Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 16, 1881, Image 4

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    The sale of dime novels is saul to
have decreased 9;) per cent, since the
iniroduetiou of cheap sta:i lard litera
ture 1
The Afhenaum, In commenting on
Walt Whitman's recently-expressed
lonrins for American poetry, real,
universal and i.leal. say.-, disparaging
ly and doubtfully: "Wc in Kiilaml are
ready to welcome that now poet with
open arms unless, indeed. I.e s. ould
turn out to be Mr. Whitman himself.
Mrs. Do'ia Pre-eott. of M:issac'iu
selts, and Mrs. Mary Ciark. of Maine,
who are twin sisters, recently celebrat
ed their Hoth birthday together at tho
old homestead in New 1 1 tuip-tliiro.
The Causes of Heat in Mines.
Virginia (Xev.) Enterprise.
Lime is undoubtedly one cause of
heat in our mines, but it is not the only
nor the frwat li"t nrnl ucer. Lime i
Jy Sji a action; th" bv- nrc'"r- '
t . ).' )cl t- C'.rtaiji ser t.'mi.J :
wjiilo iind-jrlyingp lac '
ot the ryinstn.v io!e i
c5.ns;3 fin-; grucpi t healu
ill" iron r ii'fftS. Tl - -"
test piaces In the mines fare wlieio
licat is generated by botli lime and p
rites; it is the heat from the lime added
to the general heat from nature's work
shop belmv.
Tho hot springs of Colorado may de
rive a portion of their heat from the de
composition of lime, but this is but a
secondary cause. The jyreat ami iirst
cause of heat in springs and mines is
the decomposition of iron pyrites
masses of iron and sulphur. At Steam
boat Springs and other places in Colo
rado, and at most of the hot springs in
California, the heat is produced by tho
burning out or decomposition of iron
pyrites. At Steamboat Springs the
course of the deposits of iron pyrites is
northeast and southwest, the same as
that of the great mineral bearing veins
of the State. The line of active springs
follows the course of this deposit, mov
ing toward the northeast. At the south
west end are to be seen places where
the deposit of iron pyrites and similar
minerals carrying large quantities of
sulphur has burned out, and the springs
have died away. The process of burn
ing out is slowly moving to the north
cast. In lt0 the writer saw a new
spring just starting up through a thick
growth of grass in a bit of meadow
land far in advance of the older and
larger ones, but cn the same general
line, well out to the northeast.
The base metal deposit at Steamboat
Springs also has the same dip as the
Comstock, and is working cast as well
us toward the north. By going from
half to three-quarters of a mile west of
the present active springs at Steam
boat, one may see where the springs
were ages ago, along near the crop
pings or upper edge of the deposit or
pyritic matter. As the decomposition
proceeded downward and eastward
along the dip of the deposit, tho steam
and not water found or forced new ver
tical channels of escape. Some of these
openings are probably natural crevices,
but the"majrity are undoubtedly rents
produced by tho force of steam and
pent-up gases. Even on the surface of
Steamboat Springs are to be seen long
rents from an inch or two to over a foot
in width that have a northeast and
southwest course. In California some
of the hot springs are observed to be
dying out at one end of their line and
advancing into new ground at the
At Steamboat Springs wc probably
see a big mineral vein (like the Corn
stock) in process of formation. Ages
ago there was probably a line of hot
springs along the course of the Com
stock. The mines of Europe aud Mex
co, which are comparatively cold at
great depths, are undoubtedly ages and
ages older than the Comstock. The
Comstock is probably the 3-ouugest
mine in any part of the world that is
now known or being worked. Here,
down in our lower levels, we are fol
lowing close upon the heels of nature
getting well down into her workshop.
As to the heat generating power of
sulphur and iron, those who desire to
do so may satisfy themselves. Take a
few pounds of iron filings, borings and
drillings from a machine shop, wet
them and mix in a pound or two of sul
phur, then tamp the mixture lirndy into
a hole in the ground like a post hole
covering with two or three inches of
dirt, and in a short time there will bo
seen a miniature volcano, the batch of
iron and sulphur taking lire spontan
eously. The Trarsportation of Wheat
The cost per bushel of bringing wheat
from the great centers of production
and distribution to the leading markets
of Europe has been elaborately com
pared and tabulated as follows by Mr.
11. Meyer, in the Austrian Monthly of
Sacft I Sct'encc and Political Economy:
Fiora To
S -n Fr:iiu-ic;. . .Kii.'Inn.l SGV3fi3 $0.39
Tho "r'ttr West".. Atlantic Harbor 40
New Yt-rk Liverpool 10
'hie-R,. l.iverprnj 19
Jloml.ay Kiirliir'I 13
iili utta Ivi-'liuvl via Suez.. ISffifc 29
":;lci.ttti ! .i. 1 !!! via Cape.. 15tS 20
Autrnl 11 F.:iirl:iiul 21
U -i-iu 9 Ayres. . . Havre ItVi 20
i.iess: KiiL'Uitnl or Antwerp KJtA
I'ihI woloczinktt . . I Hhi 44
Mnxly Il.lhi 43
Itnaly Ilumbiirg IM Ixi)il:ii 19
inlac7. i:iiilmrjr 57
llulHjest Ii::nlurr 31
ISinlnpest. l:ver;rMl via Fiutne 28
lemtierjf Fran k fort-on-the-Mnin.. . 2tl
Vienna Frank fort-or.-the-Muin. .. 2-4
Vienna Fiume 21
Vienna Trieste 21
From Odessa is shipped the wheat of
Southern Russia. Brody, in Northern
Galicia, collects the wheat of the upper
valleys of the rivers of southwestern
Russia. Leinbcrg, close by, is the cap
ital of Galicia. lbraila is the shipping
point of Wallaehia. (lalaez ships the
wheat of the upper valley of the Dan
ube. Budapest is the central point of
Hungary, as Vienna is of Austria. It
costs nearly as much to carry wheat
from Brody to Lemberg; 58 miles (no
railway), as it does from Chicago to
Liverpool. From Vienna to Trieste is
about 250 miles by rail; in cost of trans
portation it is further than from Cal
cutta to England around the Cape. Cal
ifornia can easily compete with Hun
gary in the markets of western Europe,
the cost of raising the wheat being th
A Novel Cure for Rheumatism.
Pittsburg' Chronicle.
Some years ago a coal miner named
Bran 11 was afflicted so badly with in
flammatory rheumatism in his hands
and arms that he was compelled to seek
another way of earning a living. Some
where ho heard that handling dove a
would effect a cure, and ho purchased a
number of the birds. These he would
take up in his hands, stroke and play
with them daily, and the result was
that the pair he thus manipulated in
variably became swollen up, lirst in the
legs and then in the body; precisely- as
though they had the rheumatism. Fin
ally Heath would ensue. In proportion
ns the doves becRiuc swollen Mr.
IJraim's affliction decreased, and final
ly, after pursuing the treatment for
tome time, ha was able to keep himself
relieved from pain. He still raises
doves for the eacrilkx, and winter and
summer alike he is ahli to pursue his
business as a dairyman, which vocation
he took up in lieu of coal digging some
years 0. .
Social Diversion.
American people of fashion are emul
ating the Europeans in devi.-ing odd
and original forms of entertainment.
For several seasons lawn tennis, 5
o'clock leas, archery fetes, and kettle
drums have been the rage, and this
promises to exceed them all in gayety,
and there wil' be a good-natured rival
ry as to who provide the most novel cn
tertalnmen. Costume parties, masked
promenades, t'tbleattxricants, and high
teas had already been giveu, when
Lent put a stop to the festivities, which
will bo resumed with added zest after
Easter. An American lady residing in
London, apparently anxious to begin
something decidedly new in this direc
tion, recently gave a "soap-bubble par
ty." The guests found a long table
covered with china pipes, tied witli gay
colored ribbons, and dishes of warm
so.ip and writer. They spent some time
in the childish amusement of blowing
soap bubbles, and the evening ended
with refreshments and music.
A Strange Malady.
Robert Ncilson is a native of Glas
gow, Scotland, and is 42 years of age.
"He came to this country some years
ago, and settled in Lansing, Mich.,
where he now resides. When a baby
his mother was greatly troubled to put
him to sleep, even when put under thu
influence of opiates. As he grew older
this strange malady increased, so that
sleep is unknown to him for periods of
over four months. He retires at night
the same as other people, rests well, but
never closes his eyes or feels the least
bit drowsy. He says: Whenlgolong
periods without sleep the only peculiar
sensation I experience is that every
thing 1 look at seems distant and larger
than it really is. A short mail coining
towards me would apparently btf
very tall. Before going to sleep, I
never felt different than any prob
ably would on going to bed any
night. I would dream little dreams,
the same as most people do when rest
less and uneasy. Riding in the -cold
makes me drowsy, if anything does. In
summer time, I can go long periods,
and feel tip-top all the time. Last sum
mer I did not sleep for four months, and
I worked every day.
Bull Dog vs- Man
Li voi pool Vost.
A town in the Rosendalc valley was
tho scene of a terrible light between a
man and a large, ferocious bull dog.
The town in question is about twelve
miles from Manchester. The man is a
tall, burly, and ferocious looking in
dividual, who not infrequently gives the
performance of worrying live rats, and
occasionally tries his powerful teeth on
pots and glasses. Tho bull dog is noted
for its power. His master having fre
quently boasted of the powers of tho
dog the man was challenged to light him
recently. The agreement was that the
dog should have the same chances ns if
pitied against another of the canino
species, while the man was to have his
hands securely fastened in front of him.
Everything being ready a bad look
ing fellow, dressed in quarryniau's
garb, gave the word "go," upon which
the masculine combatant descended to
the level of the brute, and on hands
ami knees awaited the attack of
the dog. The latter on being un
muzzled was hounded on by the wild,
frantic yells of the spectators, and at
once rushed to the throat of the man,
and the fearful combat commenced.
The yelling of the crowd ceased, and
the spectators of the disgusting scene
looked on with bated breath. Tho
brute made several futile attempts to
seize the man's throat, but the latter
dodging it for a time, the crowd became
impatient and again and again hurried
011 tiie dog. The latter became infuri
ated, and another struggle took place.
It was brief but terrible, the man trying
as for life to obtain a grip of the dog,
while the brute in turn twisted itsolf
in every conceivable form to seize the
man. The man, however, at length
espied his opportunity, and, seizing tho
brute witli 1 is powerful teeth by the
throat, pinned it to the ground almost
worrying it.
TLcy Kr.ow, You Know
D t t Fr.-e I'.vs'.
es!e; d:iy a Woodward avenuogroce?
selected a roll of the choicest butter in
market, and pl.-.ce I it at his door with
the si n: "Please taste." Along came
a ci:i.'cu in about two minutes, and
aficr eaiefully examining the roll he
put a bit of it in his mouth, spat it out
in great disgust, and said t
'I can give 3-011 my opinion of that
miserable stuff in a York second! You
may fool some folks on oleomargarine,
but I can tell it a block away."
"Then you don't like it?"
"Like it! Whv, a pound of that would
kill a man!"
The second man lifted up the roll,
smelled all around it, and linally put a
crumb into his mouth.
"Pretty fair article, isn't it?" queried
the grocer.
"Well, yes, though there's a trifle too
much lard it. Not going to keep the
stuff for sale, are you?"
"Oli, no."
"I wouldn't either. Faugh. How
that lard taste sticks to my tongue!"
In the course of an hour seven worthy
citizens of acknowledged taste sampled
the butter and turned from it with
disgust. At one time two men almost
came to blows because one called it
bu'.terine, and the other knew it was
oleomargarine. When tho fun began
to grow monotonous the sign was
changed to: "New arrival of gilt
edged," and the lirst man who tasted
ordered ten pounds to be sent horns
right off.
The vapors of nitrous ether ars rec
ommended by" M. Peyrussou as a dia
infeelant and antiseptic. They have
neither a disagreeable nor hurtful
Mr. James McKie, of Kilmarnock,
thinks that he has the largest collec
tion of Burns literature in existence.
He ia preparing a revised edition of hi.'
"BibliothocaBmnsiana," last publish
in 1866.
Animal Reasoning.
A correspondent of Stature, writing
from Cambridge, Mass., says:
"A lady, a friend of mine, was at on
time matron of a hospital for poor wo
men and children which was main
tained by subscription. One of the in
mates was a blind girl who was there,
not as a patient, but temporarily till a
home could be found for her. ' She had
learned to feed herself, and at meal
times a tray containing her dinner wai
placed on her knees as she sat in a
comfortable chair for her special con
venience in feeding herself. One day
while she was eating, the pet cat of the
establishment placed herself before th
rirl and looked long and earnestly at
her, so earnestly that the matron, fear
ing the animal meditated somo mis
chief to the girl, took Iter out of the
room. Again the next day, at the same
hour, the cat entered the room, but this
time aha walked quietly to the girl's
side, reared herself on "her hind legs,
and noiselessly, stealthily reached out
her paw to the plate, selected and
seized a morsel that pleased her, and,
tilently as she cam.-, departed to enjoy
her stolen meal. The girl never no
ticed her loss, and w. en told of it by
her companions laughed very heartily.''
It is evident that tin; cat from obser
vation hail entirely satisiied herself that
the girl could not see, and by a process
of reasoning decided she could steal a
good dinner by this practical use of her
I The Temperance movement has ex
tended to the British navy. Hereafter
no seaman under the age of twenty
years is to have grog, and any one over
that can commute it aud receive his
pay in money instead, or else get choc
olate. It is interesting to notice where tLe
magazine writers come fr in. The
July Scribner will contain contribu
tions from John Esten Cooke, Joel
Chandler Harris, (' Uncle Remus"),
Sidney Lanier, J. A Macon, William
Murfree, Sr., Constance Carv Harri
son, George W. Cable. W. D. Howells,
Harriet McEwen Kimball, Sarah D.
Clark, George P. Fisher. Rose Haw
thorne, Lttlrop, Charles Barnard,
Maurice F. Egan, Albert Stickney,
May Croly Roper, Eugene Schuyler,
S. 13. Parsons, Jr., D. L. Proudfit, II.
W.Elliott. Of these, the lirst seven
are southerners, the next six New
Englanders. the next five New
Yorkers. If the names of the re
viewers were given, there would be
accessions to the last two classes.
There was, of course, no considera
tion f section in making up the num
ber, but a recent increase of accepta
ble work from suuthem writers is
said tc he remarkable. Mr. Elliott is
from Ohio we believe, and happens
to be the only representative of the
West a section which Is continu
ally doing good literary work in many
Scanty Co3tume&
I am no prude, says a writer at Flor
ence. b'.:t surely the scanty costumes of
the ia lies are going beyoud the bound
aries of de -ency. We shall soon have
them naked and not ashamed of it. Tho
modern ball-room offers simply an ex
hibition of la lies' Pnibs, Formerly,
when a lady was of so generous a dis
position as to bo anxious to expose her
charms to general observation, all she
could do was to cut her dress lower
than that of her neighbors; but now
she is enabled to go beyond this: Sho
can dispense altogether with sleeves,
aud exhibit to the admiring gaze of all
men tho vaccination marks of her in
fancy. In addition to this, and her
very low, tight dress, very much tied
back, and which impedes tho freedom
of her movements and defines the shape
of, her lower limbs as closely as a
b ithing-drcss, she has to drag behind
her a long train of drapery, and run
tko risk of coming tQ gr'f w""-b. her
lig'.t-heoled boots. Tho question DOW
Seems to be among tho fair sex as to
who shall go furthest, and tho present
f isii'on may be aptly described in th
fcM.. wing soliloquy:
Th'.; w:iy tho 1 '.dies ore progressing
I'l.tla wortU nviy scarce express;
Tis by the process of un'lressinjr
That they achicvo "fuU dress."
riht-luc'iig' early graves are filing.
Nor that tho only HI;
L'uro ncks nnl shoulders both areukilllnf.
Cut "U the ifirM thtiy kill.
Ex-Presi lent Hayes is reported to be
engaged in writing a history of his
Beef Tea for Children.
The best way to make beef tea for
children is as follows: Soup meat with
out bone, from the shin or tho neck.
Cut the meat into dice with a very
sharp knife; to every pound of meat
use ono pint of cold water. Cut up tho
meat on a dish, not on a board, as tho
latter absorbs the juices wastefully.
Have the proper measure of water be
side you, in a proper soup basin or
bowl, and as you cut up the meat
sprinkle it moderately with salt, and
throw it into the cold water. There let
it remain for two hours; then put it all
into a saucepan and set it on the fire.
Watch carefully tho first rising, and
skim and secure this; it is the very es
sence of the beef bejn thrown out. Put
it in a clean bowl, and let the beef gq
on boiling for ten minutes, no longer;
then pour it through a sieve to the first
skimmings. Stir it before using. In
older children than infants you can
flavor with onion and a few cloves. So
completely does this way of making
beef tea extract the goodness, that a
dog would not eat the moat that is left.
A Paris Fancy.
A peasant ball is one of the fancies
of fashion. No expense is spared t
give it the proper rustic coloring. Al.
the elegant Parisian furniture iscleareo
W.ay to give place to deal benches,
three-leggod stools and tho like; th
walls are hung with evergreen gai
lands and streamers, and in the center
tho hostess, in all her village bravery,
stands receiving her guests, supported
by a knot of country officials the may
ov and municipal council. Everything
is in keeping; even tho boor find cider,
which hide the champagne on the rus-v
tic refreshment stall, and the accesso
ries of the inevitable cotillion. Aftei
the dance there is a supper, at which
distinguished poets, artists, dramatists,
and civilians are gathered together and
make brief and funny speeches. Tho
health of tho hostess is duly proposed
and she return thanks in th tradition
al style.
A Glance Throngh Bachelor Blasa "Bye
Glass. Ah, Geowge, been bavin' a nap on
the sofa? Twy an' wake up, mo boy,
an' have a cigah."
"Well, I don't cayah if I do, Chah
ley." Yawn. "Deuced lonesome loaf
in' 'roun' th club aw th' time isn't it,
Chahley? W'ot'll you have?"
"I'll have a a awh well, a glahss
of 'polinaris, I think, Geowge."
"Capital cigah. this Chahley. Get
it you' self when abwoad?"
'Naw naw not me own choice at
all, Geowgo; but some mo bwothah,
Wobbcrt, sent me from Cubasome.
thing very ray ah, I assuah you," Pro
longed whitl. "Very fine country--Cuba
Geowgo. Evah then?"
"Ye-es, b'lieve I was onco-0hab
ley. Took a yacht-sail down thead
with a pahty of vewy jolly fellahs fwom
New Yawk one season. Found it deused
dull though." Yawh. "Pon mo word,
I don't b'lieve I can keep awake, Chah
ley. Haven't had ft nap for hahf an
houwah, I do b'lieve. Wake me up by
an' by will you, me boy? Yflres, I
.thought you would, Good-by,"
The estate in Rockbridge county, Va.,
embracing tho celebrated natural
bridge, has been been purchased by II.
C. Parsons, Vice President of the Rich
mond aud Allegheny railroad. It is
proxsed to lay out tho grounds as a
Mr. George Saintsbury's criticism in
77e Academy of Mr. Peter Bayne's
'Two Great Englishwomen" has drawn
a rejoinder from the author, who, in
answer to the statement that in imput
ing humor to Byron ha proved himself
to liavo none, saysj IJyron, as all U19
.vorld knows, was resplendently witty,
So brilliant and abounding was his wit
that it has thrown his nnnior into tho
shade. But lie had a vein of humor,
true and racy, which was beginning to
f how itself as his affections fell off in his
later timo, I ain willing to rest the
question on bis delinuatiou of uwarr
row.' If there is no humor in that (
know not what humor is; if it is fine in
humor, as distinguished from wit, then
there may be a lack of sympathetic per.
ception in my respected critic. If
there is no humor in Byron's 'Suwar
row.' I should have difficulty in finding
any in Scott's 'Dalgctty or Carlyle's
Teufelsdrockh.' "
1 C v. -i
c-it cf Ton:cs:E
.!.:.;-psi.a: K
r - ti A .r ; . f Jr
"V'str.u.-... tiie System; B
iy7' f-rr-rv Restores the Vea
and Debilitated. F
r - ; " . J Wiai t-i 1 Will pivvvwx Bf
fur t)r. CrooL'a Wlnfh
r Tun take no othar. r
Koranic uy ail DrugiU.
Sum-trtkOUwCmttb. St
y J t il irfvytc mm mm mm.
mm i ! I Ml 1 .' 11 mi !
Jjosn of appetite.N uges,boweIa coatire,
Pain in theHead.with a dolTgengatioriTn
the back part, fain under the sho"uldei
blade, fullneaa jtfte"rjeati".w"ith a disin
clination to exertion of body or mind
Irritabilit y of t em per, LowTpirita. Hobs
of memory, with a feeling of having neg
lected some duty, wearineaa. DiazineiSj
fluttering of theJLI earurJota beforetbe
eyearYe'lo'w Skin, jfeadache, Hcatleaa
neaa at night, hicnl? cplorecTtrrine.
T If IT'S PXXLS are especially adapted to
mrh dose effects suchachauge
of feeling as to astonish the sufferer.
They iBrrraH1 tbe Appetite, snd ctuiie tbe
body to Take ou Flwh. thus the sytiem Is
nenrlBhed.and by thelrTonle Aetloston the
UlfMtlvrOrtani, Bfu1r Sloola are t-ro-duot-U-
l'rice ZS cents. 35 Murmy fit., M.Y.
Gray HAiRorWiusKFRS changed to aOiossy
Black by a sintcle application of thin Dye. It
Impart a natural color, ucts Instantaneously.
Sold byDruggiM or iit lij eipren ou rtfrtipt of f I.
Office. 35 Murray St., New York.
Ip. TTTT9 15r U.r wiiiim lamranunn m
t, will M mmium ppim.iva.
61 7 St. Charles Si: c;-1, SU I.oti i - 'T..
regular rritdtia: of t w MaJical t'oil-.. .1 . . 3
loiiKr located Lua cr.y otUt.rl'Uytielo! i.i t-.;': ' . .
rlty papra shotv.aad ail oli reni'luat Laow. 9,
Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Btriciure, Crch.Ufi. r.up.':if,u.l
Urinary SyjMliUo or I-Iorcuriai Affoct JiH ot
Throat, 8k.ln or ivuea cm- 1'ly. 1 .i.iitol.
Spennstorrhsa Bexu-U jo?b l.ty and Irdp-trxry
as thn result of Self-Abase, exroiwe in nir.:n:cr
7ars.or6Vtr brojT)ivo;-e, producinDervouaa3s(beuiiu.
si minslotis, dbliti, dimness of f!;tt.iiu.' Un num
mrj, pbriicnl decnr, a7erlnri ti Ho.ueiy riafna!oa of
ideas, loesof sexual; l.iew.-iii. lie ru -.r-riafre
improper .are norm.-.rir''tr'raJ. t' v.iltstioa
at office or br mall free anl 1 irit-1. I' ii;i:Uet o-u
stamp. Medicines sent by mad o- r-.- . (.:.:
goaranteed. Whw doubt exit" it Is imnViy nt.-d.
Th whole otorj, well to! J, n .t U true t ..ft, od tlij
following ttb;aota: Who luiy nnrry, va i.t, "why.
Maubooa, Vomanhrnd, Physici. decay. Wh i ahouU
marry : how life an 1 happiness m.iy b iacn.w i ; iTet s
of eelitaey anl exseM, and nuor mora. TIiosa ma: rioii
orcontftmpiAtln-; marriage should read it then kop un
dr lock and key. 25 CtS. by ronil la monsyorpt
tag. EaglUh Qgrman French rend and gro rr,
1 I Weakness, Lost Munhood, Xrfrvo 'isn-
Oonfuaion of I lesix. Aversion Uj !'n:-:p
Infective Memoir and Disorders lro:iUt U3 l-y e.;.
Abuse. Any droiffit hostile In rr"? lijnr... SL. J-i-'t
Onratire Inefe.619tt.ChnrVs.P. J.oii. V i.
705 Chesnut SN St. Louts, r-tr
OODunoeit to cure opermawrnia; v -a - - -ness,
Iro potency ,n!l form vf tr-rr i-A ) :n'.! .-.-,
Gleet, Urinary or Ittadder cii-'.fla--. - :;-uv .".:m
cured in a few day. All the, . :.iiin from
aelf-abuM, eiomnAti or ex pot a re cn-ri fo;- . 'o wilt, ftiiij
BedlsOiae. AdTice fm. Caurcw-i lo--. t .tl or vcr'.'.'s
Ab Btrtctconfldenoe- Bymptora I j-li. iyr t.vo ai.uii'.
fc i ai ' -i 1 -r '. : ':' iv i
I;3 N ii vijiti bv u,
P j y.rnTg li.ltl-t., sib J. Jlnrh.l SI-.,
A Urc. new aul e;jItc (..:- f WrJ
mk, caitia-nirg, with biiut rhr, tti fol
lowing chatitrr : A Ceaipictil nhootl,
ir!ectH at Wife. TmpranCsit. wra.Latib!
t4 laaviLUsulric, Strrillty ia VV ameo, cnukr anil traintct.!v
Aaifk tr Brisi(roon, Ae to Isutbaiidi, Advice to H im,
rroaiitutKMi, Ha eanaca, i.iiiacy ana ffiairio.ofjy ctsii.rrj,
litjnjsvl lusi. CtftilswvaC, Lss ol Cvuruhip. IruraHlitMata tm Man
KlkoiMM at RprsJsCsisi. af1 Li iailw4. La af Mamac an4
P:f stn, Lafal rifieta of sanw4 wanaa, a. , taeUila j; aawa awcaliai
to (Fasaa. tbnr sauawaad cvaattvaMt. A Uk fur pr vaic aa4 atiiKlr.a
tralmff. of ait pM, nh tvM flatt Jafrmnoft, bj aail, ataiad.Ufcacia.
Oh 8ypmua. Oonorrncea. Gleet, btrioture. varioo
ela. Ae.. aio a Bpermatorrboea. Bezual Peb hty,
aail SJC potency, from Self-Abuae aud I'lCt-rart, rtunr
aaaiaal laavioM, RerTsMiaiMaa, AvraHatoSaity, Pbjataal toay, Dik
m of lfh. Mttiw Masorj. hu m4 Ssual Power, ri.. asakinf aa
Viaa ixwfmmft ar aaaknpy, ftnc ircauaaat.aatla (rvai ma.y ajblraa
aa fwUaB raafali artfata 4eaart: 14 pafca, avar SO aJawt, it) at a ta,
4 V'ilsil A5t1s Ltrt ea VitliKd ft Veifthc:i. ICc
1 WiwiifiBiiT io'ijai, runuiurnc 3 pap. nd rr lOS
illnttratiaaa. Tv ntbiaeJ vnluisc it potitivety tha mt
panslar MedkaV llnnk publiahni. The author ia an iri
taffsi ahriioiaa of maay ?aars f-ractiesr. (a is well newn),
mmm m itM atvan, ac4 ntlaa iwr trvaiaarat Lai4 4a, will W t-Mm4 it
-n vaJva m ftLaaa ausTerlaf fraai impwrWaa mi thm yfm, mm-tli rra,
aA ar aav mt tW traahUa aaiac aadr ih ka4 mt ' FKiVATat
aa Ointe1!- saaaas pataaa ataaapa tmXmm km lujafttat tot baofts.
lOsB'aaiipii runHiag
frm,m IrapHft arvnal aaacciadooa. aalf abuaa ar tirturi.
PairVaif If eaiat br avail ni cspreaa. Wln axMii.!, trr.
La" ireftir4, iiPl frte tui .t t rlra.
tioas lo loiw'ared by paUauf druriuj r'1apl iniiL r
la aiv irlirtM aa apilkattn. For bonk r tnpaVsniul a .o rii
PK. BUTT, 1 North Nth &U Kt. Leala. Ha
. ZtUbUihil 1317 at 12 IT. S'.h Street, ST. 1C7IS, U3.
IHE Pkyticlant in chare of this oli and well known instt
lnon aro rac ular craduaias in aiadicina sad aurrtrr. Tsro
riBtrleaft in the trealn.eul of Chronic lHt?a have mad
iar ptill b4 ability so nuch aitfiorior lo that of th ordinary
rnciiiiaosr, tit ttf have atjuirt'd a national rcputatioa
BiAtaJiei at syphilis, ttouurrnra, i.ti htrirturt OrrhilU, mil
t'rlnary Trouble and tfTphlliUc or M area rial arIr!iona of tha
throat, ski a or boa, trtatd with success, on sriabtiAc prio
clplst, without bainr Mercury pr atitf r poisonous Miciuas.
IOUNC Nl FN an4 hna ot tniJOic ae wh ara tuf.
aUSnnUB lernt iron the tfletts of fipermaUr.
rhta or txmkaaj Mr&ksrMk, th result of aelf-ahuaa In youth
r elects In matures! wars, are srmsnently cured. This 41
aa produces some of' the followmf effects emissions, b lot e has.
isnness, nervousness, dimness ot si hi. cough, iitdifestion
ecastialt)ta. dctponder-cy, confusion of Kleis, atcrtion to so
ciety, defective meraorr, sesul eahat:sfior, tttipotcnry or leas
of manly rtrm hfh unfits tbe vi-titi f .r buines or marrtae.
perort"l au;,,l;' n p: r in reJ. w i.ictt i FHSfi aitj ihi.
J. List of (jursrfina !.' 1 I y f !ri l1 dpairlhf lr!
arnt Maile-i fr-e in znf a Wres un api-lic Alt". "
(Pmoss snttVrltif fruas Huutnro thanld aen thrfr adifraaa,V
and Ifin asanethiis; tm I lift r ndantira;i. It Iraae,
ComntnTiiettmMS xt.t t'r r mU 'c tu. -i ' v.i t rf Wittd -Dll
liL'T'i'S '.X.irtia tth tl. 1-wwia, Ma.
IMMattl An onltraly New sjhI paailivoiy t-flcctiro
--n' I kemeij fur U.i stJr atJ neraii.c:.t
cure of 8et2iiTXi.l EmiaaiOKd end I.xpotea hr the ea r
$hm st, its., iwa. AjinsM-abasi to prtanp 4 u-. a. Tt
a tba him If la utoadW with no p a ir.cuvr.iaM, aal 4--y iS
IsLrrfwa ith tha arUaary pursuits of Uia. Tt-i neooW T irmlctl
ftoe4 tba ust in rr anrt mm, ao4 ia a ytimom-l awerraa
m mm aa.jj.tat Lv-t nrruM. I rswt cal wtarrvaSMi anab.ii us to
naiuvtly ruaraare lh-J W ii fr ptrf.ct aaoafaoOn. ll m s
' 4 by tbe MeUical i'roft soi ta I tl mo ft t attouel snaWiia r it'r
r4 af iaa liinf an1 curiae. Uus very yn-ewauc truubta. Tb KetDr '4
Maa fc.,, mfrm aoesv. K. I (lusi n a wtl,V 11, H. 2 (kEwm
7ssa a awUMir a.Us m sara raj . J; 1 (tw i's: ew ikrua-i-w
iB sse sis aiaiia rMws s (M nA ). ST. bstt mj !, tm A
-s.a narraJ T n
-4 (l lha dCaaa mt Lfs
. r w. una ois Ptreeia. pi iivmo issv
w oTirittl tmtintoHif 1 th JR7frarj f
L ro. Biart'im' NeMiti.ff. iMJvieA ffttec.k
Inciter rreirest rain M'atroMft
April i it. i, iTiji. I ire remedy is workup aerfsctl,
cit'.js l.o'-i ilipm. 'far ' 1 yar i
Chtrsv. A'ie. H, oT9. I am tl tiruphly tvr4 nd fcel Up
tup. s. ) yuug rt.m ia ihe C-nr-trr is ctTinf talljl.
Missouri, fepl. 19, Ib'J I rrceisttd so much benefSt 9rmn the
ra f t?ur remIf t!t I nml l try t'icm in another case,
law ta'U Ivaj tlinr. sr1 n'l ret smh. r atrotif.
M.cb , Jn.2 IM9 I h--o used up rrt"f rarfcfeof .-di-t
r.t t s .4 sue ia -;er as so-n pusaibl. 1 hat pLar
tVTwd all aipirr. traubfe. t -tt there a wciknrM jet, ai)
I wuli y o arauM rfrrnrtt t'-.i lt ftr tha cure f IhtU
he Oct. 10 S, le 79. am nliubst sarnelae4 al Tour Paa.
-s. 1" cj lave wfLci like a carm sun. 1 am just
f as t.iuch of a man I as cefra takine;. I was on I ho
t m t i.i 1 it.ufht, anl there was av aura fur ae,
t-mw 1 am in N'T s "f a rcre.
V'rxt Vr.i:i', Auy 20, &9.l rwtiteJ year fnedieiae, anj
I be :Tt it L ! a - i ..e. t T whirh I am er Ibankful. ln
e4 p1ra fcti'l f , which f Isaac tend sne another but
2t f t a m i. hare titwto a (real tsusf for ana. I
l eJ T'ta al a nv'r'-i I rtn.
rr tfori 7rf irr-yesa.
f . i. J r J6lf. iv7'J Write f'TKard me at ooce annthet
t i c j "-- T-it' i atenl bom I bare nsed nivt of
- ' s ih! t a simrfe bx, is fast recovnna(, aud 4
"T " - ;T Ti i o f a a ;
. w. .. t. r , tjr .:eilnrci r , at, J n i b.t
i'j'ck' l.i'i. V e f nr tr cutionitr row suflc-a-
- .. a i t reiwi a snatl . N. 3 baa
First class I-odniiitr iJooins.
First Pjass BoArdinR.
(Juud Saii,jj!e Kojlns
fTverj tiling ar.rt every cinifMi(.
AGoud Hotel can Funiisli
Al.tO, Gt ihI Winos, (;iil i'.ecr, Ooml Litu 1g
C.iioU In:inale, (iixnl Clear",
Kept at the Cit Hotel.
Mly FKED. GOOS, Proprietor
VA JT. 4
f iTMaaAM
3 W La r. BirniKrCiimi
Is iMmle iroin a iinn.c l roiic:il I.
v uliie. and is a Positive Itomody ror all the
diea0e that caitst nins in4li lower l;irt itt
the body for Torpid Liver Headache Jami
dice Ininess. (Jiiivcl. M:ilaiia, and all diili
culties of the Kidneys. I.ivcr and L'linarv t)r
ganB. For Female li.eii'M, Monllilv'Men
struation, and during n-ejriianey. it fia no
eiiial. It restoreK the orjjaix that make tlie
blood, and lien-e is the be.t itloixt I'urifler.
It is the only known nniedv that cure- that
scounre, Itrlsbt'M l)iH(. For lialetes,
uce Warner'M MnTe lliahetM C'tir.
For Sale ly Irn!'iis and Uealeix at tfl.:fi.
per bottle, longest bottle in the market. Try it.
II. II. WAKXKK & CO.. Iloehe-ster. N. Y
uattie urecK, micnigan, v
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Povvors.
ort Complete TTiwbcrFacfcvy tnbll6ried
fatk World. 5 1848
1 VP A of eontinuoumamdsuccejj'fui huC
a I I bnlia ne; !ihout ciimi.-o of uau e.
M mm Jnanairement, or li cation, to "bark tip" u,t
www warranty yirett oil tttl our yowls.
Complete (tenm Onints- .' ai.i..
fiHt Traction liiv.ueti ! t'laiu Lusiues
aver seen in the American u:ai l;ct.
A multitude of iclal Va.'arc and improvrmen'j
fur lSSijtoeether with mptruir qvai. i" t : .?--tion
and material not divan. ! i. v eiliV'ji.iikr: 4.
Four ii3 'f-.aritH. Ireci t5 to 1 Lone
HHmAMy, fur titan, or harm rioirt r.
Two styles r.f " J'.i:iv.l ' ll-'r-p-Trjrpr.
7,500,000 rJ.:;:':-
coiiatHTitly on ha-' l, 1v. :.i v.l.icli is 1.
coiiiparuble vo; i-work dc;:: '
Strongest, most dvTnbtr.aml e'Fr: r r
wuidi. 8, IO, 13 Hore IVwr. f Cl!
-A. &
Fnrmers and Thre.hermen n-t -! -.1 1
Invrstiirate this nwv.f.u Thr.tii:r Macli: : j
ClrcUlUiKl. ttr'e. A'i.'.IV-;.'.
Battle Crr?. riich: ;; r,
The majority of the ilia of the human
hotly ii'i fvnn u tleruutfinrnt of the
Liver, affrettuy hoth the stomach and
botrrlB. In ortlrr to effvet a cure, it it
necessary to remove the cause. Irregu
lar and Stugyixh action of the llotvels,
Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, I'ain
in the Hack and Loins, etc., indicate that
the Lieer is at fault, and that nature re
quires assistance to enable this organ to
throtr off impurities.
Prickly .sll Hitters art especially
compounded for this jturjtose. They are
mild in their action and effective as a
cure; are pleasant to the tasteand taken
easily by both children and adults. Ta
fxfH ffrr" ding to directions, they are a
afe and'jtleaaa ti t cure for Dyspepsia,
General Debility, Habitual ton
Ntipatlon, Diseased Kidneys,
etc., etc. .IiaBlootl inrlller tUey
are superior to any other metlicine 1
cleansing the system thoroughly, and
im parting new life and energy to the in
valid. It is a medicine and not an
Intoxicating beverage.
jn4 t&ka pa ctjior. flllCE, tl.op por Bottle
St. Louis and Kansas City. Mo.
Every Style & Price."iiiittiol Uueciualed
VORK m A5g 8 H jP.
XmproTements ani ConTezioncej fou-I in
w Gticw.
sT&T Sale In fevery- City lid iOVTB
In the TTixited States,
and l.y J. Ii COX.
A certain enre tor ervCiJ
Debility, Seminal Wcm-
neauted in mv uractico for 20 Yearr
unJaaii!UBUaitKlt,noUot60piiices ffi viuy lull tie
rertions for self-treatment, sent free. Aadrfsa
SB. Z. WTT.T.TATtra. 435 OiKrk. Idnabt. Kit
M. JO All Al
Wlieiv iliifct coiiiu't-tiuiis ;in inside with
Through Sleeping Car Lines
- - TO
Ni:V YOltK. HUSTON. rilllM.DKI.l'Mll,
V a CfOKIA for
IXhlAX.inH.lS. LOl'tSl'IU.K. cixcix.
y.l'fl, oik! all mint j'i (hi
Till; !UT MI. FIt
Wlu-re jiii'i'ct ('(ii;iH'ctii:s s:re insitle in I'ib
l:MOX J'KI OT with TIii..iij;1i .SU'i-i.iim
Mm s ftir siil 'inis",3 ,
1 11 k xmv'i'.iNE roil
mm: 1 avouiii: khutk fok
Tin- i;in-(;iul-il iiul urt-i(-.ut ilT r'l liv thin
!iiu to I raveli'is Tuiii'iMs aiv as foil s :
1 h- ccHl'iriii-.l 1 "ti 1 1 in ;t it iii-Vli-il l'ala-e
.'ff jiiijr I'ais. 11111 only on this line.
.. I!. & O- t'aiacf inir-K.-.tiU) Tain,
Alili l!oi ton's r;- !iiiinc Cl-siirs. Xn K.Mi a
t li :i lin- f.n Srsii.-, In I.-,- liniirt: "hairs.
The famous .'.. ;. J'alai-e iiiin Cars.
:oryi ii- Sn.okiiin f'ais. litti il with i-li -ant
i;iul!-lat-kfi h'attrtii l.'wcl itm t'haii, for
ti. t-xi liisi vc un' ol li;sr- l;iss passt-iifi's.
l'nst Tltno. St( ( 1 Ti-n-k and Sni.-fi-ior
l'lipiiii-ii: i:niiiiiK-il with llicirt.jxf Thn)W;tl
nr A rnniiit mi nt, makes ;liis, above sUJ l ilui,
the favorite lloute to the
r.tST, SOIfiC OH HilirilKAST.
TKV IT. iinil oi! v. ill f!i..l Tl; AVKr.IXO 1 1-iix-111,
V ins; eai! oi a l)ieo:nlolt.
Thj-ouuTi Tieki t via tl;! (v lehrati-.l !in.!
Mile at all olliees in the I nile.l Staled ntiil
I iinaila.
. .iii...iiiiiriii 11.111 .i "i i.oi;t nm'jj"
V ei-mii 111iil -t 1 win w ..11. 1 T..I.1....
Ill in f. ii-in ! t ili. .nt P-i.. ,.r w-l..
viil he cheerfully given liy aoiilj in to
James Ii. Wood,
;eti?ral Tasseii-ei- g't, Cliicsio.
T. J. lOTTi:i6,
Oencial Manager. ( liieao.
ReadFnnsI ReciMiiorisr Etccuticnl
"D 733 Chestnut C... fM?sde!pMa.
11 is r.TimT i nnif-irm l!m :.'rTc. and cont:iir aa
c :!it s:.-T(.t'. I - Iri!!i' i I limiilncs
C-'-i'itiing Sri.tlnii'i U Oratiiry, I'l.'hf Hunter. Fun.
1 ;pi. I'ri.o. CtS.. m -mil 4 nw, '.il i !..'.li rs.
l.vrrv boy v. 'in tiMVil: ti. vvcrv iiiujiwr vf n I.vct-mn
Vko rr -s Som-tli:r;j I ie !,'. rhnrM (;rt the
V- "mle Se. I':1', r .: . . n- I I'ti'i I : t .f 'onter.: Tri-o.
AVBtolnobuvsTLrofl UooLso: ,-iiAl.HirK.:("i l.icatlu
liost Fragrant Refreshing of Perfames
Exceediigly Oelicate and Lasting.
Frice, 3 cts.; Large Ecttles, 75 cta-
Sol J by dealer! in Drcgr A Perfuawry. ignatu--o of Hi
eox A Co., N. Y., on rery bottle.
i ne Medicine for Every Family,
Madefrom i linger Murhu tiIUr.rrM
and other, of the best vegetable remedies known, 4
1 arker s Oincer Tonic has remarkably varied 1
curative nowers. i;tti trmtnut tninirli Cwwk J
or, IJlood 1'urilier and Liver Regulator ever made & 1
The Best Medicine You can Use ;
for Eestoring Health & Strength :
It commences to act from the first dose, searches
out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or "
help all diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, Iilood,
Kidneys, Liver, Urinary Organs, all Complaints of
women, r, ervousness, blceolessness, Jilieuuia
tisra and DrnnkennesR.
Try a bottle to-day ; It may save yourlife, toct,
and ft sizes atalldniggists. fc.very genuine bottle j
nas our siRiiature on oi'.ts:Je wrapper, liiscox cc
Co., N. Y. Large saving in buying $i size.
. Jfist What is "Wanted.
Everybody whose hair is gray or faded has felt
the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is
cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless. Par
ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious ja
these respects. Sold by druggists at oc. and i.
35Tl;iively of iwder.
Com rmwfl
ft mm, .JSj- tho rt!TCT n,.. I rue it dfV
n.ti .not Bum, out Torma a
highly polished surface cver'the
?tu,?'t",8 .l!,on a1d "ghtenlng the draft.
ii1?.. FK? aPJ?8 '"'a'" t costs no more
Jtl2?ilrurl?r. brands, and one box will do
the work of two of any other Axle Crease
ma,e ?' anawera oquaiiy ax well for lIarvesU-r,
Mill (nanny, ihreelnnir Mat-hinoo, Corn-ridutcri'
U".r2"Jlf?v.1i1H,r""'- rtc- etc - tor WmmnB. It is
PiiA"?Nlr.f contain no Petroleum.
or nalu l.y ail lirxt-ciatis Ucalcrn. tiT Our l-nrktt
Cyclopedia of Things iarth Knotting mailed fre
31 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
It is the roxiilt of 20 vrnrs' exprripnee and
exierin!ciit in Sewiiiir Slachines. It combinn th
gooa potntt cf all prernt and former makes, and in
not a " ono man " or " one idea " machine, ax othe rs
are" 11 aTO"!" thr df loclt of othcTH, and pos
sesses netc and valuable features and convenience
It 18 large, light-running, noise'e.s, handsome, cr.i.
t-nvn, durable, and timple. nrrnntt d 'tinil
kopf inrrpair lrf for.j vrmn. riivulars with
puiiioHcrlpuoH font t lie on r lut-f. It isnurely tha
I Alt A I i I nl ...ill ......... : . . .- ... .
before you buy. man itaVt r rci by 1
...u "111 I l'j s xli. Ifllll'L 1111 111 Wfi
EO. P. DENT, HI r.ivl ! jn. kW.n St., hir.iL-,' T' I
mm i - i ., , ,, . , iY
ARE PAID every soldier din:. Id fri
1 1 ii.- f tin tv . I y aici Jcat cr i-tlft-r ist. A
WOO l r t i.fBiip-r, toe
"r v Cj t, j -M Hi ir..i oil. 1,1.
f:.tsi:. i.uilC lii'iiMK.- l-lrr. pive jt,
j ui,ijT " I nJce tUouitaiiux ar j
rntiti4 t. in iiirrvne if l.etiMon.
. .JnH crph.nns dt jier.di r t fat?i i
r !iiot!irt if 5..1. in v 1-. '' in t' j
irmr fx-1 a M.-n.iun. ir M'V-I :
cli:;ri;i! f.-r w- lll.d 1'i.ii'M--- 11 l. j-:r: -.
r v.- full r.iiti.ty, .,-, .( 2 :, l-- f r:-; y
1'- .i-n i.T-l II-iiti tv r: - ,v.---
P. H. Fltraeral'l C'.,
.'rt-n-i. Ili-l: ii.. I i d. . r -
K.A.W.'-nv!.. l'-.-i t Ii '
. l i:. f. K-iiii"-. i
I' k. totii L'f Ia..iai:.ii ' k. I . . .
1 -
TOTPTX. Kews for Bora and Girls ! t
v'J Youne and Old ! I A NEW IX-
TSffeSCy VKaTiuW just utuUd v.r tUtu.
trtf - ioT Home use I
tS.1,I Fret and Scroll Sawing, Turning,
I Screw Cutting. Price f5 to J50.
6cnJ G cents for 100 pagi-a.
A vxtim of youtlifr.l imprudence cattHin" Prema
ture Jxx-ay. Ktn-ous XH-l.ility, V-st Manh-vjd, etc.,
jjviut? t-'irtl i'l Vail every Vuon remedy, linn dis-Cuvcri-d
a tuiuiilo o-:f tiuiv. which ha will n-nd FREE
to lit fellow. HUC- rcrs. auilrcbd J. (1. lttuU
43 Chatham Ht.t X. Y.
i mr' w-maw wm.4
Staple smtfil Wmiey (Kra5eeRfe5
iem isa tine eSty.
Cash Paid fox Biittex and EggSt
Here We are with a Complete Stock
WINDOW SHADES awl EI AT U RES, dc., d-,-.
G;"Hats, Caps, and Hoods,
CaDsd"Soard & Mottes5
Also the best Select Stock of strictly first-class ilm
ccries, Canned and Dried Fruits, Tobaccos, (Queens
ware and Glassware in the City. All of which wo
guarantee to sell as low as anybody.
to close Cash Buyers, and for large quantities.
The Old Grocery & Dry
Goods Stand.
Although 'Lection is over we are not done selling goods, by shot,
Crockeryirvare9 clicaper
Tlie nicest Green Winter Apples for sale. Over JOO Uarn ld d.nvn fella;.
Potatoes by the Car-load, PEACH BLOWS
in reserved fr
&f fM Ik fvf
r. nlro V rftrV -
t- -s 'Ti.:
Its main line runs from I'tiii-nt'O lo ( oiiim-iI i 1 hi-inn t ort f-.r c.-itmi iui-ihhj- oi ly. tieothjr
Bluffs, pastiim tUruiiL-ti .loliot, ihhw:i, I.u r-:i t !. j.-r-:il fci'.tiTO ut our urn is & SMuKlMi
Guncseu. Molinc, H"-lt llunil. liiivcnpurt. V-t : fc Al.oo.V w licro you :un enjoy jour " lluvauu
I.ilxrty. Iowa t'lly, Mri!i;i. lir-xiklyu, (ii Uitu Ii. honrt of tin; -:av.
Dca Moines (tlie capital of o,wu. r-tnt.rl. Allan- .M:iL-in:ii -nt lion l:rnlL'r -an tUo MIsrlHslppI
tic. and Avt-c Itlt biiiiii'iis troju liure-uu aiut .M isvurt rivers ul all poiiii i hhm1 by tills
Jqnctl'.iJ lu (V-olia i Wilton Jun.ti.-n In Musca- j l.m-. all.: traiiMt-I n.- uv.-l.k-.l ul nutMll lllulT.
iae. asUiiik'ton, Knirtlvld, Kl'lon, liclkiniji. , Kun'.jm ny, I.t-uvcii'-rtli. mn i Atcliuiou, cuu-
Centrcville, l'mu-eton. Trenton, (.aliatiu. 1 mm- ihtii.m Im-iiii: imnio in t.'mon Ii'J'.th.
ron, Leavenworth. At liiwon. and Kuna t ttv; ' TIIK 1'KI.M WAI. !:. It. ON St.' TK N'S OF
Vashiiifton to Siourney, iWaHH.a. ami Knox- I Till" .K1;.'.T 'UlUt)lt;H U.Mi A Itt. A3
Tille: KeokuK io unmnmou, llonatMirtu, lt-n- j Hil.l.OV. :
LiliKoorl. llldi'i'cii.lcnt. Kl.lon. (itunva. ' At ( I! n-At;r. with all Uivcrj:i:ig lines lor tha
iliu l lt.IiHloo I'mKii . Mrtiimti urnl Ih-l Miiiik-m: t t ni.d South.
Newton to Monroe: De Motues to itii:anola and
'Intcrset; Atlantic i.i U'is mid AucliiUiii; and
A too a to Harlan. Tin la positively i(:o
Railroad, wiiicii owns, and operau- a lhrout.ii
lane from Chtoawo int- the Stato r.f Kansas.
'1'urouKti Express Passenger 'rrairiM. w uli I'till
Mn 1'aliire t'ars attached, ate run .!a-h nav ditily
between Chicago and I'l.tntiA, Kansas C m v.
C'oi'KCii. BLfFrf, I:AVt.NviiTll and akiii- ;
box. l"hrfui:h cars area'sortin o-t wejn Milwau- i
kee and Kannas I iiy, via the "Milwuuk.-" uj I
Rock Island Short Line." " I
Tlie "Urout U:x U Island" if. uiaiinillii-ntly I
equipped. Hi load U-.l i' simply perlei-t, and lis
U-.hH Is laid with stec-l rails. 1
What will please you m.-st will be tho plcasura :
Of enjoyinu vour meals, while pavsm over tlitt j
beautiful prairies of Illinois nn-i Iowa, in ono of
our inaKDitlcen. Uiiiiiit: furs that accompany all ,
Throunh Kxprcss Trnins. You let nn rntire
meal, as pood as is served in any first-class li'. ti. ;
forneTenty-Uve cents.
ApprectainiB tne y,,v tiui a n.aj.n i joj
' r - :v- t ir i - .
buStiosds (and lite mutieuse iseui'r luino!,s ;
CI mil unit warraiinuK io. ..- ,
oounce that this loiiipatiy runs 1-uUmm l-.ihuc i
Sice Vina Car lor bieeptu purposes, and iV.ot ,
?."Ei-ftM?"P-vJ'v'!X"51-Vv- ,'1'r,ih,7iMrl,to t'EOUIA iirs MOINES,
tri. L. t Auciita In I he I nile.l Main, nr. ..i
for Inforanatlon not obtuinablc ul your
J':', ouV ' Vjy-f
', - ....-, -,t r ... n . vl
A -..Nt.i.i. i;oii, nun II1CL.2.AA.3., and L.
1 1. V. .V U. I!'!.
At W'AMiiNoTo.v Htit;iiTi, with V., C. & SU
A I I . AS A 1 . 1. 1 . v. ith IM. t'pnt. Tt. H.
At I'l. old A. with l. 1". .1 ; 1. Ii. E.; I. R 1
V : M MkI : T. I. X V. Uils.
Al l:..o; I-i.ani., with Milwnnkeo rtock
I-.:irni .-l.ort l.m-."' :ino P..M t If IM dt I'eo. lids,
t "AV r-' lt'l';' V ''" ll'U 1'avcnPr JvioB
At i -: I. ut i li'rv. ir,ti: ,i,o R.. r. n. X. R. a.
Al t.Kts vn v it!, i eoir .l Iowa U. K.
At lt.s .Moim;s. witli i. M ,v I- n i
AH oi l sin: !Jrx-H,,x.wuh II .('. IC.AN.KR
v. i i'i'.lMW A 'J'1 '"""al lnntlLiW,
M.i..jir(ic.,iic.aiii ii,
U (.cu'ii K.Kitli 'lol., f'eo. .V V:tr.; Wnb.. SL
Alt .Ml.ttliN. Willi II. M.J It. 11.
--I- J. . Keo. ,v .-..v. ii. Kin.
... . .. -i.,, c-iuu r a.
At A lt'tll.l.V lt..l. 't' .. 1
At l.t liNWoia ii. wiiu 'ivan. I'ac, a:ld Kau.
vein. it. itn.
Al!i.v.s.- Ct r, with all 1:
auti ii.muwctt.
Unci fur tUo Wfcat
bomc ti Let office, uddre.u.