Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 26, 1881, Image 3

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    The Herald.
For the beat staple an-! fancy
croceries in Pluttsnimitli go to J. V.
Weckbacirs. . 10tf
Roberts sells wall paper. 51tf
Attend Dr. O'Leaiy's Lectures.
Give the new Jeweler ;i trial. 10'2
For mixBil paints go to lloberts'
Drug -Store. 51 tf
-A good clock from $2 to $10 at L.
C. ErvenV. 10t3
Buttons for every tiling at W. II.
Baker & (Vs. 1
Dr. O'Leary on the Brain and
Nerves to-ii'glit.
-Ladies sets for oOct and upward at
L. C. Erven's. i02
Organs ..leaned and repaired by
James Pettee. tf
We will give the figures on cattle
&c in Liberty next week.
A new stock of clocks just receiv
ed by L. t Erven. 1013
lteyi;..'. ls Bros. .shoes can be foiyid
only at W. II. Baker & Cos. I
Dr. O'Lt ary is equal to a whole
tninstiel .-!ivv or theatre for fun.
Paras. .s and fan all styles sizes
and prices at W. II. B iker & Co's. 1
A tint assortment of Looking
Glasses, In ap, at Hansen & Chassot s.
Screen Doors, all size3, at Cum
mins & liichey's. Call and see them.
Woise.i and Harry lleese had a
slight falling out, too. last week.
Nicest assortment of lawns and
buntings in town at W. II. Baker &
Co's. 1
Tha corrected 11. R. Time table
will be found on first page. It is au
thentic. I sell the best and cheapest boots
arid shoes. I defy competition.
ill Peteu Mekges.
Fresli bread, cakes and pies, every
day, at the Union Bakery, corner Main
and Third. 10tf
Cretonns and plushes for lambre
quins and curtains, just received at
W. II. Baker & Co's. 1
If you want a genuine article of
Maple Sugar, Phil Young has it for
Sale cheap. 1
We are agents for Wilson Bros.
Fine Shirts, and dont forget it. W. II.
Baker & Co. 1
Genuine Maple Sugar direct from
the Sugar Camp in New York State at
the P. O. Nevys Depot. 1
Plattsninuth E. A. U. No. 203
June 3d. Be sure yourself and lady
friends are present.
Phil Young lias just received di
rect troin New York State a genuine
article of Maple Sugar. 1
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary l'ublic, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tCm
(" Canned Goods at Greatly reduced
prices to close out old stock ami be
ready for new crop at W. II. B iker &
Co's. . 1
Another lot of excellei.t harness
just hung up for inspection at Streight
& Miller's. Go and see it before you
buy. 1
On Friday evening Dr. O'Leary
will lecture on the "lungs and their
Diseases"; how to prevent and cure
them. Admission 10 cts.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is a universal favorite for re
storing gray hair to its original color,
and making hair grow out thick.
Messrs. Nichols & Son. our boss
carpenters, come before the IIkkald
readers to-day with a new Ad. They
are a reliable firm and good workmen.
If you are constipated debilitated,
have dyspepsia, humor of the blood,
one big fifty cent bottle of Dr. Mar
shall's Bromoline will cure you. Drug
gists are agents.
Elder James It. Ross will preach
at the Rock Creek school house, two
miles west of Rack Bluffr, on the Tel
egraph road on Sunday. M iv 29. 1831.
at 11 a. m. All are cordially invited.
Lightning Rods No humbug.
If you want your houses or barn
rodded. and put up in good shape, no
fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark
Weeping Water. 7tf
Dr. O'Leary closed last evening at
City Hall, one of the most interesting
series of Phrenological and Physio
logical lectures ever delivered in this
city. Chicago Journal.
-The best and cheapest,
-The finest and neatest
. Shoes and Slipieri
For little trippers
: t at Mekoes. 4tf
A traveler on four continents says
that Dr. Marshall's Bromoline, the Big
Blood and Liver Cure is the best blood
medicine in the world. It is-sold at
fifty cents a bottle. Druggists sell it.
The manner-in which the E. A.
Us, conduct their festivals ami enter
tainments insures success in every
particular.- Be sure to go; we'll guar
antee yu a good time.
The new Liederkrauz Banner will
be here on June 9th. It will be an el
egant piece of workmanship from Use
hands of a Iady,Mrs. Fuldner, in Mil
waukee, costing nearly 6130.
Fred Gorder just got in a car load
or wagons, which lie is going to sell
cheap. He wants every body in need
Of a good, durable ami cheap wagon to
call on him before purchasing. 1
Dr. O'Leary Lectured on Brain and
Nerves hist night to a large and thor
oughly interested audience, and
brought out soaie startling facts for
the uninitiated in regard to these.
Louisville Ledger.
More cases of sick headache, bil
iousness, constipation, &c, can be cur
ed in less lime, with less uitdicine,
and for less money, by using Carter's
Little Liver Pills' than by any other
means. Sold by Smith. Black & Co.
The Pluff-Morrison case came off
Saturday and created considerable ex
citement. As there is another trial to
come off before Judge Sullivan and
for other reasons the Herald with
holds further comments this week.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds w ho have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of ils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith. Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D.Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. Stf
. . Personal.
'Mr. and Mr3. Jno. R. Clark were
down the first of the week.
Sheriff Hyers has returned from the
North the same old boy. as before.
Daniel II. Wheeler returned from
his trip east, the same old Dan.
Clerk Showalter sometimes pays
fines to the Co. Treasurer, but what
for, we dassen't say.
Miss Ida McConega, of Lincoln, is
spending a week in the city the guest
of Miss Ola Barnes.
Mrs. Will Wise left the first of last
week in company with Mrs. U. W.
Wise for a visit to her parents.
.lessee Erwin brought his hogs up
Monday and got $5.05. That's a pret
ty god market for a corn crop.
We understand our friend Joe.
Moore, of Liberty, was married last
Thursday to Miss Dora Oldham. We
wish them many jears of happiness
success and prosperity.
Thos. Mitchell, Esq. has sold his
property here and left yesterday for
Salt Lake, Utah, where he has a
daughter living. We hone for Uucle
Thomas a new lease of life and many
happy days in his new home.
And now come our Helicon Band
boys in an Ad. to offer their notes to
the public, and they are good notes,
too; a"t par always, and no discount;
we mean musical notes. The boys
are well fixed and can render excellent
Decon Bushnell arrived home
from the Editorial excursiou, whole and
hearty Yesterday. He repot ts an ex
traordinary good time, and that the
only tumble was he could'nt get to see
the widow as much as he wanted to;
at least so Capt. Marshall says.
The committees on Decoration
Day are:
General Arrangements Livingston,
Chapman and Barnes (J. C.)
Music Jennings, Strode and Thom
as. Flowers MacMurphy, Bo wen and
C'al Parmele has bought a News
paper so they say, Oh Lord!! we
quit Cal right off don't abuse our chil
dren, that's all we ask. The wife and
"us" can stand it, but don't visit the
sins &c, you know how it is yourself.
A Celeorated preacher makes the
recommendation of Ayer's Pills a mat
ter of religious duty. AVhen people
are bilious and dyspeptic, what they
need is the Gospel of Health. In such
cases, the best creed to swallow con
sists of the thirty sugar-coated articles
in a pill-box.
The University Cadets to the
number of fifty went up to Omaha
last Saturday accompanied by their
band, and had a big time; grand drill,
&c. Mesdams O'Rourke, Livingston,
Wheeler, Cox and some others from
here went up, being-interested specta
tors of the scene.
There's a Dr. O'Leary here, it
seems, and he is going to lecture on
Physiology and things, after which he
treats everbody not to soda, we don't
mean but treats 'em to a cure. Mc
Donagh out to be here now, he'd find a"
glorious opening for practise.
The Crystal Wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Latham Tuesday evening
was well kept about 50 friends were
present, a housefuil of glass came
with them. Japanese lanterns adorn
ed the yard and all the young folks
that looked on determined to get mar
ried at once, if married folks had so
much fun.
"Wine is a mocker, and strong
drink is raging." Take Prickly Ash
Bitters. It is not a beverage, but a
remedy for all ill effects of an excess
of intoxicaling stimulants. Don't
take a drink before breakfast "just to
wake voh up," because you feel so
stupid and languid. You are sure to
fel worse as soon as the effect wears
off. TaKe a half wine glass of Prickly
Ash Bitters. It will brighten you up
for the whole day. 7t4
It is really a wonderful sight to
see the number of new houses spring
ing up all over town. Carpenters are
as busy as busy can be; masons and
plasterers ditto; every body at work,
and all getting fair Wages. Turn
where you will, the sound of the ham
mer and the clang of the tr wel greets
your ear. We trust and hope that
this state of things will las!, for years
to come.
We think we can cure a bad c;ise of
Backache quicker with ona of Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache
Plasters, than by any other applica
tion. And alter the backache is cured
you can still wear the plaster without
discomfort for two or three weeks or
longer. This combination of Smart
Weed and Belladonna is a great hit,
and it is hard to find any pain or ache
that will not. yield te it. .Price 25
cents. Sold by Smith. Black & Co.
Scarcelyany disease to which hu
man beings are subject.isso thorough
ly discouraged as Fever and Ague.
The periodical return of , alternate
chills, fever, and sweating, is terribly
depressing. Ayer's Ague Cure is the
only remedy known, which is certain
to cure permanently, I y expelling the
malarial poison which produces the
disease. It does this surel', and leaves
no ill effect upon the system.
Our Rras3 Band boys have suc
ceeded in collecting enough funds to
build a music room of their own, and
commenced operations on Court House
Square, in the South part of the city,
This is an excelltnt site and will
eventually make a splendid prom
enade park for our music-loving cit
izens. The band boys are doing the
work themselves of erecting the build
ing, which will be completed in a few
days. We wish the Band all success
We are very glad to learn that the
farmers and others about town have
taken quite an interest in improving
the breed of cattle about here, cross
ing them with Jersey stock, the most
famous for milk and butter of all the
strains now popular. Mr. Beaumeis
ter, who has taken pains to keep ' an
animal of good Alderny blood within
reach, finds the demand for Alderny
for Jersey) crosses increasing and soon
we shall be able to boast of as fine
milk and butter producing cows as
any sections of th j state.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tf
Palpitation of tho heart, nervous
ness, tremblings, nervous headache.
cold hands and feet, pain in the back.
and other forms of weakness are re
lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made
specially for the blood, nerves and
If there ever was a specific for any
one complaint then Carter's Little
Liver Piila are a specsfic for sick head
ache, and every woman should know
this. They are not only a positive
cure, but a sure preventive if taken
when the approach is felt. Caarter's
Little Liver Pill3 act directly on the
liver and bile, and in this way remove
the cause of disease without first mak
ing you sick by a weakening purge.
If you try them you will not be dis
appointed. Sold by Smith, Black &
The new combination of Smart
Weed and Belladonna, as used in Car
ter's Backache Plasters has proved to
be one of the best that could be made.
Try one of these popular plasters in
any case of weak or lame back, back
ache, rheumatism, neuralgia, soreness
of the chest or lungs, Sec, and you
will be surprised and pleased by the
prompt relief. In bad cases of chronic
dyspepsia a plaster over the pit of the
stonach stops the pain at once. Ask
tor Carter's Smart Weed and Belladon
na Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents.
Washiuuton Territory, May 2d., by ts e Rev.
II. W. C&KUO, F.J. DOS.NKLLY of Spokstue
Kails, and Cahkir N. 1'ojitkr, of riatts
mouth. W ell. well ! so it goes way oft in Washington
Territory our C;isss Co. friends drift .and then
why then, they do just as they do at
home, of course. Wish you great joy, Mr. and
Mrs Donnelly.
Grammar Grade.
No. of words missed in filling the
blank book of 700 words.
Eddie Schulhof 0 Eva Wise 27
Ethel Marsland ' 1 Sheldron Drew 34
Mary Pettee 5 Katie Vallery 34
Henrietta Schulhof C Lester Schlegel 38
Anna Livingston 11 Birtie McElwain 44
I.illie Doud 12 Chas Leach 47
Alice Jean 14 Frank Wheeler 53
Emma Hoffman 15 Bertie I'ollock 82
Jerome Brueehart 1G Willard Wise 90
Anna Gorder 18 David McEiuce 102
Je3ie French 20 Flora Frew no
Fred Lehnhof 21 Walter Holmes 118
Carrie Holloway 20 Robert Livingston 204
Festival of E. A. U. No. 235.
The ladies of Plattsmouth E. A. U.
No. 235 will hold their semi-annual
festival at Fitzgerald Hall, on Friday
night, June 3d. It will be the grand
est entertainment of the -kind ever
given in the city. Arrange to be
there; you can't afford to miss it.
Strawberries, Ice Cream, Lemonade,
and in fact everything that will add
to the enjoyment.
There will be no services in the
Catholic church Sunday.
Closing of the Schools.
Our schools close to-morrow and the
usual exhibitions are given, we pre
sume. It gratifies the teacheis and
encourages the scholars to have the
parents and others interested in ed
ucational work come out at these
times and see what has been done. In
fact no intelligent criticism of the
management of teachers can be made
unles3 we take some pains to inform
ourselves as to the progress and meth
ods of the schools. We "hope an effort
will be made to attend the examin
ations pretty generally this year.
"Sunday Laws."
Ed. Herald: The inquiry of your
correspondent in last w eeks "II era ld,"
in regard to the violation of the Sab
bath law, was certainly a pertinent
If a few of our business men may
keep their stores or shops open on the
Sabbath, with impunity, why may not
others do the same, and business be
carried on as on other days? There i3
not probably a business man in Platts
mouth that would desire to see such a
state of things here. All would be
ready to admit that the reputation and
prospects of the place would be seri
ously damaged by it.
The law of the Sabbath commends
itself, not only to a large portion of
our community who accept its divine
authority, but to all friends of law
and order.
The man who openly and persistent
ly violates wholesome laws in any
community is to the extent of his in
fluence encowraging lawlessness and
disorder and breaking down the re
straints that give security to life and
property. X X
List of Superintendents For The t'oaii
ty Fair.
Cattle George Shrader.
Horses J. W. Johnson.
Speed Ring Ed. Buttery.
Sheep William Mti tin.
Hogs D. D. Andrus.
Poultry. Walter Mutz.
Farming Implements T. J. Foun
tain. Plows, Wagons, Furniture &o.
Levi Churchill.
Home Manufacture, Gentleman's De
partment D. S. Draper.
Home Manufactures, Ladies Dpat
nient Mrs. J. P. Buck.
Dairy, Pautry, and Kitchen
Mrs. S. Richardson.
Painting, Drawing and Musical In
stuments Mrs. J. N. Wise.
Fruits Ezra Sampson.
Flowers Mrs. D. II. Wheeler.
Farm Products David McCaigs
Equestrianship Mrs. II. J. Streight.
Improvements in Draft, Plowing,
Drawiug &e &c S. C. Patterson.
Discretionary and Miscellaneous
Henry Eikenberry.
Special Premiums U. V. Mathews.
Notice to School Boards. .
It is uncertain whether or not the
form of trtasurers bond given in the
school law is correct according to the
new law; the general statutes bring
at various with the school law. School
boards had better take no further ac
tion in regard tt the treasurers bond
until further notice.
E. II. Wooley, .
Co. Supt.
Call and look through the immense
stock of new and seasonable goods
just unpacked at W. II. Baker & Co's.
Prices lower than elsewhere, we hit
the lowest market of the season and
will give our customers the benefit of
it. i
Or The First National Bank at IMalls
mouth, in the State of Nebraska,
the Close of Business
May Cth, 1SS1.
Loans and discounts
5 414 'Jl
50 000 00
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ...
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages.
Due from approved reserve agents..
Due from other National Banks
Due from State Hanks and bankers.
Real estate, furniture and fixtures..
Current expenses and taxes paid....
Bills of other banks
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and pennies
Legal tender notes
Redemption fund with U. S. Treas
urer per cent of circulation
Due frm U.S. Treasurer, ether than
5 per ceut. redemptiou fund
17 '! 82
2t 722 fi;
13 340 32
7 3b
2 625 00
3 OCT 54
1 509 00
"8 60
6 873 00
2 000 00
2 250 00
500 00
$ 2K5 093 20
Capital stock paid in $ 50 000 00
Surplus fund 10 Ono 00
Undivided profits 3 825 48
.National Bank notes outstanding.. . li 000 W)
Individual deposits tubiect to '
check 71 420 40
Demand certificates of deposit .. 35 474 06
Time certificates ot deposit 22 742
Due to other National Bank 11 fc5S 54
Due to State Bank and bankers 004 45
Notes a Lid bills re-discounted 14 76S 93
Total S 265 W3 26
State of Nerhaska, s
County of Cas. (
I. A. W. McI.ACom.ix. Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
.statement is true to the best of my know ledge
and belief. A. V. McLAL'GHLIN. ler.
Subncribed and sworn to before hie, this 20th
day of May, lesl.
T o Jas. S. Mathews,
Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
J. M. Pattkrsox, Directors.
A. V. McLaughlin. 1
Three Groves Items
Ed. IIekald: Corn planting is go-
inr to be verv late owing to the wet
weather and cold backward spring.
The seed corn is very poor and don't
come up good, although the farmers
never found it out until a portion of
their crop had been planted, nearly all
those that planted early have to plant
their corn again; some lay the blame
on the seed, others, to tho cold and wet
condition of the ground ; probably the
latter is the gteatest trouble.
A number are riprappiug their corn
in (that i3 putting it in with drills)
without breaking or plowing the
ground at all, giving the weeds a good
start for such a wet season.
Small grain looks fine, and the pros
pects for bountiful harvest is encour
aging. A grand wedding took place in our
vicinity last week at which a wedding
sdppei, and an infair were given;
would like to give the IIekald readers
the particulars about it but as th re
porter was not present at the wedding
but only to the infair it would not
look well to give the doings of the
last and leave out the most important
part of it; probably the IIekald has
received before this the marriage
notice stating who they are.
Uncle Johnnie Allison our Post
Master has got tired working for
Uncle Sam and has resigned. Ben
Droste. will take the position as soon
as some necessary papers come on from
the P. O. Dept. Ben will without h
doubt make a good posfc master, and
give universal satisfaction.
Our old mail carrier got on a spree
the other day down at Neb. City and
busted up things in general, losing the
mail bags crippling up the horses and
what all we can't tell; so a new car
rier put in appearance on Monday.
The Sabbath school at this place is
improving slowly. Bepokter.
Doctoring Press Dispatches.
Mr. William Henry Smith, who is
hired by the Western Associated Press
to collect and distribute news, and
who is under special instructions to
see that the news he distributes is
politically impartial, is apt to make
little mistakes now and then. Any
body is liable to make mistakes, of
course, but Mr. Smith's mistakes are
all made in one direction, and that is
why we allude to the matter at all.
Mr. Smith is an Ohio man, a chum of
Joe Medill. and Collector f the Port
of Chicago. As an Ohio man, he is
pledged from infancy to seek office
under all circumstances; as a friend of
Joe Med ill's he i3 pledged to hate Uos
coe Conkling, and as Collector of the
Port of Chicago, he is bound to sup
port Garfield. Chicago News.
The earlier reports of the Associated
Press on this matter were a disgrace
to Journalism.
School in
tho 1st Ward
Mrs. French will open, during vaca
catiou, a Kindergarten school in the
first ward ; blocks and material from
Chicago. Children of all ages admit
ted. Hours from 9 to 12 a. in., and
fiom 2 to half past 3 p. m. Terms SI
per month. Mus. Nellie French.
Select School.
After the close of the public school,
May 27th, I will take a select school
in ray-old rooms in the high school
building, commencing on Monday,
May SOth 1S81. Terms 81 per month.
1 Mrs. II. S. Bowln.
Screen Doors,
Of every size and best of-nuiterial at
Cummins & RichevV. . 10t2
F. S. White is now delivering Ice daily
to customers at remarkably low prices.
Call or leave orders at his store, on
Main St. 10tf
The largest and finest stock of Crock
ery and Glassware, at Hansen & Chas
sot's. 1
For Sale or Trade.
A house and two lots in Louisville.
House lias five rooms and basement;
good well on premises. Will take a
team as part payment; will sell at a
bargain. Reason for selling, I wish to
move on my farm. Inquire of
Samuel Uellwio,
Louisville, Keb. 10t4
Attention Teachers.
The teachers, examination advertised
for the first Friday and Saturday of
June at Weeping Water is postponed
until the second Friday and Saturday
in June. E. II. Wooley,
9t3 Co. Supt.
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that accord
ing to law I shall make application
to the County Commissioners for a
license to sell malt, vinous and spirit
uous liquors the ensuing year, com
mencing June 1st 18S1.
John Ossenkop,.
Louisville, Neb. - 9t2
A good strong horse for sale. In
quire of James Pettee. - -
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want mopey with farm lands
to secure it call on . .
Will S. Wise,
4Gmo Fitzgerald Block.
Head This JJefore You Buy
a Sewins 31acliine.
Lincoln Globe.
In order ta place in a right light be
fore the public and place the credit
where it is so richly due, I desire to
make a statement, which I trust will
have some weight in aiding to frus
trate the combined influence and false
representations that are being brought
to bear upon those who desire to pur
chase a Davis vertical feed Sewing
Machine, and who have but little op
portunity of testing to its full extent
the excellent qualities both in point of
durability and uulimiLed variety of
work of the machine. I have now a
manufacturing department connected
with my wholesale house in Lincoln,
turning out thousands of garments in
overalls, jacket, shirts, drawers and a
host of other articles farthe trade.
I have been using from 20 to 23 of
the others of the leading makes of
machines for the past five years, and
after a thorough and impartial trial
have found the "Davis" the most dur
able, with a capacity far exceeding
any other machine in the market in
point of work, accomplishing more
work in the same time at about one
third of the cost of repair of tiny "oth
er machine I have tried. The work is
of a class te put machines to severest
test, as they are used on every thing,
from the finest fabric to eight or ten
thicknesses of ten ounce duck; miuI
were they not well constructed and of
the very best of ? tcel they could not
possibly stand the severe tesis of
work and speed they have undergone
in my establishment.
I have thrown aside all other makes
of machines and am using now the
Davis vertical feed machines exclus
ively. I can cheerfully recommend them
to all as a strong durable machine for
both manufacturing and family pur
poses, capable of doing a large range
of work which it is impossible to do
on the old style rachet of four mo
tion under-feed adopted and used by
all the machines but the Davis. '
8t3 David May.
Frank Carruth, Agent, Platts
- .... .i
"I don't want that Stu,,,
Is what a lady of Boston said to. her
husband when he brought home some
medicine to cure her of sick headache
and neuralgia which had made her
miserable for fourteen years. At Gist
attack thereafter it was administered
to iier with such good results that she
continued its use until cured, and was
made so enthusiastic in its praise that
she "induced twenty-two of the best
families in her circle to adopt it as
their family medicine. That "stuff"
is Hop Bitters.
ESIat-Sisimlliin:? Wagoiimak-
Ijis? and KcjKiiriiig'. Agi i
culiural Implement
Shop on 5 th, Between Main and
Streets, Plattsmouth,
If yon want smithing done, Mike is ready to do
What belongs to his line, and do it well too ;
lie has learned his trade well, and his practice
I such,
He knows how to put on the finishing touch.
He will make or mend wagons, or plows, or
Or scraper, or sled, or le igh. or wheelbarrow.
Or anything else that pertains to his liDe, '
1b all kinds of wood, ash. hickory or pine.
Horse shoeing is done wii the most, approved
And we're sure Mike will please you it ai.yojie
can ;
And no one can fail to to see at first sight,
How important it i to have it doue ri&ht.
If by any unskilled workman the shoeiug's
done wrong,
Your hore will go stumbling and blundering
alo:l ;
And doubtless you will with a broad horrid
Declare he shall never be shod there again. !
If you want anything in ide, or mended come
tie re.
bout prices and Btvle. voti have nothing t
fear :
Some other workman may do pretty well.
But Mike our own workman bound to excel.
And now at the close permit me to say.
You bhou'd not expect him to work uitin-ti'
Good workmen are worthy (no doubi) of tlutir
hire. " :
And tho.-e who pay promptly, we always ad
mire. , 714
From the subscriber on or about
April, 21, 1SS1, a red cow, one horn
drooped; also a calf with the same.
Said cow and calf were a part of tho
cattle transferred from near La Platte
at time of Hood. Any information
concerning them will be thankfully
received by J. W. Shannon, Platts
mouth, or Joseph Giles, La
3I12.1T 3I.1EIK.E2T.
At this shop you'll find meat
some and sweet.
Sausage, pork, mutton and veal.
And it is our belief, you'll buy ex
cellent beef,
If you at this butcher shop deal.
He keeps always on hand the best in
the land;
Of such as your families need; .
Others may do well, out they cannot
For Fickler will still take the lead.
A good bargain you'll mae if you
want to buy steak ;
Or soup meat, or to boil or to fry,
You can have a good dish of whatever
you wish.
Competition he well may defy.
This business provides for good pells
and hides;
Lard and tallow he'll both buy and
sell ;
And you'll find this the case there's
no other place
You'll do better if you will quite
as well.
And this we may tell if you've fat
cattle to sell,
Or hogs or Kheep that are nice;
You can bring them right here and
you need never fear,
But for them you'll get a good
Satisfaction to all who will give him
a call, . .
It is his intention to give.
For we're certain indeed, this belongs
to his creed.
Not only to live but let live!
J. N. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8tf
W.tcht Stem withers $J SO. Wliltemrtal HanttncC-I-..
I miutioa gold &. boiu roldtli. ChMpatnaba.
foryourowo a or aperuittiv. purpner. Vlal.l erf
locaefm. IUOJUSOJI AlO., MiSauaaSt. w lark.
Employment for Ladies. The
Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stocking
Supporters for Ladies and Children,
and their uuequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should bo without
them ; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud in ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have made the wants of la
dies and children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable and
energetic lauy to introduce them in
this county, and we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man couULmake a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
149 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 819
Improvement; for Mini and Body.
For genuine merit there is no tonic
sold that begins to eo.r.pare with Par
ker's Ginger Tonic. One 50 ct. bottle
contains more life and strength restor
ing power than a bushel of malt or a
gallon of pure milk. As an appetizer,
blood purifier and kidney corrector, it
meets with astonishing success, and
invalids find its use promptly follow
ed by renewed energy and vivacity,
menial and physical improvement,
and gradual restoration to perfect
health. See other columns. Commer
cial. . 7t4
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf . Plattsmouth.
Notice lo Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and" places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sa
urday in January, February, May,
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elm wood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. H. Wooley,
Alderney Stock.
F. Beaumeister now
Mr. J
No. 1007, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 738; grandsire,
Kentucky 028. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summei at Mr. Beaumeister's
place nwrth of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sluuld call and see
the undersigned,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
To the Citizen's of the County and Slate.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Sclilegel & Niemann's,
opposite P. 0. :.
Make from 25 lo . per week selling
goods tor li. l. RIDKOuT & CO., 10 liarclay
Streer. New York. 22yl
Si-iiU for their Catalogue and terms.
Belter Get It Now.
It saves life and doctors bills. We
mean Brown's Blackberry and Ginger;
the most successful remedy ever in
troduced in the South and West for
the cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery and
Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II.
ButU ry, Smith Black & Co., O. F.
Johnson, and J. M. Roberts, Platts
mouth; and J. V. Painter, East Platts
mouth. The JIosl Miserable 3Ian on Earth
Is the sufferer from indigestion.
Those only know its horrors who have
felt them.
To such i3 offered not only a ray of
hope, but a certainty of relief and
certain cure, in the use of Brown's
Pepsin Tonic. This wonderful leme
dy cures without fail, when taken as
directed. For sale by J. II. Buttery,
Smith Black & Co., O. F. Johnson, J.
M. Roberts, .Plattsmouth; and J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
To Be or Not To Be
Bilious, depends on whether you use
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills or not.
They have no equal for preventing and
curing biliousness. Try them. For
sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith, Black
& Co., J. M. Roberts, and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Plattsmouth.
For Sale.
A good Farm Horse for
quire of
Chittenden, Bros.,
Plattsmouth ,Neb,
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
Wednesday, May 25, 1881.
... 55
4 OOrt,4 GO
5 00
, 10
1 40
Wheat. No.2..
Corn, ear.
" shelled...
Barley, No. a...
Native Cattle.
Potutof s
Nrcw York, May
1 U3.
Money l.02Si5
torn ,
CUICACO. May 25. 1831
9 4 50 Li$5 00
1 05
1 15
Hogs, shipping:.
.'. S3 -9.V3 SG 20
5 '! 5 40 ,
4 35QJ 5 50
Legal Notice.
Aea Core and Michael P.' Williams. Plaintiffs
against ilenrjr K. Price, defendant.
in jupuoc s t. ourt lor cass county, before I
C. L'ewiH. Justice.
The said defeudent is notified that on the
day of April. n?si, said .Justice issued an orde
of attachment in said cause for the sum of $rj2
said cause was continued to June lsih, l.-esl , at
one p. in. C'ltlTK.s & Ka.mskv,
10U Attorneys for Plaintiffs
Administrator's Sale.
Nwtiee Is hereby given that In pursuance of 11
decretal order ol sale maue uy ins nonor ft. n
Pound. Judire of the cec-ond Judicial District
at the regular term of the District Court In
amt for Cass County. Nebranka, and on the
fourth day of May, InsI, I will on Friday, 3d
dav of June, A. D. ItsM at the front door ol the
Court House in Plattsmouth. Cjws County
Nebraska, and at the hour of ten o'ciock of
said dav. oiler for sale at public auction to the
hlKhest" and best bidder, for cash, all Hie riirht
title and interest of all the heirs of David O.
Stoopmaii, deceased, late of Cass County
ebraka. in and to tne iniio'ving described
real estate to wit: the west half C'i) of the
south ea-t quarter (U) and the east half of
the south wet quarter O) of section twenty
feven (27), townehi ten (10). range twelve
112). east of the hixth 1. M. situated in Cass
County. Nebraska. The adniinictrator reserves
tne riL'lit to reject any or an ouis. ine saie
w ill remain open for the space of one hour.
R. li. windiiam. Administrator
of the extate of David O. Shoopiiian, deceased
Road Notice.
To whom it man concern:
The section line road petitioned for by J. M.
Flower et al. c-onimencini; at Sout Invent corner
section thirty-two (.12) township eleven (ll
range eleven (11) in C:iss County ; running
thence North three 3) miles to Northwest (nw)
corner of nection twenty (20). same township
ami range : the same has been declared by the
County ComiuiiMoners an open road, and all
objections thereto or claim tor damages, must
be tiled in the Countv Clerk's oflice. on or be
fore noon on the laih day of July. A. D. IsM,
or euch road will be opened without reference
thereto. 815 J D. Terr, County Clerk.
Is now fully prepared to music for any
, and all occasions.
A Thorough Organization
with a complete and well selected repertoire of
Order.", respectfully solicited. Term reasonable
Ai.olv fo.T. V. YOl'XC. P. O. Rook Store, or
lot I
Contractors si ml Builders.
Having euhii ged our shop and purchased a
Steam Power Circle .saw, we are piepaled to do
an uiilMiiited amount of work in our line in a
Kl ItST-cr.ASS MANN Kit.
and those who contemplate building will find it
to their interest to get estimates from us before
giving their work toother parties. Estimates
made on ail kinds of work FitKi; of Ciiaiiok,
that the Ciikai-kst and Best Plack to buy
Staple anQ Fancy Groceries
. AN'O
First-Class Dry Goods,
IS AT Tlltf
- grffcirf.
Cor. Main and Third St's. riattsmouth
2""stnck alwaps fresli and new. and prices
alwavs ;ir the bottom. Call and convince your
selves, lo.f
A regular graduate of medicine, longer located
in Chicago than any ol Iier specialist. Over 20
years sitecessful practice. Syphilis, Oonorrhea.
(ileet, Stricture, Orchitis. Uiipture, and all
Vrinarv Diseases, (Kidneys or Hluddcr.) Syph
ilitic or Mercurial Affections .of the Throat,
Skin or IIoiicp, Cured Safely. Privately.
Mermiitorrbea. Sexual lebili:y, re
sulting from elf'-AbiiNe. Sexual Kxces-ses or
over brain work, producing nervousness, semi
nal emissions, debility, dimness of sight, defec
tive memory, physical decay. confusion of ideas
and luipfttency, rendering marriage improp
er, are permanently cured. Consultation at
oflice or by mail Free. 4iuitle tu Health,
2 stamps. Medicines sent by mail or express.
Cuies guaranteed. Incurable cases not under
taken. Special attention to Diseases of
W omen. Iteliahis- Female 1'ills, .l a P.ox.
31 A 11 It I A (i V. (i I I 1 I? ,
273 pages, a hundred pen pictures. Who
should'marry ; Who not ; Kea-ous why : Phys
ical life of ni"H and woman ; How to be happy
in the luariied relation. The married and
those contemplating marriage, should read and
preserve il for reference. Price, CO cts. in post
age Stamps or Currency.
A. C. OMX.M. 1..
Tly ."01 South Clark St.. Chicago.
Te recommend Carter's Iron rills to every
v oia:m who i8 Wek, Ncrvou, and Discouraged ;
particularly those who l.nvo Thin, Tide Lips,
Cold Hands and Feet, cud who crc without .
Strength or Ambition. These rills quiet the
Nerves, give Strength to the Doily, "mluce Ke
freshintr Sleep. Enrich and Improve the quality
of the P.lood, and Purify and Krightcn the Com
plexion They core Palpitation of the Heart,
irvousness. "Tremblings, Nervous Headache,
Lencorrlioea, Pains in the Back, and other forms
of Female Weakness. 'llcmeniher that Iron Is
one of the constituents of the Ulood, and is the
great tonic. Carter's Iron Fills are a)fo valu
able for men who ar troubled with Nervous
Weakness, Night Sweat?, Ac. In metal boxes,
et &O ccnt, Sol by all drnggiets, or sent by
mad. Audresa
Hew York City.
Wholesale and Cetail Dealers In
Mam street. Corner of Fifth.
Successor to Jones & Agncw.J
Again takes cJiarge of tlie Old
Brick Livery Stable.
The old P.onncr Stables, in Plattsmouth, are
now leased by VV. D. Jones, and he has
on hand New and handsome accommodations,
in the shape of
I am now prepared to keep HOUSES
And will
Train and Break Colte
On Reasonable Terms.
That with plenty of room (that every one
knows I have) in my stable. I can get Farm
en-' stock and wagons, loads of hay, &e., under
cover, where they wiil keep drv.
Thai. king all the old patrons for their lihentli
I v, I solicit their trade for the future, satisfied
that I can accommodate them better ami do
better by them than ever before.
n fFMY WANTFO t't the Bert ar,4 Fattest.
1 1 libit I O Scil.oy (-H-torul Iiiok. and Piblei. erica.
f reJuceUJ3 per ct. K.tjoul FuLljih'f Co., St. Louts, Mo.
On. IL Is
Gheaper Gqq&
than anywhere west of the Mississippi River
Main. betw. Third mid Fourth Streets,
East of Court House,
the best and latest Imp roved patterns.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
know what I keep, and my Spring and Summer
miock is now reauy.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can be fcund here.
In addition, I have added all kinds of
Buggies "Wagons
a week In your ovn town. Terms and
oullitfree Address. II. llAt.LK.1T & Co.
Portland, Maine. -Uly
E. Or. Dovey &Son,
Still find themselves at home to C'art County
l a in u' is ami ail tneir oiu customers.
We have tltis Winter ourux
ual full and larger line of
goods than, perhaps, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
country has demanded larger
stocks, and of a better class, wi
Jiace eiuleacored to meet that
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
or winter wear, ice liuoe a
large and varied assortment ut
reduced rates.
of all knuls. Dress Trimmings
of the latest styles, buttons in
endless variety, our line of
is exceedingly large, and we
think, well selected.
and shoes, children's and
misses' shoes.
to suit all persons and all purses
A very full line of
which you must see to select from.
Sugars of standard grades,
pQnofthe finest qualities, selected by our
uQu selves.
nnffnnn of many brands, especially our own
uUlluuS i hukk-
called the "MKKKL"E." Try it and see. before
purchasing elsewhere.
Dried Frnits of sill kinds, fresh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED (JO0DS from all quarters. Very flue
California goods.
by the barrel or busuel.
In all these branches -e shall en
deavor to sell ait low an ani) one, and
as is jiosiple to do a sound iu . si
nks. W'e invite attention and will
show all that call our (roods. Don't
be afraid to ask for what you want,
and call often and early.
E. O. DOVKY & SON. riattsmouth Neb.
OA WEhK. $12 a day at home easily made
nisiiv ouint irec. Address. 1 uiik 6i .:!..
Augusta. Maine. 4Jly
Successor to Sculkoki. & Nikman'.
Manufacturers of
JT'ilsriE CIG-AB ,
And dealers lu
T 0 15 A CC0.
Special HUANDS and sizes of CIOAKS made to
order, and satisfaction guarunleed. Cigar
clippings sold for smokIprr obacco.
MaJ Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store
Opposite Pont Office,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Im3
dealer In
Large stock of
to be
Notions, Queenswaro,
and In fact everything you can call for In
the line of
General Merchandise.
All kinds of country woduce taker In ex
change for.'goods.
once more conies forward with an entire tie
Slock of the finest Piece floods ever brought
into riattsmouth ! !
Hundreds go there ami they are
Shop opposite the Couit House. (Jive him
call and examine for yourselves. 4stf
WAXTKII for the liest and'Fast
est Seliinn l'iclorial liooksand f Si hies. J'riees
reduced 33 per cent. National I'ubiishiujr Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. U13
Is conducted by an expert accountant and
successful teacher. Instruction tliortuth and
practical. Tuition lower tlian tlsew here. Full
particulars to any address.
2il THOS. J. HUYANT. Vies.
f: CQ'lH''' day at home. Sample worth
W N;.- free. Address, Sn
so. & Co..
l'ortiaud, Maine.