15V . S3 the Hssmm! "f-3 Tho Stopping of th.9 Clock. Surprising f.ilU tho hisra-it mooiu C i!m, The su idtvt sil-jnon l i my -li.irulcr small; I, st lrtinfr. lift my head Li half at Tin I'bc clock has stopped t nu's alL The cTock hjs Bt.prod. fouu 1 Yot why hvj I so An limt.ii!t feeli:.,r nlm .st lilcj dismay? Why nt.le its eitenoe .iaer fian Itj sound t For It bits ticked ail dn r. - - So rniy n life bc-sida my. own jro o.;. Anil mich cfimpanlousblp unheeded keep; Omianionbip ?csrcc recoynizc-J ihl gone, A'il lost, in sudden flee?. A:id so the titcaM if? Heaven daily prank! Aro in their very common ties orifot; Wp llitlo h'-d what answen-tu our wants Until It answer not. A ftraiifrcness fnllfth on f.i miliar wars. As if ioni6 pulsi wero gono beyond reca'.l- f 1 fcomethinr ut.t nougat or, luik&J wnn all cur unyi Somo i lock ha? slopped thai' nil. Geo.II.Coonr.ru COMPEITSATION. "O Fatheiland dearest I O "Ach, mein Colt, I Fatherland minel' f": have no letter from home!" We wero sitting, Ilerr Sclicnning and I, in the shade of some young redwoods, far ui the mountain sule, iiavinr strayed a little from our band of picnick ers. The trees, scarce moving in tlio breeze, dropped their long shadows down tho trrassy slope, where in the sunny places tho yellow butterflies flit ted in and out amon? the purple lilies. 1. Tho madronos spread their broad and sidninsr leaves to the sun, delighting in its fervent heat,and making cool shades where the deer might rest when tliere wire no picnickian revels to desecrate their solitude. Through our sympathy with this beautiful spirit of solitude, v there had fallen upon us a long silence. h4 . . a 1 . t . 1 . fi 1 i , nai news uu nu.u uuinci I asked Ilerr Schenning at last, merely by way of saying something. II':. 1 . if. . ...... t ...... 1 r - v linoiiL m luuiuiuuiiiiui it mu.uiupia.i umo to mi um "i"' t to sliow that he had heard me. he coa-j. linued to gaze at tho mountains, or ir ratlier, lar bcyonu mem, to some wmte , . ..(.. cloud slowly sailing through the blue. f - 1 was about to repeat my question, but r.1 paused, seeing the color deepen on his if j dark German face, and presently, with a great sob, as the flood-gates burst, came iLc cry: f'2 Aoli flrttf T linv nn Ififfoi' f mm I' home! lie buried his face iu his hands, and ffi with dismay 1 saw tlie ssvift-falling 1 tears slip through his lingers; but the Q storm was as brief as it was intense. Pi Ilerr Schenninsr was not one to give w av to maudlin trrief. 'You must think 1 am a glitsermg z idiot," I c said, as he laughingly shook CS the last tears from his limrers. N "No," I answered. "I ti.ink 3-ou aro homesick, and I know tho misery ol IvlIUIV lllO I1113CIV Ul that malady." f 5 I had a sudden and Fa ack of it. Your ques-N "Yes: in fact I . .. . t ovi-rpoweriii2 niiacu 01 it. xour ques- i- tioii was a diop added to my . heart's ! full cup. That tree" pointing to ag lir tree that towered to the sky "with its trroat waviinr arms aud whispering bonarhs, liad borne mo far through M vonder calm sky to the Fatherland. I t.i was a boy arain. and had strayed to f . . . a m . 1 KJ my iavorue nr tree ai me eiK'o oi me r forest; rocked in its branches, I heard j?'jous pipe, and from its neighborhood jassaSsiu:liiOI,. tho wild songs of tho woodland; I saw rjtcamo an unmistakable German voice. N' .'. am inc ined to think tho attendin"- N tho silvery gleaming of Mnrg flowing making answer to Ilerr Sheiinings , iysi;.Iails i,ave misapprehended the ,1 lown to tlie liliine; I saw the blooming m salutation. A rapid conversation in president's casc- wliat do vou say, doc orchards, the bird-haunte l grove, and their own langu.ige seeme I to put 113 tor P" asked one.' ' " " V"A liin Iil llr wliif r I nitio r.f 15 1 union wii 1.1. V"' ! n t li ri r!i t. I i t'i fr. for nnr hot ll'iornd 5 i 1. , riK' r.v,"v "!".. v :.r r - i lie irairrance 01 113 uuwrr-ijiirueii mus (jiuuiiiio hihuu iuc t-u iac. .. a c atl ..a. a i came to 1110 across the meadow, and 1 s. know wi-r. wnllrcil llicvo wonrinre in t::. : 1 - , , !. .".VL51 ,1 1 ----- -- - - her golden hair the blue flowers that I pUhe hearth, where a pleasant lire added loveu my iiu.e ij.iruara. 1 can not, t; rememhei wlipn T did not lovn heir, nnd M think of her as mine. For her I ied. and struggled, and won mv school-M uay prizes; ior ucr 1 sought 10 uccomeiis micuer sniK.re... am .sue is come. 3 wise aud honored; for her saice. who H he added, as a lair-haired, .rosy young M I. .1 -v 1 , 1 sf-.M !..-. . f . t. nnlw linaartl i-ki n ivm Olll Oinil I Ilv lf I'l ll'l tflja-A sweet seif, more precious to me than &j all tho rrold cf California heaven M knows too precious, I thouglit, to bo .Innra.. if rail I. a ilm el.ir.vi' ..!- . I ! L.3 u,r '" "j y" itted by the slavery ol our world life of poverty for her dear sake t I put aside the little clinging haii'l-snuJ make my fortune. I lauli to think FJS how I have groped and stumbled iu the broad. beviidiriiin'iiorht of this so en- E-i did young world, while those who can scarcely write the plebeian names they bear, dip down into tlio m-steri'. nous earth and lift their hands with o-litter-rlf in ir treasure. At home. I miuht have walked with princ.s. Here, poor, ill-fe? .-.1 a .1 nn.l tl.-i'l T c.n- t 0 a.-rr,rat inina 2 ...... ..... a 11.1 1 a . . l intik... weak with hunger. I wander uuca'-cd . a " .1 . . a-i ior. except wneu some geuiie liearniKe vours brings me, for pity of my loncii - Kissed her )Ieading mouth, ami came H that, and the toucu or womanly sym- "You aro ri-'ht nway to tins great, golden land 01 ppamy in net-iook an i ,one, 1 uursi 111- if t;icre j siim,hi have America. J, so wise wan my latin a:;d f-jto nyst rieai weeping, nar arras werj .. antj downwan Greek, so skilled in meiaphysi'-s, so fj about me in a moment; and what with ,,. i,,fjamej parts.' deep m all the surnio science 01 ina oui fiier uro.i lugnsu, nor imiuorous cxrpj ,.j a,c. aud t'ed world savants, came to California to fe pnjssions. ami comrorting assuranees, t i , ; v, "vt. ness, into a pleasant day like this. liutKsueST a look that she c.imo to sco what Q forgive me for showing you such aywas on tlio pae. broken spirit.' "Broken! Oh, dear! I exclaimed. struggling wildly with my tears. "I shouid think it would bo like that "of fio Pli-i nel'a fnf tiiii" inlt AiMVoil t AX XlUIOU7 lillilVli Willful IflVM crushed quite out oi you. iierr aenen- tung," l added, aorupuy, "wny tton t h-j vou nut vonr nrMn in voni noekct. and .' 'V 11 - .1 1 1 . "Vat go home?" : I L J i ' t- r He langhe.l. "Alas! my pockets aro too small. N nnd, besides, it would not do accepted la ior tare. SSo; 1 have committed sin- l eidc; I have noplace, there or here. If I should one day slip from the sun-love 1 11 heights into some black abyss, where m. even the starlight fails, I s.ioul I not bo yl missed." "What!" I said, "not even by li Barbara, who is waiting for you Iier lilumenwald?" in t ' "Mein Gott!' he cried, ia another excess of despair, "there is no one waiting for me. Think you such a fool, such a beggar as I would bo worth that? No. tlie father was right; he did well to marry her to Ilerr Ileimsteher, whose broad orchards stretch to the verge of our loved forest. Frau Bar bara is rich, I trust, and happy, with her fair-haired children clustering at her knee. If she ever gives a thought t Ion" :i"-o. it is to smile at the fairy-liko future he promised her, though 1 dare tj hope lhat sometimes, when the voice of my lir tree comes to her through tho twi light, or when-she plucks those little blue flowers from her garden, she will remember mo with a little tiirob of the old love. God bless her and pity a poor devil like me." The lir tree waved its long arms in tiij freshening breeze; tho shadows crept up from the gorges and spread 3ilikl,"r tlio li:11i.lod if qah!: i r, tr lilm .Ti i i Ti I , , J. - who had sponen of their dark retreats; tt n.. I l 1 ' .. n.i-.. i.Jli i ino uajin otuiuics oi itie x ansaties r showed stern aud frowTiing against tlie -3 sky, but the face of St. Helena, grand t' and sweet, lav smiling townnl t !, Fil ie V .! wett, wailing f.-r the sus7set glorv and H the solemu stariit niriit- I - m m I TT,v.aT it. ta ,T-Q i, , r, i f.a 1 1 . f : ever-splomlid Uirieh and invself t lose nnr ,vsr. T i-.m nr-.t I,..; P. achieved that l.rili.tut" fcau" Drivinr risul1' V1' c!o'Jicd '? ,f!e chilly garments uite bv ourIves in the rear oi tliop0' n,rll.t au'! su-;k.t'1lh ho, i,5'".'e,!lt mall oic.rckiii'r ,,roc..,:,, w f.dl iii.', to further talk of California., ways. I was trving to impress mein-herr with j ?; tlie tact ii.at ne was loo voting to ci his life a failure; tiiat no one. at anv nr.-i tiif.irnirl. !Hlii! ilj.i,iic n n ' ba lav down like a coward, and let tho '," crowd rush over him; that he must fight, and keep ou lighting; that as lie was thrown, so to speak, lie must get up and rush at it again; that just as sure as fate there was a competence, if not a fortune, for every brave man here. Then I repeated my well-tried 13 some w-t tiis- our companions. lien S flO IJ 111 II . 1 J touched the horse, ami we fcpo I o - I tine ioau at a pace uiai pjniiitwa u t. soon bring us up wit.'i them; but. loJ 'the road at u pace that promised j ' 1 citrnfun ta.ra tifiit'.nK tin itF aa.a. l,sa.a..l V- I , .van on. I'll?,.. H u iii. v.i .7 .... a ai'.l nvj surpr -! flirt II, 'I' lia -. , . - . r? , f. "'o1--- '...- A t, UkvMtvllillil" t .V- 1147 ill V ' W 1 O J"'and took a surwy of our surroundiii" li "It is nlloifei tier the wrong way. xi t ?jhe said; "but if we make !nsL.; b c" i.arm, v. u may reaca Home uuiore it is very late." Mv heart sank a litth-, for th.s W:IV 4 over which we had cvmio was purt.cn - Uar.y ino.intai.ious. 1 ..,-re wer.; p itjej wl:ich Ihard.yc:uedlopas.s:, tcrd::r.v. iand llerr faei.oiinuijr, w.tli h:s aW over which we had jii2:i.t, was, as no lnmeit sn-i. "n fcjprc'.ty good driver.1' An 1 h v tii :i won lit lauorii at us! ii.v.ver, tn ' was nothing for it but to ruin;? r. I li ,,rH nn, ;n nniuiv us jiusi.u.f. w n f f-j versation droope 1 somewhat, we both seemed to have a good deal of thinking ; that would not bear puttin into words. f into words, f tf? a'ti.ongh we made a brav joke, now s qaud then, to keep up tho illus:o 1 of not 5 .caring. f -j "Hut 3-ou aro getting, cmlled," s udiri j Ilerr Schenning, anx.ously. motto: "For every W02 t'nr t 'compensation" ami jti,t the ' covered that we v. ere out of 1 was indeed sliivenng in tho C"IdfJ,noro reason why there should not be k cnirplir. win. I t hit nic Vila Ii .-' Int.. i t li . .icanons. f j "H ill you please to put 0:1 my coat.-"' he imp:ored, in comical distress. 1 . . ... . .. . ... c A I stood but a moment uoon ceremony, i itnen auowcn nun 10 wrap ins warm ;, garment about mo. ' j "Now," I said, laughing, "ycontraet an acute bronchitis. 41 .1' I III lllll' II j.jyour gallantry, I shall take you home .anu take care 01 vou. ?A "Thank j-ou," lie answered fervent-yi0 r - i ly, "to bo taken home, aud taken care of seems to me, just now, to be tlie ); greatest good; ....... 1 .... . . . . u you woum Kin t y to somo asylum for ttic; miuumui m-j m inii iui n'u i nib ;c i! lions' I should bo forever iful. Wltat compensation, think you, 1 ,,nn 1a.aA I .,ni iM.j.mf Ii'ia9" "foetus awaii developments, ' i re-", plied, witii, I confess, a sort of tremor 45m my i ia 1. 1 r ivea up at me irowu- - r . a. wi i l i i r t ing cliffs, and glanced at fio yawning gulfs below. The sin had set lon t"; since; the night was deepenin r. I fS. iTV itelt all c airagu la liner; I dul n t c i.-e now "what tliey thought.' I wanted to be out of the terror ol tins way, sale iu:ii lor somo root. 1 lor SOniO roof. 3 'Ilerr Sohcnninr, d von remember that snug rane i wo so mue. i admire ! aj we came along this way?' "Yes, we must b near it: and th?ro T indeed is the light from the littio i liou-se." t Vv'o soon reachoil tlio gate. The - i moon at mat moment rose grauu.y above tlio mountains, an I p ured i:er radiance down up ii the coittnr.i its clustering Z out-b.iildiu is, its emb v- O , '.,,.!,..,..- u.,.ii-. leering sum us Hi.. iniii.iu "'f J vineyard stretching far alon; the hill- side. The fragrance of mignonette (3 and roses came down from the garden t - like old friends to welcome us. "How lovely!" I exclaimed involun kijtarily. il "It is a little Rhime-iwald." p-' said I Ilerr Sjhenniiiir, with a tremble in las p , '2 voice. ? uur nrst jrreo'.ing came irom 1110 J. l.l I S."f 3 poreu, a ci nt 1 m s:iiok.u irom a gmer - :: . .i.;,.?,v: : :f t -i oiuks you moost pe qmi-j sumj , FMcred that the bullet had penetrated Hie lio sniil. niiLi'inf n. e!in.ir for lil near.-1!. , 7.1 1 1 - its giow 10 me uospit; uy oi too Mtm voice. "It is ZO cold auf ilcr stud-plains; it is pedder you taste dis vine Mein frau will pooty quick come; i zom young people vat got lost from al. .-They mio-ht, doctor, but wouldn't pinii!" f-ic. i..,-., i-otr.,,?" j "Acii. zo! exclaimed Katnna.com-1 -Certainly. But, doctor, they could S ra-i t. a II ! fl ir liKtL'inrr fir. Iia If S'llkS.. . . . . . . a a.. J ki. J "".''-. . ' . . . t t honght wc I soon recovered my composm u,?w t3 f'Sglanc :d at Herr Sjhenni.ig to s .'o it was witii Inm. l'.i:c, and with i 3,1 Intensely set. ho was g..zing at Katria i Mas if intent upon penetratin some vm Mory. Katnna. 111 her enthusiasm, was run &niu' about the room, and . and putting sup- ignoring the fact a picnic. lakiag l-i per 011 a table, quite I lft Wi IlrdoilOrml to , - - - - - - - - ( .-j i- jr'np a boox that lay upon a table beside !h. I . . . I t 1 ! , l. ...-. .. fcs.mc " l.uuii im; u.iuio, y "Fiau Ileimsteher," and gave KitrinafclJ , 1. -i iJiii;i hi hij f wf 1.1 vm m im j 1. ctlrt ' "Ac i. yes; that is pnng mo irorap "Certainly not. doctor. I thought piGerma iy by mein sister. Sho comes0f one t-dno-tliat vi-uld have worked SQnooty soon. S!ie makes asleep mein h4 ,vcu ; th eur ier sta 'es. but it's too Uieine naun; mein leetle U.nc ti, vatp rive tiiiii de naui It 1, c -mild ntially, "de name or von .... -m m m she lofe long, long ago. lie is tieadp hot mun' ITIi-I -M Arli wnt a nirtv!t ' 1' v ' 1 " i j (tZo nice he vas, so vise, und stio zoj pj iii.iuii unc iniii; o.iu tin uuii-i t-ui iiiiil- vied to any odder von. Ach, no!" saidji intrina, pensively, returning to givers returning to givegjand .n.hi't like to inten.re. What di. the neatly spread Bvou think of O'd revfogles 1. cturo on i auothe ytabl. another touch to Ilerr Bohunning sat with bowed head. his face !;idden. I heard soft footstcpsRti.nt t.i. olovU., nrtPrm. n,- tl,.. r,,t. of B approaching, an I a faint odor of violets r 1 a.i i , i i a tii. . 'C:meilirOUriltlieUOOr.lloOivUU. A "Viv-yi II .intn iI.a ,l,.n...o ,. ;H. ll,.r,tllu TTlrJa'n l-S ith the little Ulrica IS 'i I slipping from her arms and clinging to 3 her dress, stood a golden-haired wo- man, fair and sweet as any pictured ? Marguerite, although a littio past the - . . . . ' . . , " . , , ft ! r- beyond me, her blue eyes slowly diiat- sing, to Ilerr Schenning. who h id risen 5 and was gazing at her as if spell-b und i i by an angelic vision. Her sweet f .ice 'J.a a a..V .-.a .l ? misti. d Hive .any rose. tin. wuu anineua ? ble smile and cry of joy, she reached font her anus to him. 'Ulrlold 'Barbara, lisblini-' Ach. Gott itt c - n ' nllimmel! this. Herr fl Schenning had taken out ci iens iia- i pers, and, with liis little frau. settle I -'uoon some G vc nment land adjoining f-.IIerr Ileimsteuer whr.ofler all, hadn tfc z stayed at horn?, and hain't married 'n Barbara and ha t, as a climax, diauoy l ered imo'i his rancli a gold mine, that H promised to pay ior wftrking, l asued j him what lie th night of tuo law of compensat I-i ; n.,; It IS diVI ine!" he answered, fer- " W DO IS Xiiia and i Hera IS Hi 7 Man that is married to worn ui is of many davs and full t.f trouble. In thef morning he draws his salary, and in t ! i e c ye ! 1 1 zi x 1 1 i s al 1 gou c. li isatale - .that ,is toM,; U vanisheti one kiiowetii whittier 1 and no one goeth. He paregoric wnerewun 10 ncai ine co, Ck of s infant olT.-pring. II : imi taietii the horse or ox. and drawiith the chariot of his posterity. He speiideth hekcli in the pure'haseof fine lioe'i M purple to cover the bosom of hisM kK his slit and f-miily, yet he hims If is so n at the 1,11111 i llllll-l. II 17 at .. I- i k J .'.gales' oi" the city with one suspender, ts H j comct.'i forth for a flower, and is fl cut down. There is hope of a tree when it is cut down that the tender shoots thereof will sprout again, but man goefi to Ids homo, and what is h then, i'ea, lie is aii'.geiber wrote. 10 !. Mime of blooming youtn. t:io looKeutgdom wasloj on ,i.e Eorac3 Trotters and Walters Every now and then there is a mania 1 Tt U r trotting horse. Even the practi- M r.cal iariner ertis me uu in 1119 luuuiu ' ! . I 1 : 1 - ...... ... V- (t .it'L'a.iiU!i;uij , iiuu i lives iu ta&u it suvui ,g in a lifrlt vehicle with a two-forty steD- hj ,. " a - f)lf na mn,l Inr'k .1 jrPr. ol" 143 near to that as good luck j$ Tnoi fflii'riw film i an ......a a... a as. a waaa... a... ........... ... J a drove, a3 has u hi purchasing from 111 pin cn.isiiiir iioiu ;i uiuc, us nu w p lreouenliy ueen inecasc. in ine miasi r ' V- - . ar.a 1 . - ' st r-i t ;of tins the question is askeu. "is me - ilroHiiior hors of nnv value to the com- t"$ pjiuuiiitv"" and it has been liberally dis-H t ictisseu. me i.ist iew years in uur jvii-r.a r'ciiH'.iral c!ub3. The prevailing idea is, L J 1 .1 last few years in our azn - ...:,!. .,,.,.. ., l,. foci- I nrcn a V-i - 0ii, U8( f-1 tu or van,,.,! Lygamble.-s. fc. :,0,'rtjll? men. etc. Hut is this so? We ' : .tfi;il,. oU TLero aro t.xtrenie3 in t ;evcrvtl.in-r, nnd it is a pity that the : ed of this noblest of animals sliOUld ri i onnec!id witii any sucii uiougni : ... . w ' 7 l 1 . ; ra That it is wronirto have our agin- till lira! fairs made subservient to horse- j rsici's, we aumit. rsi ,sir.ner ground aai ' Gji niantown Teleyri .jJiro i.0t i-ure but we j aro ,:ot mre but we m'ght claim that p I il UI7ld AI1UI..1 : 1 1 lie marked improvement in public sen- tinicnt on this subject was inaugurated j bv us. Certainly we feel that no naoer ,:i3 ow. more for correcting public fef son r 1 nw- n r ili'itu or there is no a . I.. - .1... there should be slow Nones; and a fast runner j:Jc.urasred :.s much as a fast walker. Wlii'a iv pni-ilii!lir f. irron flmroful'O with t!i' proposition that any azricul- . tural soe t v. which makes the interest!? . . ... Mof a trot sing horse paramount to all Sfj ijollii r interests, will sooner or la'er bo - ti iiiii-nl 1 t -k I it' . "k iiiAnnj ti-i I 111 ,r r f .nM ;.i admit that notliiug but evil coim-s from fcJ "ja fast hersc. One of the great sources t human admiration for tho horse is 'A hat he is fleeter and stronger than we. I a We care little for the walking horse. M uorse. ,-xeej.t : s a mere walker, in wliichheti :is certainly valuable: but it would be J is cei iauiiv vaiuao.e; UUlll WOUIU OC y.jt grate-K"hanl to get up any enthusiasm in a jj 1 !,oi so race. We never even heard of aft 1 4 1 1 1 I I 1 . - , uei. uiaoe on a. a. Kl Ilg JIOI tllOUJII ESU Tiicro is one miiht say it would be 'get up bets on walkers as t . trotters, lint it is not done. Tlicro is - no admiration thpre: 110 enthusiasm::: because tliere is nothing remarkable. . Hub we measure the horse's value by (j.A tlio work he can do a-.d his fieetness of foot. These are the legitimate snbjec :s -1 for admiration and encouragement. sjOur only obi. ctif t ( li.r nail r.hi. r.l irn ia tl.or tlirwia ivlints A s?J which oup-lit to be of very limited en- f'l t? oour-i-iiniont when thorn are so manyfe Li , l iv: other department- of agriculture to care ? - ,for. are so often nia !e at the beirinninir .i? .' a rr . rj j :nul end of an exhibition. That's all. "rl J-j'0'' :,u niust admit th:.t there is no ' l grander siht than a race between two ;Oor more remark-b y lleet horses; and if It w. re possible that t i;ey could be con- .i at a s i; ulated price, without betting or e. :i ...v.....' .,,....11 ..i - iaiM Ul UIUCIJI L'lllTllS HSiU.lkl, lUII 11 VI. 1.1TV witii these occasions, thousands ot) people would attend them where hun-iJ d'eds now do, and willingly pay their;.; i dollar or live dollars to enjoy the thril- i i SM'-inir lnieresr. oi sucn au i , - ? . . i event. Ger- y mo it to im letegraya. h Piofessianal View of It. Ye-terdav afternoon two voun me - 4a..l laa.li.iil l.wal- In o Villi, II in a b niton street ?,.,,, and fell into conversation on the - 3 wiiu you. uocior, repu.-u . ! inuiiauie pus, mey snouiu 11am inautSj pjan , ft-ort (0 extract it." hi 'My idea cxactl, And if peritonitis j I roaililv- Ii nvii n. ,)cl.jtoneal wall into tho abdominal cnv-M jt f ag t(J baye re(lllceJ tiie pressure . .... then have turned the lesion over, ami ftiimnrrnnnil I lioir cnilh '7" Induced it with a borax gargle. Don't j I 7 you think they might have lowered the t-i J ll. .. . a Ill liiit iv,iuuu,4 i ii u t .it, doctor. Tf I'd been drawn the bullet 1. iu order to relieve 1 the arteries at your Did you get tlie im- E3 pressjon that any of the ligaiueiii.3 were cut by H:o bullei?" "1 think 0110 of tlio a- tenor vessels 3 was severed, and the rusii ol blood jn -3. .. . 1 I, A.t -A. I to lhn stomach is nil that savn.l his life. Have you considered, doctor. tl.at the bullet may pass into tho fem- , an.p irtery aud make tho patient very 9" Xo, I hardly think so. If th-sc physicians understand their business. icv !J tie t!:e spinal cord anund tho bullet, and ll:e;) they can iiull it out it anv time. I wouldn't recommend Sa its rem. val now." ate now atui i:,at w:w i:nhjg Hi -fi yer is, snoau;n iiiereas:i tho temnerature until tne b ullet mL.tC( .permitting it to pass oil through tho wound. . . . ,j "A most capital i lea, doctor!" Why on earth di.in t you recommend it at the time?" "O i! I wasn't called into tho case Y ctii. ..ii ..;... .. it...-. P" 4. IT. a ad nil a-l I ICcf A 111'liAitl knows .j iiu a, a. ' . mjj arteries Haeii.tici which will onlv viel.l to aui-F"? ill . j i j nutation. lioin r to the haSO ball tO-i?J .... fcd 1 S inn. 1 w m ' wc? Pi "Yes. I'm EcoiBi'. Hood dav. doo-ivl morrow- Itnr'" " 1 "Good ll.iy, doctor!' fj rt-i t i- 1 .... fsj Jliurc S oeeu n neap Ol uic uc.u J-:' 1 resident S WOUIld l and not altogether by the younger nienf i of the profession. Brook', in Eaole. IH M m JJ 4V av E- S Klfh K.qp.hplnrs rn NftW YorHr F:4 TLe New York correspondent of the 1T...f.....l 7l..t. a..a.:no tl.aauta. . af l.o U,aK3 ".j . AIA1UV1U J. aUa. .. liaVH a-..t.a, v. a ...a.- wealthy single men of New York : l!n LI may refer to James uordn lnuett ast j? one of the richest or our bachelors, lieu may return from Europe at any lime ft' an4 hence tl:c advertiser should be on the lookout hjm. Ho is now 42, IX and owns a house In 1'ilth iif'tnu, alsoEj another at tort ashington, witl sr , a a .P a . ... ,a - Taj 1. 15 auueu ine uennett Dunuing iu uuoug street and the J leva fa eslaoi sinnent., which alone is estimate ...I ,it H?- OOO lIOl) tss Cd III 5iJ.tAIN,lJ. V IS worth 250-J- it: v . ... n i,ew iui , inuiii'i i, ,,oi in .JVf 000, and there is to be added his hunt- , i . . , . 1 ing lodge 1U K-lglaad and OtilCr pr.p-i oi-tioj -iU l.i-lnrr l,a m o-(Ti"r.,t i et lies, W.llCll Will 0?ng II 8 .Igri .llt 4 i M'ealth Up to $3,000, 00. tie );as l eeiU:, M "engageil." but is now free, tho-.igit tJ the expense of a knock-down and atl ; imaginary duel. Another eligible bad .la. ll'ial if If.ii-llai r.,'.r,.r- of .tl... . i v -. .is . . f . a&v.. iv... i., . .i . . - -. ... . - World, who. though not as ricli as:- , J a rrm,a T "t88'" . , - t .1 - -ii' . ( Maryland. Sept. 2.T9. Last Jannarr we not a box of ,- Bennett, IS Stld in gOOd CireUIUtaiieeS, ' . yonr Uenmlr (r one ofnur ruatoman. tod it hm nude - and is well adapte.Fto make any worn-;' w?f .! XTCSL"n' r an happy. John Bridge is also on the;-1 " y; ?! list of eelibrates. He is rather advanced. in vears. but has a million to recom- i,.-,",d liin nnd lionnn tnr 1n in-' eluded in the term "marriageable." rmong younger in6c Jj).y be mentioned rj I rederick Paulding, the p;ay-actor. zn wiio is the richest actor of his aire- uu expectation at least) in lOthflr eligible names nu ma ai:u (U :. . LUB UI U11JU. ba found fefrfc O 1" T ' -aa,. . si.milar opulout fanUi6s, an4 if any of our readers win improvo tua nbovQ suggestioa the prize will be readily won 1 1if raonlltr ltrkcf ctvilrn Lrvirr a K Samuel J. TilJen. who Is now tlio richest bachelor of his asre ia the world. T fi-k Jcs -.ra,v TQ orifl !c t--r-fln a L at f ?'7itfk 143 XIV I Vrt . LJ V, W ft MWIA VW.C..I I '4 ano'a-.' W TRADE 'AfiK AFfl iTp Ell E 1 . mZ M f Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tho Chest, Cout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear end Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ft. jAi-nn ;i a 4 a ntifr, surr, situ ile and rhenp Katvnut! ll.me.iy A trial t'l: tails tut the ouniparatirolj lliliinp outlny of 60 nt. nil every fin mftprini; with fitain can have chcai and ivaS pro.f ot iu cUiina. " lirctions in Klavt-n LancunC"". t.3sOLD BY ALL DBUGaiSTS AND TJEALERa IN MTtDIOINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Jlaltimnre, U. 3. A. TUTT .Tr.nzrr.ja-'"11 1 is 1 INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. s Tjq8so f appetite.Uao.Be a, bowelscos tive, Pain ihtheHend.with a dulTsensation m 'i ib--ik,FJ blade.fuilr art, Pain under the shoulqer- nees after eatine. with a disin rTiTlfltinn tl clination to exertiori of body or min3j Irritability of temper, Low spiritiTTjQBa of memory, with a feeling of hay ing neg lected eo mo duty, weariness. Dizziness, fluttering of t he H eart. Dots before Jh eyesrVellow 8kin,"H eadache, Hentjeaa ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE-WAENINGS ABE TTNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. XI) ITS PILLS are especially adapted to suelicases.oiie dose effects suclittcliange of feeling as to astoniMli the minerer. They Increnae the A pnellte, nnd cause the -3 rxxl v to Take on Flenlt. tlms tlie r, teni Is f ion rltihetl. and t.y tl: ei r Ton leAetiononthe lllicntlir OncHii. KeuiKr kiooi are pn dueed. l'rice Z cenm. ii.'i yinrrwy W.V. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray HAiRorWuiRKEn changed toaOiossv Rlack by a lnt;li application of this Dye. It imparl natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold ty Druggists or eut i'y expra-ss on rfcript ! $1. Office. 35 Murray St., Now York. CBr. TTTTS HIM'll. of Vluhl tnruraatloai end k r.ful Ilrnli4 will auitasl KSfiK um appllcmtlan. f, a A y ni fU jt3. jCa 9 tI T1T3. ft f 2 Cb l iST ' 1 Mil f ' . J FOSITiVE CURF J ForCoughs, Colds. Is the Best of Tonics; Cures Dyspepsia; t Restores theAppetite; StrBsiliens the System: 9 'm&g$ Restores the Weak k itnrl nehilitafprl. A trial of it will prore all LV . . i . . t. ...... ........... r for )r. (-rook's WinrB Fur .il by ail DruggmtB. M CMITU rn Pn'r af. a, a.. ... aKWW., " f Sumn to OUr Crook htm. O tt. 1 li.,, till iu. 'a -m XVpArtiirf. In Mcai. ii,, IimKly ftr the ..i ntKi.nic wpniine-.a th -0111 ioiliscrecl t.ructioea leal Bcieaco. A iHitiv; F-2 ;eeflai;Ji'rtnuaHiit 'u or exceaaea iu i'Oiltb or nt iuu tune of life i)r he oniy true, wav. viz: Iircct Ai.iii;;utiou acllcg lijr Ale ay, n, n. I a Aiia.rtt.1nn. ana exertim? lt aTcllia icnuvacH OO tho Veaiclss, pacta, and Glnnri. th.-vt are numi.lo to lor- form Ihwir ualural fum tioas ailo tin oIspjm par dM tba human oranUm. '1 lie dm of Ilia FaotlUo U (HOTUIHl HU U IM IJWl. . 'U.uu .1 ltl"ii..., .. . not Intorfur with tte ordinary pui-sui's of lifei It 19 qulcklr dlasolvod and aoou ali.ir'.'Otl. pruiliieir.9 aa iromodiato aoothloK and r-41 urn'lva oftastuiran tba Dafrvoua orKaaizations wrecteil from vla:tou Ual.itsor irnHaHM. .tAnniiiff th. drain fro.n tbt 7stia. reator- sjll In? thamind to health ?iiid sound rr.crnory. rmo r: ink tho DimneM of SiLt. Onrusion cf lueaa, f ' c.n . . n . . .1 , u n ...inMt an. a ai.iwuu a.w siwvia,..., 1...1.., '. ..... 1 1 ftj of prematura old ago usur.i:? accompaoTioa; ttna ?LXJa ftS:;l bTe. tm'a dormant toinn Tuu mode rfirjit- . men. nu sioaa i n:. in T aawaoro . a- , oow a pronounced aopccsi. Druawtooniocn pn- acrlbed acrllied la this troui.ln and, aa many can bear wit. neaa io, wna cjui iiitia. 11 bi Jr.l"'"!'',1 will Riv eatiafiiction. It hns been in soiif ml um ti tKintnti. f7cr-. r-itisnt, tn its Tnlue, aad it is oo eoncsdsd to : t l.i, .nost ri-.tionnl me.ina let dia ;1 -ard for ro:u hinz onu rui-.ir iliisverr r.rrHient fc3 trouble, that is well tootn to To th caoe linn.ia tiijr uw.1 lw-mm, and bi? fees. t;, i,finedy y .VZWX"X'iVt?&Z VK7,:J?nt'tZZi7- J avv aca. aar .,ivivu,( wv , --- - - - - at v pi a tie nt cure, unlr1 in et-ver Cjuw.f fev I. t iHJ.it. 1 uk r c t j 1 pit: aazitfti : 1:1 i;biujq tuvcTw wV woratconriition.iST. t.entfcyji.il,iubl4;ariiiMri. h y.Hi TirsLvr: rVniaia i limnar KcciJay t ij EACH BOX. iararai:ricripii!."r'i fl l.f. ...'.f,,. Ji.AMlriJ P 'f a.afMa'ii.'ftkl.il M lets uielna .-tnttiomlcol IlliiBtrtitiotmX it .... ay ..... . ...."""... p.. ana 'leKlititcHij, iwnrii aril rontimrca c; f As mtl M.etttiittlt hat tneu m -- a t of-cI to aei-ee health, unit the rital emu thorn iu trr-eslitblixnrii a ! Vi9 nrarr affrrtcd. Sola l Mjm wj HARRIS REMEDY CO. tlFU CHEMISTS. Mamei ana atr. su. nr. uouts, ivip. uiaoltcited testimony to the Efficacy of tj In fectij. i. ft Paatillea. They bava work ad :ts ju,ttwiciaamucb Ota loan 04 1 waaanthererueof thatrrave. 1th aeujiiiu or m. I am wtia taarore taKina. I thoujzht. ual t.bn wu ITJ w""'"'7 "." I ' " . "7 Ki 2 West VIrirlnia. Auit. 2S.1H79. I reeoired yonr niadl- f . j etna and I believe it basenrad me. for which I am very I .J thankful, inclosed Cad ti. Pleaae aend me another v-- -I . IX . . a .. h.Hi,m, . .rnut thira - ' no cure ior nie. oui now . am in KtM.u uupea iw u tuns. lor Jan. 1 wUl aeod toa all the ordera 1 can. t;;. From a Physician and Surgeon. 1 M i, Jwii - riei-se forward m another box CJa (.iin a. 4J k. - ' r " ' u w uum m aa-w.' - most of ooe bo. In naOatlm - m xaas reooTerintf. and I think wnothw will tftlM ti,. J . Pt P A QP D P M S ' URF D rLtnOC ntniCwPt-tf Uiat the CHKAPEST and Hkst Pl.Ac n to t.ny and Faocy Groceries? . , a a aa , I f.t. ir1"?-. me:, i ir-. i ,nnn - - .UWa - J aj. a. aa w J , IS Ai T" ' RELIABLE STOUt 2 OK . Cor. M.ilr. and Third Si'-.. Plait IStnck aiwaiis fresh and new. nu'uiti. - and price a!:i ar the bc'limi. 1 IA S 1H Vi. f iliS 1 li nnnwrn a ciirptcs ri BY YEARS C 0? " S E 1 1 .VVJ.ii.... p.trnna! IT; elllll lLlll'l tS Olllatlleil Oil fillort . ,t LJ rri. craa-il lt- t-raUMn from lrtr ' """" ....... .............. " .. ? v, f.,r nKi,1 ..,,,1 1...... dlana. Abril If. T3. TL.U-ani6iyi u:JHii.- Ir- I i ,!!, u ,.!,,. u a , .. it . I .1 . : i - ...i.... . f... U . .... I ' .1 . . . - ... a. . ...... .... ..... a - - Staple Call and cn.viuce v.mr- 40tf Ives. H ROBERT DONNELLY'S -3 BLAGKM1T1I J Wagon, Buggy ; Machine arid Plow re- pairing, ana genrrai joooing t am now prppured to do ull kinds of repairing' 01 larin aim oiner niitciunery. u lutTe is a Kod iathr in my shop. PETER It A (JEN, fhe old Reliable Wagon Make basti'.ken charKe of tl; vvhoii hIiop. lie is w-li known ax a NO. 1 WOK KM AN. Jimew nucDi ana uuezir turner I liopon Sixth strt-pi Mt,iit( S'reiglit'g atahlf THS B.&ffi.R.R. HOUSED JKO. BONS & SON, ProB'rs, 1 I j 1 IVjl 1U . COIiN'EK MAIN AND SECOND Near Is. & M. Passenger Iepi l L. A I TS .11 0 I T 1 1 , X G 15 It 4 S K Newly refltted and furnished Ihrouyliout. Af ording an excellent view of the K. R Bridne.: itt is conveniently located, especially J. raveling public. The tables alayH . supplied with the best .ne season. i connect ion v illi the limine. I.uncli baskets, llled at all hoiirs. Term reascmable. 8lf Retail Liquor Dealer, CIGARS AND ri r, ti nor .'i.ArrsMotiii. iil'iaid Hall :ii(l Saloon nn Maui dooi finni Sixth at Nevill old i.laee. LESM SliE.ST URAXh OF ctU A RS, HetneolM-r tl;e !V;tiiie himI Ikl;rt, James Grace. t5"i $ 1 mm mm -MANUKA.TUKK.lt OK- Kim Street, near Eighth. PlaUsmouth, - Neb. fjMade to order Ttl3. Palace Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, Under Frank CaiTtith's new Jewelry Store. HOT & cold DBrrxis ALWAYS 1JKADY. GLEAN NEW PLACE, ami utiwjs me imse 10 gvi or.anythlu el-e ia the toiisorial.way, at W Jolin ltoono's Sew oliop,d Corner Main aud Fifth Streets, IMattMnioutli, r - n AebratsU. 1 1 Good r.ilrk, for sale a soon as burned. t s 5 15 HICK YARD, WASHHTGT02ST IMadsmoiini. el. 9tf- JONES & E IK EN B A. tt Yi Succe-sors to Jonee & Agtew. Again takes charge of the Old f-4 prick Livery Stable,! PI. A T'i'S M O I'T U , NEBHA8KA. ..:...ri' Tlie o!il K.niii.-i sti.Ui-s. tn l'j:u;nioiiiti iff.v l.sil'll tia- .till:. .. 1iL-.. Ivirv aaai.l llijiva. aV4 ou hat:d New and lianiixonie :iccoiuinota- tliai.-a I" Il' HatJ'.' a'l . fr HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES did SADDLE HORSES. e are now prepared to keep HOUSES iUnoALLo 1 nAULrJ And will Train and Break tiojts i! Keason.ible Terms. " Ur rJK.MHKn, H That villi pleidy of room (lhat every oi.el at. rva.a. a. t- .. ... ariI .IrtWir. Itl 1 til rAliil".... tsars' Him-k :iil wagons, loac s oi Utij', &c, under Miioyer. 1 ilicy will keep dry. L.-1 'I'lliii.l i -.11 lhi.nl.t ii-ti-.iiiu l.r tltir lilia.ru!'. ,;"'. we .;. 'i tneir trade lor tlie tuture, natisncd lh.it we can .iccmiiuoiiate tlicin better and do i:ietlcr J.j t l:i. i tliaii ever before. i i , 1 nPLATTSMOUTH millsj PLATTSMOUTH. XHU. . V iL UV.ISVA., . 1'iop; irtwr.l A Fvpry uonncl or injury, even bv accident or vaiiy tllw-Hl!, entitles a i'liljer of the late war to t,'.i im imiui!. ah peiuiiliia ny in? :u oj tliliiuiiry , L...ii I.....I.. a. . nr .. .1 . .. ..r .1.....1. .. ..u ...... fl. :mms. oet;iii ri.tcK ai uaie oi oiHciiartfe or t..iv i f i ,i , ii 1 1 1 ...airV ..I UAlr Ul llli'lililiBr an i.a'i.i if the sol'lier. Ah entuletl sixiuhl apply at 'n..tilij..iiflii u'll.a urn at.ia,. Hf lu'llit. ttplt- Eiimi ale entulcil to an increase. Sohiiers mid t iiiowt of ll:e war ;f IS12 and Mexican war are. Mi'iuilied to pciisi.iDH. Thousand! are yet entl li led to lioutiiy. but tlo not know it. fees in all Lii; a.ser ilo. Pay for eveiy description of war yi claims cored ed. Kinploy an Attorney refid- Cr! ine in Wa-liiiiBtiin. who can itive iiersona! at- 1 . r an ana tor-- notice Send ' ah. Cltiin Aiient. Wly 1 .78 nrjai. aV"" l . a I f"! "T 5! SARY. wiisr. ZrVJsitilSiTft: U Street. 37. IX-, . i tins old ftnrl wt-'.l knom irru'iuat id medifme an r.. iO? tu tbe tr?atmiiit . ib?ir skill and ubiirt :' tn ordiaaxT prrtttinuer". :. tttr.nl reputation through i. ii.itit'l' ini r. - fCftr. Years en i LlirOTlie rtrwMiaW- -t- muob .!i?cr.ot to Cr:. teat lb7 r 'j-ll,"ci ie.r irtrn4irw r-' r !uO!sr:nrno?i Cri exposure oi Ibe blol, aiWiu jt btiMf-i, tratd with ftucoeaa, n ttciiit.;ic prmcii-. without usaiK Mercury or oiiaer f .i.r.-'ift KtHlt-riu) uaJ at cukleraw expenee- tle4 frcr t anv atM'fM ;. c alios. att?t'fl ti Caul naA S FREE ao mi4. aata . c i n ( lreaaaeat Sf rrM. MlatWIaWrraaK autaHir. M. l ill aHllSaVm ' 1 - -.-.-- -- " " c .... . .1.il.a,.i,cM...a4u.e DH. ULTTS. I Nrta BVta, TARTLIKG W "DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RtSTORtp. A votiui of youUifid itnprndenc-J canning I'lS"Kl hm. lw.iv. Nnrvona Di-bilitr. lVwt Klauheaid. etrC jibing it.ild iti vaio every knowjj rami-dy, lias tfi cm-en'-J a FiraniaVlf ';re. wliitU la.l'w'll fend 1iE3 . ETd v -i A 9 m t S & a am a ft, ea a a vk r n s- s n a -a sr k Bnok larci ! Flour. Corn Meal t Feed j.: fef ilwavs on liand aud for sale at lowest ensU R feV'tiS.P H filSfW iM PI I's.- T)ie liitrlu-st prices paid for Wheat ai.il R LV 4v'P Iff-i ''ii'awri SJk I 1 : ifl M.'iJijtr tpcsrtiini.Kiyeu eusimn work. ; R fSilis-siV?-9 C . .....li..., ... a ....a lill.tm... 1 ...nri.. or f I '. "': : x.:-.. . - to tin ft'llow-wcff.-ren., dlrbe J. 11. K.X.1.V tvat, . ja tliatltau ec.t Y. 1 1 - f JUuj CHANGING OAKS IJETWKEN Oil I-LlTTSIOUni AND OlIAII 1 :Z STK 8C H I C A G O , i tX ...J Where tliiert f.iniiei liniis art iiiaU with hlh rough Sleeping Car Lines TO for theWNKV.- YOKK, l.OSTOX. rHHILDELl'HM.F r:3 K.1I.TI.MOKE. WASHINGTON ofJ AND ALL EASTERN CITIES, uy7ic Sltoi't Tine i3 V a PEORIA for I filXDlAXAl'OI.tS. IJJ UIS VJLLE. ClXCIX-i XATl, ami all iintJn Vie s TjTia: re- y THi Itl.KT l,tE FOR u m LOUIS, IteWliere Direct Connections are made in Street, fodijCN ION DKIOT with Thrnusli Slerjiinp !,. l.im s for all iim.s feOL'TII. t-1 the (ar THE NKtV LINE FOB t THE 1-AYOKITE KOUTE 1 OR . . i The unei;aled liidi.cenieiitf offered by thif" ll!ie to I rnvelers and I onrists are as follows : W l 'llif ci'lclir.ilt il Piilliimi, 1c.- hi.fl 1-...1. t '1 Sleeping I'ars. run onlv on ttiis line. "3 Zt '.. H. it Q. Pataee Drawing-Itomn f'ars.H -" Willi Hortim s neelininu ('hairs. Nw . Extra Charge f ir Seal-, in lleclininji Ch:uis. pi The faini use.. B. vS; i). J'alaee Ijiiung Car. t;,ilLreiiiiii SnioKiiiir t'sus. filled With eleiraiit 'j hili-bacKed Kuttim Kevolving Chain, foi ji 111C CL'lll-.lC lire IU IlIM.-Cia.'a.'a IiMIleria. Fast Tin.e. Steel Pall Track and Smerior, i. E'UHiiiiK-iii ciMiiliined with t'leir iittot TiinynghJA SVCVjt Arramicmtul. makes iliic, above ail others.5? the favorite Koute to the KANT, MOI'Tii Oil NOL'TII-KAST. ii wmfindTKAVELiNGaLiix - lead of a Iiscoinfort. v' i Jt I t- ! 11, anil on i:rv inst a tl lit yi 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 .S 1 HI (Ml h Ticket. via ttiis eclobraled line for : 1 , oftices in tlie Lulled Stales and I) AU information about Kates of Fare. Sleep- f ine Car Accoinmoilations, and Tune Tablen.J will be cheerfully fciven by applying to f "A Iercival lovell, I VI General Passenger g't, Chicago. O T. J. FOTTKK, I ueneral Manager, Chicago. j I GET THE BEST! H LEAD ALL OTHERS ! Every Style & Price. GuarantcedUncaualed m FOR - g-coworviY, It': dura; 3TV n a o i5rt c B rl 1 P. 3 c.c.r t$ rm e-, i If? p.-?'?i;i';rs5 ltm fc'J Ca i & popular eve-vwheke. Jf4r Sole ia Every City and Towa VV' " I?1?? F?ited ?s?s.:t Tftod by J. U. COX. H Plattsiiputh Nf.b. ?toiDe.iou.. t. STF ll' V A 1.1 fi c5W Is made In.in a runt,c I'roiiical Leaf of Rare"" Value, ami is a fltive H-uwdv for all tliei.3 lie;iKes that canie pains in the lower part of ;-J the body-fur forpid Liver Ileal;tehex.L-tun7 dM-e Piz.nicss. t; ravel. Malaria, and all diin-M et.lliott a.r ,1. f 1,1 I i,.., ..ai.l rTa.i.i.ia-tT la- I a-. la--, r""r:.Vr... "LV V.7.'.-,, i 1 r"i r a-m 71 1 a- iriraiirN. .,10111 ni -ien-j. - eirttat um, aim otiiuiir 1 rcirii.tm-y. 11 na no eiiuai. 11 restores i:ie oitrans in;.i inane iue., ijtrt mi. t 1 1 1 1 urn i . i i.it i j t t tui r iiniirr.. I i ( . i. . i .m mm x t . It is the of !y known r-miMly that ciiiw that t"Mifi;e, fett'ilit i'-.tfH-i. 1' -r Dianeten. ' JC,1 1i'l'iar .Mni. ii:et.' lire. Y b'iV SU&t--r ll,nii.5-, :.iif Wfiaff f -a 1 I -tf T buttle. f.ar,ir.-lbi.ttt.t in the inarkii. Tt,Tf.f H. II. WA UXICIt at CO.. ilochester. X. Y. ! Composed v" of i m . a, ii- r- I-Lii 'I mi. J IT la.uanaw, ip . a a : a . . i nrri.-t.;riii.i.ai.. w..rld. It ie t.h tAfif- becen.-v tt tlac.n not arum, bet forma, s highly polished surface ever the ale, re ducing friction and I'uhtonlng tho draft. It ia tlie chtiapest uu.ie it oo-ts no more than Inferior brands, and one box v. ill tlo the Mrorit of two of any other A,r Crease mnde. 1 tar.vciiri vju. v h vt'ki t r ILiirat.-Ler, JJifl fiiarin?. TDruiiaif iTaotiroe.f VirnHauters, Garrifcai, U:i;'., h luf iVuT! . It 1 CUARANT2KD to oentain no Petroteulvt. r'ar aaJe by all hrsc-clasn Ut-Sikira. t tf our CirciopaJitt of Thiw.jp Her (A Knmrlmq mailed free. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 31 Mlch'gan Avenue, Chicago, Itltnols. TREATMEtm: A certain ctir for "Mervous ''--rrK pfHsMlty, Somlnal VVealjt-. i-.g'-.-' rtessv Impotence, etc. ' i . T?lV. Ira :ri3 TlML-lif fa-aa-ta "V'ef ' i'. d ni.lu-L:atdbookoiCOpecs piiiig fuii"ail f -.'t..tions for pelf-treatment, sent free. Addres - E H fttMLi. ' ."Li rr" CkI i a E IVrV HS7t : . a. ' aa 0 -' L -. n , xv m to a r.-sw 4 a C. -tl -aaal Mome jBENNETT DEALERS IX tuple aaad IPaiaey HroceBIeN9 IFriilts9 C7onl"ectioiicry9 Cigars & -ofosie-o. AGENTS YOU THE CEEEUKATEI) l.EAVEN WOltTU 3 twlr w.,i.?ri"i Mv . wt ii. n - a i m J'Ciil "Jlr-f S J'1 -Ji .Ja-m-i j.aav;i I o jlTlie elioleet stock off acDcer- CTaA Pitf c?r Butter and Eggs, i 1 1 i M Ef rS"V -nrS ' '.H f! ft ifl'l Contains Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake f Gentian And cures Dyt-eia, Iss of ApiH-tite, Billiotisnes.s nnd all derangements of the Stomach arising from over-eating and drinking. Prepared only by IlKOUN JIGDICIXE AIM) HI.-WIIFACTVKIXO CO., LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. 'J for tuio by aU L)ruSS--t.. Wo The Old Grocerv Goods Altlioiigh Lection is over we are tt OU WILL FIND ATT. S. WHITE'S ONE OF THE LARdEST AND BEST STOCKS OF GOODS, OF ALL KINDS IN THE TOWN. rockerymu'c9 cOacapr w m. w - The nicest Green Winter Apples for J Hi Potatoes by the ! J CJS P.UZ) FOJ HIDES FURS, .THIS SOE im reserved for 1 SMITH. BLACK & C si ITO GIVE THEM jeV CALL. Ken Fragrant & E5iriiua-f cf Tarf-ica ExceedlBiy Delicate and Lastis?. Fnoe, 23 ct3.; Tar-? r ..'.c?., 75 etc- j N . Y, aa vMy Volii- I aaaaaaaftaWMMaaWaaaMWI 1 1 J SoH ky ilct.T. ox Co., The Medicine for Every Family, j IMC. Vert IN I tJAIvA I UOi -i Made from C.i:i?rr, Euchn Mat.t'mt.r. f:ti!iti:i:., j I. and other of t!ic tc.-st vcretable ri-r;ci!ii$ knowr., -t Parker's Gikcek Tomc has ncin.-irL:.i!v vari: A "S V cum live powers, & is i lie grentest lomai: r or, Ulood 1'uriner and Liver ReguLi tor ever ret m..i.r 1 Itcaramenceto act f: ' out tlie went orj-nns, end 1 warrant l I ci -i or f help all dise;iies"pf the Uowels, tiitn:n:fi 1.. i Kidneys, Liver. L ncarv (Irzans. a lt oi.u. -. ts ! j f Women, Nervousness, ' Siecolesiiicss, J. lieu in a. lil.fU e.U BIIBEnilfBS. J Try a lidttielp-day i Itrn.iytav-yoi rl! c. j-ict. f .! a..t . a a.:... ..I a 1 1 .1.. two i.th V ..aj f.l.:inc lif.1 . i p has our signature cn iirtid;; wpicr, lllscor c : j P LV, V. Large savinj iatuyins?! Fiii J . ; firas? Jnst V-rhmt is "Wautcl. Kver-r.y trrio'ic li.tir is C-y cr fc-drd h"i felt , the rHTf! fa Hnir Kctorrr a: d aicit; th::t is j clcanlv ; rreauly xrf:::nrl si; d h.rn . ) ' " : I r'r !!'Ir I'aUarn tariirs t" rv:.t f "' 4 s :)!lWSlTTIii .: 1 7 St. Charles Street, RU Loals, Mo. r.viil r raJ'i-:M--i IlvdlilJ. bin r.jr loruioi t iiaa bhx o.aeri'hjbijian in o .Io:us.i. lity and Itr.potencr tua rontUtof hli dtr.ito. aersal excesses in matarar .r-.iruiit brninivoris, ..-ex1 acinic nnrrousaew. senna? .. aiiiio-:, dljlilt.', aiims o( :r7'it,defectivs tneia ". ih)iiv il dacny, vrl!.l t ao-.Hr or.fusioo ol ieia, IomoI entull pewer.r.li'l:(. 1 v .-eonertnil CQr- I i i;i-,inyproser.are porn'iPn':7i- i-u. winmiuiiuin t -t o-nce or bj m.ul free mnX 1 n-:tel. rampuet ens Vll'S tST - m jsv i pa t 260. Vs ii r.JflC U 1 I PAG E & ' cr : n rr B-tv sn li it n a n a w I t 4M fcrf taw iharirbu.eauiijr.wB!' 1 ' .t litxiii, on the . .T t- .. w. I i-h - . I fn-i, U ia ann .1 mirry ; bo-'at lii'ea-i I ha5io,s.Ba,T,o la-reaviJ -.effoeta . ,. ; - , Z . i , , ., , rt-, ... r,(,f--iI4,i :,'tJ . dr lo k und kur. 25 ctfl, b m-ti la money or -of. tnye. Eng!l:,h Pen ; V-'a-Ts5 B- P O C O - jljj E rni-i S jfataiy, ijajB Memory ai t'lftJt. XtHgili-Wnil .11- J ay . i v -1 i -"-i am, atyohtrih, I A b asew A u j ' iraCK! t h j ui t : o i n , red r ca. tSu LuaU " n..t.ia m?,'ii C'i t.'7iarlr.Kt. Itiia. Ho. " , f 703 Chnut S, ft. Louie. Mo. old office ' e.aiatiai.a to cure b'lerx.Virrhiai. Rem nai Weaa,- naie. Ia-SDotoncyj.il fo of Eyphli'f lniorrfccBa, t ' Qiaast, Urmar-y or Kiadier dldeaa i. 1'acent case r" C'lred la a f !,'. AOthe diaM:R r..ulllna from ealf.abTa-o, er ten or e tpoaia. earal fcr rrcwiiasare taedioine. A.lvioo fre. t'narires low. Cull or writ. jgr'.ct cyrendnoare. Brrr-.T'Uim fx foi OAKKiAUC iilllMbiMM 1H l-(lt; D tvry soldier diraKert Si W Ol 1 , kir.i fct lur,i I; or eye. IdTIl'ld; if but ,li...i. J... 5 j t3 .r Lauits uf vartifoae Velra f. r J j.i n.aion, v iiur n.w law in..u,;iuu. ar; in. ..V ,vq fta 1CCKM pea'IOll W iiw,,orphiM ard drfaeiideFt f itl.. r. r niuil.ers of .oldit-r. aa.o ,i; iu rimv fct a rvno.ni. BOl'M' V 1;. linr. f.-r wonr.d. iiiiwrit-i r rufi'.iirf. r n-s fall bountv. S.,.l St iLmi. f rc 1'Miiin, ,nl 1-oT.rf Aw. .AlCr- P.M. P interfile! iSt Co., '-..it Afti:.. Inrnii.:iaali. IriH. V. e r 1 F. A.W.I'avin. Wt IllrfiailR f a;- i -.. si'd U. F. K Fiimlt. r.-.'t i rnk. Lotli of Iatii.aav.dia. iav c lr. S2s wt4roea- E:ftwuiivni. ; -v. n nii Imc4 I.uc- kirjOUTOWD HWoriMcuiaiitaj puiTMiSrft. V-JttJi luvarsox 4 to. , 1 as asms sw Aw iwt. IbrEeBtoringHcaltli&Stro 1 ftS.&i?5S33i l-S7 orn the Sr .W. v-,.rfc S 13 " fit jiiviTi..,,We. tstrictore, orctuv1: fL?r.urc, M I'rtv.-y iiy;5U tnr cr McrKru-.-'ju A.!:ct:oDa J :-':i-,-.:-.t Hit in or .Viceaenrel K.dolr. Privately. sf ;-v..T!-.i;.t-.rrh? a.Btsual Dob: I & LEWIS, Cw r 4 rwt rrx rr- w -t-- Wlhfiteo &. Dry Stand not done selling goods, by a long shot. O - sale. Ovei 200 liarnls ilown ("ellai Car-load, PEACH BLOWS ' TALLOW, dC at J'1. S. XrI:U TJ?S, PLATTSMOUTH, NERRASKA m1 : I IT ' J 1 i -.: v.-, ' :3 ' -; fj ra 13 1 J Cj Ta majority tif th ilp of tif htitnan hotly at ias "! j l r n yrnit n t of tli Liver, affrrlin' I nth lltr ntutuneh and bow It. lit uriirr .' rffi fl it ritrr, it im nrcrpiet fy tn rrmnr t!.c rtiuMf. Trrffu Irtr anil .Sfni'l . tirt'.nu ' i Jlnu-flm, Ilniditclf,SirK ', f i Stmuarh, Vain. in the Hrtrls attfi l.tii i rrtr.t i mticntf that the Lirrr im at J-n-tt, mi l that nnliirrr' quirr assiptti nn- 4 iiifje thim or tin tu l.'Diur oi? inirtri'.t . IrlcUly AKtl 2JlitC"l"Brfe;.rry rum pouiitit ! fur tli ' n in rj.iipf. Thru are til ill! in t'nir art I'm tinil rff'e the nu a rm r ; n rr ji '.. 1 1 tin- In tie m.d litl.ni PJISil; I.; It'ltl- t i ' Itt . ll .irlltltx. Trl- kru iff-if li 't .-' ' i- f '. ... theif urr ( hae emu ; ' ,1 j-; 4 .. I J K t5c,Sf is; ' ?;MVcr:Ti isc. J':i;, . ;:;.;;tii.'fi5 C:.'i iiilfr,f.ut, iilvi... .! "f &le!iie.. 'v elc.eic. .-f 1 ' r: : v 'M-tii4tr tnyrlor In n . . .'.'r trtfij.-fur rlmit'iH.-f the hy 1 .. . ..., n4 L pnrti ! nrV tlfr a Iff r.'tiirjt 1 1, 1 Ik- ; n raiid. Ilia ill. -,i ...;. ui.il not nit lutoxfcntiiiK i ''' '(. ASK TCtR CfUeCtST ICR PSilttT tH ElT.IRS, and tako no o'.bor. PHi( E, H OO j..r Bs'itle. IEYER BROS. CO., - SCL" FFCPJ-ttTOnS, Bt. Loai: and Kacaaa City. Mo. a. p fi "ev -wl . "V . , . . ' v 1 1 :. a .r-v lit ir. r V. Mtl ST i VS., . I ... 1LJJ U. It la the result of t I ven rn i,n. . . . , - , - -. ... .. i.., a.uuir., ll I W .!. o' prrirnl 'It.'t Ji.ru.er aT,-l la am. It nvf.f.N il,..def i-. nfor irrimmlK,,. It la forvc, l :iht.rVH,.tni, A.l "' " kept In rrnuir fre- lor .', ve.. 'Mn'f:" full f tr :-4HHi f.'i39No.v'u:....:V.c v,V-i i. -U.Jr.w-: i a tl. . . .-.,m.-.viv ' st:ur::::c I r-Tr H rr-f-Tn v -', ft,.? s . . . . . . .. ... f.ar. i i'l ?""'' ;i". t. r:.r,-, ' ll.Mll iS 1. 0 !-..-, t : -I htfl rSJX a m tt t 13 1 m. V7 v i a., -t rr. ttt ri5 . - &:-77v wa7. . A trful .f.l i r.-,.- 't . .f,.- .t,.rl,I-''-v -'; It Xi f it h . i i.,t r ,7,,., .; , ' ..," 'hii Nil. - ... '.,l."."C' .. i I ; i f . r v " a a i , i.t?.r.L;.- J aaf iirCrvaJ tst, Iuu. IT 0 a. asj waj saswr aw m via, juvu: C J