Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 19, 1881, Image 3

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    The Herald.
We are given to bragging aWout
our low Expenses, inl it is un incon
trovertible fact that v sue en;ibl'd
thereby to give our customers closer
bargains. We want it distinctly un
derstood that our stock is not made
up from N. Y. auction iras'i but first
' class in every particular. We do buy
some from Agents, but own the Goods
as low as any dealer ;n t lie State, low
enough any way to disgust and worry
our neighbors. Call around and get a
square deal. Oae price and no change.
O. E. W kscott, the Boss clothier. 1
Roberts sells wall paper. 51tf
-Where is Frank White's new
Fresh Strawberries at Bennett &
'Lew 13'!
Get your watch i t paired by L. C.
Erven. 1
t,r mixed paints go to Huberts
Drugstore. 51 tf
All woik warranted by L. C. Er
ven. Jeweler. 1
New bnggv tops of all kinds at
Streight & Miner's. 8t2
Organs cleaned and repaired by
James Pe.tee. tf
Don't fail to examine those sad
dles at Chambers'. 812
The Hock Bluffs notes will be on
the outside next week.
A new lot of Saddles of all kinds
at J. G. Chambers'. 8t2
The city jail had a little rest. Xo
one in it -for several days.
Examine those "gut center" whips
at J. G. Chambers. 8t2
The Lincoln University Cadets
are going lo Omaha to parade next
New is your time to get new bug
cv too at Sireicht & Miller's. 812
Lawyer McLennan is going to
move into one of Cap. Palmer's new
houses. ,
Patent buggy tops of all kinds
and prices at Stieight & Miller's. 8t2
Sam Barker shipped 70 car loads
of cattle in 9 days, and 60 from here.
4 from Louiaville, 6 from Seward.
I sell the best and cheapest bcots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Petek Merges.
Bordered goods are all the rage;
even the nobby new awnings on Main
St. have holders in red and blue.
Our W. W. letter reached here too
late for this week. It will be publish
ed next week very gladly.
The Bank of Cass Co. has received
a fine new burglar proof safe manu
factured by the Hall Safe & Lock Co.
Ci ites and Hamsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Piattsmouth, Neb. 5tGm
Win. Wettencamp tried hard to
get our new rope the other day.
William, William from an editor too!
Lafe O'Neil's foiks found a young
butcher boy at their house not long
ago. Sirloin chop, first class, and all
doing well.
Hot weather is coming on and a
covered buggy is the thing to take
your girl out in. See the new tops at
Streight & Miller's. 8t2
We hear of a good many farmers
losing mares this year in. foaling.
Five died last week that we heard of.
In Germany an editor who writes
a witty editorial is killed. Xo editor
in Piattsmouth was. ever killed for
that offence.
The ladies of St. Luke's Guild will
give a sociable at Mrs. Wm. Ballance's
this, Thursday, evening. Turn out
Gray hairs prevented, dandruff re
moved, the scalp cleansed, and the hair
made to grow thick by the use of
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian IJair llenew
er. Arrangements are being made for
an excursion train to Omaha, June 12,
the last .lay of the Saengerfest. We
shall probably be able to say more
about it next week.
Lightning Rods Xo humbug.
If you want your houses or barns
rodded. and put up in good shape, no
fraud, no humbug, go to J. W. Clark
Weeping Water. 7tf
After a severe relapse during
which the parents and friends almost
lost all hopes of her life little Ora
Smith is at last getting better, and we
hope permanently.
The best and cheapest,
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
al Merges. 4tf
Ayer's Ague Cure is an infallible
cure for Fever and Ague in all its
forms. The proprietors warrant it,
and their word is as good as a U. o.
bond. Trial proves it.
People must discuss something; it
is the great preventative of insanity.
All persona are invited to discuss a
trial bottle of Dr. Marshall's Bromo
line for biliousness and dyspepsia.
Anew Tim table went into ef
fect Sunday, May 15th, on the B. & M.
By it the time on the morning freight
to Omaha is changed from 7 a. m. to
6:30 a. in. no other important changes.
A rich man's son lives on his pap,
while a poor man s son takes Dr. Mar
shall's Bromoline for his blood and
liver and earns his bread by the sweat
of his brow. Big bottles, Gfty cents.
Mr. W. II. Baker ha3 returned
from Chicago, and having struck
favorable market has secured a fine
assortment of goods which he will sell
at low down prices. Go in and see
T.. fV F.rvtt rf T iVv has
if uted part of Solomon & Xathan's
clothing store where he has opened a
Jewelry store. Mr. Erven is an. ex
perienced workman and guarantees
eaustacuou. l
Comely! Attractive! Winnina!
These expressive words are often and
jproperly applied to the fair ladies of
our favored land, who keep their hair
abundant and natural in color and
lustre by the timely use of Ayer's
Hair Vigor. The Vigor is safe and
azreeable; and its effects are very last
ing, making it the most economical,
and at the same time the most bene
ficial and elegant of toilet prepara
James Donnelly, of Crete, has been
visiting us.
Dr. Schildkneclit left the first of the
w.eek for a visit to his old home in
Indiana. ,
Mis. U. tV. Wise left this week for
a visit with relatives and friends in
Xew York.
Sheriff Ilyers and Judge Sullivan
have gone up north for recreation-1-to
catch some fish and things.
Mayor O'Boiuke has returned from
Wisconsin, where he had been to at
tend the funeral uf his brother.
E. L. Reed, M. F. Wait, John Chase
and three other fellows all wanted to
go to W. W. on the stage Friday.
Mrs. D. S. Liudle, after spending a
few days with relatives in town left
Monday for her home in" Silver Reef,
The Eight Mile Giove Post oilice is
again kept at Mr. Brock's, the old
stand. Dr. Root is P. M: though, and
Mr. B. Deputy.
State Senator Tefl't was in town
.Monday. Came up to keep tha boys
from quaireling over the Conkling
Blaiue Senate embroglio.
M. B. Murphy, Esq. has resigned
from the postal service and his son
Fred, has been appointed. "Mike"
went out to Ogden the first trip to in
itiate the boy.
Dr. Raney, of Rock Bluffs, the horse
cattle and hog disease man, is back
again after a trip over the river to ex
amine the cause of the strange disease
cattle are dying with there.
Schuyler Colfax, ex-Vice President
of the U. S. and a prominent Odd
Fellow, has been secured to lecture
here on the 13th of June under the
auspices of that organization.
Mrs. Stone, of Massachusetts, form
erly Miss Iloldrege, and at one time a
resident of Piattsmouth, spent a few
hours here Monday, the guest of Mis.
Palmer. Mrs. Stone has been visiting
her brother, Mr. G. W. Iloldrege, in
Omaha, for the past two months and
returned to her home in Massachusetts
this week.
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tf
The state sportsmen's Association
met Tuesday nt Lincoln for a grand
Tournament, Dr. Livingston, Sam
Chapman, F. E. White and others of
our sporting gentlemen have none up
to take aim and lire.
Solomon & Nathan keep adding
some new and tasteful furnishing to
their store every week. The latest
styles of seats, show cases, parasol and
umbrella stands, &c, &c. They are
determined to keep ahead.
Always "avoid harsh purgative
pills. They first make you sick and
then leave you constipated. Carter's
Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels
and make you well. Dose, one pill.
For s.ile by Smith, Black & Co.
A band of colored minstrels who
called themselves "Plantation "War
blers"' gave a concert hist week in the
hall to a full hoiioe. Their songs were
the genuine darkey style with break
downs and all the minstrel etceteras.
Try Carter's Little Nerve Pills
for any case of nervousness, sleepless
ness, weak stomach, indigestion, dys
pepsia, &c, relief is sure. The only
nerve medicine for the price in market.
In vials at 23 cents. Sold by Smth,
Black & Co.
The G. A. R. met Tuesday even
ing and made arrangements for keep
ing Decoration day green in the hearts
of all patriots. The ladies and all de
siring to help commemorate the day
are respectfully requested to try and
furnish some flowers for the occasion.
The si fii pi est midwest regulator
of the Disordered Liver in the world,
are Carter's Little Liver Pills. They
give prompt relief in sick headaehe,
dizziness, nausea, &c; prevent and
cure constipation and piles; remove
sallowness and pimples from the com
plexion, and are mild and gentle in
their operation on the bowels. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills are very small
and as easy to take as sugar. One
pill a dose. Price 23 cents.
A. W. McLaughlin, J. A. Connor
some of the Council and other citizens
of this place crosstd the river last
evening to Did good-by and good speed
to Mr. Percival Lowell who was on
the east bound train for Chicago. As
a mark of esteem and appreciation of
his fair dealing they presented him
with a Silver Pitcher.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy i.nd is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
The Annual Convention of the Ne
braska Sunday School Association will
be held at Hastings, three days, com
mencing Tuesday, June 14th, 1831.
Railroads will return delegates at one
fourth fare who pay full fare in going
to convention. All delegates' sending
their names to Rev. J. L. Stewart not
lates than June-10th will be furnished
entertainment. All Evangelical
Christian Ministers, S. S. Superintend
ent and duly elected delegates from
any school are entitled to seats in the
"Wine is a mocker, and strong
drink is raging." Take Prickly Ash
Bitters. It is not a beverage, but a
remedy for all ill effects of an excess
of intoxicaling stimulants. Don't
take a drink before breakfast "just to
wakeyou up," because you feel so
stupid and languid. You are sure to
feel worse as soon as the effect wears
off. Take a half wine glass of Prickly
Ash Bitters. It will brighten you up
for the whole day. 714
Mike Schnellbacker is building a
very unique and handy carriage. It
has two seats or one as you choose.
It has a big seat for big folks and a
little seat for little folks. It may
have one horse for two folks, or two
horses for four folks. In short it is a
double, single, phaeton, open top,
buggy built, carriage style, double
breasted on the back and all wool.
Somebody's going to have a nice rig,
as Mike can't want it for himself,
or why tjmse 1 aby seat?
. School District Treasurers."
The new school law makes a change
in regard to the bond to be given by the
district treasurer, which will require
the director and moderator of all dis
tricts in Cass County to demand a
new bond, of the treasurer.
Section four sub-division four pro
vides that "the treasurer of each dis
trict shall, within ten days after his
election, execute to tne district and
hie with the director a bond of not
less than Gve hundred dollars in any
instance, nor less than double the
amount of money, as near a3 can be
ascertained, to come into his hands at
any one time with sufficient surety to
be approved by the director and mod
erator, conditioned for the faithful
discharge of the duties of his office;
such bond shall be filed in the office of
the county clerk of the county where
in the school district is situated ; and
if he fail to execute such bond, his
office shall be vacaut, and the board
shall thereupon appoint a treasurer
who shall bo subject to the same con
ditions, and possess the same powers
as if elected to thac office.
It will be noticed that the law has
no saving clause for those already
holding the office of treasurer; and the
Attorney general has given it as his
opinion that all must give new bonds.
These bonds must have endorsed on
them the approval of the moderator
and director, and be Gled in the office
of the county clerk.
As the new law has just been print
ed and sent to the directors this pro
vision couid not have Leen complied
with before but the law is now in the
hands of every director and this sec
tion should be enforced at once as the
county treasurer can not lawfully pay
out any money to school treasurers
until these bonds are filed with the
county clerk.
Tiie X. Y. Times, not a Conkliug
paper, says: It is a contest without
The zealous partisans of the presi
dent in the miserable quarrels which
he seems to insist on having with Sen
ator Coukling, claim that the preroga
tives of his oilice are at stake, and
that the confirmation of Judge Rob
ertson is necessary to a vindication of
his right in the matter of Federal ap
pointments. But this claim would
give to the contest more of character
and dignity than belongs to it. Had
the President in the iirst place, by
word and action, expressed his pur
pose to deal with public offices as a
trust from the people, to be admin
istered scrupulously in their interest ;
had he announced the determination
to make appointments for merit and
fitness, seeking light in regard to the
character of candidates from such
sources as were open to him, but ad
mitting the right of no political
leader to dictate or to divide with
h."'m the powers oi his office, and had
he proceeded to act upon the princi
ples thus avowed, then in case of op
position or resistance he would have
had some ground on which to make a
contest. He could have summoned
the party to his support, and it would
have been compelled to declare itself
for or against a principle. He would
have occupied a strong vantage
grounnd, and could have invoked the
power of public opinion to sustain
him and there is hardly a doubt that
personal opposition, based on a claim
to dictate appointments to office
would have shrunk into insignificance.
When the name of Judge Robert
son was submitted to the Senate
for the office of Collector of this port,
the office was not vacant. The term
of Collector IIerritt had not expired,
and was not about to expire. Mr.
Merritt had given no intimation of a
desire to leave the office, and no alle
gation was offered that he was not
performing its duties satisfactorily.
Xot only was there no reason for
a change, but, the Collector being ad
mitted to be efficient, honest and ex
perienced, reason was altogether
against it.
Factoryiille Notes.
Ed. Herald: Winter is past with
its many joys and sorrows; Xature is
clothed in her mantle of green, and the
wheels of industry are moving
Our mill was stopped for a short
time, on account of the ice taking out
the dam, but Mr. Miller had it re
paired immediately, and is now run
ning night and day in order to supply
his many customeis.
The farmers have all their small
grain in and are busy planting corn.
Mr. Thomas Barnum has a large
force of men at work putting in an
extensive crop.
Mr. Wm. Loughridge has his new
blacksmith shop in operation and is
doing a good business, assisted by
Thomas Hyens and Lee Apple
gate, who is in charge of the emery
and polishing wheel, and is now pre
pared to fight a duel on that line.
Air. Reuben roster is fully estab
lished in his new carpenter shop, and
is prepared to make aud repair all
kinds of machinery.
Doctor Switzer has gone to Valpa
raiso, with a herd of tattle.
Messrs. Joseph Wilson, John Smith,
Sanford Coxton, Dr. Kline and Ed.
Hall, have gone out to Beaver Valley
Boon Co., Neb., and located; they give
a favorable account of the country.
Mr. Wilson, Senior, has been sick for
some time, but under the skillful
treatment of Doctor W allace, is re
covering. Mr. I. X. Applegate has sold a large
stock of" fat cattle and has more on
hand which he is preparing for mar
ket. Our school closed in February, after
being taught successfully by Mr.
Davis. Since then we have a new
school board, consisting of Messrs.
Dosan, Farris ard Stone and school
is now under the able instruction of
Miss Sayer, of Nebraska City.
Yours Truly,
A Subscriber.
A woman named Collins fell into
the cellar opening on Main St. on
Tuesday night and was severely in
jured, breaking j n arm and injui ing the
breastbone. The condition of Main St.
has long been a wonder and marvel to
many citizens. Unpaved, crossings
missing, holes aud gaps without num
ber and mud and garbage and building
refuse obstructing the gutters and
curb. It is only a question of time
when the city pays enough for dam
ages to have macadamized the whole
street. The bridge on Gth between
Vine and Main is nearly impassable,
a team or two will drop off it, some
dark night; the crossings are all unut
erably bad. Can nothing be done te
remedy these matters. Is the Council
helpless. Are the people indifferent
to their and the town's welfare?
The Republican Cancus Last Week.
Xo vote was taken on the former
ruling of the caucus, but the sentiment
expressed was to the effect Jhat any
bond that had existed w;is dissolved
by conclusion of the consideration of
uncontested nominations. In other
words, the republican senators now
hold themselves free to act as they
please in regard to taking up other
nominations.- Xo reported nomina
tions are now before the senate. If
present indications are to be relied on
both Robertson and Chandler will be
reported probably adversely on Mon
day, and unless another caucus decides
differently action on them will como
at once.
Knowing ones predict a final ad
journment Thursday.
It leaked out at a late hour last
Fridaythat one of the principal speak
ers at the republican caucus yesterday
morning was senator Coukling. It is
said that he made a sort of farewell
address, thanking his friends who
stood by him and announced his recog
nition of the fac that Juuge Robert
sons nomination will be connrmed
two to one. He is said also to have
stated that the commerce committee
would report the nomination on Mon
day, taking no vote, however, since
thev desired not to be placed on the
record in connection therewith. By
the conlirmation of Robertson he said
that the republicans would dig a deep
ditch for the party and one that could
not be easily crossed or Ailed up. For
his part he desired to wash his hands
of all participation in the republican
blunders that would result from that
This report of his speech is given on
the authority of those who heard it,
but it has not been sufficiently known
as vet to cause much comment.
Shall We Keep Snndayl
Editor Herald: Do the business
men of Piattsmouth who keep open
doors on the Sabbath, and trade as on
other days, know, that in doing so
they violate a state lav, and incur lia
bility to pay the penalty annexed?
How long before we will have cock
fights, bnll Gght9 and races as part of
the regular Sunday amuseraents(?j
In Omaha, already Sunday morning
seems to be set apart as a time to speed
their fast horses, in public, at trial
heats, and the Bee advertises that on
such and such Sundays, such and such
horses will be speeded. X
Just as we went to press last week,
we learned that a young man, Lorenzo
Engle by name, had committed sui
cide at Greenwood in this county.
Coroner Gass was sent for and found
the facts as stated. He seems to have
had some trouole with his girl, the
other fellows poked fun at him, he
got low spirited and discouraged, aud
on Wednesday last poisoned himself.
He had tried to do the same thing
once before.
Report of Grand Prairie School, Dis
trict No. 70.
Whole number enrolled 30.
Average grade of those answering
nvpr sfvpntv ner cent of all ouestions
given at monthly examination May,
13th, 1881.
A Class Nellie Aiidrus, 90; Maggie
Carlyle, S4.
B Clas3 Cora Coon, 72; Onier Coon,
C Class Fred Andrus, 03: Eva
Coon, 7G; Hattie Woodard, 83; Maggie
Cunningham, 88.
II. W. Zink, Teacher.
Attention Teachers.
The teachers, examination advertised
for the first Fridav and Saturday of
June at Weeping Water is postponed
until the second 1- ruiay aim Saturday
in June. E. II. Wooley,
0t3 Co. Supt.
KENASTON OOKDON On May 8th. 181. by
Ceo. A. Cruamer. J. I., at bis residence, Mr.
Walton Kknaston and Miss Minnih.
Gokdon, all of Cass County, Neb.
A irooil time was bail anil the young couple
utarted for the Niobrara Couutry, to go to
house keeping.
At Bennett & Lewis'! The first of
the season.
A gentleman, wife, and son aged 7,
desire board in a respectable private
family. Address, stating terms,
1 Box 150, P. O.
License Notice.
Xotice is hereby given that accord
ing to law I shall make application
to the County Commissioners for a
license to se!l malt, vinous and spirit
uous liquors the ensuing year, com
mencing' June 1st 1831.
Joiix Ossexkop,
Louisville, Xeb. 9t2
A good strong horse for sale. In
quire of James Pettee.
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If j)u want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with farm lands
to secure it call on
Will S. Wise,
46m5 Fitzgerald Block.
"1 don't want that Stuff,"
Is what a lady of Boston said to her
husband when he brought Lome some
medicine to cure her of sick headache
and neuralgia which had made her
miserable for fourteen years. xVt first
attack thereafter it was administered
to her with such-good results that she
continued its use until cured, and was
made so enthusiastic in its praise that
she induced twenty-two of tho best
families in her circle to adopt it as
their family medicine. That "stuff"
is Hop Bitters.
To be planted out right now; an ex
cellent assortment of Verbenas, Ger
aniums, Pansies, Petunias, Daisies,
Browllias, &c. All good, stocky, little
plants; at the most reasonable prices.
Find them at Moore's. 1
From the subscriber on or about
April, 21, 1881, a red cow, xne horn
drooped; also a calf with the same.
Said cow and calf were a part of the
cattle transferred from near La Platte
at time of flood. Any information
concerning them will be thankfully
received by J. W. Shannon, Piatts
mouth, or Joseph Giles, La Platte,
Xeb. 8t3
J. N. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8tf
Come and See
The larse Stock of Snrino- Khnpa n1
Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf
Kul This Jiefore You Buy
a Sewing Machine.
Lincoln Globe.
In order ta place iii a right light be
fore the public and place the credit
i where it is so richly due, I desire to
' make a statement, which I trust will
have some weight in aiding to frus
trate the combined influence and false
representations that are being brought
to bear upon those who desire to pur
chase a Davis vertical feed Sewing
Machine, and who have but little op
portunity of testing to its full extent
the excellent qualities both in point of
durability and unlimited variety of
work of the machine. I have now a
manufacturing department connected
with my wholesale house in Lincoln,
turning out thousands of garments in
overalls, jacket, shirts, drawers and a
host of other articles for the trade.
I have been using from 20 to -25 of
the others of the leading makes of
machines for the past Gve years, and
after a thorough and impartial trial
have found the "Davis" the most dur
able, with a capacity far exceeding
any other machine in the market in
point of work, accomplishing more
work in the same time at about one
third of the cost of repair of any. oth
er machine I have tried. The work is
of a class to put machines to severest
test, as they are used on every thing,
from the finest fabric to eight or ten
thicknesses of ten ounce duck; ;md
were they not well constructed and of
the very best of fteel they could not
possibly stand the severe tests of
work and speed they have undergone
in my establishment.
I have thrown aside all other makes
of machines and am using now the
Davis vertical feed machines exclus
ively. I can cheerfully recommend them
to all as a strong durable machine for
both manufacturing and family pur
poses, capable of doing a large range
of work which it is impossible to do
on the old style rachet of four mo
tion under-feed adopted and used by
all the machines but the Davis.
8t3 David May.
Fraxk Caiiruth, Agent, Piatts
mouth. miijlixiiiy sroiti:,
One Door Fust of First National Bank,
l'lattsmouth, Neb.
Oar Millinery Quods are AhwuUvd and Cheap,
And those of the wry taut kiitdi do we keep!
We want all to know Mint we'rn living in town.
In Piattsmouth, Nebraska, that place of re
iiow n ;
We invite all the bulk's to give us a call.
And we'll use our endeavors to satisly all.
Our good bave arrived, our stock i- complete.
And for prices and nlyle we cannot be beat :
We want all to come and see for themselves.
What we have on tin: counters, aud upon the
We have 'good bats and bonnets and trimmings
to suit.
And tine flowers and ribbons, to make you look
cute ; .
And all needful things that pertr.ii to our
lu all of : which goodness and beauty combine.
Then come rijjht along whatever your age.
Your wants can all be supplied we'll engage ;
Whether aged or youthful; whether little or
We'll endeavor to put on the UiiiKhing touch.
We pay eah for our goods, aud select them
with care.
And are selling as cheap, as any one dare ;
And we say to you all both the young and the
We'll not refuse greenbacks, nor silver nor
gold. 812
. OlES!
UlacIisiMilhiii? Taffoii mak
ing and Bte pairing. Agri
cultural Implements
Repaired &c.
Shop on .1th, Between Jlaiii and Vine
Streets, Plaltsnioutli,
If you want smithing doue, Mike is ready to do
What belongs to bis line, and do it well too ;
He baa learned his trade well, and his practice
is such.
He knows how to put on the finishing touch.
He will make or mend wagon.-", or plows, or
Or scraper, or sled, or sleigh, or wheelbarrow.
Or anything else that pertains to his line.
In all kinds of w ood, ash. hickory or pine.
Horse .shoeing is done on the most approved
And we're sure Mike will please you if anyone
can ;
And no one can fail to to see at first sight'.
How Important it U to have it done right.
If by any unskilled workman the fhoeing's
done wrong,
Your horse will go stumbling aud blundering
along ; '
And doubtless you will with a broad horrid
Declare he e hall never be shod there again.
If you want anything made, or mended come
About prices and style, vou bave nothing to
fear :
Some other workman may do pretty well,
lint Mike our own workman buund to excel.
And now at the close permit me to say.
You should not expect him to work without
Good workmen arc worthy (no doubt) of their
And those who pay promptly, s always ad
mire. 7U
At this shop you'll find meat whole
some and sweet.
Sausage, pork, mutton and veal.
And it is our belief, you'll buy ex
cellent beef,
If you at this butcher shop deal.
He keeps always on hand the best in
the land ;
Of such as your families need;
Others may do well, out they cannot
For Fickler will still take the lead.
A good bargain you'll rn;ie if you
want to buy steak ;
Or soup meat, or to boil or to fry,
You can have a good dish of whatever
you wish.
Competition he well may defy.
This business provides for good pelts
and hides;
Lard and tallow he'll both buy and
And you'll Qnd this tho case there's
no other place
You'll do better if you will quite
as well.
And this we may tell if. you've fat
cattle to sell,
Or hogs or sheep that are nice;
You can bring them right here and
you need never fear,
But for them you'll get a good
Satisfaction to all who will give him
a call,
It i3 his intention to give,
For we're certain indeed, this belongs
to his creed,
Not only to live but let live!
Wmtchea. Stem wlnd.r. Whlw mru Hant!nc3
ti. Imitation raid 16. botiJuoiaill. CtuiMluilW
for your own Q or apeeulttvq purposes. Valubl ctf
fcxoefrc. IU0JUSOatU.,I3iialrhrt Xurs.
Employment fou Ladies. The
Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stocking
Supporters for Ladies and Children,
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them ; our leading physicians recom
mend them, aud are loud in ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have made the wants of la
dies und children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable and
energetic lady to introduce them in
this county, and we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man could make a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady whi is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
149 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 3:
Improvement for Miu; and Body.
For genuine merit there is no tonic
sold that begins to compare with Par
ker's Ginger Tonic. One 50 ct. bottle
contains more life and strength restor
ing power than a bushel of malt or a
gallon of pure milk. As ail appetizer,
blood purifier and kidney corrector, it
meets with astonishing success, and
invalids find its use promptly follow
ed by renewed energy and vivacity,
mental and physical improvement,
and gradual restoration to perfect
health. See other columns. Commer
cial. 7t4
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on long time.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf Piattsmouth.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Piattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
u rd ay in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June aud September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elm wood thft last Friday and
Saturdap of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. If. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
Alderney Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister now owns
No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentuckj-, 2d, 738; grandsire,
Kentucky 028. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought heie last year. This
bull is a l liciuugli-lirtd Aldernej, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summei at Mr. Beaurueister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal sluuld call and see
the undersighed,
J. F. Beaumeister.
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the iirst of May. 52tf
To the Citizen's or the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to buiid a fiie-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover, Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy cur j for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite r. u. 7tr
Make from SJ." to ."( per weelt selling
goods for E. (i. HIDEOUT & CO.. 10 Barclay
.street. New York. 2'-'yl
Send for their Catalogue and terms.
Better (Jet It Now.
1 1 saves life and doctors b'lls. We
mean Brown's Blackberry and Ginger;
the most successful remedy ever in
troduced in the South and West for
the. cine of I)iarrhu;a, Dysentery and
Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II.
Buttery, Smith Black Jfc Co., O. F.
Johnson, and J. M. Roberts, Piatts
mouth ; and J. V. Painter, East Piatts
mouth. The Most Miserable 3Ian on Earth
Is the sufferer from indigestion.
Those only know its horrors who have
felt them.
To such is offered not only a ray of
hope, but a certainty of relief and
certain cure, in the use of Brown's
Pepsin Tonic. This wonderful leme
dy cures without fail, when taken as
directed. For sale by J. II. Butterv,
Smith Black &. Co., O. F. Johnson, J.
M. Roberts, Piattsmouth; and J. V.
Painter, East Piattsmouth.
To Be or Not To Be
Bilious, depends on whether you use
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills or not.
They have no equal for preventing and
curing biliousness. Try them. For
sale bv J. H. Bulterv, Smith, Black
tt Co.. J. M. Robert's, and O. F.
Johnson, Piattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Piattsmouth.
For Sale.
A good Farm Horse for sale. En
quire of Chittenden, Bros.,
5tf Piattsmouth ,Neb.
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
V heat. No.2..
Corn, car
Barley, No. 3
Native Cattle-.
4t) r
4 : 4 M
4 l&uJi 00
1 20
Xfw York, May 13. 1881.
Wheat. Rye
Corn . . .
Oats ..
jl 03l?l 04.
1 22
ClHCAOO. May 18. ISSl
, $ 4 50 (d 3 CO
1 02
Coni 44
Oata 35
Rve 1 13
Barley. 1 03
IIogi. ehlpuing 5 i.rw5fi 20
Cattle. " 5 5 40
Sheep 4 3iit 5 50
Sheriffs Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sale issued by M.
O'Donohoe, .1. J'., within and tor 'ais County,
iSebraska. and to me directed, 1 will on tne 2.;i
dav of May, A. !., IHsl, at 10 o'clock a. in., of
said day. at the lireniisc now occupied lv
.Nicholas Holmes, in I'lattfinoulti, Precinct in
said County, sell at puhlic auction the follow
ing personal property to-wit : one tuooiii lye
one broom sewer, one thousand lirooiu handle.
one hrouin corn shellcr.clot heti brushes, hutch
cr knife, t wini. saw. blacking hruth. scraper.
Pork, broom wire, trunk and content, lied and
l'diii!i;;, part of Hack of Hour, one accordcon,
-i . -i. 1. 1 .....1 i l-i ..t...... ......
i loi K, uiMivi, pin un ( miu ntimi; ja, t'ue-
bedftead, chairs, oil can, old clothes, broom
corn seed, and a few other articles not meu
t ioiied in the order of sale. The same bein:
levied upon and taken as the property of
Charlen Meyer, defendant : to satit-fy a Judg
ment of said Court recovered bv Nicholas
Holmes, plaint ill. R. W. JlVEits,
1 Sheriff, Cass County, 'ebra'ka
Hattsniouth, Neb., May llth, A. D. ISM.
Administrator's Sale.
Nutice is hereby given that in purmiance of a
oecretal order ol sale niaue py ins nonor is. ti
Pound. Judge of the second .Judicial District
at the regular term of tho District Court in
aud for Cas Countv. Nebraska, and on the
fourth dav of Mav. ISM. 1 will on Friday, ad
day of June, A. D. lssl at the front door of the
Court House in l'lattsmouth, t ass Comity.
Nebraska, and at the hour of ten o'c.ock of
said day, offer for sale at public, auction to the
highest ami best bidder, for cash, all the rllit
title and interest of all tiie heirs of David O.
SLooiunaii. deceased, late of Cass Countv
Nebraska, in and to the following described
real estate to wit: the west half ('i) of the
south east ipiarter ('i) and the east naif Ci) of
the stout II west quarter ('4)1 section twcuiy
ceveu (27), township ten (10). range twelve
(12), east of the him li 1 . .M. situated In Cass
Couuty. Nebraska. The administrator reserves
me rigut f reject any or an oiiis. ine saie
will remain open for the space of one hour.
It. li. vrivmiAM, Administrator
of the estate of David O. Shoopman, deceased.
Road Notice.
To ichom it man concern:
The section line road petitioned for by M. M.
Flower et al. commencing at Southwest corner
section thirty-two (.J2) township eleven (ll)
rani;e eleven (11) in Cass County ; running
theiice North three (.') miles to Northwest (nw)
corner of section twenty (20), same township
aud range ; the same has uceu ueeiareu oy me
County Commissioners an open road, and all
objections thereto or claims lor damages, must
be filed in the County Clerk's oilice, 011 or be
fore noon on the l;tth day of July. A. I), lssl.
or Mich road will be opened without reference
thereto. 813 J. 1. Titt, Coui.ty Clerk.
Administrator's Sale of Real
Bv virtue of a license lo me issued by his
honors, li. l'mmd. Judge of the Second Judi
cial District of Nebraska, at his chambers in
Lincoln. Lancaster County, Neb., dated March
Kith. A. D. isst, Pvvill oiler for sale at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, at one
o'clock p. 111., on the 2:;d day of May, A. 1). lssl,
at the front door of the Court House, on Main
sirect, in Mie city of l'lattsmouth, Ca-s County,
Nebraska, the following real estate, belonging
to the estate of James O'Neil, deceased, to
wit :
The couth half(s'i) of the south east quarter
se'4) of tiie soiitli west quarter (s 4 . and the
west half (w's) of the noi lh west quarter (nw4)
and the north west quarter (nw?4 of the south
west quarter (sw'i) of section number two (2).
township number twelve (12), north of range
number thirteen (.U), vast of the 0th principal
And also, commercing at a point ten and fifty
seven and one-hail one bund red t lis ( 10 67 !i-Ho
chains west of the quarter l.i) section corner
on tin; north side ot section number nineteen
(ill), ill township number twelve; (12). north of
range number fourteen ( 14). cast of t lie lith )'.
M.. running thence muth parallel with the cast
line ol 1'iitli i.rlh) street, if continued couth
Mom the city of I'latlsmouth, seven and seven
ty six and one-half one hundredths (7 70' i-loo)
chains, thence west parallel with the north line
of said section number nineteen (pi) lour and
seventeen and oue-n.i.lf one hundredths ( I 17' j
Kio) chains to a point in the cast line of Hillings
Avenue, if continued south from the'north line
of said section number nineteen (l!)i, thence
norlh seven and seventy six and one-half one
hundredths (7 70'.4-o) chains, end intersecting
said "as! line ol liillings Avenue on the line di
viding sections eighteen i.ixj and nineteen (U),
thence east on tiie section line four and seven
teen and one-half one hundredths (4 17 i -loo)
chains to place of beginning, and containing
three and twenty four one hundredths (.( 21-lou)
And also, the south west quarter (sw?4) of the
north east quarter (iie), and the south east
quarter (se'4) id the north w est quarter uiw'-4)
of section number nineteen (1:1), 111 township
number twelve (12i, north of range number
fourteen (14), cast of the (iih F. f.L. all of the
torero ng real estate situated in Cass County,
I will also offer for sale on the same terms as
above all the right, title and interest of James
O'Neil, deceased, in and lo the following town
lot-, Mtuated in the city of l'lattsmouth, diss
Couuty, Nebraska, as shown by the published
and recorded plat of said city, to-wit :
Lot number nine (in in blocK number twenty-
one (21).
Lot o. ten iloi la I'locu .o. lorty-lour (41).
Lot No. one (I) in block No. forty live (i).
Lot No. live (.") in block No. forty-seven (17).
Lot No. ien (10) in block No. sixty (00).
Lot No. eleven (U) In block No. sixty (Go).
Lot No. eight (S) in block No. sixty-two (C.2).
Lot No. eleven (ll in block No. sixty-six (i'.i;).
Lot No. nine C.i) in block No. ninety-tive OO).
Lot No. twelve (12) in block No. one bundled
and eleven (111 ).
Lot No. eight (s) in block No. one Hundred
and sixty-four (li;l).
lit No. nine (i) m uock .u. one nuncireu
and sixty-four (104). '
Lot No. lour (l) in mock -o. one uunurcuauu
sixty-live (105).
Lot No. live (TO in iuock .o. seveniy-iour ( .4).
Lot No. twelve (.12) in block No. seventy-lour
Lot No. lour (4) 111 niocK .Mt. sevemy-nve (i-).
Lot No. live (o) in block No, seventy-live (73).
Ixit No. live (3) iu block No. seventy-six (70).
Lot No. one (1) iu block No. cighiy-iwo S2).
Lot No. one (1) in block No. one kandrcd and
sixtv seven (lti u
Lot No. tw o (2) in block No. two hundred and
twenty-two (222).
I he foregoing lands anu lots win oe oin-reu
fot sale in such tracts, parcels or quantity as
may be deemed for the best interest . f Cie es
tate, and the administrator reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
Administrator of the estate of James Nell.
j . w . .1 1 1 1 1 . r-1 . - ,
deceased. oil
A regular graduate of medicine, longer located
in Chicago than any other specialist. Over 20
years successful practice. Syphilis. (JoiioiThea.
Gleet. Slricture, Orchitis. Rupture, and all
I unary Diseases. (M-tneys or Wail.ler,) sy ph
ilitic or Mercurial Affections of the Throat,
Skin or Rones. Cured Safely. Privately.
spermatorrhea, Sexual Debili.y. re
sulting from Krlf-AltiiMC Sexual Excesses or
over brain work, producing nervousness, semi
nal emissions, debility, dimness 01 signt, detec
tive memory, physical decay. confusion of ideas
ma 1 tilioi-uey, rendering mainagc improp
er, are permanently cured. 1 ousuiimiioii ai
ofiice or by mail Frre. ;ni.!e lo llfullh,
2 stamps. Medicines sent by mail or express.
Cuics guaranteed. Incurable cases not under
taken. jeeiai attention ii I'iseases 01
Women, iteliable Female I'iim, lanox.
31 Y II It I A G E Ci IT I E ,
275 pages, a hundred -pen pictures. Who
should marry ; Who not ; Reasons why ; Phys
ical life of man and woman ; How to be happy
in the married relation. The married and
those coiiiempljffmg marriage, should read and
preserve it for relerence. I'rice, wicis. in post
age Stamps or Currency.
' A. O. OLIN", M. IX.
Tly sol South Clark St.. Chicago.
Va f&an Cured, Not Merely Reliaved
And Can Prove What we Claim.
y Thn nr no fallnifo nl nodiup.
Iiolntmra ta. I f yon are troubled ullh
H I IKAIIA C1IK you can bcmllr rin 1
qnlefciy fnwl, n liundrKl bn-n
already. We hH be pleawl to mail :i
nheet of testimonial to any interested.
Also cere a 11 forms of Biliousness, prevent Consti
pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relievo
distress from too hearty cutlnz, correct Disorder j
of tho Stomach, Etimulato tho liver.and Regulitto
the Bowels. Ther do all this by taking Just one
little pill at a dose. They aro purely vegetable, do
not gripe or puree, and aro as nearly perfect as It
la possible for a pill tote. Price 25 cents, 5 for f 1
Sold by druggists everywhere or sent by mull.
A. HEESOX, lropriator.
On Sixth. South of Main.
Jio-.irJiuij and Transient Travel Entertained,
f PTfJTC WANTED I'" Ihe Bet nd Fate.
Ubil I O Sclliuc 1-lcti.ri.U Book and Bible, tries
g 4 reduceL33 per cU KXMUial Publitli'g Co., Si. Louis, Ma.
0 liL J! 0
Cheaper Goods
than anywhere west of the Mississippi Uiver
Main, betw. Third and Fourth Stree ts,
East of Court House,
the nest and latest Improved patterns.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
ALL FA 1131 E 118
know what I keep, and my Sprint; and Summer
stock is uow ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can he fcuud here.
Iu addition, I have added ail kind-i of
Buggies Wagons
O O jf Xj
(JjflCa week in your 011 town. Terms and
?uuouttH free Address, II. JlAl.l.K IT & Co.
l'ortland, .Maine. 4'Jly
E. Or. Dovey &Son,
Still find IheiiiHclven at home to fa County
Fanners and ail their old customer.
We have th is Winti r our it h
ualjull and larger linen of
(oodn than, pirhajm, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
couutry has demanded lurjet
stocks, and of a better class, tr
Jtace endta cored to meet that
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves I Mittens
for Winter tneur, we hare a
la rye and varied assortment at
reduced rattS.
of all hinds. Dress Triuimiwjs
of the latest styles. Buttons iu
endless variety, our line of
is exceedingly large, and toe
think, well selected.
and shoes, ciiildkkn's and
hisses' shoes.
to suit all persons an I all purses
A verv full line of
which vou niii'd nee to select from.
Sugars of standard grades.
(Jlpnnofthe finest nihilities, selected l.y our
lCdd selves.
PnffhOP of man v luands, especially our own
UUilutm hrand of KliKSH lto I.TKI vKK Fu
ddled ihe "MKliKjl'K." Try it and see, Pclore
purchasiii; elsewhere.
Dried Fruits of all kindH, fresh and sweet.
Fresh Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED ;OODS from all quartern. Very line
California Kood.s.
by the barrel or btndiel.
In all these branches we hall en-
deavor to cell an low a nun one, and
an is poHsiple to do a hol nij husi
NK.S.H. We invite attention and w ill
how all that call our tioods. Don't
be afraid t.) ask for what you want,
and calloltei: and earlv.
37ln3 E. U. DOVEY & SON. I'lattsinouth Neb.
70A WlitK. S12 a day at home easily made
t omiy ontlit iree. Address, l t'KK tcio..
Augusta. Maine. 4:ly
SlICCCSHOr to Sen I,KJ I'.I. & NlKMAN,
Manufacturer!! of
And dealers In
T 0 ACCO .
Special I'.KANDS and sizes of CIGARS made lo
order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar
clippings wild for smokier obacco.
Mali Street, one door w est of J. S. Duke's store
(J)loilc IPoxt Ogre,
dealer In
UROCE li IES OF ALL KINDS.,;e stock of
to be
Notions, Queensware,
and iu fact evciy thing you can call for in
the line of
General Merchandise.
All Kinds of country nioduce taken In ex
change for.toods.
once more comes forward with an entire new
Stock of the finest Tiece Coods ever brought
into I'l.itlHinouth ! !
Hundreds go there and they are
Shop oppocite the Couit House. Give him it
call and examine for yonisclten. itli
A ti t:TH WAXTKIt for the I!et and Fast
est Spelling riclorial Hooks and HlPics. i'l iccs
reduced 33 er cent. National I'ul'lishirijr Co.,
St. Louis. Mo. 61113
Ct Tcocpls., 2.
Is conducted by an expert accountant and
successful teacher. Instruction tlnTiufh and
practical. Tuition lower than elsewhere. Full
particulars to any addres.
.'41 f THUS. J. BIIYANT, Pre.
r C9fl'"'r ,,:'y !,t home. Sample worth
pU LU SU.4r, Addrei-H, Stiso ;& Co,,
l'ortland, Maine. . 4vely