Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 03, 1881, Image 2

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, . i
- Tuk Alma IlERAi.D:-WiHit to X.
Publi -heil by Hiatt&IIuid at Alma.
Harlan Co. Nebr.
Representative Hall kin d!y sent
us seTeral bills and friendly messages,
containing news during th es8iii.
A vert heavy snow-storm pre
Tailoil east of the Missiappi on Mon
day evening and Tuesday morning.
Fjiidat Hi inauguration takes
place and President Garfield become
the chief Magistrate of this nation.
J. Y. Barnhart, formerly of the
Johnson County Journal, h:is bought a
fcalf interest in the. Democrat at Lin
coln, r
Gen, Gakeield left Mentor for
Washington Monday and an ived tliete
ftt 7:30 Tuesday morning. His trip
was tie ovation throughout.
Tuk Legislature closed its labors
about Sunday morning last, in the us
ual hilarious manner, and by this
time are liwme doin chores an 1 "siuli"
ODce more; lad it's all over.
VJJe saw at Li
album, called th
inooln a very pretty
lis "Van Wyck Album,
coBjaiuitv juit 11 pages, an I on each
the name of one of the orijinul voters
fn)th General.
Wh will try and got the
and Riiti-treating bills in lull and pub
lish oan. Just as soon as we can yet
them correctly. We - give synopsis
. of both this week".
THAT "boy" fiem Otoe, Uansou;. and
th woih's rights man from Lincoln,
Whedongot, along pretty well by our
wntching 'era real c!ss and keeping
them out of mischief during Ui.j siw-
Gad! Jirad Slaughter got a big yel
low gold watch and chain from the
"rr.ember" at the close of the session
us h rriementnni of his integrity and
Jtrength of iungs in reading 530
bills of which 85 became laws. "Keep
tiae, March!"
The way we. spend our money 500
00, general appropriations; .l5.ono,
incidentals; 630,000. insano hospital;
42.000, penitentiary ; 100,000, capital
building, &e. About SU'JU.OOO iu all to
run this state for two yeais. llo.v we
wish we were the stale for a year or
THE Democrat at Lincoln claims to
be a great anti-Railroad paper. So doe
the Globe. Hut tha editor ef tuc Dem
ocrat says the Globe man is a great
rascal, and the Globe man returns the
I ow (not Howe) are we outsiders
to l-inow which to believe, whm they
bot'V declare tliey cannot believe each
oUJti. -
Skikxeii, Jim Skinner, don't agree
Willi Imhoff alaut that lish business,
ho says tho reason they di.l n't get the
fiah earlier in the season ;v is bvcause
the "boys" from abroad were loo
. (you know how Jim I'd Is
tilH in) smart anv way and if they'd
hnd the lish sooner they'd got away
With "high license," amendment.
Quick's place, and all Lb. coin bel'oie
:' The first trout of the season were
-shipped from Ho mine's Ponds to Lin
coln but Saturday to the Sun
day Dinner of Host I whuff iill?st-s-Frty-two
pounds at 30 cts. per lb.
$21. What brainy fellows these
bo.irdrrs'll get ts be if Koniineand
IinholT keep that up. We came home
atnrday mrning and believ Imhoff
put that job up so we couldn't iiet
trout. It's inean.worse thin !i? served
the Legislature. Just as they go home
and don't -need any nTore hraius
(among us common folk) he gees and
gats Csh food for a living, to make
Lincelu emarter than any of us.
- -.
Wmile in St. Joe. this wek, e met
M.r. A. J. Fleming, now city valor of
the Herald of that place, who treated
us very kindly and said he w as al
ways glad to see old Nebraska friends.
Mr. Fleming was in Lincoln duiing
Legislature some y-ears ago, corre
spondent for the'Chicago Times, St. Joe
lit raid, and t!ier papers. He after
wards was connected with the Blade,
then a daily at Lincoln, and still later
went out t try the West, with Webb.
Eaton, at Kearney, or the press. ' Not
being suited there, he returned to St.
Joe, and has been city editor of the
Herald for some time.
Pearmak tells a good one on Hilton
-f the Blair Pilot. Peari in was ta!k
- iujf to a rabii temperance inan one
day by the window of the Ceinmercial
and Hilton was leaning over the desk
looking at the register. The t. in., after
going for the legislature generally, be
cause they did not pass the prohibition
amendment, said: There's that 'Pete
Her. over there," pointing to Hilton,
the biggest and worsWvhisky ru in in
Omaha, coming here with bis pockets
full of money to corrupt the le;;isla-tm-
Just see what a bloat be is.
Don't his face show his business : plum
full of whisky," etc., etc.
' An explanation followed, and the t.
in. let op en cur editor friend.
W'k heard Bernhardt we did, at bt.
Joe Monday night, and. oh, girtt-ious!
can't she rattle French; talk of a
steam thresher, it's nowhere. We be
lieye that womaa has clock-work i n
aida of her, alarm clock work, for she
oes off just like one of those rat
tletebang four-o'clock-iu-the-morninjj
things. We can't say she was di
vine for we taw her in thedinins
room giving French Gts to some of her
1 Tftrtv because something did not please
hr, and she hadn't been coiunitinins
. . -T . I1...I f-t i a. T-n i i - rr . , v ..1 . 1 !
Willi ZLVMlo tllk kuwx i,i;. ..i ai,
be pictures that show the influence
ofangls ou the human countenance
r humbugs.
Thehonse was moderately full, the
I acting perfect arid the language jn
f, rehensible (to most of us), !?ara
, Suia. reded womae. with the
I euii'me. at.d ir c j
she ww tliink w'ed
laA-alof ?.ilfr!,
N JTr'-' is . ..t.v y
Senator Sanmlers on ' iUt Missouri
." Klver.
If the bill for Ttivcr and Harbor Im
provement fund passes tlia House as
amended by the Senate, it will be
223,000 for th Missouri from the
mouth to Yankton. This is t?33,(0
for snaj-boat service and for i i p
rapping on Nebraska borders $92 000.
Brownville gets 10,000, Nebraska
City 820,000, Plattsmoutli SIO.OOD,
Omaha. -J0,000. Siuux City and Cov
ington $10,000.
The Missouri Asajciiit i :i
will take their annual excursion tii
the 10;h of May next, starting fioio
.TelTerson city and bringing up in
Washington, D. C.
All this v.e learned from Col. J. T.
Child, President f the Associa: ion,
while at St. Joe. this week. Why
can't we go too?
.Michael Cave), Ksq. t t al.
On tiie outside of this paper is a let- j
frutn Mullen II iiiche," signed by the
above named gentleman, and n pre
senting, we suppose, his sentim-tits
and others titer. How many others
we don't know at present, but wiil
come out there some day ami see. A
farmer from there handed us the let
ter on the train with a, particular re
quest that We publish it. At his le
iltiest and because we want . sa
something for the yoiius man's j;;od
we have taken the time and troiiMe to
re-write his letter so the pi in cis could
use it,' for in its original shape, it
wouldn't look well in print.
The principal trouble with this let
ter is it is like the boj's story tin: poli
ticians told so much ab ;.t l.u-a fall. It
i-n't true.
The Heiiald never set out to yiu
the 'argument in thai meeting Ate."
'neither on oi.e side nor 11. c other. We
did not copy the railroad side of the
story ami not the oilier sid-, nor omit
wii.ii Mr. water said nor did the
JJee publish Loli suL.v of the
only diie sidii his side, which iie as a
newspaper publisher lias a light lo do.
Anil 1 m the! moi e had 1 1 not b-.-t u tor
the Hehald there a;e many ictdtrs
would have known but one sidj (as
you call 11) ot the ijue.-Uion.
'1 he paper Mr. Cavey yllades lo, is
dated Feb. lTtii. The article sets out:
"l'uesday a wvuU. ago liie lailioad
managers and others iuteiested o::
either hide ol the jiieslion
were invited to appear betoie tiie en
ale and discuss Him questions in It. It.
management now interesting tiie peo
ple. The delay iu uiaiis iiewnted our
ocin.i: aide to give a synopsis of tne
"lalk" belore.
Tuesday a week ago, would bo the
Hili, the night of tiie "talk"' an.l u
expressly state that dvia m iu ii.s pie
vents our giving a s-iwjsi of the
mecting of that night, pieaac iiiall.
t Lis. We then say :
Mr., however, of t i:' 15. oc
M. has since elaborated Ins leniaiks
and puoli.-died them in thi Uuialta it -publican
uT the 1-jtii fii.iio which we
copy a small puilum thai our i eaii i s
may yet an idea of both pi.iiiiiifi ;.nd
defendant's views in this case.
Now for a few facts i'ne Ediiur ot
this paper went to Lincoln Wednes
day moriiiiig of tiiat week,wa snowed
iu and did not return until ihe suc
ceeding week. The meeting Tuesday,
Feb. Sth, was late.
Omaha pa-
pels could not publi.-.h an aeconut of
that meeting until Thursd. : lnorniii.
too late for our paper that week as the
mails do not reach here until nearly
noon. Thiirstbiy:; ami Friday's papejs
were tnoie or itss lull of it. We tl;tl
not happen lo see .Le Uee at Lincoln,
those days, and do not know what it
had on I li. mailer. When a e vl
home ihoae papers were tlesiruy t d ;::!
it, is impossible lo lile ;ill the ix
cnanyes we yet.
We received a mar Led cony of the
iiepubhean ttie lUlh with louaioi's
itatfeinelit &., ami publlsbe.l the lliii
as stated.
Our article was not a synopsis ol
the meeting of Feb." Sih, ii id not pre
tend to give what the 11. inroad oi
anti-railroa 1 men said there (beiore
the Senate.! or w hat llosewaier salt! tn
didn't Say but btatts that it coiit.-:.
ttoiii an ehtboiaU: sialeim-iit of Mr.
Toii-talin's one week .later llor hai
leasoii.' Ibi.t tiiose Intel estea in !au-j
road malters whether "opponents or j
frieinls tf i stt active !i; es can!
see what Mi. i'. has .o say in be
half of Hailroads.
Now, Mr Cavey tlon't y.oi think you
ami jour friends, if you have any. bail
better read a little siraigincr Ufoie
you Ci ill.-iat; ami accuse oilier peojne
of motives and intentions never
dreamed of by thenCr'
We have not made these remarks as
a defense of our course about railroad
matters, for it needs none. .Many of
tlitj best and most intelligent of our
readers have assured us since Unit tin y
were glad we published that article;
that they wanted to ste what was to ; I
be said on b;it side, etc., etc., and sin- i
k 1...., .. I !...!. . -l... ! :. i
nUi.ii ei 1 1' .lit, iiooeti , i tit; nil- inn. '-..i-.i-i ,- v i .
i ' 1 he h-m-ila tnc ot Nebr.iska .-ends one side of the railroad qaes- j v,.,.x,ti. i,, ti,e world, by its passage
tion. of the female sntt't'ii.' hid. that three-
That is a matter 'we do not choose I hnhs of tnem ami moie. aie bald head
to go into. It is nuneof oui businesJ,',lfi:,i's' 'lrit a di gr.i. e!
what the 15e or any other paper pub
lishes. Ju this case the Senate of the Ht'ite
invited the railroad men to this con
ference, and one of them, one of the
most intelligent railroad managers,
holding high vtlice iu a big corpora
tion, t:tk s the pains to elaborately put
his views before as many of the peo- ;
pie as he can reach through the lit-'
lie speaks as an expert ; be th pai ts
from the usual rule of railroad men lo
kevji their information to themselves,
and buck the jicoi'le by means of oaid
attorneys, and sheer force of money
.. ml 1. 1 1 1 ., t-i -. ! ctl'toorfli v- i t Vl'lb.-ll
"V , .
they are Chare.l-and ado(.ts .he pt.ii -
uiar iuethotl ot ttiHnpr into a riew.-i:i-
per and franklv stainirf Ins side of the
nn..sri,..iM.,l ..or -iiitMihir 111 ti.e.
e li. i. t 1
menu says we. ount, not 10 inive iuo ,
lislittl It. We conless we re;itt me
whole article with irreat interest, and
only wish we could have repr .dnced
it entile. If rjr 1:0 other reason titan i
the frankness, boldness ami .ovcl;y f ',
Mr. Tuiizal in's method, we think he
deserves prrat credit, ami should h tve
been and was copied v iv exttmsiel v
We a.e sure it is a much moie open
nianlv way to rm'bt (if tiifhl you inns:
have it) the supposed slv and tin-;
ur inwiiiv: r-iiiriiini aiH I'liiiManiit ;i'- :
..- .j, . f..t
j j
cused of usiiis; to carry their plans. j
There is one part more of Mr. Ca- j
vy'lettei. He intimated that the I
, r ..r I t
Lt O i,,J IliV IIUU.l. V.klt..'.U
oljier paper,
t It ri.l.f II. i ij -u..
,.0.., .... ... ... v.
1 country; dL't you tliink thcuih.. ii j
luuld ba xa -TT't all or.vatir Ufjf
" ' ' -
l;iyfor the ojfe yon have first? II the
chronic grumblers don't Mippoit an
ether piper better than they have. Hie
IIeuaLI we pity the editor whose pa
per they take. This lias been a very
hard winter, tliera h is not in mey
enough coin in rrit su'wrftiton i j
p iy, for the white p;:ptT the
is printed on, though the fai mors that j
pay, a! ways like the TIkkalp, we. vH
no! iced that.
. Oli, Mike! Tl.Vie i-i one thiejf in
Touzalain's. letter we !;.l not piint be
fore. He bcains by itijf :
"Ed. HcprnLiCAx: I'lea.-e print
tho enclosed Mss. fur in", anil send
iiL n... !
yo'ir Liia to iius oit:ce o'JJ c-jpusj
of the p iper." - i
, , . , , ,. ! The irreat change in medical opinion
And it was all riMdv for t;ie print-i , . . e T i; .;i . - .
1 I as to the use of alcohol is evident lrow
er, too, wh.-n it ffot t!iei,. I.nt u 3.vjthe following icceiit deliverance of
one more word kind!?; some one i the London Lancet," ;;t to i'.ts use in
whose interest it is to misreDit-sent
the Herald cut in your m ighbi-rhond
has told you many i'h-s about it and its
My your foolish and suspie-
ioiu; conduct
Von and other faritmrs
often diive yonr
best friends and
truest help from you, a,nd believe
foolish lies lrora popl4 that are sell-
ing ou out itailv.
You always pav the Ih . too. in a I-
.-.... t yoo umiK yoa .,
treat your home papej- as well, before
you constantly lii.d fault with it.
j - .
F.veivirirh of tvoe .et ensfs oumev
and we can't pi i::t lots of things v.e
like a::d believe in, bre.i'ise wo h ive
neithti' time nor space. j
St.SATot: Tj.kit, of ( ass county,
ccilaliily loliiiied tnu piolniz'! ol his
Lli.-t seiijti'i lei in, Ulii ing tiie s.,sloll en :eii, He III at I he opeiiiog
ot Uie leg;.. .t ., Wtll po.-led li. par
il ihn iiiai y Usag.-. and well acyu t nted
wHti i ue men am. I he sul jecl.a of itg-l.-h.tlon
l.h Widen lie had l.. do,
;gul nas won toe go. den opinion.-- of
lilS coileagu-s l Ins lal;i;e.--s. abili.y,
and eueigy. His ote wms always o'i
t iie side d 'economy. lie deeiiin.l tn
vole ior any noasure incivly upon
hearsay evidence, and In'is been ex-
tien.' ;y diligent in informing hiinsf j
llioroiigtily upon the iegi-ihr I 'M pio
posed to l ne selia'.e, say my hat a re
! poll ot a committee, even oi the jinil
I iary eolnlillttee. was not eoiici Us! e
! lo his mind. lie has been a power in
j the senate, wielding a p":j- n il ii tl i
ence second to li-ji.e in tint body, and
I the Journal cotigr.r. uliites the people
! of Cass county upon hi Veil eai n;-d
reputation !t r ho:ie'.y ;inl st raight
loi war 'ness. i:c had iiiaiiy antago
nists duriuv: the contests of the session.
but ids unilnMi) co-irtesy an-i frank-j of beating carried bun liirougli !
the session without in iking a single!
enemy. j
i;Kri:i:si:.iATi vie Wixihiam, of '
Ca:;" eonnty, v. !io cone H'-ar b ing j
speaker ol the Hollse, b.'.s, peril ij s.
sel'NeJ his c.ost: t 'lelllS befer a- a
bit HiIiiT ol in it l..,ly li.a'i he Wo.ibl ':
have dm ire! he i .i en eleeied sp-k.i 1. '
A - e! i ; i ;i o t 1 1 ;e j ; id;- i t ; y eom m ' -
e it !S i ei ii ;. e .i!.-.;-..-ti.:l. iln-lnb-'i' '
of ii:'- working ! oi ee o! .e- ! ! i e.i (', .1 ; :d j
ill- lep-fi: (!! t i : l a r!::-!: I'l.Ul ofj
that coinmiltee wele, we i:iev. . ui.;- j
ve; thy adopted. This sinws a lmkm! i
ii-i old for ::iiii judgment. !
iisd is uioi e t !i in an ei-linai y compli-j
inel.t to the IVpl'e.-.ei: a , i Ve lio'l) 'a.-:'.. I
Mr. Windham h"i;e.-s iu coa.-erv :.i i ve '
legislation, and hi.-, i onise on ail meas
nies, important or it berw ise. has be.-n
in aeeot dance with this idea Such a
man is sure to have intl ienre as a b g'is
l.i'or. and it is not dd'icnlt to -cc tint
ill". liui ham stands as one ol . ' e for -'.ll-'.s.
m Hihi-iS in this respe:-;. The
e-lei n do not do tie- sain- by
their icon sent ali vs to the legislature
as i'i the uhh-r s;a es. The,-e, when a
in oi is b niid lo be entirely e, impel. -n
and h t- m ide a s it is! aetm v n-coi i. he
is r tti;ie tl lerni after term, as it is
reeoijiiizeii that l.e (Mil bett- r Cerve his
I eons, li iieni s bv beiiiL' t horoU'dilv ac
quaint ed w it li the methods of legisla
tion ami that which is :iiii:i d than
were it otherwise. Ther-' aie only a
fee members nf the pivseni h'.ui -iat u; e
w ho we i e here two vear :i-o: one of
the few we a;e glad to say is lie;;: es -n-
iative Wind' who is sei vhu his J
raeoml term. ( ass comity has been
foMiuiate in this; a better in. in could
have been fonn I for tl;
Jioll l
!. :t"ie.Mt. at Lincoln.
..lit ; he:- i p. nt of wind its. 1
: 'ii: o.t :
( In
: r.ntH It
t il the
-." and
1 as a cnt of j
mo to ' b:lh- !
1. d
1 1
Ih. if.
itke w.i
thein I
ileal n."
(ii I'loi.ibi- ioi' -. l.i. b w :.5 1. 1 t it
w ;is ki;
1 1 o
Levins :
(lioi v to T-ii"-" I.!.:? ro.-tir.
tkt cock crow, v.e laf.iih best. v. h.
Iiiii';h 'i he top tii'' is 01; is."
"I'loiiiintion is oeail an'l i,ieat is tin- i
jnv theieilt. Litiertv stitl is perch".! I
upon the banner of the people. '1 he
constitutional iinii-r.dinent bill died in
its cr-olle hwt nibt. i'ii:V foity-.-iiHe
voting in favor of it, ai d for four
yeaismoiea b-ast. t he pi epic v i i l.e
allow-d to !x"i 1 ire tk. irowii Ir. e wiil
in i o ;i id to litpt ir ;i- d i s est s With
iil 1 .mr In art w e say "amen" to the 1 e
snlt. and deeply as we svmpi !:i;te
wi h the crest full-en disciples f i'i:, eh.
we cannot civ for laughittu."
Of our legislature and i s work it
I rHi:i:ii
' Th:S !-"SSioii of th.e ieois
liiiown its til '"00 y.'iii;:
tl too oi l to do' N-ehra.t
at til e
ka h
"I i is now otir 1! n! y to
10 the. member.- of liie le;
we do so wi.b p'leasnrt
some ll I teen ol 1 w entv
bod w I ui as le's'atols.
biil tii!w ell j
risbiture, and !
Thel e ill e j
men in thai j
iiv an horn r i
i to ;iuy stat e : but as io the
foi bit! till! we siioii:.! t-v.-r
: lit re a1; lin. Th" liiindfil! of
C.illltl InlVt- done some t 'l i IliT.
rest, (Jod
See then, j
men w h" I
1, ive been j
majorit v. I
now t riess .siiainst ttn- ia rue
and tin nr. seiit session uf ti.e legisla
ture i.ies down iijioii the record as tin j
most useless legislative botlv that ever j
met. and likely ever w i. I lilt'C t ill th'sj
si.ite of otu s. M.ii aliy speakintr they i
iire all cltii!i ; but iutelieetii tiiv si.-e .k-
iim, vacuum. Whv
in the name or
inferior men are
eolllliloii eMse siicil
selected for It iiishiti
iible me.'! ai e la it:
t- I.f.11 it 1 1 i . f l V i
..ot,, I ' , .-w. ot.
i thise . rairies of ours and in. ur towns
1 js U1 (.,.ln f, ,.., sav. ,,u. ;
about time tint; I he .m.-hoi'.Id mi- j
.oe.l.i mi-
, ilers'mml that eveiyn.i.iy not lit tor
. 1. . .t . t. ...:... ' l.... 1 . . .. .
li.aian.i e , ui,u .1 i.utn.u .1 ,!
well as l:t.::ejv to legislate, and that
; be volets of t stare aie working ir-
. j-.,;,. :,i,i.. jnbirv t
1 -ns eritv by eutr'i-
Ihetnst 1 vi s and
: i it-tln-ir
ie bands !
of such infeib Ive
I l-iiTio i ! i . -
I N'ow tiiat troo i l imes me tpon us
i t'etoii iii.i.iiin- it. extravaiiiint llOw.
; it is Win 1 !l ) etlit-iaoei in that no one
1 on 11 enj ay lliu pii-iii itites! surround
ings if in bad he-tbh. Theie ait, j.iin
: ure.'is of miserable people goim; nbonl
l7a' "ls"n r.';,',J, s".-'"-'b.
. . .
utni one Ifiot in the gritve, when a 5j
et. bottle of I'arker's (Tinker Tonie
would do ihenj more tr'i.i than ail the
expensive doctors and qu ick niedi-
voirs u,r, r fl ll.fll. It ' H WJ4 S
n'l?es t'l" !)b..l mi"e :.!
rr! i
' .
VI, lUl a Vl .11.1 -,T-,e,i
vnu "ooti i
heal'li at little cost. !ke;id'of it f:i j of tin. utiiiat
u ther voi uui 0(; w vJfailUt ,
' - '1 - -;- i ;.e - -
"(Diif Stmpcrauct 'Cckmri.'
' For ix1. an 1 o:n. Native Land.
Parental Infli-kxit -Every
relent, should remember thai his child-
leu are aii-.eie.i iy i.ia constant!
! uioul'iitig iiill'ieLce. li-M of t tie
copy yuli set before them to imitate,
He sine thev will mark lin for line.
shade for shade, b!it tor ILit. Your
Conduct is their rill" of !u'e. Expect
no more from your chih:re:i than y u
ai h yourself. The Mleani rises no
higher lhan the fountain. Hjwsoii.
t!it hi'spiUi.s: 1 he ni st ruid teeto
taler inav well be satisfied Mtli liir
j growing tendency in physicians to use
alcohol strictiv. and to be s,itislie ou-
i iy by disiinct proif of its uiiliiy ; and
"'e ni'-sl generous believer in the mil-
lcmal virtues ol alcohol must know
that the public and individual patients
ate taking a keener iuteiest in tiiis
qu. stion than they ever did before.
; and are making very shrewd peisonal
I experiments on the subject. We ha
; nvi i,imu i iu u vi.t iiiniviiuu j
I hat
j,,mh1 ,lt.allll j3 rm:jt Co!.si.steilt With
: eiy little aleohol or with none; that
: l.e w ho uses a.cohol freeir frequeiitly.
1 r b ltsell Illnl apart IlolU loud
smely laving up disease and degenera
tion for himself, und pudiably for bis
j "Lost oit Stolen" by IiL'M. The
! meeiliig ol the American Tcmpeiance
i Union yesteiday allei in.oti in ll:iir
ly 's i t.eali i was an inter sting one.
I Mr. .'sanriei Capper, of Manciiester,
and, annonnct .1 as
I . IS
11'' K
" l.o-l 01 -Molen,'. ia
went li to siiow tiiiit tiie
Ihe eai'i h tbat. wer
( ra:;st-,joL:i liietj in-
to aieoi.oiK
'"i s '"'l l,J l''
coun.iy anti sii.,i( n iioui in.' ..'. i;i.-.
Thiity-live ihoiisantl boys an-! uiri.s
ir.leen "(ears ot a;.i lit'
were ho'a.seil 111 r
I ol iiiat
:e tel.
it her, 1
.1 n s and rob-
li.uh t he en I se
.-! to IC.ot . er
heil of a I t ilt a! ea:
.'t I Hill 1 is- to ia!
ilin! s.ole'i flotil "A I
iiiij.;ht tit lito w ise
; by i l;e lieUiOil
be a h.-ipj-y fau.Iiy ciicb
st l elite t'l I I'k. " 1 his :i
ol evil is
i nci fasi i -r i,, u,,
Alii' l :c: w ili le
iy its b.i:i; ol rif:
beiiio j,,;,t .( ,
mi ! -.1,'' iie said, "ami
Ion..: ft t 1 uioi ' aeuti
lief jy oji'ut ;ire
nen fioni I he church
ami Chiistiaii eon,:.;u'nty by intetn
.ei;ii:ce, and that at a cost of 5i0,0IMl,
tJ'J i.'tutually. In otlier words, 1,1 U0
tons of o'd", enough of that metal ti
pave a road fa ty eaih s Ionic, aru lav
ished on this tuitions traliic.'.
Tin; Finsx Class. said Edmund
Ji.irt.e, in liei Uritioii Parliament,
wiiiie ,!iig aainsi the incipient
otep to a i;at measure. . "A
spidt ; oi natural size is oaiv a spider,
ugiy and ioaliisoine, and i.:s tbiiinV net !
b i'li.) lii It'f C.ltCl.ii.g tiles. j 5 i ! , ;;it).l :
i.i. st;por,c; a .-pitl-.-l' as :i .i- an o. ;
.t'.'i t:i it. lie s;'ie,;il Ins .!' abotit us;
nil Ibe wi.tlsoi .kliiea w ,;;ld -iv
titlt e any tnu.g a ill !" ,
We are some. inn s icniiri..ed o! Mr. i
IJarKe's sjuder. as wesie.; tiraiasi ller I
liuieneiiitl amiitst his giiitt ring ti ean-j
lelS iil some iashl iliai.b- sait.'oti. lie
cabs oiii y ouni'si ers ai oin him with i
most se.inettve i. land;.-htiV l.i s. He j
A eaves li'.S lift with liable skill j
and giacv. At tils'., it is v delicate j
an.! pr.i.l!c, the vn-tini itudly liii i.vs i
he is within l s tub:.--; b.n by and by ;
the fibers wax si router and sti ting.-r. ,
tid tle-y l.tfine like the cord.igti of
a migh.y ship, and the I uggiliig vic
tim, boutid band and foot, struggles
in vain.
Y fling me.i', he iirst st ep to it d rutik.
iiltl's fate may be the first glass, ihe
his; viie habit, the tiist .line yoi; tnu
sort with a uay companion, the tiist
ciiii , oi the liiiil time y en place your
foot within the thiesiiohl of a gilded
dram-shop. htin them all and be
sal e. be v. leu. Ti ask.
A 'falui YiiMv" ef i. ig )!
The Presby tei ia:.. i'l.ilad lil,i,i.says:
"It t.- an m inlorma
i ion ior t hose who love their bet T that
t he pt os. i t i y of one of t he chief iti
uiisiries of Newark. N. J.. it Ms upon
I he iinj ui! it v of the w .id T of tie 11 ver
j ii-aic, wiiieh lii. tikis ii ibi tiie bt-t
I r tor tiie i.tannfai-lcte ot i iel. A
' hi-h state of impniiiy makes a lien.
trotl'V lieer. u-.iv tto ttie snun.eis
I tor Veh:i"llt i s' like the fuel V"
S; -itoptis t-f J he 1e.ilii.t7 i.'iH.
S F ie. t'tikii.s. At:: In pr.. vent
r a . ie- .,r t tit 1 iii,' to to any oi
i.'.ii'.i i:.' In vera..; e in .-.ibioli or iit'.V
I hci i'liidie li'.iee w lit re t n. sit ti ie ii e
I kepi ior. -ale. i'liiie.-i t.e.itoi or n.iio'
.'iit.;.. ol a ni!.t'liin: i.ti.-i. i'li-..! y. old
I ikke. i.-r ir!i,i:'i i.ioi.-:i .aj:l,..i tioo;
i an. I i-hall i-aV io liie e..i 1 1 sl'i 't'1 to
i le p. iid toaileio"y pi vjsei 'il ioo;
ti no a toi in y, paid .0 ,eh'.ol tiimb
1 !i it'ii: pv i .I'.'Ce.
cipy liie folbiwiii
nie.l columns of ihe '
tiie !
I is often we tjiiole
nit li.e
vclutcs 01 'l'ui.;.a oi Call.oitc otshops
or pi I. sis, as ive leave lhat lo tteit tw 11
oi.ois aijtl piipKis, btit wccaiiiiol liele.
al tins time, itlci r;n; to a ntt-ni.
adtliissel ibseoi' iieiaial.ot St.i'at.l.
U.lsiiop liel.iiid atidl'essed hltuseil iu
tl:e Irish people, boibiy aet lalli lo.ll j
tiie tviis ol slioiiji drink bad done lo tnjuie tiiem "i.ian any o.hel'l
ii'eii of .-Nitaii," ami lii it 11 liifi bidkr-n 1
up lii- te iiniues in Ireland ant! sini
liitue inc.! into exile even tnnu i ne
Cilise of ikiiill i.lllllioliilsin. As ii- i
1 Ust 1 al.n ibe ph. In In 6 01 ijisiiop lie- :
land in dealiuT w itii the t'VI.S f vvnls-ky-tii and us i!is.-lio'.i3 t lfee s I
upon tne Iri.-b j't-ot-ie. we ipiole lifin ;
his .cldic.-s on 1 lie i ce.t.ttoii :
"lu.) ill ill) 1! weie ii! the-
a. -y in ins, i cloi in itt tn 1 j-, and poo mouses i
of America, and ili y coiifl only ,
b. anie iiit-mseive.s f"i" I ht-sc iaiiienta- I
bie t.n is. -Vie! he . Ct
iioil, t he In lievetl i
t.h I say
li is e
falls was line i,ieally to intcmpi-raiice.
lit: con. ii not explain why it had taken ahoiti upon his count ry men, but
lit: supposttl li W.'s becau-e their
tempt t'.ifiis wtit'Siijiit-iit. Ihe Devil
liild tried lo coi.iltier the reason of liie
liishinan, and he in:d succt eiit tt by
means of strong tiiinl. ..u immense
ntuiiber of litshiiieu in our hnj,re citie.-
kejit. saloons, ami this thry would not
do link s- it paid. iJiiiii-i iiad aiwaxs
I . . 1 : . ...
j y , " " . ,
i bennies la the .lie ol an lilshm it..
1 Here w as onuK at cm lsit-iinii;,
I drink at m trriai-
;...i di ink to ili.--
i " ,!,uie,
tfliiiile amolitr tin- inotil nei.s a; iiis i
Whenever an li' man's j
""" "i'i "" " .. t-j-'i . . .
uee i.t'poi oi int. w.: at I t:e ii'Hiiiii) i
nr 1 iiltl.. lo..,-- oil. or I . , Via ...o
lliillliliated hilil so Inliei. its to-see, in
ii ishmaii's . t ame in the com I
repoit.s. What w ;;s to be done
to snjipi ess ! his evil? It W;is
a!i in their own handi. iot vvaa
wi h them always. The way io do ii.
volt to di-cbtte war ii.iin-t ll-. eii"ttiv,
with the w ar crv, "Death to Whiakv."
li.lpi i!i'"s is ectirc'u.
HappiiiC'S is the absence of pain or j
annoyance, nnd W ititer there is pain i
thei e ij disease". A pain in the lower
portion of the body indicates a ttisti.r
der of some kind. If there is any odor
or color rde.osit in the pi inc. it means
disease, hi id retinircs attest ion at once.
We have heiid many of our frmt.ds
spHk of ihe remarkable power of
Warner's Safe Kidiiev'am. Liver (.'nrr
and are convinced there is' nothing so
certain anti va.ititibie for ml sntiorders
unitary system, bath male iui
a i
inn-Torn on rroM.N mffpauk.
Vi to S.
T i : .1,,. Tl T !
unuui 5US;'t'i)Aini o i itie niirs, n. i.
1G2, the bill providing tor the subnns
seom of the - female bua'erage amend
laent to tiie f-eole. was caded up m
the sensie and passed by the follow ing
Atlii ina' i t " iker, liurns of I.iouge,
liui i.s of Yoi k, Couii, Daily . Dmsuioie, :
Doanc, Evans, iere, (irauaai, Harriug- i
Uili. .Morse, . Pel kins. Powers. .Hilliil, j
leiil. l uln-i. Van Wyck, Wheiiy, i
Nej,a; i ve- UaliViitiue. Cady. Ei'viu.i
l!o e, .iy iv.-, luyior, TolK -and Z-li-!
lung. ,
This settles the aitHragi (pieslioa so j
far as Ihe iegi.slatui'e is concerned. I
Kailnad Hill
l t:e mot inn w as mad- to i.v:U diailely j
postpone, ll.e bill wlucil Inui'.s pa.-.-.eii- j
gcr rales to three cets a mile in !
Ni biaska. t)n this, motion, those vol-;
iPg nega; ive wet e : !
HuriS of tioilg.-,. llui lis of Vol k.
Dilisiiioie, i-lti.iue, (rahai:i. Hailing-j
ion' Howe, Tavlor, Tell't. I'm k, 1 i;i m-r. i
Van wyck. Wells, Wbeiry and W hile.
AtliritialiVK Hilcnliiie, llaker, Cady,
Coon, Daily, Frwin, Lvans, (.ieia-, .' loise,
Myeis, Perkins, Pieic IViWeis. miiii
and Zehrnng.
Tiie vote being a tie, Mr. Cams ile-
cided the bill to bu iudetini ely post-;
pout d. i
itcttirii ;i liie l'r.diih lisia iiae.ol.iie.-it. j
Filty-ine Votes Wele lo'Ces:,.uy to j
i.i i i.U' the passa-e of Ibis mil. It le-
eeive'l ton lor; y -n i ne.. l la- ta- n -no
I Votial ui i iie atlif unit ive weie; :
j Abbott. Uabeock' ii.lltl vvin, i Jr.: '.VI I. j
i ('..:.-, t'iintlin, Cai man. Cook, Coa-, Ct.r
i red. Daily, Hew, Dnwty, f'ihey. lira-!
hiiui. (ii a., lliu,, II
' i lost ei iel.
llr.Ae .I:.i Us!.'M of 1 'a , nee. .fensnfi.
I..,.,.. I.'., I ., ! -;,, . ! ...... l.i,..
. . .H'lM ,..l ., liri.qi.-.ii, IVOJ,. .ni,oill.
Lin::. MeCInn, Mrloi;u;ili, M.-ivinaoii,
Mil . .iloeleof Voik. Moll, ''telle! V-
I'.i liii-r I'.ifi.ev. Re ii lbe.t I
key man,
.-1 Mr.
i ,
. ti.
V. :sl v.
I l:..-se v o ii.o in ;i;e negative weie j
Ayr. iJaih-y. italtlett, iiiei; liotiii,1
1.1 ia Co. r'r-.nse. i'i e.i.-I iek. Fl It .1.
(bbi s, lit .in-.. Ib-I Itl.oi, lloliin in..!.n l;- ;
Soil o! lotl4 a, K.oeJ'tel, l.tlilii,
l. hinati, Alcr:.;.;ii'. eiuibn, Uvvr..'ii,
i'.iX.loP, I'i lel'soit, Kaiisolii, eal'S, Slil.
Wheeler, and Zl. ler.
Absent Kyneiy MtM'ilile, Mooie of !
Otoe. I'arty. Koiiei is, Sni ick, Watts;
;.i;..l Wvatt. !
A Synopsis 'ef lite high license bill
is aLoi.t a.- follows:
A lib -use of 51,000 per vear for each
saioon iu cities of over 1U.000, and
-.,l ;.. -oi . 1...... 11 .... Ill llllll ....
I 5.i'U 1:1 i iLit:s 1.1 j'ss lit. in iv,uwo iii-
j ltal-il. tins; the saloon keener iiliist give
a imaii 4if t'-'i.'HJ, and must resent a
j j't'lil ion signed i5 thirty fife hob;" is
I befiie l.e c;ii! obtain a license; no
i iioiid.ooan can e.o upon nn-it- tbiti oae
1 bona; titj injaur ean be gt'.rti aw ;
t no SCI Ct US mi- to be pel l::li Li it ; e.Vt i---
i lions .ne t; ni ia l . voi ot ti.e sale an i
Use f itipior tor tut dell:.l c.iemtc ll
a!:-! :'-cit iit l.i" p"-! poses oi.iy : di ii ;;..;.-1
Co i.ol nave io him t in i ii'in.e;
tn! aieobii.:ed to keep a ry ft in
plete .jeouto: Jill sales. Another law
kn.iv.ii as the ant i-i ing bill
was j'-i.-:,ed. It pioi.iiiis em man
Il ea: irg iinot i;er. ;tnd makes it amis
ii iiie..nor punishable by line and im
pi iM.nme IU. i'otii of Int se laws go
into elf. ct within nim tv tiays.
Siireivdiii-ss ami Ability. I
Hop Muter aie freely advertised ia '
all the p ipeis, secular ami religions, j
.are haviiiu a sale, and are siij.-
planting ilii oilier iiiedieint s. Tht-iej
is no 'It:; vi nr the ili lies of the bop j
i'liint. aiid
in 001 V'toi s of
1 i,
Hitters have si
and a bait y . 11
w ho t- vii t lies i
'All s!i! e Alliens ;
( lii ja ui n.i iie a lb 1 1 ei s j
iie si 1 jia! pa! iie to e t r - j
one's t l-st I " li' n. Hxeh;.nt;e
mi A!7D humo:
Ilcr :t-ect:t t'l : 1
to meet tiie
p of the area st"
11. we won't s
!!l".L,t Ol S' V tl V
ia N 1
1 l::iii: 111s: no. -ii r.-a tiii
I ,
1 1 iTt lOiiil i 'd w'acn tie V life
on. v
tiii.tei'ii. Io let ns .; to Nap'o.T
Tin' A'o.v'o.; Jn;:r.. ;l i,f .iiu.firr
publishes a lot of dyeing r . ipis; but
I'.oiV: .ft!i(l:l ti.e o. 0 V:i of io d
!ii v. ith :m eiiijity shot-, in.
iil" w .ni:
t-f ropi-o:
A now
ii ! ". li!
Ok. tho'J
.e w:"i .
tter-m 1
. in: :-
tie-'ii in
d bv il l ..
v t!. "voted
a a way,
:-o 1 inn is
oiers wife
id liie baby
.1 ke t !,
von heel
1 -.
I Oil
i i i; 1
:-b;if ( .:
o-r In.:-"- net.
A;isti-:dk':i !'
;;: :: of :.
( On
... :: tea
.I-, e.
1 wie. 1
:n irii 1! into
'd say, l.i:;." e'.e :ibii"J
of l-'k do you Kii ' V w '.-I
ni.-b remeily it for a er
'!!..-odm-ts, trraeioiis n.i-,
hea.-tl of -i'. "li a thin."
it's a r .elo ;."
A 1 liiayo ' l.i'i!i"'. i:i
a rttiei-l ij-y. j.oini td oiii
si 11 J :; ked him il he kn
sir." "'ik !:, is i! by sl lit. ha::;; na
member his ii."tti '.'1
2'..' r Si'.v b at von have
.-: in n mmx
t l e ..vrole h-
l-ti' y"
n ! I never
'Vell, ma.
a r A ii.t
iter A,
I know
i c;!H IV-
l bef.
our friend .'-as
evidently taken
ryotl. II.s de
.ik v wt ll inior.n-
rreat i'le:t-mi
li-rkt at tin dim
i:i t- ilia
" V on e.;ii
ed with hinif-a ni ty a l he so .Teat ts
y"ii iiiiii-rliu l.
'Do you nretmid to have as ood
iud-rment its I have?" exeki Iiii"d an ca-
r;ip;ed wife to lit r l.usban
he rc' Ii ";i idiiwlv: '-oar
We 1. no,''
eof p.i:t-
l.ttu "in is
be tore i ners f..r hie so
ft' at- ! mt to be cotyp
w - r at J:i.v
ire ! t" 1 y. ii.
1 O..I i,rl:
: is ::-- ii-i:
.-t Made-n
Id .ki,:
i i
. I w
I i! .-. -
e . i I-Y-j
1 A.!
Ii :
i.t le.
the ol
Ii ear
v. In 11
ii'.iirs .
i; me
- W k"ll -
'V 1 -ll Vtitl er - 1 h:
e t 1-.
.-iy s - -nil Is ;.'..; i .
1 Mill'; b,".o.L:ii
." but a ;:
.niT it i - ::ie !!'. i '.:
! -ink bene .; l i
aei -i. V.,"iI h
.i.w.iy- m'i :i
. .. fs br .- i -
io - IV
e.V .
-.' t
i : -
'. io
he re
i t-
d I i
i ir ii v
I shoal
i.'i .
at. 1
V ).!.-
i.- i-
... i
a i I
t 'i,'
Oi'.l Oi'
in or : ri
Te o yo lae; I'o
iipoetiied iu L '
w J.'e:! fr m sa I
)! w its of ere .
witll pi I t'l.itA ;.
by-p ilii fit lr:i.;i :
hi.oi't. 'A ii iii . ..I 1
i kt
ia a
T 1
:. la-e
ui os i
w. .' r"-':l:V -:; '. '',::'--.- ;,.' k
. ...-ii'S, v j ."I.'. .
-ti ty oi, lone; I inn
Hors'lB tliou ia TTintr.
Lack of moisture ij nut neces-.ii'ily
cau-e f brVttitnoss r-f the hoof, siuco
tiie !yir-e h;.s a str;n hoof. A con
limicd di-oath is esp- c;a dangerous
w'j.'n it nets on a f-ol n, .-eustome 1 to
nbrti !:n? of w-i'. r. Jv. .er the aetioa
of the hern cells ahsorb, increase
ia i.'. a. id p.-!i a.,:i t. . r apart. I'-y
CiM n. . " of i'!s g-e'iatiuous
:.i:itter Cat In;'. Ids ui - tl. hut u is dis
.;.!..'.:. ,-a i n. n t: ; :ioof i-i n r.n
. !' -.v.- ' t ! y it !: l.--t materia. Iy in
'. :--v ei .!.' ' -i :n. 'i tnor ftv
it 'y - Tv oe.v--; of .---i a:vl tby-
: ;s . ! ! e-j !: :::' ;! it proves
'.-'.' a j li b . .- -j;:--; ea -i 'z'-.y
, v.,. : if, f. .:;.
. i-, t. I- ., .- '. !. ' s; l.j.s be.-!i
;;i'-,,' .1' -'1 ', n ".- : of ru:s---;,
v:!-iv t e ; .-. - : 1 1 . 1 1 -: t v soat.e.l
by I I ... . ';:: 1 wi::.-i--.l by
s iev..:- -L,
l: Ti- i
a ;'.
a . ' . ! 1 pr.e:
' -.- i . .. i: i : I t t o.' s;:"mi
- a - .' '.;I!v li.i'i'e It
.- ' .. ! :, ;:.v. i n..i ' -ibiiMtil
s ; -r . 1: I - i a'teraa-
l . ..i . ; i , I o :: li. ..;.. up at
i ' : - - , ! 1 1. .'. i 'I !i) ll.'.li I...1',
t i e. ef-'.--- e. ;: I-' :Ve ir'V b"
I r '. - - oti' b. ; a-t. ti o
i.:o -- ,; .-.j :'...t vi:' r 1 I -."f, ;..:j oilv
:u . , - - ; -, i; i', !.!:
. ' i :t'
t , i e !,-!. -It
;: thy I ; a .-i--!. -
a i . o:-a re:r.Mi :i ;
' b el Ton ;-ti. As it
,. ,1. tl,e i. -it ia
r, ( : i . t c tbtl. e - in
Inc. '.- i
; lain. i'
i'i jii-e .'h.
,..-ti a.:. I
I - ' ten n t
w arr.s or
e: .of .!
t - - : , - 1 :-.:' -a V- :t' 1 be
.)...:.! ... .i -. : n t ; ' ;-
e.- : i i - :- 1 C;:-o:i .-h-
. . . , j , . . ... " , : ;t I., f . o' It
V .1.! I I'I. I'. if ! Lis
-I , er i -r
-,. : s: .. .u ; I , : ' :!' lee nail
: . .. f w .:!!-
'. e : ' I I.. i ! 'fit 'iiltl:,'
b. .:'.-: ; - ' II ytii.l
ii!:: i . e. . , - : . -i . , of
in o : -it
1 . i
w ell 1-
o ' '
;. re ee
w rte-,
a. a. n. ;
f.-r it: :..
liiu! i'tt'
... I ; i-i' ip taero
: e e . . . '. U -i ste .in
i ' : : : h-M.f, but
,. : , : : .nl.i e-:1s,
o, -i; ,: e I to so 'ten,
.I.- .: ,. 1,1. Ii tten
p ; . ; : ea e .. I !.ei"efeiv,
. ! I :' t ban ptieu
I, , ;, i -. t,-' we;, elay.
r..i : n - I kin 1 art!
:., eon i :." ' eer.d lietntti, s
r-v ('.-', i'lo'.f ii ia t ao ways
it: ." i iy ite - .- yi,i- the snb-
M:u;.- ft :..e ii'. '. :i "! -o.5d. oy ro
tliieiiig the at, :!..; , I ,;', tin: pow er of
tiigi-siioii a id :i -i.nb.iii ia. a'.d tha
p..ver of sc.TiM::i g 'id horn. tV.aiitl
illg ill fe.ieh tlt'i oilipo -in .irgiiliie 1.1 li
ter is 'dill more iiij-i; i i;s, how - ver,
when the animal is to: tl;:e to a ..tail
or box. for hei e the iii jiii ions ei:b t of
intielivi.y is add'.'d to toe i.''ovo-i..'.tiic.l
Longex 0 lire to nil r.i.d tnr.d also
at. this tint'.! of year fi-e-;u.-!!'ly p:-oduc,s
eraeks "in! other troutih-s in horses'
fc t. Tiie prevet'ti-iii is in Iteepin tiie
f.'et i-lt 'in by fie pe t.i v. :, -' ing iltitl wip
ing dry wit 1 1 a . e.: sc t.VIe cloiln A
!h tl. cnt le ;t l rolt-uni :,;.p:lc;;l to tin: feet
before the hor- -s ere ta'.en f;im the
.'table will l.eip' irreatiy i-i preventing
them from I c 'oi.i.:"r ' .o. If the
feel are surer !- ia ' e : .-n:ipo t.i'y
fc'lolild be ba .:.;. e. ': :-.
v::'--re it Is i!.y. '
t.;.'t oi leu - .
ke hol'se kept
i is ! i.e most
...kle ia the
o I. 1.
.;: ii i" .
i ... 1 :i i-
;- ;k, 1 : ii;-- .-
at':, b. i.. e-
.tr.Ilv tlev-'i t
; I ike re a 1-
i'ef ti-rk-'in
Tilt! Kati-rs
V.)Ver.eI if.
ll -'low tot'
V 1 lit,.''
1 1' I. -i'i i:i
. Wr.o'i n . .
t ' l 1"
. d.
I ,,r v
lke-ki" rai.ioa : . :
: d a 'so - ..
f-.-" ..f tke -'
v. . i 'k : : ") - ii'
1."0. . .1 I -1 b: .1
i )e,i- 1' . ' a" "". s i
it ! : ' f ;;!:: i" .
(. ; ef ikeir a;!:.!'.
' "t tl-iri :e
e! '.il" '. -,: s 1 e.
w it -01.- r.ii 1 a
tl ,vs, :,iid the,! d -
!- oi : i
e r, a-, ! : J. t .11-
I 1 ii.t .1 . ebD:! !
valley, win..! tre : 'i " '"'' ''-mi-
-d .!;. T ' .'. ! ;:. ee n ;'.
but "ilk" il. w it! . i. bo ; :d i. by
seorelii.':r p :!.-. t tle.r yj; -ee-
Aioiui 1 t!:e ti'I "y ' ey -v. it. 1 .- i. :'.;; d
oi,i- bv ot!" tk" i:i. .1 :.''. e::d tk." ;:.'-
mi Iff the ho? smi. '1 ! t'li tk" ekiki o.
ervifig f' water, t'. -d -it I elr re.oia
br.esll, a!!-! w;"h .-ftj.y.i l.i.--:'l t a : 1
b.l-lliil lii" tl-.-it il -CS I.'. lowed."
Wiltlil a'l T '.Vil,' ii ..P. i", I i.e- I,
r'tid i!;oe-.C .11 tl L it-f -.1 at! 1 r.lV 1 "a !
::k-d. Ait r a v. t'ik's - i.iiderki ; a
d-taeli .-itrvie .' f em 1 -. :a.: v.tii-r Pi
the l-ol .-, of a ::i .: .- k .. h 1 t
but a sko" t time, wii-r. :. I ; '-hid b-.:t
: A '1 who iv.i;.i I t:t e", ! '. .-. -.ey. Iti-l
f '.. .. 1 la- tr:."! o: (:!. ;" - i ,-r c.-n-t-
:: ior.-. Mi.; I - .-n ' in,:..-. e
Ike b
i i-.r .. ! ;i t '
t :se i" - :
1! .:n :
o i.e i
.;: i '
r i
am! the r
' i'V:
-. i' I
1 !' i ." ' .. .- . :, :1 -.- .
I-ue. i i .1"
maio'c; 'i'oe '..-.-. k.:i
ty" .-e. its ; !- :.: ':'. I-i .1
tion 'o '. I 'tl. 's iii I :
:t Ako; fk . t jeili lo e ivk
lo hav: i iv.'.'d to t I.e
t iv !-v. : .-i.tkik v ti. I, .
.! tke
Mljiremaey "i tin e o. I. ! -.
only riii-;wkie!i ha;. :;v -iki e!
oi "V i-i : ..- Ibti" of ' .;.;: : ('
i:.n- t :.'. tl hat f v. k .. t.:--;. 1
o'- v..'i! Lev ent-T a e -iii i ot j
.n- J.-wt ,-. ;,,-!.- no :: t-.eir k-
A T'l! k it -!1 'i t k .:!::! !,' -.l.i; e
tri.1 .in ... d iiv 1 1 .;''.; ; 'o i-a.ov.'
t it' I il - . i!
l.OO !" Oi
I'rii c."
!. :!' t .
pr. a ' .
ie. tl ' .
i ...i .
Ie- '.
11 W.irti
. 1
:n- i -y i
' v ii
i -
: i. i . : ;' . : it .
i i-i: ,a.. i" ifi t Hi: .'"iil oi
A :.!:: o:i" ei arke ! e '-;
t..-e . i.l." t.l it -cap. ".'.a ;
f.- - "" ,;:!." !
I i .!; 1. ; lT. t '.. V.'.
be i !-.--! :i ii is b. .
. :i - .":
.. ; ei
'!" ! ...
u .."': -
lials lo - a iitlall I :.!".-' .r i--. n. !' ': I
k ie i . .: : ; a -. a:i" of ', - ! '. I . ., -a I -r
b-'.:i ; k .. i wiiii I.: i ... . . ..
..!' pll i. -ailt: lit is oi ak.e . . I i k,.!.. - d
iii te.e ;"'ii atr. Tk, r : a.- a:.. -iv;
bet: i. iit-v-. r.a.-l ee ; lot;- or e.'os
oi e ; iy ;.;i.l lif a ;., of wiileli
th'-sl;. ; I :: is t:,e aiiit, - i o,"' ,.f etar
U. ."ikiot i e : aiial.-a b-
It." T.v.
, i
el t a.." A
C.:; v. iLi !,e 1 has ;.! b. , :i held
typieal of Folly: ia. ! In i.v- ,;.-, :t .-.-s
w;i-t-t: e.-ia ly'iia'-c'e;; by oat:", fo -..
In !-: t:-.;ts of Italy. v- vv.. tv on '.:
coir.:.. H.-d b .' law t-ve i.i 'k vc'.if.v
cap-: ia l.
; -b.'..t . oor
tke hat of .mi I-i ek ;.'..: ; ;t tl.trk or
a:i.e. lint p rkeps tkt: mo t
li.iirk e ditr:n,-t:o:t wht.-h t..e hat ever
con'i-rr.ii! .u lis .;.; wa- i'i France,
when bankrupt 'cri fn-ced t:
jvesr a ;Tveu hat. sj tfc.v po"ip! v i-d-.t
avoid l3-:-es hy f iji lit: .; wi'h Ikfrn. ' I
won-h-r wia" i er t hi - : - - : a e -::o :i:xrv
l:!v.Jt4s ii"..tiwr. to'-du' W ' th tee ,lanV
r!-t.'ii'.." a: '.!.!! j; r.-.-a
fr. nft eief :,V. j rVvrrr.;.
rty k.1 K i .'. t? A ti it . f ?i lt A n: t-U, .V.--....
Art eil Da'.ch
Until wifhtu a fstv m i:t!;$ pa-:t, one
' m:u. M:' Jo ,n mu ei-hfen, of ;:;l.
kill, w:is living, v,-ho lviaemh.-iv.! t!i?
funeral rf IV.miaa Tim
eeroaiotiy v.m ia :-efrda:ioo with t'io
ci:sl -ins wl.icli t lie Hittch, a hcndivd
and seventy j cars I t. f i e, had broti rl.t
witli the n from the mother c t inny.
A matt, sp. vhi'.ly d.'r i'c I t".i;- tha ;.:;
, pose, met c:ie!t tati'.e ccf.rT at tiie
; r.'.i ! cllVfcd ban a .. . f r.;:-i li ; ::i a
ll.isk. A woman w .it - i i i like m-inti"?
; upon cac!i f-ma'- e mii. t. Tic. r -!
latives of t!n :':;! s:.t -. i'i, ;- :i '-. . i ti I
: ill-.1 e.-rii-e; ti e iiie:: Is sta I a -, ; ::-;':m-
oef took tin ir sea.s in ::i--! f.-r :art of
' thf rootn. ; ia na ii-'j-in r; a:t
: her. 'When t'ie uril-,, m.r -
I tin s-; wore in I)::'e!i- li:. y w -o e'i
i weal u, to I'm.' c i.IIti lo t al.o :!.: Ir ! a t
look at t '
l l.e e '.ri v:-s
then e'o ;." I. ' it. no .n :;! ;: s i I ! ,k-a
fft in t'l.' I.ivtl ' lo i . ' Il.o :
j lol.ow'.i:.-. I niter Ci.-a ; I
i comers. Wh.'ti tl..: i i'i l le. be. i ial I
I i:i l',o '.'-ct'i: I ti e (" .;! n :-:-ie I
I to the hoi!-.-, b :'. -r -. .e
j be .. e.-s eooi
I ho.i -e v. a .
I i -t her to '
I r. :i t-:bh-i
of r..ui. j. i :
j Al. i. -: t:.-:
' iu t '. .. ..:.
a t
-. ,n-
1 1
ti -. : e -s
1 i e
1 :
.:' 1..
: ! ' ' ' ;"- i '
: :.-i... -.:g :.::. j
. : t ' ',f t he 1
.oi. 1 v, ;
at ot t: - ;.
. 1 i-ie '.:!
o t
; ;:;--..: : I ei oi t ; l.i ei s..t il.iv ..; - .tt
I i tl . 'T b.e ii i'.i.,'. ti:.'. C';n
fllie "-; -i :!." (.ten l'lae.i'a -Hire it j
; oi ti.. '. .'.-1 wit. i :l eerl tia
:.f : ..-.i ai i ;'. i- li- iliatiell -f lilinei-.d
; ' , ,'' ",
iv' it li.;'. tvlii t it: 1. i
i . i i i . ii ' l . .
wire . makes ' d--.n. If it ver.: ii t for
t! i- !i".i:h'!-" tee I ml won! I bo mo..,-
; il bv t'.e -ie.e. ;.-.d w.eil I foriil li'tl e
. ...:. ,- ,1 1'.-
O. I l . . t l ! I .-.' V " . 1 - . O . - I .tl..' L. I 1 1 1 .1
lb! " .-hot, for itee .nee, nee to ho
llia.e. lie: it .ei l jo...i eoo i;.i.i
t ..... . I. ... ...!:.. , ...
tna: si-. Iho nitle i.i"! tonni
p.-ttr'n d w:i in a eo;.th... ets sh ..ver. j
,;i:d fa I lib" 1 taiil; tilled w ila v.wu-r on 1
' tS.erro..-.-:'.T. I a C-.eif d.- -eni of ;
f.vo'hv ..,iect ti..;. b-eotee pi'ib-t ;
)!:e,;-.. t-io atfl den-e. ilti ! ti.CV ill'O
t '.! rah!-.- col wh.-u ihev sirike tiio '
Vi-b" elbi "ii..!! t!.o swift co,ii".'.--i-. A I
..;:.,.. be te.ii.x i-'iit'il ttifi bilbbl-J if 1
tie Wat r w.-u b-'.-l n f fi;r'f:i-!y. The s
! I e tiaaen.- 1 i.n i k e..k. 1 out of saape. i
To f.ti. i:-c 1.
i.t'-i-i- they I 1
.. 1 ' - perfeellv ilre i
1 in f.i: 'well," is
li.C 1.;' Sl o
An 1
eieviitor with -::::iil I n- (very inileli
iikfthos- l! -d'ii mid.) e.'.rritMti.e
sl.ot lip as I. it; a shy. re a '!i the iottoin
of Ike ".veil." an i deposits tltetii ;a a
:..ii si'v !'.:. iilwe ili1 !'.r i tl ii
The .vat-.'f .ii-Ip- froai b-i -k :
tkoy ;v t'p. a:. 1 not inii 'Ii i; ;) :. A ia
1" the i'eei i'. e r ak'.i e, ek !:-;: . k ii in
tended io be a - ii! of ii; I; pin in '.eklue. t Id I". . i'lv- ! Ike -ei 1 V 1 :. -I ; .. it
a spoil itit.i e, dry i.t.; e. l.i i: . al
ly ie- -m .'.- - :t ;.';.". ' "e. i: . i e of
:-". ' i,' i' ; iv ct :.i! titiIo
v,'k-k : ....'. - tk " ..el ! -: t 1 loll
P.- e- : 1 ..- -, :.: 1 .-r b .0 an 1 tt.o
. . i !. j. !:'.'.. Iy 11 ry ;' ti
J !
-.. .! .. hie- it
I ii-
, : v- j
1 ' 1 j
. ... ... t
. 1-. 1.1 1
'. i '2 1: x r. T.,
e ;- :t i P.!e."i;n;T
.- tke eel. -ll-i
; e :. it t that
o.k.i i i "i: : 1 ' e -rnori'ir
f.'.e'.s b;
in.j :
tk.- 1
a :: !.. 1 tf v :'. e:on..
r ! k."W 1 ., . tk'o. ,-n,.,.!!ik I'iti 111
-: ! 1 ei". rro now -e io that citv
! ,rr a ."Mi.-rto ;-;.:,!'!:i.,ihiH
, . ".',.... ,.-," k....,.i .
"I ;'".. I ' ' W : ,v Oi I o.'.ll'l-CUi.-
::nd tk ::': ! !' . i !.n-- b "-n In re-
: ; ki 1 ni' I e :' 1 ! e k. t -Ibki weight
(l tk" :;.!:;. Thv Am.'ii "tm i-s. to cut
lot:' he: 1 !.. i'i . . ;::"i!;-;l:"o to tko r.'-or-ptolz
"i k t of I'j'kt. : as to secure
tee t: :;;o-t br.ilkoiev for the Ikiishud i i.e ;;i'i-. ;:-" ii;-'-: ;n v.citri'.t. 33 .
C: !:::'. 1 '.. it !i !k : Am -I ; ilata cutting, 1
i- t.rit more ik;i;i a'.ad.' 00 1 by the
s i; .-: k,r !. 1 ilii :i: o -v .f ths m'O'Iiiet. .Tlitj '
tiVe'.'.i :'" ieer-'-iso ...' M.i a.: tiv..i to d'ta
: b ! y t!i" -."'-'-v 'ork cr.tiinr i
V for faeii "-on emjdoveil for
t. -l.e m ee':-: ::!-o. Mew Vor!;' tler.lers :
a-"" re-, ; the b -: Amster.hi m-cnt ;
e-.-i.i. fr-.m :i! road t' be re-out ther i
ami retina:".;. !
lili no ii . .
, !i tr.::.-?
I tltPt . d t!
' ! , ee i :' a
' mil'.. .-:.:!.
' Iii -- :'..
1 . :- :::'
a. -:'.: : I
ok : 11:, 1 ei lb,
i' I-
ai t I e i'i:.. -"' in ! -tiiiid.
not! ' r -r ' tk-iiia:.. w ko -v:-, ;
1 -s' .f i i- ' :: -'k rei :tr
n i.
a : . .ov ma
1.,..'- ... i '..!,.- -:.i a. ..(.., i
I-11-1 '.' ... i. ...".-." 1 1 1 .ei.
-I wnt i t ,..!" ; to ! .. i. a- b-1
tion. 1: v.:.,;- ;i in mv !;o:t- k:-l tie. lit I
by a b;::y 1 ir iio::; vk fi-i l,o;;d oil. I j
hope it will ."ove a il'ie."1 j
And. tkoii .-'i ik" i x ;- rated own"!' ;
cout't -i.-e w ii- r
Heratc i o.V i le.
ti. I : - ! ti t
. i .
nr.. I o en
sal i'.o'.vu j
ii ti H n J
kt vf n 1
'LxrSij-ZT iileiilik is3S3333?3
re "" M ft
a h
PH YS I C ! AK 3,' CtER GYM ifi, ATID
J.or..--ef p. ppr-t ite.r. neaaai.hov.-rt.. rostivt,
i ":i i'.i t liellty.d.wi t h a -.1 ui! ;: ;. .tut .on ia
thetn.K'pai'f, i'o in un-ler the hou!der
bla ie. lu',i:i.-?, ft"r t-atin:;. witii r .iisin
ciinatiou io exortion cf ba ly r mind,
Irntabilitv cf t-inpcr, I.-ow sp.'r-ts. IiO.a
;:f rai Ciqr-, ii ilriafi i ii:i ol i vic git
irrctod uoiii"- duty. U'eartot-fiiT.
i" iuttf r:ri-1,: th- H eart, tlotsbctor the
c x c . i.-.-.v - kta," H eadache, i.estl. Hs--et
at :'.:ghl.'bishiy colored Urine.
TtrTT'J TILLS !! fitfeiHllv atlai t.-.l to
m." ii tai . .t.iii' i lii. ! nit l.e.t-liaiige
of f-iiujr lit u atoui'h lli KtiUVrer.
'I ra y I iiri-t'itiir t !" I' tx"! iio. i'.0 t-nilso tll9
1 - TO in." oit 1 ll'HII. Iii-.t 11 vVKlero 19
rnt:rl!?-i( 'in-1 iv tie-ii I'oitit f'tlcinai tia)
f .tir.-i.- t mi?. i-Ertir ".ftM! nr t.rii-
a t.rii-
.. ri.y.
-1 I'll--" . -.-iii:.. il.. s urrar U,
ius I d iiAiti hit
I ,-; x x i-.r.'-uml .,.. r. uc.s Int- A ooiw-tv.
. I. , i ,.r--i-'--,ui , .;. i ,- t ..!
l.i i s"et f ! 1 ." ,
liOMil MAi'.ttl.I'S. ,
Wt an.'.!ay. M-.r.-li 2. lM
I:- it. N.i.-.:
Cern. far
" Mli-lll-il
Co . No. it
Ntttive (.' -e. . . .
t'ei.lle s
tM i
4 I
. ..4 .(, t
. .h ii. .
:-V. K M t:!i!-.! S.
N V. V.'UH. M iM-it .'. !!
M.:ifv- ri ':: -I i-i.
( '
tt.ils '.
1 !
t'e i. ao, . M.irrli
S I ,v
1:1 I
( 'el l:
I- :' .
1 ivj
I.!'. .'. S I'M. Si.
tie-. :r;;.et:e s- I'., j'tO.i
1 ( ;ii r if. 4 i" i. '. Si
siifft ;i ;..,. wi
J' !''!:. l. J.l-lfXfOi'K
yioviihvj: Dev.- Si?l!M :
S:i'itii-f :isi e i.t-r M a ;o'.t -;i:ii S.i. ts
h.'.-.i Hie io it t.r
si . . .. 11 T: T : . . ".- .
! VXVl, Vf lltt?, jLl'.jUJl IS A, V'
j ail!!.! '.!e;;.!i.:!v e. !i-:n.!.
1 '
Livery, Feed & Salelty.hi:';l-:-.ll,,EH!1
t --fl A -r-p- -r-.-i
1 ilie New liilnif
I 't Ti'! !?S''i S- tX l
i ,. .1 ,.
' " '''
Jii'. ia u i jiA ;;.v
II. it ..f f- t; ;,;. JV.trl Mlfi
j on Ihe .-n.-r ..f ft; JV.trl Mreeli-.lli ;
: TlnK' I Oil! Hi
; V LtVGry UUUH.
i .:!,!. ii.-ii.'si i ivii , ' ,.. ,.u
. ............. ...
j ,. .. l-'"'"'
; '.iCi;r. v am sm.r.
, ,.v- f ,,,vv
! A 1 H.K-tiN A !t.ON
" . -- . .
) ' !. f I S ( VVJ V ll K T.
tu-ef leore '"...i.t-s i .iw.-:rtl '-i;ti :ei eat.iv in-vi
XjXj "'V V"i'iT I'ER
s.u0 ,., (hl. ,,..,.t rj...... ,;..,m ewr 1:.m.;.IiI
iimi Ii. . i i -1 : . 011 . li t !
EVi:I:v 5A1;Mi:N'T rl'T Is
: Hiitnlt t-i!s pa tie re ana thev are
A i. WA Y.-i SUITED.
I s,.i.r e .i'.io- .. t i'tiM It.iet.-. liive l.iii!
cat! 1 M.ii.ine f..,-j.-airs-!,.-. -Hit
1 r
-ie. .
I 1 t ;;o I'll t !:.-.
b('.-:,-i iil
3 rS? O "V" jEj 3 ,
At the 1 t i l-ll. iTi-.M-ftie- ie 'A 11,
, j ilaking L Ectjairin Dcac.
, , . ,,, .
In liie li.-t. liifnt .f Mi'i'-os Mule,
l i.A' is:,t,t ju. . . . M"i:;;.i.
One '.Vol t'.'.tt ei ili.. p. O.
Rooms Newly Fitted up With
ll I XUt t M.
li.U.Ok X vviii 'w iJ iiiitj
, j "11 (! a: the i!ii.t i-r.
. 1 j il b i. l.if mi it "iinC..'ls tin!! ; 1 1 -l-iiy lif 1 ""i:l
l(r piiiViT- j.:nl o. ill' Vi'-tlttl H.
!;!''(llkT.!,;;i,r ,ef,'ll'?ul!!,K
nO ii V lit. ill. j
i-TIETW GOO D3 ! ! j
150XS & SOX. '
.'.'. !. t. i'i iin.aii's nM sn iv.J j
A 1 i i.t. or
Staple and Fancy Groceries.;
iMi I'i'b.- lt.
13 V-i E A D S T U FFS,
' .? U'.st 1. J-i !.!..
i ? . U-o -i ' 1 1 ? ;.U'V i-iut.?t
1 ' ,MI 1 ''!U ,!il '
and : I1 ,...;e!.. of
Canned Goods.
4--H- 't'i ;'T rAT, 1 .."i '
CiOjxiS AiD i0BA(.G0S,
of the be.-t bramls.
ei! ;:!..r:As toys, ,ic,
--in . i idlest: t;tiat.tit!-f.
I'oj.'i. !ail to (k:i!.
kNy J. iloXs a; s.", l'r.
. . . .
ii. a. waterman ci son
I'lXL LrMilKK.
j l'Oi)!.S.
lii. IX I
K T(k.
lkl tk.
-i :.... b! .-. ."i . ' '.rni'i-1, 1 utli.
btiii better nates t;)i Lumoci
.:''" ' s a, i i ' 1 I ' -" 1
v , .. , , k .V"V-
: r; -' S7Klt CiVlP.-tL. "i&'V-S
; Th - ,1;.; Sf-.- aM ever .lio '.V.-o-.i
: ii ll I- i'.-i-';ii.i I,. :it . .I.--', an.l .1 .' t l, .t ! i -. -o
r. . i.n . ;,: . f,,: iaaa.. . i! -!i. i:KAi
! Cleeii- l.i.bu.V.
! From a Pt oinniiint Physicinn
; V.-i-'..ii:.:i a..-. i li.i.i. .! ee- 17t !i. iei.
I i)K. it. .!. K i.s . a i i. I'o. tt.aa-:- It. ani::.::
I v :.,! vt-! : i 1 I m I ;a i. 1 I " H..1 l .'.i an. .-I
i K'i :1a i I t Sj.a .'.,i ( 'a: e. ale !i.i i.: : ;i a ai.i !
i itlal -it t Iler-l- lil.'!l I'il.t I li bill" I ;-.::!
(-''! !t ll I ' "" IU",' oa . I - - ii ; ' o i .il i -r a
. .... I " i.) . ;..-- .. v. ... -a n. - v.. -i-i. ' .-ai.o -.!
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Build BRICK Houses
tie' r,(iiii;r ' i', ..1.1 . i.l'l ll!o tiltxe
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i - ive ui a c '.'i ; I :. . ,5 et 1
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Palace Barber Shop.
' J - UUUllLi,
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ilXCa- .-v. GOLD BATFdB
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i shelf hardware,
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! ALL h'AJ.'IiKX To"LS.
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..j..s, 7,.s, .,.11 J,.:, ( I K! ACf.
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All Kinds of
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:'iir bet. fro;.. ,1 ,-bra to a (iiraffe.
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