Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 20, 1881, Image 3

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    - 4
?. adtsi.tiskmbxts.
' v:i U Niks lieirtilnr advertls
r if. :. No iulveri.L-,r!i;i.ut ii.scrt-
..- 1 . .-, i,;it;IN? r.UlM.
. -i..Ve ni jf the law will be neld
. notice Ihoy hand in,
:; aViar-mime- a piie-if of public--.
. ..:-.-e b..-ld tor lb uubiica-
-I 'it. a iiuli-.-e.
."- '.r t limited, all rnnimiinlcaMoni
. . 1 f l.if-i -iU'l tu tiiepjiul. with no wast
'' . r :s rfiKMintMe for the correct new
.:'.:: . of paid matter and paid J-e-
"v " " y :th.i:i r.-ho take the paper regularly
; -oft'ee, whether uneclcd to his
: "ii Hi'-rlielsa subucriuer or not ta
t . r for tlit- pay.
il my person onlfii his paper dlscnntln-
. t.lo- inusl pay :tll arre.-rmres, or the publlsb-.-r
. ;y nt iis tie to enc It until payment is
. mid collect the whole amount, whether
Jit ;-.iir in t ik?n from tlie ofllce or not.
3. I l-o cvtrtn have decided that refusing ta
t.'':,- -i!.ii- n and periodicals from tlie inwt
.-(,. -r. cr irii-.-iYiiig mnl having them uncalled
is rlinn faiir. evidence of INTENTIONAL
- For the best Staple and fancy gro-
eries in riattsmoutli. go to J. V.
'.Veekbacb. 43tf
-Wi-seott sells the best buckskin
fe!..ves. 29tf
Bain Friday.
The Social Hop
At Fitzgerald Hall
On Tuesday evening next.
- (! to hear I3aia on Temperance.
Men's Arctics 1.50 at tfc Great
Red Store, 41tf
"Our New Baby" cigar
i-iiia:n3 the same.
ChoicaoraBsres and lemons at the
1'. O. News I)ejt. 1
-Don't forget to read Browne s love
story on First page.
The biggest line of buckskin
o.b;ves at Wescott's. SOtf
Several car loads of hog were
shipped to Chicago, Saturday.
A large reduction on old winter
goods at F. Herrmann's. 42t4
lUmember the meeting f the Bee
Keepers Association, Feb. 10th.
-A large line of cloaks to be sold
at cost price by F. Herrmann. 42U
Theodore Tilton has been lectur
ing in the States in several places.
George Donovan ishwuie, t spend
the test of the wititer, we understand.
Come and sea the iiidueenTMitu we
are offering. Great Red Store. 41tf
The hotel i-J getting on toward
completion slowly; we will have a ho
tel yet.
Clothing almost given away at the
Great Red Store, save money by seeing
us tirst. 41 tf
Be sure and go to one or both of
the Sociables to-night; there's fun in
You will find the best brands of
plug tobacco at the P. O. News Depot.
Misses Herrmann & Wurl moved
into the western half of Fred. Herr
mann's store room.
-Manufacturing and Repairing r.t
Merges' tdioe Store. ' 22tf
Hansen & Chassot can be proud
in their new quarters now, in Gorder
& liar. man's new building.
-Nubias, hoods, children's and la-,
dies' wool saeques to be sold regard
less of cost at Fred Herrmann's 42t4
Cal. Parmele hitched four horses
on to a bob-sled, Monday, and took the
little girls around town fr a sleigh
The time for bird cages is coming
and you will find a full supply at the
P. O. News Deput in due season. 1
The boys in the freight offict, have
just been fitted out with a new desk,
which is quite an improvement on the
old one. I
A new line of Kid Gloves just
received at J. V. Weckbach'p. Ladies
call eariy and make selections. 43f2
The Baptist Sociable will be held
at the rr.dde.nce of Klder Storms this,
Thursday evening. All are cordially
For the best Urands of cigars go
to the 1. O. News Depot. 1
Mr. C. K. Wescott has bem laid
lip with a severe coltl which has set
tled in his face lattly. Wb hope it
will soon get better.
The Old Standby, "Our New Baby"
f cigars have arrived 5000 of them at
Smith. Black & Co.'s. the best 5ct ci-
jj;ir n town. 43t2
Bam, one of the most eloquent
Speakers in tne Temperance cause will
be here the last of this and fart of
next week.
They mean Uwsiness at the Great
Red Store. Gotnls positively lower
than any house in town. See for vour
lieelf. 41tf
Tli ladies vf St. Luke's Guild will
give a sociable at Mr. Calder's, on 7th
street, this (Thursday) evening. All
are cordially invited.
In justice to yourself and family
yos should save money. Therefore
price at the Great Red Store before
buying elsewhere. 4tif
V Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith and I.
A. MeKinnon went to Lincoln Tues
day evening to attend the meeting of
the Grand Lodg of Good Templars.
-You will find the best violin strings
kin the market at the P. O. vNews De-
pt. 1
The election of ;officers in the
Good Tt-mplor's Lodge will take place
next Wednesday evening, all members
in good stan jing are requested to be
Phil. Harrison has got out soma
cards an 1 is going into the poultry
business heavy this next summer.
Ho' hatches all of his eggs with his
We were aorrv to rr f u-
r - -' "
I inston suffering from a sprained an
kle last Week, but rejoice with him
,tiat it was no worse, and he is able to
use it again.
f We were disappointed in eetting
y the report of the improvements in the
1 city during. h past year, for this
week's paper, 'but will endeavor to
V.ave it ready for another week.
1 -We forget to make mention last
Lcek ofllhe presentation oy tbe Platts
V.iuth fi'ee Club to theii leader, Mr.
l.irsland. ef a handsome ebony baton,
i jjisht-testimonial f k;-
rilnn . . r I, a n V . . . .
. y cveung worn in the
uuriDgtlie last year.
. Personal. .
i v Mis9 Viol: Biirnes, of our city, is at
Lincoln where she has a clei k-'qp in
the Legislature.
Captain Wiles and daughter, Misa
Ursula, went down to Lincoln Wed
nesday to take in the Legislature.
Miss May Kennedy left Flattsmouth
last Friday for Cincinnati where she
will attend a musical conservatory for
the ensuing six months.
James E. Morrison Counselor to the
Grand Lodge of Good Templars, went
down to Lincolu, Monday, to attend
the annual meeting of the same.
A number of our young ladies seem
to be leaving us all at once. Miss Lil
lie Simpson departed for Nebraska
City last Friday morning to spend the
winter and spring with her grandpa
rents. Miss Carrie Bennett left last week,
Wednesday, for Springfield, Dakota, to
assume the duties of a teacher among
the Aborigines, under the auspices of
the Indian mission of the Episcopal
Rev. Maiquett, of Omaha, who has
been itt the city for a few days,
helping Rev. Gallagher in his course
tif meeting this week, made the Her
ald a call this morning. Mr. Mar
quett returns to Omaha, Saturday.
Mr. Taylor, formerly with lT. V.
Mathews ar.d who left his employ
some time ago to take a situation with
E. T. Duke, of Omaha, returned from
a four week's visit in Iowa, Tuesday
morning, and after transacting some
business matters, left for Omaha on th
afternoon train. W wish Mr. Taylor
succcas in his new field.
Over 500,000 bottles of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup are sold every season,
and thousands of persons saved from
an untimely grave. Tlie price is 25
Coast, coast, coast.
Give the gals a boost;
Trot out your swiftest sleighs.
For fast they go the coasting days.
And Episcopal
-Sociables to-night.
Sociables are all the go this week.
Organs cleaned and repaired by
James Pettee. tf
. -John Duke has been taking an in
voice of his goods.
Square dealing guaranteed at the
Great Red Store 41tf
Mr. Weckbach received a fine
cheese box last Saturday.
See how cheap they sell furniture
at tne Great Red Store. 41 if
John Fitzgeiald of Lincoln, was
in town the first of last week.
Special bargains at the Great Red
Store for SO days. 41tf
What has become of that dance
the Happy Hour Club were going to
Don't forget to read J. V. Weck
bach's new ad. this week and profit
Billy Neville came home Friday
afternoon to spend a few days with
his family.
Another fine snow fell Saturday
night and mnde the be6t sleighjng of
the season.
Mr. Nicholas Holmes came in
Saturday and put himself ahead on
the Herald books. Thanks.
J. C. Aver sends us an Almanac
printed in a number of different lan
guages, so we are enabled to predict
the weather in ten different tongues
Messrs Hansen & Chassot moved
Saturday into their new quarters in
Gorder & Ilarliaann's new building
and have opened out their stock in
fine style.
In a telegram from James Morri
son we learn that G. XV. Bain, the Ken
tucky Ttmperance lecturer will com
mence a siege against, intemperance on
Friday the 21st. in Plat tsmouth.
Eddie Gyger is another victim, he
was coasting on the hill by Mr. Harti
gan's, Wednesday, got turned over in
some way and cut a bad gash under the
chin, it will probably lay him up for a
Misses. Herrmann & AVurl have
moved into the west side of F. Herr
mann's store, and with new shelving
counters and show cases hava an ex
cellent place for the display of their
millinery stock.
In looking through some Record
books with County Clerk Tutt. we as
certained that about 1,500 different
Instruments have beet recorded in
1880, covering 2,000 pages, recording
A week ago last Sunday is reported
to ba about as coid as it has ever been
known in eastern Nebraska. The
thermometer registering as low as 3G3,
which is .hreo or four degrees colder
than has ever been known before.
A. Patterson and J. W. Dickson have
bought out the Streight corner and it
is said will put a new handsome barn
on the premises. This will be a grand
improvement Cor Plattsmouth as that
old corner has long been an eyesore.
Thaold Morrison B tat "what'
busted up was in Court, Saturday.
Sage Bros, are sueing for work done,
and material furnirhed. Lawyer Bee
sun and Mathews for Sage Bros, and
Gen. Smith and James Morrison for
the Boat Company.
Elmer Smith, a son of A. B. Smith
was coasting Saturday and ran into a
post and broke his b-g; be careful,
boys, an old post is a bad thinx to
run into. The batik was a bad frac
ture of the thigh bone, one of: the
worst breaks possible.
Wo have received a copy of the
Platte Valley Independent Annual
with the compliments of Maggie ,.T.
G. Monley, publisher. It is an exceed
ingly neat little pamphlet, finely illus
trated by the Aldine Pub. Co.. and
bears testimony to the enterprise of its
The Juvenile Temperance League
met at the Presbyterian Church Sun
day. Mrs. Thos. Pollock read a fine
article to the boys; Messrs. Pollock,
Maguey and others addressed the chil
dren in a few well chosen words, after
which they closed by singing several
good Temperance pieces. This lodge
was organized when Mr. Woodford
was here. Mrs. Bowen ir-Jsirfenr
For two weeks now the High School
Hill on'Sixth St. In Plattsmouth has
looked like thti background to a New
England Village. Coasting, real old
fashion coasting has been all the rage
and old and young have turned out to
enjoy the unusual fun, cither by tak
iug it rush themselves or looking on at
the merry crewd. From the top of
the hill down the street to 5th, some
of the sleds go with the speed of the
fastest express train. All soris of
sleds and rigs have been devised for
the occasion, from the smallest wood
en affair of the small boy to the stylish
"Bobs" of Dan Smith, which are fitted
out with a cross bar to steer the front
boW, a regular brake to stop her, and
carpeted like a Pullman. All it needs
is a bell to ring on crossings, and a
steam whistle to blow at stations.
Other long s'eds have been fixed up
which carry 4, 5 and C people.
All went merry as a marriage bell
although tlie staid ones, whose funny
days aie over, have been prophesying
evil for days as the coasters on reach
ing 6th St. are really in great danger
from teams on the street who are
obliged to come up to Gth St. to get on
to the -Avenue.
Many hair-breadth escapes ensued,
aud the authorities wt believe stopped
tint business in the day time when the
street is crowded, but at night it has
been kept up lively without any more
serious results than bruises, a broken
leg or two and some sprains, until
Tuesday night, when a large sled with
seven persons on came down a scoot
ing and struck Bob Wellburn's team,
head on, about opposite the bank. For
one second si- d, women, team and all
were inextricably mixed and '.hen the
crippled rolled out from under the
horses feet and thanked Heaven that
luck was with them that night. No
one was very seriously injured. The
load consisted of W. B. Shryock. Chas.
Pettee, Miss liuttery. Miss Wright
Miss Sheffer XV. R. Thomas and Mrs.
Erwiu of which Pettee and Shryock
were bruised badly and Mrs. Erwin
quite seriously hurt, so much as to be
confined to the house as yet.
There is no use in locking the stable
door now and as the authorities have
let ""em brindle" so long perhaps it
might be as well to finish the season;
if a few get killed, they're bound to
die loraetime, and they've had lots of
fun, anyway, so long as it's only print
ers get hurt, they're not much account.
The Board of Trade.
The Board of Trade, at their meet
ing last week, Tuesday, elected as of
ficers for the ensuing year D. II.
Wheeler, president; J. V. Weckbach,
F. Carruth, vice president ; J. B. Strode,
secretary; Jno. O'Ronrke, treasurer;
A. VT. McLaughlin, J. XV. Johnson, F.
R. Guthmann, F. Gorder, J. M. Patter
son. F. E.White, and M. L. White,
A resolution was offered by Dr. li
ft. Livingston and unanimous by adop
ted as follows:
Resolved, That a committee of five
be appointed to confer with the R. R.
authorities to secure if possible the
t location of the freight transfer in this
city and to tender such facilities and
subsidies as the Board can to accom
plish this result.
Committee, F. E. White,
Wheeler, A. XV. McLaughlin,
Johnson and J. M. Patterson.
It was moved and adopted to draw
on the treasurer for 8250 in favor of
Guthinan Bros, as per previous agree
ment. Mr. J. W.Johnson reported for com
mittee on improvements of court
house, that the commissioners had
been interviewed and were in doubt
as to the law in the matter. The fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That it is the sense of the
Board of Trade of Plattsiumth. that
the Board of Co. Commissioners be re
spectfully requested to make an esti
mate of S3.000 for repairs to the court
'I'll Temperance Boom.
On Friday evening, January 14th, a
temperance meeting was held in the
Hall. South Bend, Mr. II. J. Straight,
presided and Rev. Diffenbaeker offer
ed prayer. Mrs. M. B. Holyoke, form
erSecretarv and State Lecturei and or
ganizer of Illinois W.C. T. LTnions, de
livered a lecture on "our cure and our
deliverance." The well filled house
was most, attentive. On Saturday and
Sabbath nights, she lectured in the
Congregational church a Louisville,
Prof. Waterman, M. I., presiding. The
church was crowded and many stand
ing. Many signatures were gained
to the Prohibition petition.
Mrs. Holyoke sneaks Tuesday and
Wednesday nights at Greenwcod.
The Bank of Cass County
Was duly organized by
following otliceis:
Jno. Black, President; E. M. Yates,
Cashier; Directors, A. E. Touzalin, II.
XV. Yatts, Jno. Black, F. R. Guthman
and E. M. Yates.
The above is a strong organization
as all our people Know, and we think
the new bank tills a niche needed and
that it will I e an aid and benefit to
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the Post Of
fice at Plattsmouth. Cass County, Neb.,
January 13, 1SS1.
Benscoter J XV
Cleveland XV T
Clark J C
Co itman Emma
Davis Chaa S
Echlji.d J D
Escher I K
Furlong S L
Miller Minnie
Mau.e J T
McDonald D J
Neylon Nellio
Pe'-nev Theo
Price J F
Ryan T E
Mnith Thos
Glenn E B
fcliafer XV II 2
Meven .las
Hubbard Wm Mrs
Kneelaiul Nellie 2 Taylor F II
Morton Amelia Williams M C
Wilson M M
JANUARY 20, 1881.
Anderson J P Harris Wm
Barkly E E Lindners C C
Gath Wm Lewis Dollie 3
Grimes Jas MooneviTheodore
Humphrey Ed Shepaid V
Ward A P
Persons calling fr the above will
please say advertised.
J. XV Marshall, P. M.
Dick Streiglit walked " into Smith
& Black's drug Store and asked Charley
Black if he sold matches, "yes" snys
Charley, "of course." "Any kind of
match?" asked Dick. "Yes," Well. IU
take a little trotting match, then."
Charley gravely handed down a box of
his best pills, with: -Here Ton aro
Dickf-you can rmcXJiUiV UvT'&
time-any day wiU . .Z-HriH ' ' C
We acknowledge with thanks some
very nice home-made Bausage from
Mrs. John Chalfant. No lV:ir of chol
era about that, or irichitw either.
Mr. Moore h is a very handsome
wnvnuiivi iiuiiiwr,.iu niiiicouu l, hi rilr ... rt iaj I, ..Mi ii'l.ilu .111.1
colored, aud our window beais lesti
mony to his generosity in the presence
in it of two very specimens,
which send foi th'new blossoms nearly
every day.
The following Patriarchs were in
stalled as the ufiieers of Plattsmouth
Encampment No. 3. 1. O. O. F. Friday
evening, Jan 14th, 183!:
V. Patriarch, G. Rasgoishek; Sr.
Warden, J. Pepper'erg; Jr. Warden,
W. B. Shryock ; High Prit-st, Jos. Schla-
ter; Scribe, Ed. Steiuai; Trustees; J.
M. Schuellbacker, J. Pepperberg and
XV. B. Shryock; Outside Seutinel, J.
M. Schnelbacker; Inside Sentinel, G. F.
There is no article in the line of
medicines that gives so large a return
for the money :is a good porous
strengthening plater, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back
ache Plasteis. For sale by Smith,
Black & Co.
Mr. J. W.Jennings received a tel
egram the first of tlie week from O:
tnmwa, whither his wife had gone a
week or two pievious for medical
treatment, that sha was very low. Mr.
Jennings was at Lincoln, where the
telegram was forwarded, and he went
immediately to OttuinvM. XV leain
from Mr. Tutt that a teh gram, receiv
ed from Mr. Jennings to-day. states
that they will be at hame tomorrow
morning. Mrs. J. being somewhat bet
ter. Social lit)).
The young ladies of St. Luke s Guild
will give another hop at Fitzgerald
Hall, Tuesday evening, Jan. 25:h, when
they will endeavor to make it pleasant
for all who participate.
Take Notice Firemen.
There will be a called meeting on
Tuesday evming, lor the purpose of
electing officers for the ensuing vear.
LA11 members are requested to be pres
ent. . By order of Foreman.
-XV. E. X iller, of Bellevue, Ohio, says :
I have been troubled with Asthma,
aud received no relief until I procur
ed yous "Only Lung Pad." 1 can re
commend it to any one having the
asthma. See Adv.
Tor Sale
a new milch cow, is a good milker ?nd
gentle, James Pettee, Proprietor.
All cases of weak back, back ache,
rheumatism. &c, will find relief by
wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed
and Belladonna Back-ache Plasters.
Price 25 cents. For sab: by Smith,
Black & Co.
-Always avoid harsh purgativw
pills. They tirst make you sick and
then leave you constipated. Carter's
Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels
and make you well.
Smith, Black & Co.
For sale by
Father is Getting Well.
My daughters say, "How much bet
ter father is since he used Hop Bit
ters." He is getting well after his
long suffering from a disease declared
incurable, and we are so glad that he
used vour Bitters. A lady of Roches
ter, N. Y.
Fine Stock.
The improved small eared Poland
China pigs are bred and raised 'by J
C. Newberry at Louisville, Neb. The
Poland China hog is considered by our
best stock men to lie tlie oest porker
raised. 42t4eo'v
The new combination of Smart
v eed and Belladonna, as used in Car
ter's Back-ache Plasters has proved to
tie one of the b?st that could be made.
Try one of these popular plasters in
any case of weak or lame back, buck
ache, rheumatism, neuralgia, soreness
of the chest or lungs. &c. and .u will
be surprised and pleased by the
prompt relief. In l ad cases of chron
ic dyspepsia a piaster over tin? pit of
the stomach stops the pain at onee.
Ask for Carter's Smart Weed and Bel
ladonna Back-ache Plasters. Price 25
cents. For sale by Smith, Black A Co.
Woolen Hose.
The largest and most elegant as
sortment for Ladicsjmd children, just
opened at J. V. Weckrach's. 43t2
Hair Woik
of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee.
Leave orders for same at Mrs. S.
S warts' Millinery Store. 43tS
Those who have not settled lor their
last year's ice are requested to do so at
once and save cost as it must be set
tled it om.e. 4U3 F.S.White.
SaTe Your .Money.
A large stock of Boots and Shoes
just arrived at Merges, which will be
sold cheap. 2!f
For 1S1 i :ia Eleirioii lino:; of l.'O Tnes. One
Culured Flower l'i;il". initl ni'O MhistrMion. W illi
Descriptions- of the lust Elimer; jin.l e;el:i
ble. and Direction- fur jinnvinc. Oiiiv mivntM
In English or ifi-nrtn. If y.ei afterward or
der needs iledm t t !:; 1m penis.
VH'K'f aWM-il are the l't ill the woil.l.
Tlie Fi.ok.4L. t.L toh ill K-tl Jimv to jet ami
grow them.
Virk's Flower rn.l Yecet.-ihle ttan'en, 175
Paires. 6 Colored 1'!. ties. 5m Enr ivtn is. For
30 cents in paper covers : .1 on in eiejraut cloilt.
In f iernian or lat-jlixh.
Vicli's lllns;i:i:cd M.'iithlv Ma;:az!ne
Pages, a foli red Plate in everv niiiulier and
many fine Ent;ravi!is. Price rl.5 a year;
Ftve Copies for .-j.'i.i'O Specimen mi i-lior scut
for ID cents ; 3 iriui eiple for l" cents.
Address, 4M.f Jam ks Vick. Rochester. X. V.
Dr. Black's
Rheumatic cure' is the boss remedy,
cures Rheumatism and Neura'gia in
all t heir various tonus. For sale by
Smith, Black & C". 42tf
Twenty yarns best print for S1.C0
at the Great Red Store. 4ltf
A Paying Occupation.
Tlie approach of tlie lnug winter evening:
calls attention 10 the matter of n lamp, for wiiti
out a -jwod li?ut lidtf tlie pleasure o: profit is
taKeu from readiiw or studv foalo.l is now
in general use for iUuiniuatin inirnoses out-
cule of cities or la rue towns where coal nas is
used, iind w hen a proper lamp is used it is tlie
best substitute for sunlight yet discovered.
Tlie principle or p'an upon whu-li tlieMudent
Limp ;s constructed mav be said to l etliebest
in use. but the lamp ii-eif has alwavs bad sev
eral objectionable fen tinea w liieli w e are clad
to see are bein tione aw av wiiii in the new as
pirant for favor called the Husm I.4MI'."
maiiufactiir-d bv the Home Lamp Co.. of Cin
cinnati. The trreat ot jectlon to luost other
lamps is their 1- ibilify t.i be cp-set. tiie trouble
to keep them in tinier, ami the poor tlL'htciven
by them. The New Home Uinip is nuTiel plat
ed, and almost a .f the Student
Lamp: It has a handsome clamp
by means of which the lamp can be nt once ea
sily adjusted ir. any position iiNin t lie center
table, piano, mu-ic re-t, sewing machine, desk,
or by means of a h-nulsoiire hnu-ket. goes
with the laiiiii. tun In- ii iced upon the wall
.iu in iiaiecr position it is placed it is abso
lutely safe. This is I tie great feature of excel
lence, but the New Home Lamp combines al-o
the patent Artta- burner, a lillim: indicator
and match box. lamp has ever before been
teceived with eur. - laiusunl favor or received
such stronj reco-ni, -udafioiis from tne leading
journals of Ciucinnv It is Oho endorsed bv
such men as the may. and postmaster, sever
al insurance presidents and express aents of
that city as the saiest. most convenient and
best lamp made. The Company desires aeent'i
in thl locality, and any so art lady or eeutle
mao can make a handsome income dunne the
next six months by camassli-g for lis sale
There are hardly a dozen families In the county
who will not want one. and its price is fo low
i hi urins u witnin tne reach of all. For fur-
f Frostier Coiinty Items. '
st .'. ; . . n n r,. : a. i i
we are having more -than oursluieof
I t.,.nli u a w, I. At.n . . r ....l
uuuuig, luiilft. ill unc V i x -i l
.wio. ....w..-., '
,wu..B 1,1-k .i,,,,,- ucir, "' l"c . 'i
a large chunk of frozen earth - that 'he i
was undermining, while digging a tta- j
hie in the bank, or rather a hole for a !
stable. He leaves a wife ai:d babe:
The meicury ranged as follows this
month: 3d, 0; 5th, 34; fith, 2"1; Tth,
0; 8.h. 8; !Uh. 33; 10th. 8J; llih. IP;
12th. 28; 14th, 133; 15 J), U3 -coldest
winter we have ever known here.
Numbers of cattle dying from starva
tion and a disease c. tiled ly veterinary
surgeons "Pulmonary Apoplexy," very
sudden iu a -lion. I hav lost 'j had.
General health of people good. Some
inquiry iu land business.
Yours, E. S. Child.
Fight Mile Grove items.
I will not take time and valuable
space in the Hekald to enter iiuoany
argument with the Goad Templar that
presented the other side of Eight Mile
Gidve. but that he judgis others by
himself ii a fact which show for itself;
being Farmers, our interest ia in that
direction and farmers generally try to
raise the bilges amount of grain tltev
C in, without co isideraiiwn, L part or
all of si, id j.rain is to be converird into
pork, bite., g.ucose or alcohol. Tin-re
is neither patriotism, philanthropy
nor s.'iise, in letting others reap tiiC
benefits from our corn fields.
The Fiiriueis and Good Templars of
this vicinity are not feeding their corn
an much :o cat'l as thev tli I hereto
fore, I presume it did n-t pay, and tiie?
wili sell their coi n to dealers, even if
the latter do sell to manu
facturers for distilling purposes.
S tin Barker and John II. Young are
f'e ing tine lots of beef cat tie.
Jacob Tritsh, a well known farmer,
in tr ing to release his part m r from
being demolished by a tumbling rod,
h id bis left hand mashed, and conse
quently had t hi we of his lingers aiupu
ttted. Jake has oui heartfelt sympa
thies. Quite a number of our young fanners
are visiting friends and relatives in Il
linois this winder; among them are C
Farley, Jacob Y'olk and sister, Mrs.
Ilennings. Henry Miller. George and
Philip Meisinger and others
No sickness of any consequence to
repoit. More anon.
Three tireTcs Notes.
Saturday night ami Sunday morning
a week ago were probably the coldest
days that have been known in this vi
cinity for several years. Although it
was only 22 below 0 here, it seems the
thermometer marked considerably low
er than that all On Rock
Creek, three miles north of this,. Sun
day morning at 9 o'clock the mercury
ran down to 2C3; near Rock Bluffs, at
Mr. Joseph Sans' place, 303 heloA-.
Jessie Irvin informs us that it was
40J below 0-on the creok, a short dis
tance below his place, and it was 42
below at- Kenosha.
Sleighing has been pretty good since
Saturday iiiirlit. and everybody who
has a sleigh, bob-sleds, or anything that
will run. is out improv ing the time to
good advantage.
We made a call at Rock Bluffs on
Saturday evening. During our stay we
attended the Lyceum, he'd there on
Saturday evening of each week. Mr.
Jack Graves is president, and Miss O'
Brien. secretary. Speeches, declama
tions, song's and violin music were the
order of the evening. Owing to the ab
sence of two of the main speakeis from
Plattsmouth. the subject chosen for
discussion was postponed until next
Mr. and Mrs Louis Cole, torn near
Centre Va'iey.ciffie iu on Ttn-sdav and
stayed until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Alphoiiso Cole returned from a visit
to Sidnev, Iowa, one day last week.
James Wiley looks more peasant
than usual thu cold weatlur; it's a
line bov and is doing well.
Quite a surprise partv in our neigh
borhood, on Tuesday night of last week.
Mrs. W . W . Wiley was quite sick a
few days ;:go.
We are informed on good aulh'oiity
that some one is starting a cracker f s
tablishment over in the Rock Creek
neighborhood, which' in connection
with the butcher business, will with
out doubt make a lucrative and paying
business if carried on with due dili
gence and energv. Ws also leain that
they are sending out by sti.iil some vt : y i
tine samples, which shows thai they j
mean business. We tivi.nk tin: riglii
man is in the right place, and wish him
success. '
As Honesty is the Rest -Policy" ayk- i
ed the question through the Three !
Groves post olljee what the cutting of !
grain would be worth next season, the I
person of whom the question was ask
ed desires us to say through tlie Her- I
ald bat 't will lie worth 25 cents per j
acre for good, honest men, and 81.25
for hosu that tire dishonest.
Rock B I tiff's Items.
Will drop a few notes to inform the
many readers of the Herald that we
are noi dead, but onlv sleeping; and
while we've been sleeping we have
not been wholly uticonsious of what
has been going en in ours and adjoin
ing neighboinoods. The villagers, and
farmers near by are wisely availing
themselves of the use if the naural
bridge over the Old Muddy which
Jack Frost has given us,' iti getting
over the river their summer's fuel,
and lumber which the two s:v mills,
nea.-.iy ijiposite this place are inruii:t
out in large quantities, and of quality
the best.
Michael, the stately is slib having
his usual amount or Justine of tle
Peace business, aud veslcr-l.iy it was
expected the much talked of Detainer
suit in which A. Lacy was plaintiff
vs Dr. Rtmey would cone off, in
which J. E. Morrison was attorney for
the plaintiff and R. M. Logan" our
scliool teacher; for the defendant. The
case was compromised by each party
paying his share of ti.e costs.
Dr. Reynolds, who catn here from
Virginia last ?priiig,.uas bought prop
erty here and intends to remain among
us. The Doctor has hud good success
in his practice here, and has the con
fidence of all who know him.
We have a very good Sunday School
with Mr.James Waistow as Supt. We
used to have a church building,
but through some hook or crook the
Trustees turned the church house ami
Parsonage over to Mr. James Chalfant
to satisfy a little uiorig ige of about
8400; when St. 000 on top of that!
amount would not have paid for t tie j in the building The church
was built by donation and it don't i
stem as if it ouiilit to be wrested from i
'he donors, and they deprived of a
cl urch building entirely. When the i
hotiso was wanted to put up a Christ i
mas tree for the little woes, a demand I
of five dollars was made for the use of !
it ; but through the generosity of tlie ;
District Board we wero permitted to ;
use the sc))ol house gratis. j
Mr. Mark White ar.d w ife have just j
leturneti trom a week s visit with rel
a:ives a Sidney Iowa, ami their cous
in Miss Emma Lacy of thai place is
with them.
Mr. J. D. Graves formerly a teacher
j this county and late graduate of t te
Normal, but now a teacher near Iliils
dale. Iowa, was a partv in an accident
al shooting at that place. Mr. Graves
and his comrad Mr. Sawyer were pass
ing New Years day by hunting; when
in a thicket the former Ored at a flock
of quails, and nearly the whole charge
of quail shot struck Mr. Sawyer in the
face, arms and chest. Mr. Sawyer is
in a fair way to recover, but with the
loss of one eye.
4 have a very eood Library
JJXz-J S. Graves
j down last Saturday evening to take
the negative or the Human suirrage
question against R. M. Log .n and W
F.'SHiith affirmative, and next S itui-
L' , .,. .... . ...... ,
j r r , , . . ; ,..
.." "
; Mac, and see us, and sec what
j lhink t)f 01r sooielv
... I .k . iQ Mpn.vno,l
Ioa, Sundav, on a visit.
Prof. Wooley was down to visit our
school lat week. Come aga n Prof.!
Hoping we have not intruded on
your space and patience we close.
Your &c Sam Slick, Jr.
We'll try and get down one of these
daps Ed.
-Samuel II. Irwin, of Ute Creek, Col
lax Co., New, says: The
M Only Lung Pad" has done more i r
m w ife than all the gallons of Cod
Liver Oil. French or American, she
has taken, or
cines she has
a!! the Doctor's Mtdi
8d. "'ee Adv.
J. el. tierj so is Wae best cough
medicine. I.e has confid nee .in i',
and he is wilting to leiuml the money
if it loes o go id. Ask for Piso's cure
for Consumption. Price 25 cents mid
81. 0. 42i
Well, we've got a curios ty now,
which all -our mm r ateable ladies can
see by applyiag at the Heualu of
fice a botia-ti-io proposition of nar
riage from a physician, wiioic pres
ent address is Boston. Mass.. and
who.-v' t'ltly requisites in a wise arc
that s'io bo healthy, yoott, h'tul'iiiiie
.Hid j ;": iT.s life has been ma n y
spoilt in i.tuiviiizeil lands, where ho
has ha ! tot chance to cultivate ladies', Slid he has only four
months now to choose a wife, marry
h- r. take a vvt d iiug tour, and return,
to I. is business. As tor his qutilili
; tUioiiS, he is forty-two, 3 feet 1 iOO
"pounds; robust health; dark ruddy
complexion; dark brown hair; teeth
very flood; breath perfect; amateur
musician; no creed; American, Re
publican; baehelar; brother anil sis
ter living; income over ti'.COO per
year, etc., etc. ,
js wove wasted -o much time on
legislative matters and l S. Senator
we cannot give this opportunity for
our marriageable readers of the fe
male sex due space, but any one can
see the applicant s advertisement l-
applying- at the Herald olhce.
Di. lb dub intends, rus soon as the
money to cover expenses is raised, to
make a journey throujrh Africa, begin
ning at the Cape of Good Hope and
ending in Egypt. Of the oO.OOo florins
required he gives o.OOd himself.
Mr. J. XV. Swan, of Newcnstle-on-Tyue,
has come forward as the inventor
of a system of incandescent electric
HriitiiiL', which he claims can be econ-oini.-.-dly
applied to domestic purposes.
He thus states in general terms what lie
has done: It was found after many
troublesome experiments that when the
vacuum within the lamp was good, and
the contact between the carbon and the
conductor which supported it suUicient.
there was no blackening of the globes
and no appreciable wasting away of the
carbons. The main principle of the
Swan system is that upon which Mr.
Edison has lately been working, and
upon which, many 3'ears ago, other
American inventors devoted a good deal
of attention with considerable success.
Mr. Swan arranges his lamps in series,
and feels warranted in asserting that at
lea :t twice as much light is produced
by a certain quantity of gas used to
generate an electric current employed
in his lamps that can bo obtained from
this quantity of gas burned in gas-burners
in the usual manner. Putting the
question of economy in other words, he
reckons that forty pounds of coal em
ployed in raising steam to generate
electricity, is capable ot producing the
effect in his lamps of one thousand feet
of gas burned in gas-burners.
In speaking of the well-known meth
ods of preserving posts and wood which
are partially imbedded in the earth, by
charring and coating with tar, it is saiil
these methods are only effective when
both aro applied. Should the poles be
charred without the subsequent treat
ment with tar, the charcoal formation
on the surface would only act as an ab
sorber of the moisture, and, if anything,
only hasten the decay. By applying a
coating of tar without previously char-rin-r.
tiie tar would onlv form a casing
about the wood, nor would it penetrate
to the depths which the absorbing prop
erties of the surface would in
sure. Wood that is exposed to the ac
tion of water or let into the ground
should lii-st be charred, and then, be
fore it has entire! v cooled, be treated
with tar until the wood is thoroughly
impregnated. The acetic acid and oils
contained i:t the tar are evaporated bv
the, and only the resin left behind,
which penetrates the pores of the wood
and form an air-tight and waterproof
envelope. It is important to impreg
nate the poles a little above the lines of
exposure, for here it is that the action
of decay affects the wootl first, and
where the break always occurs when
removed from the earth or strained in
Prof. Dufotir, of Paris, has arranged
a thermomi trie apparatus which shows
the changes of temperature in a verv
marked way. The mere approach of
the hand to the bulb will throw a needle
over the whole of a graihiated arc. The
device consists of a bent tube, having a
bulb at one end, coated on the outside
with lampblack. The middle of this
tube is liiied wish mercury, and is sup
ported by :.ri-,- nicely pivoted. Above
tiie pivot i ti.v. d an index needle, which
moves :k:'o-s a graduated arc. and he
neath the pivot hangs a rod to which is
attached by friction a small weight,
which .- rves to balance the needle so
as to make it point to zero on tie arc.
When I lie temperature rises in the
slightest degree, the heat, behig readily
ab -oi led by the lampblack on' the air
bulb, drives the mercury forward and
tli-places the centre of gravity so that
the needle turns at once towards the
right. When the bulb is exposetl to a
decrease of temperature the needle points
toward the left. So sensitive is this np
partus to changes i f temperature, it has
l.oon necessary, to cheek its sudden
tippling over when exposed to a rather
high b:pt very quickly, to place two
fixed pins at convenient points bcneaih
The American Minister in London rtr-.s
submitted to the British Board of Trade
the project of an international copyright
treaty between England and the. United
States. Full reciprocal protection is ac
corded to all authors, provided that
within three months after the publier
tion of a work in their own country j: s
republished bv them in the other cotn.
tiy. The r.:a-cn:s of Hart ington's views on
the !; b h
with e:;
-tion has been anticipated
;g--t' iiitcropt in England. His
tiie duke of Devonshire, r.wm
ticivs in Cork, Waterf'.r !, and
Ti' i rr
t.-:te's 1
This c
ci'c.-.r (
ry, b.t the rents on t
avc Icon p::?d nearly
n be of verv lev
,( - ,- r
i,; full
' of
tutcs ia Ireland.
Co'oriiij Confectionery.
., Tl.eru' lie Health Department of Ger
many sanctions the use of certain non
p.isono !s siit '-lances for coloring con
fectionery Hour and sfar.-h for white:
cochineal, carmine, madder red, and
the juo e of carrots and cherries for red;
saiiVon, satilovvcr. an-l turmeric for yel
low; indigo and litmus for- blue; "the
jtii.-e of spinach ami mixtures' of the already-mentioned
blues and yellow for
green; burned sugar and Spanish juice
for brown; and Indian ink for black.
Lrt.-w!s Rockwell was supported by h'.s
rela'ives at Pa., until he was
Kjo years old: and then, d.' his
l.Hi-jevit v nar .isonabic, t! ev turned him
ov.r to the iH.-ormu.-iter. H is now 102.
itanseit x . uassoi
! Wish to inform tin ir friends
public in general that they have open
ed a
until furt her notice in Fred Herr
mann's oul stand. We invite nil to
give us a trial.
42f f Hansen & Chassot.
a i
Beats anything you ever saw f n 85.
If you need fumatura' call on the
Gr at Red store and get low prices 1 I f
Money te Loan.
Money to loan on Real Estate, at 9
per cent inteiest. tf 1). II. heeler.
Go to the
You can positively do youis; if some
Od. 3Uf
The Friend of Delicate Ladies.
Warm r's Sale Kidney and Liver
Cure is the ivmtdv ihat will cure tho
many diseases peculiar to women
IIr-::il.ich-s, neuralgia, disanlerml
nerves, weakness, inent- 1 shocks am
KiiMil'ed ntiments tire eU'i-tuallv re
moved by its use. Th Mothers' Mag
azine. tUtl.'l
Money to loan 011
Estate by XV. S. Wise.
Cou t rv
.lUEXrs AVI) CAW.lssiKitS
M:;l.c from lo S."0 in r week sei:m;r yoods f
I-:, it. Rl lE(il."I' CO., la Hart-lay Sueet. New
oi k. Sscmi for catalogue and terms. L'jly
l liey are selling I lie Lest clothing
at the Great Red Store, at suclT very
low prices, ninl yon have everv thins
guaranteed as represented or nnmiM
refunded. That is why yon .shouh
go there for all you need. 31tf
Pepperberg s cigars are the most
iviiable for purity and fineness in qlal-
ity. ami are tar superior to any other
make. Ask your dealers for them.25tf
Now is Vour Time!
(Jreat Reductions in Bonis & Shoes
at Marshall's, Weeping Water, astf
.Money to l.o.iu.
On good farm property on longtime
Apply to J. XV. Jennings,
ltf Plattsmouth,
Cigar Clippmgs, 35 cts. per
lb., at Schlegei & Niemann's,
opposite 1. U. TU
To the Citizen's of the County ami State,
1 have now ready for market 100,000
White and Fire brick, which we will
sell at reasonable prices; parties wish
ing to build ti fire-proof bouse, before
the comet comes down, call on J. T. A
Hoover. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf
1 Wish r.verybiiily to know.
Rev. George II. Thayer, an old citi
izen ol tins vicinity known lo every
one as a most influential citizen, and
Christian Minister of the M.E. Church
just this moment stopped iu our store
in say: "I wish evervbody to know
that I consider that both myself anil
wile owe our lives to SniloLTs Con
sumption Cure." It is having a tie
mentions sale over our counters and is
giving perfect satisfaction in ail casts
of Lung Diseases, such as nothing elst
lias done.
Bourbon; Ind., May 10, T8, Drs. Match
ett ct France. Sold by Smith & Black
No ISeeeption Used.
It is strange so many people will
cnutimie to suffer day after day with
Iljspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, General Debility
when they c:m procure at our store
Shi loh's Vitalize!', tree of cost if it
does not cure or relieve them. Price
To cents. Sold by Smith Black & Co.
Sii'iLoii's Catarrh Remedy. A
marvelous Cure for ('atari b.oiphthei ia.
Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With
each bottle there is an ingenious nasal
Injector for the more yuecessf ill treat
ment of the complaint, without extra
charge. Price 5!) cmts. Ceowtf.
31.1 XV A .i C fliC.ll
Brown's lepsui Ionic
Lutes Dyspepsia, Indigestion and
Dy s pe ps i a, I ml iges t iofi
Sick-hcadachtf. Vou have only to try
it lo prove it. It furnishes the s.oni-
ach with Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake
and Gentian, the natural principles ol
digestion. Xo remedy ever offered to
the puolie has relieved so much suf
fering as this wonderful Preparation.
Mrs. Mira Jones, Fairmount, Kas.
says: "1 had Dypejia, for ten years
and have been cuit-u by using two bot
tles of Brown's Pepsin Tonic, after
rying a dozen doctois."
A. O. Butler, Rockville, Mo,
writes: "You have my thanks for a
life saved by this Wondei lul Remedy.
I commenced ituprov ing alter taking
the third dose; its effect on the stom
ach, liver and bowels, was almost mag
ical." E. B. Hall, Hiattville,Kansas.,says:
Please send me by express
one gross of Brown's Pepsin Tonic. It
excels all other remedies for Dy.spop
s;a ever hold iu this community. I
eanno. kttp store without it.
For sale by J. II. Butterv, Smith,
Black i Co.. J. M. Robcits, and O. F.
.Johnson, Plat .siiioiiih, and John Paint
er East Piaitsuioutli.
Full stock of Boots .5?.2.
Great Red Store.
;t the
41 if
Dissolution Nce.
The co-partnership heretofore exist
ing under the lii in loiuie ol Gulhrnaiiii
.S: Weckbach has this day i t-eu tlisMiiv
ed by Ili'j ual consent, F.R.Gulhmaiin
le tting. Parties oa mg tne firm will
please settle within thirty das at the
old stand. Parlies having claims
against the said firm will present ihe
sanie within thirty d -ys tioin date.
F. R. GLTii.VlAN.V,
J. V. Weckrach.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. January , issj.
riiiinking my friends for their liber
al patronage in the past, I respectfully
request a coui in u.uice of the same, in
the future for my successor, .1. Y. the old stand.
4s'tti F. R. GfTHMANN.
'i'o all uur j"riem!--.
Ilavinu had ii'uubei !e-s ;niui: ies for slip. er
t ism.; cards in all pai i s ot t ue couuiry from la
dies w ho are iu et est eu iu t iu: I a-ii lon'ui makinn
"l ard Collections." -ve ai ir hiniiii; pnn'.ed for
them a set of seven beaiu-.fitl cams, i-aeh in six
colors aud ou a jjold liai-h. ouml. in the very
hir'bst decree of art. iilu-na'int' Shake
speare's, "Seven Ail s of Man." We have
.spared no expense in t!,ese cards liiey are
simpiy h'l e art-j;eiiis. liuroiily aim Iia.s te-i n
to piiliiivh the linesl i-iii-iis yel s'hown. Appli
c; Holm fo. t hern have come in so raiiidtv Iha.i
nearly the hoie edition is eng n;eil l.eioie the
leceipl by us ..f the cards trom the arti-t. V e
have tl.elefole been obliged to aiiopt tl.e fo!
low iiiy plan for t lie ilis- rilnn ion of t he remain
der : No niTe of the triil Shakespeare cants,
si ven in the series, w i:l be sent excepting upon
the receipt of a sialemeiit irom a trocer thai
the person apidyiei; for the ends has bomrbt
of Inm m that day 1 le:st seven tears of ioh
1'iiis" Elecliic Soap, with price paid for same.
All applying in tuls manner will receive Hie
full set of seven caids gratis bv mail. This
vv ill insure ii that our friends ami patrons net
their share of these bcaulllul designs, althoUL'h
tt iu n inatiner repavs us for the cost of the
cards. Your crocer has the soap or w ill cet it.
and the purchase by you of seven bar of it at
one time will secure for you gratis seven beau
tiful cards. The sonp improves with turn and is
an article of necessity in your house everv
week. Therefore you are not aRed to tmy a
useless aritete. but one that you must have
anywnv. I'lease send us your a;.Plieation at
once, andr'tell your lady triends making '-Card
Collect'. V" to do the same.
'Uivurs rei.ctiuiiv.
; Probate of Will
Notice is Ucict.y ulvuu tliufj. W. Harris lias
filed an insiiiuiii.iit in niioni;. iu the olllco of
the Conn. y Jiiue el Ca.-s County. Nclira-ka.
ptil'lKironii lo Uc a cemileil copy ti (ill- ia
will and ir.lainel.t ol Andrew A. ."stewart, ad
niiili ii to militate in tiie I oimiy Court of Lock-
tit iUne Couul v, taie of Virginia I pen leatl-
hnr and I1I1112 saliLinsti unieul In urilintfli is
ordered inal all persons interested lie uollfli-d
liv nnbhcaiiou iu the Nebraska Hkkalo. lor
tnrce siiccei-sive ecka next preccditin tlio 3d
Hay id February. A. O. imM. and that tlie licar-
itn: of said cau-e be set for one o'clock, p. lit
on said day a l Hie otiiee of I lie? County Judt;e
of tne sani County 01 Cass ut wlncli lime uiid
place all pcisons interested may appear and
stniw cause if any lliev have Miy said liislru
nietn iu wrinni: should not be ununited to
ptibaie and taken as a ti ue copy ot lite genu
ine ami alid last will and testament id tlie
said Andrew A. Mcwart.dei-ea.scd.
A. N. Sl'l.l.lVAN.
1 I hi e i'(ii-v or 1 Couuiy JuiIkc.
( )
Piobate Notice.
No; ire is hereby kivcu llial J. VV. Hau ls lias
tiled an insii uuit-ui lu mi iling iu I' e oniec ol
lie County JiuttiC ol lass vouuty. Ncoruska.
iiul ii.,i to te aieiiiliid eo)iy ol I he last will
aini Irsi.iiur-iu ol :n.iii L. cMu.irl, uercsad. ail
iiinU it lo inobait' in toe i ou(m t unit ot Au-(
o.. v ii ..ll.l.i. I uoii ir.i.lhiK ami liiii,gaid
list i anient in tvruiiiK a. i orucii-d lout an per
sons itneiisted in- uoulieo liy iuniirai Ion iiillie
.i tuast,a 11 l'.!t.l.l tor lim e sum iv mccks
nevt i i i-Ci il iii(i ilit .so il.iy ol i t lii uaiy. A. i
i....i liiC licni.;. i'l said cause l.e set
foi I o oVlock. (i. in. on .-aid day at l lit- olliee
ol the County Juoe ol Hie said Coiiniy ol t ass
at witicli tino and il.tce all persons interested
may appeal unit show cause u any tuey have
liy siinl in-li unieul in timing should not lie
a.ii'nitiL.d to proliaie ami taken as a true copy
e! tne eiiuitie .ind v.ilnl ho-l uill and tesia
iiieut ol tlio said S,ai:ih 1.. Siiuart. deeea-ed.
, A .V Si 1.1 lv ,
t rnt'F. ctu-v oi i l oaui y Judye.
s OiUOlNAl.
( onui it )
Slieiiirs Kale.
I'.y wriin ef an execution i--;ied ly W. C.
.S:i., aiicr, l ictii ol liie I Usui, I loiiil. VWthin
and tiir I .is t ouiity., iii.ti lo niu 111
reeieil, i .1 .11 ou no-uls'. nay oi d.itihai . A. i.
1 :U. ill 2 o'cioeK i. lil.,ol sitlti tl.e.solttil
tioui' ot tne oiiil liuiif, iu siiiii i.mnty, veil al
i'liiiiie A ma Ion liie lollm. ion real eslale lo- 11 ;
i in- tllldiv nleil olie-ii.ili ('il lillelesL III
l.onal lot I v o u'l n seciio.i -eiii (i) town U-i
I wen e raune loin li eu t Hi cast ol tall I'. -H.
1 Ue .same li.-iti levied upon uinl laieu as toe
piopi-rly ol IK isei, lieleiiditiii ;
lo satisfy a jiiuiiieiii oi said i onn
rccovcit ii iy loliiii-& too (.1111:111, 1 iiiiiilills.
It. H . ilVl.U. .ilellll, C.i-S I o.. Neil.
riiitisiuoutU, ieu., J ii-ccinli'. i iitnh Ismi, ii"
Slieiilfs sale.
Ity virtue ol an eecuiion. Issued by VV. t
Soowaller. v lerU ol liie iu.siricl Couil within
and lot 'Ca- I ounl y. Neoraska. aud to mo ill
reeled. 1 P1 on Hie 3il l:iy 01 January, A. I.
Ism. at ri o cIock p. 111. ol said oay, ai tlie Moiilu
uoor ot I no couil House. 111 euid l ouuty. sell at
(nolle Auction luc luilou inu leal elale, lo
wil: Lot 1 luce ttii, in block one liuiidred and
ten 111 11, 111 the lily of I'liittsnioutli. Os Co..
.cur.isia ; also, lots one 1 1) and two oil. Idoek
eleven vl-l; also, lois M-veu v7 and cihl (SI,
L-ioi-K lw clve 1 liti, 011111; is. Hayes a luniaii to
tne Cii.v ot i'laltsmoulli. Cass Comity. Nchras
ka. i he same Iiciiik levied upon and lakeu us
the piopiity of lonrad llelsel, deleiidaul. to
satisiy .1 jm. fluent ot said Court recovered 1-y
Cliarles Klileruian aud luuipauy, plaliililts.
I'lallsllioul 11, Nell., lieeemlief, A. I. IssO
llti It. W . livtlts, Mieiul l ass Co., Ncl.
Legal Notice.
All persons interested in I lie Estate of Rob
eri Latta leceacd are toiuired to appear he
lore Hon. IS. ft. l'oiuid Judgn td the District
Court 01 ine second judicial irisirict in . -Ne
braska ill l lie olnce ol the clci k of the District
Court, of Laucie-ter county in the city ol Liu
cola on i'l iday lite 2 dli nay of February lssi
al Hit hour ol 01 'clock p m. of said day. to
show cause uny a license should not be toant
cd (o Levi it. 'iodd KUardiaii ol liie minor heirs
ol ; Robert Latin Deceased, to sell nil 1 he nulil
title and interest 01 dailies I. alia. Samuel I'.
Latta and l.ihcit Lall.t. iuiiior lieiisot Robeit
Liiitii Deceased, iu and lo tlie North VVesi
l'iiirier (N, VV . '.i of seel ion . eleven t II ) III
township No. twelve (l'Ji Nutli of Halite No.
1 wctve j-.itsi 01 01 11 1 . M. iieini siiuiiic 111 1 ;iss
County, .Nebraska LEV i ti. inDli.
Guardian of the minor heirs ot Robert Lalta
liy chacman ji. Mathews, his A'.l'ys.
Legal Notice.
llA.N.N Alt E. i i. t: k Kit I
and J. C. Hon i.
Delelldilllts. J
St tiali. Darker and Hannah II. Harkeruill
lake nonce llu; uu Hie lot 11 day ol Auu-l
IS si Samuel li.iil plaiiilili herein bled his peii
llon In tin District t'oiiil of Cass County, Ne
braska. a'iiniM said Si lia II. -Marker uud liiin
11. ill E. Hiii Kcr dileiidaols and that oil Dccciu-
et r ;Usi Issu pliiiuiitl llied an amended peliflou
ilieieto 1 on 1. 1 11 l; .1. C. Loud di leuilaiil. 1 he
object uud player 01 said petition unit
imetiilcd petition are 10 Ioieeloc a moilcaee
-M ei. led l Si ha II. ilaiUer ai.d II. 111:1. :li E.
Iliiiker lo .-ainucl Hall bearing t!ale llieKih
iliiv ol Sepleiober I To. loi'lhe sum ol three
liiiialreii dollars i-iidi.iOi line one vear idler
date; that llnie is now 1! ue ou I he said not
ue! inoo.iL'" tlie rum 01 liny two dollars
saL'.'.iuj and leu tlui per cent, nitcic-t from
Septemla r L! al. ls.;. f'laliuilt prays for a de
cree Ihat defendants be requited to pay Ibe
sniiie or the said piemises be sold lo eaiis
I) llieamounl due. I nless (lefuinlaiils answer
siiid petit 011 as required by law tlefanll will be
euleicd tbereoil and the same taken as tine.
1. lssi. R. 11. VV IN nil A.M.
All'y for plaint ML 4-".l
To N'JiiKii tlii. nui a Cui-c rii:
Nolice is Hereby eiven ti.iit a corporation has
been organize, I uioter t lie general la , s ot Ne
brastta, tor the purpose of doina a L-eneral
iiikinu, loan and discount husaie-s. said tor
ponuion 10 be kiio-.Mi as
1st. 1 ue liaiiK 01 cass i miiiiv.
d. 'I lie prinetiial place 01 doitiir business
shall be in ibe cily of i'iattsii.ouiu, l iiss Conn
tv. Nebraska.
!d. lo do a peneral hunkiii-r loan and itis
count business, including the rt'ceiviiii; of !.
po-ils, discounting tioit s, plai-iiu loans upon
security of either real or peisnual properly
purchase and sale of bonds, either iiinnieip;'!.
cottnly. si. lie or national and such ol her luei
ilerlai business eoiuieeled il II a ueneral balik-
in! busiio-s- as Is usually done by banks.
-Uli. sloek of the eon, oral 1011
shall be hi I v t liousand dollars cr XKtln- j.
'I'o be paid as follows :
Twenty ( Jin per cent to he piiid upon the or
al 1 izat ion of the corporal ion : i hit I v (.mi per
out lii be paid M.iv 1st. Issl. and the remain
der upon demand of the Itoaid of Direcieis
upon KiViti (lull v 1 jti) -"" ,,oe 10 the slock
holders. " '
6H1. The tine-uf comnienC'-ii'.eut of ttie or
ganization sliall be January 1st, 18I. and ti rini-
iiiou .lanuarv 1st. tjoi.
th. 1 he highest amoiiut of Indebtedness
t hat shall be incin red at an v one tunc shall be
thiriy thousand (-sm.o K dollars, (not Inclndini!
iepi sits received 111 (he general course or
impaction ol ils business.)
Till. The business 01 the corporation shall be
comlucte 1 by a hoard of directors ot not less
thai, nve ( nor more 1 11:111 nine cj).
A. E. I ot ZAI.IN,
II. VV . Yatk.s.
K. M. Yates.
Jno. iti.At'K.
riattsiuiuitli, ."e!).. D-c. 'jutli. fitt
5 ; ijim;im:s.
IIItn iT lli; IM,
ESlf :if liis!T I loulttfs.
Il I)rive Into tlie sv
tcm curative agents
di-rascd iarts the
Old liealinK medicines.
It lrn4 ft 0111 tlie
poisons that eaice de tn.
I hou-Hiuts testily to lis
pair until yo.i have, tri -d t:
ii S'TVil.p-
1; lice l ual
appiied and Hiidiraili
l.cinedv .
Sold by Driicu
of price." Kri, by
ts o:- cnt by mail on receipt
our book
Ihl-ee Mil
lions a Year,'
Sent f:-ee.
VVilliou Ittnck.
ii;ti:oit. .nieh.
tllly". SrTi f: nrf z,
7'trinrr tC Grrrutr.
ALL KiyiJS or
fainting. Craining. CSIasing,
Also, Decorations of all kinds.
Painted in Good Style. .
lit'FEEEXrtS i
fl LUN6l4 PAD SgT
Cures by Altsolii iiDN Nature's way
i) cr ainnnum
to tn m ooo 2 to ;2tip
i'lamn l'.'.") up. 1'aper
nee. A ddress Danle! I-"
liealty WiuihliiKt.uNJ
WANTkTi1" kok Tin:
Europe and
2." years experience Iu the
Secret Kervloo CT
Celcbritteil HeOellves. In till pints of the World
Kit) octavo liases, 40 lull pime eti)."avings. Also
in press two new illusira ed hoekt. Evlrit In
ducemeiits oMereil. I'or terms address J, 11.
tt nit & Co. Hartford, Ct. or Cliieao, Ills.
"Slop'" Sitters,
(a Medicine not Drlkk.) I
Hops, Rucliit, MauiliMket Ibtndelinn,
and tlie purest joid best medical (iianues ol all
oilier Hitters.
All disease)) of the Sloliiai h. llowels. lilooil,
Liver, Kidiiev imd 1 1 1 naiy ortans. iVcrvous
ness, siisi-piessm-ss. and especially Keinnln
Coniplaiuls. Ask iliut-'iii'l for Hop I'll- .
(ers and I rv llieui'lieloiv you leeji, 'I nke no "
a) her. send foi circular. s
line t'.i rrKKs MTk Co , liochiUcr, N. . and
'1 tfi onto, t int.
Any per-nn to be s' lbnisiy in v iinour n
sloiiiach or niiictlve liver 'iihhm-.
w hen these orualis aro in K")
on oil liiul Iheir possi
lie. ill n-.- I iill.i-l' J-liiee ionic a.voiy
reuulates t ln-se lioporlaiil muuu, and never
fails lo make the blood rich uad pine, and to
sli'i-mM hen every pai t of the system It has
eun d hundreds ol ilospap uii? iuaviids. Ak
your neighbor it.
-lr lllnalrnnsit Cur.
l Uulilr tor Issl, in, iv
rilnllit ) oie's Sete. t iij.u
iilurtlio ili-u. t lo, ,'i nil,!
ttoil sip'Sl.. lliilLs, etc., ts
Miitleil I'rer- lo . V urrtc roil u ai om k.
It eosu no Hi mid ueiy nave y ou a pnai Uisil.
Oiirss-eils are rn. ipiHled In Uuul.i.v; l iesii. Pure
ami Heh.iliie. Tliev will (Civ ilisracnon. VV i.
oiler 7iO of the lendlnv vtirUHIeft. 1 he s4nrlrlt
tiulilr will tell you liow to net unit (trow iheni.
IU lollowinir its dirii-ilons yon w'lll Iihvo a litco
nmr iio'T VlrefnMe iir-len. A-Mress
OI.K A HKOTii fctf, .ss-eilsniru. frllu. lowjk
Notice to leaciu-rs.
I'xaiiiiiiiUion of jiersons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will b't at tlie
following times and places:
At riattsmoutli. 1st I-inlay and Sal-
iirthiy in January, Ft bi nary, Mny. aii-
j;usi, tietoiu-r and .November. At
eei'iii.r Water, 1st I-rid.iv and Sattir.
lav in March, June and Septeinher. At
Louisville 1st Fridav and Satiinlav in
April, Julv and December. Notice of
other examinations) iilt be given.
At Elniwood the last Friday and
Sat uril.ip of March. At Greenwood
the last Friday and Saturday In Feb
ruary. R. II. Wooi.EY,
i Ctf Silperinteiident.
- AT -
Eight Mile Grove, Neb.
JIavi issj opened a New Store at the abov
1 call attention to tnv stock, and ask the
patronage of my friends and liie
ritblic In ueneral.
Dry Goods, Groceries
Tinware Wooden wai t
and General Goods of uli soils,
Call aud na our Stock Ixfore yoiny
141y Walti.Is Jenkins.
DICA!.I-:it IX
Good 1 Inner a'Wiiys nn baud. ltepalnli
dune neatly, promptly and cheaply. '
Eave-lroii);hiui; and Koolln aim
done lo order. .
Itememberl l-e paiue :u,d p'nee, Hay I!n
Soitlli iieini, Nebiaslct. Mint
Palace Barber Shop.
Tinier 1'rni k Ciirruth's new Jewelry Store.
mnl now is the lime U ;;et
s;ia i;d siiAMi'iiui:!) n ai;: ci t.
or aayihiiii; else iu the loti.-ori.d way.nt
John Itooite's New hop,
Corner M.ilu am! l'lftli S reels,
fluttnifioiiiii. - - fliliisti.
WAR r I trT-T'ir"""
Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of I'.arc
Value, anil is a loili ve lleiiiedy tor all the
diseases that cause pains iir I he lower part of
the body for lorpid l.ivet Headache Jamt
liiee Dlziness. Gravel, M.ilana. and all tlmi
cullics of the Kidneys. I.lver imd I rinarv Or
(.aiis. I'm t'rnuilr Itlsi-asps. iloni lily . Men
struation, and during 1'reKuancv. It has no
equal. It restores die i;aij that mutt the
blood, ami hence i liu- best Itlooil I urlfler,
Itlslheonlv know n remeilv that rures
scour-re. Ki'-lslil'n IMsriisf, 1'nr Diabetes,
ii-'' Wuruer'M Hafr linleteM 4 ui-e.
For sale by DruirKiHts and Dealers i?t
per buttle. J-urgesl bottle in the iiiiirkcl. Jryil.
II. If. WAUNEKsWO., I.' ithesli r, X. Y.
(It iiii'l-Mntiii r'.i Chair.
i'opnlar. Words S. tnii-lc.
'in tin- Trumii." Morrh.
'ery in-piril inir.
Tirirl.t'fiituti l-'rrrtt.
Nplen-tid. Words & intirle
.Id lfltion tinUni.
pi ilitly and pleasing.
I'Inmi M lisle.
A I.I. I'l Ki-Ks
X' lilt (I ol rtfeif itf
Four .'J! cent
K. ft
fi rU fSJl
Z, !?? -1 f-i i
r '- r- o a, ; r
s. jit j-i r i;M
r-Z?Zl l-ZJ it's
im ri iJi-
7 '
And ai! di-ea-e- of tlio Kitlio vs. litadcler and
Lrniiiry Organs by earin; tnu
It is a MAUVKL of I1KAMNG and ItlXIKK.
Simple, Sensible, Direct,
Painless, Poverful.
It ri Ki;s where Hit else fjilir. 'a Ilevrla.
tloo and Itr-volullou lu Medicine. Absorp
tion cr direct application. u opposed to tiutat
Isfaetory internal medicine. Send for our
treatise, on Kidney troubles. M-nt free. Sold bv
t,'BAddrVUt by 'U:i11' a lectil't 01 P'lct'.
fc' 1 'k. vu w " il Mr I
I lit 11--
- " - . . f, S. . .:,L
ex. vSi'
Williams Bine'-.
ll Li!