Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 08, 1881, Image 3

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    The Herald.
in. 2' ccnis t. tine-. Iterular advertta-p-r
ii.ip. N advei isfiiitnt insert-
i. U .ill ' cent.
;t- tiiivc rates.
is if i iu liw will I'D neld
, . .il u mice they hand In,
. .i-. i. . i. tin;' ft proof of pttiilica
.. i uc .'i'iu lor tbe uublica-
. o i m : m'.'avhj.vs.
, . i ;iT,ij;.-(t. nil ro'nimiuie'!ona
. . i u. tl.e : mil. Willi no wast a
., ;.ni! ic for tf:e correctness
, . . .o y of paid matter and paid Le-
-i., rakes tli paper regular)
i r - . whether directed to his
. . .. 'in i tie Is a. Hjl'Mcriuer or not U
..... .. ::.e pay. -
.iy .-i on oiden Ms paper diseontln-
..n-.; :;'.y nil rrcjia;r, pn...,.-t-.-iiM
hi" to f nd It until payment u
-n the whole amount, whether
..-r i- i.-ts -it from tbe office or not.
!,. r. .: have deciden that refusing to
:r ; rs and peiieoicais noui tut; uut
in unrl 1. ;ivilli. tliftn It U 1 1 ,f
runt JiiciF evidence Of IWTENTIOWAI,
;al news.
i !wiiv .;oinb hoiicy Ht IJeiiliett &
Lewis. 1
I)rup -1 lie largest stock at J. M.
Koli.-ns. ;nf
It. H v iiulhaiu sports a nice pair
f cry In i m s.
a ri--s ill
Si if wis'.
any iiuantily at Bennett
For ml vet! paints yo to Huberts
I ) r u .Stoi oltf
Tl.e Dancing Master left for Oma
ha Wednes-Uv.
Mr. V. M. Young lias some- sheep
for sale. See ad. elsewhere.
liaker & Atwoml put out a nob.jy
iicw sign W-.lnoaday morning.
Largest assortment of lamps,
cheapest price, at Hansen & Chassot's
Wasti u Some corn and oats on
Hubsr riptiuii at tins oOice; at once.
Try oi r "Nectar" Roasted coffee.
It's a "daisy". At Ueunett & Lewis'. 1
Mr. IteyuoMs, formerly in Baker's
store, goes west with Agnew and Mur
phy. Don't forget that the IIkkald
otfiee is the place to gel your fine job
printing. 23t4
For cold , coughs, bronchitis and
all affections of the lungs, take Ayer's
Cherry l'cc'oral.
The giadi.ig and fixing on Dr.
Black's old corner, thanges the whole
looks of Main st.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
dav, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
anil Third. 10tf
The Catholics of the central p4i t
of the county have erected a very tine
church near Conrad .Schlatei's.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weckbach's. 10tf
Murphy fc Agnew's men started
for the west Monday, where they have
a large coaeract for building railroads.
I sell the best and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
Johnny Adams is building a fine
housH on his farm near II. Craig's and
we understand is going to be married
;. Dovey is having thirty-live
feet added to his store building to
make room for his enormous utock of
The description of Dr. Marshall's
Dioiiioiine by a school boy is good. He
M;; s b!r, bigger, biggest, and pa got it
for j ) c.-iits.
The city schools opened Monday
rind a goodly number of pupils ere
seen ascending the Hill of Knowl
edge. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to
stop your colds, coughs and bronchial
affections before they run into con
sumption that you cannot stop.
The thermometer registered two
degrees higher at ssven o'clock Mon
day morning than at that hour any
any time this summer.
Dr. Marshall's Bronioiine cures
biliousness, constipation, fern tie weak
ness and all blood and liei complaints.
Big bottles, 50 cents. Drufgists keep
Mr. Asa Core, one f Cass
County'? well-to-do farmers, brought
in 400 head of very fine sheep the first
of Iait, week. He has quite a drove
There will be a sociable at Good
Templars hall ntxt Monday night. All
are cordially invited to attend, it is
for the benefit of the Temperance
From 193 to 53 is rather a big
tumble for the thermometer within
one week, but that was the difference
between last week and yesterday.
Where's that overcoat?
"Why don't you try Carter's Little
Li: er Pills? They are a positive cure
fr sick headache, and all the ills pro
iluced by disordered liver. Only one
pill a dose. Jjold by Smith, Black &
Messrs. Agnew & Murphy, old
railroa I men hue, have a large con
tract a the B. & M. extension to Den
ver, which they will proceed to fill as
soon as they are through on the Mo.
P. wwrk.
More cases of sick headache, bil
iousness, constipation, &c., can be cur
ed in less time, with less medicine, find i
for less money, by using Carters Lit
tle Liver Pills than by using any other
means. So' J by Smith. Black & Co.
Our friend St inini was a happy
man last week. About Thursday some
thing iiup'i r.fil at liia house, and the
cigar ami "seltzer" had to sufiVr that
day and next. The something was a
.oa brn to Mr. ai d Mr. IM. Stamui
Sept. 1st. IS I.
Everv nervous person should try
CaiUr's Little Nerve Pills. They are
rndr speci. lit for nervous and drs
peptie uieu and women, and are just
the- medicine needed by all persons
who, from any cause do not kee well
or who fail to get proper strength
frbiu their fod. Cases of weak stnm-
acb. indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous i
and sick headache, &c, readily yield i
to the use of the Little Nerve pills, I
particularly if combined with Carter's J
I,itU 11 ver i-iiis. in viaii at 4 cents.
Sold by Smith, Black & Co.
Arthur Robinson, of Weeping Wa
ter, was ia town Sunday.
Win. M. Smith, of Nebraska City.
wa ia town Monday evening.
Dr. Livingston, S. M. Chapman, J.
B. Strode and others of the G. A. R
went up to Lincoln yesterday.
Capt.John Way-bright and wife left
for their home in Virginia last Mon
day, well pleased with Nebraska.
Frank Maldaner, of Kansas City,
returned Monday after a short visit
among his friends in Plattsmouth.
Geo. A. Maguey went up to Papill
ion last, week and spent a few days
with Byron Clark, lie reports Byron
doing a good law practice.
Mesdanies Parker and Jonathan
Wise left, the first of the week, for Il
linois and other points east. Their
trip will occupy live or six weeks.
Miss Ida Goodcll returned to Platts
mouth the latter part of la.t week,
where she will teach one of the grades
in the High School the coming year.
Henry Mertens, an old friend of the
Hkkalu, came in last week, and left
us better off for his Tisit. Htniy is a
thrifty farmer, and fast friend to those
he likes.
Mr. A. Harmon, of Weeping Water
made the IIkkalu a shoit call last
week aud adds his testimony tw the
general liveliness and good feeling
down at that thriving point.
The Misses Ida aiid Alma Water
man left on Monday of this week for
the Young Ladies' Seminary at Jack
sonville, 111., which Miss Ida has been
attending for the past twoyears.
Mr. George Dovey left for New York
Tuesday, where he will meet his moth
er, who w ill return with him. While
absent he will purchase the largest
stock of goods ever brought to Platts
mouth. D. II. Wheeler, Jr.. goes to Lincoln
this week to act as special aid and as
sistant to the Democrat, during theie
unioa. By the wiy,"Dan Jr." is mak
ing quite a newspaper man, and we
shall look for his reports with interest.
Rev. Mr. Gallagher will go to con
ference next week and will probably
not return to Plattsmouth as pastor
of the M. E. Church another year. Mr.
Gallagher has been pastor here fo:
several years and we are sorry to
hear he has made up his mind to
M. A. McKiuncn started for his
home at Prince Edward Island, Sun
day afternoon, where he will spend
the fall and winter with relatives and
friends. Mr. C. E Wesco;fc accompa
nied him as far as Chicago, to pur
chase his fall and winter sti ck. Quite
a number of friends went with them
as far as the Junction.
Prepare for a Cold WintT.
The gist precaution essentially nec
essary "says tltis dist inc'ished Profes
sor" is to secure in time your blankets,
llannels, woolens, comfortables, bat
tings, heavy hose, underwear, cloaks,
dolmans, wraps, gloves, etc.. at Solo
mon : Nathan's and then let her
come. 1
The Plattsmouth base ball nine
and the Weeping Water nine will play
a match game at the Fair Grounds to
morrow at o'clock. All wishing to
see a good game had better be present.
At the semi-annual election of of
ficers of the Plattsmouth Liederkranz,
on the 4th mat., the following were
elected: President, II. Thierolf; Vice
President, John Lutz; Secretary, A. II.
Weckbach; Treasurer, II. M. Bons;
Librarian, C. Wohlfarth. The society
is in a flourishing condition, and niak
ing rapid progress in the musical art.
Solomon & Nathan have just open
ed out their first invoice of millinery
goods. Go and see trie new styles. 1
Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Chapman, of
Lincoln, have bee?: visiting in New
Jersey and New York city and around,
we learn from an old friend in N. J.
The beach, with the rolling wave
strikes the Doctor as the thing these
days. Oh, if Nebraska had a beach
somewhere handy, what a state she'd
"Ladies" be sure and go to Sol
omon & Nathan this week and see the
magnificent and unusual large assort
ment of dolmans, cloaks, wraps &c,
just opened out. 1
The Plattsmouth Literary Society
hold regular meetings every Thursday
eveDing at Temple of Honor Hall, and
we were pleased to see, at our first at
tendance last Thursday evening, the
interest manifested and the prompt
response of the members to the duties
imposed upon them. But one duty
imposed wi;s not fulfilled by a present
member, and one by a member una
voidably absent. This augurs wtll
for the continued healthful life of the
Society. An entertainment is talked
of ia the near future.
Mr. Nathan writes from New
York that he struck the Dry Goods
market at the right time, and will
purchase such a lin of goods as has
never been seen in Plattsmouth. It
will tie to the interests of every Dry
Goods buyer to wait the arriral of
our complete stock before purchasing.
1 Solomon St Nathan.
The select party of Prof. Pinney's
dancing class, at Fitzgerald hall, on
Tuesday evening last, was qnite xrell
attended, despite the inclemency of
th weather, and the programme was
carried out in full. Everything passed
oil in fxcwllent style; mirth and jollity
predominated throughout the evening,
the music was just first-class, and the
weather indoors exactly right for danc
ing. Had the weather outside fceea
more propitious we have no doubt but
that tin Hall would have been filled
to ovei flowing.
Kare Novelties.
Something lovely in fringe trim
mings each piece combining in i:self
time distinct shades. The ladies all
pronounce these goods, as well as a
gif at many other nevelties constantly
arriving, as incomparable, go to Sol
omon & Nathan's and see them. 1
Fire Department.
The second Tuesday in September
is Regular Fire Meeting night, aud
member of the department, the
young men and others who have kept
the thing up this long are tired of
meeting alone, and having no money
and no help from the property own
ers and citizens. They talk of dis
banding entirely and letting the own
ers of property take care of their in
terests as regards fire.
This is the complaint made and the
Hekald calls attention t it, know
ing it is partly just. If even citizens
would turn out to the meetings, and
hear what the department needs and
wants and ought to have, the boys
would not feel so bad about i ; but
when they seem totally indifferent to
their meetings even, it must be con
cluded they do not want a fire depart
ment kept up.
The 13th, (second Tuesday m Sep
tember) is the next regular meeting,
reineiiibtr, and all who want to see
the present or a better organization
kept up should attend that meeting.
Mrs. W. P. Lane, sister of A. W.
McLaughlin Esq., is visiting in Platts
mouth. The band under Mr. Mathews
gave the editor and other citizens a
very handsome serenade Saturday
night. This band has greatly improved
lately, and every one says what lovely
music they do make.
Mr. Peter Eveland tells us of an ac
cident occurring to a man who had
been working for him which was
somewhat peculiar and illustrative of
the fftea unexpected danger of fire
Mr. Eveland, and tho victim ef the
accident wero making hay, when the
distant report of fire arms was heard,
and Mr. E. saw a hawk rise from a
stack of grain beyond them; looking
up, he also noticed his man stagger,
and going to him, asked him what was
the matter? The man answered that hing had struck him, and Mr. E.
then noticed a hole in his shirt on tin
shoulder, and blood. Upja examina
tion, a wound was found ia the shoul
der, ranging towards the neck, which
will lay the man up for some time.
As the sound of the pistol seemed
so far distant, Mr. Eveland had the
curiosity to find out who and how far
off the shooting parties were, and
found the distance intervening be
tween the place of shooting and the
party shot, to be 110 rods exactly and
the weapon used a small revolver,
with barrel only 2 inches long. The
shooting party's name was Henry
Hunt, who was also haying in a neigh
boring field, and in passing to his work
had seen the hawk and fired with the
above result.
Another lesson to boys and those
unused to the handling of ire arms on
the necessity of care.
If you are nervous or dyspeptic
try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dys
pepsia makes you nervous, and nerv
ousness makes you dyspeptic; either
one renders you miserable and these
little pills cure both. Sold by Smith,
Black & Co.
Parker, the marble man from
Lincoln, dropped in again on Thurs
day last week, to see the Editor, to di
vide grapes with him, and have a
pleasant c! at, which we always have
with Parker, by the way. as he is a
great talker and humorous withal,
grave as his business may be called,
ami that reminds us of a little story:
Last spring, when Coup's Circus was
expected lure, the advertising agent,
a young man who talked about "Ileb
domina! pyramids of colossal ele
phants, cij." was i:r here rattling
away with a gift of tongue we
thought seldom equaled, when lo! be
hold! Parker dropped in and we com
menced joking as usual.
Paiker "let out" about five minutes
and left.
The circii3 man gaztd in admiration
and exclaimed: "Well, 1 declare; il I
could talk like that man, I'd boss the
biggest side show in America in three
A good purgative medicine is one
of the absolunte necessities of the age.
This want ha3 been supplied by Dr. J.
C, Ayer & Co., w hose celebrated Ca
thartic Pills are known to be the safest
surest and best purgative medicine
ever offered to the public. They are
mild bst certain in their effects, and
keep the system in good condition.
Gen. Geo. Smith's House was
raided a few nights ago, and things
turned upside down prefty badly.
Many persons will take no med
icine until prostrated on a bed of sick
ness. This is folly. Nature always
cal's for assistance when needed to
throw off impurities. With our habits
ot life, it is necessary to lender this
help. Prickly Ash Bitters will not
force nature, but acts mildly and ren
ders the assistance required. Ty
them. -lt.
We owe Mr. James Morrison an
apology for some errors in notice of
postponement of temperance meeting
last week. The blunders were entirely
the fault of the office and we take the
whole blame. Mr. Morrison acted
like a gentleman in telling us too, and
didn't go to cussing and th.irging as
some people do w hen an error is made.
HANK I X TUCK K II. At the reMtl-nee rf the
liiiiif's father. .Mr. Win. L. Tn.Ki-r. in I'lalts
moutli, !).. on Thursday. SejUenibvr 1. lsl.
hy ttu it-v. Mr. liuigf.-!', .Mr. haim ks a.
Kan kin to :lls Lii-i.ieJ. Tlckki;, both of
Ca County.
The ecivuioiiy was at uoen. and performed
by the pastor of St. LukeV in a very inipiefiTe
iii:iuiit. pi that the yoimj; folk can fi-fl that
tlify are iluJy, truly, witiiniiically. moialiy, re
lsi:ioiisiy and legally married.
The happy pair etai ted for Htiriiugton. Iowa,
on the afternoon train to visit friends of the
The bride is the second daughter of one of
our oldest reridents, Mr. and Mr.. Tucker hav
ing lived nineteen years in oue houe iu
l'hr.tsmoutH a very unusual thing out We r.
She looked very charming iu an elegnr.t c .
lu:u . f vviiite mull trimmed with while !
The gi.iom U a line yoiin mechanic, having a
position ia the H. & M shops. A few fri Js
of tite family from City and County witnessed
the ceremony. The Hkkalu wi-h.s them suc
cess, health and prosperity.
At this office good dry corn or oats on
subscription, at once.
The Sessions .Moral.
(From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The defeat of ilr. Sessions ia the
Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Senatoi
ial convention in New Yorfc is a cheer
ing and significant event. There are
many who are disposed to regard
American politics with distrust. The
charges of corruption which are bus
lly made by one party against the
other and the not infrequent expos
ures of dishonest practices in cam
paigns, Legislatures and Congress,
nave conspired to present a gloomy
view to those who are at all inclined
to be pessimistic. I', would he foolish
to expect that integrity should be the
peculiar and unexceptional charac
teristic of politics, when a lack of it
appears iu every other department of
human activity. Business has its pro
portion of dishonesty of innumerable
grades; the medical profession has its
quacks; the legal its shysters, and
black sheep now invade the pulpit.
Every trade has its trbks. Politics
has certainly not less of them than
the average. It is bad enough, worse
than it should be; but alter all, may
it not be held responsible for . a
greater sLare than really lies at its
door ?
This is a grievous thing for Mr.
Sessions, foi politics is his profession,
and his career has leceived a fatal
check. From u business or profes
sional standpoint he is ruinud.
There have been some cases where
the people of districts have been so
corrupt as to oiler no rebuke to their
dishonest Representatives. Williaifl
M. Tweed was returned to the State
senate by 10,000 majority after his
exposure; but iu that case the Senate
refused to receive him. Fernando
Wood was repeatedly returned to
Congress, after exposed speculation.
But these were exceptional cases; and
it may be incidentally remarked their
constituents were Democrats a very
bad kind of Democrats, it is true, but
stili Democrats. It may fairly be
submitted that the Republicans have
never returned a man to power whose
guilt had been proved and become
generally known. The Credit Mobil
ier speculation filled many apolitical
grave, and the postal route develop
ments which are now being made will
till others. So it may reasonably be
inferred that the popular virtue may
be relied en for a long while yet to
keep our polities from being destruc
tively impure.
Theie is a constant stream of in
terested effort directed by corrupt
men against the public crib; but it is
a happy reflection that when the ex
tent of corruption is revealed, the peo
ple rise against it and drive it back to
close quarters, where it remains until
the pubiic watchfulness subsides,
when it timorously ventures forth
Yes, and there is a little political
nest of corruption close at home here
in Nebraska, that will fill fresher
graves still, before many campaigns,
or we are mistaken.
Resolutions of Ucsprct.
Wjiekeas, It hat pleased the Sov
ereign Ruler of the Uuniverse to call
from a life of usefulness and activity
our worthy Bio. William Haitson.
who met an untimely death by casual
ty, on the ltHh day of August, 181,
lltnolced, That by this dispensation
of providence the Odd Fellors frater
nity have lost a warm and earnest
supporter, of the correct and true prin
ciples of our order, the community in
which he had located an honest and
upright citizen, and the Railroad Com
pany a faithful and trusty employee.
Rtsolr.-d, That we extend to the be
reaved family of our deceased brother
our sympathy and condolence and
point them for comfort and consola
tion to Him who. "doeih all things
well, and aboundeth in mercy and
A'cifort-i, That in the sudden death
of Bro. Har.tson we are forcibly re
minded tii it we too. are mortal and
born to die ; and we should live more
in accordance with the principles of
our order, and the laws and precepts
laid down by our great Grand Master,
h.ipiug for a final admission into the
Lodge Ro&m on high nhere only the
good and pure are to be found and
where t he genuine principles of Odd
Fellowship are ever practised by all
who have the pass word, "Well dune.
good and faithful servant, enter thou
into the jy of the Lord."
litsolceil. That a copy of these reso
lutions be forwarded to tho family of
the deceased, and be furnished the city
papers for publication.
I). II. WllEELEK, "I
Jas. McWilliams, v Com.
P. P. Cm AM. )
Alliance Matters.
Puisuant to call of Cascade Alliance,
No. 71, a meeting of delegates from
sub-Alliances in the count assembled
at D. S. Ilolverstaat's prove, Aug. 27i.h,
for the purpose of organizing a County
Alliance, to be composed of delegates
from each sub-Alliance in the Count v.
Mr. F. F. Everett, President of Cas
cade Alliance, called the meeting to
order. On motion Mr. Everett was
made chairman, and T. P. McCarty, of
Elmwood Alliance No. 113, secretary.
On motion it was directed that a
committee of three be appointed by
the chair on permas-cit organization.
Chair appointed as s .cii committee T.
P. McCarty, E. S. Gilbert, E.Lodge.
The committee reported for the con
sideration of the meeting the follow
ing as permanent flicers: President,
F. F. Everett; Vice President, A. Dix
on; Treasurer E. Lodge; Secretary, W
II. Pool. On motion report was accept
ed and adopted, and the committee
continued with instruction to draft a
coustitution, and empowered to call
next meeting, fix time and place for
holding tho same, and the basis for
delegates from each sub-Alliance.
On motion a vote of thanks was ten
dered Cascade Alliance for courtesies
and bountiful repast.
During the meeting stirring speech
es were made .by the Hon. Sen. Tefft,
Messrs. E. S. Gilbert and llarmer.
On motion adjourned to meet at the
call of the conuuiltee.
F. F. Evr.KEiiT. Ch'a.
T. P. McCastv, Sec.y.
Democrat it Central Committee.
The County Democratic Central
Committee are requested to meet at
Louisville on Monday, Sept. 19i.Ii, at 12
o'clock, for the purpose of fixing the
time and place for holding a County
Convention, and such other businrss
as may come before thrui.
J. N. Wise, Ch'm.
Plattsmouth, Sept. 5, 1831.
Sheep for Sale.
Three hundred and fiftv well bred
sheep for sale. Cotswold'and Leices
ter cross. To be sold for cash at low
rates. Can be seen at my place south
of Plattsmouth. F. M. Young.
New Barber Shop.
Ed. Morley has opened a i:ew barber
shop under Peter Merges' store, where
he has fitted up a room and wMl do the
best of work. Anyone wishing a good,
clean shave, shampoo or hair-cut,
should give Ed a trial. ut?
Three Groves' Nate?.
Ed. Herald: Oa Wednesday of
last week about 3 p. m. this section
was visited by one of the worst wind
and rain storms that has occurred
this season. The wind blew from the
not l!i west for an hour or more,
sweeping everything as it went to the
ground. Corn fields look as if a log
had beeu rolled over them. Hay is
damaged considerably by the top of
the stacks blowing oft. The ram fell
ia torrents; no buildings were blown
down ia this immediate vicinity, but
farther west we hear 6f one or two
frame houses being torn to pieces, an 1
a wind mill. Four miles north and
east of this the storm struck with less
iury than here, the damage to the
corn being slight. The ground being
so wet now there will be considerable
fall plowing done yet, and perhaps
some fall grain sown. The storm in
jured the orchards to some extent bv
blowing oft what fruit there was on
the trees.
Mrs. Wiley is out west visit
ing friends and relatives. "Jimmy" is
keeping bachelors Hall while Mrs.
W. is absent.
Mrs. Story has In. en quite sick for
several days. We hear that she has
been almost at the point of death for
the last two davs and that her case is
almost hopeless.
Oscar Glaze met with a severe ac
cident on Saturday by cutting his foot
very badly with a spade while digging
post holes.
Mrs. Clara E. Campbell, from B'.air
Y ashington county, is down visiting
her brother and friends. She will re
turn in a few days.
Mrs. Dull has been nearly blind foi
a week with sore eyes. Her eyes are
getting better, so we hear.
II. A. Ewell preached his farewell
sermon vesterdav; it will he four
weeks before we hear our new minis
ter preach.
Solomon Long came in from the
new rail road yesterday where he has
been at work; he reports no storm out
there to amount to anything, and very
little rain,
Kennard and Smith will finish their
contract by the 20th inst.
Eddie Young returned to the rail
road yesterday.
Mr. John Clemmons has been very
low with fever tor a week or tea days.
He is slowly recovering.
School commences in Rock Creek
Some young folks from Rock Creek
start to Franklin county this week, n
visit friends there, and then they will
go into Kansas for a few days.
Grand Trairia Notes.
We are enjoying pleasant weather
now, aril farm work is progressing ac
cordingly. Some of the farmers have
started to plowing since the rain of
last week, though a few had been plow
ing. D. I). Andrus had about filty acres
plowed before the rain.
Wheat ia this vicinity averages from
five to twelve bushels per acre; oats
from thirty to fifty per acre. The cora
crop will ha light, but many farmers
are couiuiug on a big price for their
Quite a number of the ex-soldiers of
this community will a,tend the Re
Union at Lincvln this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon and child
have been very sick, but are now able
to be about, though still very weak.
Mr. G. W.Boulon's baby has also
been sick, but s better. Mr. Simon
Uanamire has built a nice house on his
farm and is now occupying the same.
He was married last Sunday, Aug. 28,
and on Thursday evening the boys ser
enaded the couple. Mr. Win. Lanham
has the lumber on the ground for a
new house, which he will erect and
move into this fall.
Our school is now iu progress under
the chaige of II. W. Zink. He. will
again start a si-i ies of spelling schools,
which he expects to ciiiinue during
the fall and winter months.
Mr. C. Pet tee, of the Hkicald, was
in this community last week, but we
did not get to see him. But then we
have no good-looking sisters ( Y)
Farmers Attention.
In order to gratify the wishes of
hundreds of our customers who have
repeatedly expressed a desire that we
would exchange merchandise in our
line such as Dry Goods, Millinery,
Clothing and Gent's Furnishing
Goods, Boots and Shoes. Hats. Caps,
Trunks, Valises and Jewelry for
Country Produce. We are now
pleased to advise you that we have
perfected arrangements whereby we
will be able to accommodate all. So
bring on your produce and avail your
selves of our great advertised price
list. We will pay the highest market
price for produce and you ia return
will receive anything in our line at
the lowest casli figures. Don't forget
the place next door to Court House.
I7tf Solomon & Nathan.
Experience the Best Cure.
The constant practice most women
have in caring for the sick makes
them often more skilful than physi
cians in selecting medicines. The
reason why women are everywpere
using and recommending Parker's Gin
ger Tonic is, because they have learn
ed by thai best of guides experience
that this excellent family medicine
speedily overcomes despondency, peri
odical headache, indigestion, liver
complaints, pain or weakness in the
back and kidneys, and other troubles
peculiar to the sex. Home Journal.
See Adv. 24t5
Fresh Oysters.
Bennett & Lewis will receive a sup
ply Saturday morning. "Fix" your
selves for an oyster dinner Sunday. 1
Handed in His Bills.
An old darkey, who works around
town by the day and who is very proud
of his reputation of extraordinary abil
ity of ciphering, called on Gilhooly
yesterday with a view to get a settle
ment, in cash, for work done in Gil
hooly's garden. "Well, Uncle Ben,"
said the Major, "How much do 1 owe
you?" "Ise -worked fur ye 'leben days
at a dollar a day, boss, an' if yer hand
me a piece of paper an' a riencil I'll
cipher it out fur yer." Uncle Ben got
the paper, and, pretending to figure on
it, he said: "Leben days at a dollar a
day. Lemme see, oughl's a ought,
cipher's a cipher, figure's a figure, two
ter carry an' one ter throw away. 'Lob
ben dollars, by gosh! Boss, yer owes
me. prez:;ctly 'lebea dollars." Texas
"Workers and "Wages.
Capital invested in 11,008 manufac
turing establishments in this city dur
ing the past fiscal year amounted to
8157,581.749. The material us-d cost
$267,043,2o6. and tho product was val
ued :;t ?435.422,102. The greatest
number of hands employed at anv one
time was 262.459, of whom 133,9'JS
were males above the nge of 10 yenrs,
C3.432 were females over 15 years of
age, and 1,373 were children. The to
tal amount pai-l in wages duriii"- tho
year was .89.513,024. A". Y. Commer
cial Adccr(ise.i
A Chae for a Bear.
George Coe, foreman of tho Apple
tree & Fisher lease, was coming down
the rugged hill above Knox City, one
evening recently, when he saw some
thing in tho thicket that closely re
sombled a dog. He looked more care
fully and found it to bo a large black
bear. That was the lhst limo ho looked.
Without a moment's hesitation ho
started down the hill with the fleetness
of the wind. He arrived in Knox white
with fright and nlniost breathless with
fatigue. After recovering himself
somewhat he told 11 T. Mori an and
Joseph Bannister of the terrible dis
covery made by him. Those gentlemen
each procured a trusty shot-gun which
they loaded with five drachms of pow
der and twelve buckshot. Threo fero
cious dogs were also secured, and tho
hunting party went forth to do and
dare. Arriving at tho point whero
bold bruin had been seen by Coe, tho
dogs caught the scent and iu a very
short time came upon the bear. A
fierce light followed between the dogs
and bear, during which active engage
ment bruin sustained but little injury,
while one of the dogs hail a piece of
flesh torn from his hip and the hide on
both flanks lacerated in a hideous man
ner by blows from the shaggy brute.
Bannister got within forty feet of tho
bear, and, taking careful aim, iired
The bear uttered a groan of pain, an I
lied at a lively gait down tho rugged
mountain side, through the ravine and
up the other mountain side, which is
thickly covered with underbrush. The
men .and dogs started in pursuit, but
were unable to make anything like tho
speed attained by the bear. They
could easily track tho animal by drop
of blood which stained the brush as ho
passed along. They continued tho
search until darkness overtook them,
and theyr were compelled to abandon
the trail. Early the following morning
they resumed the hunt. 'The placo
where the hear had lain during a part
of the night was discovered. Tho
leaves and ground were covered with
bruin's blood, but the hear could not
bo found. While tho dogs were engag
ing tho animal tlto preceding evening
the men had full view of bruin. He
was a monstrous big black bear, weigh
ing, perhaps, 400 or moro pounds.
liradford (Pa.) Era.
Mica in Dakota
Six miles from Custer is a mica mine.
As near as has thus far been ascer
tained tho mica-bearing rock is at least
100 feet wide, and is so thickly impreg
nated with mica that one ton of rock
will produce over 600 pounds of rough
mica. It is estimated that four men
can get out over 1,000 pounds of mica
in a day. It must be remembered that
mica rock cannot bo worked as rapidly
as ore, as it is necessary to preserve tho
blocks of mica from drilling or shatter
ing in lire blasts. The mine now has
an open cross-cut near tho south end,
where the top of the ledge is narrow,
perhaps thirty feet wide. The quality
of tho mica in tho first opening made
on tho mine was not first-class.although
the sheets were very large, but lately
they have been taking out some very
clear mica, and they are now confident
that they can furnish a large quantity
of first-class material. Custer Chron.
Having on a Wedding Garment.
At Dortmund, Germany, a swain
about to be married missed his watch,
and set the police on its track. They
found it in a pawnbroker's, aud traced
it back to the young man's sweetheart,
whom they arrested before giving him
any information. In court the girl,
with many sobs and tears, confessed
that not having means to get a wedding-dress,
and being ashamed to beg
from her betrothed, siio had purloined
and pawned his watch. The gallant
suitor, who had not felt tho least sus
picion as to who the larccntst was. was
not displeased at her desire to come to
him in titling costume, and he assured
the court that his love was not only un
abated, but if she might bo released ho
would at once marry her. Tho judge
cons'-nting, the knot was lied, and tho
bridegroom took home his wife with
her taking ways, and after a brief visit
to the pawnbroker, ho was once moro
equipped with a Watch on the Rhino.
A Lady in Lnck.
There is no mining country so new
or so far away as not to have its ro
mance. Tho Wood river region in
Idaho territory has its. Tho story, as
told by the Deliver Tribune, runs thus:
Among tho many prospectors of a
year ago wero four young men who
were rewarded by the" discovery of a
valuable mine near Ilalley. Ono of tho
young men had a lady friend, and it
was decided to name tho mine after
her, and to fix the titlo that in case of
their death it should be hers. Last
winter, while working upon tho claim,
tho whole party was buried beneath a
snow-slide, and now tho young lady is
planning what good sho will do With
tho $05,000 that has been offered her
for her neat little legacy. The young
lady is a very handsome brunette of
fine education and charming manners.
Gov. Tabor'B Fortune,
Lieut. Gov. Tabor, of Colorado, owns
from $4,000,000 to $8,000,000, all ac
quired within four years. But his sud
den wealth was preceded by eighteen
years of poverty, deprivation, and
struggle for himself and his wife.
They went West from Maine during
the Pike's excitement, . spent all
their money, found no gold, and there
after roughed it in border settlements,
working for small wages at first, and
afterward keeping small stores in min
ing camps. In 1877 ho bought, in
Denver, $2,500 worth of goods "for a
Leadville store, and tried to induce the
firm to take half of the Little Pittsburg
claim in payment, but they preferred
to take his note. That mine yielded
him $150,000 in three months, and
eventually $1,300,000. The original
cost was "grab stakes" for the two
prospectors, the bargain being that he
should have half of whatever they dis
covered in the trip.
The Fickle Sex.
A woman-hater thus analyzed the im
pulses of the sex : "Let us suppose a
woman whose affections are disengaged,
walking on the bank of a river with
two young men. She falls itito tho
water. One of the two men plunges in
and rescues her. Which of tho two
will she love?"
"The ono who saved her. of course."
"Not at all. She will prefer tho ono
who remains on the bank, and limits
his endeavors to rubbing her hands raid
feet. His hair is in good order and his
collar irreproachable. While tho ono
w ho jumped into the water after hor is
dripping wet, his hair clings absurdly
to his head, his complexion has a
greenish tinge, in a word, ho is dis
gusting!" The fishing-smack Ne'son c mo hito
New Loudon with 5,000 pound. of
sword-fish that she took off lilck Isl
and. She also brought along a por
poise that was taken at the sauiu time.
Tho porpoise has been placed on exhi
bition. It is only rarely that a. good
specimen is captured. It is six feet
four iuches long, bluish-black above,
with violet or greenish rctle-tious, and
white beneath.
A large band of Nev England spins
ters are preparing to go west, and a
knowledge of that fact is having a
powerful influence in directing tho
tide of emigration toward the southern
"States. - i
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills
Are a sure cure for Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Biliousness. - For
sale by all Druggists in the West.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan oa real estate, secur
ity. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb. 13tf
Come anil Sec
The large stock of Spring Shoes and
Slippers, good and nice at Merges'. 4tf
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Piattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm
For Sale or Trade.
A good second hand wa'goa, for sate
cheap or will trade for buggy. En
quire at this office.
-The best and cheapest.
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
at Mekoes'.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. 7tt
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, aa internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy cur ) for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains ia the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with farm lands
to secure it call oa
Will S. Wise,
40m5 Fitzgerald Block.
It Must Be So.
For all who use Brown's Pepsin
Tonic say it is a sine cure for Dys
pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.
For sale by all Druggists in Platts
mouth and East Plattsmouth.
Pepsin. Rhubarb, Mandrake Si dietitian
Are the active ingredients of
Brown's Pepsin Tonic. Give this
wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial
and be cured. For sale by all drug
gists in Neb.
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire :proof house before
the comet comes down, call oa J. T. A
Hoover. Louisville, Nebraska.
For Sale.
A house and lot situated on the
N. E. corner of Granite and Seventh
sts. The house is l.V story ; contains
five rooms and a pantry, is almost
new and in good condition. Price
.f 1000; $700 cash and balance in one
year. For farther information en
quire of I). II. Wheeler Sc Co. Agt.
Alderney Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns
No. lt7, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky 028. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summe: at Mr. Beaumeister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sluuld call and see
the uiidersighed,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach ia Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday ia January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and Septenber. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday ;;i. 1
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
Henry's Carbolic Salve.
The best, salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tet
ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, all kinds of skin eruptions, etc.
as all others are but imitations. Price
25 cents.
DR. keen's oxygenated KITTEKS
are the surest and best remedy for dys
pepsia, biliousness, malaria, indiges
tion, disorders of the tomach, and
diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver
and skin.
cures all affections of the mucous
membrane of the head and throat.
DENTON'S BALSAM cures colds,
coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles,
etc. Can be used externally as a plas
ter. 4
Brown's Blackberry and Ginger.
Should be in every house during the
heated season. It never fails to cure
Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera
Morbus. For sale by J. II. Buttery,
Smith, Black & Co., O. F. Johnson and
J. M. Robert , Plattsmouth, "J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith. Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold bv P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall. Weeping Water, Neb. Stf
A few more bargains in my clos
ing out stock: doirt delay if yon want
a number one instrument at a very
low figure. James Pettek, ag't.
F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably lo.w prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St. lOtf
I.atlieM Hemliiary unsurpassed. Aeart
uiy thorough. College lour couree.
Year tM'itius Sept 7th. Ertimine fur ytvrrlrtt.
l'utali!iir-E sent by the President, I. i. Gkf.o
oky. D. I)., Lake Forest, 111. 2tni9
1 Make from !5 to . per wefk selling
goods. for K. ;. KIOEOIT i CO.. 10 Ilarelay
send for their Catalogue and'.teriiis.
To the non-rrtlilpnt owncrn ttnl nernpiuiM of
the hereinafter described Heal Estate :
You arts eiu-h and nil of yen hriehy notified
that the unrth cut iiartr DeV) of north rant
quarter On-1), and the outli wet quarter
si) of not tli east quarter (ne1), and the
went half ( -x) of xoul 11 rat Ul 1T (ei4) of
north eat quarter (ua1), all to fi-rtlon thu teeu
(l;t, touiixhip twelve (U), north of range eleven
il!)euMt. and tne north we-t quaiier mwC) of
north ei-t quarter n '4) of erttou thirty-four
(31). toviidil thirteen (13), north of rancc
twelve (li!) eai-t, and the north west quarter
tnU)of Koutli vei"t quarter (itw') of neclloii
four (4), towuxhip eleven (11), noiih of range
fourteen (14) east, aud the out h east quurler
(sef) of north eut quarter (ncl of section nix
(6), toviihi; twelve (1J), north of rane thir
teen (13) east, was on the 9th day of eitem
lier. ls;t. gold at public tax sale to John Mark
for the d"liniueiit taxes therton, levied for the
year 1x75, Hnl that t lie seutli half is',i ot south
east .quarter (se1) of seetiou one (1), townrhip
twelve (I.M, north of rani;e twelve (la) east, wa
on the lt li day of September, I7ii, hoIu tu.lohu
r.lack for the deliuqueut taxes thereon, IrTlod
for the year lt75 ; and that the north half (n't)
of south west quarter tsw1) of reel ion thirty
four (31), lemn.-ihip ten (10), north wf rane nine
(!i) east, was on tne Mil day of November, 1H77.
sold at public tax xale to John lllaek for the
delinquent taxes theieon, levied for the year
lsTti ; and that the north wet quarter (uw1) of
north east quarter (nel 'f Keel ion six (), tewn
ship twelve (1J). north of rane ten (1() east,
aim pail ol south west quarter (sw1) ot soulii
eaxt quarter (se) of xect ion two u i, tn town
ship ten (10', north of range eleven (11) eut.
and tlie north east quarter oie') of north rail
quarter (iie't) of section thirty-one (Si), town
ship eleven (11 ), north of range eleven (111 eaf ,
ana the south wet quarter of nei lli west
quarter (uw1) of nectioli live (.',). towutdlip
twelve (li), north of rauue thirteen il3i east,
was on tho 71 h day of November. 177, sold at
public tax sale lo Joba 1 1 lack lot the delin
quent taxes iliereon. lev led lor the year 17 ;
and that the south half is',i of north east
quarter (tie1 ) ot sect ien twenty (Mt, township
ten (lti). north of range nine ('J, east, was on
thc6thdayof November, ls7s. old at public
tax sale to John Black for the delinquent taxes
thereon, levied for the year 1177 ; and that tho
suuth west quarter (mvi of outli east quarter
(e')of sert ion twelve (12), township twelve
( 12) . inirlh of range eleven jl 1 1 ) east, aud kov
e nunc nt lot two (2), hi ect ion lourteeu (14), in
tow nship twelve di. north jo range ten U)
eait.was en the th day of November, 178,
nold at publictax sale to John Itlack for tho
delinquent taxes thereon, levied for the year
1R77 ; and that lot one (1). in nort h east quarter
(nc4 of north west quarter (nw1,) nf xeetion
Ihiny-four (34), taw nchlp thirteen (i:n. nei th
of range twelve (12) east, and lots one and two
(1 & 2), in xeetiou thirty-three (S3), township ten
(10). north of range fourteen (14), and part
of government lot two (2) and government lots
three and live (: & J), ia section t liirty-one (31),
tewnxhip thirteen (13), north of range thirteen
(13) east, was on the will day of NoTeinbei,
1H7S, xoUl at public tax sale to John lllack for
the delinquent taxes thereon, levied for Hie
Yearln77; ami Hint the time for redemption
irom said several sales Will expire on the ;toth
day of December, lsSl ; and that unless xaid
lands are redeemed from Hindi tx fales on or
before the said last named date, a deed will bo
demanded aud issued for the said land to
riatteinoutt), Neb., Aug. 31, 18H. 2313
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the c-tate of Samuel Ewing,
deceased, in Hie t ounty Court of Cas Ce..
Nebraska. , . , ... ,
I i,oii reading and Ming the duly verified pe
tition of C.F. fame praying that administra
tion of the et ale of Samuel Ewnig, deceased,
be granted to said petitioner. Ordered that no
tice of the pendencv of said cause be published
iu theNebra-ka II hitAi.n, a weekly lie wp:iur.
printed, published, aud iu general circulation in
iaid county, for three cuin-eciitive weeks, and
that the hearing of -aid cause be set fortlie2(.lh
day of September. A. IMwl. at three o clock p.
in., at the oltice of the County Judge, at I'latts
moutli, at w hich lime and place, all persons in
terested mav appear and show cause, if any
they have, why administration of said estate
should not be granted lo the said petitioner,
according to the prayer of said petition.
A. N. Si l.l.IVAN.Co. Judge.
riattsiiioiltli.Nept. 5th, leM.
A true copy. -'
Tax Deed Notice.
To the unknown or noti-rewident owner or
claimant of lot eleven (II l, block one hundred
ami thirty-four (131). iu tbe city of l'lattsmouth
Cass Count v. Nebraska : You are hereby noti
fied that the above described real estate was
assessed and taxed for the year 187S as belong
ing to an unknown owner or non-resident id
said county ; that the said real estate was sold
on the 21st day of November, 179, for the de
linquent tax or said year, 178, to the under
signed ; that unless redemption from said wile
be made before the 1 vt li day ol Ueceinber, A.
I). 1ki. a deed will be issued to the uudeiaitfa
ed by the Treasurer of said County,
John fiiMMONS.
riattsinouth. Neb., Ann '29, Isfl. 2it3
Sheriffs Sale.
l'.y virtue f an Order of Sale, issued by W . ( .
Shnwaltcr. Clerk ot the I tiM 1 1' I. Court within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and lo me di
rected, 1 111 oil I lie 1st d;i ot October, A. It.
Issl, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day. at the soul h
door ol i he Court House, in i oiinty. sell at
public nuciiou the follovvin;; reai estate, to-wit ;
1 he west half (V'i) oil no norlii west quarter
Miw U) of si -cluta No. thirty t". hi township
lo. ten ( Hi;, lion h ot range No. eleven ( 1 1), east
ol the (ilh 1". M.. in ax County, Nebraska.
'1 he same being levied upon and taken us the
proper! v of W illiam II. Keck and Sarah Jane
lice. C II. McCorinick and the Singer Manu
facturing Company, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment f said Court recovered by l'hillip l.
1 lliuye, plaiMtilt. . ,, .
K. V. Hvi:i:s. Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
l'lattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 30, A. 1. lsxi. Hit
Legal Notice.
In the litrict Court of Ca Co. Neb. Iu the
matter ol the estate of Augustus H. Sharp,
Deceased, late of Fulton County, tJeorgi.
Notice ls hereby given that 1 have made ap
plication toi a licenxe to sell and convey the
north half and the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of section lo. tow i.sblp 1 1.
ninth ol range il east of the i;th 1. M. In t ass
Count v Nebraska. And all persons interested
are notified to appear before the Hon. S 11.
round. Judge ol the 2d Judicial District, at
Lincoln, Lancaster Comity, Nebraska, iu the
Clerk's otlice at one o'clock p. in. on said day
toxlmw cause if any they have why license to
sell anil convey said real estate should not be
granted accord'ing to t lie prayer of the petition
filed in said cause. John I'.i.ack,
l.y A. N. hi; 1. 1. Ivan', Administrator.
23!4 HIS JYllornry.
Sheriffs Sale.
b.iow alter, 1 lerk of the Distiict Court within
. . ... ... .1 I ... ... w.
and lor i ass i (luni v, -eoiiisn.i, nii.i iU u,
retted. 1 will on Saturday the 1st day of Octo
ber A. 1. Issl. at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at
the south door of the Court H'tuse, in the City
of l'lattsmouth, in said Conuty. sell at public
.: .i... r. .1 1 ..... i . i-.-il umIuIa fotvir I'mil-
niencibg I075j feet north and U'-'G feet east of
the rout Invest corner of section seven (7) town-
. . . ..... ..r v.. .... fi.i.Hiuti ,Ui uul
sni p iw eiv e u - ; " "iic " - ...
of the (ith I. M. More pai ticularly described as
being tne nori neasi i-inunui ,,
ditiou totbe City of l'lattsniouth thence west
. . .1.1....... u.. il .u..lwill H Jl
taraiiei w iin i ne stiuiu nix; "i ..m ......
f . .i.. mi ru..l t li..iw. -tu t li; r:ll l,.
ieei, ineiice iioi in . ... . . ..
i. . i. i. li.... .r tlii. t i-.j.-f 'tdi feet t Itelire
W 1111 llie riMon iim.. , -- v . . -. .... ...
south parallel with the west line of this tract
430 feet, to the place of beginning containing
two (2) acres. 1 be same by lug levied upon and
taken as the property of Com ad Hippie, Mary
hippie. Joseph Leexley, C. V . Lyman & Co.:
Thomas llallowell. Cenrad Heisell & Co.; and
John (iross. Defendants ; to satisfy a Judge-
......i.i j. ....... ..........I l.v A 11 M.nlttl
meiii oi ram v.uuit ic.wiri.w j
l'laintiff. K.yv.HVKKH
Hy M. McElwaix, Sheriff of Cax Co.
Deputy. "23t
l'lattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 2Uh A. I. 18M.
Proposals for Grain.
Head (Quarters Department of the Tlatte,
Chief (Quartermaster's Ofliee. f
Four Omaha, New., September 1. Is.61. )
Si: A I.ED l'UOl'OSAl.S, in triplicate, subject
li, i lie ns ii :i I eon di t ion s. will be received at
this ofnee until Vl o'clock noon, on Tuesday,
September 20. Ixl. at which time anil place
they will be opened iu presence oi niuucis. ioi
.i . r I I.... I .1 .. 1 i .... .... ir n ii'i nt l, iu. QU If
tne mi uisiiiir,' aim iio, -i j .1n."i. . j -quired,
up to December 31, lxfcl. at Omaha De
pot, NeoraxKa, or ai siai ions on iue i mini .
citic Kailroud, east of Kearney Junction, of
l iieo oeo pounds COHN and l,0ot),0eu pounds
Proposals for quantitiee Jen than tne wneie
.. . 1 1 i v.. , l I ,.i verv nl t he cram will. If
required, October I. lxhl. I'refor-
1 .... I ... .1, ill.
eiiee Will lie given io anion i uui""uii r in
duction, conditions of price and quality being
equal, and such preference w ill be given to ar
tides of American prod net ion predaced on the
l acilic coast lo me extent oi me u i pi nn
i.v t !. (.iilcii ui.rvir e t herd. The cov-
eiiniieiit reserves the right to reject any or ail
proposal!- l.ius XIJOUOl Xl.lflllir 1.11.; i" .vv
pounds, (not per bushel) and the envelope
colAaiiiil.g tneui should be endorsed "llids for
(.rain." and addressed to the unncrsigntu.
Dnldris aie n qii-stcd to Milium pmposais ior
delivery of tbe ( on. iu in .v resewed gunny
acks of pio pound e;"-h ai d for delivery of
the Oats iu new lexewed burlap sarks of b'O
pound' each, bids for Corn should bta'e the
years in which the Corn pi-. posed to be fur
nislied was giown. ....
Copies of this advertisement and of the cir
ru'ar of instructions te bidders can be obtained
on application to this Ohio' and one oopy eaeU
stf said advciiixen.eiit and circular should be
attached to or accompany ' pioposal and
form a part thereof. M l. I.l m Ji.n ox,
orlt2 chief uartermater.
j. i). snirsox,
Goo. Woods & Co. Pianos ana Organs.
News Depot, Iaazineiuid Paper?,
Coiilectionery, ToLacco
and Ciirars.
Main St. opposite New Hotel.