Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 14, 1881, Image 4

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Punch calls the face of tli moon a
silver mug in the sky.
Tiio cream of n joke shouM never bo
sour. - Whitehall 'J'hiex.
liinls iire cntiilctl to justice. When
a niriu is imlulgiug in :i frolic, to say
lie's "nut on :i l.u k." is a libel on that
bin!. He is really out on a swallow.
The heat of genuine affection can
find no more glowing expression than
that of the Iii-!iUir!! who"sa"n!, "Armh,
darliif, I wish I was in jail for stealing
(iiini arubie dis-'ved in whisky will
keen the hair curled in damp weather.
f.'sch")tc. A little sugar dissolved
in it has a similar effect on the legs.
,ohi It. Uomjh.
Afie. a girl ha s; -nt a 'hiy sewing
red tr.mining around the bottom of her
dress, nothing bother3 her so much as
to have a friend whisper: "Your petti
coat is coming oil'."
"If undertake? to pull my
ears," a loud-mouthed fellow on a
street conn r, r'he. will just have h"n
hand.? full." The crowed looked at
the maif's cars and thought so too.
A Connecticut man is named Ra!z.
lie has petitioned the legislature to
change his name to Unties, because ha
is tired of hearing his children spoken
f by the neighbors as mice.
When a man says to his next door
neighbor who has lost his pet bull dog,
"I'm sorry poor IJorax is dead," set
that man clown as one who holds tho
truth but lightly and probably poison
ed the dog. lioston Pout.
Much unconscious humor is to be
found in the menace lately sent to Lord
MorrU Fitzgerald by his tenants, to the
effect that, though he would certainly
be shortly shot, nothinj: would be done
to frighten or annoy Lady Adela, his
"I am a skeptic!" said an immature
person of the masculine gender in a
vainglorious strain. "An epileptic?"
asked an old lady somewhat hard of
hearing. "Poor no ! You look like it,
so you do." While the smile went
round, the youth went out.
The new Bishop of Liverpool is noted
for not being very successful in conciliat
ing people. I5' ii)g recently requested to
address :m assembly of medical men,
he remarked. "I am not ashamed to say
I have a son a doctor." The .audience
hardly seemed to appreciate the com
pliment. "Why. Bridget," said her mistress,
who w ished to rally the girl, for the
amusement of her company, upon the
fantastic ornamenting of a plate of
butter. "Why, Bridget, did you do
this? You're tjuite an artist; how did
von do it?"' "Iiidade mum. it was my
self that did it," replied Bridget.
"Isn't it pritty mum? I did it with
your line-tooth comb mum."
A little 3-ycar-old girl who volunteer
ed to say grace at the table did as fol
lows: "Oh, Lord, bress the things wo
eat; bress mamma and papa and gamma
and gamp"a" and here, casting up her
eyes to her grandfather in the next
seat, and discovering that he was smit
ing, the little one closed her prayer by
saving: "Behave yourself gampa for
C'nrist's sake. Amen.
The New Haven Register inquires:
"Isn't it strange how recklessly a boy
disregards comfort? lie will have wet
feet, cold lingers, frost-bitten ears, and
be shivering chilly, but you can't pull
him into the lioiw; by the kitchen stove.
Not much. He wiil dance with his
lingers in his pockets, and 'holler' to
the boys across the street and imagine
lie is having 'raving fun."
A husband of a very fashionable and
talkative wife was out walking a few
days ago with his little girl, when ho
met a friend, who admired the child
very much. "It is a beautiful child,"
said the friend, and looks very mueix
like its mother, particularly about tho
mouth." "Maybe so," re-ponded tho
husband-father, but I never seen her
mouth at rest long enough to tell what
it looks like. friifrrjfuii Jetcs.
Two Bed?
The fashion of de -orati n, says a
New York letter, has extended to" bed
clothes. Quiits of white satin, linen,
and eott n serve as the ground of era
bcliishnienls by bnih. needle, and de-cak-onian
e. Some of these coverings
of sleep are beautiful as well as gor
geous. Floral designs are mot com
mon, but I have seeii on a quilt intend
ed for u.-,e by a bridal couple a -tine
painting of the figures Cupid and
Psyche. Q. lilts for babies' cribs aro
elaborated wonderfully by mothers' pa
tient needles. -By the way, a growing
fashion as to beds, separates husbands
and wives at night. Sjviniards, Cubans,
anil South Americans always sleep sing
ly. The bridal chamber at the Windsor
bote! is at this very time furnished with
two beds, an extra one having been put
in for a Cuban couple on their honey
moon tour and the thermometer near
ly every night at zero. A not inconsid
erable number of wealthy New York
families seize eagerly upon foreign cus
toms, and they have now taken up the
one-in-u-bed idea. Probably they are
right, viewed from the sanitary stand
point, and the physicians generally en
courage them. .Still, some persons gain
by having bed-fellows younger and
with greater vitality than themselves,
the scientific conclusion being that the
weaker draw health from the stronger.
This point is involved in a matrimonial
squabble, just now the talk of our fash
ionable sociotv. Mr. A. is GO years old,
and somewhat decrepit. His wife is 30,
buxom ami abounding in ruddy health.
She wanted to introduce the two-bed
fashion. He objected. She urged it on
the ground that all their set were doing
so. lie would not consent. They
quarreled outright. She refused to
sleep with him. He consulted with law
yers about a divorce, but they told him
tier action did not amount to a refusal
of marital rights. So the case stands in
Women's caprices regarding their
beds are sometime peculiar." The
habit of looking u i:rthe bedforama.i
is invariable, as everybody knows, even
in those women in whom the discovery
of a man might reasonably be supposed
to cause no fright. Where is the mar
ried man who presumes to inteferre with
his wife's exact management of every
sheet, pillow, and quiit? Maidens are
justasliniky as matrons about their
beds and bed clothes. All the old stor
ies about their circumspection in going
to bed are based on fact. Their night
gowns receive about as much attention
as their dresses for day-time wear. The
coy maiden is often as careful as a bride
in arraying herself for sleep. Even bends
are now quite extensively used in the
embroidery of the bosoms, making a
line surface, truly, to abrade the wear
er's ties 1 1, if she "be given to lying on her
face. The day of the night-cap is com
pletely gone. Few old women and no
girls now make themselves frightful by
covering their heads with caps. A new
practice among girls is to sleep with
their hair flowing free, and the sight of
it spreading out over a white pillow is
certainly very winsome; but there are
tangles in the morning topay for it, anil
a more .sc-n-ible plan is to useanet.
Pink and blue ribbons in knots at the
shoulders, baby f.ishjon, is one of the
new kinks; and the extreme absurdity
is reached when a Might-gown is dis
carded altogether, and the arms, h$s,
and bosom are left b ire all night by a
mere apology fr a chi mis.-. This non
sense, however, is not mucla iudu.ged
ia ty reyjAxiubly woiueui
. California sent to the eastern sta'es
$1,000.K.K worth of fruit hist ear.
A gentleman in Athens. ( in., e'ubns to
be the owner of the w his le ab nt which
Robert Burns wrote a ballad. Its history
dates back to the time when Anne of
Denmaik went to Scotland with James
In the last twenty years the Comstoek
lode has yiclde 1 .?6.o(K,0u0 tons of ore,
which averaged 80 per ton making
the total value of the ore extracted
8323,071,005. Of this ore the go'd
formed 4-5 per cent, in value and the
silver 55 per cent.
London and New York have met of
late on common ground. The :ibo;iii!i
able state of the streets has been the
sorbing ami exasperating topic toad the
inhabitants of either metropol's. and
polities have sunk into comparative
A Hartford (Conn.) man has invented
a contrivance for announcing the
.station on railroad trains, which can
be worked by steam from the engine,
or bv electricity, and a company has
been" formed with a capital of $100,000
to manufacture it.
The history of Germany and of Ger
man literature is being rapidly written
in bronze and marble. To Queen luise
and to Goethe statues were erected in
Berlin in the course of last year, and a
committee for the raising of a monu
ment to Lessing has issued an appeal to
all Germans abroad for subscription ia
aid of tho purpose.
Dr. William A. Hammond says, in
the International Jicrteu; that he gave
water from Lourdes to a pious patient,
calling it .something else, and her symp
toms were at o.sie aggravated; but
when he used common water, telling
her it was from the miraculous springs,
fchc as quickly improved.
F.ngin.1 411 on ti e Philadelphia and
Reading road s said to be the most
powerful locomotive in flu; w'oijd. The
boiler is 5 inches in diameter, with
LSI two-inch tubes; 10 feet 2i inches
long, and a grate area of 70 square feet;
cylinders 21 iu'-l.cs in diameter and 22
inches stroke. CMdncli driving-wheels,
and G 1.250 pounds on driving-wheels.
A bill before theCalifornia legislature
p-.ovides that the widow or children of
any victim of murder, whether the
murderer be declared insane or not,
shall be empowered to proceed against
him in civil suits, and if he be dead the
action may be brought against his wid
ow and children, or I. is lntiis, adminis
trators, and assigns of any kind vhut
The nfj)Ht)lijve Frciau'sc says that
C irlyle popularized German notions in
England in "Sartor Resartus." A pro
fessed liberal he was rooted in the past.
He denied progress, mocked at civiliza
tion, and adored force. lie was a
writer without taste, but endowed with
great imagination. He had the art of
dressing up eccentric ideas in taking
Cariy'.e has been more fortunate than
was IMekens in having his wishes in re
gard to his last resti!!ii-i)Iaee obeyed.
I Dickens expressed in writing his desire
that I. e should be !junel in a quiet
church-yard in Kent. Clerical iuilnenee
was brought to bear on tl.e family of
the novelist to have his body interred in
Westminster abbey, and that inilueuce
The ghost of a Mexican bandit is said
to haunt a cell in the jail at San Jose,
Cal., and the prison authorities uhj it
to enforce discipline by playing upon
the fears of offenders. A young man
who had been sentenced to the chain
gang, and who refused to work on tho
streets, was placed in his cell, but after
passing one night there he gladly went
to work as ordered.
Two hundred and forty-eight yards
of velvet is a pretty tidy pile to have
concealed about one's person when pas
sing the custom-house officers, yet t'us
is the precise amount which Mrs. Re.y
Gordon concealed I eneath her clothing
on Ian ling from the steamship Britan
nic, at New York. Shrewd officers de
clare that dozens of such eases go un
detected every day a vessel arrives.
John Wright, of Windsor, was killed
by a Canada Southern train at Windsor
in 1875. He I ad a heavy accident in
surance, amounting to 821,000, partial
ly placed in Canadian companies. The
latter contested the case, which has at
last, after going through numerous
courts, been decided in favor of the
heirs of Wright, the insurance compan
ies -being compelled to pay costs and
compound interest.
Richmond, Va., has grown 27 per
cent, in the past ten years. It had one
railroad in 1870 running out of the city,
over two hundred miles long, and wiil
soon have five trunk lines through to
the we.-t and south. It is the healthiest
city in the south, and manufactures .25,
OOO.OVmi woi-th of goods a ear, and has
paid the government in revenue taxes,
chiefly on tobacco, in the past twelve
As shown in the statistics of the de
partment of buildings, the growth of
New York city was more rapid last year
than in any twelvemonth since 1S72,
when the speculative building mania
reached its height. That year the ex
penditure on buildings was not less than
2527,000,000. In 1877 it was less than
half as much. It increased to sixteen
and a half millions in 1X7$. The figures
of 18S0 show an expenditure of $24,000,
000 for new buildings.
Mr. Fawcett, the English postmaster
general, is alwnit to propose a parcel
post at uniform rates, regardless of
distance. The charge up to two pounds
is likely to be six pence; between two
pounds and four pounds, one shilling,
the payment in each case being made
by stamps. The railway companies
wfTl carry and the postollice will collect,
and deliver, and the receipts will be
divided equally one-half to the post
office and the other half to the carrying
The work of restoration and preser
vation of the famous St. Mark's cathe
dral at Venice is proceeding steadily.
Scaffolding, inclosed by screens of
bamboo work, obscures a portion of the
facade as it ha3 for ten years that of the
ducal palace adjoining. The present
workmen are showing much ingenuity
in replacing and restoring the beautiful
marbles and mosaics, and this unique
edifice promises to be preserved anotiier
thousand years for the admiration of
A man died the other day in ' Boston,
and some of his friends offered to lay
out the body. It was found necessary
to call in assistance, anil an Irishman
was summoned. In moving the corpse
the head was left without support and
dropped back, whereupon, naturally
enough, the eyes and mouth opened.
The astonished Irishman gave a yell
and rushed from tho room, calling "out
to the mourners: "Wait till I get a
shtiek and I'll kill him sure."
When Gen. Joseph E. Johnston pub
lished his book on the war, some time
ago, he kept back, it is said, some of
his materials in order to publish another
book on the subject in case ex-Presl-dent
Davis should speak uncompliment
ary of him in the history which it was
known he had in hand. It is said thai
Senator Brown, of Georgia, who wa
governor of that state ttitoughout the
war, also fears some uncomp.imentary
""marks in Mr. Davit' book, and is pre
pared, if. his fears prove well-grounded,
to reply.
Some Rhode Island militia, in ctrnip i
last summer at Warnock, destroyed the
nest and eggs of a setting hen. The
v. i;er had counted a great deal on tho
uu hatched chickens, and he has present
ed to the legislature a claim of $t00 j
F S Ess La'
Xioss of appetite.KauBea.boweta costive,
Pain in thettejid.witha dull sensation iq
the back part, Pain under the shoulderf
bla3e.fuUuessaftr eatinK. with a disin
clination toexUoriofbo(lybrmind,
Irritability of temper. Low spirits.Ij08S
of memory , with a feeling of having neg
lected" some duty, weariness. Dizziness,
f luttering of the Heart, Cots before the
eyes, V ello'w bkin.'ljeadache. ljestjeas-'
nees at nighthighly colored Urine.
TTITTS PILLS "speeially adapted to
such cane-,, one .lose elleels such h change
of feelinsr as to Hstonish the sufferer.
Thev Inrrraur the ipelile, ntl c-:yie the
holy "to Ttibr on I'letOi. thus tli- s.u-m is
tMirihf4l. tin.l bv tln-ir'I'otile tctlonoii the
tMfcMtlii'Oinraii. Kfirilr Mii urp pr
Itii -iI. lrie 'S cent. :K Murray .St.. BI.V.
Gray Hif! or Whipkfr-4 rlianppl to a : lossy
Hi.a K y ! sintli- npplicatiun of this Dyk. It
imiiai ts x nfitiintl color, acts Instantaneously,
t- ji j I y il)r.ic!:r,t or.-ut ! x ri - m i?'i'i-t of l.
Office, 33 Murray St., New York.
A Pr. Tt TrH KIM' 11. of Valuxlilr Inf. ni.ntiim and
- .. r. I t;m-lf "HI C mailr ' KKbt va appliralia.
rittUisai3i7 at 12 &. Sta 2trcst, 21. .
THE Physician in charge nf (hi olJ and well known imti.
tutton aire regular Kruiunlctui medicine ai d turerr. enra
f Expertroe in (he treaTmei.l of thraa.r LM - haiV n.aJ
their tkili an J ability to much ujeri(,r to ti:at .f the otiir.ary
practitioner, that the !ae acqutreJ a uaUi-nl refutation
thrnorS their tiea'ment of complicate enset.
hi tii i m i ill mil ii mi I.WWH.TW T- na, uissucb
Bi'i.AJiet a .tlii..N t-ouurrt., 4jle-t, Mrii turc, irrhttiv. all
Irlurjr Troubles and syphilitic nr Xfrrurial affection v( th
fioit; akin or bone, treaie-t with exceed, or. acietitihr prrn
t' t.H-out ume; .Mrrcury or other 'i:onuu Mcticuir.
ft 1 1 hi O rVi LC J anj thoic of midJle are who are tuf
JaiiiMM llililwi IB '?rii; firm ihe e.irtt of Hrmalor
rbea wr tttuiuul i-utHt, tlis rkult uf telf-alue in youth
oreices in nature1 rar, are femur euily cwttJ. TL.s J.
cae irtxlucea some ofthe h:iow:i:2 everts eiiiisui , blutct',
dizxineti, rcrvoustiev dimr.e of sirht, c ut;h, iii'iif etiuO.
const iraiin. deponJency, eoi-fiwlr-n f Mc.3, averMuii to so
fietf, defective inem'trr," sexual ell;; nio-t, in.p itrocy or tot
frf Dinlv vifni hich urhts Th virtirv f -t fcusine s or marriage.
PATIENTS TREATED!1";1 3l J :a,7,
.er c: ui i . .K Lvl. ' rT" , :i 'i is iHEfa M- J Ii it
fl. l-'-t of qucf t"U9 W lr c'i 4 ? pil'tri-l it:g treat
si.ent uaiieJ tn ro av a 'ifM on ;"-u.
rVrMa tf'Wna: fr.m lltpfur faci:M ,.nl tit. r ntf rrMai
anil learn omitlia ta Ihetr aritur tu, It i, l a iru?. W
Conni'in:ca'i"!! " h t t r-.iiti fei f ! il. .1st -i.- i r i.t.t- rittd
Uil. Ill 'I TS, 1 .Xurth Mh St., M. I.uuk Mo,
Cattle Creek, Michigan, .
Traction ar,t Plain Engines
and Horse-Powor.
Mont Comnlei Thrrhvr l'actmy Established
la the World. i 1848
i V? ADQ f 0101 and purees t'ui '''i-
0& B Millll . v ilS'ii.t ciia-'iM of itu o.
) L IlllillltJIU1Iltp Or location, t:"bizrk tip'
ComplptP Stittm tli'tfitio wi"- '-..7 'toi"'-..
finest Trnrliau ICnuilu si. l'lalu t-ax'.itca
ver seen in the American market.
A multitwi of icprrial fenture o-f imj.rwin-n
f"T 3J, tOtfCthtT With mperiiw q ioli.if- n cnittlr ..'
tlon -;a'j'r'1'- n,:t lv: an:ed of ty ciht r Tiia;c: i.
i'our mi3 or eu;;amtorK. tro:u G to 13 Iiorso
capacity, far or ti" rr.
Two KtyleH of" Monirttvl" li-ro-r.
711111 riftft I''t f-li-ctril i.nrr.h' r
1JJ J )J J Kj (t'rninthrf.r tofijr yrnrg nir-lri- ;
conttantly on hn'nl, from winch is boils tiio il
comparable wooU-work t f our macMitinry.
tifrofigtH, mt durabtr. ami '.'.- ','rrtr ..-
tnadt. b, lO, 13 ilorso fo.t? f
Fnnnprj nnd Thrfvahrrmrn itm j vifc.-! tc
fap-estitrate this tnaichb Thresiuii. Math::.! ry.
Circalars r- 'it tree. A1ilr-ss ;
Battle Creek, MicMgan.
4 ' J
vtettA z lOi- 1 If:
The majority of the ills of the human
boil y nriar front fteratiffement of the
Liver, arfirtiuij hoth the stomach and
hotrrla. In vrtlrr to rffeet a cure, it in
nreexunry tit rrmore tJr cause. Irregu
lar ami S' uri'iislt action of the lintreln,
1 1 t-ittl'ir lit, Sickness :t the Stomach, I'ain
in the Hit ck it mi Lotus, etc., indicate that
the Lirer is at ftnlt, ami that nature rr
iuireM oxslxhi ore to enable this o '! id
t'trnir ofi' i n pari! iex.
lricJtly isls liliiera are cm peciallff
cum pnttiiil' ii 'or th in jmrpotte. They arc
tnilil In their action anil effect Ire an a
cure; are plenta nt to the taste a ml taken
entity t.y hut it i Itildrert ami nilttlts. Ta
ken ac-n ft ny 't ii i rrt tio:tsf they are a
nnfennu"-' nsiiitt rrcV.T!)yspepsIai
;eer.t1 Ie!Tll!ty, Habitual Con
stipntioti, IiseasU lilclnejs,
etc.,tc. Asa sslotKl I,uriJicr they
are superior to any other medicine;
elca nsini the system th'.ronyhly, attd
i m til il in i) fieir life aud rnertjy to the in
raltd. It is a merlicint: and not on
liitoxic.tttuj; hi-reraijn,
and take no other. PRICE. U 00 per BotU.
St- tcui and Kansas City, Mo.
K-i m t -r. f - jinn i
a a
, r ja i' r ,r j--iKWrt
la not a Vibrato uar in Apron Ulacbine.
! wondorf i:Ly siuiio r.nd otiuiirably perlect in it
ttiret-hiuir ami oeparatinir qualicea. Karri alt
t!)e (train, and cli-ana it rrndy for nmrket.
lUiim et'iy i co::fsir:ictl durably, ia iiiiinht;4
boaiitifnlly, is tli9 mct economical, lt-aat exjien.
eive, and i.-.o-t sntiifurtory nmcliinc in the
ntarkrt. V ill haa-ilo wet frrnin a3 well as dry.
lXatnoeiual in thret-ldntr Ex aid timothy, thrw-n-in(r
aiul c'e:miriir b-nu a well ar.d nearly as rapidly
mh(-ut,and retinin s no chartrc excer-t the cieves.
fins rrt'ir square fret of rpara:irit vnd cleaning nzr.
fare than aio other marhine weft-, owo! ran not bm
orerlwi'd. ft l.ofh over- and rntler-b'at Our
CLOVKIl IJI I.I.INti A TTA t ' 1 .! KMT is
new and very LKoa the work moro
mrt'dly and better tuaa aa eiclutively Uuilinsc
SKPAK A TO ItS of tbn rar1oti3 fIzcs A:teJ for
S rim or H-irte l'mr, as t'esirei.
All Improvorl Pitts Power, sn Improvrd
M'onilliurv Power, and tho Llwaril i:iual
izinK Power, all tuonntetl on fonr wheel:, aro
1'ianufacturvd Ly ns, ani art not murpaued by any
in the market.
We are nlso Tircr-are-l to furnish first-clas
Prtallo i-ntriucs with our Separators.
I cr rrice-lifrt a. id drculara, addresa
p sue
Is iHiitle from a Siiu;!t' ri;iic;il t.t j'.f i f ll.i'e
:tlut-. Mini is :i o-i i'i for ail t 'c
lINc.-i'-l"-' tii:tt ril'l-i paiiiH ill t he io cr p n:
tle ImhIv-for Icipiil l.iv-r Hc.tii.f'ii-" hi'in
!!'- lMZhici. (ii'itvt-l. Malai la. and all .1101-ce.llic-1
-il'i- Ki liicy-.. l.iver ainl I riiiai v t r
pai:n. I'or lc" li .MoiU hlv'Mc.i- aiiii tl!iii:ij: rn-jruaiti-y. it fia.i i:o
onual. It rc-.i.oie-' I in- Kigali- that uml.t ti:e
liooi. ;;iul h.-nre i . i !;e lcr t (EiofMi i n ri fl r
It is 'lie oniy kiHi.i n ri lueily that rur.' tli:t
scoiniie. i!i irl2iM (-.:-. I"i r li,i!-rcH.
Pe VMtnir'M Jil' lia!it-M i !;:-.
For Sa' l y :ili-i!s ain! Dealer- ;:t S ! .2 i
per bottl-. l.aijjre-t bun !i "in t he Try it.
II. H. WAUXF.J: & CO., li.-fli.'slH-. X. Y.
Cl 7 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, ?Jo.
A restilar rni la:i-o of m Mo.;ii;.il i ' , b:u bea
longer loatU t-t.n n;:y or -ifcri'hii.i;:.: in bt.l. on
city pawra show, rizid oU rcdi-io.'Us know, fci; phiim.
Goaorrhcea, Giut-t. titriottirs. Orchitis. Enptm s.iU
Urinary Syhjiti or Mercurial Aft'ect oiK fcf
Ihrofit. Srcn or :Vnc-cc'J!c l H. Mv, I'i-i-.-ate'y.
aTiormaiorrj ttc.suii D:"-.i.ty nr.d Irnpctoner
a3 the result of Sa!f-Alc-je, te-sr.-il f-cod-'cn in ni:. filer
year.orover b-'nin-lt. :-rO-u'i -rn"-vousre--s, mia
ul emlsriiua. di-t-iut.', liim-.e-isof ti :';t.deici.tiv mem
ory, j.h;.:l.':'.l tlecay, cvcralen -i;.ry cniftiaioa o
iJeag, loesof seiuul pdt-r,r.I"h Ur.renit.:riu; mar-ria-re
improper. aro iwirin.ip.iTC'i-ijvi. t'oa-ultntioa
at oSica or It mail rr enj i .v:t - t. F.-iropfelet on
rt.imn, Mouici.iea wnfc ly or ozprr-s. Cure
jrun.-ur.tecd. ffhtd doubt it- is ruukiy iift.
..i. ? iiit rut ti.e, on tU
fo.!o,vii;a p'i!jct: V'i: 1 1 y !
i :"rrt v :i j not, w ii v.
u la J";! -.; 1 : e!!"pCt
of ci!;o:yf ml
nr rontiMnr!;itin r in;-
iivTOf..1!" r'.'j ill t itn Kr
dr lwk f.rtti ku. 25 Cts m'.i ia money or fo-
2 tSk We-'iknoss, J,oit M.-iaho
Abu. Any dru-rist hns ts.t? in Tr lien: t.l. Louia
705 Chenut Dt, St. Lou!3, Kf. r.t r.U orT:p.
ooatiauea to cure SpenuaLorr'.'.aj.i. S - m nul 'Viic
neas, Impotentr.ull fonnfl of' G-'phiit3,.jonoi vbr5.
Gleet, Urinary or Bladder tliseosrR. II.o.;nt cr-s
cared in a fer, (inya. Aili'ae dise.s.. r-j-uUiiu; from
Belf-ahnsa, ex-ie8 0r-xpos iro rnro.l fcr !':"o with h.,f i
medicine. Adc trm... t'aarse-J to.v. C ol! or K.-ito
in stjictcpqfidencse. SvrnptOTn Bw? for two stun. p ;
An entirely N w and pTsifiv-Iy effisct-vj
curs t. Som-.aal Emissions and Iznpot jnv r.- ib rr 'r
fnrlj niia-w fX -rfet muIkji. It is c.Z-i.-4
bt the iLxUcat rrofsoi t L r c": ta- un&l aw yet -ot-red
f rear bin i"t c-jnnj tiiaJ ery j-wtwut tr tu'.ie. TV I3;p-?
ii .l'rrAt( Uil -t tit '.
i - n.... .. t... .i.l-a. e.t -a', ) e.-a-i m r iTT
Ci -rJirt'feri trfitnoitt to Tfitwfff f
Indnra. A r?:l lit i, ipTx 1 fs ler.o.y n ftrj prfctly.
Ila4 t:ril-i-'y ":J w'Vfnt!v !. e. vir r a.u
f Lti.4 A y I, HTtf i am tt ornc!
top. jbv jvu. fij! tp it-r f'v r- '
cvrr T ir I fas! t!p
- ? L-U.r.
Mttan-iri.Sert. isTJ I receive 1 so iju,.i;ii fr-vii ll
Ve ) .r remedies I mt t ! r ,- V m :.i......
1 l-J g'y '1 j v 'l'.r-l'- 7
M'ch. Ja:.t" .-1 J.avw- t-5ii up i;r pic-r-rf; l ir thr t f -' b ' ; ;T I "
f p!4 ail 'pTiv.t (mul'e. I t' r) u v j . -1
I uih)cu wou: ' r'"-- t ! ' f-r t' - r -oi
Tim Oct. is. 1 am fc!im.s sirjir: iei at r-.r F-i-
iyc. 1 iii-r ha .e ! kcJ l.Y.c a c'-arn. r: t e. I ?n ; . 1
I x.e-t s much of a as I w t-rf. ? r. I f a
?r-e of tt-.j crarj, I tV'i'M. an I tf.cre a Lt cure fur Bef
'.Tst V;rj:iii'f . Xv, If I r-nrs'Te-1 yrwr nri,'if, arJ
I b?'tv tt hs eurci mef;-'r an.r. f"-v thauKful. In
c?.ieJ pie we f.ti-t $ f;.' which jUise St-nl n 5tr
i 2) frr a fn-rrl. V"a here tiouo a gcol tikj L-f ig, a
w ili enJ yon all nrJ--s T ct -
Vrr r? V ;iVt nf eriir N?r?f
Missouri. Jnre J6tii, t?"i I'icise t rn.ifd n.ratiiti- aiiotTs
b-T of he I asttl'c. The rtient on w hn 1 bave u.e i i:oT t f
t.-r t.c, ,i, 3 Hitmn tn a SAn-.f-'e box, is fut recovering, tbl i
t;..n2 aatiiei f', f ,,7,'J , ,
JrVe r l-F.rr;.
MrJioJ. Sew. 2, iv?. I-t J .tc,rv r-rf t-"m tt- i
bos of yi-r reiitfJj', fcr j:.e of ocr custuK'er, nnJ it J i u.aj
y ie f yrc 4- irirri, n i- w e- v - ! 1 ' -
. .t ii. : c U!j..fTr d . to W eJ-
' - . .y li.auT tr.t.-a. the fol
xi i..uiau.'-)i.,, Menliir ia Womt-.n, anf V-tHitnri t,
lit :ce ti In Uf roint. Aire U lit Advice V iVti,
ftutituoi), n i riur, Lt'iitiCT au-l Ifatrin.tny enjrfj,
Coijuf tl iiuj, f-ji -ti.-a, l, c ( "giroi ip. In . dnftt-fS tt
i' n., Lrtl T fbU w( U ! i.' . t.'t f pi. -rui-a
U W.ranrn iltrir our4.a-1 trtrnti, A Uk f-T iruu Aft t,f:.sji-f
rtsvtiDt. of 3iX w, with full fti tDtTnug, iij mail, (. cJ,(ibxa.
On Syphilis. Uonori DCLa, Glet, 6rrictiirVa"o
cele, &c. a. to 3permntorrhoea, Sexual teblity,
aiii Impoteney, fr m ietf-Atu.e auJ Kxcre. causing
bvctmiti Lu:i-iom, Sr nwl, tSoiic te. iliTtal Pjr,
aessnfstcta lwfrcti MrM if, Lo -l bt iubi PwVt-r, We., ui&kinc mv
nw 'ntpr- ff uih p-. t'n tiwcant.Krct ftt i on? rkUutkic r
j the cjre of ali nnic d VS ' p!tr, t- ceata.
llei'.iil it-U: I:?r3 :b i:zzl::i a Tcxssii-i, Its.
FOR O NT DOLL A J? enJ '!;'' ' '
fhflJVY7lVfnit'iHf5W' 3 twV"iiaM7M -r,Te flr5.r:lea books, r.iee-
Iv f-c. .r.i in u; v vj ..o. oiuL...i.ui CCb j-?-, or 1;0
il!utiatioi'. Tu- C--II it;r.-j oirn,e p it;ve;y fhc CiCVt
pcjular Medical E k i-ublihci. I he author n an exer
eu.t-J pjsiiMa of rr.av var .reiice. (a is well fciiffp,
1 tfi i ei.-l r.ile Trr ir."nr-t l. i. will be f nt 4 cf
gi4 viad it l;.t Su'-... fi- m nrtj:i:s) the trtn. tatlr in' tk,
fcT v.j. "r .4 10 f-S rom-w t.i.T f r - J cf "Pl.JVirt
ww " Ci H'?1 1C " rfli i f P'' -Knj U-ltrn in j-iip.. t Low'.
c. Li., t iri l .-,.n. , ei .t i .TcT JT.t .ken resiling
f'Om imj '.ra iil! a."Cll'io: $, ft.-11-al li nr rl;a ,a,t-"r.
l3:r,ic r!..if t hr met '"l rs.-.-f-s. W.'-ere .".vjt.lp. irt
cl r.siiintn i. r-rr?; ?n- I- i fiec a ' n ,:'ri. t, - .
I) I t- xofcv.-i r 1 - I'ie: l- i :uz tr4l.,rl.t n ail-
to my ('..I n i ; !ic.ti -r. I"i., li-.- I'etlfp. i -n.-j-.t
VK. Hl'TT. I Stirth Mh St, Ki. I.oul-.
A J? ( fi CfiNA-J ASTHMA Ct-'KC
rKd l.y inha!aten. thrr rca-t::a? tl'o ii:;o;Lii! Uirec.
! reluxej ihefiD t.-rc. iitat - fix-b cxww:t..ratu.a and S
lot. WI&aUab'iMl! vuiitetu nosi
I -will mail h copy
of iji.v ?iew Hook.
KItKK. to nv nerson who will
t;iid his nantR'niid post-oltice aduieas, aim ma cclitg
in Manips i' pjy riostnee.
To m;v one fsufToritir wi'h CONTWPTIOV.
Asthma, catakkh, mikk TiiiiuA r
or lti(:cill 'MS, the Information in Ih s llook is
of i-r--ji vjIiii-: ;el it inav ia the providence of Uod,
6.' . c "iHHV il.-et'ii live-, " ' .td.lrcs-s.
11 N'.li. ULFK, Hinjti nu, t Iriclunatl. U.
A victim of youthful Imprudence rawitig Preina- i
ti:ie l.'c-ay, xVrvoua I biiity, l.i st Matihood, etc., I
h:.v:ii'; t: ii A i?tvairi every tivnvn rem. dy, L.n did j
covcr tl a Kireple e!f cure, which be v ill nil FRF.B '
to i'ia ft'.i T., uiWreHc J. i. Klir.l I
i li:ttUinn : S. V. '
'!. YTTSMOl TH. .NCll.
Firsl ci.i-s I nt!pii:i; i.'otiins.
1'Jf.l "l,is ri.;iitii;i:J.
I ;'eei S.illijlie IloOJilt
Kvei I liin ;n:tl every cooiti.rt
A Good Hotel can Fumih
Also, (iooil Wines, (ic-etl In-er. ;t I.itjuo
t.ooj i.i-l!iOii;;i'e. lnoil l'ii:r.
Kept at the C'itj Sotel.
Illy FK'KI). !: I'roi.i ietor i
Palace Barber Shop.
I'uiier Fr;iek ( :i; i tttli's t v. .Icwe'iy More.
ai.wav.s i:i:iv. i
. ;iml liHw i-ilio lll"f tt) (.'(
suavkii .shami'doki' ma;i:- r r.
o:-';i;iytli::i.c! -e ii. tVe ti-iS(,r;e.! tvay, at
Jolill IJOOMCS Xi'W rtllOJ),
ton. ff M;:i:i ;u:.l Fifth Site, I.-.
IMat tNtriotit ti. n A f bra tli .
i en. till -U t! l- : ii eert seeountiint :-.l tl
S!n-cof til tceci.e'r. Ii t-liuetion lli'd' ulls :n.l
l'.r;.ciic. 1. 'i iiiiion ! r ti an elsewhere, r till
jiiii rici ars in ,-iin sMitlM'f. . .
ill! ' . i litis. J. XJ:.,Ti
' iti Vui
e-!u;u u hi ij '.nu'uiau, ici u :ri-r eionj t
c-tfst. l"ri.-,-; o. ae.-i t.fcO. 7-1 fie kuiij iiuc. ,
iiu U.CCI1J1 1'Ma. , Scl'iial. Kiwi! F
: '
T7trh wholesalir.!l'C?lCTtD-,yaBe1i!int't"t7C-'l3CIo.-.,
jou find tjcy axe reali 00i axa kUs. 'Wcriil lu'tili-iiY-." CCi I'ia3SaU Stt Ii "t-'a
a FRmrnia office for os dcllmi
ChilJrco learn arrar.jcoient of letters THJT WCPLD
into word, cd vorJj Into seuteaou r- m i -.- ci iN - Z.
wnhout a teacher
icar- ct m-" ! :-
v.Mi t. ;. 7,
c-: r;i.. .y hl -i i
r-ca cl thi ri.Ve
s:iinir. f'crOHC
-:t -.'..v-' -
The tat Kiiu f.w r ' V..' ', 1
" -!-jLum j mrVln- L'dcii ever
to 1 .0 li-.-, I:.::
IfiTenwvt. Ink H in -It! in He.
ser. eta. ia neat lux 'i;a d ;rttk.iu.:s. piccyou jcv r w
Earar. Price t.T mail, SI. On- .lt.u cf .r.u's r-.j.! f."-
R'OSLD KAltwg'Q CO. 123 V.zziza tr:ct, I.'ct? Yc:'-.
Jha American Pcualat Dictionary, SI.CO
rrZ'.t; '-rr:T
J..!-:;:.-) K r t- i..i.. :j
:Vjraa'.SijjW-- :- " r-fri.t. tL;Ti:7l.ou:i '.
.u true cica!tii.t d.rl.
vation. r:'Mii. aa-
4pruounf?iaLi.-p. on-1 j
lii:ii':j j wiJi.i.-fJ,,
Aiuer:'t llislory.Litv
' 1 J.ibrafy f Rufcrt-aoc.
- 1 Ki;':i:i's lictvuurv
''jj'ji tcs the mrnev
"x?r2i"" Tribune an J larcifr-
Wehiive never seen itj
equkl either ia price. Cn!ch or Contents." Advocate.
A perfect Uiationary ctid Jibrary f retercnee Leillv'a Iilus.
Jieirs.N. Y. One cpy off tho American Popular Ii ?tionary
illtu&trated), the creaMsft artd bsA back erpr pnb!ish1, o.t.
f-aid to any ft'IJrftsoa roceipvof $ . Jjfjri-ntire satixlyotioa
cuarr.ntcetl. 2eopi-3n--p:i-J S I -ZS. OfdGr f t one'?.
Wcrld LiiiiiXittuiiiig Co., 312 I-5aa St.. Kcv7 Ycric
Or an Easy Road to Marriaoro.
la this Bock s:ra:urj
fcecrcis alwavs Mcjdci
hofore tomaaalnd, ana
an La-? Way to Slar
r:ae, t.l xn.n An
Vitii-v f .tcr.ta tbac tliJ
riiarrlcd tuould knotv.
J f a iia Is a.-jjiitctod ty wayward Husband
t !.-! s Buo !c wi .1 s u reiy re
cl&im him tj liia r.rt
"CV - ': tovo. Itprorc jt'.iUtl'uU-
: .4 nre to v. in tiio object of
?-t oar i r.oi-.-n l., lmivw.
We lev
r-i liaid:
- ciu:u. tituutcnuu-
lovercounirj.'U pet
!rif. Tiiew',.lrotisi
S-Ba5-?' 5 sXi'S J riilllciis Cf Hearts and
f f v'i(i-Vr$;sU--Sr5r Hating yua cm find In
fife ffr'tW thisliotlt if jour tore
f V fx ,..5".ir.;$irfiajl la not roclprocatod, this
mil., r mim,m mi; mi .iBJT, i.VN.'. rfr.t BOCK V.'i; I tpCn WltlC
the harred door, and mrvke Loves Pathwr.y clear. Kturt Iticht
and tho liau:a U llan tVon I This BooS sort b- Mail t- r 'it;n
Tbrco centBtamrij. Two BooUt it;r i rt J"ii;' k, f fi.o
Yrerid fcuiuiaoHiriag Co., IZZ rtsiaa hi., h&tr i
t i j-jnpj.-.-i ' J.lstfx--5'rvl a-ep.t,la'trt.
an ft 1eW ssssasaMBsaBMBasisssaraasiassBa8asBsSBmas
a Picnfic? at pat,.. ni rwn
s a r
Wo haTeaecnrcl an Imroenne rtnrv of Choice Jlitis at extraorrltnary low fipire-i, anf at the pries at which we Kir tl-'t-'imintd
to iisposf ia the prt tcst b.ira!.n ever cf r-4 the V.u.-Kal The Col reel ii-n iacmpocd of Vucai O'-tl Ir- ' rumcntal
pieces, stl'H sheet wi?ia Eire, wij'cn t rootiut Peara:-'.y tn tf:
Ther are nicelv botind iu book forrn anil th- em :rc It ?il ba contto
eTApa (-lcoSlx Lota for Ono Dolfar. WORLD
tlucira friction rncl liuhtert'i-iu the dt'aft.
rt rrn I w nrl: ti--i. -i - r--. . . ; .
it m ilic cheapest iwaani 't casts ro nore
than Inferior fcrcit.cla, and ono Liox vii! c!o
thft work r-.f r w r. p.r , h j, A i r- . c
made. ltai:sivi rnciua ivas'wJllliir Jl'i;rcncr,
M ii ii-:in:T. liireliiux ru-l'iabT. -,-..
Cnrri.!ir a. Itn-nii, etc.. etc., a. tor Varer. It is
CL'iRANTFv n r n x-.r-.rt-.-. Irs nrt P.lrn!A: mt
lor sal'- by nil lir.-t-C!a- ileaierR. CsUi:r W;
C'.-e'tspetlii iii 3 :'-ri Y -rrir h'e.irinfi rtsilf-:i fre.
31 MiCli'r'.tTri Avrej-s, Cii'caeo. Illinois.
il. JEL
1 rJa- c.i Mica i r -r-itiiM.-iM. it. ! i.5eV, rtfc tlyL4?lrAy4y
& ri .i.!------ the BEST rtl.! CHTiSpEST 1 i r -- - ' ieirv-T--
.j:.rr ..:'i
t---r-A-- .' . f -... ''
. '.V- 1
i V
4 .
v- -" .L2".f- jrs.yisi. I Ci ty UL U
-.-: V-T 1 eit'.i j: .r --' ri rl T-r -n
Its nniii lino runs tnini t'l.t.-::i t'
It i .1 li.-t, -.-i!t'r thr'Mih .l"ii"r. t n ! nv-'.i . I i - r i .
liene tu. M. - li:ic, llf if laiej. liiiv.-i-"- irt. t'c z
l.Hierty. low u t ity. .M ::: ! j:r si, i ,r. ei . ::,
Jin: lies i til. : cecital .t I v.:i , M -i : ; t. Ai'-i-i-ttc.
Hild Avi't'n; v.ilh I'l'uiiciir.s ir. ri iie:'.-.a
Jiincti:'!i to I'c.i: i.i : v.:i-.'i .1 u:i.-t i-:t. t-''.i.-.
tine'. WnshinLt.'si, riir:. i'i, l.l'i"'i. H ".
Centroville, l'riiK-et":i. 'i it ih.i-.. i,i!il'e..n. i u- h--rmi.
I.e:iv?iiivtrtli. .tt-i:i.-. x. un.l Ku:':t3 t er;
Viif.iiiiii.'ti'n lt Sif 'Tirre'V. kan-' -?.:i. 1 i.
ville; Kenkiin to f ant.r.Utu. L' ii-.i;-:. r'.e. Ij
timsjitirl, In'left'.tiC!it. i.hi Ml. t)i t :i:ievi. I.'., e. -v:lle.tiskalon:i.
l'ella. Konnet. nn.l H-s M'ii:i":
Newton to lit mi-oe: lies M,nrie to I tuna u
Wintered: Athtiiiic i-t I.cvis i Aiitiu.-e.:; a-.!
Avoca to i!:iri;ii:. " hi is ..-.'iiVL-y i.'ie oi.iy
Hailioad. rhicii twri!i. n:;d ;ieraics a tiirmu:!:
hti from Chtcaao ite i tue t uv t.f K:.tisr..
' 'i'hmuUi tixires l:ise:ier l r wta !'. :!
mt.l I'alacei aisaitaciie '.:.r'-ni: Mt h w tv .';e'
hetireen I'lltOAiiU ami I'KtiUI v. Ki.v-1 ' UT.
tOI'M lI. 1-1 f'l'FS, UiAVKNtVORlH ::u i Tt 111-
PON. Til roll tit. cur.nreu yir.iii iw-ive. m .V. ,i t. au-
kee and Kansas i iiv. r.a me
V,l r-.i.i 1.0 .,..! 1
Bock itland sliort I. iif ""
Tho "Oreat It -cK l!a:i i"' is la'-eiSennKv
emnpped. It ron I or i i na.'i'ly k rt..-.-:. uati fts
tr.i 'k is ieid itu si
What iviil p,
ff .-ti li i v i :v rn.
i r-i
ii in. iM vrill 1
..ah! 1 1 f ii I iir:nrat (.?' iili.iii.T :ta-i
iar wni4t:i:l.-c!i" piiiei j . an
Ihrtniiia fcxi-'rcs-i lr,i;i.-. i.u p
Dieul. us Rood lis 1 1 ?t-: vea
HI iiny lirsi -f i j -A .
tursoventy-hve cents.
Appreeintinit the luct Unit a n:uj-r.ty t t e;
people prefer sepuratu iipartuicDi- ir'i.J."i'n(
puruo.ei la'.i.l liee iaii:tciii.c pusteti-'r Luei:-s
r.f thii liiie tirrap.ti:ij it . v.o t re ci"U--.'-l f 11:1-
Uourice tiint tilitt tiuiaany rtliirt 'r.;imi:i ''-Mr-
Siiivui l turs Icr bleeping ; a! l" ,
PFItlAIAV PtLAfZ rAa.-i : snu tHr nurh lo I'i;i'. lit.! MillJi.
COi'XlIL l.t:i--I-. liASSAS : a V. A'H i.lS., nn.l LKAVEMVOlt ril.
'j'i( krii Tl.i (hi. i.i:.--, -: i oi- tin- "Sif-;it H-el ialund ISoute," are nold I.
all Ticket Aural, l.i lhe l': ire ; re :r..l
For Icforniutl ji-. cl.iuiiti:.'.. .it. j'JM Uolii'O tieUct otce, address
..4.. KIMHAii.. 3-:. N'T. .lOHX.
den 1 bubcriuleaiitjut. ci'Jii Tt. cua PaiSi'eT Act.,
V -lUtcric;;.. .ifi-rt. miratt. 1 he wor1; emh-- Ul
r.-... ... .t;..iu .icr-p. m L.tirai":!! is ore
fc-if .-!. f".)..l giT" ytr.i orey a ri!n i U a of our 5:--: :
c.-.V. m - t V.'siti. 1'. uva y i caa c:i fc-1 ;i t
i-.. r.i;J r.r.r ro.'3Tcjacta Ut ft mzrfcnror I,
eze--t---z-9. 7',: w.uc:.i-le yo'i to i.:ifcc a prorf of J '. I
to i '.c c I ifto .ii, a' ") a pre .ton U.c :. y r ti.r3
rca.-cn I 3.-:.;c? :cj,.'i s A sticaactrai', ia ee::.'j'r
T-1' E'l.l -1-'.'.:t r--.n-r.rpi f : ! of .-.-T tutor. v .-
-.i. cc-ath-iwri-H t-fT-,: -'.or Urr.iU rrae oTrV eicrctj
-ri c rt c irt ar.d ;-:i-irrre j'1 dclivcrv or
'.1 3t-.:t I: C.t ' L oii';i-i-:! of ;?' en i',:v
- 3 :.d.t J. Ti' vT!l-: li'.Ll CUA1XS c:ie $ L7l J:.; -a Chorrr.g ii ccnU extra, TtllH
Vyt vn ;ch lo extonoivciy cc:vertied and
J.,. rolcry c-'e.criirm'j HlOench. Dont
t t-,ay Tan Ooi:-r9 when we win sell yen
t-rocSPty came vynTcn icr o. w a
nr; .-.ti::?.r. 7r.tli;rn .i.ia'Ttoecll von a s.t.rrla
a uiMK u l ; ... v
r.nrier irfl mv".--n Tnrr'r, sr.i is h fpxt tKx k lor all sl.ow
I c i. 1: i:oTT j j k !x t a t-iaiblcr throueh a t&Lie; tt
d.e 3 o.:e t'-ri'.lcf tr::i-:i ant'ibcr ; bow to n;ake protai
I.-e..e ; -o r r.ko a h fcvp o (ro r.t tlia word of commcud;
1:. w j 1 ".-r j.i. 1 n a l.ct iron fcari to tlisccvir ary
eel i l t- pr - ' l y i v. t prf:n"il; to tiirn wat.rintj
T '. ; t-7 to t: f.iti oil .o h i.-eo -wit.T ni hoia irtt
t'e ; il ; i. u i:.l a i lus v.i.ii two ci.V..'ici.t liiui'.3. wi:UoLt
3 : - ir iisia ; Lot t j 1 ht a e !:: hy a f lass of water ; tit
f -,"--.') v;or 1 v te"l:r.-r : in t, .- u eron-) -i!h a blow nt
i t'...- i!.t ; t te -r n L-r!iuor-liief Jntj j-iecffi, antl msUs U wholi
J 0 Iain ; C 'w : i C.-c a 1 ,a.!-.-.l z'.i'M ct di t -r.l tr;::io::t linr:ic
; t C!.r.:.J a h r 1 of ne I-cJoit VttSCT wilU C.'U niat
r.::; fa it ; io pr ... ice e:.r,t':,.i. t ut e c , f.. ia a L.i;ir--.'''.
c.l r- t-.y c: -r tru-ia uo tusasroii 1 LiUtoi!.
-NTT,.rTUrT?"rt C".
1-1 1.i-o-j t.r, Yoazr.
i no nsnci becic iwicn
pnd rrars r.f . h'I r.-I -'y In r::'..lie t:d rnv;.to li.'o. IhU la
.- u. -t vi.-c o t.i.-iue;;o er. c p;.h;is:ic-J. o --tlpiatct
f 'J to;n cr ci -ol.'fe lis-v -5 are fcero iulro:uci1&, liut e-rj thrr.
I: cwicrn, a J prere-.tei in tt ci a-.r. interesting end forcibU
luca. r. I: i i ta a i'.aoii:y on a.) r.'iUers rtliiii:f tub h.ivicr
c.t racial iitercomse t-f ercry kind. rcoT ilio -iM--rta
tn.vf c t ro : Jirri, Ii.trmluctior.s, O.lTd.J, t-iinKir;? llind,
I-? at -I Pn'-.-iit, t'c-.vcrsjitio', Morr.irir fulN, Pinners.
Csrviriff, Pnl: i:vcr!::p Pn riles. I'-i'Triratrl Driving, Iiont'r.rr,
tuyit.j r:;:h I': i-a-J , Pi:j!:c y:"t;s, r:cn!ts, Ijo l'roi
esada, Leva, ;oK:-tstip f.i d J'ir: ;af:-. Vi:h tills boek no
ono need l-c nt a l.-cs ! jw to oc in cn7 emon.-env tht niay
a isa, cr hni:a-s to cr.i.-r iieo r.--.y rocier. wi:tiout ?ci26i-j-Cl
to disojCi-c: t tr euibarraafuijnt. Price l-i ccate.
VV- ?r-; vi !-i5 : );J Y-'7v
lr-'m rn aro boys! Jut ti thinj foralitt'.'j harm.
l?Mm.' ;'.u .ra ii i The unthc are ma lo o i?eauin3, a f.c !..-.:. n r x , rr r ji.i,vv. t from tho fi-'owiti
ti' rVavm r ni't t tit iH Irm tho ronipr-.
6jn; .1. l- 'vs v!" j i: ;n Ctn ha- h"--cf fua put
tint; thorn on in at-e .v 1 1 ( r it ) ! who t.-:1I 1 prtallj
Ifi.iii hod t.t t!'3 r-m'.li-n t-i:ia:rir.atiort. T!ir-?o clnr.
r'.'M.i!?rk Lroirn.arj.l t (Jib'wiio th fitch. 1K!":J
ririfAii, i;;cu sitcvi (.iaii;;. nrsN"U
VfiliS.ti3 Ca' iogi;e f AtiiH ff0'!l frfo, VOrUi
0!d Gypsy badge's Fcriune Tsilsr
AndlUe Wktclies UeytoLucky Dreams.
Yoa erm nrtrtoil roTirotm
ForLunc wbp.t w iil L art ii
3 you h,wio ;u ,is U.tfe
raniihes OldMadire can brine yoa .
,r Kvii Jl'.l l Book S'tnS
on. m V. .. Vh.ia . -3r t H I fl I O. I ' '.
l.v m?Jl foriilUreo eent rttnr. Two B..ol;3 f .r tocti Flvi
r."twtt.l-.f ,i.r-i. rrfr, Tirk rtrtr.d htisa fc.lver X-iuiuer.
Wosid Kascfactriring Co., 153 St., IW YOlS.
1U 1U1
uhli-. The Colrectii-n lacjmpoa-a ol iucit o u jr-:rurjeaisu
Lhe iui?c Stores, would co.i ovt Fourteen DclIOrSa
foatiT s3.1rrs, poJt-rbl, on tusii-t Ol L.S TliiJN 'i !- "2
!t rf f( ve
exj't-ri: e .t-t e
pmj't p'l .ft ..r' .
not a " f vc i;e
ara. Itavt.i.'
P. ..,t3 ,.. ,- 1
Is is - . ;'
r;. i: 'if, il . ,
Uej-t itt !-r;?e:
l;i!ld-.r erii".: .
' -t. A tx
i.-r.-t-.- v.i.i.v
?I ff '
Oi-U. 1'. L'.,"i
rs' rxj'rrirrT nvtl
!.'J!f. It r;it.l,;.., if .-
' J'n-M'r n".-...-. rei. j jM
cf e
t ; i:r.
' u7
. tint.. f.'.'X - ::.
i c. J; t lilt'liC.:-.
. 'Hjlef con-
;taiiti-!l cud
( i:v:iij;-s ve!i
li ir. H'ir!-!vt;io
t::i! to it
'V r t.i ,i.n1 j;
-. -'. e iv
-..(-..; II.
C - OCir.n - iy OF Tl-strj CCUNTSY, VVIV.L
THIS f.:AP, THAT Tl!vt
.- - 'lJr,' ..h..- lr
. v. C : JJ
JeW ; :t v.t 'a
T I .1.' I
. .oyiS ...
ruir. l::er-tl;cr
r .
i : v
tir r-. l.ico fura I-a f.MfHvi.N'i
..-c;;!i cnj'.y yuur " iiuvaua"
t a f .
!:.! ii:.- S.:m tlic Mtssi'siclJ i-t-mts;tl I ' tle.s
:e--' nv.'-i.led ut Coimeil lilulls,
.fie.: i:h. rrml Atciust.ii, cc-ii-
t .1
1:1 L man I'f nots.
a;, u. i;. teNNi.'t.TioNs or
i liie d iill i.l.Nii Aiifci -Vd
i im. i
"i!!ir t.
i 'e.i.i.ut'.
v.itii yil diverging lines for tlie
e. i I.n
1 I . .
Ai i .
I . K. 1.
nh the I., f . i M. S., ttnd P.,
i-i.iMiTft.v Ili icriT?, iritli P., C. & it.
.-.t i.A .--At V! . r.n'i I'!. Cent. U. It.
.: I're.itii iwni l l: .1.; H. 1. it E.; I. It. &
V : I-i. Ai: : : i". I' .v V. lo's.
At :.. ii !--t. i.'oi. a.i " .Miiwatikep & Keck
I aainl .-is- rt I. :.i..i llwii Isl d .V I'eo. lids.
At I A v M'ei.l. v tin lac 1'avcui'ort Jvisi
C At..Mt. 1-
A: vv i r 1 .Hit .1. i v. v. it': the 1!.. C. Ii. J-
At 'JilIW! !.. e'll ml low a K
A ! I'l s M .IMS .-. I' !l I I. li. IF. I
.-. : t i.:-: u. :;.fi---. with li.i.n
A : . i.. : i A with It. .tin. K. it. K
An 1 : : ciiiii'SjlAl lltix.uitii H.,
At ia 11 ii"'!. -v 1 1 . 1 Central Iwtra
rt. ' ;. a.'el f. l; tut It. il ls.
t ixtjM ;i. r.'-.h l'.,i.. i'eo. .Si War.: '-v
iT.uis i. I'ae.. and r-L I. . Keo. .V X.-W. 1L
At .tlll'SliiN. tve.ii li.t. J 1'.. It.
At A if Iirti.v. Attai.. Tcpekn ft gui.
Alt li. .v N.-a and t ioi. Br. V. I'- KJtds.
At i.e. a v i vv- II. with Ktiu. Pac, an
te-ti U l.d.
At ivANS ir Crcv, vrit'a ail Macs for tie
an i S'ltitiiwt'it.
v v tTl. - -y liewtol'itirpreianylii-eani
,'v?"t-?v-'!-)t. iJji -tSoLovol iiaTi-.i-vilin your
iJ,7 Vl -f - W-f-V Fortune y.;-.iiilt ave-your
itfrl 1 T'.'SS iff4 Ltirky bars hat you wtU
L' Z' h ft l&- t ri:.Ttfii in what yonr Ab.
fey " vH?5n5 t sentoroij Dt.iu- hi ther
4 't S ' yoor llnr-baua orWiXa la
rf 13SJ JjfeSlliCJ :arrv-ui!lyonr ilrrtaa
v'-t liilVJv4V bohappy-ahoutyont L-:.. ,
-C$TT'.v?. rcn l.owy. lion Cjwr-e
: S-rVi-J-vi-J In .r.-sfhetber you wia
XrlJ jf-T. w.r..; I -,t vJl l,. n Vtidow whether yim j
X t' : v't. C.". j&-J fcf t?Ktly i.arnacc huvj j
t J J I '1J,S V'o '3 t . tutavet and !
Low t tontrel theia-lt I
i..'X:S-..'r:J':'i--' is Llti's Lantern l.-outli
L. H L i
i; i f r . ,
fl'.o..7.7e "5 JvV'irr--JlJ
ii:ai.i j;s in
AfSKN'TS Villi T 1 1 V. fJUi:!!!; ATT.!) LKA V K WOUTII
fe,si Paid -for B'liUer nnd Bggxt
; Hero We are with a Complete Stock
i JiLAyi j.'js, jujiFom'H. an.wvj.s. shirrs, ,;:, flax. x ;.. s
' niiii:iss,L.wu:, laiu'kt.s, ruton oil fi.ori matt ix as
fi-ev --5 . i. i.s.wi.iTO w
(U.ovi:s M;rn;xs ro fit fveh vhnnv. i,..r., , ;:; ,(- nun:
AleO !u- 'flvS'i SitifK (!' Mildly I i - V 1 ,1 i ,
ft's-it.. ( V.iui'il :ui'! Di-ic;! l-'i uit-, Tolric-u-. ( jiifi.ti--wniv
;i:i-I (;!aw;i:v in tin- Cilv. AM of whit-h no
y !:ir.u:! t. to ;.v :is ;;uvlo;lv.
to (!;( C'ri-h iluyc m-s. :.:; i,v ;..' , n:i i: I it ir.
s.s. MAiyr,tH,;r. W. H. A K - R ti CO-
J 3 i
a 5' UI
Alt l.ul!?i 'LTtii!i i-. T v.-c :iiv ,tt u I e 1 i : I'.i- --uei,. ! v ;i ''ii sli.t.
u wilt, mi'JY.';. v.-fiTir.-i rr r;:: i.Miu-F.vr .wn
. .. .
.-i-aL i . ve 'v o - -.t C. H Ii o. C Z. .f fi.
; o; --
The nicest C:.-,!) Winti-i A s !.i .-.:i - fn . , : r;c; ;.,.., ,i,.mi I'eila..
Potatoes by tht- C, i r- t kj, PEACH BLOWS
f 'JN7 'J; V: HIDES 7-77.. n. '.! . .fy iT ?' ,
': tS'. 1 1 ":.. 7 'J'J'.S'.
-4 1
(Sn-ci'-tor t-i -t'iiim
i: ! : '. ! ' ;:
A IT! ii
p-FT t4T
i'w- liKltit; tli rre -t
Highest Market Price 'Pari for Choice D cater. nvJ Country Produce
rNo Bolter FLOUH anywJfcrc.
! : e rl ;i "it-o " r
j i n, im - ? iri
iv : -1 . i i : : i - i -tJi.
fcjys ;
A I-
a . .
(all rr :,fv slo;:e
-5i.ry i.'i'fr. t.ilt: ii in
Our r-.Ictio is 4tL!
Call nun Sr-v us. ' ;; 1
Flour and Feed Store I
In Jerry. Har.liUiUfs .c,v lUiUlhur,
Main Sire.- , Two Doors East o: Coui t House.
I Foil AI. I. K1XIX
As Aocii.M fin- t!.. t.i i 1-1 ii i-i ! X -
1'0 Ci KlIMANIA F.IJf; i XSL" RA X' 7 !
joo;l ; l 1 1 1 1 -ei :i!'if i ;i ;i r.t :ic-.' o;i
s -
f i-ti'fic ouFjriciids ami the j.uhiic -tiierully
& LE W I S
istid arctics,
w ri m h r! II
UbuJ ?rf V
Lt 4
-, i;i '!:!: cii. i
i :;k i s
;C of
fla H
li ! lie 1 k t ii i! il
'- a-i !y, f l.t-s!,-;
Tie Me! Gallery,
' an I ,.,,!.!. I l.i' cl'
J o
- '.
fou l.u: ;aix.-.
'' ft l;- ft i-j !' i.lrc.' J
a r d -Lot Live.'
i ii:i . i.i.
ri. v ii
t i ii. .:.;t?:.sK .
- s .i..-i i .jlxA ITZL .
- . ' k' ' : : i
UTH, vh.
, ,t .5 -
ill' l'llnW i 1 .
1.' A ,t K
.:W Yin- .. w-. t.,- to t!lf
"-I i v l.u-,;,- tor....