
i:.n ;)i a : Ii-re in the stitte. H:.-. i eiitiro
i . .ir. ci rii-j .iiie a so re:.i;rxri.i:e tiiat I
It-! Im. vr s- tr,ii;t)iK-- lutve t.lie reiiiaininc
lv?.. i. ?!, .-. i?ow u.nn if.
Vi-r h'esj ertfiiily.
aFii's Spavin Care
.( Jif:-. S.ih. Co.. S. Y. Feb. 21st. 17.
fa:. ;; .!. ; imai.l. ijMar Sir : The particti
i.i :.' ii .ich t used vur KeouaJi't Spavin
I ' ii k t li.'.i-ifiiil ar.kle ciirairi of sixteen
Yviii' Truly.
Hkv. M. P BELL.
K. ChiTcIi. i'iittt n's Mli'.s. H. V.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Send adiiregft f-ir Illustrated Circular wiiich '.
we think pivs postive moI of it virtue. Na
rcniedT h. ever met v.iih such ui'ualiUrd sue- !
ce to our kn.iwied-.'e, for heasi a vreli an 1
rrice 1. prr t'Dttle. or ix botllcs for 45. Alt
'nir7l.u lii'.''i It bri'.in it f'r V;u. ir It
I aid or eent ! :i!t? aildrei on n-ceiut ot price !
cy ce nwt'i-tori
j. l K H. J. & r.y UA III' c CO.
"'- '
t. ly ;
E- ji -;-.-' t.u-iiu-fc- lefor the rub-
SS. " T i. "X. !. Vi, nvn. .-,!...!...!!-,... .
y. S jg t- 2 tt.U'5.eiNe ? ::-':t:i! s.'M. a-v-
?- ;-f -5s v . ii! "" ii a da
:ii.. i'i'3i,'l ti.'ane'Si h"!u" iiy
t'- i-i. ,. s- . ':!. i:,
-' unie -" i; "it !o ...!:: tor n. ?--wsrhe
!'(;-. ; r-M: v : V -iiii i li.lie ..iiT, ;i ;-vi
vi'tir i :o..i ; the 1t-I,..-, Vu 'an live
ii I er I'.it v..trV. V.: .;!'.' !.:n;v.
-- y r .: i. ' ,H ; e'-' , 1 'i" rlit f.l :
:jj- -:; i i i'i:'- :' ,y ii i'!r:':ij :ti'3'-e (
v .:Ji:' a"; : " - i iud'; -
tjt .'.I ':', ','. 4..;it--
"-'iy .!.&' '.. n jcusta, Malte.
Mme m I !.' I e. j ilia
T1 A Tg n
I .... --n :'-PT
!OWAW, ft
Wl.-ri' (i.ic .-i : i: o-T ii ;tri' mads witi
Through Sleeping Car Lines
- '!
Nf v vtKi iv -stow riiiui.r.ELrHi,
r.Ai.l f.MO:x:. W.I.SMINtJTOX.
r f f
V.a P0iSIA for
77, anl all ntfnttia the
OXJX"E3: .a;AST-
V ia th
l?Ol 1 K 1 Oil
ft. c, :!i"-!iicM!fi nftf-rod t-y this
Siiif ti i r --.- v.- i(.uns!s are as follows :
llf eeifut.tted i'ltlimaa lo-Mieel ralaco
JJleeiins; v'ai-s. run only on tiiis line.
C. l'i. & O- r.-tl.-we Drawing-Koom Tars,
With Horton's rr-o;i)iiinr Chairs. So Kxtra
cr.arye iir r.eats ;n ltriiiniJtr t'imirs.
Ths? famous C, 11. & Q. Palaee Dmfng:Car
GorKe'ii Siuokini Oars. Cited with elegant
hii;h-ba-ied JUuan Kevl vin 'hairs, lor
the exclusive ne of iirst-cl:u4 passengers,
Fast Tie Steel! Truck and Superior
Ei;ilnii)e;i: c t.iionie.l with rh-ir flreat Thnwjh
I c ur j&muwrau at. makes tins, ubve aitoIheiS.
; lue iani? jii ii:e
! rAST, MttrTtl OK OJ til K4f.
TRY IT. and xou will And Tit A VEf.TNG j !,ux
ury istoad of a 1 teo;iiiort.
i sale at all onices in the (.'lured States and
411 iiiforiir,i!i(:; ii'.iai '..! i.f I'arr. .lep
li.' Car Ad-'iini.imin tun, a;'.i I'lim i aile,
will Le !: k-rhnly gnt-n iy .ippiyhiti u
l.J'Mifrj'.! i';is!i"iei- e't, I'liicasjo.
',i-t'al Manager. Chicatto.
'L.r3 3 Z-'-H
bwS7 if ,
Style & Price.
Guaranteed XJticq'n.a.led
AL'm taWjmtt I'm
mm m
j! a,
. W5
Fr Ag Ja T,vnx-y City and To
Li tho United Stta.
and by J. II. vX,
Plattshout n Xe:?
Is n,..:.- ..
Vh!:ii". ;,n it .1 ".-(: j-l'-f:i-
iJmt -' l'i - j-.. i
tll h'UlV fur i ll .ii'l .!
dii i;':'i't ... i.i.
1 i . .'.t: I .-;.f if lar
Hn'nyfjy fur ill! th
: i;i ' i-ier I'M't ol
' f r-ul:i;lie .f.tun
." ; i i 1 1 1 . ' . iiiul nil tliifi-
rutin" I .
.iv, r v ! I ritiarv tr-
tfrm. tiT k-rnmfs Mont hi v Metl-
!-i'Kt ii.-'.. ti: : ijii.i!: I'n-u :a;.'-y, it fiK na
e(,n;t!. It tru 'r.t-'- !l:,it ina'r.e th
tlt'Vvl. -tfiJ ii
;iff ii t!. lie!-: Vjpml 5'tiriiler.
I h'iaii r-'iii iv t:mt carp that
IlN,if. i"ir Uiabetee,
-. -,' t:i ',i ( for.
...... ;.n. leaient at I.5C$
j ! !-i i ins market. Try it.
; v- ".';:!). "rf'x hester, X. Y.
It Js iiif uri".
.anreiy of tjwder-
h family pc i -8 1 tea xurfaea ever the xi,r
ctuoins friction and liKitolrf; th Craft,
it ia tbe chat peat i:.aui2 it ootta no more
than Infer o- brands, and one box ktl do
th worK or two of any other Ax.r Creaaa
rna3. ItJnr 'vart "(tj '.y a weu l-ir iiarveeler.
Mill Gtairiair. Tiirrtitiiiix nat hires.CVrrx,-Hazibtra,
Canrlfurv. I3iiw", etc., ete., a for . atrorta. It ia
CUARANTt ED tocoptain no Petrolowm.
F'tr by aLi r.-.-st-ciai oeu.ra. Jr Our lorkM
Cyclop ia of Thing Worth Affotdme tri2iied Irae.
31 Michigan Ave-iue, Cblcagro, lUtnol.
ARC PAIO erer 1iIIt 4'aM y
'oiaera... A v f, t v.r nay it. na. loa. fl
anr.U,wt,a H I 11 I kl. if t-nt xiixht:
4iiiuei vf L.aat .r Vark-eae Vetaa inc a
re..ioa. ITnJer a law thcatandfl are an.
ti1. led ?o an nera of L-ecion. Wjow. er
ptirtt and 4epauieat fihr or tuoth.r of
ftolditrt vet
uji'.uo. !m iiuiiiii lariciy
PilS Ah F23 Tc3 V
S. im Vi ff
Ml 1 a v.V StfS?
rfl v r ri - C O. -3 lb fl eOj&
r" lJ "ric- -T ii the w
til- - F. K. FirzirR! i Co., U aim Axesta.
'Iitoi'iwi! : liij-J-'ir; kaa.tifiK Ala
td lr,'t irtiuJl JyViia.fc-V-let ItwurMt
A complete ttock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
We carry the biggest stock of CANNED GOODS in this City.
W Fine Teas a Specialty. 3
C. S. Malta's "Oli RclialiIeM Brand nf Baltimore Oysters, ' -
GoodN Delivered Free In any part of the city.
1 "Tii,
mm m
, - - . . . . -
C5 I I
Contains Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake ? Gentian
And curcn Djnpepsia, Lohs of Appetite, BilliouHne and all deracgetnenta
of the Stomach ariHing from over-eating and drinking. Prepared only bj
LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. i for lo l.jr all Irnu't.
Old Grocery & Dry
uoods btand.
Although Lection is ver we are not done selling goods, by a long shot.
Sroeerle9 HDry goods, (KIsihn
rockcryware9 cheaper
The nifest (iieru Winter Apples for sale. Over tlOO Darrel dvvu Cell-
Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS
. jr. s. wzti tjs'S,
is reserved for .
V VKAi. Kt:tojinHtii4 for rutrnue,
befit. 14th. :i(aliifrn" tf r.t on r;liation to
CIreat chance to make mnn
ey. Hi oc who always tak
- ativariiAze ot tiie eiitfl
oham'c fr in.'iktui; infiiey
tlctt are iffpred. crurrallv
UKaome weauny. wtiue luey
io noi improve aiifii cnasre8 ix tiihid In
pwenv. v a wanwincry ineii, oii!fii, Lm anrl
iriris tn work for us licht ia I lit-n oa iv. on!it
Any nun Clin i 'he work firorK-iiv from the
r.ii nan. 4 hi? i;nne" ui p:y nvirf iliHn fen
Inref .inliiiii v wad. ICxiwi.kjTe citflt furnl-li-
tiv. Nu ot.e wi:. enairr tail. t o make moa.
ey r;trilly. Von run devte your -ile rline to
in. erK, or miy jnur sp;irn iDouhmils. Kull ln
forniilimi ;iui ail that I i',l sint free. A(J
tV I'll IJM
' '".,tivn.,- trrr.
1 hu a,! UMK.ThWxmrm er M inwua '
m a.-fM!tr prunc4.
aanaercoa Oo., I OUctan J-iaoi, Kww Tm.
'i 1 2 S (htvlt Street. St. LocJi, Ma.
J ; rrina of t Medioe.'. Oiieow. tiu'liw
-.- i tjk.j wt ''.tiierFareielaa iu bt. LAOtas
it'..',anr,ndcii ud MiiteiMciu.. frrpbill.
' rr . a, ;. 4U icrura. Orchlua. Kg ptonil "
. -fij. y -itiiy: Co ft Merc'-irlal AJt3tiea em
. 'v-j, M'aor l.nnarf 8i'.lj-, Fiiri.-teSr-
V -r"r!Scu Ieb!lUT and Ixspoftener'
'. -.-.;'.! .-f Hif-y tu, tp.... i fa rpy
-. -' "r irclrwixK, v.'fv -iy nrTn ami, iin...a,tii
. t-'-drbiiitv, dunameet al'bt,eaeeM ata-
l, areraina t J orWCe imif eT
-" Mxa.l pewer.nljrtjt Inre. lim fa, hie aaaxw
j . -; t.'.rc eer.are r---'r 1' mnlnllijt
-.'. er by rexd Ire and i n r-i ;V (ton piuet
. . -- -urnm i u, w ejvifreaa. fumrea
. .. v-r Vhre donbt exire 14 laimakir iHeAed. '
't. tiruj.-7, wel' -.i-5,ai It htroetolia, ma Ibe
fi.iilnj tJh4ota: Yfiio w .y marry, nr an, whr,
Jsoehood. irofnarhnod, Pbrtiical oaoay. WhAanoold
"rrr: now ll'e .! hapvineii nuty be lm! n J ; erteote.
it t!lhwT ari exeees, and hiut more. Tboee married
" onteKp'atiS'i marriage abouid raad It abexi keep ea
nex leek key. 3 era. r aaU ia money er po.
tf. Bii:Uiin-0irg;ajv-rrtack revl anH wwten..
I I i te L, Weakneea, t n Maabxi, Kerr-MeMea,
aaeefOu(iulaa ef 10m, ATeceloa tn society
IWwun ldemoryan4 lriaertlr brevebtee) 'J Hit
Aboe. Aardrtuwfitbetbelarrredlent& St. Luaia
Or-K4i'e loe.eH t.C5r, Pt. Ivrate, If o.
Beaa, jUDpoaecfl
eHeet. TJ or Bladder -" 1 -
".T1 ,r d AU tbe dbnaeea TeeelUna fieant '
aU-aboea, exomteoe erexpoxor on ma fox U.'e with, eare,
peaietne. Adrloa tree. Caarcae uxm. Call or wnte.
LTa n m AC e c u i d ii;
rrtalUtial 2CS7 t 18 . Iru 8tr ST. XX
PbTskaanxinehariteef tai eld and well kntre
L lostit'j'ion ae rrxular rradttale In xeaaMnn
iotit j'ioo ae ryrulax rradttale In xaedteaoe aav!
: tnrj. omrm of axDerlxaea tiu ... .
.....c mane laaix aktll and aoiirtr
ranch xoperiox to that of te ordiearT MaetMioavr.
fcT ba. aeoatrel a national rntatlan tjuosca
' rTOnt nfromriiMntMl run.
f lr- klmd. natlat ec a , traaved wrtb es
w-ai,,ii i atfeetMtne
: ?..n'.il- prioai(.iee, WHboet ttaug MerevTexeUier
" g M airxWeix euienee -
VOUMn HTM en4 trioa. mS niadieaae whel
'- '""' aw eniffctaag troea orwanlc eraaJx
eat tnat udu let riUax fw boateeae ox maxrlae.
rTflT,je?Jj rnrerl. at BK..te eapeaea.
'ATISNTS TP" nTFR Mul and txweaw
iuoalitttf'.? aaM jr'iAt f .Ji k-r P' "
. c-....r. 'rekrtM, i. nil aa anui.
i jmm M a m aaiiiaej awnai txeeaweaa
tiW Am M Mnal ueitaM.
jhnMiufcrieit p.e.,ke.laatMnraaeVmeva.
are maiiii tartraer..a,e - nn mmiT
'iyr -a .- "
wak il- - T A
Wlhfiteo .
Ja. -r-- i. 6oK a.
The majnrily ef tho lit of the
body arlme frnm a'iirngmieit if lh
Liver, ajKitnif hmlh tho tioonte.h mm4
oowlo. Jn order lo fm-t a euro, U to .
eaeeexaary to romoro tno eoum. rrajt. '
lar and bluggith netlom of th BouUt
Ilrmdanh,!ilkniat lite Htmtk,yln.
tn tho Both Of Lot-no, U-.,tmiomt tht
tho Isiror lo nt fault, m4 thot imtMr r- ,
quire afittnnrjt to omaol thio orymn to ,
throte of Itttpurltleo. ' ' 11
ITlcklX At BIUraecfr
oonpouMi& for thio puryom. Tliy mro
miM (Aeir rrUK etnet ffe-.iUro no at ' '
ourot aro ptomoomt to th Intern 4 toUom
entity 10 both ohltdrtn ot.dttdullo. To
hon according to dlrvrtiotto, tktg mro m
af ondplrman etrff'r PyHpf Jieia, .
Geoerai Ijtji;itr. IlltiaiAj Coxxi
KtlpatlotX, I)lted Kidneys, .
ctc,ctc 4 mood lrlflr Air '
mro ruperior tm any othor onodieim ;
olomnolng tho ofUw thoroughly, ond
imparting mow life net enorog to tho In
valid. It is a snexilclrje n4 akoieiet
. latOX.iCAtXn.St beverogo. ...
aad take ne ota er. rjUCB. lO0 per BetU.
tzra bros. t co".. -" sole pfsmietssi;
a. lorii and feneee Oitr. Ma
i HI' P
fii f::.?S:ff:
It a the relt of MO TnrV ee.rlewe sl
XfHruaenteiD K wiiur kiatjuinen. II tmmUn ix
oooifmmUof oil wum! eaf mmm,t, arid t
auK a " one iriau "or one I4aa " u'iine, ae tirr
are- It ! tlae delex-te f vilieM.aod pea-
It 1 lern, lijtriMlii,
iew aji MMi, faunae asu oaimieuaa.
, aww, . 4tm ...
War-enamel aed
-myoaro. i1rm.irwiJt. dmroiU. aad
fnlfdei i irinn aunt free 'art.iu.ia. Tt U eiu
kmt Ib I. rr rer 1
l-rt. A trial wU pro rt !)' I'a it t ajU -Kfinriralinr.
HAKcrrrrra t klttH. iCS
i. - J
( A CHI S C Urepc M m. ) w MOf e Lao a
K C'.r ikhccmm. ) w MOf e ua
;)tT it " J wntc ti'-.tlxi-evf. I 'I
tots' y nn i orin t-.,v lri-u( j i
A natim ofrenthfnl lmprodaoa eanjvfa xYaxaar
lore Ueoar, Vervona IVabUitr, IxMt xauiaodV u,
having tried la vain avary knowa mnadr.M eHx
aeieied a ataipJ onlttram. whirh be will end FCKX -" -
aw om leuow-nunm,
ratideaa . 11. KtJCVJUkt.
4a3 '
ckatiuuxi arc,
XUFFFRFhS M OenarrW. er leauxa
Vauaa, xai'il ey aa i
It I a aor ear tor LKCOOaABaa er TUrfU, fkeaaa, Uw '
e 1 te r wtUnet hul. er aU draxjriM. Tr .-.
x a aiukv w Hot err uMt;iJ, es sva i wrl. 1. .ft.'
rr jxvj rr yr
tfij m a. : v
51 vv t ; ?5
t Cat ?t
iyl-tVy'.tfrl.'' '
Ma, JB