The Herald. NO. ft. yViACfojRPHT, - JEDITOR. IVLATTSMOUTII. SEPT. 29. 1881. Call for a RepuWcaaCoanty ConTcntion. The Hepublican elector of Caes Cuuty ar hereby called to elect delegates from each ward and precinct, t meet tn Convention at L.oaiviI1e. Matnrdaj-, Oet. 1st, r.C the hour or II "a. in., for the purpose of plac ing In nomination the Cunty officers to l elected this Fall, and aleo to send thirteen del egates to the State Convention, which meets at IJncoln, October 5th, and fr the transaction of such other business as may legitimately corr.e before the Convention. The basis f apportionment shall be as fol lows aed on tho Tote for Congressman : One delegate at lame from each ward and pre cinct, and on for every tfteen Kopnblican vte, or a major fraction thereof, I is als recommended that the Primaries for this Convention bo held o KATURDAT, SKPTKMBr.K 21th, 1W1. at th following times and places : PLATTHMOCTr. 1. Ward... !i. Ward... a. Ward.-. 4. Ward... 6 del's. at Court loiise, T to S pro at r.rick achl hse 7 to " Lempko's shop 1 to S " Council Chanioor 7 to S " riattsniouth 9 delV, at TayU.r's S. II. 2 pia 4 - llfM-W liiliffs 10 at Merger's Liberty 11 Avoca Mt. Pleasant 7 it Mile Grove 7 l,uivill.. . outre W. Water.. 10 Moto Creek. 7 K.I i wood . . 7 rwiuih Bend 7 Salt Creek.. 7 ireeownod- 0 'liplon at Fol.len's " at Hutchin's " 2 at Uilmore's " a to 3 at huafer's " 4 to 6 at ilover Hall 7 Cr. I'rairie S. II. 4 at School hus 3 to 4 Stove Cr'k S. 11. 4 to 5 at DomlU'fl T Dean's lumber yd 8 to 7 lit reen wood " at Kamey'n S. H. 7 at E-nyle H. It 7 Total-- 13S delegatis. It is farther recommended That all proxies be in writing: and from tho wr! or precinct in which the delegate proper boloiiys; and in the absence of any delegates from sny ward or precinct, the delegates pres ent shall cast tho full vote of the precinct. Also, that the committeeman from each pie eincl be at the primaries in season, and act as chairman oljthe meeting until they are duly organized. And that the Chairman of tho County Cen tral Committee act as chairman of the County Convention until it is organized BDd the com mittee on Credentials report, as has been the enstom la Cass County until lately. JNO. A, MacMURI'H V. J no. F. Folk, Ch'n. tee'y pro te in. Wiieat rose seven cents iu Chica go, Tuesday. The Mrs. Garfield fund nw amounts to $321,000. Hohert Sherwood has a new ad. in the Herald calling attention to his large stock of -goods this fall, all new and in the latest styles. A disease called "rink Eye" has twen prevalent among horses in St. Louis and Chicago. Thirty-threo hsrs es died o)f it in Chicago. Saturday. Mr.s. Garfikd and children and Grandma Garfield accompanied by Secretary Brown, Gen. Swaim, Col. Rockwell and their wives, left Clere land for Mentor, Tuesday morning. Oh, the sad home coming. There were men in this town so wonderfully sympathetic, so sorrowful they could not attend an honest farmers' eld settlers' meeting or a sol dier's camp-fire .Saturday, because the Tresident was dead; but they had no scruples about packing a primary in the evenlnj. Tresidrst Arthur has convened the U. S. Senate to meet in extra session on the 10th of October next. The fact that there is no President of the Senate, or Speaker of the House at present, and that the pub lic business has been greatly delay ed makes this stop imperative. n When G9r. I)enmsn of Ohio went over to the New York delegation af ter tho nomination of Garfield and said we must nominate a X. Y. man for Vice-President, Whitelaw Heed put in and remarked, "For Heaven's sake dan't nminato that man Arthur. What do you think about it now, "Whitelaw. It is estimated that tho losses by the explosion of the dynamite car at Council Bluffs will reach several hun dred thousand dollars. Tire car and repair shops and the round house were totall' demolished; fifty box cars were blown to pieces; four en gines were partially destroyed in the round house; four or five frame resi dences near by were demolished. By some error or oversight the German Leiderkrantz were not call ed on for music Monday. It was en tirely an oversight and should have been remedied by giving us notice on the stage. The seating arrange ments were managed as well as they could be in such a crowd. The trou ble was the Hall was not large enough for the people that wanted to get in to it. Thk very large gathering at Fitz gerald hall Monday which was almost impromptu, the arrangements for the same being made in the morning, on the street, wa3 very creditable to the citizens of Plaltsmouth, and shews how deeply the public heart is stirred over the death cf ur late Chief Ruler. Never before has such a crwd throng ed the hall, and hundreds stood out side. The services throughout were appropriate and well conducted, and the speeches were among the finest we bar read or heard. Crocvwlilo Tears. It is very well to mourn for Gar field now he is gone, but we have no respect, nor confidence in the grief of men who, "because it is the popu lar sentiment, step upon th boards and tell what a great President he was, how pure, how great a man, who last fall called him a thief and scoun drel, said he had his back pay "in his pocket," and that he ought to be and would be in the "Penitentiary" if he had justice. Such fraud and du plicity is beneath the contempt of every honest citizen. Fraud at Primaries. A newspaper iiian has a pretty hard time of it in a small town about elec tion time. He hag to be suspected by his very friends, the men he wants to help most: he has to listen to all the complaints of the disappointed, and wade through a sea of slush frem both sides only to be blamed if things go wrong and denied any credit if they go right. This is bad enough from outsiders, but when another editor and a farmer editor at that, one who ought to know and do better and has no cause or rea son to do dirt turns in and helps the meanest men he can find, to put up a job at the primaries, as II. M. JJtislmell did in the First Ward Saturday, it is time the public understands the true nature of the man, and the honest men in the Republican ranks repudi ate such action. It is not because Jno. A. MacMur phy was not elected a delegate in the First ward that we write this, but be cause the conduct of the primaries in Plattsmouth have yer by 3 ear become the cause of contention, fraud, false voting and sometimes'violence. The peoples' wishes are entirely ignored in the matter of delegates, and we deem it high time that one case at least be made an example and Mr. Mac-Murphy's will do as well a3 any to illus trate proceedings which we. are bine our honest country friends will repudi ate and rebuke. Personal statement of Mr. MacMur Phy: Being well known iu this ward, hav ing owned property in it for years, paid taxes thereon, -and having from duty and inclination, and in pursuit of my business been a constant attendant at the primaries and conventions of the Republican party in Lit is County, and having been a known and pro nounced Republican during all these years, I think I have some right, title and interest in the Republican Repre sentatives from this Ward, and a 1 iiiit to be heard as to the manner of last Saturday's election of delegates. At least two of the persons claiming election do not properly belong to this Ward, have had no interest in said 'Ward, nor have they been affiliated with the Republicans of said Ward and can not and do not represent the senti ments of the best citizens of said Ward, and never can. nor ever shall represent me, politic illy, in any conventien, or body of men that may imret in this County. I allude to II. M. Buslinel! and Win. L. Browne, who came over into this Ward but a few days before the primaries, and who by raisrepie- sentations the most glaring, and by voting other than Republicans, now claim to be elected delegates to the County Convention. I here enter my protest and the protest of other Re publicans in the Ward against these two men buing accepted as delegates, and their votes' being counted at Lou is vide as residents of this Ward in such sense as would entitle them to represent the same, and to act as dele gates for the true residents and Re publicans of the Ward. I hereby give the correct list of the persons who voted at the Primary on Sept. 24th, in this Ward, and leave H to the public and tlia Convention to judge who would in right and justice and with fair play represent the said Ward. NAME OF VOTERS: 1. E H Wooley, 15. J A MacMurphy, 2. II M Bushnell. 16. G F Hottbs. 3. F li Cranmer. 17. J S Duke, 4. WCIinc, 18- Cil I'aniiele, 5. G F llomeworth. 15. C Bowen, 6. 51 A Armstrong, 2o. I J Porter, 7. W Fottenger. 21. TMaisland, 8. II Meade. 22. 31 T Franks, 9. L Goblins. 23. H Boeck, 10. M Shiff;,'en, 2t. C K Skinner. 11. o. Sta:its. 25. L L Kioiiardion. 12. V L Hri.wne, 20. C E Duke. 13. K B Lewi. C H Smith. II. Dr. G II Muck. 2. IVter M "ryes. The tally stood : Wooley 2C MacMurphy 10 Bushnell M Black 3 Browne 22 Young 3 Lewis 25 Tucker 5 Wheeler 26 Herold 1 Smith C II 19 Farmele 1 At least four of the above voters voted for Hancock last fall, or were never affiliated with the Republican party in any way, previous to this meetiflg, and many of t'he others were handed ready written tickets, by II. M. Bushnell and Browne, and caused to vote them under an entire misap prehension of the facts and against their better judgment and wishes as expressed afterwards. As every one knows I have been ab sent lately, have had no time to "work up" a delegation if I had the taste or desire to. When I camw home, I was informed repeatedly, not by one, but by many, thai these two gentle men were coming over in the first ward to beat me, Bushnell making his beast that he had done it once and could again. Shortly before the day of the pri mary I was informed they had come. Having no time and no taste for such work, I about made up my tn'nd not to attend the primary, as this was no question of candidates at all, it being clearly and thoroughly understoood how the ward would vote on that mat ter. I was largely induced to go to said primary by Mr. E. II. Woolev's prom ise that there should be "no fight" and that my name should be put on the ticket as a delegate. Mr. Jennings also gave me to understand that ,his was t he case. Before that however, Mr. Woeley came to ma and said Brown wanted to know how I stood on Hyers. that he could not vote for me because I was not a Hyers man. I told Wooley, I de nied the right of Brown to inyuire.but before Woolev left satisfied him I wts as good a fiiend as Hyers had in thi county and no one outht to know it better than Mr. Hyers himself. W. said that was right and all would be straight. Brown tacitly agreed to this and professed the whole matter had dropped, on the street afterwards then went down to the voting phiee in the evt-iiiu and five minutes before the polls opened, took a mau aside that wanted to vote fer me, and told him I was not for Hyers. In this he simply abused Mr. Hyers name because he knew these men were friendly to Hyers, as I was myself, but that was the beat way to deceive them and lead them not to vte for me. I give this merely as one instance of the deceit practiced. Both Bushnell and Brown had ready written tickets with rny name purpos ly left oil and peddled theiu all the evening. Look at that list of voters. Republi cans, and tell me if they are the stand t'.v's, the men who usually represent this Ward. And again does any one suppose that the young men they got in there, such a Messrs. House worth, Cline, Chas. Duke and others would have voted against me had the matter been fairly represented to them. They had no ob ject to do so. I never laid a straw in the way of any of them. Had I known there was to have been a contest I would either have setn these young men. or stayed away entirely. It was on the repeated representatn n that the matter was amicably settled and my name should be on the tickets, that I went there at all, for in a fight of that kind I was at a disadvantage as I had neither time, patience, er skill and never have had, to deliberately pack a primary falsely and unjustly as th.s Was packed. This is no question of candidates, for had I gone to the Convention I should, as I then stood, have as certainly vo ted for Hyers and Jennings, as that I voted at all ami left the Treasurer to settle itself at the Convention, though I refused to be pledged to any man at the dictation of a few bum mers of the Ward. It is not that I am not a delegate, I care little for that; it is not that I op pose the candidates these men pretend to be for. that I make and enter and shall urge this protest, but fer the bet ter purpose of securing a higher, a purer, an honest system at our pri maries, without which all talk of civil service reform is nonsense and all pretended sorrow and grief over the misfortunes of the Nation a fraud; for there, at the primaries, begins the di abolical craze for power, tor office, for plunder that has in the end led to the sad results of the past few months, and that is day by day sapping the virtue and strength of the Republican party because the people have no real voice in selecting their candidates. The machine does it, the Ward strikers, the meH who have time and like the business of pack ing conventions, . they make the nomination, they control the policy of the party; and while' it is sj, honest men will stay at home and vote not. Thus it often is, and may be again this Fall, that we are outnumbered and outvoted. This protest I shall carry te the Convention, and see if the henest men ef the party in this County will endorse such action and such methods of securing a nomination. The Ward can be represented as well, its full vote counted. I ebject only, to the votes of these two persons being counted as delegates from this Ward, on the ground that "fraud vitiatps all things," and their representation in this case is a fraud. I know numbets of Republicans who will stay at home this Fall, unless they can be represented at Primary and Convention by delegates of their own free, unbiassed choosing. Personally I am glad I am not a dele gate, for I am thereby left free te act as my judgment may dictate, for the best interests of the party. Jno. A. MacMurphy, Ch'n. Rep. Cent. Com , Cass Co., First Ward. Plattsmouth. We never wern happier free ef convention responsibility, we can come home and mind our business Ihis year. The "Kasa" man of the Lincoln Democrat need not worry over Mac Murphy; lie knows what h is doing, and whose candidate will be left at Ijouisville. Lay it on to Chet Smith now that's cowardly. Chet Smith is too much of a gentleman to try and beat a man that had never injured him in any way. Tins meeting in back rooms and "fixing" tickets and making compro mises ought to be killed dead, by the honest men of this county, and no can- didate who permits it ought to, or can, carry the Republican vote. False pri maries and put up nominations have been the curse of the party. We have been accused of being too mild, tee lenient; of not resenting in sults and treachery. If we ever have, thia election turns a new leaf. After this we propose to return slap for slap. The so-called republican that plays double will get blow for blow, no mat ter how high his position or how good a friend he may have professed him self hitherto. The Garileld Monument Fnud. Cleveland, Sept. 27. The Garfield monument fund committee to day is sued the following: jfe the People of the United States: The movement to secure funds for the erection of a monument over the grave ef James A. Garfield is-being re sponded to from all sections- ef the east, west, north and south. In order to make it popular and successful it will be necessary for the citizens ef the different states to organize. The committee hereby requests all national bans, private bankers, saving banks, newspapers and postmasters to call at tention to the movement by posting notices and otherwise, and receiving contributions and remit the same to the Second national bank of Cleve land, Ohio, which has been designated as treasurer of the fund; also, to send the name and postoffice address of con tributors. These names will all be recorded in the books that they may be preserved in the monument. All contributions will be receipted for by the Second national bank. (Signed) The Committee. September 27, J8S1. Mr. A. W. McLaughlin was ap pointed ie receive all amounts dona ted to this fund iu Plattsmcruthi . The Fnnoral. The funeral services of the late President at Washington Friday were short and plain. Saturday the body was remeved to Cleveland, Ohio, pass ing through crowds of - mourning peo ple on the way. The remains lay over Sunday at Cleveland and were buried Monday with great honors, attended by an im mense concourse of people, and bv the most prominent men in the country of the'Army, in Masonry, and belonging to both political parties. CEREMONIES AT THE FAVILLION. Cleveland, Sept. 25. The cere monies at the pavillion began at 10:30, members of the family and relations being about the casket. Beethoven's funeral hymn was sung, beginning: 'Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee." Scriptures were read by Rev. Bish op Bedell, of the Episcopal dioctse. of Ohio. It included passages beginning: "Man that in born of woman." "Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place." "But now is Clinst risen from the dejd." Behold I show you a mystory." PRAYER AND BENEDICTION. At 11:45 Dr. Chkrles E. Pomeroy de livered the final prayer and benedic tion. Two hundred and fifty thousand people were present and the ceremo nies were most imposing. Nearly every foreign country exhibited emblems of mourning and in England Churches were draped, services held and iu many laces it was made a day of mourning as much as iu this country. So great respect thioughout the world has sel dom been paid to mortal aian. Business was suspended the country over in the United States, bells tolled and guns fired. In every town and hamlet some marks of the universal grief were publicly expressed, showing that love for law and order yet pre vail, that above all party rancour, all partisan feeling this great Nation yet holds sacred the words and deeds of the Fathers. This was our President that was kililed, the Ruler of the Na tion, legitimately elected, dastardly murdered. It is fot this that crowds gathered north and south, east and west, and showed by their public acts and words and deeds that they still desired this government to live intact, entire as one great whole, and that all faiths and creeds and beliefs united in one grand public ovation to the dead martyr, and in universal detestation of the monster by whose mentis he was taken from our midst. As long as such sentiments prevail so strongly and are shown so grandly as 011 Monday r we may not despair of a free and united Union, of a govern ment, greater, purer, with more noble aims and objects than has yet been shown the world. Great afflictions educate nations. The assassination and the con sequences that might havt nsued pointed out to us our weakness; the uprising of the hearts of the people Monday and all through this terrible trial shows our real strength and the confidence that may be placed in the true honest sentiments of the masses when fairly called into action in favor of right, justice, liberty, law and order. How Monday was Observed. According to the proclamation ef the President and local officials, Mon day was reverently observed as a day of murning for the dead President. All the business houses were closed. and mostly draped. The public Halls Churches and many private residences were approprately draped. Service were held in all the churches in the morning at 11 o'clock, and were unus ually well attended. At 2 p. m. Union Services were held in Fitzgerald Hall. All the clergy in town and some from the County being present and conducting ttie service, aided and assisted by the Grand Army Pest here, the choirs, band ai d coci ties of the place. rts Hail crowd ed to its fullest trap icily, lh .fi c !ie were eloquent, and w have never reti our prople more thoroughly aroused nor more in earnest than on this great eccasioa. Sorrow for the dead, sym pathy for the living, detestation for the murderer who has caused this per vaded the entire assemblage. ORDER OF EXERCISXS. The Grand Army assembled at 1 p.m. and after appropriate services in their Hall, marched down to the street, un der charge of Comrade J. W. John son and officers, preceded by the Chap lain and colors. They were there joined by the Ger man Society, the Fire Companies in uniform, and the band with muffled drums. Crape was on ever arm, and the grave faces and solemn step of the people showed there was o mvekery in this mourning. Marching in the above order down Main Street and le turning, they entered the hall, already full of citizens, awaiting their arrival. The ban and cheir came to the front, and the services were opened by a Chant from the choir, after whieh came the following program: Prayer by the Rev. Mr. B.iird. "Departed Comrades" bv the Band. Reading by Rev. Mr. Burgess. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Cooley "Nearer my God to Thee" Cheir. Address to the Grand Army and cit izens by Chaplain Wright. Address by Rev. Mr. Burgess. Funeral Dirge by Band. Address by Rev. Mr. Cooley. Addreia-r-by Rev. Mr. Wilson. Address by Rev. Mr. Crowther. Sweet By-and-By Band. Afler which Q. M. Strode brought to the attention of the audience the plan of a grand National monument for Jas. A. Garfield to be built by the people in dollar subscriptions, and on motion of Adj. Jennings, A. W. Mc Laughlin was made Treasurer of the same and subscriptions will be receiv ed at the First National Bank for the monument. Closing musicTy the Choir. Tho Rev. Mr. Baird then pronounced the benediction and the laige audience departed for their homes. The trial of Giteau seems now to be uncertain the parties at Washingt n are still quarreling over the jurisdiction. The Old Settlers Association held a brief but very pleasant and profitable meeting at the Fair Grounds, Saturday the 24th of September. About fifty persons were out, a list of which will bo given hereafter with the remarks, and they really enjoyed themselves eo well that they are deter mined to meet again at the Fair Grounds, on the second day of the Fair. Thursday, if the weather is good and have another social re-uujon. The business transacted was to change the time of admission to the Society from the year 1S60 to include the year '61 and '02, that is all who came here prior to January 1st, 1863, are entitled to memberohip hereafter. Also the appointment f a perman ent yearly Executive Committee, to take charge of and arrange for meet ings, &c. This Committee was: J. C. Gilmuur, Capt Marshall, Frank Young, the Secretary, J. A. MacMurphy, Mrs S. L. Thomas, Mrs. Gapen and Mrs. Siebold. The meeting was greatly enjoyed, the remarks very humorous at timesi and very interesting as reminiscen ces of the days that are past. A full meeting is hoped for Fair week. Re member the Ladies can join as well as the men. Christian Church Notice. Ed. Hera ld : The Christian Church of this city held a 1nemori.1l service last Sunday evening; the church was appropriately draped, and in the rear of the uulpit was a life size painting of the dead President, about which was folded the American Flag, and beneath which Wits hung a beautiful garland of flowers; on the table iu front of th pulpit was a cross the body of which was white, and trimmed in black around the edges. This cross w;s beautifully decorated wi;h ti-Mvera aad entwined with deli cate vines, under the supervision of Mr. Moore, the florist. The floral display was the admira tion of all present. The services were conducted by Elder Crowther, and from the text, "He being Bead, yet Speaketh" he preached a beautiful, touching and ap propriate discourse. Elder Crowther is quite a young man, but seems of the kind ef mater ial tlrU public speakers and preach ers should be made of. The. choir showed excellent taste in its selec tions. At the close of the services the following resolutions were reported by a committee of the church previ ously selected and on motion adopted: Whereas our illustrious but departed President Jas. A. Garfield was identi fied with the christian church for up wards of thirty years and during that time in the high and important posi tion he was called upon to fill, ever distinguished himself as an exemplary christian; in testimony of the high es teem in which we hold his memory, we, the members of the Plattsmouth Christian Church and the congregation assembled this Lord's day eve, Sept. 25th, 1881, to hold a memorial service, do herewith resolve: First, That in the death ef our es teemed brother, President Garfield, we have lost one who was ever a faithful and zealous member of the Church of Christ, who, by preaching and teach ing, did much t,o advance the Gospel in his country. Second, That wa shall ever cherish his memory as that of a gallant sol dier, a wise statesman, fnd.a true christian gentleman. Third, That we tender to his de voted wife and companion of many years, our deepest sympathy, in this her great bereavement, praying that our L-id will Le her shepherd and support in hour of trial and afliiction. Fouit.'i, these resolutions be properU iiihciihed on thf records of ihn cii'greg.ition, that a cepy be sent to the Plattsmouth papers and the Christian Standard, and that a copy be likewise forwarded to our esteemed sister in Christ, Mrs. Garfield, the wid ow of our departed President Chas. G. Crowther 1" Isaac Wiles, Com J. B. Strode. Base Ball. The following has been handed to us as the names of the base ballists who will play at the Fair Grounds on Friday, Oct. 7, 1881, for a purse of 75 and the championship of the County: WEEPING WATER. PLATTdMOVTH. J H Bellows, T Lacy, E Greenfield, C Kinser. It S Wilkinson, If Sessions, W Dunn, II Kirkham, II Russell, C II Smith, F S Klepser, M O'Roui ke, H Reed, J Patterson, W Jones C Duke, II F Burkett. P Swift. substitutes: Geo. As hmun, W K Fox, W A Piiipps, Jos. Kalisky. Sonth Bend. Sept. 27, 1881. Ed. Herald: Thinking that you would like the names of the South Bend delegation and having been Sec retarv of the primary meeting I send them as follows, to-wit: (Given else where.) McFarland as President ef meeting. Geo. Smith spoke at memorial ser vices here yesterday, w had a good turnout, Dili's hall bfcing-full build ings i town all draped. Yours truly, Wm. L. Wells. Eight Mile lirove Notes. Ed. Herald. Our primary meet ing was well attended; a number of young voters came out and showed themselves on the right side, as true Republicans. The citizens of this vicinity deplore the death of James A. Garfield. G"uiteau, the cowardly murderer of President Garfield, does not deserve to live, and should tuff-r death, or the Government will deserve to die. Mr. Geo. Swift, a well known re spectable farmer, died at his residence in Eight Mile Grove precinct, Septem ber 21st., of dropsy ; bis wife and fam ily have the sympathy of the neigh borhood. Threshing is now in order, and corn husking will soon commence. Corn crops are short and ' wheat a failure. John Adams has finished his dwll ing house and he will soon be ready for a tfplic'e. More Ano"n Beams From Sunlight. Sept.2(5th, 1381, E. Heralo: In common we mourn our noble President, but we of Sunlight have a special affliction. The Diphtheria has been raging in our midst for three weeks; bringing death and sorrow to a number of homes. Mr. anil N rs. Samuel Ryan are in deed left desolate having lost all their children (three.) It will be remembered that they lost their house and contents by fire about one year ago. Friends can only sym pathise with them in this new afflic tion. The plague- still goes on. T.N. From FactoryTille. September 24th. 1881. IION. J. A. MACMURPHY, DEAR SIR: Please rin.l enclosed minutes of our Republican Precinct meeting. Pursu ant to call iu your issue of the 22d iust. a inee.iug wan held in Liberty precinct, Cass county. Neb. to elect eleven delegates, to inert at Louis ville, Cass Co. Neb.. October 1, 1881, with the following result: On lavtiwn, Henry Wolfe was elected chairmun, and John Murtin Secretary. (Delegation given elsewhere.) Jessie Irwin was elected for as sessor; John F. Buck for Justice of the Peace; H. G. Douge for Justice of of the Peace; J S. Howard, constable Oliver Wida, constable. For Judges of Election, nenry Wolfe, J. W. Lynch and A. M. Rose For Clerks of election, S. L. Hobsoa ad Samuel Cameron. It was resolved that the above names should all be printed on the regular ticket. HENRY WOLFE, Attest Chairman, John Murkin, Secretary. Died. SWIFT At his residence near Cedar Creek Cass Ccunty, Neb. W'edneeilay, Kextembe 21, liiM, Ok.okuk Swikt, ajjed 64 years, 4 lnonun anil z nays. Mr. Swift was born In the town of arry. In Orleans county.N.Y. luno 27,131 where he spent his boyhood days. At the age of 21 years he came went to the then new State of Wisconsin where he bocame acquainted uMi and married his wife, wlio.e maiden name wax Amelia Pieice. In the year 18US he disposed of bin property hi Wisconsin, and came ta Cans County. Neb. with his family, purchasing his present farm near Cedar Creek, where be has since resided. Mr Swift bus been an invalid for near five years, and realizing that the time had come when he must part from all earthly things, during the past year he bad set his house in order, arranging his affairs to leave bis widow and children as comfortable as his limited property woald admit. Of him It can truthfully be said as his neigh bors all testify, lhat he was honest and straightforward in his dealings wi.h hi fellow men, and an affectionate husband and lather, courteous to all with whom he came in con tact, fearless aud independent iu his views and opinions, a man upon tli whole of moro thaa ordinary intelligence. The county in which he lived will long miss him ; to his bereaved family the loss is irreparable. Base Ball at Rock Utuffs. Ed. Herald: We write this week to give a few notes of the game of base ball played at Rock J1uqs, on Monday the 2oth, between the Plattsmouth acd Rock Bluffs clubs. The Plattsmouth boys were on time, and the game was called by Mr. II. M. Bushnell, umpire. Rock Bluffs took the bat, and led off with 4 scores to Plattsmouth's 2. The next two innings show two "white' washes" 011 Plattsmouth, but they re taliated by "whitewashing" Rock Bluffs 4 times in succession. Platts mouth taking the lead" at the fourth inning, kept it through the remainder of the game. A few features of the game deserve special notice, viz: Capt. Sessions' judgment in managing his nine, his good playing on first base and strong batting; O'Rourke's good short-stop ping and strong batting; Kirkham's good playirg on second base and good batting: Smith did good work on third base. Hobbs, who played with the Rock Bluffs nine, will not be forgotten for his tine "mulling" in center aeld, ana his stout running to first base. Kinser, of the Plattsmouth nine, did good work in the center. We alss wish to say that Platts mouth has a clnb composed only of gentlemen, and that a club was never treated more gentlemanly by their sub- duers than was Rock Bluffs by Platts mouth. Although a few of the umpire's de cisions may have been erroneously made, yet we believe all his decisions were made with a view of giving jus tice to both sid.-s. n e extend a cordial invitation to the PlallMiiouth boys to come, and see us agin, an I we assure them that they will be welcomed bv Rock Bluffs B. B. C. Bfantiflers. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin. resy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of 1 ranee or beauti tiers of the world, while in poor health. and nothing will give you such good health, strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is cer tain proof. See another column. Notice. The Cas County Democratic Cen tral Committee met at Louisville, Monday, September 19, 1881, and de cided to hoid their primaries on Tues day, October 4th, and their delegate convention at Louisville, October 11, 1831, at twelve o'clock, noon, for the purpose of putting in nomination, can didates for the various county office to be lilled at the election in Novem ber. The appointment of delegates is ns follows: Plattsmouth City, 25; Plattsmouth Precinct, U; Rock Bluffs, 10; Liberty, 8;Avoca, 2; Mt. Pleasant, 4; Eight Mile Grove, 8 ; Louisville, 5 ; Center, 3 ; Weeping Water, 2; Stove Creek, 4; Elm wood, 2; South Bend, 6$ Salt Creek, 4; Greenwood, 3; Tiptoo, 4. The Democratic primaries will be held at the usual places in the various wards of the city on next Tuesday evening, at 7:30. ARKANSAS &L0UISIANA. CIIK.1 IIOMK FOK ALL,! 50.000 LaBorers canieTTin me r! iatelj Employ ffisst, at Good Wages, on Farms aai Railroads in Teias alone. The Saatb-Western Immigratioa Co. ill mail on application, free of ct. Mvtat;e prepaid, bonks with inajMt, giving authentic aud reliable information, in detail, of the state of Texa. of Arkana'. or of Weitern Louiniana. We lie ire to confer with those wishing to bet ter their c.-.ndition and are meditating a change to a aew country. Addreoa B. ;. 1)1; VAL. Secretary. Au-itin, Texas. J. N. KICIOK. EaUjru Manager, 43 Broadway, New York. Foreign Office : WM. W. LANG, ITes. .Leadenhall House, . "'" tt2 Leadeahall ist.t London, E.C. EngWnd THE MARKETS. HOME "MARKETS. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Wednesday, Sept. 1881. l 00 45 CWo 80 50i'-7i (ji.HR gm ty f. 00 zyikin dt-15 1 5ofH 75 Wheat. No.2.. . Com, ear shelled,... Oats T.arley, No. 2 Rye Native Cattle... Ho- Kutter Kens PotaWw NEW YORK MARKETS. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 2S. Ihxi Monev 45i6. Wheat Rye t'orn Oats 1 44 CHICAGO MARKETS. ClIICAilO, Sept. 28. 0 UO i$ti 7 kil Xr.'. y 4: 1 10 1 I3'4 Flour.. Wheat. Corn . . . Oats.... Rve.... Bailey. LIV K STOCK. IItr. Iilpnins S7 0O?t?7 40 Cattle. " 5 4t 6 10 Sheep 3 4ixtf4 40 A Woman's Experieuce. Mothers and daughters sheuld feel alarmed wtien the feeling of weariness and languor too constantly opressos them. "If I am cross and fretful from the exhaustion of vital powers and the color is fading from my face, I al ways And immediate relief in that ex cellent remedy. Talker's (linger Tonic, w hich seems to build up my system and drive away pain and melancholy with wonderful certainty. Several of my friends have experienced the same benefit from its use." A Buffalo lady 4t5 BETTEE GOODS A.VD than anywhere west of the Mississippi lilver AT FRED, GORDER'S NEW IMPLEMENT HOOUE Main. betw. Third and Fourth Streets. East of Court House, ALL KINDS OF Agricultural Implements, the best and latest Improved patterns. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ALL FARMERS know what I keep, and my Spring and Summer stock, is now ready. Give Gorder a call. Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund here. In addition, I have added ail kinds of Buggies 1 "Wagons AND vzmz wms. IN SEASON. O 5-DOX'T FORGET THE TLACE $66 a week in your own town. Terms and outfit free Address. II. & Co Portland. Maine. NEW FURNITURE STURE HARRIS & UNRUH, DEALERS IX FURUITURE f COFFINS, ana an Ktuas 01 gooas usually kept in a FIU&T CLAHH Fl It.MTlilE BTOHE Also, a very complete clock of 1 UUU1U1 UUUUUj UUUUUj UUUUUlUj llUUUUj EMBLEMS, &o. Special attention piven to the proper care of the dead, niuht or day. a flr:-t-claa henme and rarriiipes, with persona! attendance whenever uesireu, l.hakjes always ukasonaislk. South Stole Ltnrer 3fai'n Strrrt, 24tl3 I'LATTSMOUTH, NEB. Send for ot isew Illustra ted Price-List No. 30, for FallandWin- teroflSSl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kinds of goods for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and sell all good3 in any quantity at wholesale prices. Yon can buy better and cheaper than at home. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 127 and 229 Wabash AYenue,Chicago,IlL TE8TIMOXIAI.TO IK. FELLOWM. WE. the Hndersigned. C'.ergymen of the Methodist Church in Nova Scotia, hav ing u;ed the preparation known as Fellows' CoJ-iroujfn Svkl'P of Htpophohphitk.h. ire- Jarcd by Mr. James I. t'Ki.i.ows. Chemist. St. lohn, J. B., or having known cat-e whereiu its effects were beneficial, believe It to be a relia ble remedy for the dieaes Ir which It is recommended. Jamks G. Hknnioak. Joh.v MoMukbay. rres. of Conference. kx-lTe oi conference Wm Skroent. Kibhaki V. VkiiAll, John A. Mokher, a lex. W, Nicholson, John V. Howik, Cranswick Jost. Stephen F. hckstis, Kowland Morton, JOHN JOHNSON. t5The Dronrletor has letters from varinim fiarts of the Dominion, the Coifed States, and rom Kuuland verifying the assertions herein contained, whieh will be fhown at lil office. on application. Ldiey relate to the cure of Dis eases of the Luiifxs, Heart, Stomach, &c. FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOP- HOSPHITES Speedily aud permanently cures Congestion of the Luujrti, Bronchitis. Consumption. rvous Prnstrxtion. Shortness of Breath. Palpitation of the Heart. Trembling of the Handa and Limbs, t'hyslcal autl Mental jepression, iosn ef Appetite. Los of Energy, Los of Memory, ni prove me weancuej junc tions and orean of the body, which depend for health upon voluntary and involuntpry nun.'nn-r ur.tif-,1, Tt nptrt With VlITOr Pen t la rifcm and subtlety, owing to the exauijit banuQjiy oi Its Ingredients, akin to pure blood lt'lf. For safe By all Druggists. 1 . V SJXZ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 97 STOP BEATTY'S ViJi Lit 1 V 5M. Adiicss IAMKl. K. I'KATTT, Washington. N. .1. PARKER'BGIN GhR TONIC Cure complaints of women and discas.M (if the Ntwniacli, Kowcls. I.iinc-'. I.lvur, :tnl Kidney-, ami fx cntirHy different from Kltlem. (iitit'er Essences and ther Touicw. an it ne-r intoxi cates. 50.-. ;.id f 1 nizes. Lai-e lu Ihl' tlsize. HIMIOXA CO. On iiiUIm V V. W v. . . . a i;ta L.T11'" " ini S, vS COLD MEDAL AWARDED THE AUTHOR. A nw irmat Mavln al Work, m rrn t "1 1 1 n.i t ta J c b e p. tt, U4lijnllA to vrjr man, rntitll "the Srinc! f Ju.e, bound in tincftt Krfinrtl niu!jn.mlmttl.f nllviU.av faCM,rorilJttibitiit tl ul t, nifravinjrs, 1-5 tr-criitiona. Jtl w ..... t i.. ... . .1 . . illu9trat4a ftarapla. 6e. ; iwna now. A1rtrM mh'Hif cl Im-t'tatnor Ur. W 11 ftH. B.KH .No.413auu-b.t.liMW. QW IHYSE COTICURA Permanently Cure Humors of O.a Scalp and Skin. Culioira remedies are for ale lv nil !nii;IW Price of I'l'Tlei iiA, n Medieiraf .Mlv. mi all boxes, 6nc., lare boxes, tl. t i i f u a'H i-koi.-VK.NT.tlieiii'w Hlonrt I'liriller. ft per holtle. ruTietiiA Mkiucinai. Inn. it sai .:. CLTK'l HA MHHl'IN Al. Ml A li K ,f, JfC. ; In bars for harheis anil hiife eoiisuniei Cue' rrincipal lepit, Wi;i:kS kt I'lll l HI. Boston, tSTVYll mailed free on reeelpl of price. A book of rare orisiiiiillty.piiliileU PRACTICAL LIFE. The treat problem Kcii. The carefully coui-iilcreil from t he sue of lepoasl-. bility lip to maturity, in reaiil to lUtucutlon, Mume. Snciet v. Love, Man iaire, liiiNinem. ic, time Jrcnif-ifaiV r lire tit lit Hrrrit-H'iiititrm. The volume alioniuln In Milking thouhi. iir information and intense in 1 1 n .n -n .-. Kull pan' olred platen t a'U one a rciii. Atciita L'.inteil everywhere. Send fur circular, lull denerintlon teiiiin, &e.t to J. C. Mi:t'l linv it '.. fliicairo. III. ES S Sa IK . J. F. BA-UMEISTER Furuishe Krefh, I'ure Milk ii:i.iVE:iti:i oaii.v. Special ealln attended to. and Krehh Miiir. from game cow fuifii-hed when wanted, -tly J. G- CHAMBERS. Manufacturer of and Dealer la FIHE HEAVY HEjaiSaSxristss. Al-o, a full 11 ie of SADDLES, COLLARS, UJiPLES, WHIM II028E VLOTJI1JSU. ETC., ETt . REPAIRING Done neatly and promptly at liorl notice at Ms 1TEW PLACE, Directly opposite 1'ost Ofiieo. riatlsnioiitli, b. None but the best of stock usrd ! W. F. MORRISON, Prop. BEEF, MUTT ON. PORK, CHICKENS, c., etc.. Constantly on Hand. Everything First-class, at Lowest Rates. Main St-fbetwcen 4th and &th Sts.. North Shii. PLATTSMOUTH. NEIi. IQly PLATTSMOUTH SIM HELICON BAND, roMpn.SK! or TIBIUTEKX HI i::tlIJi:n. Is now fully prepared to furniMi music for any and all oceat-ions. A Thorough Organization with a complete and well t-elc led repertoire of BRASS BAND MUSIC. Orders respectfully solicited. Ternm reasonable Apply to J. V. YOUNG, I O. Book Store, or lOtf J. FIX LEY JOHXSOX. Scc'y. NKW MUCK YAKI). I have now a new Brick-Maker from the cast, First-Class Workman 130,000 No. 1 Brick Now Iteadr and fur s;i!e. Cmi:- and ltiiniiiq for Yonr-elvr. If il.ey fall on a man oS trees lila Lead. Will Not He iJagersold for a QcamWy of Brick-. 1 am also now ready to ontract lor all kinds of buildings and to jmt up any kind of work in Brick wanted. JEItllY II ART AT AN". At my place on Wiiliii ;tii Avenue ir at K. S. White's Store on Main Street, I'lattsmimth, Nebraska. 4.rin3 C. SCHLEGEL, Successor to Soii.k:ei. X 1 km v, Manufacturers ofj 5 f ' g-i TrSf.'-$ ----- UfjLt And dealers la SMOKEKS FANCY A liTK'l.FS, SMOKIXO and CHEWING T 0 B A 0 CO . Special BEANOS and sizes of CJfJAlUS nuotf u. order, and satisfaction puar-antred. Ciai clippings Bold for Miiokir-'- "haceo. MaJt Street, one door west of J. H. Iuke's stort Osrjxx-itt Piut Ofire, Plattsmouth, Neb. imjj ' POSITIVELY Clin ED by VMtan Cured, Not Merely Rsliavetf Can Prow Whnt u-e 'claim.. ?!L5r? .!!LSi!m ! aadlup. Krr'-T.T' ' r. ,L- troubl.a-l ti ! ! !t 2iKyot7ii, -65W7iii.t 4tiiirkljrurnt. x faoalidahi.V Xn of '"""""all to i.nj ll-rel-l. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Alaocureull forms of Blllousnen. prevent Consti pation and Dyspepsia, proiaoto ingestion, relievo dlatrcis from too heartv eatini. correct Disorder 1 of tho Stomash, Stimulate the Liver.and HeccW 3 tho Bowels. Thry tf'j til this by taking Just oco littio plllat a dosa. Theraro pure! vepetaHo. !o not nrlpe or pur.anj ar as nearly porf oet as i la ponlblo for a pill to t e. Price 2i cents, 5 for i Bold Ij drutgists everywhere or sent by roaJi. CARTEH MTDftflNt 'Cti, NEW YORI tllren a HriHI-.r.t Wh if a inH Rt... litlit. remnie no 1 1 innniitp. mul (or months. Snmp'euick 10 etn.. u n ick jr. els., t wieks ".")., posture jjaid. Have three nc. A, Hand I. AkciiM wante.l. Acln-c hi hi A I, Tit LAM I VMCKCO . TO Cortlwiiit M.. X. Y. if. PILLS.