Cregmarr:-r-T-- Herald. f a 17 i . 4.JL-J u;cal ADTEETISKMENTS. ru-;'.rtu&. '43 cents b tlnftt Regular advents i i' Hrii::r. Ne advertisement in-sort- ti ii-e rat (. - i.' i.i. Uw win i celd .. in-.-, they hand lu, 1i '.; A tiif of public- .'vUl for the oubilca- :"iv.'Jiv. . .. ...I H, k!1 COl.(llltll'H'!l!H ., . . l j u lu- pvii.i, wim no waste ....... T .. ;.;!'., i-r-!w!t'!r fcr the correctness - t, -; J i ml matter and paid 1-e- '.io tkes tho paper resrularlj .. 't iv. whether directed to his : -.-.-. T t I a subscriber or not It t ?Mr. tnien his paper diseontln- : tr: r.t r..,y nit arrearages, or tlie publlsh-e- (j ..-'.-.j. :'.:- to send It until payment l urn Kiiwt Hit whole amount, whether Vr rrr i idk'.-n from the ofuce or not. T i p.e -o:.i u have derided that refusing to fn ru- .i.-.p- ri and periodicals from the post K 'e, r leaiovlnj; and h aving them uncalled Ir, m prfeai facie evidence of IHTKXTIOJTAI TtSAtr. LOCAL NEWS. Eninm Lelandl To-ni'nt. ptember 15th! Evrj V '!y l sure to go and see them. SnW. I'oiatoe at Bennett & Lew is' 1 .. Wnteii thw Great lied Stere thii fall. 1 Diptlivriit is very prevalent in Lincoln. flood ptinta 5 cts. at the Great Red Store. Streiht & Miller have a fine line of saddles. 1 X Bohemian child was buried on Inst. Stove i'v;rd at J. . Duke's, all kinds And in. 26i3 Frtryotir children's cloaks go to Solomon A N'athan. 1 New fall Hats and Trirumintr at Herrmann L Wurl's. Emm Leland Comb nation in Kaz.ti. Kiukk to-night. An immense stock of stove boards cheap at J.X. Duke'e. 2Ct2 George Magney is goin to leave us for Parillion In a shrt time. Xw Furniture Store, come and fe us. Sep new advertisement. 1 A perfect fit of spectacles and eye glasses guaranteed by L. C. Erven.2Ct2 Wiley Black has sold out to his partner, Ed. lluffner, who continue the business as usual. Solomon & Nathan's assortment of Cloaks, Dolmans and Wraps are imply immense. 1 Drew A, Weckbach's new store breaks the monotony of that block verj handsomely. Save your eye sight by buying a perfect, fit of spectacles or eye glasses of L. C. Erven. I'hil Young has just put in a nise wire frame around the table on which his books are placed. The largest aiii prettiest stock of millinery goods ever before in Plalts nieuth, can be seen in a few days at the Great Bed Stere. 1 The ttone curbing on Main st. is beginning to be put down. Baker & Atwood ara tho second. We announce the arrival of some elegant imported Pattern Hats this week, at Solomon & Nathan's. 1 -The foundation for the bank build ing on Sixth znd Main streets is going in. Dr. Black has his hands full just now. Solomon & Nathan are going to make things boom this Fall in the w.y of prices and general assortment of Dry Goods, Millinery, etc. 1 Gents buy our $1.00 unlaundried ehirts. the best to be had for th mon ey, at Herrmann's. 26t2 J. B. Perkins. Troop "E." Mt'd. Ut iles, New Yolk, was another old com- i rade we met at Lincoln, and lie takes the UnrtAl.u to keep posted about the old bys. The farmers will do well to take their butter and eggs to A. Clark, in Solomon & Nathan's old stand, as he will pay the highest market price for them in cash. 1 Younj Mr. Atwood, at the Ar lington House, Lincoln, was a mem ber of troop "L." of the "Bines," and we had a pleasant chat. Our merchants are getting in pilea of goods this fall, larger than ever before. They are immense and how what an amount of business is done here. A car load of hard coal stoves, Crown Jewel. Badiant Home and oth er varieties, will arrive this week, at J. S. Duke's. 2Gt2 Duke is receiving a line lot of new goods in his line and some of the fin est stoves and stove boards we ever raw. See locals elsewhere. Baker & Atwood are receiving sstacks of new goods, the finest that ever s'ruck Plattsmouth heretofore. This is no taffy. Give them a call. 1 As Mr. J as. Dickson, was starting for the State Fair Monday, with their f taliion and the llamblntonian mare, the horse, became frightened, near Jleispl's Mill, and threw Mr. D. out in juring him severely. Frank Morrison has some of the finest meat ever put up, now. Ue makes it a point to buy good fat cat lie and nothing but the best. 1 The Emma Abbot Opera Troupe are to be in Omaha, next week Mon day and Tuesday, and a number of our people, especially the ladies' wiy advantage of the matinee Tuesday af ternoon, to hear some fine operatic music. StveigM & Milier will soon have in a large stock of whips, collars, &c, they already have a fine stock of sad d!?s. harnesf, both heavy and light. Give them a call. 26t2 'lbe plans for the new M. E. ChiTcb building ami Bank, on 6th and Miti:i wer showu us lately by Mr. M. I. White, w ho lias charge f the M. E. v work. Tl-v plans show one of the handsomest business blocksoften saen. - IIazsi drtKE presented bv the Eii'i Lel-iud Combination to-night - ,tGiig the best plays of the uay, - 4 . ;''!' f'tt s:nv it in Lincoln ' ibt Wcwk can testify to this fact- Personal. Dr. W. VT. Wiley took tho Fair in Wednesday. Will Short was in town tke latter part of last wek. Mr. Frank, of Pacifie Junction, was over Monday, with Mr. Gayle. Mrs. Geo. Smith returned from her eastera visit the first ef the wrek. O. M. Carter, i'ost Trader, way up somewhere, was in town last week. Dr. Butler, f Weeping Water, came up last Friday to see the match game of ball. Mr. Will Shryock, his sister Louisa, and Mrs. C. Irwin tok in the State Fair Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barker went up t he Fair Wednesday. Mr. Cam. Klepser aud wife, formerly of Weeping Water, but now of Louis ville were in twn Tuesday. Mrs. Payne, of Lincoln, passed through Plattsmouth Manday on her way to Monmouth, 111., for a visit. '" James Mitchell, a son of Thos. Mit chell, returned to Plattsmouth last week after an eight years' absence. Alf White started on a trip through Minnesota last week, looking up the vegetable interest f his store, potatoes and sich. Frank Davis left for the western part of the state last week where he will spend two or three waeks with his folks. Captain Palmer, wife and children went East to Chicago last Monday. Great Insurance conference, and "Cap" is King Bee. Miss Lizzie SchilJknecht has been quite ill the past two weeks, with a bilious fever, but we are glad to say she is now rapidly improving Thad Clarkson was at the Re-Union. Good for sore eyes to see him again. Tisn't every body that has a brother "can talk like a Daisy" though. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boberts returned from their Colorado trip last week Wednesday. They stayed just long enough to find cool weather here on their return. Miss Hattie Sheffer is running Mr. Leonard' gallery during his absence, and all the boys go up now to get their pictures taken, aud they get good ones too. Mre. J. W. Love left for Maine last Saturday afternoon called there sud denly by a telegram announcing the duath of her brother. Mies McConig hey takes her place in the schools. O. F. Johnson, our very enthusiastic mountain friend, leaves this vek for a much needed trip way out west. Mr. J. looks very much better already in consequence of open air exercise and release from the cares of business. Fred Stadelmann left Monday after noon for Faribault, Minn., where he will attend college, devoting his time exclusively to the study of mathemat ics and civil engineering. Mrs. Siadel mann accompanied hiin. James Vivian left for Bloemington, Tuesday, where he will clerk in a dry goods and grocery house, which Boss Vauatta has just started. Jim's mauy old friends are sorry to have him leave Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mis. Pepperberg. and Mas ter Abraham took the early morning tiain east last Tuesday. Mr Pepper berg on his semi-annual trip to New York and other eastern points, and Mrs. Pepperberg to visit her parents in St. Jo. Mrs. P. L. Wise and Mrs. J.N. Wise, of Plattsmouth.Meb., visited at the residence of lion. Bobert Dykes, of this city several days this week. Mrs. Emma Wise, nee Dykes, will return to her home in Plattsmouth, in a few weeks. Kendall ville Staudaid Mr. E. M. Yates left Plattsmouth Trtesday afternoon en route for Stutt gart, Germany, called thre by the ill ness of his wifa and daughter. His friends will much regret the illness which calls him there and hope for re newed health, that will enable him to enjoy his trip. Mr. Wescott, the clothing man, returned from the east Monday, and has bought one of the largest and best elected stocks of goods in his line in the market. He is one of our best business men ; knows what he wants, what the public needs, and how to put goods before them of the best quality and style. Call and see his stock soon. Mr. and Mis. Win. Ilerold left last evening for the east. They will spend a few days in Chicago, and then visit Niagara Falls, New York Boston, and ther points of interest. Mr. aud Mrs. Ilero'.d have devoted themselves very closely to business and need aud de serve a rest and a pleasant trip. They have chosen the pleasantest season for travel, too, and will no doubt en joy themselves to the utmost. The will be absent for two or three weeks. Drugs -the largest stock at J. M. Boberts. 3tf No one should fail to hear Emma I.eland in bar great success, Hazel Kirke to-night. A series f "Gospel Meetings" are Wing held at the Christian church, this week, by Bev. Mr. Crowther. A cord'sl invitatioa is extended to all. Call and see the new styles in miiineiy at Herrmauu & Wurl's. 25i2 Solomon & Nathan have just open ed wiit their first invoice of millinery goods. Go and see tne new styles. 1 There will be no services in the Catholic Church Sunday, as the Bev. Pastoi will be absent on one of his missions. Bemembor that reserved seats for Emma Leland are only 50 cts. within the reach of everybody for a first class entertainment. --Borx To Mr. Wm. Weber and wife on Sept. 10th, 1881, a son. And the babe and mother are doing well. Weber, Stamm and Julius think the cigar business all boys the past j i year. The Perkins House. During our absence, this very hand some and thoroughly equipped Hotel has ben opened to the Public. That is to say Mr. McKeever, the landlord, is ready for guastj, and has been re ceiving all he can accommodate for same weeks, though no formal open ing t f the House has as yet been made. We understand that an open ing supper and formal inauguration, as one may say will be held soon. Although the Herald noticed the fact that this houss was open, while the editor wa3 in Colorado, and we there read the notice with great pleas ure, yet we took the first opportu nily of looking through the house somewhat, sinco our return, and mak ing the acquaintance of the landlord. We were very much pleased with the neat and handsome appearance of the rooms, and the traveling men we have met on the cars and about, 'all speak well of its management. Sunlay, a paper man from St. Louis, and an agent from Baltimore, stopped over here, just because we had a jood new, well kept Hotel, so you see it ia advertising itself somewhat already. Nevertheless that all who lead may know that we have e. good hotel opened at last, and that the papers do and have and always have and always will, notice in due time and season, all improvements in Plattsmouth and all things interesting to the Public, we heraby give "divine notice", us J. Sterling would say, that The Perkins House, Plattsmouth, is finished, fur nished, occupied, and now open for every respectable man, woman or child to stop at who has the money to pay the bills. Selah! A iarge stock of Library lamps just received at Smith, Black & Co's, cheap. 26-2 C E. TTESCOTT, THE "BOSS" CLOTHIEB anounces fall arrivals of actual bar gains, worthy of inspectien. A com plete stock of New Goods just coming in. Ho claims best materials, latest styles, superior finish, perfect fits and f opular prices, one price and no mon key ousiness. See ad in another col umn. 1 Novelties constantly arriving ev ery day, at Solomon & Nathan's. 1 0. S. There will be a meeting of those in terested in the "Old Settles Picnic," on the 24th, at the Herald office, Sat urday evening, Sept. 17th, at 7:30 sharp. MAcMuRPiir, Sec'y. Mr. U. V. Mathews new residence on the corner of Vine and Fourth streets, is nearing completion. It has a very neat outside appearance, and all the rooms, twelve in number, are handily arranged, with a view to com fort and convenience. Parties wishing to purchase any thing in the Cloak or Dolman's line for Ladies or Children, should look over F. Herrmann's stock before purchas ing elsewhere. 26t2 Some parties broke into John Blake's saloon Saturday night last, and got away with a gallon or two of whisky, a box of cigars, a couple of bottles of case liquors, and sundry other articles. Suspicion rests upon a well-known character of this town, but nothing definite has been ascer tained thus far. The finest line of Fancy Groceries in town is kept by Bennett Lewis. 1 The Temperance meetings held last week by the friends of the cause aided by Mr. Sobeisky and others, were very well attended and very interest ing. Mr. S. visits Mt. Pleasant, Weep ing Water and in fact all the Good Templar Lodges in the County, speak ing one night at least in eaeh Lodge. . Something new at the Great Red Store in a few days. Look for it. 1 Among the valuable improve ments we observed, on coming home, were those of the Messrs. Waterman in and about their lumberyard. Hav ing bought two more lots south of their old yard these enterprising bus iness men proceeded at once to bridge the creek, grade down the hill and make a large, roomy, find place to ex tend their growing lumber trade. The improvements in the office and grounds are such when completed, that they will be permanent and make one of the best yards west of the Missouri. Ladies don't buy your hats until you have seen ours. Great Bed Store. 1 Mr. Uesser orders a quantity of dodgers, advertising his plants for the State Fair and as usual will take up a large number of plants and flowers, lie intends to close out the greater portion ol his nursery stock this fall, and confine himself more to the rais ing at fruit. He reports the founda tion of his new house laid, but owing to the impossibility of getting v : men he will not do much more b.-;.J-ing this fall. Crosse A Blackwell's Malt Vinegar in quart bottles, just received by Ben nett & Lewis. 1 At the Fire meeting Tuesday evening, there was only a slim attend ance of firemen. Pres. Weckbach, and Foreman F. E. White were present. A general talk was indulged in, some talk of disbanding &c, but final con clusion to hold together a while longer. A committee to try to raise money for a water engine and to confer with Council about aid was appointed. Ad journed to meet Tuesday eveuirjr the 20th. Seven pounds good Rio Coffee for one dollar at Bennett & Lewis" 1 Ed. Chandler, a jeweler who used to work for Mr. Carruth, committed suicide last Saturday by throwing himself in front of a moving train, three miles east of Palmyra. Otoe Co. His remains wero brought to Palmyi i, and properly interred. Chandler v. ,;s addicted to drink and had been ... 4 periodical spree. He left a wi:V ;;-.d one child in Indiana. His wife had been divorced from him for some years on account of his habits. He was very much of a gentleman when sober, and has met with a Bad, but ex pected end. It's Gome, It's A Bis TMng, anfl We Haye Got It. A IV IKHKXSG B GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Including all the late ami desirable novelties in Styles, Fabrics and Colors. Do not let it escape your memory that this is a NEW STOCK THROUGHOUT. AVe are now about to offer this entire assortment at prices which will draw a mob. "Will ycM be there 1 Everything marked in plain figures. Xo deviation in prices. Everything warranted as represented. C. WESOOTT, Main St., Next to Smith, Black & Co.. Plattsmouth, Neb. it A. B. The regular meeting of tho G. A. K., Tuesday evening, was not as well at tended as it should Lavo Leen. Quartermaster Strode made his re port, a complete and detailed state ment of the finances of the Post since he was Quartermaster. The member ship is good and from these fees alone most of the running expense of the Post have been paid. No dues bave been collected for several quarters and these will now be looked after. A committee to examine and repoit on Mr. Strode's report was appointed as follows: Comrades Barnes, Thom as and Bowen. There having been no definite ar rangement about Hall a committee was appointed to confer oa that mat ter and report. They are Comrades Twiss, Ilolloway and Hoffman. CAliP FIUE. It having been long understood that there would be an "Old Settlers" meet ing at the Fair Grounds, Sept. 24th, to which the Old Soldiers were invited. and at which, afcer the Old Settlers meeting, a Camp Fire will bo lighted, action was taken to prepare fcr same. A committee of arrangements for that occasion was appointed consist ing of Comrades Livingston, Barnes and Hyers. Committee on Finance O itourke, Hoffman, Twiss and Cooper. Committee on Music Ilolloway aud Dunston. Committee on Hard-Tack Chap lain Wright. Committee to invite Ashland and Weeping Water posts Sec'y pro tern. The Post then adjourned until next Tuesday evening, 20th, at 7:30 sharp, when a special meeting will be held to hear reports of Committees aud trans act further business. A general invitation is extended to all old settlers and old soldiers in the County to be present and aid in mak ing the occasion one to be long remem bered. The Be-Unioc. The grand Reunion of Nebraska sol diers closed Saturday moining. Thurs day and Friday were clear days, and the boys enjoyed them to the fullest extent. The camp-fire Thursday night seemed to be the most 'rememberable' one to our boys. "Col. Livingston" spoke among the rest told 'em the old Schultz story with increased vim. Organizations of all the soldiers from different states preceded these two days, and many an old comrade was found, when tho ranks were tilled, that would otherwise have been miss ed. The Prisoners meeting in the big tent was a most interesting scene, and among the relics Sheriff Hyers had his "wooden ppoon," from Andersonville. Nothing else so forcibly brings to mind the dark day9 of our country's gloom and tne horrors of real war. The sham battle Friday was wit nessed by 30,000 people, was very well carried out, and received the cheers and applause of the old soldiers pres ent. "Bob McCook Post" at Ashland, our neighbors, won the $30 prize on drill J. K. Clark, Commander. The B. & M. B. B. carried 15,000 peo ple from town to the grounds, and the depot at Lincoln was a sight to see. That no accidents happened was ei ther great good fortune, or wondrous care on the part of engineers and rail road men. All closed gloriously Satur day morning; no accidents and no un toward event to mar this largest lie Union's success. Says the Brooklyn Eagle: Mr. R. C. Moore, of Messrs. Vernam & Co. 84 New street, New York, was almost instantly relieved by St. Jacob's Oil of severe pain following an attack of pleurisy. The remedy acted like magic. A New rTasroa. We saw on the street a new wagon, made by Harry Howland, which pre sents some new features. By means of a new "oscillating coup ling" which Mr. Howland has just had patented, all the advantages of plat form springs can be obtained with more security on account of this pat ent reach which prevents the fore wheels from "undersetting," as thev always do in the "no reach wagon." Three spring or four spring wagons cau be built just a9 well on this plan and it certainly lessens the strain on the springs and wheels and strength ens the running gears greatly. Mr. Howland is a good mechanic, and has worked Ions on ihis idea; we are glad to know that he has at last met with success, and that its merits have gain ed recognition in the granting of a pat ent. The wagon coupling can be seen at bis place or will be on exhibition at our Fair, where all can see it and judge for themselves. The art connoisseur aud exhibitor, Prof. Cromwell, was cured of rheu matism by St. Jacob's Oil. Norfolk Virginiifn. SEW STOCK OF Tin: leader. Leader in Stylee, Leader in Kits, Leader in Popular Trices. Tin follewinf is the tcors of the Base Ball match last Friday: Plattsmouth Bi6E Ball Club. Position. Names. 133457f9 Catcher, T. Lacy. 1 LI 0 0 Pitcher, C. Kinser, 0 1 0 Ll 1 2d Bae,II.Kirkhara 0 Ll 0 0 1 L Fielder.H. Reeee 00 0 0 0 Id Base, C.Smith, 1 0 L8 0 0 II Fiold. J. Patterson, 0 0 0 L2 1 Short to,M.ORourk 1 Ll 0 0L3 lbase.Capt.B.Sessions, 10 0 Ll 0 CFielder,Dr.Salisbury,l 0 0 0 Total Bans, 0 6 0 0 0 6 1 0 3 9 Weeping Water Bask Ball Club. Position- Names. 13S456789 Catcher, Bellows, Ll Ll 0 Ll 1 S'rtStop.Wilkenstm, 1 0 0 10 1 Sd Base. Klepser, 1 1 0 0 0 1 1st Base, Duns, 0 L3 11 0 1 C. Fielder, Keed, L3 0 1 1 Ll LS 2d Base, Russell, 0 0 1 0 0 0 Pitcher, Greenfield, 0 0 0 0 R Fielder, Phipps, 0 0 0 0 1 C Field, Jones, 0 0 1 L3 1 Total Runs, 201044005 16 We understand they will play another game next month sometime. Can't you arrange to play at the Coun ty Fair, it would bo interesting for those present. Kris Koehnke is re-moddelling his house so that it will one of the best on Vine st. when finished. Harris and Unrnh. New Furniture and Undertaking establishment ready for business day or night. 1 . Gray hairs are honorable, but few like them. Clothe them with the hues of youth by using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Wanted. A young man to do chores and take care of a team, etc. Apply at this of fice. 1 B. B. Livingston. One census enumerator found eight bottles of Dr. Marshall's Bromo line, tl.a Big Blood Medicine, and he put it down in his reports as Amer ica's greatest fifty cent medicine. Trimmings ! Trimming! The largest and most completestock of Velvets, Satins and Silks, to be found in this eity at F. Herrmann's. 2 Ayer's Pills are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are pleasant, safe and sure, and excel all other Pills in healing and curative qualities. New Pickles by the dozen at Ben nett fe Lewis. l Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one pill. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Don't forget that the Herald office is the place to get your fine job printing. 23t4 Choice Creamory Batter at Ben nett & Lewis'. Derangement of the liver, with constipation, injure tho complexion, induce pimples, sallow skin, etc. Re move the cause by using Caiter's Lit tle Liver Pills. One a dose Sold by Smith, Black & Co. Full stock boots reduced to 62.25 at the Great Red Store. 1 For the best staple and fancy groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V. Weckbach's. lOtf Large invoice of coal buckets at J. S. Dake's. 26t2 New brocaded and ombre shaded ribbons received to-day, at Solomon & Nathan's. " l Wanted Some corn and oats on subscription at this office; at once. Oysters sad Celery. Benaett & Lewis will receive Fresh Oysters and Celery Saturday morningl Bare Novelties. Something lovely in fringe trim mings each piece combining in itself three distinct shades. The ladies all pronounce these goods, as well as a great many other novelties constantly arriving, as incomparable, go to Sol omon & Nathan's and see them. 1 Wanted At thi3 office good dry corn or oats on subscription, at once. New Barber Shop. Ed. Morley has opened a new barber shop under Peter Merges' store, where he has fitted up a room and will do the best of work. Anyone wishing a good, clean shave, shampoo or hair-cut. should give Ed a trial. 24tS Sheep for Sale. Three hundred and fifty well bred ?hecp for sale. Cotswold and Leices ter cross. To be sold for cash at low rates. Can be seen at mv place south of Plattsmouth. P. M. Young. 25t3 Many persons will take no medr icine until prostrated on a bed of sick ness. This is folly. Nature always calls for assistance when needed to throw off impurities. With our habits ot life, it is necessary to render this help. Prickly Ash Bitters will not force nature, but acts mildly and ren ders the assistance required. Try them. 2t5 FITZGERALD HALL ! Two Nights Only I Tbnrsdaj & Friday, Scnt.l5t!i&16tli. Emu LoM HiuOon! Thursday Ev'g, Sept. 15th, The Creat New York Success, "HAZEL KIRKE I" ADMISSION .35 & .50 Reserved Seats without extra charge at the P. O. News Ueoot. A. G. Owens, of Nebraska City, was married to Miss Anna Swinaon. by the Bev. Mr. Baird, at the Presby terian Church, Plattsmouth, on Mon day evening, September 12th, 18S1. The only witnesses we believe were our old bachelor friends, Wiley and Fred Black, who have been looking so berer than usual ever since. Can it be that Mr. Owens thought he would set them a good example and so came up here to encourage them. By the way, t here is a good jeko on Ed. Ruffner, and the editor of this pa per in connection with this wedding, the which it is not our business to tell just now. New Mllimry Goods. Misses Herrmann Jt Wurl are re ceiving a new stock of fall and winter millinery and would be pleased to have all call and inspect it; also a new as sortment of Demorest paterns. 25t2 "Soused Herring," "Labrador Her ring in Tartar sauce," Spiced Brook Trout," "Fried Brook Trout," "Fresh Broiled Mackeral in Tomato sauce," ,Curried Oysters," Boned Turkey, Bon ed Chicken and Lunch Ham, at Bennett & Lewis' 1 For mixed paints go to Roberts' Drugstore. 51tf "Ladies" be sure and go to Sol omon & Nathan this week and see the magnificent and unusual large assort ment of dolmans, cloaks, wraps Ac, just opened out. 1 If your head acha, you are listless and weary, you are out of humor and cross as a bear, it is high time you were buying a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Bromoline. 3loney to Loan. -J. S. Mathews has money to loan at nine per cent interest, on good secuii ty. Apply at his office on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. 26tf. Mr. Nathan writes from New York that he struck the Dry Goods market at the right time, and will purchase such a line of goods as has never been seen in Plattsmouth. It will he to the interests of every Dry Goods buyer to wait the arrival of our complete stock before purchasing. 1 Solomon & Nathan. I sell the best and cheapest boots and shoes. I defy competition. 4tf Peteu Merges. Constipation is positively cured by Carter's Little Liver Pills. Not by purging and weakening the bowels, by regulating and strengthening them. This is done by ..improving the diges tion and stimulating the liver to the proper secretion of bile, when the bowels will perform their customary functions in an easy and natural man ner. Purgative pills must be avoided. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Price 25 cents. Sold bv Smith, Black & Co. PROF. TICE AGAIN. Prepare for a Cold Winter. The grst precaution essentially nec essary "says this distinguished Profes sor" is to secure in time your blankets, flannels, woolens, comfortables, bat-1 A. ' 1 . I lings, neavy nose, unaerwear, cioaKS, dolmans, wraps, gloves, etc., at Solo mon & Nathan's and then let her come. 1 Hall's Vegetable Sicillian Hair Renewer is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen and scientists as a preparation accomplishing won derful result; It is entirely harmless, and a certain remedy for removing dandruff, making the scalp white and clean, and restoring gray hair to its youthful color. It imparts a gloss and freshness to the hair which all admire. Brown's Blackberry and Ginger. Should be in every house during the heated season. It never fails to cu re Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and J. M. Bobert Plattsmouth, "J. V. Painter, East Plattsmouth. The well known strengthening properties of iron, combined with oth er tonics and a most perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nervas and body, and improve the blood and complexion. Sold bv Smith, Black & Co. Experience the Best Cure. The constant practice most women have in caring for the sick makes them often more skilful thaa physi cians in selecting medicines. The reason why women are every wpere using and recommending Parker's Gin ger Tonic is, because they have learn ed by that best of guides experience that this excellent family medicine speedily overcomes despondency, peri odical headache, indigestion, liver complaints, pain or weakness in the back and kidneys, and other troubles peculiar to the sex. Home Journal. See Adv. 24 15 Worthless Staff! i$Gt so fast, my friend ; if you could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that Lave been raised irom beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say "Glorious and invaluable remedy." See another col umn. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than any other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf Organs. A few more bargains in my clos ing out stock; don't delay if 3-ou want a number one instrument at a very low figure. James Pettee, ag't. Ice! F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily to customers at remarkably low prices. Call or leave orders at his store, on Main St. let'f SPECIAL NOTICES. Browu's "Vegetable Liver Pills Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation and Biliousness. For sale by all Druggists in the West. Money to Lean. Money to loan on real estate secur ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale, Louisville, Neb. 13tf Come aud See The large stock of Spring Shoes and Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House, Plattsmouth. Neb. StCrc For Sale or Trade. A good second hand wagon, for sate cheap or will trade for buggy. En quire at this office. The best and cheapest, The finest and neatest Shoes and Slippers For little trippers at Merges. 4tf Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at bchlegel & Niemann s, opposite P. 0. 7tt J)r. Black's Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi cine warranted a safe, certain and speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side, Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith, Black & Co. have sirld over one hun dred bottles in the last two months 48tf If you want to buy or sell city proper ty of auy kind If you want to buy or sell a farm of any kind If you want money with farm lands to secure it call on Will S. Wise, 46m5 Fitzgerald Block. It Must Be So. For all who use Brown's Pepsin Tonic say it is a sure cure for Dys pepsia and sick Headache. Try it. For sale by all Druggists in Platts mouth and East Plattsmouth. Pepsin. Rhubarb, Maudrake& Gentian Are the active ingredients of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial and be cured. For sale by all drug gists in Neb. To the Citizen's of the County aud State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wish ing to build a fire :proof house before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. For Sale. A house and lot situated on the N. K. corner of Granite and Seventh sts. The house is H story; contains live rooms and a pantry, is almost new and in good condition. Price $1000; 700 cash and balance in one year, ror laither miormation en quire ot U. II. W heeler de Co. Agt. lutt Alderuey Slock. Mr. J. F. Beaumeister uow owns the ALDERNEY BULL, "WELLINGTON," No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878, Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire, Kentucky C28. From imported Iran- it, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which it will be remembered Chaplain Wright bioiiirht here last vear. This bull is a thoroush-bred Aldernev. or Jersey bull and will be kept for servi ces this sunimei at Mr. Beaumeister's place north of town, on the Platte Valley road. All who desire the use f such an animal sluuld call and see the undersighed, J. F. BEAUMEISTER. Stork from n. distance, nastured free of charge after the first of May. 52tf Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cass county, will bo at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust. October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. At Elrnwood the last Friday and Saturdap of March. At Greenwood the last Friday and Saturday in Feb ruary. E. II. WOOLEY, 42tf Superintendent. Rescued from Death. In the following remarkable state ment. William J. Coughlin of Somer ville, Mass., says: "In the fall of 1876 I was taken with a violent bleed ing of tiie lungs followed- by a se vere cough. I was so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 I wa3 admitted to the City Hospital. While there. the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dollars in doctors and medicines. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. HALL'S BAL SAM FOR TIIE LUNGS. I got a bottle to satisfy him, when to my eur prise and gratification, 1 commenced to feel better, and to-day feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. I write this hoping that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR TIIE LUNGS and be conviuced that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED. I can positively say that it has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken during my sickness." Sold by drug gists. 1a3 LEGAL NOTICES. Notice of Application for Li cense. Ail persons interested will take notice that I have tiled my application with the City Coun cil of th City ot Plattsnmuth for a to sell malt, vinous and siiitous liquors at retail in the Fourth Ward of said City, a requited bv section 2 of chapter 50. revised statutes of UKORUK EWOKKTON". i'lattsmouth. Neb.. Sept. 14. 188i, 2it2 Notice for Bids for Culvert. Notice Is hereby given that bids will be re ceived for the consti uctiou of an iron culvert across Sixth street on south side of 1'earl street In the City of i'lattsmouth. Cans County, Ne bra.ka. up to noou ou the 6th day of October, lbI. Said culvert is to be eiht 8 feet in di ameter, and to be buiit on same plan as cul vert built by railroad company, near depot. By oi'der of County Commissioners. 2Ct4 J. ! Tvtt, Co. Cltrk. Tax Deed Notice. To tha unknown or nonresident owner or claimant of Lot Ave W. in block seventy-nve (TD), in the city of PiattMuouih. Cass County, Nebraska : Vou are hereby notified that the above described rral estate was assessed and taxed for the year 1S77. a bclocging t an un known or non-resident owner; that the said real estate was sold at private sale on the 21st day of Auirnot, 18T9. for the delinquent tax f sai'd year W77 to the undersijrned ; that unless redemption be made from said sale on or before the 3d duv of January. lS- a deed ill be de manded of Hit; County Treasuier lo the under-Signed- , tifcOitfc F11A.NK. Mattmbdtlf. Net)., Sept. 10, 18si. 2UtS Notice. To the non-resident owners at.doociips.nts ot the hereinafter described Ileal Estate : Vou are each and all of you hereby notified that the north east quartrne) of north east quarter (ue1). and tho south west quarter (sk) of north east quarter (ne1), and the west hair(wH) of south east quarter (se) of north east quarter (n), all in section thineeu (13), towuship twelve (U), north of range eleven (11) east, aud ttie north west quarter (nV) of north west quarter (nw") of section thirty-four (:, township thirteen (13), north of rane twt-lvc (12) east, and the north west quarter (nwl4)of south west quarter (swK) of section four ), township eleven (11), north of ra,nj;e fourteen (14) eat, and the south tint quarter (seV) of north east quarter (ne) of section six (Ut, towuship twelve (12), north ot ranue thir teen (13) east, was on ills 9th Uay of Septem ber, U7, sola at public tax sale to John lilack (or the delinquent taxes thert on. levied for tlm year 175, and that the south half r44) ot sunt h east quarter (se of section one (1). township twelve (lit, north of rane twelve (12) eust, was ou th lsth day of September, 1876, sold to John Black for the delinquent taxes thereon, levied tor the year 1875 ; and that the north half i n1,) of south west quarter (sw of section thirty four (34), township ten (10), north ef range nine (9) east, was on tne Bth day of November, 1H77, sold ut public tax sale to John Hlack for the delinquent taxes thereon, levied for tho year lbTS : and that the north west quarter (u() of north east quarter (ue) of section six (6), twn ship twelve (12). north of rangs ten (1U) east, ana part of south west quarter (aw1) of south east quarter (seV) of sectlou two (2i, in town snip ton (io , north of range eleven (II) east, and the north east quarter (ne?) of north east quarter (neln) of section thirty-one (31), town ship eleven (11), north of range eleven (ll) east, and the south west quarter of uoilh west quarter (uv', ol section Ave (5), township twelve (12), north of range thirteen (13) east, was ou the 7th day of November, 1&77, sold at public tax salo to John Hlack for the delin quent taxes thereon, levied for the year 1876 ; and that the south half (') of north east quarter (ne') ot section twenty (20), township ten (10), north of range nine (D) east, was on the Slh day of November, ls7s. sold at public tax sale to John lilack for the delinquent taxes thereon, levied for the ytar 177 : and that the south west quarter (sw) of south oast quarter (sL')of section twelve (12). towuship twelve (12) , north of range eleven (it) east, aud gov ernment lot two (2), iu section fourteen (14), in towuship twelve (12), north jo rauge ten (lo) east. was on the Kill day ot November, 1878, sold at pub licjt a i sale to John lilack for the delinquent taxes thereon, levied for the year 1877 ; aud that lot one (1). in north east quarter (ue1,) of north west quarter (nV) of section thirty-four (34), township thirteen (13), north of range twelve (12) east, aud lots one and two (1 & 2), in section thirty-three (33), township ten (10) . north of range fourteen (14) east, aud part of government lot two (2) and government lots tlueo and live (3 & 5), La section thirty-ono (31), township thirteen (13), north of range thirteen (13) east, was on the nth day of Novembej, 1878, sold at public tax sale to John lilack for the delinquent taxes thereon, levied for the year 1877 ; and that the time for redemption from said several sales will expire en the 30th d.iy of December, 1881 ; and that unless said lands ure redeemed from such tax sales on or before the said last named date, a deed will be demanded aud issued for tho said lands to JOHN 11LACK." riattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 31, 181. 25t3 Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Ramuol Kwlng, deceased, iutlie County Court of Cast Co.. Nebraska. Cpon reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of C F. Came praying that administra tion of the estate of huniuel Ewing, deceased, b granted to said petitioner. Ordered that no tice of the pendency of s;iid cause be published In theNebraska 11kkai-i, aweekly newsna-oer, minted, nublished. aud iu general circulation in said county, for three consecutive weeks, and that the hearing of said cause he set forthe2iith day of September, A. I. 1MI, at three o'clock p, in., at the ollice of the County Judge, at i'latts mouth, at w hich time and place, all iiersous in terested inav appear and show cause, if any thev have, whv administration of said estate should not be granted to the said petitioner, accordiag to the prayer of said petition. A. i. dillh a.i.lo. diiuge. riattsmouth.Scpt. 5th, l8l. A true copy. sou Tax Deed Notice. To the unknown or non-renldent owner or claimant of lot eleven (111, block one hundred aud ihlrtv-four(134). in the city of I'lattsmouth Cass County. Nebraska : Vou are hereby noti fied that the above nescrioea real estate was assessed aud taxed for the year 1878 as belong ing to an unknown owner or non-resiilent of said enuntv : that the said real estvte was sold ou the 2lst day of November. 1879, for the de linquent, tax of said year, ls78, to the unaer signed ; that unless redemption from said Bale lie made ouiore tne I'Jiu uav oi nfccumcr, j. 1. lssl. a deed w ill be Issued to tho undersign ed by the Treasurer of said County, riattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 29, lssl. !!4t3 Sheriffs Sale. MJJ tiUUC a sill V'MH i u . 'csVi t ioiiivu ij vo .Siiowttltfr, Clerk of tlie llHtrlct Court wltkia ami tor Cuss County. NcLrahka. and to me tfl- in . i rk... .1...- a ft eciru, l wm on iuc iat uay ui utiuuri, yv. .... l. .. ... ,.f .1., .r i. t flistannth J ol ill iu U IIUCIV rl. III. V rli utij. ni nv uiu door of the Court House, lit hhIU County. Hell at III I . !, r,.ll,.,..i..,. vu. 1 t jk.U'ir JIUUUC U1ICI It'll IMC KH "H I riii c.itnu., " J 'in; west n.ilf wl) of the nortn west tju.trtr l i Ihii Wis tlitVtv 'm Iti tiiwiiwhiift Jo. if a (10), north of ruie No. eleven (1 1), e-wt (line lull I. Ill V nm IUUIHY, iiruunrift. llnj ainc being levied upon and tiken ha the property of v uiiaiii ll. HcK ana sawn jane ;ecK, C. 11. aiciJomiU'K aim me singer -i;iuu- judgment of said Court recovered by Thillip D. I'ltiuge, plaintiff. It. w . I1YKKS, Biienn ass rci. riattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 20, A. 1. 1K81. 24t Legal Notice. In Cue District Court of Cass Co. Neb. In tho matter of the estate ol Augustus n. nnarp, Deceased, late of Pulton County, tJeoigia. Vniici' is hersbv L'iven that I have made ap plication for a lieeuse to sell aud convey the north li:ilf and the southeast duaiter of tho southwest quarter of section 16, towuship 11, north ot range ll easioi tne oiu r. 01. m County Nebraska. And all persons Interested are notified to appear before the Hon. a U. round. Judge 01 the 2d Juuiciai wistrici, 1 ii,roi.i l.Mne.'Lter Coimtv. Nebraska, lu the Clerk's oflice, 011 the 23d day of September. A. I). 1881, at one o'clock p. ni. on said day to show cause if any they have why license l sell and convey said real estate should not bo ranted according to tne prayer 01 me petition led iu said cause. John Blaci, By A. N. Ucllivav, Administrator, ms Aiiurucji. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by W. C. Showalter, Clerk of the District Court withiu ni fur ('. Countv. Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on Saturday the 1st day of Octo ber A. D. lf.l. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south dor of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth, In said conuiy. sen at puono auction the following real estate to wit : Com mencing 1075S feet north and 1326 feet east of the saiithwest corner of section seven (7) town- t.hlp twelve (12) north of range fourteen (14) east of the 6th r. m. More particularly uesenueu as being the northea.t corner of Townsend's Ad dition to the City of I'lattsmouth thence west parallel w iUi the south line ot said section 200 feet, thence north 430 feet, thence east parallel with the south line of this tract 200 feet, thence Kontli mirallel with the west line of this tract 430 feet, to the place of beginning containing two(2)acres. 1 ne same using levieu upon aim taken as the propeity of Conrad Klpple, Mary tfiiuils. .Insenh Leeslev. C. W. Lyman & Co. 2 Thomas Hallowell. Conrad Heisell &. Co, ; and John (iross. Defendants ; t satisfy 11 judge ment of said Court recovered by a. k. ftinun, riaintiff. It. W. Hvkkh. By M. McElwaix, 6herifl of Cass Co. Deputy. 23t4 Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 24th A. D. 1881. Proposals for Grain. Head Quarters Department of the Platta, 1 Chief Quartermaster's Office. Fort Omaha, Neb., September l, 1881. ) SEALED I'KOI'OSALS, in triplicate, subject 3 to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, September 20, 1881.-at which time and place they will be opened in presence of binders, for the furnishing and delivery in quantities as re quired, up to December 31, 1881, at Omaha De pot, Nebraska, or at stations on the t nion Pa cific Kailroad, east of Kearney Junction, of 2,000.000 pounds COltN and pounds OATS. . . Proposals for quantities less tnan tne wnoie will be received. Delivery of the gram will, tf required, commence octooeri, issi. rreier ence will be given to articles of domestic pro duction, conditions of price and quality being equal, and such preference will b given to ar tides of American production predaced on the Pacific coast to the extent of the consumption required by the public service thera, lhe gov ernment reserves the right to reject atiy or all proposals. I'-ids should state the rate per 100 pounds, (not per bushel) and the envelopes containing tnem should be endorsed "Bids for Orain," and addressed to the undersigned. Bidders are requested to submit proposals for deliverv of the Corn in new resewed gunny sacks of 1O0 pounds e:ch and for delivery of the Oats in new resewed burlap sacks of loo pounds each. Uids for Corn should state the years in w liieh the Corn proposed to be fur nished was grown. ... Copies of this advertisement and of the cir cular of instructions to bidders cau be obtained on application to this oflice' and one oopy each afsaid advertisement and circular should be attached to or accompany eacn proposal and form a part thereof. Al. I. I.t nixow, 2ot2 Chief Quartermaster. J. I). SIMPSON, AGENCY FOR Geo, Woofls & Co. Pianos and Organs. News Depot, Magazine and Papcre, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. HEADQUARTERS FOR Main St. oDuosite New Hotel. FLAJTS5I0TJTB - - NEBRASKA.