Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 12, 1881, Image 3

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    -The Herald.
"local news.
Don't buy any clothing until yon
have examined VescuU's new stock.
Only on price and no jockeying. 712
Roberts sells wall paper. 51tf
-Union Bakery open to-day. 1
Phil Yung sells Hammock.
Call and see Cux's New goods.
Phil Young sells WiUI Cherry
Dressmaking, latest styles at Mrs.
S. Swai ts. 7t2
For mixed paints go to Ilobeits'
Drugstore. oltf
See Mrs. Swarts new bulletin
elsewhere. 1
Don't fail to examir.e those sad
dles at Chambers'. 813
Organs cleaned and repaired by
James Pet tee.
New Pattern Hats at Mrs. John
son & Sweeney's. 1
A n -w lot of .Saddles of all kinds
at J. G. 'Cl imbers'. 8t2
New i.iigjiv tops of all kinds at
Streiyht & Miller's. 8t2
Men'.- and boys' plow shoes cheap
at XV. II ii .Uer & Co's. 1
Examine those "nut center" whips
at J. G. Ciiambers. 8t2
Court adjourned Wednesday
morning at 'J. o'clock.
Bird cages. Wire Flower stands,
trellises Jkc &c at Cox's.
Smoke Phil Young's best 5ct. ci
gars; the best in the market.
New Corsets at Miss O'Keefe's.
Call and examine them. 1
G to tlarruth's for Needles and
Oil for Machines of all kinds. 1
The Pacific Junction Gazette
comes to h ind full size this week.
Miss O'Keefe has a new line of
Lace Mitts, of various styles. 1
New Millinery supplies constant
ly arriving, at Mrs. S. Swarts. 7t2
Now i vour time to get a new bug
gy top at Streight & Miller's. 8t2
The finest line of white and color
ed shjrts in the city at Wescott's. 7t2
Patent buggy tops of all kinds
and prices at Streight & Miller's. 8t2
--The largest and cheapest line of
pipes ever displayed at the P. 0. News
New stock of ladies', misses' and
children's line shoes at W. II. Baker
& Co's. 1
The Davis Swing Machiu s at
Carruth's are selling ahead nl all
others. 1
You w.ll ,'ind a full line of "Blank"
and "Memorandum" Books at the P.O.
News Depot,
The Soda Fountains are opening
up all over town. Summer must have
Ice-Boxes -Refrigerators and Ice
Cream coolers in various styles and
sizes at Cox's.
If you want a good Cigar in 5 ct.
or lOct. goods you will rind them at the
1. O. News Depot.
I sell the best and cheapest boots
and shoes. I defy competition.
4tf Peter Merges.
A full and complete stock of
Gents' furnishing goods at very low
prices at Wescott's. 7t2
W.II . Baker left for Chicago and
the East Saturday to add to his already
large stock of goods.
New line of children's suits in
light and dark shades, at S. & C. May
er's next to Carruth's. 1
Black and steel lace pattern hat
trimmed with shaded roses at Mrs.
Johnson & Sweeney's. 1
--A new stock of hats and bonnets
just received at Miss O'Keefe's, just
east of Sage's Hardware Store. 1
The only place in town where you
can buv the celebrated Reynolds Bros,
snoe.- at W. H. Baker & Co's. 1
J. G. Chambers puts a new Ad. in
the paper this week from his new
place opposite the Post Otlice.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notarv Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth, Neb. 5tGm
Mrs. S. Swarts will be open from
seven to ten every evening lo show
her line of new Tuscan hats just re
ceive!. 1
Cox the hard-ware man, has just
received a new Invoice of Biid-cages,
"Wire Trellises, tlower stands, &c. Call
and see them.
Biblical doctrine concerning li
cense and prohibition laws, at the
Congregational Church in Louisville,
Sunday night.
Hot weather is coming on and a
. covered buggy is the thing to take
your girl out in. See the new tops at
Streight & Miller's. si2
Gentlemen whose beards are not
of a pleasing shade can remedy the
defect by the u&e of Buckingham's
Dye fwr the whiskers.
Remember Carruth sells the
Davis Sewing Machines, the genuine
Singer and all others. Also all at
tachmeuts for machines. 1
-The ladies of St. Luke's Guild
will give their next Sociable at Mrs
Will. Jana!ice s iiiuru;tj, .May iviii.
All are invited to attend.
Mrs. Swarts opens a large line of
new hats, and wants every lady in
town to call and see them this even
ing whether she buys or not. 1
Mr. R. Wiiburn remembers Ye
Herald man with a bunch of extra fine
pie plant, the largest we have ever
seen at this season of the year.
Tusc.ui straw "puke" bonnet
trimmed with shaded gold colored
tips, and ombre satin ribbon. New
pattern hat just received at Mrs. John
son & Sweeney's. 1
"The Ship Came Sailing Over the
Sea" and brought a bilious passenger.
He took Dr. Marshall's limiMuliiie and
wa cured. IJig bottles and price reas
onable 5i cents.
Constipation of the bowels, bil
iwusness, impure i.'.ood. general debil
ity, are all cured by Dr. Marshall's
Bromoline. ' ! e Big Blood and Liver
cure. Stdd ly all druggists.
If there ever was a specific for
any one complaint, then Carter's Lit
tle" Liver Pills are a sjeciiic for sick
headache, and every woman should
know Jus. Only ti- pill a dose. For
sale bv Smith. Black & Co.
Mrs. It. C. dishing is in the city vis
iting friends,
Miss Annie Clark has returned to
her home in Burlington. i
Mrs. A. XV. McLaughlin returned
from a visit to Chicag Monday morn
ing. Juo. Tewksbury, our miller friend
from near XV. XV. was in town Satur
day. Joshua Gapen called Tuesday, and
thinks wheat and oats never looked
Miss Derham, of California, a neice
of Mrs. Geo. Smith is visiting her rela
tives here.
XV. Cutforth, Livery Stable man,
froai Louisville was in Monday, and
gave us a pleasant call.
Mrs. Robt. Maxwell came down
Wednesday to visit friends in Weep
ing Water and Plattsmouth.
Capt. O'Bourke received the sad
news last Thursday of the deatii of a
brother in Wisconsin, and reached
there in time to attend the funeral.
Mrs. Pep per berg and Master Abra
ham left yesterday morning for a visit
to relations and friends in St Joseph
and other points in Missouri, Mr. P.
accompanied them as far as Marys
ville. Mrs. Rickard and Sou and Mr. and
Mrs. Hastings, all of Chicago have
been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Liv
iugston the past week. They go to
Lincoln, which they intend making
their home.
Mr. Chas. Bunkos, manager of the
Omaha Post, came down to take in the
Liederkranz dance, on Monday, with a
brand new $5 tile on his occiput. He
returned on Tuesday with an article
on his head that looked as if it had
been used as a hod for the last tifteen
years. Sich is life.
Dr. Thomas, of XV. XV. was in town
Monday making arrangements for
lumber to build a drugstore. Dr. T.
carries on his person as a permanent
reminder of the dark days of the Re
bellion two bulletj. one of which has
caused him great trouble and danger
and he will hereafter be obliged to
take better care of himself and let
life pass more easily than in the past.
We hope his new enterprise may
p-ove a success and relieve him
from the necessity of active practice
in the days to come.
Happiness and prosperity depend
to a very great extent upon good
health. All those suffering from
hoarseness, colds and coughs, should
try Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It cures
and costs only 25 cents.
Misses Herrmann & Wurl, our
popular milliners at F. Herrmann's
dry goods emporium, talk to our read
ers this week in poetry. Don't fail to
read what they have to say.
Lightning Rods No humbug.
If you want your houses or barns
rodded. ami put up in good shape, no
fraud, no humbug, go to J. XV. Clark
Weeping Water. 7tf
Attention is called to the card of
the Nebraska R. R. House in another
column. J. Bons & Son, the proprie
tors, are men who understand the art
of making guests comfortable.
The best and cheapest,
The finest and neatest
Shoes and Slippers
For little trippers
at Merges. 4tf
Our clothing is the best made
that money will buy; our expenses
are very low and we are satisfied we
can show you great bargains. Call at
C. E. Wescott the Boss Clothier's. 7t2
The Post of the Grand Army at
this place meets next Tuesday even ng
at the usual place, when preparations
for celebrating "Decoration Day"
must be made. Please turn out in
Backache is almost immediately
relieved by wearing one of Carter's
Smart Weed and Helladonua Back
ache Plasters. Try one and be
fiee from pain. Price 25 cents. For
Rale by Smith. Black & Co.
Sometimes a little assistance at
the right time will enable the system
to throw off an attack which might
otherwise result in serious sickness.
Ayer's Pills should always be kept at
hand, and promptly taken for the re
lief of slight ailments, before they be
come formidable diseases.
If you want to buy or sell city proper
ty of any kind
If you want to buy or sell a farm of
any kind
If you want money with farm lands
to secure it call on
Will S. Wise,
4Cm5 Fitzgerald Block.
I). A. Campbell and Geo. A. Mag
uey were at this term of court ad
mitted to the bar to practise law.
They say the soda water Hew and
sparkled all about, but the II ER
ali got no "biled wind." Perhaps
they'll give it to us by and by in
court some time.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the proper
remedy to take in the spring of the
year to purify the blood, invigorate
the system, excite the liver to action,
and restore the healthy tone and vigor
of the whole physical mechanism,
which often becomes impaired during
ti e winter, by lack of open air exer
cise, and the want of sullicient care in
the matter of diet.
The little blue mare, "Lady Mac"
and Sam Chapman's bay mare both
had colts this spring from a well-bred
Volunteer horse, and both colts died
about SG hours after birth. No appar
ent cause could be given, the colts
looking like large line and healthy
colts when born.
The attention of the Herald
readers is called to the card of Guth
man Bros., in another column. These
gentlem n are both experienced hands
at the I usiness. Oswald, one of ti e
firm having been with us for th past
ten years and is well known as an ex
cellent baker and good business man.
Fred. F. the other member, has been
engaged in like business at Seward,
and Lincoln, and later in Denver, and
ill be quite an recession to our bus
iness community. We would advise
our readers to give this firm a call,
and especially to call upon them to
day at their opening.
I Nice spring suit of clothes for
0.75 at S. & C. Mayer's 1
Drugs -the largest stock at J. M
Roberts. 3tf
I Linen, Beige and Grass Cloth
I Dusters in al! varieties and prices at
E. Herrmann's. 1
I Solomon & Nathan have some
I nobby new glass show cases all down
j the centre of their store.
, Straw Goods for Men. Boys and
i Children in all grades and qualities at
1 F. Herrmann's. 1
j Phil Young sells Mead, Sweet
cider Beer, Birch Beer, Ice Cold drawn
from his Soda Fountain at Set. per
Black Silk Mitts, Lisle and Ber
lin Gloves a full assortment to be
found at Herrmann's. 1
J. I. Young has wild cherry beer
and sweet cider on draught at his soda
fountain, and they are delicious. Go
and try them.
Parasols Parasols Just received ;
a new line of Brocaded, Serge, and
Satin Parasols, at F. Herrmann's. 1
Phil Young will sell You Cro
quet" in any quantity desired from
one Ball Mallet Stake &c up to one
dozen, also a full line of 4, 6, & 8 Ball
sets, call and get prices.
Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an
internal remedy and is pronounced by
hundreds who have used it to contain
more true medical virtue than any
other kind thrown upon the market in
the shape of oils and liniments. It is
warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro
prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A.
D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. 8tf
"Wine is a mocker, and strong
drink is raging." Take Prickly Ash
Bitters. It is not a beverage, but a
remedy for all ill effects of an excess
of intoxicaling stimulants. Don't
take a drink before breakfast "jast to
wake yon up," because you feel so
stuDid and languid. You are sure to
feel worse as soon as the effect wears
off. Take a half wine glass of Prickly
Ash Bitters. It will brighten you up
for the whole day. 714
Messrs. Patterson and Dickson
have just brought to the county a
very fine young Hambletonian Stallion
called "Mambrino Pilot." He is a dark
brown, of good size and bone, 0 years
old, and v as sired by "Mambrino Pilot
Jr." The dam was a "Printer" mare
This horse is undoubtedly the best
bred horse in these parts and ought to
meet with success. Messrs. P. & D
have also two yearling colt3 of good
blood and handsome creatures.
The Liederkranz ball on Monday
evening last, was quite a success finan
cially and socially, and although the
heavy rain about midnight cast a gloom
over the assembled guests, for a shoit
time, the situation was finally taken in
good humor, and fun and merriment
did not cease until about daybreak.
Carriages were on hand to take parties
home, and everybody was pleased.
Relief from sick headaches, drow
siness, nausea, dizziness, pain in the
side, &c, guaranteed to those using
Carter's Little Liver Pills. These
complaints are nearly always caused
by torpid liver and constipated bowels.
Restores these organs to their proper
functions and the trouble ceases. Car
ter's Little Liver Pills will do this
every time. One pill is a dose. For
ty in a vial. Price 25 cents. For sale
by Smith, Black & Co.
The now celebrated Mrs. Propst was
arraigned by the Grand Jury and
brought before the Court last week
for keeping a "disorderly house." The
Jury found a verdict of "guilty" and
she was fined $50 and costs amounting
to over S100. Not being able to readi
ly raise this she sold her house and lot
and the property holders feel rejoiced.
Those persons who do not need
Iron, but who are troubled with nerv
ousness and dyspepsia, will find in
Cartel's Little Nerve Pilis a most de
sirable article. They are mostly used
in combination with Carter's Little
Liver Pills, and in this way often ex
ert a most magical effect. Take just
one pill of each kind immediately af
ter eating and you will be free from
indigestion ane dyspepsia. In vials at
25 cents. For sale by Smith, Black &
Employment for Ladies. The
Queen City Suspender Company, of
Cincinnati, are now manufacturing
and introducing their new Stocking
Supporters for Ladies and Children,
and their unequaled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should be without
them ; our leading physicians recom
mend them, and are loud in ther praise.
These goods are manufactured by la
dies who have made the wants of la
dies and children a study, and they ask
us to refer them to some reliable and
energetic lady to introduce them in
this county, and we certainly think
that an earnest solicitation in every
household would meet with a ready
response, and that a determined wo
man could make a handsome salary
and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is
in need of employment to send to the
Company her name and address, and
mention this paper. Address Queen
City Suspender Company, Nos. 147 &
149 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,
Ohio. 8iJ
- Prom Bishop CTarkson
Acknowledgement of the leceipt of
funds for the Dakota Sufferers.
Overlook, Omaha, i
May, 3. 1881. f
To Mrs. J. N. Wise, President of
the Plattsmouth Dramatic Club.
Dear Madam: Your kind favor
of the 2Cth tilt., enclosing a
draft for 850 given by the Platts
mouth Dramatic Club for the benefit
of the flood sufferers, reached me to
day. As you are kind enough to ask
me to distribute it where I think it
will be productive of the most good. I
will take pains to make personal in
quiries or investigation, so that your
generous donation may be judiciously
The Dramatic Club deserves all
praise for their cheerful readiness to
relieve the distress of our afflicted fel
low men. I am very truly
Your Obedient Servant,
Rort. II. Clarkson.
From the subscriber on or about
April, 21, 1881, a red cow, one horn
drooped ; also a calf with the same.
Said cow and calf were a part of the
cattle transferred from near La Platte
at time of flood. Anv information
concerning them will be thankfully
receivi tl by .1. W. Shannon, Platts
mouth, or Joseph Giles, La Platte.
Xeb. i a
J. N. Wise.
Negotiator of mortgage loans, on
improved farm property. Terms rea
sonable. 8lf
Married. ;
CLARK Mt'RPHY Thursday, May 5. at the
residence of the bride's parents, lu flat tu
rnout Ii, Nebraska, by the Rev. T. J. Buird,
Mr. T. R. Clakk of Papilliuu toMissMis
mik Murphy of this city
Thus two more of the young people, Ktwu
up from childhood lu our midst, have
their common lot together, and leaving Platts
mouth they take with them the good wishes
of the many friends both of themselves iudi
vldually, and of the families to which they be
The wedding was a quiet one, ouly the rela
tives and a few immediate friends of the faiui
ly and of the groom befug present. The cere
mony took place at 11 a. m. and from a party
present we learn that the bnde looked charm
lug In a dress of prune colored bilk, with natu
ral flowers for ornaments. Everything
passed oil most pleasantly, even to the flinging
of the old shoes after the departing couple, to
insure a coutinuance of the tame good luck. A
number of handsome presents testified to the
friendship aod good wishes of the donors. We
subjoin a partial list :
A beautHul Oil Faiutiug-Mrs. D. Murphy
Grinnell, Iowa.
Gold band China Tea Set Dr. J. N. Hall.
Silver Card Receiver Mr. S. M. Chapman.
Silver Dinner Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S
Silver Pickle Stand Mr. and Mrs. F. Herr
Silver Butter Dish Mr. P. B. Murphy-
Silver Card Receiver Sir, and Mrs. D. Miller,
Silver Dinner Knives Mrs. Cox.
Silver Tea aud Table Spoons Mr. aud Mrs
XV H. Baker.
One pair lad. Silver Salt Cellars "Detkiu'
Cue pair Silver .iapkin Kings' and a Hanging
Lamp J. W. Clark.
Ebony Handle Knives and Forks and pair
Scissors T. II. Taylor.
Vase, imported China Miss Baker.
Set of Table Linen, Table Cloth aud Napkins
Mrs. C. II. Tarmele.
Zephyr Table Cover Miss Mary Murphy.
Set Pillow Shams Mrs. P. It. Murphy.
Crimson Zephyr Shawl Miss Olive Joues.
Toilette Set 5Irs. R. W. Hyers.
Moss Fin Cushion Miss Aggie Sampson.
Toilette Soap Dish Birdie Iiish.
Tea Tray Freddie Cox.
Set Sliver Spoons Mrs. M. B. Murphy.
After the wedding dinner the happy couple
accompanied by Mr. aud Mrs. Murphy, Mr.
and Mrs. Hyers, and Mr. J. W. Clark left for
Weeping Water, where they were received and
entertained by Mr. and Mr. T. Clark, parents
of the groom. From there they returned the
next day and left for Papilliou, their future
At the home of Mr. T. Clark another rein
forcement of presents were received as follows
Fine Library Mr. T. Clark.
Well filled Purse Mrs. T. Clark.
A Horse J. W. Clark.
A Cow J. W, Clark.
Hanging Lamp F. M. Wolcott.
License Law.
We would call attention again to
the matter of Liquor Licenses this
spring. It has been decided by the
most competent authorities in the
state that licenses taken out under
the old law expire June 1st and that
then and there new licenses should
be granted aud given in compliance
with the new law which provides for
giving bonds in a different way and
especially says "Notice must be pub
lished in a newspaper of general circu
lation two iceeks before such license
can be granted. None of these provis
ions have been fulfilled here if we
have been informed correctly, arid saloon-keepers
are liable to pay the
whole 500 over again June 1st and if
their notices are not published two
weeks prior to that time they cannot
lawfully obtain license and sell un
til such time has elapsed. The Her
ald called attention to this matter
before and gave the authority, but it
seems some legal limb thought he was
wiser than the law and has advised
the liquor men to go ahead under the
old law.
The Uuion Bakery.
Will be opened this morning in the
new Hotel Ruilding, corner Main and
Third Streets. A line of Groceries,
Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco &c.
always on hand. Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, etc, a specialty.
The public generally kindly re
quested to give us a call, and we will
guarantee satisfaction in every case.
Don't Yon Forget it!
Call and see the new croods iust re
ceived by Rennett & Lewis' Roast
1 ui key Itoast Chicken Potted Ham
Potted Tongue-Orange Slarmalade
Barataria Shrimps and every thing
you want in Staple or t ancy Grocer
ies, it
Hats! Hats!
The newest latest styles in Hats,
just in at Wescott's Ross Clothing
Store, 713
A Losing Joke.
A prominent Physician of Pitts
burg said jokingly to a lady patient
who was complaining of her continued
ill health and of his inability to cure
her, "try Hop Hitters!" The lady t ok
:l in earnest and used the Hitters,
from which she obtained permanent
health. She now laughs at the doctor
for his joke, but he is not so well
pleased with it. as it cost him a g -od
Just Received.
A nobby line of spring suits at Wes
cott's. 7t2
J -BlM
; ? ; on
p? c ; : Jo
g g -
J - I -53 CD
2f CD B
. - 30
o- one? ; m; o
2 ;a cd
One Door East of First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Our Millinery Goods are Abundant and Cheap.
And thM of the very beat kinda do tve keep!
We want all to know that we're living in town,
lu Plattsmouth. Nebraska, that place of re
nown ;
We Invite all the ladies to give us a call.
And we'll use our endeavors to satisfy all.
Our goods have arrived, our stock is complete.
And for prices and rtyle we cannot be beat :
We want all to come aud see for themselves.
What we have on the counters, aud upon the
Wc have good hats and bonnets and trimmings
to suit.
And fine flowers and ribbons, to make you look
cine ;
And all needful things that pertain t our
In all of which goodness and beauty combine.
Then come right along whatever your age.
Your wants can all be supplied we'll eneaee :
Whether aged or youthful ; whether little or
We'll endeavor to put on the finishing touch.
We pay cash for our goods, and select them
with care.
And are sellimr as cheap, as anv one dare :
And we say to you all both the young and the
Well not refuse greenbacks, nor silver nor
gold. Vi
Illacksmltliln? Wagonmsik
Ing and Repairing Agri
cultural Implements
Repaired &.C.
Shop on 5th, Between Main and Vine
Streets, Plattsiuonth,
If you want smithing done. Mike is ready to do
What belongs to his line, and do it well too ;
He has learned Uis trade well, aud his practice
is such.
He knows how to put on the finishing touch.
He will make or mend wagons, or plows, or
Or scraper, or sle"d, or sleigh, or wheelbarrow,
Or anything else that pertains to his line,
In all kinds of wood, ash. hickory or pine.
Horse shoeing is done on the most approved
And we're sure Mike will please you If anyone
can ;
And no one can fail to to see at first sight,
How Important It Is to have it done right.
If by any unskilled workman the thoeing's
done wrong.
Your horte will go stumbling aud blundering
along ;
And doubtless you will with a broad horrid
Declare he shall newr be shod there again.
If you want anything made, or mended come
About prices and style, vou have nothing to
fear :
Some other workman may do pretty well,
But Mikn our own workmau is bound to excel.
And now at the close permit me to say.
You should not expect him to work without
Good workmen are worthy (no doubt) of their
And thone who pay promptly, we always ad
mire. 7U
Mi: AT 31 A It It UT.
At this shop you'll find meat whole
some and sweet.
Sausage, pork, mutton aud veal.
And it is our belief, you'll buy ex
cellent beef,
If you at this butcher shop deal.
He keeps always on hand the best in
the land;
Of such as your families need;
Others may do well, out they cannot
For Fickler will still lake the lead.
A good bargain you'll mae if you
want to buy steak ;
Or soup meat, or to boil or to fry,
You can have a good dish of whatever
you wish.
Competition he well may defy.
This business provides for good pelts
and hides;
Lard and tallow he'll both buy and
And you'll find this the case there's
no other place
You'll do better if you will quite
as well.
And this we may tell if you've fat
cattle to sell.
Or hogs or sheep that are nice;
You can bring them right here an 1
you need never fear,
Rut for them you'll get a good
Satisfaction to all who will give him
a call,
It is his intention to give.
For we're certain indeed, tliib belongs
to his creed.
Not only to live but let live!
Improvement for Mini, and Body.
For genuine merit there is no tonic
sold that begins to co., pare with Par
kers Ginger Tome. One 50 ct. bottle
contains more life and strength testor-
ing power than a bushel of malt or a
gallon of pure milk. As an appetizer.
blood purifier and kidney corrector, it
meets with astonishing success, and
invalids find its use promptly follow
ed by renewed energy and vivacity,
mental and phjsical improvement.
and gradual restoration to perfect
health. See other columns. Commer
cial. 714
From the stable of Samuel Twiss,
one and a half mile east of Louisville,
Cass Co., Neb., on April 23th, 1881, One
Black mare about eleven years old,
white star in forehead, any informa
tion will be liberaly rewarded by the
Every Week.
A car load of best Hour at Hansen
& Chassot's.
A car load of feed from Schluntz's
mill at Hansen & Chassot's.
Farm Machinery.
Now is your time to buy
A big stock of Drills, Corn Planters.
Listers, &c that must be sold at once
Reapers, Harvesters,
and Fall Goods.
Come now, Farmers, if you want (o
buy at bottom prices.
of all kinds will be sold as the lowest
casl. rates for 20 davs. F. Gorder.
Come and See
The large stock of Spring Shoes an.'
Slippers, good and nice at Merges. 4tf
Wtrhrt PIfta wln.tor, 5. nrt.l HuntlacV
IS. Imitation goldM. 111. Cheapest and be
for your own bh or apocal.tivo .arpoor, VubU c
aloiMf. TUOJU-SOSA tO., Ill mmu Skirtlark.
For Sale.
House and lot opposite Prof. W. W.
Wise's residence, known as the Roxby
property. Enquire of E. G. Dovey &
Plattsmouth Mar. 11, '81. 52-2m
Money to Loan.
On good farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. XV. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following limes and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
At Elmwood the last Friday and
Saturdap of March.- At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday in Feb
ruary. E. II. Wooley,
42tf Superintendent.
Alderncy Stock.
Mr. J. F. Beaumeister how owns
No. 1907, dropped January 4th, 1878,
Sire, Kentucky, 2d, 758; grandsire,
Kentucky C28. From imported Tran
sit, bred by II. S. Durand, Wis., which
it will be remembered Chaplain
Wright brought here last year. This
bull is a thorough-bred Alderney, or
Jersey bull and will be kept for servi
ces this summe: at Mr. Beaumeister's
place north of town, on the Platte
Valley road. All who desire the use
of such an animal should call and see
the uudersighed,
Stock from a distance, pastured free
of charge after the first of May. 52tf
To the Citizen's or the County and State.
I have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet, comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoover. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic Cure, an internal medi
cine warranted a safe, certain and
speedy curj for Rheumatism, Neural
gia, Lame Backs, Pains in the side,
Stomach, Kidneys, &c, &c. Smith,
Black & Co. have sold over one hun
dred bottles in the last two months.
Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's,
opposite P.O. 7tf
Sanaa's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most
successful Cough Medicine we have
ever sold, a few doses invariably cure
the worst case of Cough, Croup and
Bronchitis, while its wonderful suc
cess in the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel lh the history of
medicine. Since its first discovery it
has been sold on a guarantee, a test
which no other medicine can stand.
If you have a Cough we earnestly ask
you to try it. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and
31.00. If your lungs are sore, chest.
or back lame, use Shiloh s Porous Plas
ter. Sold by Smith, Black & Co. 6eow
Answer this Question.
Why do so many people around us
seem to prefer to surfer and be made
miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Coming
up of the iood, lellow Skin, : when
for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's
V;talizer, guaranteed to cure them
Sold by Snith, Black & Co. Ceowtf
a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diph
theria, Canker mouth, and Headache.
YY ith each bottle there is an ingenious
nasal Injector for the more successful
treatment of these complaint" without
extra charge. Sold by Smith, Black &
Co. Ceowtf.
Make from 835 to SSO per week selling
poods for E. ti. RIDEOL'T & CO.. 10 Barclay
aireei, i(w mrK. zayi
Send for their Catalogue aud terms.
Belter (Jet It Now.
It saves life and doctors bMls. , We
mean Brown's Blackberry and Ginger;
the most successful remedy ever in
troduced in the South and Vest for
the cur of Diarrhoea, Dysentery and
Cholera Morbus. For sale by J. II.
Buttery, Smith Black & Co., O. F.
Johnson, and J. M. Roberts, Platts
mouth ; and J. V. Painter, East Platts
The Most Miserable Man on Earth
Is the sufferer from indigestion.
Those only know its horrors who have
felt them.
To such is offered not only a ray of
hope, but a certainty of relief and
certain cure, in the use of Brown's
Pepsin Tonic. This wonderful leme
dy cures without fail, when taken as
directed. For sale by J. II. Butterv,
Smith Black & Co., O. F. Johnson, J.
M. Roberts, Plattsmouth; and J. V.
Painter, East Plattsmouth.
To Be or Not To Be
Bilious, depends on whether you use
Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills or not.
They have no equal for preventing and
curing biliousness. Try them. For
sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith, Black
ct: Co.. J. M. Roberts, and O. F.
Johnson, Plattsmouth, and John Paint
er, East Plattsmouth.
For Sale.
A good Farm Horse for sale. En
quire of Chittenden, Bros.,
5tf Plattsmouth ,Xeb.
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent interest, tf D. II. Wheeler.
Wednesday, May 11. 18H1.
heat. No.?.. ..
Corn, ear
" shelled
llarliy. No. 3
Native Cattle...
..4 CKfM
.A tiOt-5
Nkw York, May li. ltai.
Monev$l 04.
Wheat S 122
ltye ... 4
t.'(ini ;-",
Oat 4.V,
Chicago. Mav II. ixsi
$ 4 .rk U$? 00
l o-
: i i
1 03
1.1 VK STOK..
W'li-at. ..
Barley .
Hot;". Khipoing $5 8oT(," 20
Cattle. " 5 40; c no
Sheep 4 734ft 5 10
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by M.
O'Donohoe, J. P., withiu and for Cites County,
Nebraska, and to ine directed, I will on the 2Jd
day of May, A. D., IS81, at 10 o'clock a. in., of
said day, :tc the premises now occupied by
N!clila Holmes, !a 4'latUuioutu, Precinct in
said County, sell at public auction the follow
ing personal property to-wit : One orom tyer,
one broom sewer, one thousand broom hau tiles,
one browm corn shelter. clothea brushes, butch
er knife, twine, saw, blacking brush, scraper,
pork, broom wire, trunk and content, bed and
beddinir, part of sack of flour, one accord on,
clock, diehes, pitcher, and looking KlaM, one
bedtUead, chairs, oil can, old clothes, broom
corn seed, aud a few other articles not men
tioned in the order of sale. The same being
levied upon and takeu as the property of
Charles Meyer, defendant ; to satiufy a Judg
ment ef said Court recovered by Nicholas
Holmes, plaintiff. R. W. Hvkkh.
1 Sheriff, Ciui County, Nebraska.
Plattatuouth, Neb., May Uth, A. D. 1S81.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a
decretal order of sale made by his honor S. It.
Pound, Judge of the second Judicial District,
at the regular term of the District Court in
and for Cats County, Nebraska, and on the
fourth day of Mav, issl, I will on Friday, 3d
day of June, A. D. 181 at the front door ot the
Court House ia Plattsmouth, Cass Comity.
iseurasKa, ana at tue notir oi ten o cock oi
said day, oiler for sale at public auction to the
highest and best bidder, for cash, all the riuht
title ana interest ot all tne lieirs ot uavia o.
Mioopmaii. ueceaed, late ot lass county
Nebraska, in and to the following described
real estate to wit: the west half iH) of the
south eat quarter (V) and the east naif (Vi) of
the south west quarter (l)of section twenty
neven (27), townehip eleven (ID, rauuo twelve
(12), east of the sixth P. M. situated In Cass
County, Nebracka. The administrator reaerves
the right to reject any or all bids. The sale
will remain open for the space of one hour.
K. B. windiiam. Administrator
of the estate of David O. Shoopnian, deceased.
Road Notice.
T uxhom it may concern:
The section line road petitioned for by (J. M.
Flower et al. commencing at Southwest corner
section thirty-two (32) township eleveu (II)
range eleven (11) in Cass County ; running
thence North three (3) miles to Northwest (nw)
corner of tection twenty (20). same township
aud range ; the same has beeu declared by the
County ComiuixHiouers an open road, aud ull
objections thereto or claims for damages, must
be tiled in the County Clerk's oflice, on or be
fore noon on the 13th day of July. A. D. ISbl.
or such road will be opened without reference
thereto. 815 J. D. Tvtt, County Clerk.
Administrator's Sale of Real
By virtue of a license to me issued by his
honors, li. Pound, Judge of the Second Judi
cial District of Nebraska, at his chambers in
Lincoln. Lancaster Couutv. Neb., dated March
loth, A. D. 1881, 1 will otter for sale at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, at one
o'clock p. m.. on the 23d day of May, A. D. IksI,
at the front door of the Court House, on Main
street, in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, the following real estate, belonging
to the estate of James O'Xeil, deceased, to
wit :
The south half (s',j) of the south eat quarter
(seKc) of the south west quarter (swf4), aud the
west half (w) of the north west quarter (dwM
and the north west quarter (nw1) of the south
west quarter (swli) of section number two (2),
township number twelve (12), north of range
number thirteen (13), east of the Uth principal
And also, commencing at a point ten and fifty
seven aud one-half one hundredths (lo57t-loo)
chains west of the quarter (?) section comer
on the north side of section number nineteen
(19), in township number twelve (12), north of
range number fourteen ( 14), east of the Uth P.
M., running thence south parallel with the east
line of Filth (5th) street, if continued south
from the citv of Plattsmouth, seven and seven
ty six aud one-half one hundredths (7 76', -loo
chains, thence west parallel with the north line
of said section number nineteen (19) four and
seventeen aud oue-nalf one hundredths (4 17!-J-100)
chains to a point in the east line of Billings
Avenue, if continued south from the north line
of said section number nineteen (19), thence
north seven and seventy six aud one-halt one
hundredths (7 704-190) chains, and intersecting
said "st line of Billings Avenue on the line di
viding sections eighteen (18) ami nineteen (19),
thence east on the section line four and seven
teen and one-half one hundredths (4 17'i-lixi)
chains to place of beginning, and containing
three and twenty four one hundredths (3 24-100)
And also, the south west quarter (swi) of the
north east quarter (ue'i), aud the southeast
quarter (se) of tlte north west quarter
of section number nineteen (iu. in township
number twelve (12), north of range number
fourteen (14). east of the (ith P. M.. all of the
torego;ug real estate situated in Cass County,
I will also offer for sale on the same terms as
above all the right, title aud Interest of James
O'Neil, deceased, in ami to the following town
lots, situated in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass
County, Nebraska, as shown by the published
and recorded plat of said city, to-wit :
Lot number uiue (9) in block number twenty
one (21).
Lot No. ten (10) in block No. forty-four (41).
Lot. No. one (1) in block No. forty live (45).
Lot No. live (5) in block No. forty-seven (47).
Lot No. ten (10) in block No. sixty (M.
ImI No. eleven (II) in block No. sixty (CO).
Lot No. eight (8) in block No. sixty-two tW).
Ixit No. eleven (II) in block No. sixty-six ((jr.).
Lot No. nine (9) i block No. ninety-live (90).
Lot No. twelve (12) in block No. one hundred
ami eleven (111).
Lot No. eight (8) In block No. one hundred
aud sixty-four (1U4).
Lot No. nipe (9) in block No. one hundred
and sixty-four (it4).
Iot No. four (4) iu block No. one hundred and
sixty-five (105).
Lot No. five (5) in block No. seventy-four (74).
Lot No. twelve (12) iu block No. seventy-lour
Lot No. four (4) in Mock No. seventy-five (7.1).
Lot No. live (5) iu Mock No, seventy-five (70).
Lot No. live (5) iu block No. seventy-six (7!).
iAit No. one (1) iu block No. eighty-two (82).
Lot No. one (1) in block No. one kuudred aud
sixty seven (lb").
Lot No. t wo (2) in block No. two hundred and
twenty-two (222).
The foregoing lauds and lots will be offered
fot sale in such tracts, parcels or qirtntity as
may be deemed for the best iuterest .f the es
tate, aud the administrator reserves Ute right
to reject any or all bids.
Administrator of the ttate of James o'.Veil.
deceased. W 1
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order or sale Issued by W. C.
Showalter. Clerk of the District Court, within
tMid for Cass Countv. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on Saturday the !4 1st day of May
A. D. 1881, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the, in the city of
Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at public auc
tion the following Real Estate to-wit : The
South half (sVi) of the South half (s(i) of the
Southeast quarter (se1) of Section No. four (4),
and the northeast quarter (tie1) of section No.
nine(9) all in Township No twelve (12) North of
Range No. thirteen (13) East of the tail I. M. all
in CassCounty,;Nebra-ka ; together with the
pnvilegesaud appurtenances.'tliereto belonging.
The same being levied upon aud takeu as the
property of Henry H. Pet tit andJEliza Pet tit. De
fendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court
lecovered by Itobert O. Doom, Piaintitf. ami
assigned to Thomas B. Oordon ; and also a
judgment recovered by John Fitzgerald, De
fendant. R. W. HYER3. Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Bv M. Mf'Ei.WAlX, Deputy.
Plaitsmouth. Neb., April 19th A. D, 1881. 5t5
Road Notice.
To all whom it may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to vacate and
locate a road commencing at a point on the
east line of Section 19. 'l ow nship II, Kange'tl2.
and running Southwest to the South line of
same section, at a point about 15 rod West of
the Southeast corner of Southwest ?i of same
section. Said road being known as No. 23 and
24. We dei-ire said road to be continued due
South on the East line of Section 19 to South
line of section and thence V est to the South
west corner of Section 19. Township 11 Range 12
and tei initiating at said corner, has rein-rted in
favor of the vacation and location thereof, and
all objections thereto or claims for damages,
must be tiled in the County Clerk's otlice, on or
before noon on the 14th day of Juno, A. D. 1881,
or such road will be vacated and located with
out reference thereto.
4ta J. D. Tutt, County Clerk,
We recommend Carter' Iron PUN to every
woman who is Weak, Nervous, and Discouraged :
particularly thoee who iave Thin, Psic Lij,
Cold Hands aud Feet, and who arc without
Strength or Ambition. These Tills quiet the
Nerves, give Strength to the Body, ':!tluce Re
J'eshinir Sleep. Enrich and Improve the quality
ot Hie lilood, aud Purify end Brighten the Com
plexion They cure Palpitation of the Heart.
.N.-rvousneas. Tremblings, Nervous Headache,
Leucorrluea. Pains in the Back, and other forms
of Female Weakness. Remember that Iron is
one of the constituents of the BI. sd, and ia the
pr-at tou.c. Crtere Jrau 1'ilU are also valu
able for men who are troubled with Nervous
Weakness, Night Sweats, Ac. In metal boxes,
at 50 cent. Soid by all druggists, or acnt by
Iutul. Audi-ess
New York City.
Cheaper Gqq&q
than anywhere west of he Mississippi River
Main, betw. Third and Fourth Streets,
East of Court House,
the best and latest improved patterns.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
know what I keep, and my Spring aud Summer
stock is uow ready.
Give Gorder a call.
Anything needed on a Farm can be fc und here.
Ia addition, I have added all kind of
Buggies S "Wagons
nmz mm.
a week In vour OA-ii town. Terms and -
outfit free Address. II. Ha llktt & Co.'
rortiauu, Maine. 49iy
E. G. Dovey &Son,
Still find themselves at home to Cass County
Fanners and all their old customers.
We have this Winter ourtiS'
ual full and larger line of
goods than, perhaps, ever be
fore. As the growth of the
country has demanded target
stocks, and of a better class, wt
have endeavored to meet that
demand. In
Hats, Caps, Gloves! Mittens
for Winter wear, we have a
large and varied assortment at
reduced rates.
of all kinds. Dress Trimmings
of the latest styles. Buttons in
endless variety, our line of
is exceedingly large, and we
think, well selected.
to suit all persons awl alljmrses
A verv full line of
w Inch vou must see to select from.
Sugars of standard grades,
mpnnofthe finest qualities, selected by our
10 do selves.
flfiffnnn of many brands, csiiecially our own
LUliCUii koai.tki cokfke
called the "MERKJL'E." Try it and see, before
purchasing elsewhere.
Dried Fruits of all kiuds, fresh and sweet.
Fresn Crackers a Specialty.
CANNED fiOODS from all quarters. Very line
California Kods.
by the barrel or bushel.
In all these branches we shall en
deavor to sell tu low ait any one, and
as Is poHsiple to do a solnk itusi
nkss. We invite attention autl will
show all that call our koo1. Don't
be afraid to ask for what you want,
and call often and early.
37m3 E. ii. DOVEY & SON. Plattsmouth Neb.
$7Q A WEEK. S12 a day at home easily made
&CoHtly outfit free. Address, TuitK & Co.,
Augusta. Maine. 49ly
Successor to S iii.k;kl & Nikman.
Manufacturers of
And dealers In
Special BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS made to
order, and satisfaction guaranteed. Cigar
clippings sold forsmokivr' obacco.
Main Street, one door west of J. S. Duke's store
Ofn'xUr, IPost Office,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Im3
dealer In
Large stock of
to be
Notions, Queensware,
and in fact everything you ean call for In
the line of
General Merchandise.
All kinds of country orodure taken In ex
change for goods.
once more comes forward with an entire new
Stock of the finest Piece Goods ever brought
into Plattemoiilh ! !
Hundred go there and they are
Shop oppofite the Couit House. Give him a
cull and examine for yourselves. 4stt
AUKVTM WASTKII fortlie Bet and Fast
est Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices
reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Oo.,
St. Louis, Mo. UI3
Ct- rsep2a..
Is conducted by an expert accountant and
succcsi-ful teacher. Instruction lltoroiilh und
practical. Tuition lower tlian eisew here. Full
(articular to any address.
'4lf THUS. J. BRYANT, Pres.
tfr A.n l0iier day at home. Sample worth
ftJ LU ?C'Uii-, free. Address, Stin. son & Co,.
Portland, Maine. -Wely