Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 27, 1881, Image 3

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Il f
Hie Herald.
.-. i. . . T E1ITISE VESTS.
u line-, liegulax advcrtts-
No advertisement tnsert-
. tents.
c s t Stature rates.
- .-ill oil:. -em .it I he law will be field
i ied it-i Ihcy hand In,
i in:t.i'l)ii; a proof of publica-
e will bciuid fur the tiublica
v .i notice.
: -( i 1 1 1 ii it 4-1 . ;ill rniittiHinlralons
: .-:. -i I to tin pjlnt. with no wasto
iiihtw lesimusihle. for the correctness
i . !' "I paid mailer and paid Le-
y person who takes the naner regularly
'r- -
;)-: -umce. whether tnreciea to un
tir ii (iter lie Is a subscnrcr or not is
.;:.k- ;-.,r the pay.
It -. iv tH-rxon orden his Xr discontinue-!.
'i m:it pay all arrearages, r the publish
r ,- c'te.niiue lf weiiil il until tiayinent Is
t. : !-!. -rt the. whole amount, v.hetber
.! fc.iiri- is i.ik?u from the oftice or not.
3. I lie courts have decided that refusing to
: ., !'-.. rs ami ei iodicals from the post
' -if, cr reimu ing and li living them uncalled
. it i-i tmn facie evidence of I.s rKNTION AL
Special bargains at the Great Red
.Store for 30 days. 41tf
See how cheap they sell furniture
at tue Great lied Store. 41 tf
Go to
Uncle Tom's Cabin,
At Fitzgerald Hall Saturday 29.
1V Anthony A- Ellis' 4''onibina
tio;i. Firemen's dance, February 17.
- Pitted
Plums at
Hansen &
E. T. Duke, of Omaha, was down
l lis His of the week.
Get ready lor the firemen's
dance t Fitzgerald Hall, Feb. 17th.
The bitftrest line of buckskin
Cloves at Wescott's. 29if
Head Commissioner's proceedings
and Treasurer's Kvporl in this issue.
t'ome and ser the inducem-nts we
are otTeiitij;, Great Ited S;ore. 4 It f
M r. Geo. YY. Baiu delivered three
very line lecturers here the evening
of the 21st. 32d and 2Jd.
Solomon & Nathan will remove
M .ich 1st to Fred Goider's new build
in:.'. 45t?
The sleighing is better than has
been known for several years in Ne
braska. Square dealing guaranteed a the
Gn at lied Store 41 tf
Tim Platte is to be bridged at Ce
dar Creek ;C. Schluntz is the Treasurer
of the Company.
Largest assortment of Canned
Goods and Dried Fruits at II tnsen &
' The glass Is being put into the
front of the hotel, which begins to
look like a liotl now.
For'the bfsl Staple and fancy gro
ceries in Phtttsrnouth. go to J. V.
Weckbach. -131 f
Who is there that complains be
cause there is not euwugh reading mat
ter in the Herald now?
A larce redaction on old winter
goods at F. Herrmann's. 42t4
-'The western train did not get in un
til after nine o'clock Friday and Sat
urday nights.
- A large line of cloaks to be sold
at cost price by F. Herrmann. 42t4"
The room for the new hank is
nearly ready for use. It is beirrg fitted
up in a neat ami tasty manner.
Great reductiefl blankets. ko1-
., . ut II. lUktr & Co's. to
make room for spring goods 1
Th Fii-p Denartment will have a
Firemen's Ball about the 17th of Feb
ruary. YVeseott sells, the best buckskin
gloves. ...'. 2Dtf
Solomon & Nathan- are going to oc
cnuv Fred Gordtu'a store room next to
Hansen & Ctiassot after the tirst-of
Organs cleaned and repaired by
Jaun s Pet tee. tf
Every body is turning his long
sb-d in o i'obs now with a handle to
turn it with, since the long sled
run into the horses.
Men's Arctics 1.50
R -d Store, .
at the Great
Lost A . copy of Mrs. Evans
works "Infelice". The iinder will
please leave at IIki:ali otlke and
oblige loser.
Clothing almost given away at the
Great lied Store, save money by seeing
us first.
Mr. and
Mrs. Jno.. IWisner were
made happy by the appearance ef an
eight pound girl at heir hous bunday
mofning,'Jan.23 1881.
-Manufacturing and Repairing r.t
Merges' Mioe Siore. 2-tf
Plattsmouth Lo le No. G A. F.
Jt A M. will hold a special commu
nication, Wednesdav evening, Fob.
2d tor work in the M. M. degree.
A full line of Crockery and Glass
ware just received at Hansen & Chas
sis's. 1
Our lady printer. Mrs. Irwin haa
got out to work again, and says she is
going to try co.iiting again, and will
not get scared out at one smash up.
--Nubias, hoods, children's-and la
dies wool sacques to be sold regard
less of cost at Fred Herrmann's 42t4
Col. Woodford, who conducted the
temperance meetings so ably in this
town a few weeks ago, has commenc
ed the g od work in Lincoln wherr he
will lecture all this week.
-They mean business at the Great
Red Store. Goods positively lower
tlian any house hi town. See fir your
self. 41tf
The Episcopal Sociable at Mrs. Cab
- t.
der's last Thursday evening was well
attended and every one who was there
went home the happier for having
In justice to yourself and family
vfi should save money. Therefore
prit-e at the Great
buying elsewhere.
Ibd Store before
Rv. Mr. Burgess has started a
night school; the scholars meet at bis
every' Wednesday "and Friday
. . - . I ..I II.Cl.
o wish to barn at e
d have lu Work
The Baptist Sociable wlrth took
r 1 . t i i ... i . nr i. . . .. 1 , .
ii rt-p hi-wuer siorms last i uuuu
M:'"Z v.-as well attended and t v-ry-
enjjvcd themselves hugelv. a
w-iii- home at a Iattf hour hoping li.Jer
&f"rms would entertain them again
Sam. M. Chapman cnuia in from
Lincoln last Saturday night.
Mrs. Hays came down from Omaha
Thursday for a few hours visit with
her father Capt. Marshall.
Win. Kibler and Cam Lloyd, ef
Highland County. Va., are among the
nw residents of our town.
Mrs. McLaughlin who went up t
Lincoln tin first of last week, has been
quite indisposed we are sorry to learn.
Geo. M. Spin lock one of the Pages
in the present Legislature, is at hwme
spending the time during the ddjourn-roent.
Cl. Barnes hasn't turned up yet,
from Lincoln as we have seen. How
about that B. & M. Champagne,
Colonel ?
Mr. W. B. Hamblin of the B. &, M.
came, Saturday evening, from Lincoln,
but staid long enough to see the Sena
tor elected, first
Mrs. lr. R. R. Livingston and Mrs.
Jno. A. MacMuiphy went down to
Lincoln last Friday morning to help
elect the Senator.
Miss Emma Herold and Miss Herr
mann took a trip down to Ashland
and Lincoln the last of last week, and
returned the first of this.
Geu. Geo. Smith came home from
Lincoln Tuesday morning, feeling that
lie can accept Gen Van Wyck as Sen
ator along with the rest of l hem.
Dick O'Neil came in from Leadville
Saturday on account tf his health and
will probably stay ui spring. The
air is a leetile too light in Leadville for
Ed Chandler took a little trip out
west, Friday, stoppt d off at Louisville
to see his girl and at South Bend to
see the folks and went on to Lincoln,
Monday, to take in the town.
E. Heebner of Centre Valley called
and paid up for the IIkkald a year in
advance. Mr. W. has been a regular,
subscriber t the IIlikald ever since
ilstarttd, he says, "and such we count
among our best friends.
Capt. Jno. O'Rourke left on the
morning train for Ann Arbor Michi
gan, where he goes'to consult an emi
nent occulist iii regard to one of his
eyes in which, from some uniicoua
blc cause, he went totally blind a lew
weeks ago.
Frank II. Wilson, formerly private
Secretary for Hon. D. II. Wheeler, has
been appointed book-keeper for the
Bank of Cass County. This is a god
selection as Mr. Wilson is a thorough
ly competent busintss man and one
who has made many li iends since he
came among us.
m m m
Yesterday I had such a bad cold
that I cojtld not speak. I used Dr.
Bull's Cough Svrup and to day I am as
well as ever. It cost me only 23 cen's.
Don't forget
Uncle Tom's Cabin, .
Monday, January .3 1st.
Given by S. Draper's Mammoth
Uncle Ton's Cabin Combination.
Read the Treasurer's statement of
the financial condition of the county.
The new bank is having some
blanks &c, printed at this office
aid getting ready to open up the first
of February.
Geo. L. Seybolt has lost a brother,
it seems; also a mail agent on the Erie
R. R.- He. was killed at the Tioga ac
cident. Jlis name was Daniel II. Sey
bolt. The M. E. Church has ben hold
ing meetings every night for the last
two weeks and we understand they
are beginning to have pretty good
The Boston Transcript sajs: " If
general excellence in ad departments
en'.itles a magazine to public favor
Good Company wtnrht to be enjoying
a high degree of success."
- Tim Hop given by he young la
dies of St. Luke's Guild at Fi zj,erald
Ilab caliud a'vtry fair attendance, and
netted them about $10 we understand.
These li l: le Imps are very pleasant af
We understand Rush Fellows
Editor Sheridan Post, has bepn some
what under the weather since lie was
up here Christmas. The feed was too
good for him in old Cass Co.; he
doesn't get enough to eat down at
Any omissions of local news we
hope will be excused as the editorial
staff have been taking a little holiday
and they have not succeeded in pick
ing up all the threads of news oc
curring during their absence.
The lovers of the '-light fantas
tic"' will be delighted to hear of the
next Firemen's dance, which event
will positively take place February
17t!i, at Fitzgerald Hall. No pains
or expense will be spared to make it
the most enjoyable affair of the sea
son. Further particulars next week
Two new engines, Kos. 49 and 50,
came in from the east on Sunday last
and are now in our shops having their
smoke stacks put on and other neces
sary appliances attached reauv for
service. 1 hey are ilestinestu lor wie
western end of the B. & il.
, Mr. Wm. Stadelmau has bought
the two lots on Main St. next the
Platte Valley, mid if Mr. Waterman
will join hiir, will put up a handsome
brick block n the spring. He also
sold the store building oecup:ed by
Smiti. lilaclTit Co., to soma eastern
parlies, and made' several other pur
chases. Mr. Stadrlmanti will eventu-
ullw rorurn tn Plat tsRiuuth. we Tire-
! ,. "
' diet.
1ha draper's L'nrle T's Cabin
"It is gratifying in thtse days of
fiainl and ereleiisions. to find a the
atrical company i:i which honor has a
place. The worthy people deserve en-
co'.iraiTpn-.ent at the hands of the Chi-
caiio nublie. Manv innovations whicl
ald novelty to the representation have
been made and the piece is not so
threadbare as in the olden time. Th
pe: f; manec ei;te;taii.s '1 be scener
by Roger and M dii a'.iri is ch.iin,n-r."
f hie;g- Po-t.
"Uncle Iok's Cabin, revived at
McVicker's last tii.Lt is always a
moving spectacle and what may be
of advantage in these rank, material
istic times it is purely orthodox.
Undo Tom's Cabin is picruresqu".
...-l-ni. .,,..1 nIAi-.!l t .i o f-.ill'f '1' lie
T t.t; ....... lliu tl.ilt It .if
i ui jT'tt ri tu w e-f .".
littr Eva -Ht'd ee ttw n 'jn; essence or
"-iK" T of Lawyer
Anthony & Ellis Uncle Tom'
Cabin Co. and leniphis "University
Students Saturday evening, Jan. 29ih.
A mission 23 cents, all reserved seats
35 cents.
Every one can enjoy seeing the play
of Uncl Tom's Cabin, aa given bv
Anthony & Ellis' superb company,
who have presented this great play to
large and cultivated audiences tor up
ward of nearly seven hundred nights.
Thine is not a poor artist with the
company and eveiy movement upon
the stage brings teais at one tim aid
laugliter in another. Miss Kate Part
ington is without doubt the greatest
Topsy living, her impersonation of the
"child that never was born" is tru.'v
wonderful. Her Songs and dances are
received wiMi great applause, but
when the little actress treats the audi
ence to one of her selections on the
banjo, she is then received by a per
fect ovation. C. II. CUrKe takes the
pait of "GumHoh Cut most accept
ably. Little May II ill man as Little
Eva is without rival in the country,
and the greatest child actress on the
stage. T. II. Dunn takes the charac
ter of Uncle Tom. He is perfect, and
may he well be for he has played this
part six or seven hundred times.
This magnificent company have
adopted low prices this season, ;md
the consequence has been that they
are nightly received with full houses,
freqnentlv turning many hundreds
away. Columbus. Ohio. Journal.
Another Uncle Tom's Cabin Com
pany appeared at t'e Opera House
last evening. Anthony & Ellis' com
pany drew very large audience, and
although prubablv every one present
had seen the same play a dozen times
the actors were received wiih enthu
siasm. Miss Kale Partington as Top
sy, was the best ever offered in this
city. Mr. Dudly, as Marks was one of
the best ever seen upon the stace.
Miss Fuller, as Ophelia, was acted
just as the orig nal probably appeared.
The Memphis University Students,
with the knowing donkey. Prnno awl
the remainder of the cast, were well
selected. Bloominpton, 111., Para
graph. -Services in the Bp ist church, morn
ing and evening, on the Sabbath. Sub
ject for morning services "The crisis
in every one's Life. In the evening
the pastor will discourse upon the
Temperance question. All aie most
cordiallv invited to come, especially
those interested in temperance.
T all whom it may concern. As
certain parties are representing to the
Public that I am out of the Sewing
Machine business to better their pros
pects of sales. I wish to say that it is
false. I am still selling the Singer
Machine and New Davis, with needles
oils and attachments of all kind; and
any person wishing a machine will
save money by calling and seeing
s:ock befsre purchasing elsewhere.
Frank Carri'th.
Ladies Cloaks and hoods, knit
jacliets, underwear, &c, at reduced
prices to close winter stock at W. II.
Baker A- Co's. 1
The following officers were elect
ed at the call meeting of the Hook &
Ladder company, Tuesday evening,
for the ensuing year: .
J. V. Weckbach President
II. lions Vice
John Way man Secretary
F.E.White Foreman
A.O.Ashley 1 asst
C. Koeluike 2 "
A party were eut coasting
Monday night on a large sled, with
one of the Johnson boys on in front,
who saw a pile of poles before him and
tried to steer the sledarotind them but
those buhind let their feet drag, and
prevented him accomplishing his pur
the lwiy seeing that it was going to
strike the polos rolled off and let the
rest run into them. Mrs. Donelan be
ing on in front she struck the poles
and broke three of her ribs. They had
better go back on Main street, it is the
safest place yet.
The other morning a young man
from the country stepped into the City
Hotel, this city, and called for supper.
After having completed his meal, no
ticing the absence of mine host, he
quietly slipped out the side door with
out paying his bill. But the eyes of
the landlord's boy were upon him, and
he put the marshal upon his track.
He was soon caught and made to dis
gorge before a gazing, gaping crowd.
He must have felt nioi tiGed. h he had
a p.arliele f pride about him. and
will, probably, in the future pay . for
what he eats in Plattsmouth.
I. O. U. T. Jleetiny at Weeping Hater.
The executive committee have seen
fit to call a meeting of District Lodge.
No. 4, 1.O. G. T., of Cass county, at
Weeping Water. February 1UU and
12th, for the adrancemnnt of the cause
of Temperance in our district, and for
the purpose of arranging for a joint
convention with Otoe county district,
and transacting such other business a
may come before the Lodge. Over 300
Good Templars in Cass county and 6ve
Lodges of earnest men and women.
Come one, come all.
John W Miller. D.C. T.
J. Wes. Maonev, Secretary.
Mt. Pleasant. Jan. 24, 1881.
Spelling Contest!.
In the Grammar Grades of our city
schools one hundred (100) select words
are given each week.
The following are the names of the
scholars with the number of words
spelled without missing a single word:
Marv Pet tee 700
Frank Wheeler 600
Eva Wiso 600
Addie Mc Vicar 400
Hattio Schaffer 400
Henrietta Schulhof 400
Eddie Schulhof 400
Anna Livingston 400
Flora Smith .300
Charles D ibb 300
Anna Daily . 300
Eddie Cummins... 300
Jamie McMullan SOO
No scholars reported who have
missed. more than one word in 300
Mrs. Love, teacher.
Li-t of letters remaining un
claimed in the P. O. at Plattsmouth,
ass Co.; Neb. Jan. 27. 1SS1.
Berry Titos,
lluskiik Jas.
Beaumont Benj.
Kcklin Jiir.
Fleming C. II.
Feczrr 17. V.
Fuiiev II..:. -7. W
Xix C. W.
Nevlou XeUi-j
Oh'lson A. G.
Olson IVter
lVrrv Geo.
rainier I-'ied
l'hchts M.-irion
S'-.tC r.miiv
A. L Hon. C A. itiu:ir i Y. .).
Jr-.i,-- i Los. 5mith J. W. -
Lacy Wm. . Simmoiis L B.
Livingston Jno. Wood bay Clc-m'ce,
.McDonald D. J. Wilson M. E.
Myrkk T. Wilson W. T.
Mi Lena
Pc tvons caUiti;; for the above will
jlf(ir say advertised. .
. i J. W. M Aiti hall. f--
SHUYOCK Suudr.v uiornu:. Jacnary 22.1.
lHl. Isahklla Yikoim . iuv.i:m daughter
t Tno. Vv. hi il K a. ;!. ... a d eleven
years, seven iuviiiIm and i . olvt- uav
Little Isabella Shrytvk. tw;v ye:.ts a nat
n ui sufferer, co-.v sh-cus the beautiful sleep of
death. Iter freed ej.irit t-kim; Its tilth: last
Sabbath morning, ller lite wa one itiit-uliied
ay of purity, no bliuht of sin e'er touched her
wiili withering curae. i'air and frail tier bark
spsd dsun tht -ill fain of lime, at ever aceeler
tina rate, as lf?auer to' reaeh the harbor of
rest, that the spiiit miht be laun-lu'd on the
great oc-eaS of iuQaite loe, all unbounded by
lime or space. Kind . loviujr liunds sought to
stay tuee with patient persistence, but the fet
tereo soul loi-- id to be released, and lho lov
ing Father! ..aikeued to its plaint. Ere long
th faithful ones, nlio, by nights of tireless
waU-hliii;, and days of csasuiess care, made for
the dear one, the smoot hent pcistule sailing
on thy brief lite voyage counting thy look of
love, and appreciation more than a priceless
Jewel, or times emolument shall join In thy
triumphal acclaiai of praise to Hiie who is able
to givo tiuch glorious deliverance. Rest while
we extend our sincerest sympathy to the be
reaved and mingle, our tears with theim as they
mil o'er her lat snowy touch. I. S. D. S.
As a Bohemian woman named Nit
ka was coming down Winterstcin's
hill yesterday afternoon she slipped
on the ice and falling on her arm
broke it close to the wiist. Dr. Liv
ingston was called in and did
what he could to relieve her suffer
ings. Burlington & MKxniri River Railroad
Company in Nebraska.
The minimi !iirc;ii:i: of the Mockliolderi of
the ISurlingtoii . .Mi-simii River Kaiiroad t'on.
panv Ml Nebraska will be heiil at the ollice of
the 'Company, in l'b.t I uumi h. Nei-r.iska. on
Thursday. February altii. ensLiny, at P"':loek
a. in. for i he elci ion of lireeioi. and .niy oth
er bu-iueis whh-ii may leu illy eonie bt foie the
uiP"ting. 1 E. I'it.Vl r, iecieta:y.
itosiun. January lmii, isoi. 40tt
Samuel H. irwin, ft Ute Creek
CoKax Co., New Mexico, says: If my
wife would quit work as she siiouid at
her age (01) she would live years a
monument to the magic ii:tlu'iic of
the "Otilv Lung Pad." See Adv.
Our ensU'iut'is will please remem
ber tiial Ffbiuary fiit is the- lime for
semi-annual settlements and call in as
we want to close our Uo.iks for the
past six months. Ilespectf idly,
W. II Baker & Co.
S. W. Fiisbie, of East Toledo,
Ohio, says: it afforded my sou relief,
and dispelled all signs of this dread
disease, which has alliicted him since
childhood 1 cheerfully recommend
the "Only Lung Pad" to all Asthmatic
sufferers. See Adv.
- The well known strengthening
properties of Iron, combined with oth
er tonics and a most peifect nervine,
are found in Carter's Iron Pills which
strengthen the. nerves and body, and
improve the blood and complexion.
For sale by smiih. Black & Co.
More cases of sick headaches, bil
liousness, constipation, &c, can be
cured in less time, with less medicine
and for less money, by using Carter's
Little Liver Pills.'thitt by any other
means. For sale bv Smith, Black &
If you are nervous or dyspeptic
try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dys
pepsia makes you nervous, and nerv
ousness makes you dyspeptic; eithei
one renders you miserable and these
little pills cure both. For sale by
Smith, Black & Co.
Every person should try Carter's
Little Nerve Pills. They are made
specially for nervous and dyspt ptic
aitti and women, and are just the med
icine needed by till persons who. from
any cause, do not sleep well, or who
fail te get proper strength from their
food. Cases of weak stomach, indi
gestion, dyspepsia, nervous and sick
headache, &c. I eadily yield to the use
of the Little Nerve I'll lis, pari icuhflv
if combined wiih Carter's Little Liver
Pills. In vials at 2o cents. For sale
bv Smith, Black tt Co.
Hansen A. Lhassot
Wish to inform their friends and the
public in general that they have open
ed a
until further notice in Fred Herr
mann's Old stand. We invite till to
give us a trial.
42f H ansen & Chassot.
See the
Beats anything you ever saw f r S3.
o.v t: x mn r o.v l r.'
Anthony & Eiiit' Mammoth ldel
The Lartett mm l;-t l ucle loin's Cabin
Company in the World, the Greatest
Sctc -s of -Many Season.
Appearance of the Petite itpot'ow
p'lslied Aelres",
The Greatest" TOt-V" in the World, In
her oiigtual ami renowned rendi
tion of Top- with
as played by her throughout England, France
and Germain', supported by a
Mayiiitici'hl t'at
The Memphis University Students,
together with our Imported
Siberian Bloodhounds
ana the Great
'-tnowliisr Donkey, l'ftl'.n,
which will appear at every perform anee.
ritOF.F. K. BENDER. - Musical Director.
The onlv strU'tly rirst-('lah Company on
the road playiuu at Pwjdc's Popular Price.
Tickets sold at the Post
Father ist'ettin? Well.
My daughters say, "How much bet
ter father is since lie used Hop Bit
ters." He is setting well after his
long suffering troin a disease declared
incurable, and we are so glad that he
used vour Bitters. A lady of Roches
ter, X. Y.
J. H. Buttery sells the best cough
medicine. He has confidence in it,
and he is willing to refund the money
if it chies no good. Ask for Pise's cure
for OonsunipMon. Price 23 cents and
81.00. 4c9
Sare Vour .tlnney.
A large stock f Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Metges, which will be
sold cheap. 22tf
For ISM ian Ele.-aut Book of 120 I'aitej. One
Coloreii Flower 1'l.ite. ami fro I ilus: rat ions, with
pfscriplions of the best Flowers and "Vegeta
bles, and Direclions for itrowint;. (inly loeents
In Enjilisli or tieiin.tii. II y.m after -"ardu or
der eeds iletluct the 1 ' ce'its.
t'K'K r-)ist are the best In the world.
The Fi.okal tivint v.iil tell Imw to net and
piw thcin.
Ick's Flower oud 'e'L-:r.!,le I4aneu. 175
Paes. o Coiored I'l t:es. 0 ti K-irrivius. Ftr
cents in paper ei-vers : ; I 0 iu elegant cloth.
Ill Cciiaan or Ketjii-h.
YicK' Illusiraied Uoitiily Mn(:!t7lne 32
i'ages. a Coo rctl l'la!e in every number ami
iany fine Engravings. l'ric S1.25 a year :
Five Copies for i-o.on. Specimen number sent
for ! Ceuts ; 3 trial copies for 20 eejts.
Address, 43tf Jamks Yjck. Kochester, N. Y.
l)r. Black's
Rheumatic cure is the boss remedy,
cures ism Hiid Xeura'gia in their various rorras. For sile by
mith, Black & t. 42tf "
f Twenty yaTils It-stui i-VTV. .
January 8, lssi), to September 30, lHSO
To the Honorable, tne JJoortl of C'tntuty Comint-
Kioiitrof Com County, rhraka:
I have the honor to submit herewith the An
nual Statement of the receipts and dl-buive-liients
at the Treasurer's oflli-e. for the period
eoinnieiK'iiii; January Bill. Iso, and endiuit Sv
teniber JO, lsso. which, I trust, you will Bud cor
rect and satisfactory.
Rettpectfully sitlnn'tted.
.1. M. I'attkkson, Treasurer.
J. il. PATTEliSOX. Trtat r t'n.-s County,
In A.tcount tcith Sun'lrij .-trcomif. !
Dr. . i
To Ral on hand. Jan 7, 180 $ I 323 83 j
" Collection for 17.. JWtifti . ;
" 1H7S Oil 0
" " " 1S77 H.J yt
" 1S7U 2S-.' 13
- " 1S75 10 liO
" " ' 171 3 44
" 1S73 21
" ls71' i2
" ' 1S71 5 '.'4
" IS.; 1 -JS
wia 1 4t
Interest ...
1G5 W 10 41(5 93
By ain't Id State Treasurer
" llulauce,
3 019 24
7 3l'T y 10 410 !
To Ral. on hand Jan. 7. :so S lis 81
Collections for ls7:.
1 s.t i"
187S li") 47
1877 2i M
176 7u 43
187S 1 21
1"4 1 :is
1H73 !
1572 ... Vl
is71 2 I"
Iv:: i
lSHJ ol
a I 7i
Treasuier 4JB
1 1SS
I K St'UOOI. KC'N l.
Jan. 7. lJ S 3-3 ::1
i P-711 1 !a ;7
ls7s i:s o-
li-77 :tr s4
is;--, 7o 4ti
t:-7.- 4 77
is: 2 7"
1573 17
1.-72 '1
171 4 20
1-.::) - :'.
1802 40
I OSS it
1 013 11
('.: 82 2 CA". 32
By nio't ptl State Tieusiuvr
" Balance
747 .-
1 808 27 2 GuO 32
To Bal. on hand Jan 7. Isso l2tl lo
Collection fhr 1879 7:i.' 03
ists 4:1 H ,
. 1 ,77 13 U.T
" 1S70 17 .".:
- ls, 1 21
" 1-74
. " 187.'! 02
' .S72 01
' 1S;.: 64
Interest 21 47
Bv a'n't pd State Tii nsurer 278 8"
Balance i-n 42
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7, 1880 & 0 f2
" Colleclions lor 1870 70 42-
1875 4 78
1874 -. OS
" 1h73 04
" Interest 28 28
By am't pd State Treasurer 12 87
Balance u '
yon 2.
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7, 1883
Collections for X-;
" 1870
' Interest
By ain't pd StatP Treasurer
10 83
m 53
7 00
2 74
j o-
0 01
To Bal. tin hand Jan. 7, l"sO 17
" Collections for 1871 1 04
" Interest 50
1 77
By nm't pd State Treasurer 17
Balance 1 110 1 77
insant. rt'Ni.
To Bal. on band Jan. 7, 1 8t l
" Colleclions for 187:1 m4 71
" 1878 32 74
" f7T 8 SM
' ' " ls70 2 !
" 1S73 I 01
" " " 1871 Ill
Interest :l or 83:1 02
1 v.
Bv am't ptl Slate Tica- nrer 53
lial.iiicp Wi 43 83;' 02
- Pr.
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7, lrfso 112 00
- C'oliff nous to Sept. 3il, lHHil :i O JJ 00 3 102 00
By ain't pd Statu ler
" liaiauce
2so 00
8S2 W 3 102 00
K I tlU L It .N II 1 .N I .lt r I.
To Bal. on hautl Jan. 7. 18S0 ' .c, 04
. U IftlUill? to itju. -"', o" t ioi J u 'c o.
By am't pd State Treasurer 2 C.j 83
i.alauce - 3 3j:i jti 0 010 33
fcCilOuL. l.AL L.KAS1-.. j
To Bal. on baud Jaa. 7, t--a SHO 04
" toiieetiou-to Sept. .10, 18-u 1 7v! II 2 l tl is
( V.
Bv am'l pd Mate TrciiMircr 072 48
By Balance 1 1. 8 70 2 131 18 j
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7. isso S 1 1SI 74
Collections lor .87:1
9 8.1 14
o7 ir
ll,l Olt
24 00
0 01
8 4o
3 si
" 1S7S
' 1877
" " 1870
" 1S70
" ' 1S74
" ls73
' 1872 .
' -' " 1S71
' ' 1803
" lietlemptioiis a:n!;asi-iii
" Bents .
Special Ueecipts
-8J 71
48 15
" Sinking Fund, transferred 6 470 23
" Fees, as per tee OooK....
" on Slate C tnleeiiuii.s
.. .. .. county
mo 00
400 44
S22 M 23 C3 32
By amt wairants rec d on tax 02 no
" ptl in ca-ii.. 10 !07 in
' " rt't;isteretl warrants
paid 24 1".
" Treasurer's fees on
815.021.47 300 43
" Treasurer's salary.. 1 307 04
" " Balance 1 mi 32 20 007 32
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7. 18S0 3 (.!" 17
Collections for ls7: 2 040 34
" " " 1878 K!0 M
" " 1877 03 00
" " ' 1-70 140 U
" 1874 4 13
" 1873 00
" 1s71 2 10
' 1800 1 28
" Interest 104 01
By am't transferred to Gen
eral Fuud
8 47! 25 6 479 25
To Bat. on hand Jan. 7, 18-a Jia 39
" Collection forls75 18
' " ' t87i 4 no
' " lsti-t .-. 4 0
" " " 18t2 1 00
" Interest 9 09
By am't warrants paid -41 92
' " Treasurer's lees to
General Fund 30
" ' Balance 101 sn
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7, 1880 382 15
By am't warrants redeemed 13: G7
" Balance 242 48
F.R1PC.K rt'.ND,
143 60 1
143 C
3S2 15
"282 15
To Collections forl79
" 1878
- " 1874
' " 1873
a 4 JXJ"
" " " 1877....!!!!
" Interest
Cr. -
By am't overpaid Jan. 7. ISSO
" warratits ree'd 011 tax
6 517 43
2i 20
80 47
1o5 00
6 !
2 10
141 W 7 153 5.1
21 ri
" ' recist'il warr.iuis p-a c 740 24
" Partial pavmeuts.... 10 63
' 1 reasurer's tees ti
tieneral Fund 143 07
" Balance S'.t 07
153 .
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7. 1S?0
'" Collections for 1879
" 1878
" ls77
" 1870 :
" 1875
" " 1S74
" 1873
" 187
" am't received from I'oor
Farm uotes
Cr. ,
By amt warrant rata1
.. .. Xre.nrer's fees to
General Fund
" . " Balance
404 O
00 ;x
'20 u
35 07
J : i
2 10
34 65
I 472 70 3 635 99
1 721 29
S2 41
1 312 2- 3 0S3 99
; II
; -
n oo
5 (0
10 M
!K 97
j Ry am't reported for apuor-
' tioiniieut
; " T reasV tees lo Gen fund
' " I'.alam-e
it !tt
TK tt'H KKS t'l'.SI).
To Bal. on hautl Jan. 7. 1SS0 S 374 31
" State appo!ioiiiiit June to 4 KM 67
lines hioI lieenttes transfd 717 40
" do tuntl traiislerred too 61 It 009 02
I'.y am't naid out. as per
"vtuahei-s X 37 9
" ha'atice 2 Ml Xt 11 009 02
msTutcT seitooL fcnd.
Ti Hal. on band Jan 7. 1SS0 4 461 49
: " C ollections lor ls7s 10 221 65
i " - " 187S 385 80
j " " " 1877 41 19
! " " 1870 232 4li
' ' " " 1S73 4 oj
, ' " 1S74 11 8.5
j " ' " ls71
i " " " li-2 37
! Interest 235 &1 13 508 13
I Cr-
: By ain't pd school bond acc't
i lroincoileclionsl87 21S 30
' " pd Int. acc't " " 1 70
1 oui it pr voucners 8 aj.
" 1 rea-uier s lees (.ex
cept on lioiul lnud) ls 3"
" ' Balance 6 831 23 13 C8 15
To Bal. on baud Jau. 7, 1880
" Colleclioi'S for t87S
" 1877
" " 1870
' l.7r
" 1874
" lutere-t
r:ilance, ovei p.T.d
1 025 7
182 74
II 77
120 M
3 II
74 K
1; a 81 1
W8 7b
Cr. '
Bv unit pl tnt as pr vouchers 1 Nil tit;
" TreusVs fee to I1-' '
I'KKI'IM T I:tNl ( Ot Pl U Nfi.
( Dr
Tt Col cctioiis for 1873
; " 1872
! lsvt
1 !)2
; " Interest 1
! " l'.;ilat.ce. overpaid , .v. so 43 21
i Cr.
By Balance overpaid-. 4.1 14
" Tiet.s'r.- lees to iiiu funti 07
To Coi'.e.-tioiiS for 1877 13 00
i;o f-s tsi
ls:o 3 ts
" 171 4"
isoi) 2il
" Interest 20 77
" Balance overpaid 128 22
43 21
232 yo
B itiilance overpaitl
: 1 leas't's lees lo (it'll fund
230 !!
2 "0
scmi:ii'- ac mxT
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7. r.stj C
I " utiil liues received
j " " lieeiises "
j Cr.
By auit reported for appoit't
'1 it as r't teen to Gvn fund
" Balance
8 18 23 1
100 OS
717 4.-1
in st
37s 44 1
10 . a
ivkh; wat Kit xow.v i tm.
i Dr.
i Til Bal. 0:1 J Hi. 7, 3 .'",
" Collections lor 1-7:1 3 :V
- lul-le-l. 4
I V.
27 82
I By TrcasVs fees to tien I ami. 4s
j ' liaiance 27 31
B. .1 .M. INIKKKST n-.Mi.
i Dr.
To Bal. on haml Jan.". ISso
111 72 I t oili'cnoii- lor 1870
1 178
i " ;
"r:: :: !... :.:
i " " ' 1H74
" Ilitere-t
1 21 OS
7 8 Hi 01
022 40
120 43
210 'f.
!l Ot
8 i7
211 12 10
270 01
, Bv unit paid as p.-r vouchers 10 034 09
! " irea.s'r lees U tU-n litiitl - 1-n 20
j " Balance 0 72 10
To Bal. on hand Jan. 7, 18MI 1 03
: Vr-
i By Balance
270 :d
4 03
4 M
sellOOI. UISTUIt T llONIs.
To Bal. on baud Jan. 7, ISSO
Collect tins tor 187'J...
2".t8 3D
20 O
ff 10
7 08
rjio (n
to 00 1
' 170
iimt ice'd irolii Ui-t. 83...
; - 07 ..
' B sunt tr'i'd Nil fund dist 58
: s. i). iy
ptl out as pr vouchers
i ..
' Trea-'i's fee- to Gen fund
; " Balance
; 32
307 44
48 20
127 211
020 110
I, 01
307 i'7
1 3S3 32
COl'NTV l.lliltAltV H'M.
! Dr '
i To Bal. on blind Jan. 7, ls.-o 0i
I By Balance 0;"
I K. II. KATOX, JfllliMKM.
j ' Dr.
i To am't collections fl 1870.. 034 70
. i n i-l. --l
j I5v Hint paid lustnet t. lelk. -M
reas'r'u fees to Geii.funtl 13 2n
"Balaiiie. 410 87
000 42
lu Collections
By anil tr..-fd to Gen. fund.
'in Bal. on' hand Jan. 7. laSO
" CoIrcuuu- tor 1S70
280 71
2-0 71
2-0 71
2! 71
0 :
107 43
2 25
2 04
1 1. 1 crest
211 04
Bv Treasurer's Iocs '-. - i-
' Balance -'' u-
nisrni' T no. OS.
' To Bal. on luiiul J;'"- ". I roT
i Collections tor 1878 17 14
! By niii't t nnislt'i-ied to S. II.
fund, per order 3o7 44
i " Treasurer's fees 30
; Balance 20 OJ
MSI Hit T Nt. 00.
i Dr.
! To Bal. on hand Jan. 7. lso 9 77
. f'r.
! By Balance .. 9 77
211 04
337 37
J 77
iISTKI( T NO. 01.
To BaL on baHd Jan. 7. U I 7
By Talanco ' 7U
To Collections for 1876 2 13
' Interest 78
By Treasurer's fees 03
Balance 2 8S
WSTKICT no. 03.
To Bal. 0:1 b..iul Jan. 7; 1880". 1 20
By am't transferred to S. D,
fund ler ortler 48 20
To Ral. oil band Jan. 7. 'ViO 114 27
" Cash from W B Arnold, tr 10 00
Clleet ions for 1878 2 54
" Interest 27
Balance overpaid 25
1 70
1 70
2 ot
48 20
4S 20
127 33
127 33
10 50
10 50
70 CI
78 f.l
I'.y am't pd out as pr vouchers 127 on
'. " Treasurer's fees 13
! Dr.
j To Bal. on baud Jan. 7. 1880 10 50
10 0
By Balance
j IUSTRICT xo. 70.
i Dr.
To Collections for 1S70 72
" Interest 23
By Treasurer's fees 01
" Balance 17
To Bal. on band Jan. 7, laso 1 32
" Collections lor 1S70 71 00
" lntctest Co
By Treasurer's fees 75
" Balance 73 8u
DISTRICT no. 81.
To Bal. on band Jan. 7. I860 3 W
3 80
By Balance 3 o
3 85
nisriticT no. f..'.
o et.liectnais lor is,;i a, :;i
I merest
15 59
20 59
I'-J Tieasurcr's fees 27
28 32
To Bal. on band Jan. 7, 1M) o-j,; -
" amt rre'd of S A Beed, ir 4s. otj
" Balance everuaid n
By amt jwl :i per vnttcher... 52i5 01
" By Iieasuter fee 3 09
I ees ou collection of State Fundi $ 409 44
4en l A Sinklag Fds, $15,021 47 at 2 pr et 300 43
Land Itoad 127 2 36
-ritlge 7.153.53 2 143 07
ir 2,021. nt 2 52 44
'top.. "... 4.1.W 1 43
uisuit-t tie not 1 Fund ll,l36.o?
Le. - 301.12 ..
2 e.1
10 84
ISO 20
K bt
13 20
100 U3
Lev letl
A int.
$ 25l. 44
(.11413 4'J
"7ttl..7 41
728 7A iS
e9so3 08
71:y-2 05
31481 60
2.t3 73
4272 14
2l 125 20
3J.i ftH
37.'iO .IS
3222 44
2y28 34
1873. ...
Is74,. ..
... P4731 17
1j0' 03
.itKU 07
7J-tl 37
. . 4J
. . 73214 40
. 81410 20
.?'tt083 nO 5M7.0 91 S4s333 05
C'ofNTV o" Cass. i'8
Having carefully examined and checked the
books and voucher of the Treasurer, J. M.
Patterson, and having examined the folt'Kt'in
Matenieut of the receipts and disbursements of
the Treasurer's olllce, and compared the name
villi the books and vouchers of said Treasurer,
we do hereby certify that the same is correct
and satisfactory.
Jamks fit Awidiin. j
. sam cm. ttu H.uawftN, 'Co. Coin'rs.
riattsnioiith. Ntb., Jan. 7, lssl.
skal..) Attest :-J. O.TI TT.
County Clerk.
The Friend ef Indicate Ijnlies.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure is the remedy that will cure the
many diseases peculiar to women.
Headaches, neuralgia, disordered
nerves, weakness, nient 1 shocks and
It ind red ailments are effectually re-
i,w .'t.. I 1.,. ilj ur. : 'Pl.ik M..I l.t.i-1'
azine. iJ-lt I "i
Money 'to l-an on (u try I'eal
Kst;ite ly W. S. Wise. tf
aukxth am .is it-
Make from 20 to cu p r w eek sel.iutt 'ot!s i.r
li. t'. KIOEOt T.n. i O.. in Barclav iieT. New
York. Seinl for ca!: lii;ue and terms. 22iy
They are selling : lie West ch Kiuif
at the (ireul lied Sjiore, at such very
low prices, and yon have everything
iiuaiauteed as lepreseu ed i lumiey
rel'untled. that is win you should
jio there for all you need. 31 tf
l'epperlxTg's cigars are the most
reliable for purity and linene in il;tl
ity, and are far superior to any other
make. Ask jour dealers tor them.23tf
.Money to Loan.
On Kood farm property on longtime.
Apply to J. W. Jennings,
ltf I'lattsmotith.
Cigar Clipp'iigs, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schiegei & Wiemann's,
opposite P.O. 7ti
To the Citizen's of the County and State.
I have now ready for market lOO.OUO
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build a fire-proof house, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A.
Hoovkk. Louisville, Nebraska. I4tf
BV ChaUewje the World.
When vre say we believe, we have
evidence to prove that liiloh's Con
sumption Cure is decidedly the best
Lung Medicine made, inasmuch as
it will cure a common or Chronic
Cough in one half the time and re
lieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping
Cough, Croup, and show more cases of
Consumption cured than all others.
It wib cure where they fail, it is pleas
ant to lake, harmless to the youngest
child, and we guarantee w hat we say.
Trice 10 cents. 50 cents, and 81.00 If
your Lunos are sore, Chest or Hack
lame, use Shiloh's l'orous Piaster. .Sold
By Smith & Mack.
Do you licliece it.
That in this town there are scores
of persons passing our store every day
whose lives are made miserable by In
digestion. Dyspepsia, Sour a:. d distress
ed Stomach, Liver Complaint Consti
pation, when for To cts. we will sell
them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaranteed to
cure them. Sold lv Smitli & Black.
We have a speedy and positive Cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth.
and Head Aclie. in SHILOH'S CA
TARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector
free with each tiottle. Use it if you
desire health, and sweet breath. Price
25 cts. Sold by Smith & Ulack.4eowtf
.11 1V Al CltLAI'
22tl AT MEhUE.
liruii it's t'epsiu Ionic
Cures Dy.-pepsia, Indigestion auU
Sick-lieadacliv. You have only lo try
il lo prove it. It furnishes tlie
iich wiih Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake
and (Jentiaii, tBe natural principles of
di' slioli. .No rented v ever tdlered to
Ibe public has relievt d so much snl
leiiiig as tins t underfill Pieparatioii.
Mits. Miba JuN't:s, Faii-mount, Kas.
says: "1 had Dyspepsia, tor ten years
and have been cured by using two bot
tles of Rrown's Pepsin Tonic, after
trying a dozen doeuns.
A. O. Dctleh, liockville, Mo,
wires: "luuiiaveiuy thanks for a
life saved by this W onderlui Remedy.
I commenced improving . alter taking
the third dose ; its effect on the stom
ach, liyer and bowels, was almost mag
E. R. Hall, Iliattville, Kansas , says:
Please send me By express
one gross of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. It
excels all other remedies for Dyspep
sia ever sold in this community. I
cannot keep store without it.
For sale by J. H. Rutterv, Smith,
Rlack tt Co., J. M. Roberts, and O. F.
Johnson, Platisiuouth, and John Paint
er East Plattsmouth.
Full stock of Roots S2.23 at the
Great Red Store. 41 tf
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore exist
ing under the tirm name of Guthmaiin
& Weckbach has this day been dissolv
ed by muaial consent, F. R. (iiithmaiin
leuring. Parties owing tne Ih in will
please settle within thirty days at the
old stand. Parties having claims
against the said tirm will present the
same within thirty days from date.
1 . R. GUTHMAXX, -
J. V. Weckbach.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. January 1, I8S1.
riianking tny friends for their liber
id patronage in tlie past; I res,ectf ally
request a continuance of llie s;iino in
the future for my successor, .1. V.
Weckbach; at the old stand.
42t3 F. R. tiUTHMAXN.
To all Our Friends.
Having bail numberless inquiries for adver
tising cards iu all pans of the country from la
dies who are interested in tlie la-uion of making
'Card Collection." we ate hiving printed for
thcin a set of seven beautiful cards, each In six
colors and on a gold background, in tlie v.-i
highest degree ot art. liiu.iraiiug nnai.e
speare's "Stvru Ag s of .lau."' We have
spared no expense in i!ie-e card they a.
-imply lilt e art-gems, our onlv aim lias t- :
to publi-h ihe finest cards lit s''O.M.. .
e::tioii ti t item ha', e e-inie b, x -.v. .
uearlN llie w ii.'.e elo 1 e i ... . : ; ...
i eceipr by u- ..I I iff cai-i ii':-iti : in- . ;:!- :
nave therefore tt en t,l.i:j. i u. ;i.e..f ;
low nig plan for the ui-. nlim O'n of t .i: i 'ii.TTTT
ler : No mure ot the iri'.t Sii :ke-i .ire
s-veu in the senes. will it .ei,; tAt . , .!; . .
ine recciil ol ;i t-i.iit i'.ci:: r'i.i a r"t- i
llie pei-oll tpl? I; g tt'l i.e C.iltis il to;' i
of bun on tlral day at o-as; seven bars ol Dob
bins' riectnc Soap. nil price paid bir same
il appiyUig in this mam er will receive the
full set of seven raids grails bv mall. This
will Insure u that our friend auti patrons get
their share of these beauliiul designs, althnut'li
it in no manner repavs u for the cost of the
earns. Your grocer has tue snap or will eet it
and the purchase by you of seven bars of It at
cue time will hecure for you grails seven beau
tiful cards. The soap Improves with age aud Is
an article of necessity in vour house ever
eek. Therefore ynu are not asked to buy a
useless article, but one that yon must have
anyway. Please send us your a-plication at
once, and tell your lady friends making "Card
Frccluet Bond i.3 2
Advcrticiuj; 102 77 2
Sundries 1.08.1 8S - t
Weepinu Water. ... 2.i.8J 2
It & .M. ii R a.itos.Ki 2
School Bond. u'iO.82 1
Eaton Judgment. .. OttO.42 2
Amount ol lees, a per 1 ee Book...
Vouecuon to uo Tlie t;uni-.
i Yours rpactuily.
Probate of Will. ,
Notice is hereoy jjiven thai J. W. Harris ha
filed an instrument iu wiilhii;. lu the ollice of
llie Couu.y JudKe of Cass County, Nebraska,
purporiiiii: lu oe a ce Hilled cop ol tue lad
u ill aud tetaiuei.t ot Audiew A. Mewart, ad
initleii lo probate ill the c ounly Court of Kock
lrule Coauly, M.-vie of Virginia l pon read
lun and ulniK eaid instrument in writing it Is
oidered t nut all per-uus Interested be uolllled
by puitiicaiiou iu the Nebraska Hkkai.o, tor
luice suceeasive weeks next preeetlinu the 3d
Uay.ol l-elirtiary. A 1. iofl. and thai llie hear
ing ol said cau-e be set lor one o'clock, 11. m.
ou said -lay al the olllce of the County Jutle
ot llie saiu County 01 Cass: at w hich tune ami
place ail persons interested may appear and
snow cause if any thev have why said instru
ment lu wriiinie should not be admitted to
prooaieaud lakeu as a Hue copy of the genu
ine aud valid last will and testament of the
said Andrew A. Stewart, deceased.
" A. . SC LL.IVAN.
I'lKl KtiOPVOfi C'ouuty JuiIkc.
. 4,113
Probate Notice.
Noilce is hereby iciven that J. W. Harris has
filed an instrument in w tiliuu in I' e oinee of
II e Couniy Judiie ot Cass C ouuty, Nelmtska,
hii porinn; to be a ccrtilled copy ol the last will
auti testament of Sarah 1. Muart.dece:tsjtl. ad
mitted to proliale in the c ttunly Court of Au
tiusta Co., Vlijiinia. C pn read iuit and tiliiiuaid
lusirumeul iu wiiiiiik it is ortteietl that all per
sons luierc-lcrt be noiitied by publlcaiion inibe
ISeluaska MMtAl.o lor three successive weeks
next preceding Hie 3d day of February. A. 1.
1881, and I hat the lieitrinit of said cattle be set
for twouV'iock, p. ui. ou sani day al llie ollice
ol the County Jnoe ot the said Counly of I a
at w hich tune aud place all persons iutert-Mcd
may appear auu sliuu cause il any tm-y havu
w by saitJbrtriiiueut in ruiui should not be
a.ii'uilltii to piobaie and taken as a true copy
til llie genuine and valid iat-l w ill and testa
ment ot llto saitl Sar.ili L. Siuart. 4t't'c.t-ed.
t A. N. M l.nv vw,
, tuck i tii-v of i County Jutle.
I UltOKIt )
, 4J13
Slierurs Sale.
i'.y irtuu of au vm-cuiuui ifsuc 4y V. V.
Miou.iiU'i A ii ikul mt- iniu ici Com I. wiHnij
auti lui Ca l itunl, .u'Liit.-iiiit, lo me tti
ItM teii, 1 v ll on me Mai la ot Jaliuai ) A. W.
ImI. al 2 i'c1ock p. in., ot Nrtitl u;t , al lue m n
ituoi ut i tic t iiuii nuiiM', in s:nX t- aiuty, il al
1'ui'lii: uc.toii mt IoiIum ti.K ifal ilai 4.0-w H ;
lilt uii'iivHU-o oik Hail "tt itiiflrl III H.n'-
UOIliU lUl IMM .U M'l'tiull i-cwu (J; 4VII vUj
iwtivc idi iu:lM ti iii c.i i-i ulil i". M.
tin- "-.iiiic i .cit' 1 ui 'ii auti'ii a-- l.t
li oin i ii 1 . au in im'4. ii-ii-iittfitii ;
lo ai 1-1 a. juuiiti in .( t t.i.i I
ret'oveff o.t t i;ii.- x . U: t . i..ii, laii.init.
ii, . il Ll, .-.itlill. i it,'.- v
rtatt-Miioui;:. Nt u t Aft-riuit 1 ovKu il.
bUeiiii'b adia.
B vii tue ol au cxciuiion. i-.ucil by V . C .
hhouallcl, Clt lk ol llie ll,lllt:L C olll t Willi III
and lot C at-f C ouui , .eOrafka and to me tlt-rt-iTietl.
1 WM 011 the 3isl nay ol Jantiar, A. 1.
fssl, at 'I o ciocK p. in. ot s,iti ti.ij , al (lietiuiii
tioor ot lite Court House, lit ;,m cdtiiil. sell in
I'uOlic Auction tne follow inn real xslale, lo
il : Lot inree (31. ill block one liuodieit aud
tell til it, iu Ihe C iiy ol riallsiuoulh, Ci.s Co.,
Nebraska ; also, lots one 1 1 and to t2i, IiIock
eleven (Ij); also, lols seven 7) unit cichl (H),
block I five (11, oiiiik & Hayes' atluittoii to
t ne t 1 1 y of I' tsuioulii, Cai-s C ounly, Nebras
ka, i lie saute lieniK levied upou and taken as
tin' pt'opi rly of Courad Hcisrl, ueiciidant, to
satisty a jutlKineul ol sain Court recovered by
Cnaiics I'.ulciuiaii and Cdiupauy, plauuills.
I'lallsiiioul II, .Nell., 1 'cccinlici 301 li, A. 1. IssO
4113 K. V. JlVKlts, hlteriir Cass Co., Mcb.
Legal Notice.
AU persons miciesled in the Estato of Hub
ert Bulla li ceai-cd are required lo appeal be
fore Hon. S. r. l'omiti .lutlgu ot thu Hisu ict
Court ol lho Second judicial ltistricl ot Ne
braska in the ollict; ol Ihe cleik of Hie I'l-tricl
Com lot l.aitt-ui-tcr counly In the city of l.iu
cohi on Kndav the V t li day of February b-sl
at the hour ol one o'clock p in. ot said day. to
show cause why a license should not lie Ktaut
ed to Levi 14. lodtl Kiiaidiau ol the minor hulls
of Robert l.alla ileceased, to sell all tile l iglil
title auti Interest ot Janice l.alla. Samuel K.
Bulla ami KHici t l.alla. minor heirs of lttibei l
lattla lecea-ed, iu and to the North West
t'ianer (.N, W. of section No. eleven (11) in
Township No. twelve (1 N rth of nuune No.
'twelve Eact of Utli 1. M. belli) "ituate in Cass
County, Nebraska LEV 1 O. Tolll), '
Ctuardiau of the minor heirs ol Hubert Latla
By Chapman & Mathews, bis Att'ys. 4i't4
Legal Notice.
Samckl Hall, l
Skua II IIakkku,
Hann ah K. Haukku
and J.C. Bonk.
Scba II. linker and Hannah E. Ilarker will
take notice thai on the loth day of August
isso Samuel Hall plainlilt herein liled his peti
tion In the District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, against raid Seba II. Haiker ami Han
nah E. Haiker deteudaiits aud that on Heceui
I'er31st Ikhii plaiutill liled an amended petition
tucrcto making J. C. Bond dcleudaut. The
object and prayer of said petition and
amended petition lire to foreclose a iiinrtKat.'e
executed by Seba 11. Haiker and Hannah K.
Ilarker to nainucl Hall bearing date the Hill
lay ol September 170. lor the sum of three
hundred dollar (30o.f due one year after
(late; that there Is now due ou the said not
and mortgage the sum of lidy two dollars
(.s.-L'.(Kj) ami ten (10) per cent, interest from
September 23d. 1S"S. I'laintitf prays for ade
cree thul defeiidauis be letpiiied to pay the
same or the aid premises lie sold lo satis
fy the amount due. I nless defendants answer
saitl pent on as required by law default lit be
entered t hereon aud the samo taken as true.
Jan. 1. 11. It. B. Windham.
Atl'y for plaintiff. 42tl
To whom thi may Concern:
Knl ice is hereby given tout, a corporation has
been organized under the ueueral law s of Ne
luaska. for die purpose of doing a general
baiikiuit, loan aud discount bu.sinei-s. said tor
pot al iuit to be know n a
1st, The Bank ol Cass County. -
'.'d. The prim'ipal place ol doiiiir business
sbal! be in me city ot I'iatlsii.oiitu, Cass Conn
tv. Ncbra-ka.
3d. l'o do a banking, loan and dis
count mimic . 'iicimliuu the rceelvlng i f .le
posits, lii-countiii nuti s, plaeiio.' loans upon
security ol t illiet real or pei-inial properly,
puivloicc ami saie of l.omis. either municipal,
count v. stale or nal ami such oilier niei
dental business counecied with a general bank
ing business its is usually done by banks.
4) Ii. The capital slo k of lb" coiporatiou
hall be liny I lions mil dnll.irs j.mi,oo).
To be paid as follow s ;
Twenty (20) percent to be paid n pon the or
gan i.nt ion ol I ne curporuibiu : I hu ty (:n) p. r
cent lo be paid May 1st. lssl, nuti tlie remain
der upon demand of llie Board of Director
upon giving iliiriy (30) days' notice to the Hock
rob. The tim-of oominencement of INe or
gantat ion shall be January 1st, 1--.I. aud termi
alion Jaiiuai v 1st. loul.
i th. The liighe-t amount of Indebtedness
that shall re incurred al anv one lime shall be
thirty thousand (.m.O mt dollars, (not including
deposit received in Ihe general course or
transaction ol its business )
71 Ii. The business oi tlie corporation shall be
ennduetc J by a board ot directors of not le-s
than live (".i nor more th in nine (9.
A. K. Ttil-ZALIN,
H W. Yatkh.
K. M. Yatkh,
Danik.l H. Wiikf.lkk.
Jno. Black.
rialtsnioulli, N'eb.. I)eC. '2:tih, 180. 42tt
Cures by ABSOKPTION (Nature's wav
M c. iisr4si:s,
HrcultiliKr troubles.
It llrlvex Into tlie system curative agent
ami healing medicines.
It llrsws from the dieaed parts the
poi-ons that cau-e deal n.
'lhou-aiid- te-tify to its virtue.
YoucaB lis Relievefl& Gnrefl
Hon't (lenair until vou have tried tlii Sensible
Kasily applied aud Itaoieaiiy t.tirriusi
Soltl by Drucgists oreeut by mail on receipt
of price. 9't. by
t.aSr2S-TliB,,0iill" Ml Pad Co.,
our book
1 hree Mil
Williams Block.
lions a Year,'
Sent free.
3l!y Sri) 1 1 z,
fttinfer it- Cramer.
fainting, (draining. 61asin,
fial so mt ii tug.
& f apcv lijangiuj).
Also, Decoratiou ol all kinds.
Painted in Good Sty 1 e. '
CS. ir iungUpadi sat
X 1 I I W
' P.EFER1. "eo ..
A. R -r ,.,0 - - .
30 lo il.(M) i to 3.'stops
I lauos ii up. i ii pe-
r.e. Aili i'-s ll:mlf: ;
Befttty V. usliinglnn
Europe and vmeric.
23 years experience lu the Sccr-t Service ol
Celebrated l)et ft Ives, In all paijs of the Woild
tC'H) octavo page, 40 lull pave enn aings. Ai-o
In piv-s lw new lllusira'ed booits. i-.xtiu in-diii-i'iuenis
otlered. Kor lerms address J, tl.
Bi'ltu a. lu. Hai i turd, Ct. or Cbb atfu, HIS.
EI o p 23 it to r s7
(.a Medicine not a Drthk.)
Hops, BnrliM, Mandrake, Dandelion
and the purest and best medical qualities of ull
ot her Bli lers
All diseases of the Stomach. Bowels. Blood,
Liver, Kidney and CrliiHiy cirniuis. Nervous,
loss. Hleeplessness. and. epeeuilly "-einalB
Complaints. Ask your diuggl-l lor Hop Bit
ters and try lhem;betore you flecp. I ik n
oihrr. Send for circular.
Hoe Bittkks MTk Co., Kochetlcr. N. . and
1 ronto. tint.
Ever Known
Anv person lo be serlotudy ill without i
si, .in icli r Inactive liver orljidiiey .
- .. .... In tfooti ctili'lil
i weak
... .i
,1'tl A-
loll li"
w lieu tite-e oiii.tii ttto ," . .. ..a . . ..
von nut liud their n:-",r
liealtu.' I'srkrr's .liiK:ei- Tuine always
renulaie these important oigitns, and neer
fails to make the blood rich itml pure, it ml to
strengthen tvery pail of the -tem 1 1. ha
cureil hundreds of despairing inavlld". Ask
your neighbor il.
folew llliistrHmt Cwar
.lets UHlllf lor I.-.-1, lllliy
tt'm-riOlll t tile's S'lei't flliil
I'opiiltirOartlen. F lower iohI
t'Aim HeeUs. BulOs, fit- is
flailed t'r lo All. Wsirseis il i ost k.
It isi-u ntith nj riiiI nmy jreu a until ilml.
Our .-t.'.'(la are t n 'i"Hletl in Cluul.ty: I-resit, piira
tnt KellHlils. They will gtv Miilsfiiciitiit. v
oirer 7U0 or lh letlini vurletltsv 1 he Uarrien
tJulile will tell you bow to (ft snrt "(row Uiem.
Bv following Its ilireetliins you will bsve a mco
t inner nttT Vrrrtsblr JMlef. A ltlrvw -..
iULC A,lllat. laiwis.
.no t ice lo lirtfliers.
Kxainina; ion of persons vvislilnj; to
teac-li in 4.'as eoniitv, will lie at the
followiiiir limes and places::
At I'hiii-intiii.l). 1st Friday and S;it-
iiid.t in .I. nu ii v. I'i I'l nai y. May, .iq. ; 1
uiisl. Ot !cl ei ailtl Xn t'llllK-r. At ' !
'H .iii Wilier. Isl Friday and Satin ' I
d.i in Maicii. .line ami t (iteinlter. S
l.ouisvilif Isi Fritlav ,-md Satuiday i
April, . Inly iiild Deonilier. Notice of j
ut her inns will l:e ifiven.
At Elniwood tho last Friday and
.S.itiudap nf M;ireli- At f Jreenwootl ;
ilie Inst Friday and Satuiday In Feb
ruary. E. II. WtKlLI Y.
4'2tf Supei intendent. j
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
Having opened a New Store at the abov
I cull altenllon lo mv stock, ami ask the
patronage of mv friends null the
1 ublic in gent II. I.
. Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware ootlcnwai't
and HeiierMl Cootls of all full-.
Call and act our tito:k hi fore going
3ily YVALTKit Jknkins.
OITII Ki:l, !Vi:iIlt4.SK.'
A Good Tinner always on hand. Bep l nnu
(bine ueatly, pltmiptly and elieap i
Kave-lroiighiug unrt Booling also I
done to order. "
Bemeinbertlie iinnie and place. Hay Bios.
South Bond, Nebraska. Mini
Palace Barber Shop.
Under Frank Cunulli's new Jewelry Store.
and now Is the time to get V '
or anything ele in the tonsorlal w ay, al I .
John lJoonc's New ohoi1 v
Corner Main aud I- iflh Streets.
IMattNinouth. n ebi'ak. !
WAH KlkifT!
Is inside from a Mmple tropical l-at ol Knre
Value, and is a lon i ve II emed y lor sit UK"
diseases that Ciiuse pains ill t he' hitter pal! ot
lue unity-lor unpin i,i vr lleatlaeiie .lann
dice 1 I.-lites. (iravel. Malalla. auti all dim-
cult ie ol 1 ho Kidneys. I. iver and L rinary Or
gan l orrentHir ui-rasrs, .Mouiliiy Men
siruati.iii, anil iliniiig I'regiiaiicy. ii ha no
equal. It restores the oruins that miikr tho
blood, anil hence Is the bei. Itlood Furiller.
It Is the only known r' litetly thai cure that
scourge. Kriiclil'H lien-.e. Kor Dlaliele,
use W arner h rntfe IHuiiet-M l-nre
For Sale by Druggils ami Dealers at l.1
per bottle. Largesi bottle hi the market. Irylt.
H. II. WAKXKK CO., Bochester. N. Y.
tlrniut-Mother' Clutir,
Popular. W Urds & muic. :
"On tlie, Trump." Motch, 1
Very inspiriting. j
Tu irhriilittin l-'irrti.-- i
Sien-litl. W'trils & luib-ic
AiU tfthinu tinloo. I
Sprightly and pleasing, i
Piano IunIo.
A I.I, 1 I'l WKS
M dili it on rtti iiit ijf
Four .' cent
s-f :i r 1 1 1 .
I. K. CZtZZlZS i CC ,
e S
5 O
- is
c -
Sr. T
w r'3
- . w - - - . r - -
it . Ji-
r - :
: B
3 (5
Si :
Jf ' - 3
2 V"; 5
.;.' ail tii-e...c- . f ,' :,-.j:ey-, l-.i.'"''.'.
t; t.'i'ta:.- i y . c.tiin u.c
I'AD. in ii'.MAivViiL i t iTEAUNOaud kulii::'
Simple, Sensible, Direcl
Painless, Powerful.
ItCL'RKM where all el-e fails, a llevfla
t Toa and Itevolul lrv lu Madiclite. Arsor;)-W-'i
Uf "( Ppliowtioisi-agi ttuposedio unfat-f
blactory liitfroal Seud fur tmf t
treatise on Eiduey troubles, sect tree. Hnbl bw
dniggits. or tent by mail, ou r-yxMPi oIiMics
. Address (
olTaTte"Oaly" Lnjii Pal Co.. -f
(ieuuiae Kid
ilfvck. B4
.-it r