V n J. Sr -- ( f V - i Mi rr "Wi . . j - r " , The Amateur Tann x-srut of a bcanUful time .- -l hen lue world .ball hiipv , -V I '-a the tie phants and hyenas. - ;11 b'ossornon eery tree; V" :. tamarinds ami potatoes . cae their drealful roar; 'n turnip trees shall blossom . Iu lb garden forever mote. i Meaint of a preat republic . v iien the iojle shall all go Weet. 'it j1 urn anil reap tomatoes I.i the laixl they lore the beat; V. l ea yls Iron iiml uiol.'isses ' ;-hall bloom vn every hill. Ami cliicker low in the barnyar.l, ' - v.' hUc goo'eherries toil at the mill. 5 weary of feeing the rabbe.ge ; Uuille the rake ant the hoa; ; i eary of watching nn.l waiting; y-r 1 he i-3shorier bush to grow. ;uj for the lime when spiuarh eope with bread and milk; v. :,pn hen shall lay itatoc, .1 ml Itortes spin ran' slit. KU1 street were the Taninhei hour W hen I wandered down ttieg;leo. And -.wreathed my brow with tomatoes, t ir plufke J the ripened hen ; "'on tJfc donkey tnrinod tip the trellis, "-''eiicuiiilicr chiricI in the &tuss, dTswtct potato whLtle l jnate in the mountain pass, i, F,-iri I lift 1"" '""'", An I $ nan hood's j ream artfuiine; To 1 1 lonjf tor the by-(?one hours. lj I sit 'nealh IbU Turkish vine. i.! wresilie your blosoonia i'um me, And sooth my aching breast-, "'.'bile R(H)ehrry plaintively waib'es And me into rest. 'TLcii von will srivc her t me, Mrs. Trevor?'' 'Most wiliinsrlv. Sir Hubert," and ; Mr?. Trevor's iKtrrdsome, patrician face, , lushed with a jrlow of gratification a -he signified her consent to Sir Hubert Jlvnuou'i prayer for her daughter's -. J baud, "bclitve me, there is no one I J would more willingly trmt v.ith Lilian's ' , happiness." '- A dee; breath of relief escaped Sir Hubert, bnt his face darkened and tsloutled over a little na he tipoke ag-ain. "It shall be the object of tny life to ' ' . prove that your trust is not uiidesiTV isii,' ho said, "if Lilian accepts me."' "If!" Mrs. Trevor broke in. with a "iht accent tif surprise. "Why do clotlbt it.' ' ' --; "J Jiardly dare hope," he answered. . t'Hho ft young I am so much her .sfLior anil 1 have fancieil sometimes that it is selfish iu me to wi.h to bind our lives together, that " 'A!i! v. i.y wili o;i il y yo'.iiself so tui.-cti inju-itice?" said Mrs. Trevor, in-tf-i rupting him onen more, a little petu ;!,. for she could not understand his e' -inples. "Sh(? i but a child, certainly, whit a child's heart my little Lilian! -jfl have no fear. Sir Hubert. She .-"Jim now. Vhen you are her hu3 - she will love yii"better." So spoke Mrs. Trevor, Lilian's moth er, anil he believed that she ppokc for her daughter's pod." True.there had been a foolish ro raanco connected wifJi the summer just 1 List. A strolling artist had been struck j;y t'ao swet-t llnwcr-face, and had asked j'i-riuissiou to trnnsfer it to his canvas, 'flu: foolish mother had consented. Shu doomed Lilian itnleed only as hi'd. Through ioug,suiishiny hi!:ri slio and the artist had strolled together, or she had sat patient while he h-.il painted the young, lovely face, until ono day, or rather jtist in that wonderful time v!,ei day uss not vet ended, and evening li-i- begun liiiiigfiiig its shadows with tUo lleeting sunbeams liule Lilian ii. teued with a fast Jeaticg heart, to a t'ny new and strange. This arti.t loved her, and wished her for his wife She heard with the tim idity of the timid fawn his pansionattt expressions of en "earment. The' niirhtenod even while tjey tilled her ion! with tumultuous joy. 'I will teach you to love me. little be nau sa;u. t.oTne, will you zo with me to your mother, that I k her to give you to nie." -byly, with a crimsou blush, sho cod her little fluttering hand !a I h i him lead her whither h Mil lnir.iiy had time to realize before it had ended; for her had listened in frowning amaze, i l wa-i poor. Hn had but his art m!ition. What were both to V -. ill. th's dovrcr? ''rS "''"'.T1'. darling, and be true ' Jg. "1 go to make tho for . iijve hitherni despi-ed, but n bo-.v I covet for jour sweet sake. y"ith it I ivill return to claim yon. Let Vno find. you little Lilian.'' -And the c:dld, amid her ob3. had j'l-ocuied all he asked. "e4,no".v now, when the little green , V- 'Jas til gras were springing up. to . id 3 from sight the bare brown earth, .ii! i the birds singing to each other t -.oir lovo songs in the trees, and the ':. -i vatli of spring heralded the coming of another 6ummer, her mother had - come to her and said: "I have founil a lover for von Lilian. Ha is go-Id and rich, my cfiihJ. See to it tha,vyou do not mention to bini Jast year's "folly." - "A lover, mamma?" the girl had an ' CTvered. "t)h, have you forgotten?" "I. have forgotten all, as must you. Yon. will Vv m--, and later you will than' rib.1' 1 lie young face grew very nale. - Is it not honorable that he should Lnow, mamma?" Lilian had said. -ilo shall hear ail that is necessary from me." - II') will not want me," thought the f'.tl, "when ho knows that 1 Lave no Lto to give him". .A u ill he color crept back to her cheek st tic relief the thought brought a re lief short lived; for that very evening Jrir .Hubert Glyndon took in his own v.ircj, strong grasp her two little cold hand.-?, and, drawing her to him, stoop--d svnd kissed her brow. Si.e looked up into his face. It was ilot a handsome face. He was not a young lover. A full score of years di- idd him from his girl sweet-heart; but it was a good face a true face and in it one could read the love he bore her. At the mute, questioning, pitiful look iu her dark eyes, a pang had shot into her honest heart, and it was the mem ory cfJb.is look which led him to her mother, who thus had answered him. "She has loved no one else?" he said. Mrs. Tremor smiled a little seornful Jv at the question. "A moment since, I told you she was '-it a child. It is for you to waken her ,! - ping heart." I II r words and his own great love cl osed away the last doubt. He was very tender during the short spruce of . time that elapsed oefore the we l.liug. Sometimes he would appear a hitle grieved that Lilian would shrink even from his slightest caress, but he ohided himself for it. Perhaps when ; ho was his wife his very own she - riui one day steal to his side, and i Ad wr her sweet rosebud mouth, of n seeking, for his kiss. i he would tell her all - ? -t had cost him then that and his not - A-a. . r wedding-day dawned clear and i find no ray of sunshine was re- i ra the bride's face. -i i iy you, mother," she said. when , jtened the veil of tulle, with the .-. ;h of orange blossoms on her head -1 y you, mother, because you o taught me that to you I Owe my i.i duly, but I would rather you were i'"Ja&iw my coffin than for my ; sad words stftick with prophetic " c n her mother's heart, but it was O '.1 a:s to draw back now. -i:3 htoked older than her bridegroom he v stood together at the altar. His a'J made him young; her grief had her. . " r- latience bad never tired, his ten N' never lcssAied, in the long iie strove, in new scenes and i. ; v faces, to bring a iittlo look of iato her ow. r ; ver murmured, never com " "be no longer shrank from more restful than "in their warTdringV- "Xcxt week we wiil go home.I.iiian." .be said to her, one day. " "Oh. I shall be so glad. she answer ed. "I am so tired." "Tired, little one? You have wanted to go lefre? Why have vou nut spoken?" . "I waited foryour wish." she repii"d. "But mv wish is vours. Will vuu not ! learn that lesson?" "You are Very good to me," she an swered wistfully, "too good. I do not not deserve so much." He drew her to him and kissed her many times. "Too good?" ho echoed. "Oli, my little pure snowfiake, if ever yon can love me for one little hour, it would bo worth a lifetimeP Always she shrank from meeting strangers. Each face she scanned wirn almost painful intenlness; then the old look of utter indifl'erence would sweep across her own. But here in the home where her hus band had brought her she would be subjected to less of this. Its grand old beauty could not fail to. delight her senses. Ilr own rooms were titled up like the bower of somo fairy prin cess; servants waited upon her every wish; all day she miglit stroll alone through the 'shaded avenues of superb old oaks, save when her husband joined her.- But day by day he watched the sweet face grow paler and the slight ligure more trail. One day he came to her with an open letter in his hand, a ba; py light in bis face. "Harold has written mo. darling the friend whom I have told you I love so well he is coming to visit me. He will be here to-morrow." Harold " she gasjMd, and her face grew ghastly. He threw his arm about her, fearing she would faint. "You know him?" he asked, in sur prise. "No, no," she tremblingly answered. "I was fnint for a moment. That Is a'L I am ' I for you. I wiil be ready to receive . our friend." "Harold," she murmured to herself, v "ii alone again. "Am I so weak that the simple utterance of the old name thus moves me? As though there were not a thouaud Harolds in tliis great world. Oil, heaven, thou wilt grant my prayer. Thou wilt never let me see bis face agaiu." The n-xt afternoon Lilian was alone among tho trees, when suddenly she heard the sound of voices. It was her husband ?caking. "You wilt think her beautiful, Harold. She shall be to you a idster. Of you I wiil not be jealous." The next moment a turn in the path brought the two men to view. Oim instant her glance re-led on tl.em both; then she sprang to her feet press ing both hands to her heart, awaited their approach iu silence, her face color less as her dress, her ligure swaying as the lily-bell on its stem. "Harold, my wife!" said Sir Hubert, theu looked from one to tho othor iu amaze. The young man made no motion to outstretch his hand. He bowed low. Lilian neither stirred nor spoke. "You have met before?" Sir Hubert went on. "We have met before." replied Har old Courtney. Lilian still spoke no word. Once s!:e passed her hand across her eyes, as if blinded; then turned and walked swift ly toward the houo. Tho two men h 1" t alone, looked in each other's eyes. "What docs it all moan?" asked " Sir Hubert, and his question was both stem and pleading. "Ask your wife," answered his friend. Only Lid me good-bye, niid let mo leave your roof."' "Wait until to-morrow." replied tho host. "Lilian has never deceived me she will not do so now." But. just then came the summons to dinner. The young mistress, pleading sudden indisposition, begged to be ex cused. The two men tat down in silence. It was a wretched meal, and an evening vet more wretched. At an early hour Sir Hubert conduct ed his guest to the rooms apportioned to liim, and withdrew to Ids own. Rest lessly he paced their lenrtli for half an hour, when he resolved to seek hia wife and have the mystery explained. She might not love him, but at least she had no cause to fear him; she would with hold nothing. In slippered feet ho crossed tho corri dor, lid way led him past Lilian's boudoir; the door was half open; within he heard voices. His very blood froze in his veins: it was hU wife speaking. He stood rooted to the'apot, "Harold, you must go at onoa bt once!" "How dare you tell me what I must do!" answered the. man; "you who have wrecked my life ? It was for you I toiled to amass the wretched fortune I now loathe. The death of an uncle gave me success sooner than I had hoped. I thought but of you by day, by night. Wild with hapniuess I returned to claim you to learn" what? That you had married and gone. Desperate, I did not even ask the name of the man who had bought yon, until to-day I come hither to lind him my friend. Oh, Lil ian, many a murderess has less stain ou her soul thau you." "Harold, sjiaro me! spare me! They forced mo into it. They knew I loved you my mother! my husband! She told him, but still th'ey wished that I should marry him. What could I doP I prayed for Heaven to help me, but no help came. I called your name all through the night, but you would not answer." - The man listening outside the door leaned against the portal with a groau; but within, wrapped iu their own mis cry, neither heard. "Lilian, you love mo still, then? Oh. my little love, must 1 lose you forever?" ""Hush hush! He has been so good to mo so ffood! Oh, if I lived to be an old woman, I could not rpay him. To morrow I will tell him all. after you have gone; for you must go in the early morning, dear," before anyone is up. Then l"will say, I promised to do my duty, Hubert " I have done it. I am sorry that the H ircdd I loved was your friend; but ho has gone now and I must trv to make up to you his loss, and by-and-by, if you will have patience still, I will learn to love you, husband not as I loved him, pechaps, but with a Itetter love.' You will go, Harold? You see I am not strong. 1 have made yon suffer, but you cau see that. I have suffered too. In the old days yon never said me nay. ' You will not say it nov ?" Go to your sleep content, Iittlo one. Ytu will see me never again. But, Lilian, I shall be hungry many years. Hubert said you should be to me as a sister. Will von not give me a sister's kiss?" s She stood still. He stooped, anil on each quivering evelid pressed his burn, ino lips. Then be almost rushed from the room, but tho silent figure, an in stant since on its threshold, had fled. The nt morning Harold Courtney had gone, but when Lilian stole to her husband's side he huhcd the.tirst words on her lips. "I know, child I know." he 6iL She thought he meant that ber moth er and Harold had told him. Somehosr a change had come over Lilian's life. Her husband no longer caressed and fondled her. Every luxury . every wish was hers to command, but hU kiss n longer fell on her lips, and though, ever ready to go with her wheresoever she desired, he never intruded upon her privacy. Then, too, her old fear of stranger had disappeared. The one face for which she had sought bad come and gone. It no longer haunted her dreams, either waking or sleeping. Sometimes she would softly breathe the old name, but ber voice did not tremble, nor ber face pale. She misled her husband, too. Occa sionally she would steal to bis side, hoping, as of old, he would throw his arm about her and draw hei to him; bnt he never did. One day, feeling lonely, she sought him in th'e library. Ha was sitting, bis head upon his hands. A groan burst from his lips. ' "Teach me patience, obheavenf he murtnurtd, or gise tne!eth!" - slde;.?'what is it. husband? Win yr not tell me? Do vou no long.T iove itae?' . "I shall love yrndear." h. rinstvere.t, "as long as my life !.ii-; !.;; I would for your saVe ll.it ir -.r.iil end. :id. you lind hirptiim-is with a::viher. 'l'Uu do I hve y ou!" "Bui I tc.l you, d;-r. my happiness rests with youl 1 have been very blind all these mof'ths, husband. I thought I loved Harold: 1 ut now I love him -n- ly as a brot .er. It is you I love! I do j not deserve that you shou d love me , ve!; but, oh. mv hus-iaiid, no one else j holds your w.fVs heart!" I "Lilian, el:i.d! you say t xis to comfort ! me it is like you. But, darling, in all ' I have suffered you never have deceived ; me. Do not dei-eivo m now." 1 "It is myself vvi'.out have deceived ! only ms If." she answi-rel. "Oh, j Hubert, tako r.:e to vonr brave heart. w;;e;-o 1 have refu-sv.i lest so long!" Then he opened wide bis anus, and they closed about her, never to unclasp ajrain. Tie Acx? of "Mickey. A jrent'ciimn r.-1: n r in Virginia 'ast Mitr.Mier lnii f.ecu iou to take a ta-ne rid!' in ordei t visit the natural bril.fe. ! l ie street with the i!ri t r. ' .'e:i 'iit- coin ersttion with bin:. :i;i l - 'oinl 1 l:::it. he was an old liii rcr. im was a veteran in killing deer, ...:!!-. and Miiader game. Pass ing a -.tiea-ii, tiie traveler inquired if it contained Il-di. "Ixts of "cm." was the rep! v. "W. at ki;i.i?" "Mostly t: ..." said the driver. "All these niijiiatain streams are full of troe.t." "They must lie f.ne eating," was the ni.'xt remark. ' "Fin.? cat in" f exclaimed tho driver. "You just gr up the mountain and ketch half a dozen trout about twelve inches long, clean "e:n without washin' em, rub in om' salt, roll "ein in Injun meal and bake 'em in the allies good eatin'! whv, stranger, by heavens, they beat ham!" Kepori of Grand I'rairie Scliooi, Dis trict Nil. 70. Whole No. euiolleil 8S. A vei ne atteii(l.tiice last mouth 2u. Avu'iij;!' grade oi ad ai.swering sev en y pt r cent, of quts'.ioliS iveli at moiitlih t XHIldnat iop, iiarcli 41 Jr. A. Class- M.uion Jieriy man. T3; Nvilie Alitlrus, 5; Macule Cat lyle, l. B. Class - ian 'I'aber, SI); Lliza Ta-li-i,82; (iio. ( ooii, bailey Audi us, 73; Ciinttni Ai di iis. To. C. Ciio-s i! ie Cwrly -, 84; Katie I'ooii. b-i ; Coi a Coon, fcl ; Otm r C-ooii, ho ; J of EiM, 71. 1). Chiss Dan Audi us,7'J; Fred Au di us, 75 ; Orin Taber, SO; Eva Conn, 70. II. W. Zink, Tfcucher. DKJLM OF NtUi:KA LAW'S. M'toion of lVil. i.iiilli:!Ki!. rsFNo. b3. Wlutv. Amend sect ion 40, vliiipitr 11. feelieial sl.iluu-s, pro- iui-6 loi Hie election ot otiicers ol aii Mineiie.s, i eiiiuns or tt-ilai iaii, and ii.'it to !:..!(! Iilolterrr. No cl:ill.-e. 2 F No. eit. JJiitns, oi Yo;K, memo- j i .iiiii joll.l les'Jlto ii'il Mlasouii I1V- ' ' i ililj loVi ti.l'lii. j .-. i No. buins ol Y- Ik. Sic. .i. . , :.-.4i, IteVi.stii S.uMUe.S; Itoads. : ita.w-' in nil c of 1 o.el tai lei rt feu j A j-iii :iliit CW.lohci 1st ; tlnee-j : iu. ot .ii'.i t;.x in ialior; coiiniy : i . .11. ii. lol.sli i.HiMi-l, beloie J.iiiili 1 : ,.-t M-.i jfi i kc:1 lux, lib Hint. on I ; -., iitX due oi; c.i.ci. hlueienfj clause, j . 1-' No. 104 H bl:ir. special tliilf. ; llluil.ai caill'.-. .?eC. 1. l'iial viiieik! .l0 t'i liiolc pelaolis fciiall ' ,if u-ell I cllMlU lotlbt 1' ill lilt: Ssiilij-' indict-j lueliL or ilitol lU.'.Liolt liUil l 11. :le,ai;d j one vi muie r-hall have i.el.i:...:.,d ill bt .ii a'.e 1 1 iai, ai.il luiii the same, ai.il ' wi.i- ciiul -bhail be a.ilislieil. y I ii'i:i i. ol ii.t- tjiUie evuii me being n- j i.t. i, iii iu tlie. luilbrj uial of p.iltltsj to ! !.e t.aiHi-Jiiilu t iki lit or lntol irjal'oli. i b it li.e u filial p.iuti ami tiXhtaiKleia rtie ii.con: elei.t tiecaust) ol lotviug it-.iiu Hie cviJci.ee to sit in lurlher ,ti. t.es iu i iii- same indictment or iu toiuiaiioii, then ii thuil he lawful for the ii.uil to liUlie the clerk of the com i to Uie tbu iiamea of sixty clcc tuis f the cuiimy wherein said cause is being tried, each uj i-n a separate siip ot paper, and place the same in a box, and alter the same shall have Leeu thoroughly mixed to draw there from btich a number as in the opinion of the ci.urt will be sutlieieui from w huh to select ;i jury to "mar -ild cause, and tl.e electois whpse namey are so drawn shall be summoned by the sheriff to forthwith appear before the court, and after having be-n ex amined, such us are found competent, anil shall have no lawlul excuse tor not serving as jurors, shall constitute a special venire from which the court i-i.all jiroceed to have a jury impanell ed for the Hi;;) pi ihe cause, ami the j couitmay repeat the i-i'?;ci.ie of his power until all the parties charged in the same indictment or information shiili have been li led. (. lause. S F No. 107. lJallentiiie. Amend sections 31 and iti, iwl county and county olliiers rscctioii lit Il sha.i noi t;e lawful lei any Warrant to be issued for any amount t xlh din iii the aygrcga; e seventy -live per cent ol the amount levied by tax lor the cur rent venr except there he money in the treasury to the credit, ol the prop er lutid lor the. payment of the same. Nor shall ihe county board istie any cn titicate wf inucbtwjnrsa in payinent of any amount or chtira in fwim whaiever, but all nccouni? a.-nnst ai couniy which cannot be paid tiy wiii-J rant as herein piovidcd, shall be hied; numlicred, aiul recorded, mik) paul j - alci'F-said in the older of Ihejreiilrv i u-von ti.r rmird, i'-ver mj ciiii luiitii uimer tli- pii isikiis A U.tS KIT. lull. fH'iillll SO All war- i.tri iiinuit ni'ur fii;-iivf itt-r (! of the itlliOUllt lviu fr tllf )r;.r i; t-x! unsied, ami wlit n Hum- ;ne in it:uil j in LI.e tlr-MMH V tl Uif Hit III ol the j v.ii.eM.I ..ni l il-ain.ii le us ..m.sl j 1 lie Ci.iiiiI V. but 111:1V lie foltitti 1 1.5 . I li Jfliill lli lll tilt! C-kT.liiV liLiiiil making t !.- wiiie,- or hut "iim ml., r 1 Hereof. Xo-Ju.iB. . . .. . sFNo.no. iitiaiie. Pi-..v'iU-. r. r ;-vy ! lax in titles of the i'n-sl trl;tss 1 vi iinLi.-it if sewers a!r-:itl.r fun- ! .strutted.' (. l.ius.-. j S F 111. l)..iiiie's K. it. Ji;i! i.nli- lisbed befoie in full. is F Xi. 117. liallmiiiie. AiiiHii.ln AlUflina N ft loll 317. Ji-Jif'!l etiitlltt'S. ftinit 317. Tlie aiilli!;itj;jti iittl i-i- ! llMtU'l: UjMili Mlllti tt j;UUi! I i:ied ut lh liilif or liiiikui; li;e niotioii. lLliull be Muiii-iejjt liovvever in hs iiliiiiijl tlie j;roli-.tis o tlin :uj!imI) Ji -siii the siitue hi ihe i.utiiiiye t t : ii'Tute jtii'l without fitrllier or oilier i'.n Iu uiitnl v. Tlie faiiM-s eiiuni-i ;it- 1! 111 jiiibdivi.sioii 2, o u iid 7 of set-.ii.ii iili jnusi lie Mislitiiietl by stfflil.i vil . si.nw iutr 1 liiir : 1 ui h niid iu;iy be eoii trwverted bv sifliinwiU. Si F No. 118. Ctnui AiiHinJ-ciw;; 49lc.rti.:er 58. fi. $ 1873, Sectii.n 4S1 ths? appUcati...! ';r a new trial shall Ire by motion ujh... :viiten urouiijjs filed at the tWifl ihe venliet is renderei, shnll -xfet fwr tie Cituseaof newi' diai.V;el evidence inuteriFtl for the party apply tup ,i;;Ji fie could im. with reasonable diligence have dicov?re.i ji,J prtnluwd at the trial or within three ria-ra f.er the verdict was rendered, mil ens jrBjivoi.i ably preveuted, 1 11 Ns.siniiig the Kiouu.ls of Mich tmUit ! ahnll In MitTicient to nah.icn the Pnute u: rha lanpuage of the ittule mid witliuiit fuitber or other parlicuUi Sly- No clause. S F No. 183. Didlentine. To amend section 23 nf an art entitled. An art to uir.erid ciiaptsr 13 of t he Kevied Stat ute! of 18C8. enttUi v.ijr!8, nd t re peal section 40 of said act. senate joint memorial to conijresa inc-Ki iijnjr the Ph h reseryulion. . . . ' II K No. 1. Broalch. Providing for change iu revenue law of 1879. II US. 3. Appropriates $6.2i0 to pay slioi t hand reporter up to Apiii I, lasi. Emergency clause. II K No. 4 - 1'redenck. Amends act lor t'lxaiiizatior. of citifS and vil lages, and delimnn theii poweis. II fl No. 5. Slocuuib. Provides for legislative ivpportior. scents as follows: sp.v Hum ii. prsTKU-T"; . t r.u-'.)urri.-.nn I M F-l!uiore. 1 2 Neiuuii.i i i-n .i-.liiie I 3 I'.iwtiee, Jubiisei:. I -J! i;iu- I 4 l;i.e ... I .leflt-rsoli .'iiiHVir. 1 5 ': 1 i'j wriisirr. rraiiK 6 iHms'a" a tin. Nuckolls 1 7 1uiikI;u, Sarpy .. I 24 flay 1 Y .llillUcll. Bllit 1 2' i. Ul-H.ilton .. 1 9 IJO.ijiv I as Howard. Sherman in uii'Hi. Cmi!ii;i:, l.li.UilO 1 .vi;iii:oli & V ji uv I 37 HiioiM-. Nnee. II l:ir, DukuU, -Venii-k o'reicy. 1 Divon. Hm x I 12 ABIt-io)-, Hull. W lit eler. 1'ieree.. HiiO valley ainl'er lilory T5l ill Holt Mi'l Wheeler hijI f;il of 31st ai-ru-lruU liisirii't 1 13 li:il. KiIIax .... I liuiii r. fink i 15 .Haiiiii.i' j Hi l.aueai'tt f 17 aril I IS VniK I Si Aiiama 1 t Kraniey. Harlan, I'llt IfM 1 i Krii Willow. Kur liiis.U'wiKT.Kri'iii -l-r. Hi'.i-heeck, Hayes. Iuifly. t'ii.we l 31 1ji.soii. fiister, l.ieO'J.'i. Kkitll. I hrjeiilie, i'iix. and" ipiiirory luirtit of Keilii :iml l.liuiiln 1 KKl'KKSKXTAI IVK IO.-T1UCTS, 1 liiehanlsuu 2 .Nemaha 3 !o!ii!sn .... i i'au'liee S aiiue. a .. 2 ii- tFir-e. ... .. :t .. 1 rr. Jeiieri-i-n 2 I .17 1 liHVer f 2 l'a nee. JoIiii.hou. 1 ss N ui'kuIIk. . . 6 Kloe 3 3 Webfter... ... 1 .. 1 7 USA S tarpv S IMllililS ! Waxliliigtoil 11 1-urt " 12 lMxlr l.'I t'Ulllill 14 .Miuhscii 15 Sniiiueii, Wayne 1 laknui l 4 riauk!ir 1 1 41 Krankiiu, Wvb.sler I 8 42 ( lay 2 1 4.1 liainlll.ill 2 2 44 Mr-trick 1 2 45 Hall 2 1 4: H.iviHrd 1 1 47 Aflain. 2 1 4 Hullalu 2 1 4S Valley, tJreel) and 1 ' lit ea r ami ter I rttnry e-t of t heeler anil ea nl 57ih rep. ilisi... 1 no Shei man. Caster.. I il Kearney 1 1 r.2 Hal lan I I ::( Hail:. n. I l l lpp.. 1 1 M 1 urua.i i a .V bell V illou. 1 I Iili Frontier, Hipper I HiK-heofk. tl.ivii 17 loxun 1 If iWw, Hvri-f I la Kiu x. .. i Lt: lloli and teriiioiy ne-l of Hi ll n ml east of iSili rt-pie-ovuimive js;i n t.. 1 21 Anlrlope I Yl lumne 1 l'latle i t'ollax.. .'. T A, l lailr. I'olluX 1 iHi lltllirr 2 17 l olk I J I'oik, itfiiik. Nain:e 1 K Su unite r 3 3H tanriistT t. al ts:wartl 'J 3-J Verk &! Ir'tiiiuore .-. 2 1 ui!! v, l liase. ... 1 I'jasull 1 l.iiiftilu ant leni tuiy iiiirth t l.in- i'hi m il -hi! ti n I he imll leu lli'l . 1 DJ l lieeiiiy, Keilh. ry niillli of Keilii. 1 II R No 9. Schick, si c. !, rode l.. ii- i i . . i n ii pioei uiue. ii, on aopciii ov piaiiiliil' fl oin a jiiiiguietil in his fa-I voi be sli.111 not rei five a larger si'in tli. in 5 JO i Xi i ii.-i ve of interest since the reniliiii.ii ol' I he judgment before a justice of llie peace, be t!i:il! b' ad judged to pay ail costs in Hie distiict Co'.ilt, iiiclndiiig a fee of j?5 to dttelli' au.'s attorney, i d in case the deieiKi ant shell ileiiiiiiid a Kct off greater thcin S2i, and h" aipeaU from a jinln; llient ill bin favot and does Hot lecov cr 620, he shall in iike iiiaiiner pay all cos i a in the iij.el!nle ci.tirl, including a like fee to the 'plaintiff's attorney. No clause. IC'onilmied next Week. TUTT rs-'M MfoWPiuf.' gr-i.a PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN. AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL . TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losaof appetite,NauBea.boweln costive, Fain in theEead7with a dull iennationlii he back part. PaS nnder the shoulder tAida. mnueni after eating, with a disin clination texerUonofbody or mindi Irritabi'htT of temper, lgw Bprr. tsJLibaa ofmemory, with a feeling of paving neg lected some duty, weariness, Drzzine&s, fluttering of the Heart, Dots before the pyei V ell o w a V in, Ileadftch e, Kestlesa- -iiess at nigbt, highly colored tTrine. IF THISEWARXIWGS AES TTTTHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Wia SOON BE DE VE10FEP. TlflVS FILLS are oRpeclnl ly adapted t such caiu-B,oneloit ert'ect ftuchnchaoge Ol feeling as to astonish the sunYrer. i bty Inreiaelte Appetite, nndranse the b.ly to Take om Klr.li. thus ihf nvHteni is nourished, and by O.-ir Ton le tfllonm the Itlcoal iTeOnmna. Bejrulaa tl are pro dlod. Vrlre 2a cents. a Mnrf Mt, m. , TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray IlAiaorVVniRKFRs rhanifpd tosOLosnv Kui'K by a slnvle aepllailon or this Pvk. H Imparls a natural color, tu-ta InstHiilunaously. hold by Irnapl. or mhi by vxprfa ou riK of ft. Office, 33 Murray St., New York. SJ Br. TOTS JUXrU; ViIimiM. lof.raalW.. mxt - I lilpl. U1 mMlWA t ah aa l.parUm. j riiuM i 1 OMAH1. COUNCIL BLUFFS. KEG8ASKA CitV j or PLATTSMOUTM o CHICAGO, Where liiiPet ronm riiiFiii are ihhiIi-W'lh j;hroili Sleeping Car Lines1 - . if NKW YDKK. lf.Hl. lM!5I.All"I.ri!JA. 11 A 1.T1 MO V. E. V AS! iT MI'inN', ,4A' ALE' EAST HUN CITIES. . J , e Q Ji'f L( VFOKIAfor ' r" ASAl-ui.:s. Loi'isvji.i.k. crxciy. ' . A.tr, ,w. t, f.v , tiO"U TIEulT&ferX - i ! llil i;( hT MM. FOR j f-s, r-T y v TXT y-M I I A ) I J I I i " Vl;l'''' l'i,.. f;itiiM;tii.iis are i.;;ul' in Ihe i-vt.v la-nA - ..... -. : .,..1. Li... . . - . l.llllS II I ll! ..llS.Jl .i H. 7!:v Mii-rtesi. Si.e.'iiht Mul most ('nnifortuhie jijj MsNMbAL to n. t ea?. Lp.sis.x. i'.u',ijv, Houston a cxtix. -i.y a (Vro.vjo, OALypsrpfi, &u :vi! ; nii.!s in I'i.'.itniin IK-Wheel 1 iiUu e Mi epilij: iim. .. 11. o. (J. t'iiliiee I tiHw Iiiji-Ir.'ami Csns. Willi lii'i-ti.ii'x r.Fchi.ii- i hairs. No lixna C hrtrjie fur Se;il in lie-, linn i; h.iii. 'I he fuii.on. t' H. & I). J'alaee i;iuini;'Ciirs. l-iw,. Ti.M.", Miii Kail Tniik r.nil Siiw;i..r Equipment I'lnhtl it-.i tlrtot 1 hnnmh t'tjr HTfitrmtnt. t.iak-M ifaii-'rujoae ti.; y;!;-:s Ihe favorite Koule lu Ihe .? ' a A MT, hOlTH Oli tHOI'TH-KAMT. TKY IT, :ci.i. on i:Hi,d ' iViVJ-'l .1 NG -tLux-ury iusteKil i-l a 1 iseimVi'.nt. All !!tf4.i;ir:.''i LouU K ol Faic, Sieeij ;i;i.l Time Taiile-, u iii ,.i n . .. . -.. uc iiiiij iiven ej aijiltlt:j; a.. James It. "Wood, i Jletitnil I'itSNeiiKCr. g't, Cliiej'eo. I c. vr. i;i s. ! Tran)e Manager. j ilACIIINE' SHOl'b !-j ruTfsNOl'TM, t.. Repairer of Steam .Eniines, Boilers, j -Saw and Grist MiUt CAlr. 4v jFVf 4,35 flTTIsjaiK. f rmiarht Iron" rtr. Fore ami f.f? O-oixig East, TA UK. TIIK . . M Jir3r fr--n -TT". cTV.-tC.F" Man 11I.F4, 1 - 1 ttJUS THOl'SJMDS TK.IULV. B J ieyS t POSITIVE CUKE W j rcrCsagh3,Colds,t 2 r Ck CCi"371.TTSJI. F. fl - !wXfs- U th Cest sf Tonics; S" A w?s Cures Dyspepsia; k tlsRMforMthAnnit;tl:F i Z "S&ii' the System; ! i -?o Restores the Weak t i -rfJ 5f 1 Debilitated. TCi'giSS' (oT -. Crook WInrh of Tut t&k mo oihm.f Jt For Ml til UiugsuU. L S N. SMITH t C0.,Prop'r V V V V 1 V l m'J m l u.ij, VII It. k "Wa v: jttr-n- '9 is in.iue fr-.in a Simple Tii'i li al Leaf nf Hare Value, aim is a I'oniie tti tirv.l v for.-.tl li:e iile;i-e t!i:U eaiisi- p;(ins hi I ne Ikv. er ;int ! I the biiytor l.'ipi.l ljv-r iie:ila''os-.laun ' ilii-e- l.i. (i. ;,vt-l. Mal:M ::i. itu-t :!! iti-ls- ei;I!. - n'. tl.? KM. :. I.iver M'.il ! I c.irv I'l - i Iran- 1 er Kesilt-' i .m.n.. Vm; 1 1,1 v'Mi'.i- I Hlliiaii'li.. ami liurli!; rr.;iianey. il- im- in' er;eal. H li-stoies the i:-u:ii- tfi-.t t-itiht liie ! bhii.ii. :.iul heni'e is lite le-t l:oo l I'lirirter 1 1 is thf oniv Kiinnn r-ie.et'v tli:i ci:ri lii it a... k .".:. L. . -u l-.l '. .. ... j lli-e Itamrr's JS.ilV Iinbte i'nee. ror aie i irn.r.is aim ii'Mieiv :,l 1 ri.itlle. I.alj:!-: !i.-l!!e o; ll: n,ar-: t. Trvii. II 11. WAKNKIlSri'. K-iChesit-r. N. Y. LvcLf c- Ntr ti'arotiw a . ' rnai-r t'.rtat f :w ar--ai S i"-jn.iFt: i t::.HS":t b'htrac r--i n?er ft.i.inml l-j.t,..i . i-.;M:t , ilurt! si. n. lvf filinal Oi 1 -. j t r 5tDtL.. I'm till, t.vK I ..'tcl..l. 1'iATiN. .tl'Kat. M.u'o. X w!tS -:TJ r fftpy DCC'I "tEDICAl. CCaiKON SEfiol LL TH KJC. to ncr.-on r-!:? e:.d hi.'i name a.ii ro.tiLrv aUuu, uii 111 Mn.i.f)-. .i u .ae. T" . o:ia .ii.-.l..t ui:h CONITMPTTOV. AT1I1A. I-TAKXtll. SOKE IIIKiiAt! u" rtltu.NCni 1 i, iii- infornisUon in Ih Book is cl ri t nt:it : ai,1 it niay la ih provi.lcucc ol Uod, --. r .1., f.. i iir-.. ddrM. 1U. -S. a. V Ol E, 1 IS FB.ua ab, Uaclaaaa . R32ijnr3! nccit-iliuns r?:cutkn! I t?hi w ie i i i i - T .'s r-" ii B!fT with th ?f-"M ari'? eti' au- j a.li.r Mw.!s"a kpiond d ifK'lAaTUitla 1 14: ! ' tn 'nine tH'BT'ietctit Orctwr.r, iVtbtrs Iiao. S un i:' l0viw Prica.SiJ a5tst-i3."tiltU tret. Jv'ii I r -..-m: 1 w i-T imp rnfiiis pii'i m. rtj.-T oti&ufr 11 b i.. ccnai vtno rviii uii oro van'j mtkii-jT "tvar ri re V '" 't- t r.:. 1. 1 ! I fM t i'f t jr'titu Pre i V TARTLSlf a"". DISCOVERY! i.UCT IVIANHOOD RESTORED. j A v.ctim of jouthfal iniprndenrn car.finx Preiua. : bire lie-ay, Ucn-ous Debility, L.t Jlsi.hoixl, eur liaviii trinl in vain ecry kunwn reuit dy, has dis cevrr. 1 a FimplfB. '( c:;re. ithich ho v. ill n. r.d FREE tn his Mlow-si:ftVw, aiVlrusa J. 11. UlitVts, , 4;i t naiiiaiti ri.. n. 1. i r. ispHT? ii 'i-vtAiivKyrrKi urf aj-ifcl I S f rKih m Ra... TH Kf4 W(a.r Cnllawa. T.9 Ilr, J liaa, I h.I). ' A true- n4 thrtl'inr ' .m. ( Il'jlraie i of ISj' U.-1 ora- lintTt - H jemr in JO Slate and Torn tri-j. MMii r dr-''iv i tK: ai fha law. tM (Villas B4li f iWjrtp. ItJ.iMrO ! r!,1 iv thrr mtt. ia fMU i"T ktt fil.'cO fc r i-ttliJa mrv Mhfti) ! Ijrv-nt-. T-rHfJI llr i'tV. iublUiic4Vina.it.l.vLl - - S3 Uiv;: :i ..i.. .'i ':wl ii-." "l'3.s9r. it usta.:l...r l--'h.. C3,irl "c7r YciiiT g (S l' : iwIIBMaaH at JUUU , Uli:m;h I. pel kr is iivit v ;irt ts : 1 3 fmiBl Wi IIITilnTo I io 13 o- WO I He ' Old Ol WILL EIN L AT b.S. i'HrfE:0 ONE ('!' TiiE LA UllEST BEST STOCKS OF ffOoBS, OF ALL KJNLS (N 'i'HE TOWN. . . ... 5S 4..-' a. st. nr. si s v . ssr. The nicf-st i-recn :it- r Afi'l'-ri Ccr s Potatoes by the Car - CASH PA.XD FOR HIDES FU F. !T"J WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THS Je:E BY CKVMiNiKC 5jHXQ. ..a TSW-'i"? Si' " J-v-r.t, f j CHICAGO, ISLAND & PACIFIC R. B, IS THE tiRKAT tONVt TLNQ I.IXK feET'.VEi: N THE EAST k THE WESTI lui nanin line runi f utm t mt-i- w t.i-4-al . f'ir0 ( t f r cniuit: purpose only. Onootliyr Bluffs. pasl:ic throu:ti Jiift, 'ttfjfcT;t, La p"-t tict -'- :-f ujr Tatare ("r a a f MtlKi.NU Oenettoo. Molln. iiiM k "jsia-'idL. I-vc.p:l. Vci . aAI-HN wiut ywu cuo enjoj your li-tTjUi Iileny. Iowa City, X ariw-. Jirr. -!u -r: tii l ot i:ar. Ia UolntHi (the capitnl f Iowa', t-t:,rt. A.irt'!- ' i;t,tiTiijrr' lnn 15 1 iC sr.nn t-t Ulu)slniM lie, ad Aroca ; with tw?-ivH f n i ru Junction to Porta: iiiom Juu-- tiJi- ?-i- sum Vi' uuUi nclon t'atrtiatirl f I urn K- h .sv ' ADlrevUlc. Princeton. Trout-m. li-iJtm. 1 4f j.- t rVaibinmoatoeuc-r-' - (siuiij.. aj.u tva.l- vine; fc.,fcu o &r.-u:iuu. k.-. "v' na- H'l-i.'i.v- . tnoapeva. ladepaJ)ilKl. tiiVH. uv-w . . ' 'r fitlj all dlrarsioi licet for tern Title, Oakalvnaa. feilr atan, i. l Kjie.tr" 1 Nrniij. J.wloQ to Muorne: 1J M.iuv-. t. lUi.n. .4..., J j ai ::. i.!.-.-. i:t,nt who Uie U t- H uat. ylnteraet: AfFuaufi ly Lvi i 1 A J.I'io,; i.t j Ft. w . . j. fir.. . llmcm aa Jldr'.n. lai is paiaieir Hi" o:J ! a: v a :-k 1 . to nriaSTJ. with 1"., 0. t It, lllr4, vY4eto om. a". 4 a ru ; K it. II. Saa tmaa Chloaao luua th taur. ' ,-.r-, A; I a ! rx. tri'h T'I. Tent. Tt. R. VoTouarh Hipkm CaMaassve Tri. Tfr r;,i- : '".-1 ,..h 1- 1: .1 ; p. l. A E.; I. B. A iub iiilarl'araauii:iitd.ai.niMi . j a r-t ,.r. ; j w IM. Vween CBIbaoo an.1 PiFiia, lusm Crrr, . At Hoik Im. wui. ' MT?woiia A iieat MUkCiI Bi crrs. Lair fcxw oirru 3d A-ritK- 1 I;:mh1 o,- ri l..n-.- .i:c Koi-ia i. l'exi 111. mm. Tbrdig.cmaralaAra.IeiTaa lluai ( AtlATi.i uKr.r.n.i ii, o.vwoorl lnrils MS sna Knn niT. ma llje "MUwaakae axal ' C. i. H St P. K avx-m Island Hhori l.m. At v kst l.i n Kit-, y. -;Ii t!i B.. C R. A X. R. B. lie "Uraat Xiict ialan1 la uwnlB'rj' I jktKH.ry: i 1, wuli ' ...ml lta K.R. ftaipaed. lta aaa4 bed i .trafilf porter, ana At l.i J4i ' . ai:h 11 li. ii it. a. Um--i Ji laid wttn steel ruiir. 1 K; ui. Su n s .1U1 I tlon Pwil! RK. ' Iff Bsl wia eliW? u Bust will ba fce pliasur j At Ow a ii a. 11 a K a M.. K. 11- R. tn Neb.i -or enyru your raeaia ats!r "maatyi oe tlae At l ol l j:..vaios- na B .'. K. a K K Seantiful jiratrtm of liliaoM aiut I.vaa , nj f At uttcmva. w.ta .-i.iral lowsli. li. ; v7. f:u mamtfam tuaaaTars Kut aasoai;w at) St-l.t r-vc- lu-.d - li ft Q. R. KiU. Iw-auah f.rpraaa Trains. Ta set an axfsa i At itow'K. !;li Tul , p-o A, Wsr.: VTnb aa, sel. es Is sored 10 uny tms4uiu.id, 1 Ixiuis 3r Pac. .ui'l St. V. fceo ! -W. k. Una. tursaraaey-ars u. a ca vnitt...-. wi-.u 11. f u J KR. r - Appraoattna ttaa faat ttaat a rtsiir.tT f eua 1 A! Ai-.ris. .-.ta im Toru. a aopla arettSr separuo ariarMvieatu la aifftrrc At t ETiaraavratu lar aurtrri naa .'43FBj(Hr Imili 4. v. ura nlaaoil f . atFcanca rua. tiua ummiii rua iietpims Cmrs tut slewLig m.t: iftna PaP.c "Bjsi2Snjp n , 10 BldlOUUd Battle Creek, Michigan, THRESHERS. Traction and Plain Engines and Horae- Power. HMtCarBvI4T1iiwkcI'Mrr i Established tathaWarM. i 1848 OAVf ADt )eFtMgWiKMllil. ml mm I tVH 11 O mat, ithmjl oiim.r.fn nf lino e. L m&nwnent, or kxti n, to "i-ask pu iA Sraaa tmummt givmt at. mil awr gU. , 'STOAM-POWTR SiFPAKATOIW v Compile hteam Outfit x' 'jualuxe. rnt Ti-mrtion Knitura and 11 mi a ioniBft Tr e-n la the Ameruxu marked A THulHtvtU of rria fmatrs HMf tmtpnwmn: for iHhl. totretbor with tvupfwor qvalux twtrtt. Hon mm4 tmatmrials ruA d TYAnMM of br Ctht-r m-vkpr. Four aixm of ermA.U)r, from G to favrtko . Oat City, for axat. or htrrtt povtr. two stySftt of ' Mounted H"VMVcrwvrn. 7Kfr T( Fe f felrcird I.nmbcr llfJJyrJJ frotkrtoixyTMair-drii i eontrtmiitf on hnf, froia mhioh im baiii UiO U- CoiuprmbI wooU-wuxk uf our -umctiiiitUT- TRAOTiQH immzs 99 ivi a XArm A'ttwtr. Farmrri and Tbreanermea - Invited to ni.'.'Stur-tta thin mutchien 1'treii.inf MachlL't rv Cuvuars K-r.t frw. A'l.lisyia ' NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Crook, Mich .ian. OR. BUTTS' iWLHWL liUUiihrt ISi? it 12 ST. 8tt Etiist, 3?. IZT&, HO. THE PbyileiaM ia chirr of thit ! 1 and ttell fcowa itaft taUoa ara r(vlar (raduataa is atadtciM and turcrr. tun mt fa aH raa ia Mm traarmeal ( Caranla IHfB s4ul Utctr i-uM aa4 tbii.? aa awi upiifr l tl.at nf ti. orJ.far pcacliiMmar, flat tfcay bava uarturad a aaoooal rcaUlloa tivoiua their traitmaul ot cotuultcaird . IWglSCBgTIONEyOSlWE lui u S. ,buw, fcua.rrbra. l airiFtur.. UrcfcllJ U I rtMF TrMblM and S,,blllUc ftr rr.ari.l .d-ti"..F oi Ik. UirMt, vAba ar .., lr..i.J ith utctM,n tctcii.fcf pr- Ciri'' KU gtlBt FlfRIVT ITMIirT r.IM0OlF MFtlKlk.F, I M r M w M R ID. ot XIMIr in who .r. luff. I 'riuC I'roB) Vtl &9tt oi VaftViia, I Of rJkUiai HrmiBfM, TCIUit Oi mm'.t-mUusst in voutk om osoom im naMrwl tm, r rrB.aiC'Bllf tuifJ. This 4it OMmO prdutM aOine otk follow Wf etlect . blotch, aLzjineM, moTVOHtttox, d;SkrcM tifht. hT luAttetittO, OMliMtiea. doiiir.C7, ral.n ot r-n. avrrttun t o etctT. 4fctiv Bsrwr?, ftTiMl bautiio. im ottetsef r of muilv vitpi f h M Brr,ta uHc ,1-iim f r l.uaiSor ntarriraj. jHfof.mTi'ii j.ii::r;iJ a reT't"J. wi.u'ti i. FH i vl- oi. luU4 of qtaa-tHinn Ut be iriwrrtd bw p2l,e, i tic lit l ( Uttt. m-rmt naileJ fr In any sdrea va apfthfaii .n CParta MftWIs-v fro Kuplar itisntd tsmsi IWtr a4i!rM,V 4 lara omtMnf to llrrlr adtanUp. Ii . ti l h trwt.f Cwnmuiiicatii-ti m u tlr (f- 'c: t -1 J. ) t i.f e.4 JJt. lTl 4, IK .North Mh L, Hi. l.o.U, mm Mm ii aUi a- .lE 81? BEST TKRESHEB OH WHEELS Ls cot a Vibrator nor tn Airroa Mnchiof. Ib wonderful y miui4e and aOmti-Aiy peroct In t? tUirvHUictr and tnartaunK- qiiuit;ie. bB iuii4e ana aam MC-artint7 aiu srafn and elrnn lire In, and elenns tt ready ror nartiet. tly, is constructed d.irubl- is tiuub.sl V, is ths mnst eeotuimical. Vast eisn. . inoMt autiifa rlory ntaenla j Otaetuaa ia niAl inrkrU WUl luuulia wt fm-in m uell u drv-. iHiaciorT mmctuav ia 1W no fcq-j&l in thrwManir ana flsx and UinihT. 1 abii ictliy, as well and nearly ea xatitdiaf si ana nraeuiy, Tktiir-tMa as wha&t, and retiulrus no ouarars aacert the Mlftves. litr and cUsanmsr rvnb r rvnb as wt?J tiuirt no ol JWwa jrwM-a tears w. iJkAFi Fxnw other auarAin. M eaa fiM ider-bla Our f 1,1) V Kit IILI.I.INt. ATTACHA1KXT Is new ana rry dostrU. Uoes tne -or: or mora rsinaly and beuur uuu aa UltdLlir ISKP ABATORS of ths -various tliae fui for SitSJm or 11-mtp ".iw-r, mm ('fninsl. An ImproTrd Pitta Power, sn Imnrf J iodbnry Power, and the LUvurd l.xnnl fyjiiat 1'owrr, all mountM on fonr wh. ro nuumfaetured by us, od or. tuA turftud by mnm i IA. fwK y9 are u'fo ymimxA to famish th-Ocltu Fartuble Emjlnea with our SeirsUirs. For Prlce-Llst and Circnian, address EEYMC JS, SAC--1 A CO. Mr.ufaiturers. Srillvriitor, Minn. TX.'Oa iElASTIC TEUSI 3 -- 0- d. r-n fr.-m a! I oth 'i;.ZSrf- . v u v avfM, ai.u oli- -ra mii. j ikxl 1 iu .Hr, .aif.1 twl i actisiai F r-WTVEl CI It. TRUSS Licv!iMja.taaarorc'4 w;a- fiia ktinr. UUh ,14 laytxi allu. an ' r rvlir.-i-a Ciiaap. fs.nti.vtaaJ. ..-t.-:.TJ. Itlst, Ml i w MATCTAcrpag of tn oili euruurs 1ES0TA nin iirpT lit- t-a rr . m mS fi A ta Slat b Grocery n:il dune si-iiins; ;oi liy :i lung slict. A ND -sL-a .i i it"ibl i!r. Ovfi- "-i- Miti.s down CY-ihi" lnnd, PEAGK BLOWS US, TALLOW. A-C., S. WHITE'S, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA 3 CSOqRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY", VILL THIS MAP. THAT THE -pi it.ii..uri rivn ai u!t i.iuta croaaM if tiift -i MHiuvr rr. x ami ' lr I .rirT.imir. fi li ala: i ! ilr. I.catynw. f Hi. an.l Atclily,n. con- itA-'l'-.,, l .M-irf ria.-e iu L ai.jn IeD.jl.. i f:-. - 1 1Mb il i:. onnectwxs or T!1H i.itl.Vi li;iloL"l.H AUK AS Afrh. Jr :. eJ t n. Kr. 1' e H A. " Fats Jtd Iufs A I KiJvis Cvir. with all Itnoa r. trim Wm rprti a, xtri Motsis. mrm mnlA try ) FmKW Thm mnmjmritff ftK ill fthm kaaaM hodff mriw rwaa a mUrmmf faami thm Ltvor, mfrcHttf i,a(A tK iUmmH mmd (mtI. Im artlar fa tftet a) curt, t is trojry naN 1A mmmm. Xrraffta Imr mmd Slmggitm mtUmm (A MmrU, Hrmttaeflm, luliun ml th t tomawJk,Pain in A Mack mn Lwint, aar., ittdimatm lAal tA IAwr is mtfmmlt, mm tM4 mmtur ra (Nlni mmw4mms l imll this mrgmm f thrstc mfimjmriH. Prickly ABb aitUfaar tmprelmtlp owyt fwr this m mrmmtm. Thf rnrs tnild im their msHvm mmd rMri ms m rirs; arr plsmsmnt ts ihs tmmtm mnm mmksn asily ay aalA shilmWmm mmd mdmlts. Tm kmm mccmrmUnm im iiriimms, thsmj mrv m safe mmdf Umsmm I tmrmfmr DyippU, General Detallitjr.UatiltHail COM ttliMttloa, Ulriil Kidneys, etc, astc. il.BtotMlPluiSarMtV art superior tm amy alAar tmmdielnt stemming the sesmtm there-ufkif, mmd imparting mete lift mmdemergm ie the 4a raiid. It is m n ill) Ilia mmd mot mm Intoxicating; mmeermge. Alt Till HIIIIIT fM PIIIIIT At! IITTUt, and taka no otaar. PaiC, 1.00 par BoMla. JETER BROS, t C0.. ttll PRAfRtETOM, jV' '' ' " fc. .I'll FMkt IH. fol -" OwiFinlllviulMt 2e2Mk. Ml. OHM .1 WM Ytfcjprlt.HM.Fll' I : .1.... ),lrrHt ia M ona. ...I IruLrkt, U:c lw UriJiM.. Uytr h'.it. is A--'t .(t I. Wi.r. FnMtitucoc, it. t-,.M, l.;iU.f aJ fti.tricocjr .rf-.'c4, FU... ( U. v- . 6a uatt., L. t t.rj,i u4 1 . J'. I .y . r-ffti. fmfufA ck... i.i.I.i l-f I -1 m p'.aj M V.wm. tru r..i.. L.J raM.ti. . tw. yt Ml .1.., 1 "t S.,h. IS f . ' T. k....-., . I. a tl im. I mt . mkit W if. l. u.. Mr, .f . . t ! . Aa .mi iij a. aFr. KM2ral Air,' lMCtr ja iiiti;-i it T5xalii4. ICa tSJSJiiMJmhxhJJIi If .T7i j:-. t)'TH, .3lUST.j oaio mz.m er W i.i.ivi 4i,-.i-. T. fir.fcle i P' .n.vzlf tt moot pflfuUr MtMieu -.. ibulti. I'm avitiar u aa otperi tJK- J B.r-iwia-a ot tummy l2'' (a u " k tut jm r .oa VM fm: rt,-rk.a tf UW eaa. Lrif trwMm- ' " t -.- Wf Ik tart-4 mt - 91 Al - P I i mmm.mmmtr eft-M aawM trap twta. hau. -j j. r- .jui a--M:ia. aaW mkmrn or it' ac(. I-irVn. 'r:at4 ar-auj mmi wil. WiVfr ftn.aiLlF, pr t..a' ! t toe pifi-rrr, i l,ici it fi c - J ti i C if, ia In l .in m, rrr J (j M J pctaM-al aHalU . Urn m mMt jfir r.nli.4.. -"tk..- trrlavr iri K F'TTri, - fimrmSt th tktm, Lau'a. Mi HERE! $5 in H3B3 fcr S3 cli, j-s. -.n.f-ii. u..ra-i-. e&vr atasiki.wn. 1 1.----. ; ; M r.i;f4ib t-r : 2 ftrd Fta: 1 Si1varplt4 "-.dr; 1 tutu HulsUr; I uvw t. Porit ; li tin Earrl. in.; 1 il,-u ft.te l iiwr ; j ("1 TV timk that fuanr JW, "- i'l i l " it rerr1 for t noaT, (bif aaaaay acllira; sf- 'f i Al -t.-'jat fir Fir's Ocjrj. tsi(.rrt taken. AVr f botrtfi t ii BY. GENERAL GRANT. $3 CrfFlVQ WAMTFO t. tint ..d p.wft. fl (X&iS C O S.ll.nir rirt.attl B.'"kt uul JUiklaa. IfuB gm rvitkCMlJJ ptr cu Naiiui fubitifl'f, lloS Ul ICa. li"Bf I V ;. Wat.-twa. rit.mwln.lM-st r,o. TT,!9 mrta Baatlnjr J. .. Jmilatlou r..M. fe.jJ.la.Masi. Cl.i.1 .dU b XJ mt irraurowB v.ForFpcruJaliia ru. poar vu.bi.(W lot u. Im. TUUJUtUi 10. , 1 3 luua bt. saw Vara. na Outfit, r rant ad hia SJ J-vo G..ui Wai Jt t.7 s a ll V i.Mfj Km. ft lirvu lirvuka be Xajus S"ITBSC-R;IBE ri: the NEBRASKA LI IT A MAD H? A If, B B8U T1TK HERALD!! j UfJtC Qjffkiill iiffcr ! OF TIIK COUNTY. For M lw Year i 1 1 i r si,. t'.l o'i'ei yeiy low U-i on L.i' l.i-st pnpeis and ir. i.'-..L-i:ies in the Union. .'.' ( curl mtiht tlir i':fi-i .'BE AND STEOITGEE Tii IT ITHE HSMtt),! i. y if tur fritnd t ijtrc us n The More Help We Get, the Better t r to P aui3 tan X A. MacMurphy IMol32?ciS;l2a2. ! TTT-"-np jppfnir--7pfv. "THEPRIVATf MfBICAL ADVISSd" " SyphiUa, Woueiba, Gmzot. BiMuWr. f ttrieo i lni potency , ft 0 I 1 ain al ir cauan-.j MMitM' aniA.'t. llti-a9MI. A Vfea aa fekMJB' t. 1'kVaXJ Iftan s- - BENNETT & LEWI DEALERS IN Hniit (Confectionery t Ojjarf4 c& ITobacco. AGEXTS FOR TIII'KLKBUATEIl LEAVEN'WOKTu' Tlie elioicewt sloek of frroceli la t mt- mm? -memm m. tt em uasn ifaia lar Huttor ana FI Here We are with a. Complete Stoc m m . . BLANKETS. VOifFUKTS, SUA WLS. SKI UTS, ItmK. J LA yNEi CASSIifFIirs, JEANS. VALISES, D It ESS, UOODS. RV(HIIX RIB HONS, LACES, t Alt PETS. FLOtHiOIL CLOTH 3IATT12i' WINDOW SHADES ini FIA'TCIiES, rf-. .. d EOOTS, SHOES Hats, Caps, I Ml ICES TO SUIT EVKUYUODY. iScai-ii, Zephyrs, (TKerinaiitonS Shetland Wol. Card HBoard GLOVES & MITTENS TO FIT EVEUYhODV. loth in SIZE X- ERIC Also the best Select Stock of strictly fir.st-claas I in oeries, Canneil and Dried ware and Glassware in guarautee to Bell as low to cio!e asa iniyers, W. S .3. MA IX STREET. THIS SGJBJ In reserved for . . . ' SMITH, BLACK & CO TO GIVE TSTEliwC .A. C-A-Ia IT iH IP IT Fffi TR! ' ' -- -a. jaa. sa-w -a a T V T 1 V I Daaa J. V. WtLRBALH, v (Succesor to 'll'THMANN & WKCKll veil.) STAPLE and plici" DHY OOODS, X lull (K W S e " nf every Highest Market Price Paid for Choice Butter and Country Ptoduc&l "STNo Better FLOUR anywhere.g) J Qaeensware, Sails, Keji; in fu'I "t'x k. A full BOOTS h U CALL AT MV STORE ,'frMoury Re To nle it n all Cam's wtaca-c Our Motto is "Live anc Lot Livo.' f'ali 'Still" n..utli l..vi (.'uin.-r M i!n an.l Tliini ""net-. ! V.iU iUIU ,"t t lift. i l. 1 1 --T il 1 II. Nl in: fK v oe,qoe:hh,y r- Flour and la Jerry lI;irtiii;ii.S New l.iiildini:, Main Street, T wo Doors PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. iiEi$IieNft .t?.ajp24et Bri?t Paid fok a;.l kinds kVepGGQDQ DELIVERED FREE m. A Ahi8 fur tUe old FIKIi lNSUKANCK CO.. or FiVej-.vft, i;iu tbi CiERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE CO., l" New Vo.-k, w.- ollor to ih.' public good an-1 re'iiab!".- lusamnuii on tits .no?it ro.-. i'!o toriiis, V o- 'in vile our friends and the pin- io call . and See us, auu. ,iM sie 'eito JtTJD ARCTICS and IIoods,-.j & Mottoe 5 Fruits, Tolaceos, QueiffC! the City. All of which as anybodr. j and lor large rixinnti t icu. H. BAKER & CO. J J 4 S TP dl) nj m r rvy sa. -jr- asLVav mm -yr aaa mr mr mmm. m svm. W line o( 33 Q3 'fi B S dfrri'.ion. ay Tai&PocMCallrii :md Com ji'i-le l:ne of B 8 HOES. J EoR BARiAlXS. .uuil nrr nut i Il.reene.l 1 i a. - ,1 -v hew " y Feed Stor4 East ot Court House. 4 -tv jf puopuci. T ANY PART OF THE CITY. V"