1 - -I J -. line. . ': .liaji. JVC. i - 1 uv -.vi'l i;e : lit. .ii.M Hea :.l fill Ml h lr v. I i, 1. A V- I I'V ' ls I. U.e ji.il. till: no ri a-le stoilsi".le for tilft corr-i-? ! putt natter arid paid I i !. . I' .les til' IIMHT lKUlHrl s -t r.'.ce. -.lo-t.cr . i -i-i io hi -.wt Ib a sill"-.-: ioer or nut is lor tt,e pay. ii.or.le. his pnper disconthi j :' iy tail ;n r-ii t;i"i, or the publish St ne to send it unlit payment Is rt the whole nnioihl. whether i w 'ii 'nun the onit-e ir not. :l t..tv? ifftil'.'.l that refusing to s i i-s it'itt periodicals from the post vi-.i an-.! ! iiviiiiS lli'Mii uncalled r i f-tri.- fllili'BCt of IXIKX.T10.1At , LOCAL NEWS. For ties: S apltf ami fancy gro ceries in 'Plattsmouth. go to J. V Wwkl.iiidi. 43tf Wescott sells the Lest buckskin gloves. 29t Will. S. Wise sell Real Estate, tf Wm have got a rousing big paper this week. . Men's ArclictT 1.50 at the Great Rid Store, ltf Win ever heard of such a winter for enisling. "Our New Baby" cigar always rem t'ns the same. 43t2 John Leach has a fine candy store next to Dvey's store. The biggest line gloves at Weseott's. of buckskin 29tf Prof. Jve wmt down to Lincoln, the first f th vvek. Read the commissioners proceed ings oi: Fourth page. Organs cleaued and repaired by James Pettee. tf That pi eating of Mike Sculley's, the pedestrian, was immense. A large reduction on old winter goo Is at F. Herrmann's. 42t4 The bell tower was erected by the firemen Tuesday afternoon. Square dealing guaranteed a tffe Great Red Store 41tf Daicon Bushnell went Lincoln Tuesday night. down to Manufacturing Merges Slioe Store. and Repairing at 22tf Hansen & Chassot will move ui- to their new building, Saturday. Special bargains at the Great Red Store for 30 days. 41tf The your.g folks are putting in thf ii time sliding down hill mw days. Come and sea the inducements we are offering, Great Red Siore. 41tf The. new hotel is bing pushed as rapidly as the wea'.her will permit. See how cheap they sell furniture at tne Great Red Store. 41tf La Fountain, the champion pedes tria", left for Omaha Mnday after noon. --A large line of cloaks to at cost price by F. Herrmann be sold 42t4 Wheeler's old office is being re paired and put in shape for the new Rank. Clothing almost given away at the Great Red Store, save money by seeing us fust. tr Hang up your sleit'm now, you vitl not need them again for three r four years. Fred Bates and Dan Smith hav sent for patents on their 'bobsleds.'' They aro boss. Twenty yards best print for 81.00 at the Great Red Store. 4ltf La Fountain did some fine tumb ling afier he was through walking Saturday night. Vnrtlps having business with the County t'onmii?tonr,will fiud thein lti.tMston tha First Mondiiy and Tuesday of f ach month. 43tl Nubias, hoods, children's and la dies' wool sacquts to be sold regard less of cost at Fred Herrmann's 42t4 Several sleighs taok a tnrable Tuesday night, or their occupants, it is hard to tell which. A new line of Kid Gloves just received at J. V. Weckbach's. Ladies call eariv and make selections. 43t2 A good many ears were frozen Saturday night and Sunday. They were not ears of corn either. 'For 30 d ivs they offer goods at strictly New Yrk prices at the Great Red Store. Call ami secure bargains.tr They mean business at the Great Red Siore. (ioods positively lower than any house in town. See for your self. 41tf The Oil Standby. "Our New Baby" cigirs have arrived 5000 of them at Smi h. Bla. k & Co.V. the best 5ct ci gar in town. 43i2 Misses Hermann & Wurl will move in o thd building with Fred Iler naiM as soon as Hansen & Chas sot move out. In justice to yourself and family you shon;d save money. Therefore price at the (Ireat Red Store before buying elsewhere. 41if Look out for J. V. Weckbach's new jid. next week. Mr. Weckbach is going'it alone again, and the Hekaed wishes him a good trade. Two bel)-sled loads of PUtUmouth people wnt out to Mr. Warrant's Tuesdny night, and had an oyster sup per a'nl goid time generally. R-v. J. V. Reed S. S. missionery for Nebraska will be in the city and preach in the Baptist Church morn ing and evening on the SaWbath. Our It-vil wanted to go up and help eat Scuiley't pies. Sat urday night, but he was afraid ht would get the medal. He has got an airul mouth for pie. A big party took. a sieigh ride Monday, Jones, Miller, Phil Young and we don't know whe all, nut they made things lively all the afternoon. J. R Cairns. Sheriff of Lenawee Co., Mich., savs: I have worn an "Only L"ng Pad" for Bronchial difficulties, and have not been troubled with a rough nights since wearing It. See Adv. J. H. Buttery soils the best cough medicine. He has confidence in it, and lm is willing to refund the money if it does no good. Ask for Piso's cure for Consumption. Price 26 cents and 61.00. i2i8 , Repress., day with his f.m.... Lincoln, Mttuday. Adam KanfTenbeiger. Esqr., dropp. in to aee the IIkkald last week. Call again Mr. K. when ye editor is in. Mr. Win. Case, of Centie Valley, called and put himself ahead with tliu Hkrald. whicii he says lie can't get along without. Couniy 'Cornniip.siiiner Crawford has a luoiher-in-Iaw, County Coin'r of Xe lualia Cuntv we see by the Sheridan l'ost. Must run in the family? W. M. Wiley, of Rock IJiuffs. paid the IIkkald man promptly in advance on Tuesday, ami niMireii for himself happiness and prosperity fir year. another 1 I Mr. Albert Way bi ilit, a bio. her io our old and well known citizen, Mor gan Waybriuht, arrived here !ia . ui il.iy al ternoon, direct from the .great Car bonate camp. Leadvibe. Mr. Bet-son. l'oimerly of Red Oak, Iowa, and lately a resident of GiVi-n-woitil precinct, in this County, has ta ken up his residence in 1'iaitsiiioutli, and will practice law litieal U-r. Can be found at S im Chapman's otlice. Out at Kight Mile drove. Analher Ruby found He weighs ten pounds; Tom says no m alter how big. The sootier able to feed the pigs. A farmer told us the other day that he Would not bt without Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup if it cost five dollars a bottle. It must be a wonderful reme dy. The price is only 25 cents a bottle. - Carl & Bro , of Pella, Iowa, offer to sitttd their Illustrated Garden Guide fee. Our readers should send for it. We give only a portion of Prof. Love's report of the schools this week, not having space for mwre. The re mainder will be given next week. If there ever, was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Lit tle Liver pills are a specific for sick lieailacnes, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. Mrs. Dr. John Black will enter tain the next Presbyterian social at her residence Tuesday evening, Jan, 1 8, 1 S3 1 . M its. W ILLS. W IS E, Secrktart. A very ne:-t Chiistm.s gift, in the shape of an illustrated almanac, has been issued by John A. MacMurphy, editor of the Plattsmouth IIkbaLD. for his subscribers. It shows com mendable enterprise on his part. Seward Reporter. On the same day that Gen. Geo. Smith found that Christmas present at his house, he had a birth day of his own. so he and Hie little "gal" can al ways celebrate together, one present will do for both, &c, Ac. Thos. Jai.:es, Darlington, England, sas: The "Only Lung Pad" is being thoroughly tried here. One lady has already r chived great benefit, who has sufleied for years from Bronchi' is and Asthma, and congestion of right lung. See Adv. Mr. E.M.Yates and family be came residents of Piatt jmotith last week: a step which we hope they will have no reason to regret, but will find in our city a pleasant home and among its people congenial companions and friends. The Enterprise comes out this week with a new quarto weekly, con taiuing a large amount of leading mat ter, and is issued on Saturdays which practically gives the town a semi- weekly paper and to some extent takes the place of the daily. Wo hope it mav succeed, be placed en a firm foot ing, if it merits the same. These unhappy persons who suf fer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carters Little Nerve fills. which are made expressly for sleepless. nervous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25 cents. For sale by Smith, Black & Co. Prof. A. I. Aten, of Illinois has been employed by the Christian church f Plattsmouth to preach for one year. We nave been informed that he is a cultured gentleman and a fine speaker and from what we have heard about him we congratulate the members of that church on their acquisition. He will probably begin his labors next Sunday. Palpitation of the heart, nervous ness, trembling, neivous headache cold hands and feet, pain in the back. and other forms of weakness are re lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made es pecially for the blood, nerves and com plexien. Dr. Schildknecht called in Friday, the Doctor 'has the largest County practice of anybody, as well as a large tewn practice, and a twenty mile ride is nothing for him. Thurs day morning his grey horse came near leaving him to walk home, by slipping n the ice and breaking both shafts of the sleigh. Few people think what cold trips a Doctor has to take MtGuffey's series of Readers, ihe old stand-bys of our you; hful days. have been squashed in our . High school, kicked out as it were, with the past year. Appletons series, just issued, have been introduced iu their place and the children are all happy it. the possession of brand new books. Whether the change will be benefi cial or not the future will determine. Coasting is the order of the day a: d night too in Platts mouth, and High School Hill is the scene of high carnival very even ing, people asst mMing by hundreds almost and sleds of every description flying down lik m agio. Iltlf a dozen large sleds capable of holding from five t ten ar 111 high f vor; one par ticularly which had a rudder. a brake and was carpeted. It seems almost wonderful t! at no more accidents oc cur, but so far we have heard of noth ing mare than an occasional bruise r bump. The Bell Tower for theFire Bell was hoisted to its place Tuesday amid the stupendous efforts of a number of lookers on. and now a new difficulty assails us in getting down on to Mala St. from Vine. Heretofore the farm ers coming to Schnellbacker's shop tid their horses to the wagans and allow ed them to back up on the sidewalk, for ns to walk over, but now we have tot to walk over a bell tower forty fctotbib. How's ttittt far high? .t .. from Crt.. tie we noticeu. corn planter; G. U . Valley, grain register; j Weepin;; Water, lilonmiiiKton ci. y . A. Co'eman, silver wa cli; E. Troiuble, A voc-a, meal chopper I. C Wiswell. Centie Valley, silver kiiife, fork and spoon; Jos. Inhel.W-i, Cedar creek, fruit and jt llv press. This is a pretty jiond sh.iwiii for Cass Co. as it in cludes tlir mure valu ib!e premiums, the minor ones no-, bciiitr publish' d. v'e ihiuk we can cure a bail case of b ii'kiti'iit' q iick-r with one of Car tels .-mar; eed .i S'.'iladotiua Itackachf lihisiers, than by any otlier aoplicitioi.. And aft'T the b-ick;iche is cured. I oil can still wear ihe pi tsler without discomfort tor two or three weeks or longer. Tins combination of Smart Weed ami lSflladoiit a is a great hit. and it is hard to liad any pain or ache tha will not tield to it. Price 2 cents. For sale bv (Smith, Black & C. l!ef Keeper's Association. The annual meeting of the Nebras ka Bee Keepers' Associa:ion will be held ;it PlaMs:aouth. Feb. 10 and 11 at the Court House. The 15ee K-.-pt-rs l of Western Iowa are cordially invited to attend. An interesting meeting will be held and Will, no doubl be well attended. By order of President. IS ate Papers will please copy.) Child Smothered to Death. A most distressing affliction bfe.".! Mr. and Mrs. Mumper, who live in the south part of town, last Sund iv. Mrs. Mumper is a daughter of Mr. Sp.r, a farmer living near weeping Water, who died recently, his funeral occurring on Sund iy last. Mrs. Mum per went down to the funeral, taking with her her babe six weeks old. In her extreme care to keep the child warm, the wrappings were drawn so closely about it as to smother it to death. The mother suppose! thechild asleep, and was rendered almost fran tic on arriving home to find lie ex tinct, the blood issuing from its nose and mouth. Til ECO LI) W EAT U tit. 1gb.I How it Makes us Shiver. The old clerk of the weather has just got bis back up, or else the new 'Old Probs" is playing smash with things, or something is the matter, for s much cold -.weather in' the same length of time was hardly known within the memory of the uldent in habitant. VPe watch the tbei motue ttr creep up in the vain hope we are eoiiur to have a -warm siieli" and Borne night when we're sound asleep. or Sunday morning, niajbe, when we don't get up early, the oid thing be gins to slide down hill, and it beats the boys on High School 11:11 ad to pieces Last Saturday night or Sunday morn ing, was about the biggest slide yet. the thermometers on the hil.s at seven o'clock or thereabouts indicated 27 de grees below zero and in the valleys 34 degrees below. The highest poinl reached during the day being one rie irrve below. If that is nt about coal enough to satisfy the most strenuous advocate of cold weather as healthy. we don't know what they would ask for. The Pedestriaus Finished :heir seventy-two hours race, Saturday nigl.t. at twenty min utes past eight, W. M. LaFotritain win ning the purse, having made live miles more than .Mine scuiley . Mr. i-a foun tain is a fine walker, he gained eleven miles on Mike Scullev in about four hours. Considerable running was doue the las few hours. THE AMATEUR PEDESTRI NS. Tin following is the time made by the amateur pedestrians for the silver cup: Those for the first night did not make as good time as they would, had they understood the arrangements. THURSDAY NIGHT. Wm. Chambers diet. Smith Geo. Han ison FRIDAY NIGHT. Mart. Phelan Geo. Poisal (Geo. Lee) J. C. Grass Geo. Harrison SATURDAY NIGHT. Geo. Poisal (Geo. Lee) J. C. Grass Wm. Chambers 170 laps 167 " 135 " 22 " 221 " 200 " ' 83 " 253 " 340 " ISO " The cup was presented to Geo. Le, Geo. Poisal's man, h having made the greatest 11 11 mher of lavs, 2G5 in one hour, which is equal te something over t n mil-s. Marri eJ- H R'40N'-ROSE, at the residence nt ttie bat i s parents. Dec. 26th. 1KSO. Rev. jonit 1. Wilsoii odiri.itiiii.' Ai.fiEnr T. Habmon of W'ceniiiif Water. l., and Mary t.RwSK, of St. J. sepli. Mo. DAVIS tilt. MURE At the residence of the i. ride's lather In Ml. Hlcasanr Trec nft. on the 12th inst. ly A. N. Snilivan. County Juile MR 8 A. 1AVIS to MISS I.MMA. J. CiJL' morr, all of t'ai l a.. Nebraska. This y i nr. t ulusf r:oi:s :n d intelligent couple cotnmenc t e Inn tie . I ait , U .tier n.oet lavor- able c rc i:u-tH'ii-o vt o de i .i.i.se. The largest and most elegant as- sortm -nt for Ladies and children, just opened at J. V. Weckbach's. 43t2 Not a Beverage. Thev are not a beverage, but a med icine, with curative properties of the highest degree, containing no poor w hisky or poisonous drugs. They do not tear down an already debilitated sstein. but build it up. One bottle contains more hops, that is. more real bop sl rentli, than a barrel ot ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells'them, and the physicians pre S'libe them. Evening Express on Hop Bijttei. Hair TTork of all kinds done by Mrs. A. Knee. Leave order for same at Mrs. . Swtrts Millinery S.ore. 43tS Notice. Those wh have not settled fr their last year's ire are requested to do so at once and save cost as It must be set tied -it once. 4U8 T. White. Sate Your Monty. A large stock of Boots and Shoes Just arrived al Merges, which will yea. as perfect. eil unless his or from written examiu.. work is to or more. HIGH SCHOOL. In the High School proper there were 22 students during the term; be sides thesti tlieie are some 15 students who are not in the 11 igli School prop er, bin who n cited in on-? or more of the High School, studies. The tol low ing students weie highest in their classes, t heir standing being in order of their names. For want of sirace not more than 5 of any class can be men tioned. WHITING. Maggie Sampson, Ilaitie Fulmar. Allie Craig, Chas Pannele, Alvin G.iaat AlilTHMKTIC. Chas Gyger. Louisa Sliryock, Marshall Wiles", Mary McMullaii, Alvin Gass. UKNKKAl; HISTORY. Louisa ShiAock. Uauie Fu!mer. Mary McMutlau. Al Gass, Aima Waterman. kssay ami declamation". (maiked from Lerin work.) Frank Morgan. Allie Cra-g, Emma Mobbs, Maggie Sampson, L. Sliryock. ALGEBRA, UlGlliilt. Louisa Shryock, Chas Gvger, S. Samp son, Maggie Sampson, Emma Hobos. ALGKBKA. TAUT I. Hattie Fuliner, Alma Waterman, Jes sie French, Jessie Wiles, hi. Walker. book keeping. (marked t roiu term work.) Geo. Lt hnhoff, Frank Morgan, Charles Gyger, Clic.s Parmele. CIVIL GOVEIiNJiENT. Mary McMullan, Louisa Sliryock, Alv. G.us, Hattie Ful tiler, Chai Uyger. GEOMETRY, ADVANCED i BEGINNERS. v.mai ked from teviu recitations.) Louisa Sliryock, Clara Babbington, M. Sampson, Lmiiia Uohtis, Meuora smith LATIN, ADVANCED AND BEGINNERS. Emma Hohbs, Louisa Shryock. Ha'.tie Fuliner, Maggie Saiupsoi., F. Wheeler. Promoted from Grammar department to High School ; average standing ep- pOsite names; arranged in order of standing. Mrs. Love, teacher. GIRLS. Hattie Fulmer 93, Addie McVicar 83, Anna Livingston bit, Alice Jean 83, Jessie French 81, Anna Murphy 81, Curie Adams 9, Eva Wise 76, Alma Waterman 75, Birdie Swift 73, Lena Levings 73, Katie Vallery 72. BOTS. Frank Wheeler 90. Byron Drew 80, Conrad Seidt-nstricker 79, Geo. Mann 77, Waller Holmes 7J, Fred Howland 75, Robert Livingston 74. Bertie Pol lock 74, Herbert Walker 72. Promoted from Third Intermediate to Grammar depart meiit, arranged as per rank in class from average stand ing. Mr. Ashinuu, teacher. GIRLS. E'.hel Marsland 94. Kiltie Brock 80, Grace Wiles 85, Liilie Doud 78, Katie Bobbins 77, Susan Drain 73, Cora Way- man 74, Emma Hoffman 74, Carrie Holloway 74. Lou Montgomery It, Nannie Gibson 72. BOTS. Ilvrenimus Broechert 91, Charles Leach 83. Ellis GooUby 87, Fred Lehn- hoff 85. Chas Drain 83.Guy Livingston 82. Lt Sier Schlegel 82, Evel ton Schle ge 82. Bnshrod Bobbins 81, Rice Walk er 80, Lewis O'Xeil 77. Edgar Johnson 74, Alex Schleeel 74, Willard Wise 74, Willie Moore 73, Jay Johnson 2. Four scholars tailed in the examina tion. Promoted from Second to Third Inter mediate. Miss Dennison, teacher. girls! Bertha New elf 93. Xma Morgan 92. Saia McMil lan 92. Lizzie Lesley 91, ana Goolsby 8(J, Mary Week bach 8.) Es e!la Shannon 81, Rosa Grantner 8. dith Mori ison 74. Lena Fickler 74, Mary Hansen 74. Emma Johnson 74 Pearl Holmes 73. BOYS. Herbert Mainland 99, Chas Pepper erg 83. Bertie Wheeler 87, Fletcher Bobbins 83, Willie Carr 85, Chas Col man S3, Trow Pettee 80. Jas Porter 79, Grant 'Twiss 76, Warren Smith 73, Harvey Ilollowav 71, H. Tartsch 71 The following failed to pass in some studv or studies, and are promoted on condition that they make up the work in which the failed to pass: Katie Stadelman, Maggie Hodgert. Lizzie Steitnker, Thos Brainard, Wil lio HowhuuU Schulhof, Chas Morgan. Four of the class failed in the exam ination. (Concluded next week.) COHKESPONDENCE. Weeping Water Notes. On Wednesday night of last week the following named otlicers were duly installed in the Lodge of I: O. O. r for the present term: S. A. Riplev, N. G. ; D. C. Fleming, V. G.: J.T. Marshall. R. S. ; J. Chase, S. W. W. Orchestra, not W. W. Dram atic Club, as heretofore given, is raak ing preparations to rentier -"Lucie Tom's Cabin." on or about Feb. 1st. Dr. J. V. Thomas remains ahout the same as reported last week. Mr. Bates father of Peter Bates of Plattsmouth, is seriously ill with lung fever. Mr. Sporer was inteired in XV. XV cemetery yesterday. Cause of death lung fever." We have a well suppor'ed and flour ishing I. O. G. T. at W. W. now. That Prohibition paper has scores of w . w. s t'iiers; may every succe.-s attend the efforts of ihe indefatigable Mr. P. L. Thorp in that noble cause. Yeomaus & SiJmore have adiied about 23 feet more to their Livery x Feed stable. Mr. Sidmore has quitu a inenageiie in a small way attached to the livery stable. Mrs. O- T. Wilson is quite ill with intermittent fever. Several members of the W W. lodge f I. (). O. F. purpose attending the O. F. lecture in I'l.-tttsino-.ith on Tues day evening next. Yours for lSl. Tkixy. Here Coiues Hie Otlier Side from Eight Mile(rre. Chris: mas has come and gone and the New Year well begun. The ther mometer tins been getting lower and lower until it has marked 27 degrees below zero and this morning with the wind sweeping across the prairie from the southwest it js chillv beywnd cam psrison Same of the farmers f this neigh borhood are little behind the season In getting their cora cribbed but net- withstanding the extrtms eold the mus cnl ranie ot the golden ears against the high aides of the corn wagons is heard occasionally and the hum of the corn-sheller is heard in be the land, while thosa wh have some I Uea ci beinf cvmloraUt arc gelling In an orti.. aiiii-tempe. We hope t he t of the q l -s! io:i v . the sentiments of sucu expressed from time io tini. . A Good Temi Grand Prairie Items i We are having iuti-r weather, now with plenty of snow which makes nice sleighing, and the oting foiks ai not backward ai t living ad van a.;e of 'ii. Q-iiie a number of our farmers aie not through picking corn, but stili most of the com is cribbed. The farmers of this community met at the school house last Wedne d.iv eveniti'' and organized a fanners Alliance and sent off to the V .tl,.,,.,! j .auou.ii i Alliance for a charter. D. I Ai dins was chairman of the meet ng and X. J. Calkin secretary. The first ; meeting is called for Jan. 5th. (Jtiite a number f the boys from ' this', neighborhood went down to the : school house by Mr. l-ronkos last; ruesiiay ni.tht and helped organize h-: literarv society. James Stander was . elected President and Wm. McEIfreisli ' Secretary. The organization was j given tke name of The Dutch A cade- j my Debating Society. We have a good school this winter with about forty names enrolled. H. W. Zink our teacher is giving good satisfaction. We had a spelling school here last Thursday evening which was a suc lss. Grand Prairie is taking the lead in spelling schools this winter. The si Hiring school closed betore the holidays and Mr. Bimson the teacher went into Iowa to spend the winter. OCCASIONAL. Write plainer, especially proper names. Ed. Luella Notes. That polar wave is still waving. Frozen toes and ears and snow dnlts are now in fashion. Notwithstanding the wave the festival for our Luton Sabbath Scheol came off hist Wednes day night, at McCatgs school house. A bountiful supper was served at J. P. Piner's. The Stove Creek baud was ver and donated tneir services. Wm. McCaig is visiting at the oh. homestead. Mrs. L. Piner, mf Illinois. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hamil ton. Our fi lend, jjeonara c am, is wess looking after his homestead. We hear that Luella is soon to have a writing school under the instruction of W. 11. Pool; a very cotnmrudaule institution for both old and yaung. W' hear frequent complaints about wolves getting a way with chickens in this vicinity. TV otial not an out fash ioned wolf hunt be in order? XV m re spectfully refer the question to Mr. Atl. tin Bucktr. While at Lincoln, attending the State Farmeis Convention, we weie happily surprised to meet the Editor of the H Kit ALU. It affords us a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction tw say to the farmers o Cass County lHatt.ie convention was a success. 1 imre was a large attendance, representing near ly every county in the state, or earn est, line itrent lai mvrs. I tie senti ments of the delegates seem to rise abuve nartisan differences, and unite in an intelligent co-operative action fur the p tuuotioii and protection of our mutual interests. Alter seveiai ueeches. in w hich tha transportation question was ably discussed, and some ti her preliminary actions, the conven- nou proceeded to organize a titaie Fanwers' Alliance, by adopting a con s.itulion, electing a president, and one vice-president for each judicial dis trict, a secretary, a treasurer, and an txecutive committee; alsw the appoint ment of a finance cum mi t tee by the president. After the adaption of a se ries of resolutions the convention ad journed amidst greetings of satisfac tion, unity and encouragement. We earnestly hope the farmers ot Cass will take hold in earnest, and form at least one Alliance in each pre cinct in the cunty. All that is needed is to get seven or more tanners to gether, form an alliance, by adop.ing a constitution, sleeting a presiueiu, a vice-president, secretary and treasurer. and sending to J. Burrows, Secretary Stale Fanners' Alliance, Melroy, Gage Co, Neb., for charter. The application must be signed by seven members, giv ing names of officers and number of members. The Elm wood Farmers Alliance would be glad to correspond With oth er alliances or cluns in the county. Ad dress T. P McCarty.Sec'y. Luella. Neb. We did not get the Hf.rald Alma nac torisai; we suspect mat iney were in that package of Heualds for Luella P. O. that is missing. Adihondack. The Hkrald Almanacs w ere mailed in separate packages to every subscrib entitled to one. We are unable to ac count fr the failure to reach, but shall investigate forthwith. E. SOU Ml lilv.M). Busiuessly and Heligiously. South Bend is gradually assuming the importance consequent upon mer it, wuicii developing greatness ever commands. Having had business hous es representing large stocks of general meichaiiiiise, also drug and hardware Sioies, tlevrilora and grain buyers, and enlarging business iu the hi tuber line iu the past, there has recently been added thereto a lull slxck of rt-adv- made clothing, t in niching goods, and boots ami stiaes, by .Messrs. II. saw yer & Sons, who have recently elected a large building, and will add their mite to the general fund. The old settler, Mr. T. W . I- ountaili. having sold his interest in the lumber line, has opened out a large and gener al assortment ot .urniture, and is ut- feriug the same at prices worthy the attention of ail interested l herein. Religiously the day seems to have dawned upon our town. llev. Diffeti- bacher. of Sarpy Centre and Louisvi'le churches, was invited by some of the business men, in October last, to make a regular appointment fr preaching. He did so; and upou further invita tion he last week held meetings, visit ing nearly all the families iu the place. He found upon a thorough canvass that In South Bend ten different Evan gelical Christian denominations were represented by heads of families. The bavior of sinners long since set His peaple in churches and placed shepherds ovtr the flocks. He counsel ed against negleetlng the trimming of the lamps, and admonished against placing their light under a bushel. Ha knew of the tendency af the fleck to scatter, of the lamp to grow dim and the light to be hidden under the meas ure. The Reverend Brother found, as ha said, UjjU, "the Lord Lad gone be- KEPO.. Or The First u. lU'iiitli. in Ihe Si.: at tiie Close oi !eeeai'ier :llst, Tr-. j KKSOCKlKs. I !.ou!i i-.nd discounts i j i ivenlr;itl -. . 71 I CJ s 4 1 : -'( mi noo iki 17 4. 8 3 (..t.s :i7 I . !. I.mill- . M iMiir i-io iii.ii - 0) i,(,r Nt(ll.iSt i). ,,;,is and mort 4:11'. iMf iitiiu Hjij'iovril reserve assi'iio".. Iu-' from suite Hunks and hai:krr. i:-;il estate, fill nil til o :ml liM'tres. . ( iirreiil t'Niieiii-r- anil :ii s i:ta l'.ii!-k"f other IihiiUs t'liiei ioliu! ciiiht i-ni r.-nev. isleke's and jMiitiks Lt'l; t! ivi'iii::iiw kedt nipt oil fitotl with I . S, Treas urer l" jietent .'f eil..1 tlal'.on ... lne ft oi.i I VS. Treasurer, ot i:er t I'aa ." iH-l' cent. reite'!!tioii 4 4.i ; J C.-jS Ml : 4 v.-H 4; ! 4 (' i ! . : , 0 ' HI' I- kki t,() : 1 ooo no ! . -7.1 t.ll 71 j Total. .. i.iaiiii.itiks. Capital stuck i: ;;iil in . s :) ni) on it imn no -l") cui no Surplus Itunl fiKlivitloil profit National Rank notes otilstain'tiii lniiivlilti.il deposits mlijcct check Demand certificates of deposit Time cerlilicates m deposit Due to other National Rank to .W OKI 02 37 715 JO la 41 tin I!l 517 23 20 4 2 26 -39 02 Due to State fsaiiks ami nankers. Notes and bill re-d;scouuted Total.. S 273 14 -4 Statfot Nkbraska, (. County ol Cuss. I. A. W. McLauohlix. Cashier of the ahove named bank, do solemnly swear that Ihe ahove statement is true to the best of my know led aud belief. A. W. MCLAUGHLIN. Cashier. Subcrihed and sworn fohefore me, this 10th day of January, issi. IHOS I'lM.I.OCK, ' Notary 1'ubiic. Correct Attest : C. H. Parmf.le. ) J. M. Pattkuhox. rlrcctoin. A. W. JlcUl'tiHUN t TIIE CINCINNATI W KLKLY TIMES. The Banner Weekly of the Mesf. an eiylit-age paper only one dollar a year, and a luaKiiiticeii: engraving "two feet wide and al niosi three feet ! ug'' free, aad pus.ae paitl in everv !iinserilici-. Atiarcts r. r. ki T1.HES. Cluciunatl. . A Paying Occupation. The approach of llie long winter eveiilnpn culls attentistn to llie matter ol a lamp. lor wnn nut :t triiiul liL'lu ltlf tile nleaHiiie or prolil is taken from reatlin or utility Coal oil is now in i?eoer:tl use for illtituiuatiliU ntirposes ont- fitle of c'ties or lare towns wherecoal trax is used, and w lieti a proper lamp in used it is the best subnlltule lor suuiiui vei ocoeieu. l lie ni ii.ru.'p nr nlan niton wlilell tile MUtlent Luinp s constructed may be said to be the best in use, bill me taunt iieii litis aias n.au si-,-eral nbjecilonable featuies whicliweare ulail Io see are beiu done away with in the new as pirant for favor vailed the Homk Loll'," inaiiiifacuu-(1 bv the Home Lamp Co.. ot Cin itniitti. The irt-eat ontectlou to most other laitins Is their liaoility to lie upttel. llie trouble to keep them in order, and the poor light tfivu h lliem. The New Home Ijnnn Is nickel plat ed, and almost a fac-sliidle of the Sludent Kinip : ii ha" a haiidsoiue orninueiiied clamp, liv means of which the lamp call be at once ea- ilv adjusted in any xisltiou upon the center table, piano, mufic reHt. sewing machine, desk, or by means of a handsome bracket, which goes with the lamp, cau be placed upon ine wail, and in whatever post km it Is placed it is abso lutely safe. This is Ihe great feature of excel lence, but the New Home Lamp combine" alfo the patent Argand burner, a titling indicator and match box. No lamp litis ever betoie been tecrivetl wilU uucli unusual favor or received uucli str ing recommendations from ti.e leading iiiurnals of Cincinnati, it i also entiorseti uy such men a the mayor and postmaster, sever al insurance presidents and express agents of thalcilvas the satest. most convenient and best lamp made. The Company desires agents in this lociUlty. anil any s ait lady or gentle man can make a handsome income during 1 lie next six months bv cauvasi-li g for Its sale. There are harttlv a dozen families in the county who w ill not want one, and its price Is so tow ns to bring it within Ihe reach of all. Ktir fur ther Ii formation address Home linu Compa ny. Cincinnati Ohio, mentioning our paper, and they will give you full particulars ami ex clusive territory io canvas in. im; Jay D Dunning, Clrik, Wabash Shops. Twletlo, Ohio, says: I am now wearing an "Only Lung Pad, ami it has afforded me almost instant relief from asthma. See Adv. Dr. 15 luck's Rheumatic cure is the boss remedy. cures Rheumatism ami Neuralgia in all their various rorms. For sale by Smith, Black & O. 42tf liauseu aV iliassot Wish to inform their friends and the public in general that they have open ed a GROCERY. PROVISION, CROCKERY GLASS 4 QUEEN'SWAKE BUSINESS, until further notice in Fred Herr mann s oid stand. We invite all to give us a trial. 42f Hansen & Ciiassot. Molice. As I shall turn my grocery stock over tollatisi.n & Chassot, January 1st. who vi ill occupv Jerry Hartman's new building two doors easi of the Court House, I hall run a strictly cash drv goods store at my old stand. All par ties indebted to me are requested lo settle their accounts by Feb. 1st, 1881, bills not se'.tled then will be given in to the h ifitN of a collector, regardless of person. 41i3 Fred Herrmann. E. SAciR Successor to Sage Buotbkkj'. Dealer In STOVES, TINWARS. SHEET IROX, Z1SC. :o: At the old Stand opposite the new Hotel. PUMPS, GAS-FiTTING. ALSO Lilly zg & Repairing Done. 5ua.il. SrTifyarfz, 7fritcr X OrttiHrr. ALL KIND OF hinting, raining. (Slasiug, & aptr Ranging, Alio, DecotatiODi of afl kind. Painted in Good Style. FRESC0I27G A SPECIALTY. BEFEREXCES : A. B. TATLOK, J. VALtaJRT. 8B., 9 Bows, B&rse. mi L Make iroin s-. i:. :. ii! id'.or'i .. Vol!;. M'lit! for cm... They art selling it., at the (Jre-.il Rett Store, at low pi ices, and you have evt. guaranteed as represen cd or refunded. That is why you go there for all yon need. int.. .should 31tf lVpperbel'g's cigars are the most ivlialde for purity and iinenes in qlal ity, ami are far superior to any other make. Ask your dealers for them. 25tf Now is Your 'l ime! (ireat Reductions in Roots & Shoes at Marshall's, Weeping Water. 3tfit 1'oi-Sit'k llrddarliex. Use Brown's Vegetab.e Liver Pills; For s;ile by all dealers in medicine in Plattsmouth and East Pla tsmouth.tf lirrman t'Mtnrrh Curf. Cures Cauirrh; Try it tf Money to Loan. On good farm property on longtime. Apply to J. XV. Jennings. ltf Platismouth. Cigar Clippings, 35 cts. per lb., at Schlegel & Niemann's, opposite P. 0. Ttf To the Citizen's oftheCouuty and State. I have now ready for market 100,000 White and Fire brick, which we will sell at reasonable prices; parties wisii ing to build a tire-proof house, before the comet comes down, call on J. T. A. Hoover. Louisville, Nebraska. 14tf I Wish Everybody to know. Rev. George II. Thayer, an old cut izen id' this vi-dnity known t every one as a most litUueutlal citizen, aim Christian Minister uf the M.E.Church just this moment stopped in our store to say: "I wish everyliody to know that I consider that both myself and wile owe our lives to S iloh's Con sumption Cure." It is having a tre mendous sale over our counters and is giving perfect satisfaction in all cases o. Liiing diseases, sucu as nwiutiig eisr has done. Bourbon, Ind.. May 15. "78. Drs. Match elt & France. Sold by Smith & Black. No Deception Used. It is strange so many people will continue to stiller day after dav w ith Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, General Debility when they can procure at our store Shiloh's Vitalizer, free of cost if it does not cure or relieve them. Price '5 cents. Sold by Smith Black & Co. ' siiiLOHg Catarrh Remedy. A marvelous Cure for Catarrh.uipht heria. Canker mom h, anil Head Aclie. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treat ment of the complaint, without extra charge. Price 50 rvnts. Ot-wwtf. BOOTS AND .llOES, SHOES AND BOOTS, 3I4W A.I JIIE4I AT Jilt roes: 22tf A Lady's IMsli. 'Oh, how I wish my skin was as clear yours, said a ladv to her triend "ion can easily make it so," eaid ihe friend. "How," inquired the tiist lady. "By using Hop Biiters. that makes pure. rich blood and blooming beaith, Il did it for me, as you observe." Head of it. Full stock of Boo s S2.25 at tl. 41 tf Great Bed More. Dissolution .Notice. The co-partnership here. ofore exist ing under the til in name ol Cmliinaini & Weckbach has this day been dlaMiiv ed by uiu.u il consent, K. B.(iuthuiann idl ing. Parties oa ing Ine hi ui will please settle wuhiu thirty days at the old stand. Parlies having claims against the said linn will present tin same wit hm ihiilv d ys t rom dale. F. B. GUTH MANX, J. V. Weckbach. Plattsmouth, Neb.. January 1, 1831. Thanking my friends for their liber al palwuage in the past, I respecif m iy request a continuance otihesauiH in the future for m successor, J. V. Weckbach, at the old stand. 42t3 F. R. OUTIIMANN. Baby Saved. W e are so tuaiikf ui to sav that tint li.ttiy was permahtiiliy cured of a ti n gei t. us and piotrac.ed in egnl.n i. y oi I tic bowels bv the use ot Hop Bilei bv its mother, winch al . In- fi.tine tun les ori'U her lo tiellecl ht-nitli ana sMngth. Ti:e Parents, Rochester N y. See anaiher culmim. Tj all Out Fr.eiit. flavins bad nu,nb--rlci-s inouiries for ud tisnv caiils i alt posol I lie i-.tn.irj from ilie Miiu are in.ciesit-u tn ine laui.'ii el nt:i .i Card C'oiiectt.irf. " e ate Il.1i.l14 1.1 .lit. o 1. tlieiu a set 1 f neveii t.eaulilul ear-is. e. ell in hi colors and od a otii liaiKti tl in tie i-i tni.iiesi decree 01 an. luti-i ra 1111: u.i: e l eare s .-cvrn ak 01 .Mini. e sjiaietl n expense iu im " card. Ihey . 1 simply utl ari-eui.s. tun oui, ..i.u n.is uea lo puoiisti llie finesi cartis el s;:oi,. Appi catioin-tin tlieiu have come 111 t ranittly lli.ti nearly tne wliote eduiuit is eiig .i;ed beiore 1 it leceipt by 11s uf tlte cards Iron tiie ai list. W have therefore beeu olli:.tl lo adopt tlte lot lowing plan tor llie tils. 1 iiiu: 1011 of tlte leinaln der : ISo more ot the i;tlt Miakewpeare chhIh. seveD in the serie., will tie sem except iun: Umi. :tie receipt ui a riHieiiieni . rtm a grocer Ibat ihe peoi'ii upiti Ii-k lor the cartis lian botui.l ii ntni on iiiMUit) hi tea-si seven nars 01 lion- bins' tlecli lc Isoap. wilh price paid for .ante All BppiylLi: it) tins manner will receive ht full ret of seven card, ciatts by mall. Tills will insure u tliat nur friend' and palrona tei liieir enure 01 tneae neauuuu aen.gn. miuiou it in ii manner repav ns inr tne otxt of oard. tour iircer ha. toe roup or will cet una ine iurrtiae Dy you or .even Dar 01 it you of .even bars of It our time will secure for you cratls .even beau t'.ful card. Tli to up lmpuve with itce and I an article of neoe.r.y hi ynnr hou.e every week. Tnerefor you are nt aaked t buy uaelent article, but one that yon mint have anyway. Please tend u your a: plication at once, and tell your lady friends making "Card Couecllon." to do the name. Tours respectfully. I. L. CKAOUt eV CO. l'Ulli i ne mi'. t . t 1 1 . 1 1 lot I . ittcne i'anKt; a. 1 io: s.t.ne b. l..y i. pit).cri ol Com. lt alifl'y a juiij.li!. rceoveicti ny Cohno- & i.u.i. tl. . ill I.UM. StlltTllt. . l'latlsiuuui;:, .Nee., ilccentui i Jo Sheriffs Sale. Dy virlue oi an execution. lsucd by V . C . Mtowalli l. t leiK ol lm Ki-O ici t.i.uia. wiwn.i ami loi t a-" County . .Nenra-Ka uiul m nit- di rected. 1 wet on mi' Jisl oay 01 J.. nn.ily. A. l. isti. at J o clock P. in. oi s.od ...t. al lue ouu. iloor ol I ue Conn tlutise. in i..ilu Couuiy . sell a I'ttblic Auction li.e lodowiUi; lci.1 ciale, 10 wii : mice i3. m kIock one nuutltt'u aim icti ill i), iu tile . lay l.f I l.lllMIIOtllll, C'a.l !'.. .Seniasoa ; also, iocs one 1 1; and tio i;, bloc, eleveuil.j; also, lots M-veu oj anil eilil i(ti, l)lut'KlclteilJI, oung & Hayes' a lutiioii m me Ci t'l alstioiuiii, itiw c m.niy . eoias ka. lite s.tioe iicitig tevii'd upon ami oIki-h as lliepo'pv'ly ol Cuait'ad lit tsei, deieudaui. I. aiisiy a juumcnl ol sal t Court lecuveien b a lialles till. Milan UnU Company, pl.allilllls. I'lallsinoui ii, .eb., ijei eiiiot r .tot it. A. l In 1116 It. VV. llvt.KS, li.rilt v.an Co., Neb. Legal Notice. This U to give nonce that "llie I'lattsiuouln Driving 1'arK Asoclalion" is an Iticatrpoiaieu imili tloluj; business In 1'Iat isnioul.i, t ass Co., Neb. ; toe nature ot w men is. "lue purciiariiiK ttoluiuu una liiiprovcinilii ol cerialu tloiuiusln lu couuiy ol lavs, anal llie eieclton uud main lainalice ol auilab.e uuiiuiiii,s ineieou, lor llir put pose ol ahuiuilig me laiilltlcit ueces.sal lo a ilrivt.i p.ti'iv. pie-iiiie grata itl or tur liie uu al Co.oiiy t-'.tii' pat eosa'ai. 1 ue amount ol cae ll.tl sloc-K ant not i.i U la J.jtK). one Hull paid I., ai time oi suuscnpooii ; lue tune ot com -uieiicctueul ol said col potation, Is lue Slo day ol Ja.itiaty. lsSn. ami lue leriiiiuaiiou tnereol. ine Slu day ol January.' iJot. lue lulien aitioutil ol indebtedness il sltall ever be liable lor Is not lo exceed .hmj ; and the but-l-.esi. oi In is corporal leu snail be conducted oy us Ties blent, oecietary, and a board ol live directors, in accordance wnn the uoiisiiititiuu uud by laws iltereol, wlllctl are duty 11. ed. Joii.-n rirzoKKAl.D. . John A. llAcMuiieu v, ricsiueut. 4oH oecictary. Legal Notice. All person interested in the Estate of Holt en Latla Deceased are leiiuiied to appear be lore tloii. S. S. round Juogv oi llio Dish lei taturt ol llie Aecotid Judicial lt.smcl ot .Ne UiasKa ill lite oliicc ol no- cleik ol lite Dftrici court, ol Laucat-u-r couuiy in llie city of l.in coia on Fndav llie i 'In day of t-'ebru .rv Issl ul llie liuur ol one o'clock p in. ol said day. u. snow cause way a license Miouid nol be at-alil cd lo l.ev'1 ii. indd KinoUlan ol llie mliioi bells ot i.oben l.tit.a Drccasi d. to si II all llie r tin line and interest o J.iinex t.alt. Baiunel I-. I.al la and Klnei I l.alla, minor liens ol Koi.eil l.atla i-ictieased. Id ami lo llie .Null It West yoallerls, V.?M't Mi lmll Nt. elt M Ii Ul; lb louiisuip No. twelve ili illh of H.ni,i- Nij twelve l.to-t ol nib 1. M. beln) flluale in I as Couul), Acbia.sa LK 1 b. lt"DI. I, u. u illuu ol the minor heirs ol t.obei l 1-all.i a let eased i;y c ii a I'M a.n & Matiikws. his AU'ys. 42tl Legal Notice. SAMl ki. Hai.i.. 1 1 laiullll, VB SKUA H. IlAHKKIt. Hannah K. llAiibt.K and J.C. Bono. Dclen limit". !Seba II. li nker and Hannah K. HalUer will take notice lliaion llie 101 U d iy ol A'ikuhi 1 M.iniuol liail plainllll Herein liictl Ilia peal lion ill lite I'lsli'icl c'ourl of t- i, County. Ne liaia. against -aiil ftclta II. ll.uki t ami llan- ii.ilt Ii. llaikcr ueieinlants ami Ilia! on iiecein I i r :;ls,l lisn plaiutill nii-ti an ameiioetl peilin i. HieielM inai.uii: J. C. lonil ilelciiil.nil. 1 lit oliiect anil ni.ivcr ol said petiuon unit anientieu peuiiou itte to loiectose n nioii.tr execuletl uy 7t ua 11. iiarKer at.u iiaunan r. HoWerlo .sainucl Hail ijcainn; caie llieHiii ti.tv tl hepteniber 170, tor tiie sum ol three litintireil tionara l-.u.n) unc one war auri dale : lltat tlieie in now line on liie raid not anil nioiiuaiie liie rum ol tiny l ttoliarr l?:'.0Hi ami ten U) per cent, mleierl lr..in iSepleiiilM'i &d. lsii- llatinlll lii'a.t Imi ad cire mat ilcfenilaLiiH lie rcu'illeil In pa) tin Maine or tne alil pieinlHen lie A.ail (o i-:iilr fy llie aiiionnl tltii. I n les al'-leinlaiitH ativ:i sant pent on in- rcqiiircil l) lau tiel.itdl lil ! eiileuu liicieull aloi ine nie iw n a hub, Jan. 1. lsl. It. 1. wimiHUI. Ail'y for piauii iff. 4J:1 ISotice. To w'i.ui thin mau Cuneern: Nonce is in nut Livrti I. at a corporaiion iiiik tieeii ora.ozeii u. oler lite a uer.il I.iwii ol t iiiaHiia. Itr Hie purpose ol itoina a unii i.i uaiiKinis. loan auti iliscounl oumiici-s. aul mi poiallon lo ne hiiimii ai 1st. l lie li.tnn oi iann autiiu v. '.ti. The priii'.-ipai place oi iloii.ii rnirtines -hnV. be in tiie city ol I'lallH.i.fUl.i, l ass t olin iv. aeutasKa. 3U. 1 o tlo a gener.it lianKuiR. loan anil ill count business, inc.uiiiiia. tne ieieivn.tr -i porils, ttiscountiiiK not- s. iil.icinu loans upon necurtlv nleitlier leal or peisoa..! property piircltafe antl Mile of I. mills, in tier in.iincip.il conntv. Hl.tte or nailotiai anu siieli olner met denial iiusiiiefft connecieti wnn a te.ieiai tianav Inn liusiiiesx ics Is nsualiy tlone b iiankt 41 Ii. 1 lie canital sii K of llie coiporallou cliall be tlMv tli..u inU tl illaot To lie paid a foilowx : Twenlv llt) tier cent lo lie paid upon t.ie or i':o.ly:if ion of I ip eoriHiral ton : I till r V l:tOl ll cent io be Haiti M it 1st. ami lite remabt tier upon Ueniaiitl of ttie lloaid of Inrecltm upon KlViiit; iniriy iju) uajs notice io inet-ioc lioitlels. Sth. I he tl in- hi citinnieneeinent ol th iiaidzatiou iliali be .f u nary 1st. 1KSI. and It run .itiou .i.iniiaiy lsi. iixii. in. ine Diiritet-i atnouni oi iti'ienLeiiii that shall ne incurred til any one Mine sttall llnrtv llitiilsatnl ( s.to.n mi .n.li.irs. (not iuelintln ileiMinltn receiveii in tiie general course t ansae! ion ol Us business ) Ttlt. 1 lie busiuci-s lite corporation tlia!l l i-oinlucte l bv a tmar l ot direcior of noi lc-- titan five lrj nor more til in nine i9 A. I-.. I ol .A LIS. II V.YrK.t. K. d. V. if. IHMH, II. 'v II Ki.: i: I'l.ltts'llOtltll All 5 ; dim: into i' dm: imx lfr-:it It iii? . iiiuHlc-si. It lrl re. into the syi .ISO Iti A" K . . e . l-c. 2 1 It. I S 1 ::l I cNf J"theomi.yT X Cure-i by AilMi... -.. ... ure'-av !em curative itpe't'' ill-eased fajt. tTio and liealit n iiietlicin-. It l)rw ri-om the pel-onn tliat eatt-e death. 1 noutnnjf icttlly t its virtue. si Ynnpfln hpRp iovPrt nnpsiii H I 1UUUUU UU 11U1IU! UlitL UUIUU. at I - I Dont deapalr urtll mi have tried th Rensible. r.aiiy applied ana Kadlrally KHectoal Keniedv. Sold by MrnBlMs or writ by tnatl a-vn receipt o pnee. wk. vy u "Only" lm Pal Co., ona Tts "Only" L! ourbiH.k- J 0 (ie.idn-Md- UUiJ I "Three Mil- Wrnhtm Blnek. nev Pad Ak wi!l(am ' Hon a Year," OKTIIOIT, Slleh. for it and take - MKT baultwe. Wly oooijj.r. sy 1 , .illy .. Xotht- ( . ill be given. , he last. Friday a! rel. At (5 1 tl Sat ui day eeli t it. til' in 1VL-, ..11. WOOI.I Y, Silperiuteinleiit. iTORCI AT- j Grove, Neb uv WAL.R J EN KIN i llaviiitt opciieil a N'.'w 'iinre at the atmv 1 call attention niv 'lock, and ask tin imli.oti.ia.'wtsXJJ: I ilem s a. -il llie i ubiic fuNfWeTtjl Dry G:cd3, Groceries I'itnVairc Wooden wan ami Cciicr.il (Jumln of all tnirtn. CHEAP JD GOOD Call and see our Mock U'vre joi. elsewhere. ' 34ly Walti u Jknkixs TTaybrothers DKALlilt IN IIAHDWA RE. STOVES d- TlXWM oixia ki:.:. i:imiMu (rotnl Tinner a'ways mi h.iuil. Itepaii dotif neatly, promptly and ehiapy. Kave-iroimhiuit umi l.aotiiiK ao doue to ortler. Kelnetnt crtlie inline Hi d place, 1!; V I , mill It. nil. Ncliritskrt. 31 . Palace Barber Shop. J.C. BOONE, t'lith r Frank CuriutU'it crw Jei-!r M. At COLD BAT1 Al.WAV.1 HEADY. GLEAN NEW PLAC mid now If the tunc to get It A V I.I) Ml AM I'OOKI) U A i !'. or iut tiling el!e in the tonsorlal way.: ' I John Boone's New rh Corner Maiu itnd Flflll Street', PlattHUiou'h, - - p Velini Cllp-:: Is inatle finni a S.iuv?71?'?? ' Value an. I im a 4' III tKUUII' t ' ' I tllseae t 11 o l a-Is-.' Ix.tlli t llie lii.nv lot Ilium ..iv r tliee-1 I .in. ss. I j. iii.. ;,!:,! :n l.i. iMltien o: . lie Ki.tie ys. i.lvt r ;n.! 1 '' (jairn htr I t-iiiini- li ra'. ' nlrualtoll. al.d otilinji IVc'ian . ' etpial. Il lesion- iln- iir;.i unit - blood aiid lie. e e it Isfiie oi ly Kin e I, llie bi -i lltnn i r ni!t r 1 1 1 1 -' . v ill.'1 1 '. w i.nie. iii -in m li-. .i-.c I' .' lle . HI'III I' m -Hfr itl li(l'le t I'm' .tali, uy Urii 'u -sni;,i , ...i!i l per b tile i igfr II I lie ;! 1 In- in.ir.. il il. A ii.Ei: 6. CO , t.' -ci '- firni.'-Mn'.Urr'H hair. ropiilar. V I'tus ii niii-lc. Iti,t!,i Itinli' .l.foyi. Vi ry i".. i ii i i- Tu-lCt..,,ln:tn I i ri ft. ,Si!e,, tii W Old- vL mi-ii A 'It l;illi"lt frill', j. Kl'rijjlitiy and .!t a-ln?. M l. '. I .v.o iiir v. z: I'll.! -1 1 f III: ( 4.-1 ; .1; .. - ' :i-- i . - ' - 1 IT !.:! . err p 1 X LU COilH VQUR MG ii t An I 1 di lr a-es if Wiirpri. 9 ary ttiaiis by weari i?.:prov.;d exce.sio:; pad. - ; 1 it I. a MARVEL of IlKAl.lM. ' Simple, Sensible. -f Painless, Povv ; Itri'KI'.s where ail eUe fallt. 'on and Krviilolion in Mn tlcn or direct Hprilleattatn-. eiA l.faemry lnterual medicine. -treMIe o Kldaey trouble'. Ken druggists, or ne.itt by mail, 011 r III ldforsmckIn6 Jt diMir wejtof J. S.- s.. 'ATTSlTOrTU. Ni l ' A -V!i'.--. ' ' i - II.