Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 16, 1881, Image 3

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The Herald.
Roberts sells wall paper. 311 f
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. ' 3tf
O'Eeary's fame U travelling. The
Sheridan Tost wants a boy fixed, too
We return oar thanks to some
friend for a copy of the laws of 1881.
I sell the best itnd cheapest boots
ard shoes. I defy competition.
Capt. II. E. Palmer and his son
George relume I from Montana last
Bananna Car; miels at the P. O.
Xews Depot.
Piattsm uith will h ive the best
celebration on t tie Fourth that it has
had for years.
Hesser's picnic gardens are look
ing fine now and will well repay any
one for the visit.
O'taw.i Beer Ice cold drawn from
Piiil Young's .Soda Fountain. 1
Jeirv llartman, the contractor.
has 130,00 ) ood hard brick for sale
now. S ' is new Ad.
For mixed paints go to Roberts
Drug Store. oltf
Mayor O'Kotirke is preparing to
build on his lots on west side of Cth
Organs cleaned and repaired by
James I'eltee. tf
The W. 0. T. I. will meet next
Thursday the 23rd in the Presbyterian
Church at 4 o'clock, P. M.
Rremiier's choice Crackers at Ben
nett & Lewis'. Ilt4
We never knew Srliul huff was a
Professor before we saw the Sangerfest
reported in the Omaha Republican.
The Piiremomutor isn't quite up
to de top but was 100 on our front
porch yesterday and 9S7 the day before.
Charley Holmes has some very
line new teams and a lot of new har
ness that shines like a lawyer's cheek.
Allstjlesof smoking and chew
ing Tobacco, also the best 5c cigar in
the ci'y at tin P. O. News Depot. 1
Several couples of Good Tem
plars went out to Pleasant Ridge
Eoiljje last Saturday night and had a
pleasant time.
Bennett & Lewis still sell Brem
ner's fine Crackers and Cakes. 1 1 14
Weeping Water has been having
a grand musical convention, mention
of which will be found in our Weep
ing Water Notes.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies, every
dav, at the Union Bakerv, corner Main
and Third. " lOtf
We object to that big Lincoln
poster in Grace Ji Theirolf's window,
its a screen, shuts out, the inside, Sec.
Slocutub law, you know.
For the best staple and fancy
groceries in Plattsmouth go to J. V.
Weekbach's. lOtf
Piiil Young is taking orders for
the Scientific Supplement to Scientific
American, which has various views
of our B. & M. Bridge, caisson work,
Ask your grocer for Bremner's
Crackers, and if he says he does not
keep them, tell him he is a fraud and
change vour place of trading at once.
The regular meetings of the Post
of the G. A. R. nw are the second
and fourth Tuesdays each month. Re
member the nights and come out for
Bremner's choice Crackers at W.
II. Baker & Co's. Ilt4
A new pay-car, of very tine work
manship and most convenient equip
ments has just been turned out from
the B. & M. shops here under the su
pervision of Mr. Ilawkswortli.
Lemons only 25 cents per Dozen
at the 1'. O. News Deiot. 1
Dan Smith had a very nice little
lawn party at his residence last Satur
day evening. Dancing, games, &c,
by the light of an eclipsed moon was a
rare novelty which was enjoyed by
W. II. Baker & Co. Sell Bremner's
Cue Crackers and (Takes. Ilt4
Squire Vivian is getting ready to
build a house under the shadow of the
church in the morning. In the after
noon the Parsou'H be in the Squire's
shadow. Well it'll be good for 'em
A rose by any other name would
smell the sa,me, but any Crackers but
Bremner's will not taste so sweet and
delicious, not by a jug-full and don't
you forget it. 1U4
The Lincoln papers haven't got
over Jay Gould's visit yet. Why. if
Jay w ere to come here we'd just pick
him up and set him on top of the
brick tower in the B. lt M. yard, and
keep him there -till he promised to
build us another railroad or run the
new Mo. Pacific in heie "tew onct."
'-CofTee and Cream" Drawn from
Phil Young's soda fountain Ice cold
only 3 cents per (J lass. 1
Lightning Rods No humbug.
If you want your houses or barns
rodded. and put up in good shape, no
fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark
"Weeping Water. 7tf
The W. C. T. U. of Plattsmouth
will hold a series of Anniversary
meetings, the latter pait of next week,
commemorative of their organization
seven years ago. Able workers from
abroa 1 are expected, and an interest
ing and profitable occasion is antici
pated. Further notice next week.
Look out fo- a large assortment
of Fire Work, Flags, Torpedoes, Pa
per Caps, and Pistols. Fire Crackers
and Chinees Lanterns and many other
4 th of July goods at the P. O. News
Depot. 1
Mike Murphy and Mac Murphy,
Algerines frtmi Constantinople are
fighting fur the postm.tstership of
plattsmouth, like a brace of tomcats
in a spring serenade, Watchman.
This is tin goodtokep. and we
make a note of it to match Henry
Boeck's babies the Omaha papers told
of the other day. What fellows
these Omaha chaps are for news.
Mrs. D. Ilawkswortli has gone east
on a visit.
Miss Hannah Ogney visited friends
in Omaha during the Saengerfest.
Mrs. F. E. White is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Drummond in Fremont.
Mr. Peppcrberg made a flying trip to
St Joe last Saturday and returned on
Monday with his family.
S. L. Carlyle cf Grand Prairie was
in to hear Schuyler Colfax and called
on the IIekald Monday.
Miss Ida Waterman returned from
Jacksonville Academy last week to
spend her summer vacation.
Mr. II. D. Hathaway and son Charles
were in the city last week, having
come down to consult Dr. Livingston
in regard to the health of the latter,
which has been poor for some time.
We omitted to make mention last
week of Mr. J. W. Hosier, of Wash
inglon. D. C, son-in-law of Wm. B
Porter, who is visiting Plattsmouth
and looking at the western country
Mrs. and Miss McKnew, of Wash
ington, D. C, mother and sister of W
H. McKnew, engineer in charge of the
Missouri river improvements, arrived
in the city Friday on a visit to Mr
McKnew, who hopes that they wil
find PlaMsmouth pleasant enough to
remain here through the summer.
- George A. Maguey, our young friend
of the legal persuasion is starting out
for himself in the law business. His
office is over Baker & Co's. store. No
young man in this community stands
higher, has worked more faithfully.
or deserves success more honestly
than young Maguey and the IIekald
hopes he may receive the reward of
earnest endeavors.
Our Plattsmouth University boys
returned home last week, for their
summer vacation. Quite a brigade of
them there is now, Dan and Myron
Wheeler, Theodore Livingston, Fred
Stadelman and Charley Parmele
Some of these days the Herald will
have glowing (it hopes) accounts to
give of their graduation with honor
to themselves and their city.
Among those who came up to hear
uoirax iroua v . w. and around were
Senator Tefft, Editor Mathews, Dr. Gib
bon, Doctor Butler, D. C. Flemiug, D. T.
Dudley, G. S. Barry, Landlord Thorp
and Messrs Barrett, Lambing, and
Sigler. They all hurried away Tues
day morning for fear they might get
run over by the cars I efore they could
get home. Charley Sigler says lie
hopes they won't build the road till he
gets a new team for the one he drives
now is awful afraid of the Keers.
.mi. couax seeineu to enjoy nii
W f-y i . i a. ? ?
ride behind those greys and when
Jones turned round in a narrow place
by the Machine Shops remarked:
"That's well done, I couldn't have
turned that team there to save my
soul." The IIkkald Ed. said: "Prob
ably Jones couldn't make your speech
to-night to save his soul" which -re
minded Mr. C. of a little story. He
was lecturing somewhere, shortly af
ter the war, aud was the guest of a
man worth a million of dollars. On
their return to the house his host said :
"Colfax, do you know what I was
thinking of while you were lectin ing?"
"Why, my speech, I hope," said C.
"No, I was just thinking I would give
half of all I am worth, if I could mas
ter the issues of the day as you do and
know that 1 could throw out a little
poster saying I would lecture such a
night, and 3,000 people or more would
rush to hear me." "Well, what do you
suppose I was thinking of?" said C.
"Of what you were saying, of course,"
was answered. "No, I was thinking
of you with a million of dollars at
your command; you can travel as you
like, purchase what you like, live at
ease or enjoy yourself as you may
choose, while I travel forced marches,
six months in a year, barely making
both inds meet, and get sick and tired
of all speech-makiug."
Sarsaparilla or Root Beer drawn
from Phil Young's Soda Fouutaiu. 1
A yard-man got his hand badly
smashed coupling cars, Sunday night.
Did you see that four horse team
of greys, Jones had hooked up Tues
day, eh ?
A new sidewalk is being put in
front of the M. E. Church which is a
great improvement.
Mr. J. C. Morrissey is about com
mencing the erection of a residence
on Third and Oak streets.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cox of this city
traveled with Hon. Schuyler Colfax
on his first trip across the continent.
The B. & M. are working dili
gently, rock ballasting and otherwise
improving their road and all traces of
the big rise are about obliterated.
Our man Schulhoff went up to the
Sangerbnst. He sajs "Slocumb
Water" caught titts, Friday and Satur
day in Omaha. Such a country, such a
Mrs. Henry Waterman is the
daughter of an intimate friend of Mr.
Colfax, and spent a few pleasant mo
ments with him recalling former
-Parties have been all the go the last
two weeks; one at D. B. Smith's last
Monday night, one at Mr. Tucker's
Saturday night, and one at Mr. Davis
on Tuesday evening.
Jones and Agnew have bought a
very fi-e carriage, made in Burlington
and one of the most convenient calling
carriages we have seen ; with the grey
team it makes a stylish turn out.
First we cry "too much rain, every
thing will be drowned out." and then
we wait just about a week or so and
cry "dry weather, are we never going
to have any rain, everything will be
dried up." But seriously, this immed
iate section needs a few shower bad,
although rains seem to prevail all
around us.
Carpets in every style at Bean &
Orchard's, Omaha. Just go and see
them when you are up.
AH About the Eagle.
A rousing. Fourth of July Meeting
took place Saturday evening at the
Court House. Mayor O'Rourke in the
chair and W. M. McLennan Secretary.
The finance com. selected at a for
mer meeting reported $258 subscribed.
Committees were appointed as
follows: Gen'I arrangements D. II.
Wheeler, M. B. Murphy. R. B. Wind
ham, R. W. Hyers, F. Gorder.
Grounds G. F. IUbbs, J. V. Weck
bach.G. W. Fairfield.
Amusements F. S. White. M. Mc
Elwain, Chas. Duke.
Music J. P. Young, Fiuley Johnson,
J. A. Connor.
Speakers J. W. Johnson, M. A.
Hartigan, G. S, Smith.
Phire-Wks M. B. Murphy, II. Sage,
Chas. Black.
Printing MacMurphy, Bushnell,
and Chas. Pettee.
Marshals J. W. Johnson, L.D. Ben
nett, F. E. White.
Invitations G. II.'Ashmun, W. L.
Browne, J. B. Strode, A. W. McLaugh
lin, Treas.
The temporary offices were made
permanent, and another meeting
called for Tutsday night to report
aud perfect business.
Plattsmouth, June 14th, 1881.
Met pursuant to adjournment.
Committee on grounds not yet de
cided. D. II. Wheeler added to com
mittee. Committee on music report:
Plattsmouth Band. Bohemian Band
not yet answered; Glee Club sug
gested; further time granted.
Committee on fireworks have made
a good selection.
Committee on amusements; Foot
race (bovs and men's); hook and lad
der race; sack race; wheelbarrow race
hook and ladder (juvenile) race; walk
ing match (young and c-ld men); bel
race; will decide on others.
Committee on speakers: decider'
not to go outside of Cass county.
Committee on amusements: have
sent invitations to each Sunday
School in the city, A. F. & A. M
E. A. U. ; K. of II.; I. O. O. F
G. A. R.; G. T.; T.oflL; Leider-
kranz: Old Settlers' Association. Re
plies not yet received.
Finance committee: instructed 'o
raise and collect more funds.
Committee on amusements to have
charge of Masquerade, with power to
appoint sub-committees.
Meeting then adjourned to Friday
evening next.
W. N. McLexxax,
Phil Young sells Wild Cherry
Beer, Sweet Cider Beer, and Mead,
drawn from the soda fountain spark
ling and cold, at 5 cents per glass. 1
Mrs. E. B. Lewis has been sick
but is better.
Dr. Clutter has been quite ill we
ant sorry to learn.
The Firemen aie going to have a
grand ball the 4th.
Coupe's Circus is coming here the
13th Out at Fair Grounds.
The "Creme Oatmeal Soap" is the
latest thing out and has had a big run
For Sale at W. II. Baker & Co's. 1
Doc. Hall lost the train at Lin
coin, Neville says; why is this thusly,
They are at last grading 6th
street and putting dirt in beyond the
Vine street bridge, also fixing Vine
and 7th street bridge.
Many of our readers well remem
ber Mr. C. B. Cooper formerly agent of
the B. & M. R. R. Co. at this place and
the following in regard to his little
daughter Ola who is only fifteen years
old, will be read with interest by her
many friends and schoolmates here.
Mr. Cooper is now residing in Ander
son, lnu., ana mis cupping is uiKen
from the Democrat published in that
ulace. describing the commencement
exercise of their High School:
delivered the Salutatory address. She
took for her subject, "From defeat we
may learn to conquer." Her essay was
well read and contained many good
thoughts. Miss Cooper is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Cooper, of this
city, aud carried off second honors of
her class.
Her sister Laura graduated last year
carrying off the highest honors of her
W. II. Baker & Co. are selling the
"Creme Oatmeal Soap, which is one
of the best of soaps for toilet use, soft
eniug and cleansing the skin and ten
dering it clear and -fair. Only ten
cents a cake. 1
The Fire Company met last night
ill regular meeting and went through
what regular business there was be
fore it and then the subject of having
dance was taken into consideration.
and after thoroughly canvassing the
question they decided to have a grand
Firemen's Ball on Fourth of July
night. The meeting then adjourned
to meet next Tuesday evening. All
parties are especially invited to be
And don't you forget it, Phil
Young sells the Genuine Bowker's
Birch Beer, made according to direc
tions, and drawn from the Soda Foun
tain Ice cold at only 5 cents per glass.
To Let to Lodgers.
Rooms on Oak st. opposite the Cath
olic church. X6wly and neatly furn
ished. Inquire of Mrs. C. O. Newton
it the above residence. 13t3
J. X. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8tf
S.White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably low prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St.
The best and cheapest.
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
at Merges.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm
G. A. It.
At a meeting of the G. A. R., Tues
day evening, the following resolution
was passed unanimously, and ordered
spread upon the minutes of the Post:
Resolved, that the hearty thanks
of the soldiers of John McConihie
Post No. 45 Grand Army of the Re
public are hereby tendered to the gen
erous women of Plattsmouth and
vicinity who so freely contributed
flowers wherewith to decorate the
graves of dead comrades to the
ladies and gentlemen of the Glee Club
for their beautiful chants and to the
Rev. Mr. Baird and Chaplain Wright
for services at the Presbyterian
Church aud at the graves of our dead
We also beg to ulace upon record
our grateful remembrance of the
efforts of all those citizens who fur
nished us wagons and particularly
for the very profuse decoration of
their places of business and resi
dences with the glorious colors under
which we fought and beneath which
so many of our comrades offered up
their lives that those colors
might still wave over our undivided
The Old Settlers' Association
of Cass County are invited to aid in
the celebration of the 4th of July it
seems, and it has been suggested to us
that a meeting be called on that day
(at the most convenient time) to make
arrangements for a picnic, or gather
ing this fall in connection with the
old soldiers of the county and possi
bly the State Historical Society, which
meets here in October. Such meeting
will be called somewhere on the
grounds that day.
Mail Route from Plattsmouth to
Nebraska City. No. ai.oja now runs
from Plattsmouth Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays. Leave Plattsmouth
at 1 p. in., at U nion Mills bv o p. m.
Leave Union Mills 7 a. m., a' Platts
mouth bv 11 a. in.
. Married.
ECCLES-COLE-At the residence of the bride'
parent near Plattsmouth. on June Till A. J).
lssi. bv Elder J 11. hmbree, Mk. Samuel
Kivi.ks and Miss Mauv K. Colic.
MOOKK OLDHAM At Uie residence of the
briilf's i:uenf. on Alav l'JIll. hv Kev. Geo.
K. Miirr.iv. Mk. Joski'H It Moohk and
Miss Doha Oi.uham. both of Thre.? Groves,
Cass Co. .Nebraska.
W YSX liOAXY At Uie residence of Mr.
Joseph Tubbs. on J tint mil. A. D. I KM. by
Kev. lieu. It. Murray, mk. v ILL! am w vnn.
and Miss Kiz.IK Koaxv both of Three
i;roven, Cas County, Nebraska.
Suicide of Capt. Knhl.
Captain Henry Kulil, well known
here at one time, committed suicide in
Omaha last Saturday by shooting him
self with an old fashioned six cham
bered revolver, while laboring under
an attack of delirium tremens.
Ivuhl lately drew a pension from the
German government and also one
from ours, as he was a captain in the
2nd Neb.
He clerked for Schnasse and Lehn-
hoff when thev kept on the corner of
2d and Main sts. The poor fellow had
been drinking lately, in fact had be
come a perfect wreck and has at last
gone to his long home by his own
Ofliee or the Chief Signal Ofltcer.
Washington, D. C, J
June 11th, 1881. ,
Mk. A. L. Child. Signal Service Kiver Ob
server Plattsmouth, Nb.
silt: On and after July 1st. 1881,
the zero of the river gauge at Bruns
wick, Mo., will be placed at low water
of 187C. which is five (5) feet below
the zero now in use.
That at St. Joseph, Mo., at low water
of 1873. which is 3.75 feet below the
zero now in use.
Furnish this information to the
newspapers puuiisneu at your station,
and request that it be published for
the benelit of their readers .and the
general public. Acknowledge receipt.
Wm. E. Bkinkhimek
1st Lieut. 3rd TJ. S. Artillery, A.S. O.
There will be no preaching a, the
M. E. Church next Sabbath, on account
of the Pastor's attendance at the com
mencement of the Nebraska Confer
ence Seminary at York. Sabbath
school as usual at 9:30 A. M.
Aver s Aarue wure is a purely veg
etable bitter and a powerful tonic, free
from quinine or any mineral sub
stance, and always cures the severest
mil Collection Aueut. Ottice over iiakcr &
Co c. ftore, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 14ly
Carter's Little Liver Pills have no
equal as a prompt and positive cure
for Sick Headache, Biliousness, Con
stipation, Pain in the Side, and all
Liver Troubles. Trv them. For sale
by Smi'Ji Black & Co.
Ha u ted
day boarders at
st. between Vine
A few more
Sage's, on 4th
Main sts.
r or constipation, costiveness, or
biliousness, use Dr. Marshall's Bif
Bromoline. Big bottles for 50 cents.
Ask your druggist for it.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan on real estate secur-
ty. Inquire of D. D. Martindale,
Louisville, Neb.
liiiiousness or constipation is a sign
of disordered liver. Cure them both
with a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Brom
oline, the Big Blood Medicine, 50 cents
Come and See
The large stock of Spring Shoes and
Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf
The people of the west owe a debt
of gratitude to Dr. Ayer for the pro
duction ot Ayers Ague Cure. Its
timely use will save much suffering
and much discouragement, and we
recommend it with the greatest con-
nuence in its aoincy to uo all that is
promised for it.
Prejudice Kills.
'Eleven years ur daughter suffered
on a bed of misery under the care of
several of the best (and some of the
worst) physicians, who gave her dis
ease various names but no relief, and
now she is restored to us in good
Health by as simple a remedy as Hop
Bitters, that we had poohed at for two
years, before using it. We earnestly
hope and pray that no one else will let
their sick suffer as we did, on account
or prejudice against so good a med
icine as Hop Bitters. The Parents.
Dickens satirized the costs of tha
English Court of Chancery, and, says
the London Tth'frujih, it still "grinds
men's bones to make its bread." Anne
Richardson, a domestic servant, had
saved 240, to which her master, Sir
George Balfour, added a free gift of
60, lodging the whole with trustees,
who were to pay her the interest. After
a time. Anno wanted to go to New
Zealand, aud desired the possessionof her
capital. The trustees had no objection.
. provided they obtained the leave of tho
Master of the Rolls, tor that purpose
a friendly suit was instituted, and tho
leavo obtained, but the costs amounted
to 216! Thus merely to ask the for
mal assent of the Court of Chancery to
a change of this kind swallowed up
two-thirds of the sum in question. Lord
Coleridge, on hearing of the facts
wh:ch came incidentally before him a
few days ago, aptly said: 'It appears
a if Chancery, to prevent anyone from
being hurt, sometimes takes caro thai should get any good."
Lee Lin. Chinaman, bought a through
ticket from New York to St. Louis, and
received a chock for his trunk. Arriv
ing at St. Louis, he found that the lock
of his trunk had been broken oil". Ho
was positive that when he last saw tho
trunk in New York it was fastened prop-
Deny. On opening it he discovered
that sixty silver dollars 'and two silk
handkerchiefs were missing. He sued
the Terro Haute and Indianapolis Rail
road Company. A Justice of the 1 eaco
gave judgment in his favor, but in the
Circuit Court, to which the case wa;
taken, the jury was directed to bring
in a verdict for the defendant. Lef
Liu took the case up to tho Court of
Appeals of Missouri, and last week had
the satisfaction of hearing the Judge
reverse tho decision of the lower court,
and declare that he could bring his
action against either of the railroad
companies over whose tracks he and
his trunk had been conveyed. .
Mark Twain's Advica to Scribblers.
Here are sonic words of sarcastic ad
vice from Mark Twain which are often
put into an editor's head by matters not
wholly unconnected with the contents
of his letter-box; "Don t write too
nlninli'? it i si Kicrti of fklrlMM.i n ri-iam
, - - - o . n' '
Scrawl your article with your eyes shut,
and make every word as illegible as
you can. Avoid all pains taking with
proper names, u e know the full name
of every man, or woman, aud child in
the Luitcd States, and tho merest hint
at the name is sullieient. For instance.
if you write a character somewhat like
a drunken ligure 8 and then draw a
wave line, we know at once that you
mean 'Samuel Morrison,' even though
you think you may mean 'Lemuel
How we love to get hold of articles
written in this style! And how we
should like to get hold of the man that
sends them just ten minutes alone
in the woods, with a revolver in our
Cement for Rubber.
Powdered shellac is softened in tei
times its weight of strong water of am
monia, wherebv a transparent mass i
obtained, which becomes fluid after
keeping some liitle time without the use
of hot water. In three or four weeks
the mixture is perfectly liquid, and,
when applied, it will be found to soften
the rubber. As soon as tho ammonia
evaporates the rubbef hardens again
it is said quite iirmly and thus becomes
impervious both to gases and to liquids
For cementing sheet rubber, or rubber
material in any shape, to metal, glas
and other smooth surfaces, the cement
is highly recommended.
A Buried Algerian City.
London Timet".!
rrench newspapers report the dis
covery in Algiers, by the arclueologist
M. larrv, of a city winch had been en
tombed in the sand. M. Tarry's atteiv
tion had been awakened by tho mound'
like appearance ot the satuiv soil, anc
some digging brought to light the miliar
rets and upper portion of a mosqjo.
Jb urtlier excavation lav baro a Ur
race a tower, and about a dosu
houses, all in excellent preservation.
He reported his discovery to the Gov
ernment of Algiers, which has uikU v-
taken to have the site thoroughly cjj
plored. The place is in the southern pat
of the province, not far from thetovtn
of Ouargla, and exposed to tho full blajsil
of the sandy winds from tho desert.
Probably a succession of siroccos beai-
ing clouds of saud completely hllcd up
the streets and houses, making tho town
uninhabitable, and so drove out the pop.
ulalion. At present thero is no ground
for conjecture as to the date of tho oo
currencc. A New York paper says that as tho
result of fast living a largo representa
tion of the best families may bo found
in the lunatic asylums, while, hundreds
are borne to early graves. It is tho
6anie everywhere.
Mr. Mark Twain is said to be contem
plating literary suicide, in the form of a
Cyclopedia of Humor, in which he'is to
bo assisted by tho leading humorists of
Wherever coughs, colds and con
sumption exist. Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral ought to be known and used. There
never existed a semtiment so univers
al among all classes in favor of any
other medicine, as is entertained the
world over, in regard to Aver's Cherrv
Pectoral. The humblest patient in
the pioneer's cabin, and the proudest
dame in the metropolis, alike use it,
appreciate it. and speak its prnises.
-Constipation is positively cured
by Carter's Little Liver Pills. Not by
purging and weakening the bowels,
but by regulating and. strengthening
them. This is done bv improving the
digestion and stimulating the liver to
the proper secretion of bile, when the
bowels will perform their customary
functions in an easy and natural man
ner. Ask for Carters Little Liver
Pills. Price 23 cents. For sale by
Smith, Black & Co.
How to Save.
All men and women who work hard
with mind or body are subject to peri
odical attacks of biliousness, which
may end in disordered kidneys or liver
and dangerous illness. A 50 cent or
31.00 bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic
will keep these organs active, and by
preventing the attack save you much
sickness, loss of time and great ex
pense. Many families are kept in
perfect health by using the Tonic
when Spring or Fall sickness threat
ens. JJelay at such times means dan
ger. Detroit Press. See other column.
Collection Notice.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me by note or open account
are requested to call and settle the
same Aitliin thirty days from date as
I must close my books, and shall
change my business somewhat after
this date. Please be promnt.
J. W. Thomas, m. r.
Weeping Water, June (jth, I8al. 13.
Lost !
Gold-bowed spectacles, between the
Christian Church and house on Sun
day evening. The finder will please
return to Dr. Schildknecht or to the
orwner, Mrs. Seay.
W. H. Schildknecht.
Employment fou Ladies. The
Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stocking
Supporters for Ladies and Children,
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them ; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud in ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have made the wants of la
dies and children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable "and
energetic lady to introduce them in
this county, and we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man could make a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
140 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. H:u
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Ileal Estate, at
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheelek.
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday, and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. WOOLEY,
42tf Superintendent.
Alderiiey Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeistcr now owns
No. 1907, dropped January 4lh, 1873,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 733; grandsire,
Kentucky 623. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Aldernej, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summe: at Mr. Beaurjeister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal should call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Beaumeisteu.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
To the Citizen's of the Comity and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; i ties wish
ing to build a tire-proof i e, before
the comet comes down, ca! n J. T. A.
IIooveh. Louisville, Nebi .ka. 14tf
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a sate, certain and
speedy cur3 for Kheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, Se. Smith,
Black & Co. have sl'.J over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Sclilegel & Niemann's,
opposite r. U.
Make from to ." ier wrcK s.lliim
j.i.xls for E.C. liIDIiOl T & CO.. 1 l';ir l;iy
Street, New Yolk. -jjyl
Semi for their Catalogue and terms.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith. Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 3tf
For Sale or Trade.
A house and two lots in Louisville.
House has five rooms and basement;
good well on premises. Will take a
team as part pajment; will sell at a
bargain. Reason for selling, I wish to
move 0:1 my farm. Inquire of
Samuel Hellwu-,
Louisville, Neb. 10t4
Dr. Stliildknetht
has moed to his new jfiice on corner
of Main and Soventh sts. -and will be
found there, after this during office
The Doctor has a cozy place con-
veninent to the business portion of the
town readily accessible to all patients.
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If vou want money with farm lands
. to secure it call on
Will S. Wise,
4Cm3 Fitzgerald Block.
It Must Be So.
For all who use Brown's Pepsin
Tonic say it is a sine cure for Dys
pepsia and sick Headache. Try it.
or sale by all Druggists in Platts
mouth and East Plattsmouth.
opsin. Uhiiharh, Mandrake & Gentian
Are the active ingredients of
Jrown s 1'epsiu Ionic. (Jive this
wonderful Dyspepsia remedy a trial
and be cured,
gists in Neb.
For sale by all drug-
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills
re a sure cure for Liver Complaint,
Constipation and Biliousness. For
lie by all Druggists in the West.
Brown's Blackberry and Ginger
Should be in every house during the
heated, season. It never fails to cure
Diarrhoea, Dysentery and Cholera
Morbus. For sale by J. H. Butlerv,
Smith, Black fc Co., O. F. Johnson and
J. M. Robert , Plattsmouth. "J. V.
'ainter, East Plattsmouth.
License Notice.
Notice in hereby mven that I have filml wttli
the County CleiK 1 ';is County. Nebraska,
application for llueiiku lo fell spirituous, malt,
or vinous liquor, in the town of Ixniinville.
as County. Nebraska, in urcordaiu-e with
the law of isst. ilt Joh.vOsse.vkoi'.
Estray Notice.
Takt'ii ui by t he mbseriber. near South
Bend, a ref heifer calf, witis the left ear slit.
i nd the riiiiil ear cropped. Star in forehead.
The t.wi.erean have the samehy provinir ro.
jierty ana paying charges a provided by law.
- Lci.VZll 11 FAT!!.
lti South Lend, Neb.
Koatl Notice.
Th oil idiom it Hi'iH emtrrrn:
The section line iMadi'niitim nriuK at the north
east corner of the north west quarter iiiv'4)
of the north wes-t 'iof section number nineteen.
(Pn, town twelve OJi range ten (lit), limning
Ihelicewei-t to the town line between South
lleud and Salt Creek precinct, and terininat
inn at north west corner of the north weft
quarter (nw'i) of the north weft quarter (uw)
ot caul section is ordered onened by the county
coiiiii-isinners. All claims for damages must
be tiled in the Count v Clerk's ollice, on or be-
foii noon on the lot li tlay of Atiuust A. 1. lss
01 .such road will be opened without reference
thereto. J. 1. Terr
l.n." County ClerK.
Hritlgo Notice.
Notice is hereby civeii that bids (lie con
flruction of a bridge across tin; Weeping
Water Creek on quarter .section line
running north and soutli through section thir-
tv-Mx cvi). town ten (III) rante thirteen (13),
will be received up to noon of the li'th day of
July, issi. Said bridge is sixty (M) feet long
with two approaches twenty jn feet each
Substructure of said bridge will be double
row of piling ; finale row under beats : super
structure to bo iron or wool or combination.
Said bids must lie accompanied by specifica
tions. The commissioners reserve the riht to
reject any or all bids. I'y order or county
coicmisMoners. i. i in ,
1314 County Clerk
Legal Notice. .
In the matter of the estate of Sarali IS. States
Deceased. In County Court of Cass County,
Notice is hereby given that upon readim; and
iiiiii me ouiy verinea petition or far:'.n r..
I.ytle and Mary A. Carter praviiin fwr linal set
tlement of the accounts of the executors of the
last will and testament of the said Sarah It.
States, deceased, and distribution, it is ordered
that said caue be set for hearing on the "slh
day ot June. A. I. li si, at 10 o clock a. in., on
said day at the othce ol the ioiinty Jude in
said County, at which time and place all perrons
interested mav appear and show cau-e. if any
there lie, why linal settlement ami distribution
of said estate should not be made according to
the prayer of said petition.
A. N. Sfl.l.l VAN.
12t.3 Couuly Judge.
Road Notice.
To Whom U man Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to locate and
vacate a county road petitioned for by Henry
Inheider et al. to locate a road, commencing
at the center of section T in tow nslup l j range
12, east of Oth I. M., running thence east M
chums, thence north on 'b section line across
sec 7 thence north on a section line to a point
within Ml feet of the li. . M. K. K.. thence
easterly along the right of wav to the It, If
section in t he town ol I edar l reek, auu to va
cate road No. 7! or so much if said road as is
now located across section ; and the north half
of section 7 in township 12, range. 12 east, has
reported in favor of the location and vacation
thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for
damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's
ottiee, on or before noon on the liith dav of
August A. 1). lssl. or such road will be located
aud vacated without reference thereto.
1H5 J. 1. Tctt, County Clerk.
Is now fully prepared to furnish music
for any
and all occasions.
A -Thoiouia
with a complete and
well selected repertoire of
Orders respect fully solicited. Terms reasonable
Apply to. f. I'. YH'N;, P. O. Hook Store, or
that tin; Cll KAI-KST and liKsT I'l.AfK to buy
Staple anft Fancy Groceries
-Class Dry Goods,
$o$. t?cchbncl,
Cor. Main and Third St's, Plattsmouth.
7"Stock alwaps fresh and new, and prices
aluavs ar the bottom. Call and convince your
201 SOl'TH Cf.AKK ST. CHICAGO, 11.1,.
A regular graduate of medicine, longer located
in Chicago than any ol le-r specialist. Over 2i
years successful practice. Syphilis, Oonon hea.
(Meet, Stricture, Orchitis, "Kunture. and all
I'rinarv I nseascs. Kidneys or llladder,) Syph
ilitic or Mercurial AtlectioiiH of the Throat,
Skin or liones-. Cured Safely, lri vntely.
Kpermat orrlien, Mrxual Itrliili.y, re
sulting from ?'lf-Alii!e. Sexual Kxeesses or
over brain work, producing nervousness, semi
nal emissions, debility, dimness of sight, defec
tive memory, physical decay. confusion of ideas
and Impoleiicj , rendering marrikge improp
er, are iH-rnianently cured. ( 'ons-ultntiou at
ollice or by mail I'rec. iuide to Health.
2 stamps. " Medicines sent by mail or express.
Ones guaranteed. I nciirahie eases not under
taken. Special attention to I nseascs of
Women, Iteliable Female I'illn, sia Box.
3i a n it i a c; u c; i 1 1 r ,
275 pages, a hundred pen pictures. Who
should marry ; Who not ; Reasons why : Phys
ical life of man and woman ; How to be happy
in tlie married relation. The married and
those contemplat ing marriage, should read and
preserve it for reference. Price, ." , i ts. In post
age Stamps or Currency.
' A. O. OI.IN. M. 1)..
Tiy Sol South Clark St.. t hicago.
Ws Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved
And Can Prove What we Claim.
Pjg"rhrrear wo rlliire and no iliup.
ii f menf. II yon are troubled ivli:i
you ran bmull.r and
flu liundrrdi have iMii
wlrnlj. Wethnll Ixi plf nad to mail a
)tet f testimonials to n'aj lntrvt4l.
Alio cure ull forms of Blllouanosc, prevent Consti
pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relieve
Chitrcss from too hcartr eatlni. correct Disorder.
of tUo Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, and Rop ultto
the Bovuls. They do all this by talcing Just one
little pill at a done. They are pn.-ely vegetable, do
not tripe or puree. and aro as nearly perfect as It
Is possible for a p;Il tote. Price 23 cents, 5 fortl
Bold by drngs'sts everywhere or sent by rati!!.
JO Nils & AGNEW,
Succeccor to W. J. Jones.
Ayain takes charge of the Old
Brick Livery Stable.
The old I'.otiiier Stiililes. in flat tf mouth, are
now leased hy Jones & Alfuew anil tliey 1ivp
on lianil New "and IiaiuUomo -iccoiuinoifatioris,
in the sliupe ol
We tire now prepared to keep HOUSES
And will
Train and Break Colts
On Iieavonstble Terms.
That with plenty of room itliat
every one
know i w e liave ) in our ftalile, we. can t't
ers' ctoi k and wagons, louc? ot liay, &e.,
et Farin-
cover, wr.cre iney win Keep ury.
Th; all the old patrons lor their lilK-nili-t
v. v.e solicit their trade for the future, hutlstied
th it we can accommodate thein better ami do
better by them than ever before.
501 y JONES & AG NEW.
MtllOLS & sex,
Contractors and Builders.
Having enlarged our s'.iop aiiih purchased a
Steam l'ower Circle Saw, wo are prepared to do
an unlimited amount of work In our line in a
and those who coutemplate building will find it
to their iiiteivft to j;et etiinates from u before
Giving their work toother partiee. Estimate
made ou all kinds rf work Fkrk of Ciiaiiuk.
Wfttrhca. Siem wlndcmf-T so. M'Jiit metal Huntlnit
1 ruiuiti..a roitl 16. feulul trnM 512. Ctictwt auJ tmi
for your ovo um or nprulitiv p-tri-. Viul'ie c-
We can vouch for it that Halls'
Hair IlenewtT restores gray liair to its
youthful color, prevents baldness,
makes the hair soft and glossy, does
not stain the skin, and is all together
the best known remedy for all hair
and scalp diseases. We therefore take
preat pleasure in recommendi-ig Hall's
Hair renewer to our readers.
Our dry goods and notion stock is
the freshest and largest styles and low
est prices; don't take our word for it
but call and prove it. W. II. ISaker &
Co. 1
l'uriliy the blood and regulate the
bowels, if you would have health.
There is no remedy equal to the Prick
ly Ash Kilters for this purpose. They
act directly on the organs concerned,
going to the seat of disease and driv
ing it from the system. Nor do they
stop here, but strengthen tho system,
giving it tone and action, rendering it
much more capable of resisting all
future attacks. - 1U5
than ;uiyvlM-n -st of the Mississippi Kiver
Main, betw. Third and Fourth SI reels.
East of Court House,
the best and latest improved patterns.
Satisfaction (Jua ran teed.
know what
;ind my Spring and Summer
is now ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can beftuiid here.
In addition, I have added ail kinds of
Buggies Wagons
IC Oil week in your m n town.
Terms and
Address, II. Hai.i.ktt & Co.,
l'ortland. Maim
E. GL Dovey &Son,
Still find themu'lveH at home to Cans County
Farmers and till their old customer.
We have this Winter our us
ual full and larytr lints oj
Hoods than, ptrhaps, tctr be
fore. As the yrowth of the
country has dunandtd larytf
stocks, and of a bi tter class, trt
hart endeavored to meet that
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves i Mittens
Jor Winter mar, we hare a
la rye and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
oj all kinds. Dress 1 rimminys
of the latest styles. lint tons in
endless ririety. our line of
is f j-ceedinyly larye, and wt
think, tiiell selected.
to suit all persons and all purses
verv full line of
which vou must nee to select from.
Sugars of standard trades.
of the finest qualities, selected by our
selves. PnfTPPO ",il"y brands, especially our ow n
uUlilOo hoai.tkd kikkkk
called the "MEKKJI E." Try it and ace, tefore
piifclia-siiijj elsewhere.
Ericl Fruits of all kind", fresh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED OOODS from all quartern. Very line
California i;oods.
by the barrel or Im-htl.
In all these branches we ehall en
deavor to hell ox low an any our. and
a is pnfsiplK to do a sol .ni blsi
XKss. We invite attention and will
(-how all that call our sroods. Don't
be afraid t. ask for what you want,
and callotten and early.
3rni3 E. t;. DOVEY & SON. Plattsmouth Neb.
;79A WEEK. SI2 a day at home easily made
J 1 Costly outfit free. Address, Tliik & Co.,
Augusta. Maine. 4:ly
StK-ct-s-or to S ih.k;ku& Nikm n
Manufacturers of
And dealers in
T 0 15 A C C 0 .
Special JiHANDS and sizes of CIOAKS made to
order, anil satisfaction guarantee 1. Ci'ar
clippings Hold for sinokinr' 'jbaeco.
Maj Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store
Ojjoxite I f'oft lifflrc,
Plattsmouth. Xeb. lmS
rlllll Including Shooting Outfit.
hllriSh Every Ctin Warranted
dealer In
:o :
Lartce stock of
to be
Notions, Queensware,
and in fact everything you can call for in
the line of
General Merchandise.
All kinds of country oioduce. taker in ex
cbang9 forlgoods.